Day: September 16, 2024

Chapter 33 – Kiss…

Chapter 33: Kiss…


Liu He never expected that the Mirror of Origin would shatter right there in their Lincheng branch. Everyone was stunned, frozen in place, unable to move.


Su Muluo remained silent as he exchanged glances with Long Ling, then said to Liu He, “I’m sorry. I can compensate for it.”


Liu He was dazed for a moment. It wasn’t until Su Muluo nudged her that she snapped back to reality, showing a distressed expression as she weakly said, “No… it’s not necessary. It can still be repaired… The Mirror of Origin is like that; as long as the mirror shards are intact, it can be fixed.”


Before she could finish, the surface of the Mirror of Origin cracked with another “crack,” creating a small fissure.


Liu He: “Ah, ah, ah, ah!”


Long Ling: “…”


This mirror must be doing it on purpose!


He immediately cast a look of grievance and innocence towards Su Muluo, who, with no choice, took the mirror back.


“No matter what, we broke this mirror,” Su Muluo said. “I’ll talk to Mr. Zheng and arrange for compensation.”


Liu He wanted to refuse again, but he had already dragged her dragon to find Zheng Hechun.


In the director’s office, Zheng Hechun’s smile froze when he saw the damaged Mirror of Origin.


Liu He immediately covered her face, turning to face the wall in remorse.


“…It’s not Mr. Su’s fault,” Zheng Hechun said after a pause, trying to regain his composure. “After all, Mr. Su and your… companion didn’t do it intentionally, and no one knew such an incident would occur before the Mirror of Origin was obtained.”


Su Muluo did not pick up the topic but observed his expression and asked, “Are you okay?”


Zheng Hechun: “I’m fine.”


He had guessed the identity of the man beside Su Muluo the moment he saw Long Ling, but at that moment, the shock from the shattered Mirror of Origin far exceeded that of encountering a true dragon.


The most uncivilized organization, the most uncivilized organization, the most uncivilized organization…


Zheng Hechun’s mind numbly echoed this phrase, but he still managed to maintain a semblance of calm. “The Mirror of Origin has been broken before; this level of damage can still be repaired. Mr. Su need not worry. You can borrow it as usual next time.”


It’s a minor issue, a minor issue.


He continuously reassured himself in his mind.


A mere “most uncivilized organization” and an Mirror of Origin are nothing compared to a true dragon and this esteemed guest. If this esteemed guest broke it, even a hundred of them would be acceptable.


So, it’s a minor issue. Everything is a minor issue.


He then raised his hand and took a big gulp from his thermos filled with red date and goji berry soup.


Su Muluo: “…”


He glanced at Long Ling.


Long Ling looked aggrieved and still wanted to hold his hand.


However, just as his hand touched his phoenix, it suddenly felt lighter— a feather had fallen on it.


Su Muluo remained silent.


Another feather fell!!


It had been so long since any feathers fell that he had almost forgotten about it!


But this feather fell quite opportunely. He snatched it from Long Ling’s tightly clenched hand and placed it on Zheng Hechun’s desk.


Zheng Hechun was still gulping down the red date and goji berry soup, and neither he nor Liu He had noticed the feather that Su Muluo had just dropped. When they suddenly saw the beautiful, light-glowing white feather, their attention was immediately drawn to it.


This feather… contains at least a thousand years of demon power!


Zheng Hechun’s mind was stirred up in a storm, almost causing him to drop his thermos.


He was right; this esteemed guest was indeed a thousand-year-old great demon!


And among the three thousand-year-old great demons remaining in the world, none of them are bird demons!


Zheng Hechun stared at the feather, feeling as if all his senses were being drawn into it. He had seen countless high-quality magical and demonic artifacts, but none had ever given him such a shock and attraction…


It felt like encountering a divine object, even evoking a kind of impulse to kneel in reverence.


For a moment, Zheng Hechun couldn’t speak. When he finally managed to regain his composure, he asked with difficulty, “Mr. Su, what is this?”


Su Muluo replied, “It’s a feather from a friend of mine. He gave it to me, and now it will serve as compensation for the Mirror of Origin.”


Zheng Hechun said, “No, this is too valuable! Your… friend might not be happy about it either.”


The value of this feather alone was more than enough to cover the cost of an Mirror of Origin, even surpassing the worth of most of their Lincheng branch’s magical artifacts.


“What is given to me is mine. He won’t be unhappy,” Su Muluo said. “But if you don’t accept it, I will feel uneasy.”


Regardless, the Mirror of Origin was broken by his dragon. Out of courtesy and obligation, he needed to make amends.


Seeing that Zheng Hechun still wanted to say something, Su Muluo left the feather and quickly left with Long Ling.


After they left, the office was silent for a few seconds. Liu He slowly approached.


She stared at the feather, completely captivated by it, unable to tear her gaze away.


“Is this Mr. Su’s feather?” she murmured. “So Mr. Su is a bird demon… wait.”


Her expression changed, and she looked at Zheng Hechun and asked, “Director, do you think he could be… that existence?”


When Liu He first saw the newly-hatched true dragon with Zheng Hechun, she had questioned whether the young man next to the dragon was a phoenix. However, Zheng Hechun had dismissed this idea at the time.


Seeing the feather now, her doubts grew even stronger.


Zheng Hechun remained silent for a moment, then tentatively reached out to touch the feather. After a while, he said slowly, “But does the phoenix clan… have white-feathered phoenixes?”


Liu He was taken aback, then furrowed her brow and replied, “No.”


In the ancient texts of the Anomalous Human Bureau, phoenixes were categorized as red, green, yellow, and purple, but there was no mention of a white phoenix, nor any records about one.


Unfortunately, they didn’t have records about the dragon clan, or they could have known what the only true dragon in existence was like among the dragons.


The two people in the office remained silent. Outside, Su Muluo had already returned to the coffee shop.


Long Ling had been unhappy since they came back, saying, “The phoenix gave the feather away.”


He really wanted that beautiful feather!


Su Muluo didn’t care much, saying, “So what if he gave it away? I even use feathers to make coffee.” He added, “And it’s still your fault that the Mirror of Origin got broken.”


Long Ling protested, “I didn’t do it on purpose! Maybe the mirror broke on its own!”


Then, he hugged Su Muluo and complained, “I knew it. Every time we go there, something bad happens.”


Su Muluo looked at his unhappy dragon, patted his head to comfort him, and asked, “So you really didn’t see anything?”


Long Ling shook his head and said, “No.”


Su Muluo found it strange that his dragon didn’t react to the Mirror of Origin or reflect his own face. Could it be that his dragon was special?


He pondered for a while but couldn’t figure it out, so he sighed and said, “Forget it. Let’s just go to the bird clan and find that phoenix relic.”


If they could solve their past, maybe their current issues would also be answered.


Long Ling had no objections and rubbed his phoenix’s face. “Aren’t you afraid they’ll find out the phoenix’s identity from the feather?”


Su Muluo replied, “I checked before. There’s no mention of a white phoenix in the records of the Anomalous Human Bureau. So even if they have doubts, they won’t find anything.”


Although he didn’t know why there were no records of a white phoenix, it was a good thing for him.


Moreover, as their interactions with the Anomalous Human Bureau increased, his identity would eventually be exposed. He used to be wary, thinking they were all unfriendly, but now it seemed they weren’t as bad as he thought and could be trusted.


“However, once they recover, they’ll probably pay more attention to you,” Su Muluo said. “To avoid trouble, let’s leave quickly.”


Liu He and Zheng Hechun had seen his dragon’s transformation, but the focus had shifted to the broken Mirror of Origin and the feather. By the time they realized, they might come “visit” again.


Long Ling said, “Oh,” and asked, “Can I have the phoenix’s phone?”


Su Muluo handed him the phone.


Recently, his dragon had often taken his phone, and Su Muluo hadn’t paid much attention to what he did. Seeing his dragon typing on the phone now, he didn’t ask further and headed to the staff lounge to find Qiansui.


Qiansui was already aware of their departure. “Are you leaving now?”


Su Muluo nodded and said, “I’ll trouble you to manage the shop for these few days.”


They wouldn’t be able to operate the coffee shop or generate any income while they were gone, which was a bit regrettable.


Qiansui nodded in agreement. Su Muluo patted its head and left the staff lounge.


Outside, Long Ling had finished sending his message and returned the phone. Su Muluo took it and said, “Let’s go.”


They didn’t carry much luggage, traveling light. They first went to the hotel to pick up Lin Chengcheng, then headed to the airport.


The bird clan’s location wasn’t hidden and could be found easily on a demon forum, but it was far from Lincheng, deep in the mountains.


Though Su Muluo could fly, carrying Lin Chengcheng would require him to reveal his true form, which was not an option. Thus, they had to take a plane.


Long Ling didn’t have an ID and couldn’t buy a ticket, so he transformed back into a small black dragon and slipped into Su Muluo’s phoenix robe.


A few hours later, the plane arrived in another city. Since it was already late, the trio decided to find a hotel to rest for the night and set out the next day.


In the hotel room, with warm lighting casting over the carpet, Su Muluo sat on the bed, deep in thought.


He was still concerned about the Mirror of Origin from this morning, especially Liu He’s comment that “every living person must reveal their true form in the Mirror of Origin.”


Long Ling was definitely a living being, that was certain. But why didn’t the Mirror of Origin show his face or reflect his past?


Or could it be that the Mirror of Origin had some kind of self-awareness and deliberately chose to reject Long Ling and self-destruct?


The more Su Muluo thought about it, the more uneasy he felt. Just then, Long Ling emerged from the bathroom.


He changed into the pajamas that Fenghuang had bought for him and saw Su Muluo sitting on the bed, lost in thought. He walked over and hugged him.


“Fenghuang,” Long Ling said, sounding sticky, “what are you thinking about?”


Su Muluo glanced at him and said, “I was wondering if you’re alive or dead.”


Long Ling: “?”


Su Muluo laughed and said, “Alright, I was actually thinking about the Source Mirror.”


Long Ling responded with an “oh” and immediately began to complain, “I feel like that mirror is doing it on purpose, targeting me.”


Su Muluo asked, “But why would it target you?”


Long Ling replied, “I don’t know. Maybe it’s jealous of my good looks.”


Su Muluo: “……”


Well, he is indeed good-looking.


But that shouldn’t be the reason.


If it were because his dragon is too strong, then he is also Fenghuang, and there’s no real difference between his dragon and Fenghuang.


Or is there something special about his dragon?


As Su Muluo thought about this, he suddenly glanced at the pajamas Long Ling was wearing.


Long Ling, sharp-eyed, immediately noticed and moved closer, saying, “Fenghuang is peeking at me!”


Su Muluo: “…… I wasn’t.”


“Yes, you were!” Long Ling wouldn’t let it go easily. With a fierce expression, he said, “Fenghuang was definitely peeking at me just now!”


He hugged Su Muluo tightly and rubbed against him, demanding an explanation from his Fenghuang.


Su Muluo felt that this dragon would quickly become demanding and might even ask for kisses. He immediately said, “I wasn’t peeking at you. I was just thinking about the scar on your body.”


When Long Ling transformed into his original form, there was a scar on his abdomen. But he wasn’t sure if it was still there when he turned into a human… After all, when Long Ling was in human form, he always avoided looking at him to avoid seeing it.


Long Ling felt a bit regretful after hearing this and said, “I thought Fenghuang was interested in my body.” Then he blinked and placed his hand on the button of his pajamas, “Does Fenghuang want to see it now?”


Su Muluo immediately said, “No, no, it’s okay. I don’t want to see it. Thank you.”


He definitely didn’t want to see how the dragon looked without clothes.


Moreover, they were still in the hotel, in a single room; it felt very odd!


Long Ling reluctantly withdrew his hand from the button and said, “Whenever Fenghuang wants to see it, you can tell me.”


Su Muluo: “That time will not come. Thank you.”


He had just been thinking that the scar might be related to why the Source Mirror couldn’t show his dragon. After all, a deep scar indicates that his dragon had suffered a fatal injury… but upon further thought, these two things didn’t seem to be related.


So, ultimately, they needed to uncover their past to resolve the current doubts.


The room fell silent. Long Ling looked at Su Muluo’s beautiful profile and suddenly said, “When will Fenghuang give me the three kisses you promised?”


Su Muluo: “……”


Oh no, he had almost forgotten about that.


Seeing Su Muluo’s expression, Long Ling immediately guessed what he was thinking and started loudly complaining, “I want the kisses!”


He moved closer, and Su Muluo slightly avoided him, putting on a very convincing expression, and said, “Next time, definitely.”


“Not next time, this time!” Long Ling’s dark golden eyes narrowed slightly, staring intensely at his Fenghuang, “Fenghuang promised!”


Then, without waiting for Su Muluo to speak, he stubbornly added, “If Fenghuang doesn’t give me the kisses, I’ll steal all the feathers you shed!”


Su Muluo: “?”


Long Ling: “And I’ll take pictures of you as a little bird next time you get drunk!”


Su Muluo: “???”


This is too much!


Just as Su Muluo was about to say something, Long Ling gently pressed his forehead against Su Muluo’s, his voice softening as he said, “Fenghuang promised me. I just want one kiss from you, just one.”


His words sounded like he was whining, and his dark golden eyes sparkled with expectation.


Su Muluo: “……”


He looked into Long Ling’s eyes, then turned his gaze away. After a moment, he slowly said, “Alright.”


Long Ling’s eyes instantly brightened, “What did Fenghuang say!”


“I said yes!” Su Muluo turned his face away and said, “Hurry up, or I might change my mind!”


Long Ling chuckled softly and whispered in Su Muluo’s ear, “Fenghuang is the best. You won’t change your mind.”


His laughter was deep, and his warm breath against Su Muluo’s ear sent a shiver of tingling sensation through him.


Su Muluo closed his eyes, his long eyelashes trembling slightly. He could feel his dragon’s breath gradually shifting, moving from his face down to his lips, just a little away from touching…


— Meanwhile, outside the room, Lin Chengcheng’s cries for help and the loud banging on the door could be heard.


“Boss! Boss, help! There are monsters here ahhhhhh!!”


Su Muluo: “……”


Long Ling: “…………”

T/N: Hello hello! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!


Chapter 50

       Zhan Weiyang was very upset that Chen Youyou called him crazy. He had always thought that Chen Youyou was the person who understood him best in the world.

       As the weather grew colder, Zhan Weiyang’s points were being deducted more and more frequently. Sometimes, he felt so dazed and confused that he couldn’t remember if his points had been deducted the previous night, let alone calculate how many points had been taken away.

       It always felt like that day was getting closer and closer.

       Two weeks before the midterm exam, the homeroom teacher required all students to stay in school for evening self-study.

       Because of the evening self-study, Zhan Weiyang didn’t go home after class in the afternoon, and he also ate dinner in the school cafeteria.

       That afternoon, the wind suddenly picked up, and the autumn temperatures started to drop rapidly. Although the sun was visible around noon, by the time the students were heading to the cafeteria for lunch, it had become so cold that they were all shivering.

       Zhan Weiyang and Chen Youyou squeezed together and walked towards the cafeteria.

       Chen Youyou complained quietly, “W-hy is it suddenly, cold?”

       Zhan Weiyang said, “I don’t know.”

       During the meal, Chen Youyou said, “It’s too cold, I, don’t want to go to, self-study.”

       Zhan Weiyang said, “I don’t want to go either.”

       He didn’t have much time left, but he still had to stay at school for evening self-study sessions and couldn’t go back to be with Pei Qing. This made him very unhappy.

       When he was younger and felt unhappy, he would sulk and lose his temper. Zhan Weiguang would tell him that as he grew older, there would be more things to be unhappy about and it was useless to lose his temper.

       Now, he began to realise it gradually. In fact, if he thought about it carefully, it wasn’t that there were more unhappy things as he grew older, but rather that it became easier to feel unhappy about many things as he grew older. If only he didn’t have to grow up.

       As he thought of this, Zhan Weiyang suddenly remembered another important thing. He held the chopsticks in his hand and bumped them on the edge of the plate. He raised his head and said, “No.”

       Chen Youyou was gnawing on a chicken leg, his mouth was greasy, and he looked at him inexplicably.

       Zhan Weiyang said nervously, “I forgot something.”

       Chen Youyou looked puzzled, lowered his eyes to look at the chicken leg, and continued to chew while asking him vaguely, “What?”

       Zhan Weiyang said, “I’m afraid I won’t be able to wait until I’m 18 years old.”

       Chen Youyou asked curiously, “What? Will, you die?”

       Zhan Weiyang was a little angry, “I told you last time, I’m going to become a tree.”

       “Oh—” Chen Youyou trailed off. He first chewed off a large piece of meat and swallowed it, and then said slowly, “N-not possible.”

       Zhan Weiyang said, “You don’t remember what I said to you.”

       Chen Youyou said, “You, talk about, those crazy things, who can, remember?”

       Zhan Weiyang stayed a little unhappy until they finished their meal and squeezed together to go back to the classroom. Chen Youyou suddenly remembered and asked him, “What are you going to do at the age of 18?”

       After asking, he didn’t hear Zhan Weiyang’s answer. He turned his head to look at him and saw that he looked listless.

       He nudged Zhan Weiyang with his elbow, “Say it.”

       Zhan Weiyang said, “I can’t say it, I can’t wait any longer anyway.”

       Chen Youyou thought about it and said to him, “Then, just go ahead, and do it.”

       Zhan Weiyang turned his head and looked at him.

       Chen Youyou said, “There’s nothing, that can only, be done at the age, of eighteen and, definitely can’t be, done at the, age of seventeen.”

       Zhan Weiyang asked in confusion, “Nothing?”

       Chen Youyou thought about it carefully, “N-nothing.”

       Zhan Weiyang wanted to say ‘drinking’ but remembered that he had already drunk, and it seemed that there was indeed nothing that had to wait until the age of eighteen. Why did he insist on waiting until the age of eighteen? At that time, he had already been planted in a flowerpot and could not do anything he wanted to do.

       He had a strange feeling of sudden clarity, and took a deep breath and felt cool from his nose to his lungs.

       Chen Youyou thought his expression was strange and said, “Y-you look weird.”

       Zhan Weiyang said, “I’m not, I look normal, I’m not crazy.” At this point, he felt that he needed to emphasise to Chen Youyou, “If you say I’m crazy again, I’ll be really angry.”

       Chen Youyou replied indifferently, “Okay.”

       Zhan Weiyang was very serious, “Just like I won’t call you stutter.”

       Chen Youyou snorted, indicating that he knew. But after he and Zhan Weiyang squeezed together and returned to the classroom, he felt something was wrong. He thought about it and realised that he was really stuttering, and Zhan Weiyang was not really crazy. There was no correlation between that, no?

       Maybe Zhan Weiyang also felt that he was really a little crazy. Chen Youyou thought so and didn’t tell Zhan Weiyang.

       During the evening self-study in the classroom, everyone closed the doors and windows. It was okay for students in the same class to squeeze together so they didn’t feel too cold. But it rained outside at some point, and the temperature dropped sharply. When the evening self-study class was over, the rain had stopped, but the temperature had already dropped.

       Zhan Weiyang and Chen Youyou walked to the school gate together.

       Chen Youyou said that the weather was too cold, and he didn’t want to ride his bike or take the bus. He suggested taking a taxi home instead.

       Zhan Weiyang said, “Then I’ll go to the bus station.” As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a familiar figure at the school gate.

       “Ah!” At that moment, Zhan Weiyang really couldn’t control his emotions and cried out. Without thinking, he immediately left Chen Youyou and ran towards the person at the school gate, saying happily, “Qing ge, why are you here?”

       Pei Qing looked at Zhan Weiyang, stretched out a hand to him, showed him a thick coat on his arm, and said, “I brought you clothes.”

       Zhan Weiyang took a look at the coat. His nose was sore, and he couldn’t speak.

       Pei Qing said, “Put on the coat first.” He picked up the coat, put it on Zhan Weiyang’s shoulders, and helped him put it on.

       Chen Youyou came over at this time and said enviously, “Wow, older cousin, hel—.”

       He wanted to say ‘hello’, but because of his stuttering, he paused between the two words ‘hello’. Pei Qing didn’t hear it all, so he directly replied, “Hello, Youyou.”

       So Chen Youyou was forced to hold back the remaining ‘hello’.

       Pei Qing looked at Chen Youyou and found that he was also wearing thin clothes. He asked, “Didn’t your parents send you any clothes?”

       Chen Youyou shook his head.

       Pei Qing hesitated a little, and raised his hand to unzip his coat. He took off the coat warmed with his body temperature, handed it to Chen Youyou, and said, “Put it on.”

       Chen Youyou was a little dazed and subconsciously took it and felt bad. He then said, “No, no, no need.” He was a little anxious, and his stuttering became worse.

       Pei Qing smiled and said, “Put it on. I drove here to pick up Yangyang, so I’ll give you a ride home as well.”

       Chen Youyou hesitated. He handed the coat back to Pei Qing and said, “Really, no need. I’ll go get a taxi.”

       Pei Qing took the coat and, this time opened it directly to put it on Chen Youyou’s back just like he did when he helped Zhan Weiyang put on clothes. He then said, “Wait for me here. I’ll drive the car over.”

       Chen Youyou then said, “Thank you, older cousin.”

       After Pei Qing left, Chen Youyou zipped up the coat and looked up to see Zhan Weiyang looking at him with resentment. He was startled and asked, “W-what’s wrong?”

       Zhan Weiyang reached out to pull his coat and said, “Give me this coat.”

       Chen Youyou didn’t know what he was doing, so he subconsciously covered his collar and stepped back, “Why?”

       Zhan Weiyang said, “I’ll give you mine, and you give me the one on you!”

       Chen Youyou didn’t understand. He wanted to ask what the difference was, but in a hurry, he couldn’t say the words in his mouth. He could only shout, “I don’t–-” and then stepped back until he hit something.

       Zhan Weiyang stopped in panic.

       Chen Youyou turned back and saw that it was Xie Ling who passed by on a bicycle. The bicycle Xie Ling rode was knocked to one side.

       Xie Ling stopped and looked at them.

       Zhan Weiyang was a little afraid of him and stepped back half a step.

       Xie Ling suddenly said to Zhan Weiyang, “Hey!”

       Zhan Weiyang and Chen Youyou both stared at him.

       Xie Ling said, “My bicycle—”

       Before he finished speaking, Pei Qing had already stopped by the roadside in her car, rolled down the window and shouted to Zhan Weiyang and the others, “Get in the car.”

The author has something to say:
I saw some comments in which readers thought Xie Ling was pitiful. Actually, Xie Ling doesn’t even like Zhan Weiyang, and he usually gets harassed more by various girls who secretly admire him, so he doesn’t feel like he is pitiful. He doesn’t even really think much about Zhan Weiyang and Chen Youyou…

I’ve finished translating the whole series, and from now on, the update is going to be 2x/week~
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