Month: September 2024 (Page 3 of 4)

Chapter 47

       Pei Qing did not answer Zhan Weiyang’s question immediately but continued to clean up his desk. He put all the used dishes into a plastic bag and threw them into the trash can. Then he came back to his seat, looked at Zhan Weiyang and asked him, “Why do you think so?”

       Zhan Weiyang’s tone was full of nervousness and anxiety, “I don’t know, I guessed.”

       Pei Qing said, “Why do you guess so?”

       Zhan Weiyang looked at him silently for a while, lowered his head, and pinched his fingers nervously, “You said you would treat her to a meal.”

       Pei Qing said, “Didn’t I treat you to a meal? I also treated you to a meal.”

       Zhan Weiyang thought for a while and said, “She is a girl. And she just touched you.”

       Pei Qing couldn’t help laughing but didn’t laugh out loud. He just asked, “How did she touch me?”

       Zhan Weiyang reached out and touched Pei Qing’s chest with an unhappy face.

       Pei Qing looked down and said, “My clothes are a little messy.”

       Zhan Weiyang didn’t want to hear this and just insisted, “Then do you want to date her?”

       Pei Qing finally smiled and said, “I’m not in love with her.”

       Zhan Weiyang immediately looked intently at Pei Qing.

       Pei Qing continued, “I’m not in love with her, and I won’t date other girls, okay?”

       Zhan Weiyang’s eyes were already filled with joy, and he asked, “Really?”

       Pei Qing nodded and smiled at him, “Really.”

       Zhan Weiyang finally couldn’t help smiling, and looked at Pei Qing with his bright eyes without blinking.

       Pei Qing raised one hand, gently placed it on his head, and asked him, “Are you happy?”

       Zhan Weiyang nodded quickly.

       Pei Qing asked again, “Why are you so happy?”

       Zhan Weiyang smiled and said, “I don’t know either.”

       Pei Qing asked, “Then, if you don’t want gege to date her… Tell me, who can I date?”

       Zhan Weiyang almost blurted out ‘me’, but at the critical moment, he remembered that he couldn’t say that; the System would definitely deduct his points. So he held back and thought for a while to find a suitable way to express it, “Anyway, not with anyone else.”

       Pei Qing asked, “Who is not someone else?”

       Zhan Weiyang didn’t say anything.

       Pei Qing didn’t force him to ask and said to him, “Then you sit here and wait for me for a while. We’ll go back after I finish the last form, okay?”

       Zhan Weiyang nodded.

       Pei Qing returned his attention to the computer screen, opened the keyboard drawer and continued to complete his form.

       Zhan Weiyang watched quietly from the side. After a while, he stood up and hugged Pei Qing from behind, put his face on his shoulder, and whispered, “Me.”

       Pei Qing asked him, “What?”

       Zhan Weiyang didn’t answer.

       Pei Qing grabbed his hand, “You what?”

       Zhan Weiyang still didn’t say anything.

       Pei Qing clicked the mouse to save the form, then closed the document, reached out to turn off the computer screen, and said to Zhan Weiyang, “Let’s go. We’re going back.”

       Zhan Weiyang looked up and asked, “Is it finished?”

       In fact, it was not finished, but Pei Qing didn’t want to continue working now. He said, “Yes, the work is finished. Let’s go home.”

       Zhan Weiyang immediately said, “Okay.”

       When they came out of the office building, it was already completely dark, and there were not many pedestrians around.

       Pei Qing carried the box with the remaining dumplings in one hand, grabbed Zhan Weiyang’s wrist with the other hand, and pulled him towards the bus stop.

       There were almost no passengers waiting for the bus next to the bus stop. There were only the two of them, standing in front of the station billboard with white lights on.

       Pei Qing touched Zhan Weiyang’s hand and asked him, “Are you cold?”

       Zhan Weiyang shook his head.

       The weather had been bad these days, so the temperature had dropped a lot. Zhan Weiyang wore a T-shirt over a light yellow sweater on the outside. Although it was a loose style, it still made him look thin.

       Pei Qing raised his hand and unbuttoned his coat from the collar. He then took off his coat and put it on Zhan Weiyang’s back.

       Zhan Weiyang looked at him and said, “I’m not cold.”

       Pei Qing said, “Your hands are cold.”

       Zhan Weiyang said, “No.”

       Pei Qing smiled and said nothing, looking down at him, and then flicked Zhan Weiyang’s forehead with his fingers.

       Zhan Weiyang looked up and smiled shyly. He raised his hand to rub his forehead, then lowered his head and leaned closer to Pei Qing, rubbing his sleeve.

       Pei Qing reached out and put his arm around Zhan Weiyang’s shoulders, applying a bit of force before finally letting go.

       After the rush hour, the bus came a little slowly. They waited for almost five minutes before they got on this bus. After getting on, they saw that there were still many empty seats in the back row.

       The two sat in the last row, and the seats next to them were empty. As long as the people in front didn’t look back, no one could see them.

       After the bus started, Zhan Weiyang secretly leaned his head on Pei Qing’s shoulder. He moved very slowly, from leaning lightly at the beginning to completely relaxing his strength on Pei Qing’s shoulder. He didn’t feel the other party’s rejection, so he was completely relieved.

       The lights were on inside the bus. When Zhan Weiyang looked at the window glass, he could see the shadows of himself and Pei Qing. Pei Qing’s reflection on the glass was his side face with a handsome and neat outline. He was looking forward quietly. Zhan Weiyang couldn’t understand the emotions in his eyes, but he felt very relieved and gentle.

       So Zhan Weiyang hoped that this road could go on. If this bus had no end, he would always be so comfortable and happy to lean on Pei Qing.

       After getting off the bus, the two walked home together. After entering the neighbourhood, the light became dim. Zhan Weiyang wore Pei Qing’s coat—the sleeves and the hem of which were wobbly. He walked happily with his head down.

       Zhan Weiyang saw a corner of his home building from the bushes in the neighbourhood. He pulled Pei Qing and said, “Qing ge.”

       Pei Qing stopped and asked him, “What’s wrong?”

       Zhan Weiyang said, “Come with me, please.” After that, he pulled Pei Qing into a small path.

       The path was lined with greenery on both sides. Apart from the occasional joggers and walkers in the early morning and evening, there were usually no people around. By this time, it was completely dark, and there were no streetlights nearby. The only faint light came from distant spotlights scattered across the grass, illuminating the area. The surroundings were completely deserted.

       Zhan Weiyang took a deep breath, raised his hand to wrap around Pei Qing’s neck, and slowly leaned in, pouting his lips. He stopped just before his lips touched Pei Qing’s.

       Pei Qing looked down at him and asked, “What?”

       Zhan Weiyang showed him his mouth, “Mmm.”

       Pei Qing was silent for a while. He raised one hand and pinched Zhan Weiyang’s mouth with his fingers.

       Zhan Weiyang quickly broke free and said anxiously, “It’s not like that.”

       Pei Qing asked him, “What is it then?”

       Zhan Weiyang said, “I learned it from someone.”

       “Oh,” Pei Qing’s voice lowered a little, “Who did you learn it from?”

       Zhan Weiyang said, “Chen Youyou.”

       Pei Qing continued to ask him, “Then how did he teach you?”

       Zhan Weiyang suddenly felt embarrassed to use his fingers to show Pei Qing and said vaguely, “It’s like that…”

       Pei Qing pinched his jaw with his hand, not allowing him to escape his sight, “What does that look like? You have to explain it gege clearly.”

       Zhan Weiyang was very anxious, and he said, “You pout your lips.”

       Pei Qing’s eyes were full of smiles, but it was a pity that the light around was too dim to see clearly. He asked Zhan Weiyang, “Why do you have to pout?”

       Zhan Weiyang said, “If not, how can I kiss you?”

       Pei Qing asked, “How exactly do you want to kiss?”

       Zhan Weiyang then tried to pout his lips and put his lips to Pei Qing’s and started rubbing them clumsily.

       Pei Qing dodged back, and Zhan Weiyang chased after him relentlessly. He was very upset with Pei Qing’s lack of cooperation, and he thought Pei Qing should also learn to kiss like him.

       “Okay, okay,” Pei Qing had to stop him, stretched out his hand to grab Zhan Weiyang’s back collar and pulled him away from him, saying, “Do you really want to kiss?”

       Zhan Weiyang said seriously, “Yes.”

       Pei Qing put the meal box he was carrying in his hand to the side, hugged Zhan Weiyang’s waist with one hand, and pressed his neck with the other hand. He then lowered his head to kiss him.

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Chapter 18 – Let me introduce you to His Majesty, Zhaonan.

Chapter 18 – Let me introduce you to His Majesty, Zhaonan.


An elderly official stepped forward and clasped his hands, saying, “Your Majesty, Prime. Lord Hong has served as an official for thirty years, diligently and with integrity, maintaining a simple and frugal lifestyle. Last year, when Lord Hong’s mother celebrated her eightieth birthday, I was invited to the Hong residence for the banquet. Despite being a dignified third-rank official, his home was even simpler and more modest than that of a sixth-rank official from the localities, with only a few dozen tables set for the feast. When Lord Hong learned that his only son had leaked an examination question, he did not hesitate for a moment and took the initiative to have his son imprisoned in the Supreme Court. However, the Hong family has been passing down the line for three generations, and Hong Bin is Lord Hong’s only child, born late in his life. The pain of burying his own child is unbearable for anyone. Now that Lord Hong is advanced in age and ill, if he were to witness his only son being executed and displayed to the public, it might cause him excessive grief and worsen his condition. I beg Your Majesty and the Prime to consider Lord Hong’s feelings and make a fair decision.”


Zhao Qi also felt a bit sorry for Lord Hong. “Prime, could you reconsider?”


Xiao Shiqing said, “Since Lord Wu and Lord Hong have such a close relationship, how about having Lord Wu accompany Lord Hong to witness the execution of Hong Bin as a form of consolation?”


Lord Wu’s face turned pale.


“If Lord Wu’s presence is still not enough, then let all officials of fifth rank and above, who have established families, in the capital accompany him,” Xiao Shiqing said coldly. “This will let them see the consequences of failing to properly educate their children.”


For a moment, the Hall of Taohua was deathly silent, with all the officials afraid to make a sound. Zhao Qi, sitting uncomfortably on the dragon throne, caught sight of He Changzhou’s gaze. He Changzhou subtly shook his head, signaling him not to speak further.


After a long silence, Xiao Shiqing said, “Are there any other matters that the ministers wish to bring up?”


Zhao Qi felt like he was back in class, primarily listening and learning, with little to say. After one morning court session, he witnessed Xiao Shiqing’s decisiveness and ruthless efficiency firsthand. To put it bluntly, it was almost like dictatorship; once Xiao Shiqing made a decision, no matter how many people opposed, he would not change his mind.


Zhao Qi silently rolled his eyes. If that’s the case, why hold morning courts or discuss state affairs? Xiao Shiqing could just issue orders directly.


After the court session, Empress Dowager Wen sent someone to invite Zhao Qi and Xiao Shiqing to have a meal in Ci’an Palace. On the way there, Xiao Shiqing said, “If Your Majesty has anything to say, please feel free.”


Zhao Qi hesitated and then gently said, “Have you ever considered that sometimes you might not be right?”


Seeing Xiao Shiqing raise an eyebrow, Zhao Qi quickly added, “Brother Prime Minister?”


Xiao Shiqing smiled. “Does Your Majesty think that I am too autocratic?”


Zhao Qi held up his hand to show a small gap between his index finger and thumb. “Just a little bit.”


“Whether right or wrong, what does it matter?” Xiao Shiqing said. “The authority of those in power is far more important than being right or wrong. The court officials can engage in verbal sparring, but the person in power must be resolute.”


Zhao Qi was unconvinced. “But shouldn’t those in power be receptive to good advice?”


Xiao Shiqing looked at him. “Who says that?”


“History books say so.”


“So, does Your Majesty trust history books more than you trust me?” Xiao Shiqing asked.


Zhao Qi: ??? 


Isn’t this obvious? You are the scheming and ruthless minister in the original story—do you want me to learn from you? How arrogant!


Zhao Qi forced a smile. “Of course, I trust Prime Brother more!”


When they arrived at Ci’an Palace, Empress Dowager Wen asked about the morning court session. Zhao Qi said, “I learned a lot from Prime Brother.”


Empress Dowager Wen smiled. “That’s good. Your Majesty, take your time and don’t rush. Shiqing, Your Majesty is still unfamiliar with court matters, so please take more care.”


Xiao Shiqing nodded. “It is my duty.”


“I heard that King Zhaonan has submitted another request for additional military funds, still for three hundred thousand taels?” Empress Dowager Wen said. “As the only non-imperial prince of Dajing, Li Chisu is indeed asking for a lot.”


Xiao Shiqing remained noncommittal.


Empress Dowager Wen spoke in a lively tone. “Li Chisu is quite a flamboyant character. Even before the mourning period for the old King Zhaonan had ended, he had already brought in seven or eight beautiful concubines into the palace. The censors have already reported this to me. It is said that after he ascended to the throne, he neglected official duties and spent all his time indulging in pleasure. Is he asking for thirty thousand taels to fund the military, or is it to support the numerous courtesans inside and outside the palace?”


Before Xiao Shiqing could speak, Zhao Qi, who had been focused on eating, said, “He’s just putting on a show, making sure the court trusts him and deterring any thoughts of reducing his fief.”


Li Chisu appeared a few times in the original work, and Zhao Qi knew him fairly well. The old King of Zhaonan and Emperor Jing Gaozu were sworn brothers, fighting together to conquer the world. After their success, Emperor Jing Gaozu even declared, “The world belongs to me, and I share it with my brother.” The old King of Zhaonan, overwhelmed, requested to retire and leave the capital that very night. Despite Emperor Jing Gaozu’s numerous attempts to persuade him to stay, he was ultimately made the King of Zhaonan and granted the three southwestern provinces as his fief, inheritable and unchangeable.


Decades later, the Zhao family had long forgotten the war and strife of those years. The Li clan, as the only non-imperial clan in Great Jing, had become a thorn in the side of the late Emperor and Empress Dowager Wen. Fortunately, the old King of Zhaonan remained loyal and dutiful, never mentioning the reduction of his fief during his lifetime. After his death, Li Chisu inherited the throne and, following his father’s wishes, kept a low profile, hiding his talents and pretending to be a man of little ambition. This led the court to believe he was engrossed in pleasures and unfit for great responsibilities, thus relaxing their vigilance over the southwestern provinces.


When Zhao Tong rebelled, the court ordered Li Chisu to suppress the insurgents, but Li Chisu refused to comply. Zhao Tong sent strategists to persuade him, but he remained unmoved. Zhao Tong and the dog emperor fought a fierce battle, and the southwestern provinces remained the only area untouched by war, with its economy and military strength developing far beyond that of other provinces. By the time peace was restored, Zhao Tong no longer had the energy to deal with a passive and profit-seeking King of Zhaonan. Only then did Li Chisu leisurely accept the olive branch offered by the new emperor, continuing his role as the ruler of the southwest.


Empress Dowager Wen was so shocked that she nearly dropped her chopsticks. “What did His Majesty say?”


Zhao Qi, who no longer cared about maintaining his image—having already lost it—noticed that Empress Dowager Wen and others seemed to be gradually accepting his changes. He felt it was necessary to warn them to be cautious of Li Chisu. “What I mean is, a tiger’s son is not a dog. I find it hard to believe that the old King of Zhaonan would have a son as worthless as Hong Ziming. The old King of Zhaonan had quite a few sons; Li Chisu is the youngest. If he were truly as incompetent as rumored, why would the old King have passed the throne to him?”


Empress Dowager Wen looked at Xiao Shiqing, who appeared much more composed than she was. “What His Majesty said is not without reason. It is too early to judge Li Chisu’s character.”


After regaining her composure, Empress Dowager Wen said, “When he arrives in the capital, I will find a way to test him. Also, since Hong Ziming has been dismissed, what do you plan to do about the vacancy for the Deputy Minister of Rites?” She adjusted her hair, “Next month is the Wan Shou Festival, which is the busiest time for the Ministry of Rites.”


Xiao Shiqing understood Empress Dowager Wen’s intention and asked, “Does the Empress Dowager have a suitable candidate to recommend?”


Empress Dowager Wen sipped her tea and replied, “The eldest son of the Duke of Wen, Wen Xiaoyuan, passed the imperial examinations three years ago and has since been working in the Hanlin Academy as an editor. I have watched him grow up. He has good character and is talented. I am thinking of giving him a substantive position. What do you think, Shiqing?”


The Duke of Wen’s residence was Empress Dowager Wen’s family home and one of the few influential families in the capital not beholden to the Xiao family. Empress Dowager Wen’s intention to promote her own people was something Xiao Shiqing had always been aware of. He glanced at the young emperor, who was engrossed in his soup, and said, “If the Empress Dowager says so, then it is fine with me. I have no objections.”


Empress Dowager Wen smiled with satisfaction. “Shiqing, I heard that your mother has been unwell recently. I happen to have a snow lotus tribute from Bei Liang. Take it back to your home and give it to your mother as a supplement.”


Xiao Shiqing replied, “I will thank the Empress Dowager on behalf of my mother.”


The undercurrents between Empress Dowager Wen and Xiao Shiqing were noticeable even to Zhao Qi. In such high-stakes political maneuvering, he thought it best to stay out of the fray.


With the Wan Shou Festival approaching, according to Great Jing’s customs, the vassal kings and princesses who had been living in their fiefs or married far away were gradually returning to the capital. Zhao Qi and Empress Dowager Wen were busy meeting the returning nobles, and the palace grew increasingly lively. Yet, with only half a month left until the festival, Zhao Qi had still not seen the person he was hoping to meet.


One day, Zhao Qi was in the Zhengzheng Hall, learning statecraft from Xiao Shiqing (or more accurately, Xiao Shiqing was reviewing memorials while Zhao Qi was daydreaming). He asked, “Prime Minister, do you think the Prince of Huai will come to the capital when ordered?”


Xiao Shiqing looked up at him and asked, “Why do you ask?”


Zhao Qi rested his chin on the table and yawned. “I think he probably doesn’t want to come back. He was so harshly humiliated before he left the capital, he might still have lingering trauma.”


Xiao Shiqing smiled slightly. “I didn’t expect you to remember that. However, he will definitely come back. Firstly, not returning would be defying the imperial edict; secondly, there are people he wants to see in the capital.”


Zhao Qi turned his head with difficulty. “Who?”


Xiao Shiqing replied, “Who did he kneel for outside Yonghua Palace and receive thirty lashes for?”


“I can answer that,” Zhao Qi said, “It was for Rong Tang. So, does the Prime Minister mean he will return because of Rong Tang?”


“The Prince of Huai and Rong Tang have an extraordinary bond,” Xiao Shiqing said with a smile. “Doesn’t Your Majesty know?”


Zhao Qi noticed a hint of Schadenfreude in Xiao Shiqing’s smile and asked, “What about you, Prime Minister? Are you and the Prince of Huai completely innocent?”


Xiao Shiqing continued to smile. “Hmm? Please, go on.”


Zhao Qi did not back down. With his eyes lowered, he said, “A few years ago, when Prime Minister brother and the Prince of Huai were accidentally trapped in the palace overnight, didn’t they have a great time chatting? They talked about everything from poetry to life philosophy while watching the snow, stars, and moon. Can you honestly say you don’t admire him even a little?”


Xiao Shiqing fell silent. Zhao Qi thought his words had angered him and peeked up to check, “Prime Minister brother?”


Xiao Shiqing’s expression was hard to read, “How do you know about this?”


“I… I saw it with my own eyes,” Zhao Qi said. “Just tell me, did it happen or not?”


Xiao Shiqing nodded slightly, “It did happen.”


Zhao Qi remarked, “Ah, some people really have the nerve to criticize others. It’s laughable to mock others for their shortcomings when they themselves are no better.”


Xiao Shiqing asked, “It seems you don’t like me getting too close to the Prince of Huai?”


Without any hesitation, Zhao Qi replied, “Yes.” He did not want Xiao Shiqing to repeat the plot of the original story, abandoning him at a critical moment to join the Prince of Huai’s side.


Xiao Shiqing curled the corners of his lips, “Then stay the night in the Palace of Governance.”


Zhao Qi: “??? ”


“I’ll keep you company and we can discuss the moon and stars together—are you satisfied?”


“…” I don’t need that, thanks!


Zhao Qi thought Xiao Shiqing was just saying it casually, but come nighttime, he showed no intention of leaving. Since Xiao Shiqing wasn’t leaving, Zhao Qi had no choice but to stay with him. They had dinner together, and Xiao Shiqing continued to go through a mountain of documents, leaving Zhao Qi bored and yawning constantly.


Xiao Shiqing asked, “You seem quite idle.”


Zhao Qi looked innocent, “I have nothing to do anyway.”


Xiao Shiqing tossed him a document, “Read it.”


Zhao Qi opened the document and began to read with great difficulty, “The official Zhen Yongsi of Liu Prefecture reports that Liu Prefecture Governor Dong ‘Zong’…”


Xiao Shiqing corrected him, “It’s pronounced ‘Cong.’”


Zhao Qi insisted, “I know. I just read it wrong.”


Xiao Shiqing chuckled, “Continue reading.”


“During Dong Cong’s tenure, he repeatedly acted out of self-interest, allowing his subordinates to use their power for personal gain, reversing policies, and ignoring the laws of Great Jing. I am deeply worried and respectfully request that Your Majesty order an investigation into Dong Cong to uphold the national laws and imperial authority.” Zhao Qi finished and added, “After all this, what exactly did Dong Cong do? They didn’t provide any specific examples.”


Xiao Shiqing asked, “What do you want to do?”


Zhao Qi thought for a moment and said, “Send someone from the Supervisory Office to Liu Prefecture for a detailed investigation and report back?”


Xiao Shiqing said, “That works. Write it up.”




“Take the pen and write what you just said.” Xiao Shiqing said, “You don’t need me to teach you how to write, do you?”


“But my handwriting is terrible.”


“Let me see just how bad it is.”


Zhao Qi had no choice but to pick up the pen. Just as he was about to start writing, Xiao Shiqing added, “The blue comments are not for you—come, present the imperial brush for the red comments.”


The eunuch presented the imperial brush, and Zhao Qi held it in his hand, feeling as if it weighed a ton. With one hand holding the brush and the other lifting his sleeve, he carefully wrote down what he had said.


Xiao Shiqing frowned, “Your handwriting… even if you scatter some rice on the paper and put a chicken on it, it would look better than your writing.”


Zhao Qi put on a brave face, “I appreciate Prime Minister brother’s compliment.”


Xiao Shiqing chuckled softly and threw him another document, “Continue.”


The two stayed in the Palace of Governance until dawn, and only then did Xiao Shiqing allow Zhao Qi to return to his quarters. Zhao Qi felt deeply frustrated, thinking that while Xiao Shiqing and Zhao Tong spent the night watching snow, stars, and the moon, his night had been spent going through documents. Different people, different fates.


Xiao Shiqing gave Zhao Qi two days off, but soon after, someone delivered a calligraphy book. “Prime Minister Xiao requests that His Majesty practice the calligraphy book ten times a day and submit it to the Prime Minister after a month.”


At that moment, Zhao Qi was once again overwhelmed by the terror of homework and was on the verge of tears. Why… why must he endure this suffering even though he had transmigrated?


For the first two days, Zhao Qi could barely manage the task. By the third day, he was on the brink of a breakdown, banging his head on the desk. Jiang Dehai watched in horror and suggested, “Would you like to find a few skilled scribes to help His Majesty?”


Jiang Dehai’s words were a wake-up call. “Right, let others imitate my handwriting. After all, it’s just copying. Xiao Shiqing might not even notice.”


Jiang Dehai said, “I’ll find someone right away.”


“No need. Aren’t there plenty of idle people in the palace?” Zhao Qi said. “Let them write for me!”


Jiang Dehai asked, “What about Master Rong?”


“Of course, let him write!” Zhao Qi said without hesitation. “They are all my beauties. I must treat them equally and share the benefits!”


When the beauties of the harem received the task, they all complained: “We entered the palace to enjoy a life of ease without working! Now, not only are we expected to exercise, but we also have to practice calligraphy. What exactly did we do wrong?”


After Zhao Qi’s decree was issued, Rong Tang took the initiative to visit Yonghua Palace for the first time. Zhao Qi was shocked and asked, “Are you here to see me or Jiang Dehai?”


Rong Tang: “…”


Jiang Dehai chuckled, “Your Majesty, please don’t joke with this old servant. Master Rong must be here to see you.”


Zhao Qi was skeptical, “Really?”






Rong Tang frowned slightly, “Your Majesty’s handwriting is quite unsightly. I’m not keen on imitating it.”


Zhao Qi’s ears turned red. It was one thing for others to say so, but Rong Tang was a renowned talent, a celebrated scholar. Hearing this from him made Zhao Qi feel somewhat embarrassed. “I think my handwriting is fine. Maybe your standards are too high.”


“Didn’t Your Majesty study in the Nanshufang when you were young? How could you produce such handwriting?”


Zhao Qi felt like he was going to cough up blood. “It’s been too long since I last practiced.”


Rong Tang spread out a piece of paper, dipped a brush in ink, and handed it to Zhao Qi. “Please write a character.”


Zhao Qi scratched his head with the brush. After writing a little, Rong Tang said, “Your grip on the brush is incorrect.” His cool hand grasped Zhao Qi’s right hand. “It should be like this.”


Zhao Qi could smell a faint scent of medicine. Rong Tang stood behind him, his chest pressed against Zhao Qi’s back, and Zhao Qi could even feel the beat of his heart.


“What do you want to write, Your Majesty?” Rong Tang asked near his ear.


“‘Rong,’” Zhao Qi said, “the ‘Rong’ in Rong Tang.”


Rong Tang paused for a moment, then tightened his grip on Zhao Qi’s hand and wrote his surname smoothly on the paper. After finishing the last stroke, Rong Tang released Zhao Qi’s hand and asked, “Have you got it, Your Majesty?”


“Uh… I think I’m getting a feel for it. Can we try again?”


A young eunuch came in and whispered something in Jiang Dehai’s ear. Jiang Dehai’s face immediately lit up, and he stepped forward to report, “Your Majesty, the person you have been waiting for has recently arrived in the capital and will likely come to the palace to see you soon.”


“Someone I’ve been waiting for?” Zhao Qi said. “You mean the Prince of Huai?”


Rong Tang subtly straightened his posture.

T/N: There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep



Chapter 4

       “Not bad at massaging. I didn’t know you had the talent to serve others.” The man retracted his legs and teased.

       Chu Yunhan’s body was cold after being recognised, and his brain slowly came back to consciousness from a blank state. He tried to stand up but was held down by someone pressing on his shoulder.

       “Young Master Yun, don’t move.” Bai Xiao, who appeared behind him at some point, whispered with a smile, “If you move around, you may have multiple holes in your body.” It seemed like a joke, but it carried an undertone of coldness.

       Only then did he feel the gun pressed against his back shoulder, and the hairs all over his body stood up. He looked at Chu Yichen. The man resembled a deity with lowered eyes amidst swirling incense. His expression extremely unreadable, as if it could change at any moment, with his mood unpredictable.

       Chu Yunhan didn’t dare to move.

       At Hei Yu’s signal, all the ‘outsiders’ including Cao Kun withdrew. Only Chu Yichen, who was sitting and half-kneeling, Hei Yu, Bai Xiao and four bodyguards were standing in the room.

       Was this a family secret not meant to be exposed? He sneered inwardly, thinking that Chu Yichen was truly just saving his own reputation.

       The lights gradually turned on.

       “The hair is so ugly.” Chu Yichen’s voice floated down from the top of his head.

       The burgundy wig was pulled off by Bai Xiao, revealing the short brown hair underneath. Hei Yu took a disposable comb from the cabinet beside the bed and combed his hair neatly.

       “Much better.” The man finished the wine in the glass and shook it at him, “Come here and pour some wine.”

       Chu Yunhan maintained his one-knee kneeling position and did not move. After a moment of silence, he said, “I thought you didn’t let me move? You can pour it yourself.” When he was hiding before, he was constantly on edge, nearly driving himself crazy. But when the situation reached the point of being exposed, he became calm again. He knew very well that there was no way out once he fell into Chu Yichen’s hands, and there was no point in struggling. It was more satisfying to just break a jar and throw it. However, the unconscious gesture of clasping his fingers still betrayed his inner tension.

       The man raised his eyebrows. Chu Yunhan only felt numbness in his shoulders and arms, and then a layer of burning pain slowly emerged, and a warm and sticky feeling seeped out. Bai Xiao’s bullet accurately passed over his left arm, scratching his sleeve and leaving a deep blood mark on his skin.

       “The next shot won’t be that far off, Young Master Yun.” Bai Xiao’s voice was cold.

       Chu Yunhan’s face turned pale, and he stood up numbly. His legs were a little weak, and he staggered before he stood up. He walked slowly to the man’s side and poured wine for Chu Yichen.

       “It’s too boring to drink like this, sit down and play dice with me.” The man said, “Guess the number, the loser drinks.”

       Can I even say no? Chu Yunhan smiled bitterly in his heart and sat down on the single sofa next to him.

       In front of both of them sat identical empty goblets. Hei Yu knelt on one knee before the coffee table, then placed two dice into a black dice cup. He shook it vigorously a few times, stopped, and moved his hand away from the table.

       “You first.” Chu Yichen said.

       Anyway, it was a matter of a blind cat hitting a mouse. Chu Yunhan guessed randomly, “Big.”

       The dice cup was opened—ten points. He had actually guessed it right.

       Bai Xiao poured a thin layer of red wine into Chu Yichen’s glass. The man shook it and drank it in one gulp.

       Round two. The other party still asked him to guess first. Chu Yunhan chose ‘small’, but it was nine points, he lost. Bai Xiao walked up to him, lowered the mouth of the bottle, and the red wine continued to flow out until the entire glass was filled.

       “What’s this?” He frowned, “It’s not fair at all.”

       “It’s indeed unfair.” Chu Yichen looked at him calmly, “I never said this was a fair game from the beginning.”

       “You…” He wanted to stand up but was pushed down on the sofa. Bai Xiao had a usual smile on his face, “Don’t move.”

       “If you have the guts, shoot me dead,” Chu Yunhan gritted through his teeth.

       “If the young master gives an order, I will be happy to carry it out.”

       Chu Yunhan felt a chill run down his spine as the hidden murderous intent in that smile sent goosebumps all over his body. He sat stiffly and said to Chu Yichen, “You want me to drink all this glass?”

       “Latour, 1989, Bordeaux red wine. It’s your favourite flavour, if I remember correctly.” The man leaned on the sofa and looked at him lazily.

       Chu Yunhan pressed his lips together, picked up the glass filled with deep ruby-red wine, and tilted his head back, closing his eyes as he drank it down. The sour taste flooded his mouth, gradually turning numb with each swallow. No matter how fine the wine, drinking it this way would only make it hard to stomach. After finishing the glass, he placed the empty cup back on the coffee table.

       Hei Yu continued shaking the dice cup. Five points—small. He guessed right again and exhaled slightly in relief. However, the game continued. After Chu Yichen drank the sip of wine in his glass, the dice began rattling inside the cup once more. Now Chu Yunhan understood why the man had so generously let him guess first—because under these rules, no matter how long the game went on, he would always be the loser. He could only pin all his hopes on luck, wishing he could keep guessing right. Unfortunately, good luck always slips away too easily.

       After guessing wrong four times in a row, he felt nauseated and dizzy as he looked at the wine. He picked up the cup and put it down again, saying, “I can’t drink any more.”

       Chu Yichen put his hands on the back of the sofa and looked at him. Seeing that he still didn’t move, he said, “Bai Xiao, help him.”

       “Young Master Yun, I’m sorry.” Bai Xiao neatly lifted Chu Yunhan’s chin with his hand, forced him to open his teeth, and then poured the wine in the glass into his mouth.

       Chu Yunhan’s eyes widened, and he struggled desperately. However, his body was pinned firmly to the sofa by the bodyguard, leaving him no room to move. The wine he drank choked into his trachea, and he instinctively began to cough. At the same time, he was forced to swallow the liquid that made him breathless, making a whimpering sound. After the glass was poured out, the bodyguards let go. He arched his back and coughed violently. In addition to his face, his white shirt and uniform were also stained with red wine, making him look miserable. Chu Yunhan coughed for a long time before he calmed down. He stared at the person opposite him with red eyes, “Have you had enough?”

       “Go on.” Chu Yichen said nonchalantly, “Guess, big or small?”

       Clearly, the game would continue, never ending until the one in control decided to call it off. Chu Yunhan knew that he was now like prey trapped by a pack of wolves with no chance of escape, left to be toyed with and tormented at the whim of his captor. A wave of despair surged in his heart.

       There was no way out.

       He pursed his lips and gritted his teeth, and said, “Let’s change the game. The outcome will be decided in one round. If I guess right, you let me go. If I guess wrong, you kill me.”

       The man looked at him, the amusement in his eyes growing stronger and stronger. His brows stretched, his thin lips raised, and he said lightly, “Okay.”

       He actually…agreed.

       Chu Yunhan was a little stunned for a moment. He stared at the other person for a moment but could not see any other emotions from that face, as if the bet that decided his life and death just now was just an ordinary entertainment game and a pastime.

       It was an expression of indifference.

       The man did not care whether he lives or dies.

       He had anticipated that falling into Chu Yichen’s hands this time would mean a beating, torture, or even being shot—pain so intense it would make him wish for death. But he was certain that, no matter what, the man wouldn’t let him die; that was why he had strategically suggested this wager. Now, this certainty wavered. He began to doubt that his assumption was fundamentally wrong—that Chu Yichen truly intended to take his life. In trying to be clever, he had only given the other man a reason to act, pushing himself to the edge of a cliff.

       “Guess, big or small.”

       Chu Yunhan trembled, looking at the dice cup that had stopped in Hei Yu’s hand in despair, and then turned his gaze back to Chu Yichen. His eye circles were a little red, and after a long time, he said dejectedly, “Big.”

       “You sure?” The man looked at him with a half-smile, “You can think about it for a while, I have time tonight.”

       There was a fine line of sweat on his forehead, mixed with the still wine, making it very sticky. There was a scale inside his head, with two weights, ‘big’ and ‘small’ placed on it, swinging left and right. The more he thought about it, the more confused he became. He raised his forehead and changed his words, “Small… I choose small.”

       The dice cup was opened.

       Chu Yunhan stared rigidly at the two dice, motionless as if frozen in place. It wasn’t until Hei Yu softly said, “Young Master Yun, you lost,” that he dazedly lifted his head, his eyes clouded with a mist, his voice hoarse, “So, you’re going to kill me, is that it?”

       “These are the rules of the game you set.” Chu Yichen leaned on the sofa and tilted his head slightly, and Bai Xiao pulled out the gun again.

       “You can’t kill me…” He stood up suddenly and was immediately pushed back into the single sofa by two men in black. Bai Xiao’s gun was pressed against the back of his head. Chu Yunhan’s face turned pale, and he spoke tremblingly, “Chu Yichen, if you kill me, Uncle Yu and Uncle Xu will never forgive you, as well as Min Ran and Jiahui… “

       “As the head of the family, it is my duty to clean up the traitors.” The man glanced at his frightened face and said, “Don’t worry, I will still allow you to be buried in the family cemetery as the eldest young master of the Chu family so you can properly keep the old man company.”

       “No, it can’t be like this…” He was already in a state of confusion and only wanted to survive. He shouted, “Yichen, I was wrong. I only agreed to them in a fit of enthusiasm… I didn’t know how things would turn out. In this way, I really don’t know… Yichen, I—”

       “That’s enough! Don’t call me that.” A cold voice interrupted him. The man’s black pupils seemed to be burning with two jet-black flames, melting heat and coldness into one place. Every word he uttered seemed to be frozen, “Every time you call me that, it reminds me of the act you put on over the phone. Your voice trembling, saying you were scared, asking me to save you, crying and calling my name. Tell me, what was your expression at that time?”

       “I was wrong…” Chu Yunhan felt Chu Yichen’s undisguised anger for the first time. This anger made him tremble with fear, and he kept begging for mercy softly with red eyes, “It was because of my obsession that I did those things…I don’t dare to do it anymore, please…”

       The whole room was so quiet that the only thing left was his cry for mercy.

       After a long time, the man’s cold voice sounded.

       “I can give you two choices. The first is to die with everything. The second is to live without everything.”

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Chapter 30 – Touching Feathers

Chapter 30: Touching Feathers


It was impossible for Su Muluo to ignore Long Ling, so he turned his head away, refusing to acknowledge him.


Long Ling looked at Su Muluo’s attractive profile and thought to himself, his phoenix was both cute and shy. He wondered when he would be able to touch its feathers.


However, before that, he needed to think about how to build his own network. It was better not to tell the phoenix until his influence and connections were truly established. This way, it would be a pleasant surprise for the phoenix.


Half an hour later, Qiansui and the black cat returned to the café and brought Su Muluo some good news: “We found the person.”


—The young man they were looking for was in an alley in the old town.


This area was a filthy and impoverished part of the city, far from the young man’s home. Su Muluo and Long Ling navigated the narrow, winding alley and finally reached the end, where there was a secluded corner.


The young man was curled up in the deep corner, hugging his head and trembling. As soon as Su Muluo approached, the young man cried out, “Don’t come closer!”


He hid his hands in his sleeves, looking panicked. When he saw Su Muluo, he was stunned and said, “Boss? What are you doing here?!”


Su Muluo replied, “I came to find you.”


A faint demonic aura pervaded the air, emanating from the young man. Su Muluo’s previous guess was confirmed—this person was indeed a half-demon, and specifically a bird demon.


“Come to find me?” the young man muttered, “Why would you come to find me… How did you even find me?”


Before he could finish, a look of pain crossed his face, and he hugged his arms tightly.


“Leave quickly! I can’t control my power anymore!!”


Su Muluo responded by knocking the young man out.


The young man collapsed to the ground, revealing his hands covered in small feathers.


Long Ling asked, “Where does the phoenix want to take him?”


“First, let’s take him to the Bureau of Extraordinary Beings,” Su Muluo said, “After all, he is a half-demon and might be someone the bird clan is searching for.”


Long Ling fell silent, clearly displeased.


Su Muluo looked at him and said with a smile, “Or we could take him back with us?”


“Forget it,” Long Ling said with a click of his tongue, “The Bureau of Extraordinary Beings it is.”


Reluctantly, Long Ling transformed back into a small black dragon and crawled into Su Muluo’s pocket.


However, a moment later, it popped its head out of the pocket and let out a yelp.


The phoenix doesn’t allow anyone to touch him!


“Alright, alright, I understand.”


Su Muluo laughed, patted its head, and sent a message to Liu He.


Soon, several members of the Bureau of Extraordinary Beings arrived quickly. They first respectfully greeted Su Muluo with “Mr. Su” and then carried the unconscious young man away to the bureau.


At the Bureau of Extraordinary Beings, two employees were conducting a demon power test on the young man. Liu He stood nearby and said, “No wonder we received a report about unusual demon energy in Lin City recently. It turns out a half-demon has awakened—thank you so much, Mr. Su.”


“It was just a small effort,” Su Muluo said, “Did you find out his identity?”


Liu He nodded and said, “His ID name is Lin Chengcheng. He has no parents, and his house is rented. According to his landlord, he has only been in Lin City for a year and a half. He usually just does odd jobs at convenience stores and rarely interacts with others—there’s no more information for now.”


Su Muluo remained silent. Although the young man’s rented place wasn’t large, the location and environment were decent. He had also ordered special coffee several times before. If he was really just doing odd jobs, he probably wouldn’t have such a comfortable living situation.


This meant the young man was hiding other secrets and was not as simple as he seemed.


Liu He observed Su Muluo’s expression and asked, “Is this your friend?”


“Not exactly,” Su Muluo replied, “But he could be the illegitimate child the bird clan is looking for.”


Liu He was surprised, glanced at the unconscious young man, and stroked her chin, “Indeed… He is a half-demon with a demon power of just over twenty years and has bird clan blood… I should contact the bird clan people immediately.”


She quickly made a phone call, and soon after, the young man on the bed opened his eyes—


And found himself surrounded by people.


The young man was immediately shocked and nearly jumped out of bed, exclaiming, “Who are you?!”


The next second, he realized he wasn’t at home but in a completely unfamiliar place, and he panicked, “Where am I?!”


“You’re awake. You’re at the Bureau of Extraordinary Beings,” Liu He said kindly, “The procedure was successful. You are now a half-demon.”


The young man: “……”


He had a look of disbelief, glancing around. Seeing Su Muluo not far away, he finally spotted a familiar face among the strangers and exclaimed with joy, “Boss! You’re here too!!”


However, upon seeing Su Muluo, Lin Chengcheng’s memories came rushing back all at once. His expression changed abruptly as he immediately looked at his hands.


At that moment, his demonic power had stabilized, and there were no more feathers on the back of his hands. He let out a sigh of relief and muttered, “It really was a dream. I should just go back to sleep; everything will be fine when I wake up.”


He then pulled the covers back over himself and lay down again.


The people by the bedside were silent for a few seconds. Liu He reached out and nudged the young man.


Lin Chengcheng poked his head out from under the covers, looking extremely terrified.


“This isn’t a dream. You’re Lin Chengcheng, a half-demon. Your demonic power awakened earlier, which is why you had those unusual symptoms,” Liu He said. “You’re currently at the Bureau of Extraordinary Beings, an organization that handles demon affairs. All demons coming to human cities must register here. You must have heard of us before.”


“What name??” Lin Chengcheng asked, “What Bureau of Extraordinary Beings? I’ve never heard of it!”


He looked genuinely surprised. Liu He was about to respond when a dark voice interrupted from the side, “Miss Liu, that’s enough for now.”


It was Mu Ge, who had come with several members of the bird clan after receiving Liu He’s message.


“The young master has just awakened. We will explain everything to him later. For now, let him rest,” Mu Ge said, then turned to Lin Chengcheng, “Young master, the bird clan has been waiting for you for many years. Please come back with us.”


Lin Chengcheng was confused and tried to refuse, but meeting Mu Ge’s gaze, his mind went blank, and his thoughts seemed to be drained away.


“… Well, alright,” he said dully, “But I have a cat I need to pick up…”


Mu Ge replied, “Don’t worry about that. We will handle everything for you.”


He then turned to Liu He and said, “Thank you to the Bureau of Extraordinary Beings. The bird clan will remember your kindness and will prepare a generous gift in return.”


Liu He said, “To be honest, your young master wasn’t found by the Bureau of Extraordinary Beings but by Mr. Su. If you want to thank someone, it should be him.”


Mu Ge paused for a moment, glanced at Su Muluo, and said, “Thank you. I apologize for my previous rudeness. It seems you are not the one who killed my master after all.”


Su Muluo responded calmly, “So, are you leaving now, or will you stay here to continue investigating your master’s death?”


Mu Ge replied, “That’s a matter for the bird clan.”


He signaled his two subordinates to help Lin Chengcheng up and then left.


After the bird clan members departed, Su Muluo also left the Bureau of Extraordinary Beings. The small black dragon lay in his palm, raising its little head and asking, “Aw?”


The phoenix hadn’t asked about the relic.


“From Lin Chengcheng’s reaction, he probably doesn’t know much himself,” Su Muluo said. “And it’s not the right time to ask… We’ll meet again soon enough.”


He had left a mark on Lin Chengcheng, so he would be able to sense if something happened to him immediately. Judging by his intuition, the mark would likely come into play in a few days.


The small black dragon tilted its head and rested its chin on Su Muluo’s fingertip, lazily rubbing against it.


It was already evening, and there wasn’t enough time to cook. Su Muluo pinched the little dragon’s soft horn and asked, “Do you want to eat out?”


The small black dragon happily let out a “woof,” transforming into a human and wrapping his arms around Su Muluo’s waist.


Su Muluo tapped his hand and said, “No hugging in public.”


This dragon always liked to hug him suddenly, but thankfully, he reacted quickly and used illusions each time—otherwise, passersby would have been startled.


Long Ling’s mouth curved into a smile as he released his embrace and instead held Su Muluo’s fingers in his hand.


The two walked slowly along the street and soon passed by a Sichuan restaurant.


The restaurant had a pleasant environment, good business, and an enticing aroma of food. Su Muluo decided this was the place.


When ordering, Long Ling asked, “Does the phoenix want any drinks?”


Su Muluo leaned over to look at the menu. Although he had been to hotpot restaurants before, this was his first time at this kind of place. After some thought, he decided to try something different.


“I’ll have a beer,” he said.


Long Ling paused slightly while holding the menu and said, “How about juice instead? I remember the phoenix… hasn’t had beer before, right?”


Su Muluo replied, “No, I want beer.”


He was very insistent and repeated his choice. Long Ling had no choice but to order a can of beer for him.


After a while, several dishes were served—spicy, aromatic, and brightly colored. Su Muluo picked up his chopsticks and took a bite, his eyes lighting up, “Delicious.”


But also very spicy!


Long Ling opened the can of beer, pouring the golden liquid into a glass. Su Muluo eagerly took a sip.


Long Ling asked, “So? Is it good?”


Su Muluo was silent for a few seconds before taking another sip.


“…It tastes quite strange,” he said, “but it doesn’t seem too hard to drink.”


He then set the beer aside and turned to drink the soup instead.


By the end of the meal, he had only consumed a small portion of the beer. After leaving the restaurant, Su Muluo rubbed his eyes and said, “I feel a bit sleepy.”


Long Ling laughed and said, “I’ll carry you back like a phoenix.”


Su Muluo replied, “I don’t want you to carry me.”


But right after saying that, he opened his arms to Long Ling.


Long Ling: “?”


This action was unexpected. He looked at his phoenix for a second and then picked him up.


Su Muluo buried his face in Long Ling’s shoulder and gently nuzzled.


Long Ling: “…”


The phoenix was light and soft, and holding him was effortless. But as he looked at the obedient phoenix in his arms… he felt a bit stunned.


What’s happening?


“Why aren’t we leaving yet?” Su Muluo’s soft face was pressed against Long Ling’s shoulder, his voice lazy as if he were whining, “I want to go back to sleep.”


Long Ling: “…”


So cute!


I want to pinch him!


But pinching him isn’t possible since they’re still on the street. So Long Ling carried his phoenix back to the rental apartment, gently placed him on the sofa, and then squatted down to observe him.


His complexion and expression were normal… he didn’t seem uncomfortable?


Could he be drunk?


Long Ling remembered that Su Muluo hadn’t finished the rest of the beer and thought it unlikely—his phoenix had only had a few sips, so how could he be drunk?


While Long Ling was pondering, Su Muluo seemed a bit unhappy and said, “I don’t want to be here; I want to go to the room.”


Then he opened his arms again towards Long Ling.


Although the living room was only a few steps from the bedroom, he was unwilling to walk there himself and insisted that Long Ling carry him. Long Ling felt his heart melting and chuckled as he picked up his phoenix, saying, “Alright, let’s go to the room.”


But once they were back in the room, there was another problem.


How to change into pajamas?


Long Ling looked at the pajamas on the bed and then at the phoenix clinging to him. He asked, “Does the phoenix want to change into pajamas by himself?”


Su Muluo snuggled lazily in Long Ling’s arms, unwilling to move, “No, I don’t want to change… I want to sleep.”


Long Ling responded, “Oh, then the phoenix can sleep here. I’ll go sleep on the sofa.”


Su Muluo: “?”


He immediately lifted his head and stared at Long Ling.


Long Ling looked innocent and said, “The phoenix said so. If you don’t want me to sleep in the room, I can only sleep on the sofa.”


Su Muluo grabbed the edge of his shirt and said, “You’re not allowed to leave.”


“No way, the phoenix told me to leave a few days ago,” Long Ling said. “If the phoenix wakes up tomorrow and finds me in the bed, he might still hit me.”


Su Muluo: “I won’t hit you. You’re not allowed to leave.”


Long Ling said, “But the phoenix will still hit me. Last time, the phoenix said he’d turn me into a twisted doughnut.”


Su Muluo: “…”


Su Muluo buried his face in Long Ling’s shoulder and muttered, “That was just to trick you.”


Long Ling gently stroked his soft hair and, with a hint of laughter, said, “But I was tricked and scared. How will the phoenix make it up to me?”


At this point, his confusion grew even more. His phoenix had only had a few sips of beer… Could it really be because of those few sips that he was drunk?


Long Ling looked at Su Muluo, who also looked back at him. After a few seconds, Su Muluo tilted his head.


A pure white bird with a beautiful sheen landed on Long Ling’s palm, “cheeped,” and spread its soft wings.


Here, feel my feathers.


Long Ling: “…”

T/N: Hello hello! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


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Chapter 17 – This is my first time attending court.

Chapter 17 – This is my first time attending court.


Realizing what Rong Tang wanted to do, Zhao Qi was shocked. He suddenly pushed Rong Tang away, almost jumping out of bed, and pointed at Rong Tang, shouting, “Not again!!! You lecherous scoundrel!”


Rong Tang, caught off guard by the push, took a step back. He lowered his gaze to his hand that had just touched Zhao Qi and frowned slightly, saying, “Who forced me to stay in the harem? Doesn’t His Majesty remember? Who exactly is the ‘lecherous scoundrel’ here?”


Zhao Qi, knowing he was in the wrong, gritted his teeth and said, “I’m not in the mood today.”


“Is it that you’re not in the mood, or just that you’re incapable?”


Zhao Qi couldn’t believe it. “Rong Tang, you are a person of high moral character and self-respect. How can you speak such… such indecent words! Even if you want to test me, there’s no need to sacrifice your dignity!”


Rong Tang smiled faintly. “I’m afraid His Majesty has misunderstood me. Affection between men and women is natural and acceptable.”


But affection between men is a big no-no! Zhao Qi’s mindset was collapsing. He felt that Rong Tang was like a celestial being who had descended to the mortal world, tainted by earthly desires, ready to turn dark at any moment.


Zhao Qi rubbed his forehead. “You must be out of your mind right now. Calm down. I’m leaving.” With that, he fled in a panic, like a maiden chased by a lecherous rogue.


Rong Tang remained where he was, watching his retreating figure with thoughtful eyes.


Late at night, Zhao Qi walked alone on the way back to Yonghua Palace, occasionally encountering patrolling guards. He walked slowly and carefully avoided them. When passing by the rockery in the imperial garden, a pair of hands suddenly grabbed him from behind and pulled him into the rockery.


Zhao Qi’s mind went blank, and he instinctively wanted to call for help, but a familiar, amused voice came from beside his ear: “Which little eunuch is wandering around outside in the middle of the night?”


The familiar voice and the scent of fragrant grass… Zhao Qi’s heart, which had jumped to his throat, finally settled. In frustration, he bit the hand of the person who had startled him. The person chuckled softly and let go of him.


“You almost gave me a heart attack!” Zhao Qi complained. “You can’t do that!”


The moonlight was beautiful tonight. He Chengzhou leaned against the rock wall, bathed in bright moonlight, his posture tall and full of vigor. “A heart attack?”


Zhao Qi waved his hand. “What are you doing here?”


“To see the Prime Minister.”


“At this late hour?”


“Mm,” He Chengzhou replied, “And what about His Majesty? Why are you wearing a little eunuch’s outfit at this hour? What are you up to?”


Zhao Qi was momentarily speechless. “I…”


He Chengzhou glanced towards where Zhao Qi had come from. “Did His Majesty come from the Drunk Scholar’s Studio?”


Zhao Qi replied, “Uh…”


He Chengzhou took Zhao Qi’s silence as confirmation, his smile becoming enigmatic. “I didn’t expect His Majesty and Young Master Rong to be so… interested in each other. Little eunuch’s clothes… Haha.”


Zhao Qi’s face turned red. “Ah, it’s not what you think.”


He Chengzhou continued on as if to himself, “I just returned to the capital from Youzhou, fought with the remnants of the Broken Pulse Boat, and injured my hand. I work so hard as a minister, and yet His Majesty is… enjoying himself with a male companion…”


“I told you it’s not like that! Rong Tang’s old illness recurred. I wanted to visit him, but the Prime Minister wouldn’t let me, so I had to resort to this… Wait, you said your hand was injured?”


He Chengzhou raised his hand and clasped his other wrist. “I’m injured. Blades and swords are unpredictable. I’m used to it.” His tone was nonchalant, but his eyes were pitiful, weak, and helpless.


He Chengzhou was one of the top experts in the Dajing Dynasty. Zhao Qi didn’t think it was a serious matter. “Just get used to it. Be more careful next time.”


He Chengzhou was taken aback. “Is that it?”


Zhao Qi was puzzled. “Huh? What else do you want?”


He Chengzhou laughed in frustration. “Young Master Rong’s old illness recurred, and His Majesty personally went to see him. I’m injured, and His Majesty only says ‘be more careful next time’?”


Zhao Qi laughed as well. “The distinguished General He Chengzhou is acting like a little child begging for candy.”


He Chengzhou raised an eyebrow. “Does His Majesty give candy?”


“Of course,” Zhao Qi said after thinking for a moment. “Are you hungry? Come with me to Yonghua Palace for a late-night snack!”


With He Chengzhou around, Zhao Qi didn’t need to sneak back to the palace as he had on his way out. He Chengzhou claimed he needed to see the emperor, so Xiao Shiqing’s men didn’t dare to stop him. Zhao Qi followed him with his head down and successfully entered the palace.


Jiang Dehai, who had been anxiously waiting for Zhao Qi, mistook He Chengzhou for someone sent by Prime Minister Xiao for a check-up. “Why is General He here? His Majesty has already gone to bed.”


He Changzhou laughed, “Who is standing behind me?”


Zhao Qi emerged from behind He Changzhou. He Changzhou was tall, making Zhao Qi look like a delicate young girl in comparison. Jiang Dehai truly hadn’t noticed anyone behind him.


“Your Majesty!” Jiang Dehai sighed in relief, “You’ve finally returned! This old servant has been on edge all night!”


Zhao Qi smiled, “You’ve worked hard. By the way, go to the imperial kitchen and tell them that I’m hungry and want to eat something…” He turned to He Changzhou, “What do you want to eat?”


He Changzhou answered without hesitation, “Meat.”


Zhao Qi responded, “Meat?”


“I’m not used to the delicate dishes of the palace,” He Changzhou said lazily, “I just want to drink and eat meat heartily.”


“I’ll satisfy you,” Zhao Qi said, “Let’s have a few big pig’s trotter. Forget the wine, you’re injured, so no drinking. Also, bring two bowls of soup to help with the greasiness.”


He Changzhou laughed, “Alright, I’ll listen to the Emperor.”


Zhao Qi changed into his clothes, and the big pig’s trotters arrived. There were four braised pig’s trotters in total, with a rich and aromatic sauce that made them taste even better in the evening.


He Changzhou ate casually but wasn’t crude. Zhao Qi, on the other hand, was struggling to eat and got his face smeared with sauce, making He Changzhou laugh and call him a little kitten.


Zhao Qi was full after one trotter, wiped his hands, and watched He Changzhou eat.


He Changzhou asked, “Aren’t you going to eat more, Your Majesty?”


“Mmm,” Zhao Qi patted his belly, “One trotter is enough; eating too much would be greasy. By the way, do you usually attend the morning court sessions?”


He Changzhou replied, “As long as I’m in the capital, I do—why?”


Zhao Qi looked embarrassed, “I’m going to attend the morning court session tomorrow.”


He Changzhou seemed a bit surprised, “Prime Minister Xiao asked the Emperor to attend?”


Zhao Qi nodded, “Yes, the Prime Minister wants me to try sitting in.”


He Changzhou slowed down his eating, “Is that so. How does the Emperor feel about it?”


Zhao Qi confessed, “I’m a bit nervous.”


“Nervous?” He Changzhou laughed, “It’s not your first time attending court, why be nervous?”


Zhao Qi mumbled, “It’s different this time.”


He Changzhou reassured him, “If you’re really nervous, just look at me more.”


Zhao Qi looked doubtful, “Will that help?”


He Changzhou remained calm, “Whether it helps or not, the Emperor will find out.”


The next day, at the crack of dawn, Zhao Qi was awakened by Jiang Dehai for washing and changing. Empress Dowager Wen sent some pastries for him to eat before going to court. After all the fuss, it was almost time. Zhao Qi, dressed in elaborate dragon robes, took the dragon carriage to Taihua Hall, where the ministers had long been waiting.


Amid the loud announcement of “The Emperor has arrived, important ministers for the morning court” and “Long live the Emperor,” Zhao Qi ascended the steps to the resplendent dragon throne. Below the dragon throne was a sandalwood chair, where Xiao Shiqing was seated. Standing in the front row were members of the cabinet formed by Xiao Shiqing, with most of the others being Xiao’s close allies.


From his elevated position, Zhao Qi immediately saw Xiao Shiqing in dark clothes, who was the only one not kneeling. Noticing Zhao Qi’s gaze, Xiao Shiqing tilted his chin slightly and smiled faintly, radiating elegance and nobility.


Zhao Qi casually shifted his gaze, searching for He Changzhou among the crowd. He Changzhou, dressed in crimson official robes, was kneeling among the military officials and smiled up at Zhao Qi.


Zhao Qi took a deep breath and said, “Rise.”


Xiao Shiqing lifted the hem of his robe and sat on the sandalwood chair, his demeanor unchanged, “What matters are to be discussed?”


A minister spoke up, “Report to the Emperor, Prince Zhao Nan Li Chisu requests an additional military fund of 300,000 taels.”


“300,000?” Zhao Qi pretended to think for a moment and asked Xiao Shiqing, “What does the Prime Minister think of this matter?”


Xiao Shiqing said, “There are no major issues at the southern border, give him 100,000 taels first, and have the Ministry of Revenue handle it.”


Zhao Qi replied, “That’s settled.”


“Report to the Emperor, Governor of Yuzhou Dong Boxi’s elderly mother has passed away, and Dong Boxi requests a mourning leave.”


Before Zhao Qi could ask, Xiao Shiqing said, “Approved. Have the Ministry of Personnel propose a few replacement candidates for the Emperor’s review.”


“Your Majesty, the case of the leaked examination questions has been resolved. It was done by the son of the Minister of Rites, Hong Ziming, named Hong Bin. It is said that Hong Bin frequented brothels and incurred huge debts. However, Hong Ziming’s family strictly disciplines him, so Hong Bin dared not report this and resorted to stealing exam papers for money. Last night, Hong Ziming, in a display of righteousness, personally imprisoned his son in the Court of Judicature and submitted a letter of apology. I have already detained Hong Bin in the Court of Judicature awaiting punishment.”


Xiao Shiqing spoke softly, “Hong Ziming is honest and fair, but unfortunately, he has a bad son.”


Zhao Qi listened attentively, “What should be done then?”


Xiao Shiqing glanced at Zhao Qi, “What does the Emperor think?”


“Each person should bear their own consequences. Let’s not hold Hong Ziming responsible for his son’s mistakes,” Zhao Qi said, “And the Prime Minister just mentioned that Hong Ziming is a good official.”


Xiao Shiqing nodded, “The Emperor’s consideration for the old official shows your benevolence and forgiveness.” After a moment of contemplation, he continued, “Hong Ziming will be dismissed from office for investigation due to his lax family discipline, allowing his son’s illegal actions. Hong Bin will be executed, and Hong Ziming should be present at the execution.”


Zhao Qi responded, “……” That’s ruthless.


“Does the Emperor approve of this handling?” Xiao Shiqing asked.


“…… Yes.”

T/N: There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep



Chapter 46

       The office lobby was empty, and there were no people. Zhan Weiyang stared earnestly in the direction of the elevator. Every time he saw an elevator going down to the first floor, he would open his eyes and look expectantly.

       After waiting for about three minutes, he saw Pei Qing appear from the opened elevator door in a hurry and walked towards him quickly.

       Pei Qing walked in front of Zhan Weiyang, bent down slightly, stretched out his hands to hold his arms, and asked, “Why are you here?”

       Zhan Weiyang raised the plastic bag in his right hand a little higher and said, “I brought you dinner.”

       Pei Qing looked down, smiled at Zhan Weiyang and said, “Such a good boy?”

       Zhan Weiyang nodded and asked him, “Are you hungry?”

       Pei Qing said, “I’m hungry. You came at the right time.”

       Zhan Weiyang felt very happy immediately.

       Pei Qing took his hand and led him to the elevator, saying, “Will you come with me?”

       Zhan Weiyang said, “Yes, yes!”

       There were only two of them in the elevator. Zhan Weiyang moved his feet and moved closer to Pei Qing. He carefully moved his hand holding the dumplings away, fearing that it would touch Pei Qing.

       Pei Qing naturally felt it and reached out to pat Zhan Weiyang on the back.

       In the company where he was interning, there was no one else in the office; only a light was on above Pei Qing’s desk.

       Pei Qing pushed a chair over and asked Zhan Weiyang to sit down first. Then, he sat next to him.

       Zhan Weiyang looked at the computer in front of Pei Qing, which was full of tables and data, so he asked Pei Qing, “Will you work overtime until late?”

       Pei Qing said, “No, I will be done soon.”

       Actually, he was just an intern, and he was not required to complete these tasks today, but he didn’t want to stop his work after sorting out half of them, so he simply stayed to work overtime.

       Zhan Weiyang put the plastic bag on the desk and asked quietly and expectantly, “Going to eat?”

       Pei Qing said: “Yes.”

       He reached out to untie the plastic bag, took out the lunch box and chopsticks inside, and asked, “What did you bring?”

       Zhan Weiyang said, “Dumplings.”

       Pei Qing opened a meal box and saw that it was filled with dumplings. There were about ten or twenty dumplings. There were four such boxes in total. He looked down and asked Zhan Weiyang, “Did you buy so many?”

       Zhan Weiyang counted on his fingers and told him, “I bought corn and pork, tomato and beef, leek and egg, and cabbage and pork. I think they all taste great, and I want to share them with you.”

       Pei Qing had no choice but to tidy up the items on the table. He opened all four lunch boxes and placed them neatly side by side. He then took out the vinegar packets and poured them into the lids of the boxes. Handing a pair of chopsticks to Zhan Weiyang, he asked, “Have you eaten?”

       Zhan Weiyang took the chopsticks and lied, “Not yet.”

       Pei Qing took another pair of chopsticks. He looked at the row of dumplings and asked Zhan Weiyang, “What filling do you want to eat?”

       Zhan Weiyang said, “Corn and pork.”

       The light was not very good, and Pei Qing could not easily tell which one was corn and pork. He picked one at random, picked it up, and put it to Zhan Weiyang’s lips, saying, “Smell it first. Is it corn and pork?”

       Zhan Weiyang smelled it obediently, frowned and shook his head, “I can’t smell it.”

       Pei Qing said, “Then take a bite and try it.”

       Zhan Weiyang took a bite, chewed while looking at the remaining half of the dumpling, and said regretfully, “Oh, it’s cabbage and pork.”

       Pei Qing said, “Cabbage and pork? Then I’ll eat it.” After that, he ate the remaining half of the dumpling himself and then asked Zhan Weiyang, “Which one do you want to eat next?”

       Zhan Weiyang was overjoyed. He felt like Pei Qing was playing a fun game with him. He carefully examined the dumplings in the boxes, then secretly picked the one that seemed the least like the others, pointing at it, “This one.”

       Pei Qing smiled, picked it up, and fed it to him, “Then try it?”

       Zhan Weiyang then took a bite and said, “It’s tomato and beef.”

       Pei Qing looked at him and said, “What should I do? It’s not corn and pork, so you can’t eat it.”

       Zhan Weiyang smiled at him and said, “It’s okay, you eat it first.”

       Pei Qing said, “I’ll eat it then?”

       Zhan Weiyang said, “Wait a minute.” He made sure to use his chopsticks to hold the remaining half of the dumpling over, to feed Pei Qing.

       Pei Qing cooperated and opened his mouth. Zhan Weiyang kept looking at him with bright eyes and waited until he finished eating the dumplings before asking, “Is it delicious?”

       Pei Qing nodded, “It’s delicious.”

       Zhan Weiyang quickly said, “I think it’s delicious too.”

       The two of them ate a few dumplings and suddenly heard someone knocking on the office door. Zhan Weiyang and Pei Qing turned their heads at the same time and saw a beautiful woman with long hair standing at the door wearing a long-sleeved sweater and a short black skirt.

       Zhan Weiyang had also seen that woman once before—it was Qin Yishan who had dinner with Pei Qing last time.

       Qin Yishan was stunned for a moment when he saw Zhan Weiyang but then smiled, “Younger cousin? Why are you here?”

       Zhan Weiyang did not answer but just glanced at Pei Qing nervously.

       Pei Qing stood up, smiled at Qin Yishan, and said, “He knew I was working overtime, so he brought me dinner.”

       “So nice?” Qin Yishan smiled, walked towards them, and walked to the front of Pei Qing’s desk.

       She looked down and saw the dumplings on the desk, and said, “So rich?” After that, she looked at Pei Qing and said, “I know you’re working overtime, and I wanted to invite you to dinner together.”

       Pei Qing remained standing as he said to Qin Yishan, “Do you want to join us? I’ll order some takeout.”

       As soon as he finished speaking, Zhan Weiyang couldn’t help but droop his mouth slightly, and his two round eyes blinked back and forth between the two of them.

       Qin Yishan didn’t notice Zhan Weiyang’s expression, and she just smiled at Pei Qing, “Forget it, how could I impose.”

       Pei Qing said, “Well, it’s a little shabby indeed. How about another day? I’ll treat you to a nice meal.”

       Actually, Qin Yishan was a little surprised. She thought that with Pei Qing’s personality, she should invite him twice more. Of course, she didn’t mind eating takeout dumplings with Pei Qing. She just politely refused. If Pei Qing continued to invite her, she would have ordered some more takeout for everyone to eat together, but she didn’t expect Pei Qing to just say forget it.

       She didn’t show these thoughts on her face. She just smiled and said, “Then you guys eat slowly. I’ll leave first.” Pei Qing accompany her to the door of the office.

       Qin Yishan stopped and asked Pei Qing, “So when is your other day going to be?”

       Pei Qing replied, “When are you free?”

       Qin Yishan said, “Why not tomorrow?”

       Zhan Weiyang waited for Pei Qing’s answer with some trepidation, and then he heard Pei Qing say, “Okay.” His tone was relaxed and natural.

       Qin Yishan smiled and lowered her head. Her long curly hair slid down from her shoulders and covered half of her face. When she turned to leave, she suddenly raised her hand and helped Pei Qing to tidy up the collar of her coat before saying, “I’m leaving.” Then she leaned over and waved to Zhan Weiyang, saying, “Little younger cousin, Sister is leaving.”

       Zhan Weiyang’s tone was not very energetic, but he said politely, “Goodbye.” When Qin Yishan really left, Pei Qing came back and sat down next to the desk. Seeing Zhan Weiyang’s depressed look, he asked, “What’s wrong?”

       Zhan Weiyang didn’t say anything.

       Pei Qing approached the remaining two boxes of dumplings, smelled the smell, picked up the corn and pork ones, picked them up and fed them to Zhan Weiyang, “Corn and pork.”

       Zhan Weiyang lowered his head to look at the dumplings for a while, opened his mouth and ate them.

       Pei Qing waited patiently for him to finish eating and picked up the second one for him. This time, when he fed it to his mouth, he heard him say, “I don’t want to eat anymore.”

       “Why?” Pei Qing looked at his expression.

       Zhan Weiyang looked a little sad and said, “I’ve had dinner.”

       Pei Qing put the dumplings back into the lunch box and asked him, “Didn’t you say you didn’t eat yet?”

       Zhan Weiyang lowered his head and blinked, “I lied to you.”

       Pei Qing asked again, “You really won’t eat any?”

       Zhan Weiyang said, “No.”

       Pei Qing said to him, “Then shall I eat the rest?”

       Zhan Weiyang nodded.

       Pei Qing reached out and touched his head and started eating the remaining dumplings.

       Zhan Weiyang looked up at him without saying a word, sitting quietly and motionless for a long time. It wasn’t until Pei Qing couldn’t finish the remaining dumplings and packed them into the box to take home that Zhan Weiyang mustered the energy to ask, “Are you going to have dinner with that sister tomorrow?”

       Pei Qing looked at him and said, “Yes.”

       Zhan Weiyang asked again, “Then you won’t come back for dinner?”

       Pei Qing said, “Not necessarily; maybe I’ll just have lunch with that sister.” Zhan Weiyang bit his lip, encouraged himself in his heart for a while, raised his head and asked, “Are you going to date her?”

The author has something to say:
I also think that the daily update is a bit short, mainly because I come back from work and start typing after a busy day. It’s hard to concentrate on writing three or four thousand words. When I used to update more than three thousand words a day, it was hard to maintain the quality of the article in the later chapters, and I would feel very tired. So now I slow down the pace and maintain this number of words and state. If you find that one chapter’s content isn’t enough, feel free to stockpile the chapters. I don’t mind at all…

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Chapter 11

       Of course, a handsome guy didn’t rank as high as a spicy hot pot.

       Qian Xiaoke had always been a very pragmatic person. Although he often had some unrealistic fantasies, he was well aware that those fantasies were even more ‘unrealistic’ than the term itself implied. Just thinking about them was enough; he wasn’t lucky enough to soar to the top and turn into a phoenix.

       Although he often spoke of envying Zhou Mo, he was well aware that Zhou Mo’s good life and great husband were the result of his own hard work. He started off from a higher point than he did; he couldn’t blame anyone else for that. He could only blame himself for not putting in the effort from the starting line. Now, it was too late for regret.

       Since it was too late to regret, he just needed to live a down-to-earth life now.

       Qian Xiaoke didn’t have lofty ambitions, but on the door of his refrigerator, he posted a ‘short-term goal’ that he changed every month.

       Each goal was very practical, such as getting a full attendance award this month, reading a book, or learning to cook a dish…

       Although it was really not difficult for him to get a full attendance award, he was very enthusiastic about work and was almost always the first to go to the company.

       Although reading wasn’t very difficult for him, he could finish a comic book rented from the bookstore downstairs in a day or spend a small fortune—ten yuan—to read enough BL novels priced at three cents per thousand words.

       Although learning to cook wasn’t too difficult for him, he could make a smashed cucumber salad and use some of it for a face mask.

       In short, although Qian Xiaoke was poor and knew that his future was not bright, he still tried to live a good life every day.

       Many people said that young people aimed too high but lacked the skills to match, but not Qian Xiaoke—he knew his own worth all too well.

       And his pragmatism was also reflected in his attitude towards love.

       He knew his own circumstances, so he never expected that he would one day end up with someone wealthy.

       Besides, Qian Xiaoke hypnotised himself like this every day: rich people are greasy middle-aged people with big bellies; I don’t want to waste my youth on such people.

       Of course, every time he thought so, his boss, Cheng Sen, would happen to pass by, and then Qian Xiaoke would have to add one more sentence—except my boss.

       Except for his boss. However, he wouldn’t dare to have bad intentions towards the boss.

       Qian Xiaoke had to be worthy of his friend Zhou Mo, and he didn’t want to be unemployed.

       Anyway, Qian Xiaoke, who didn’t have any extravagant expectations for love, treats rich handsome guys with the attitude of: I would not be able to get you.

       Because he knew he couldn’t get it, he didn’t take it to heart at all.

       This reasonably explained why, in Qian Xiaoke’s eyes, Jiang Tongyan was still not as important as a bowl of spicy hot pot.

       At least a spicy hot pot could fill the stomach, not to mention that this was the spicy hot pot he bought for 36 yuan!

       Who was this Jiang Tongyan person?

       Just a passerby who couldn’t get hard.

       At this time, the passerby who couldn’t get hard was frowning at him, watching him frantically add vinegar, sugar and chilli oil to the bowl.

       “You… have a strong taste!” Jiang Tongyan couldn’t help but sigh.

       Qian Xiaoke laughed, “What do you know? This is the essence of spicy hot pot!”

       He glanced at the person opposite, obviously looking down on him.

       Jiang Tongyan was somewhat frustrated after being scorned again. He suddenly felt that this inconspicuous little guy in front of him might be another nemesis of his fate.

       He came up with a plan—if Shen Huiming and this guy got together…

       But Jiang Tongyan soon came to his senses. It was possible that this guy liked Shen Huiming, but Shen Huiming was neither blind nor stupid, so how could he develop a relationship with this guy?


       “What’s wrong with you?” Qian Xiaoke was finally willing to devote 1% of his mind to ‘care’ for this rich and handsome guy.

       Although it was a bit embarrassing, Jiang Tongyan actually felt a little bit of human warmth because of Qian Xiaoke’s light ‘What’s wrong with you?’.


       “Ah?” Qian Xiaoke was finally willing to devote 2% of his mind to express a little surprise at his inexplicable sadness.

       Jiang Tongyan said pretentiously, “Because I think, in your eyes, I am not as good as a bowl of spicy hot pot.”

       Qian Xiaoke took chopsticks to stir the spicy hot pot, leaned over to smell it, and then gave a thumbs up, “Awesome.”

       “……” Okay… It turned out that this was just a one-man show; Jiang Tongyan rolled his eyes.

       But then again, Jiang Tongyan thought that this so-called spicy hot pot was actually quite good. As someone who had dined at high-end restaurants, he was initially filled with doubts when he first walked into the small shop—what kind of dish is this? If all the dishes are cooked together, wouldn’t all the flavours mix together and become a mess?

       Moreover, after he came in and looked around, he always suspected that the hygiene here was not up to standard!

       Jiang Tongyan just ordered a bowl of spicy hot pot with a try-it-out mentality. After all, he didn’t want a poor little guy to say that he was ignorant.

       He, Jiang Tongyan, did not allow himself to have a little blind spot in knowledge.

       Perhaps because he didn’t come in with expectations at all, he felt that the spicy hot pot tasted good when he ate it.

       He ate slowly and leisurely. Although his persona often collapsed when facing Qian Xiaoke, Jiang Tongyan was still a promising young man with a good family education and a scholarly family. Even if he were eating a spicy hot pot, he would not wolf it down like the boy sitting opposite him, as if he had not eaten for a hundred years.

       He said, “Can you taste the flavour if you eat like that?”

       “Hmm?” Qian Xiaoke was picking up a piece of lettuce and stuffing it into his mouth like a rabbit, “Ah?”

       He bit the lettuce, and half of it was still sticking out, “What?”

       Jiang Tongyan couldn’t stand it anymore. How did this guy manage to sit with no semblance of proper posture and eat with no manners at all?

       He waved his hand, “Just eat yours!”

       So Qian Xiaoke continued to eat his spicy hot pot with his head down. Jiang Tongyan, opposite him, carefully picked up a few noodles and then carefully put them into his mouth, tasting them carefully, trying to feel the exquisiteness of this ‘delicacy’. 

       However, the reason why he was so careful was that he was also worried that the soup would get on his clothes.

       Although it was not a white shirt, no matter what colour it was, he felt that once the soup got on the clothes, it would basically be ruined.

       Qian Xiaoke had no time to pay attention to Jiang Tongyan when he started eating. He had to devote himself to his 36 yuan spicy hot pot.

       Jiang Tongyan glanced at him from time to time. He didn’t know whether his brain was broken or his eyes were broken. He couldn’t help laughing while watching.

       “What are you laughing at?” Qian Xiaoke ate with no sense of decorum, and a thin layer of sweat had appeared on his forehead.

       Jiang Tongyan said, “Laughing at your ugliness.”

       Qian Xiaoke rolled his eyes at him.

       This was the second time Jiang Tongyan said Qian Xiaoke was ugly. The first time he said it behind his back; this time, he said it in front of him. Qian Xiaoke suspected that Jiang Tongyan would be using the big loudspeaker that the old man who collected waste carried all day to shout everywhere next time.

       “Do you think you are good-looking?” Qian Xiaoke was not convinced, “Don’t be so proud.”

       Jiang Tongyan still looked at him and smiled.

       This time, Jiang Tongyan really didn’t mean to anger him. He really thought Qian Xiaoke’s eating style was ugly.

       Ugly in a humorous way.

       He liked watching it.

       The people around Jiang Tongyan had always been in the same world as him. They grew up in a disciplined manner, were organised in their actions and speech, chewed slowly and ate with dignified grace, and even during casual friend gatherings, they maintained proper conduct.

       That was their habit.

       Just like Qian Xiaoke’s habit of eating food in a hurry when he saw it.

       Perhaps because of the novelty, Jiang Tongyan saw Qian Xiaoke eating like this, and from the initial discomfort, he gradually felt that it was a little cute.

       Of course, the premise was that this kid would not splash the oil and soup in his bowl onto Jiang Tongyan’s shirt.

       All the happiness and cuteness came to an abrupt end at this moment, and Jiang Tongyan had to sigh again that this kid was his nemesis.

       This was his newly bought shirt!

       3,678 yuan!

       Who’s going to pay for it?

       Qian Xiaoke didn’t know what he had done yet and was still immersed in his 36 yuan spicy hot pot.

       “Qian Xiaoke.”


       “You did it on purpose?” Jiang Tongyan’s voice became cold.

       Qian Xiaoke looked up at him in confusion and then saw Jiang Tongyan pointing at a certain spot on his dark blue shirt, which had a drop of stain on it.

       “…I did it?”

       “Who else?” Jiang Tongyan said, “Are you a pig?”

       Qian Xiaoke took a closer look and found that it was really a fresh stain, and he even sniffed it hard.

       Jiang Tongyan was so angry that he was dizzy and decided to stay away from this guy in the future. He was basically a time bomb, and he didn’t know where Qian Xiaoke would explode!

       “Forget it,” Jiang Tongyan stood up, “I’m unlucky to meet you.”

       From now on, no need to see him again.

       Jiang Tongyan finally understood that this guy was someone he couldn’t afford to offend. He could at least avoid him if he couldn’t afford to offend!

       He was about to leave, but Qian Xiaoke grabbed his arm.

       “Wait a minute!” Qian Xiaoke quickly pulled him back, “Come here.”

       Jiang Tongyan looked at him in horror, not knowing what this guy was going to do.

       He had already suffered a lot of injuries from him! He couldn’t afford to be hurt anymore, okay?

       Unexpectedly, Qian Xiaoke opened his black schoolbag and took out a pack of tissues from it.

       Jiang Tongyan sighed helplessly, “Big brother, this is an oil stain. Please don’t screw me over because of this, okay?”

       “What do you know!” Qian Xiaoke pulled out a tissue and quickly stuck it on Jiang Tongyan’s shirt.

       Jiang Tongyan was angry and didn’t dare to say anything. He watched nervously, fearing that if this guy rubbed it hard, his clothes would be completely ruined.

       Fortunately, Qian Xiaoke just stuck the tissue there and didn’t rub it randomly.

       “This thing is amazing,” Qian Xiaoke said, “Come on, it’s time to witness the miracle!”

       He pressed it a few times and then carefully wiped the place. When he removed the paper towel, the oil stain was so light that it was almost invisible.

       “…For real?” Jiang Tongyan picked up his shirt and looked at it carefully.

       Qian Xiaoke said proudly, “Amazing, isn’t it?! Stain removal wipes are a must-have for those of us who often eat spicy hot pot! You rich people are really ignorant!”

I will be uploading once a week until I finished translating this
Once I reached the end, I will increase the upload to 2x/week~

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Chapter 29 – Disappearance

Chapter 29: Disappearance


Steam rose from the pot as Su Muluo opened a package of frozen dumplings and began boiling them.


He had returned from the Bureau of Extraordinary Beings early in the morning and had not eaten anything since. Fortunately, there was a small pot in the staff lounge, and he had bought a bag of frozen dumplings from the shop across the street, making it his breakfast.


While the dumplings were cooking, the little black dragon lay languidly nearby. After a while, it caught the aroma of the dumplings and immediately perked up its head.


Su Muluo ignored it, and the dragon slowly inched closer to the edge of the pot, staring longingly.




It wanted to eat.


“I’m not giving you any,” Su Muluo said, “You bit me just now.”


The little black dragon replied with a plaintive “Yip!”


That was because you called me a little dog first!


Su Muluo said, “I apologized afterward. Why did you still bite me!”


The little black dragon fell silent.


It certainly wouldn’t admit that it found the phoenix’s aroma irresistible and didn’t want to let go.


Su Muluo noticed its silence and poked it, feeling that the dragon had a mischievous mind.


However, after the dumplings were done, he took a small bowl and ladled a few into it for the dragon.


As Su Muluo and the dragon enjoyed their dumplings in the café, Qian Sui slowly came out of the staff lounge. It first sniffed the air and then looked at Su Muluo, saying, “It seems like someone is outside.”


Su Muluo replied, “Don’t worry about them. Do you want some dumplings?”


The illusion spells were as sophisticated as high-level illusions. The bird people who were watching could only see what he wanted them to see. However, his patience was limited. If they didn’t leave after a while… he would have to “invite” them to leave.


Qian Sui wasn’t interested in dumplings and turned away. The little black dragon, however, raised its head warily at Su Muluo’s words and clung protectively to its bowl, looking as though it was guarding its food.


Su Muluo chuckled, saying, “You little glutton, you can’t finish all these dumplings by yourself.”


The little black dragon responded, “Yip!”


That doesn’t mean I’ll give any to others!


These are dumplings the phoenix made for me!


Su Muluo said, “They weren’t made for you. You just snatched them from me.”


Saying this, he added a few more dumplings to the dragon’s bowl.


After breakfast, Su Muluo noticed that the bird people were still nearby and had not left as expected. He put the little black dragon into his pocket and left the café.


A short while later, he returned as if nothing had happened, holding a feather from a bird and playfully teasing the little black dragon, which was poking its head out of his pocket.


The little black dragon looked at the black feather with some disdain, thinking it was neither beautiful nor soft, nowhere near as good as its own phoenix.


Then, it climbed out of the pocket and transformed back into its human form.


“I have a phoenix feather now,” Long Ling said, lifting his hand and showing off the feather pendant. He then wrapped his arms around Su Muluo’s waist, “The phoenix’s is still the best, soft and fragrant. No other bird compares.”


Su Muluo pushed him away, saying, “That doesn’t mean you get to hold me.”


Long Ling refused to let go, snuggling closer to Su Muluo’s shoulder with a clingy gesture.


Having only been human for a few days, his true nature had already been fully revealed. Every day, he clung to his phoenix and wouldn’t let go when he hugged.


Su Muluo looked at the dragon and really wanted to stuff him back into his egg, but since that was impossible, he rubbed the dragon’s head messily.


The bird people who had been spying had been driven away. Throughout the day, many customers came into the café, but the young man with the earring did not appear.


Previously, the young man would always come when the café opened, but today he did not—under normal circumstances, Su Muluo might not have cared, but now he suspected the young man might be Feng Hen’s illegitimate child and felt it necessary to pay more attention.


Feng Xuan came to find the former clan leader’s illegitimate child but unexpectedly died in the hotel. Before he died, he said there were two factions among the bird people—one loyal to the former clan leader Feng Hen and the other to the Grand Elder.


If the Grand Elder’s faction killed Feng Xuan and the young man was indeed Feng Hen’s illegitimate child, then his situation would undoubtedly be very dangerous.


Su Muluo wondered whether the bird people knew about the young man’s existence now… or whether his absence from the café today was related to the bird people.


With this thought, Su Muluo turned his attention to Qian Sui, who had just returned from outside.


Qian Sui looked at Su Muluo with vigilance, clearly on guard.


Su Muluo spoke gently, “Did you mark every person who took a cat from the shop before?”


Qian Sui nodded and asked, “Why?”


Su Muluo said, “Please take me to the home of the person who took the black cat.”


The young man who had taken a cat from his shop was the only black cat among the group of cats.


Qian Sui thought for a moment and said, “The marks from several days ago have already faded.” It paused and then added, “But I went to his house the day before yesterday and know the location.”


Without delay, Su Muluo and Long Ling followed Qian Sui to the young man’s home.


When Su Muluo first met the young man, he felt a strange aura around him, but it didn’t seem like demonic energy—now he realized the young man was probably a half-demon whose powers hadn’t fully awakened yet, so there was no demonic energy.


Before awakening, a half-demon, despite having demonic blood, is no different from an ordinary human and would not be detected.


Half an hour later, Su Muluo and Long Ling, guided by Qian Sui, arrived at an ordinary apartment, went up to the fifth floor, and stopped in front of a door.


Qian Sui circled the door and said, “This is the place.”


Su Muluo moved forward to knock, but Long Ling said, “No need to knock. There’s no one inside.”


Then, he simply kicked open the door.


Qian Sui looked on in surprise.


It glanced at Su Muluo, as if questioning why he wasn’t doing anything.


Su Muluo looked at Long Ling, finding that the dragon’s senses seemed far more acute than the phoenix’s… feeling a bit envious.


The door opened, and a black cat, startled, immediately jumped onto the sofa.


Long Ling entered before his phoenix, surveying the room and saying, “There’s no sign of bird people here.”


Su Muluo was surprised, “You can even detect that?” It seemed the dragon’s senses were indeed very sharp, making him even more envious.


Long Ling’s lips curved slightly, “Yes, I can sense many auras, but the one I remember the most is the phoenix’s.” He added proudly, “Even if one day the phoenix runs away, I could track you down by the scent of the phoenix.”


Su Muluo ignored the latter part and walked into the room.


The room was not large and was likely lived in by a single person. However, it was filled with cat beds and climbing structures, and there were several dishes of cat food and fresh water on the floor, enough to feed a cat for several days.


The black cat, scared by the intruders, huddled on a climbing structure and refused to come down. Qian Sui walked to the base and meowed up at it.


The two cats meowed back and forth, and Qian Sui turned to Su Muluo, saying, “He left by himself. He didn’t seem well before he left, like he was sick… but no one threatened him.”


This was quite consistent with Su Muluo’s guess. The lack of bird people’s aura indicated they hadn’t discovered the young man. The food and water for the cat suggested the young man was clear-headed before leaving and had ample time.


But why did he leave in the first place?


Was something wrong?


Su Muluo fell silent. The immediate priority was to find the young man. However, Lin City was so large that finding him might be quite challenging.


At this moment, Qian Sui said, “I have many friends scattered throughout the city. They might help find that person.”


Without waiting for Su Muluo’s response, it quickly added, “I’m not helping you. I just want to help Doushi find its owner.”


Doushi was the black cat in the room. Su Muluo looked at the black cat and then at Qian Sui, smiling slightly, “Thank you. I’ll give you a couple more cans of cat food when we return.”


Qian Sui said, “Three cans.”


Then it ran out with the black cat.


After they left, Su Muluo closed the door.


Su Muluo turned to Long Ling and said, “Let’s head back and wait for news.”


Long Ling nodded, gazing at the phoenix without saying a word.


Perhaps he needed to have his own connections, his own influence, he thought. This way, he could better help his phoenix, provide everything the phoenix wanted… and prevent anyone from taking the phoenix away.


Su Muluo didn’t know what Long Ling was thinking. He patted Long Ling’s head, who then took his hand.


On the way back, Su Muluo felt that Long Ling seemed preoccupied and was unusually tight-lipped, which was very strange.


“What’s wrong?” Su Muluo asked, staring at Long Ling. “If you don’t tell me soon, I’ll ignore you.”


Long Ling looked at him, wrapped his arms around Su Muluo’s waist, and said, “I want to keep a phoenix.”


Su Muluo laughed upon hearing this, “And how do you plan to do that? I don’t have any salary to give you.”


Long Ling said, “I can earn it myself.”


He looked very determined, which only made Su Muluo more curious. “How will you earn it? Are you going to get a job?”


Long Ling thought for a moment and said, “I’ll see if there are any ways to make money.”


Su Muluo handed him his phone, “Here, look for yourself.”


By the time they returned to the café, Long Ling had already been looking at his phone for a while. Su Muluo intended to make a cup of coffee for him and the dragon, but suddenly Long Ling exclaimed, “This one can earn three thousand a month!”


“That’s a lot!” Su Muluo thought, wondering what job could earn so little. He leaned over to see—


Brick moving.


“……” He said, “Try another one.”


Long Ling said, “Oh,” and after a while, handed Su Muluo the phone again. “How about this one? This one can earn ten thousand!”


Su Muluo glanced again—food delivery.




Su Muluo took the phone away.


Long Ling asked, “?”


“Can’t you find a more decent job?” Su Muluo tapped him on the head. “You’re a dragon!”


It was rather pitiful to think that the world’s only true dragon could only do brick moving or food delivery.


Long Ling held his hand and said, “But it says here that food delivery can earn ten thousand a month—can the phoenix’s shop earn that much?”


If he worked for fifty months, that would be fifty thousand, enough to buy a diamond ring!


Su Muluo said, “Of course, it can earn much more than that.”


With his shop, Su Muluo could sell several cups of special coffee every day, and just from the special coffee, he could earn over ten thousand a month, which was definitely better than food delivery.


Long Ling thought for a moment and said, “But that’s not money I’ve earned. I’ve never earned money before.”


His tone was a bit dejected.


Seeing that his dragon was getting unhappy, Su Muluo patted his head and smiled, “It doesn’t matter. We don’t need to worry about money. We came here for fun, not to make money.”


His tone was gentle, but Long Ling didn’t seem comforted. “No, if we don’t make money now, how will we buy a diamond ring for the phoenix?”


Su Muluo was about to say that he wasn’t really interested in a diamond ring when Long Ling added, “Then I can marry the phoenix and make her my wife.”


Su Muluo: “?”


Marry what?


Do what?


“We also need to buy a big house so the phoenix can lay eggs for me,” Long Ling continued seriously, then said, “No, don’t buy eggs. Just get a big house to keep the phoenix.”


He seemed a bit happy talking about this, “Then I can keep the phoenix in the big house and touch her feathers every day.”


Su Muluo: “??? ”


He was about to angrily say, “You can touch yourself,” but heard Long Ling sigh, as if suddenly coming back to reality, and said gloomily, “So we need to save money quickly. Otherwise, what if the phoenix thinks I’m poor and runs off with another wild man?”


Su Muluo: “……”


Long Ling looked at him with a bit of grievance, “The phoenix doesn’t comfort me. I feel like the phoenix doesn’t like me.”


Then he grabbed Su Muluo’s hand and loudly complained, “I’m unhappy! I want the phoenix to be affectionate! A hundred times of affection!”


Su Muluo: “…………”


Su Muluo expressionlessly shook off Long Ling’s hand.


“Go move bricks then!”

T/N: Hello hello! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!


Chapter 10

       What kind of person was Qian Xiaoke?

       Eating a spicy hotpot required careful budgeting.

       A bowl of spicy hotpot, no matter how hungry you were, should not cost more than 20 yuan. This was the basic quality of a poor person.

       But now, a bowl of 36 yuan deluxe spicy hotpot was in front of him.

       Lu Xun once said, “If you don’t take advantage of a bargain, you are an idiot.”

       Qian Xiaoke didn’t want to be an idiot, so he tried to take advantage of it.

       But Qian Xiaoke also understood a truth, there was no free lunch in the world.

       He said, “Mr. Jiang, how about we split the bill.”

       “Split the bill?” Jiang Tongyan looked at him puzzledly.

       “Yes,” Qian Xiaoke pointed to the deluxe spicy hotpot and said, “36 a bowl, I pay 18.”

       Then, Jiang Tongyan almost laughed to death.

       He swore that in his wonderful life over the past 30 years, he had seen all kinds of people, but he had never seen someone like Qian Xiaoke, who wanted to take advantage but was timid and felt that he would lose if he didn’t take advantage.

       “And then we both eat a bowl?” Jiang Tongyan teased him deliberately.

       He found that teasing Qian Xiaoke was a particularly fun thing in life. His life was boring, and he was anxious about impotence recently. If he was not too busy at work, he really planned to go to a psychologist to talk. However, now it seemed that teasing Qian Xiaoke was obviously more effective than talking to a psychologist, and it costs less, only 36.

       No, maybe it only costs 18 yuan.

       Qian Xiaoke, you are really…cheap!

       “Of course not!” Qian Xiaoke’s body trembled, “I have mysophobia! I can’t share a bowl with others!”

       The mysophobia was fake, but he was reluctant to share half a bite with others.

       “Mysophobia?” Jiang Tongyan laughed out loud, “It’s really unlikely. I’ve seen people with mysophobia before, and you don’t have the slightest trace of mysophobia.”

       “If I say so, then it is so.” Qian Xiaoke said, “If you want to eat, just order it yourself.”

       Jiang Tongyan raised his eyebrows at him, “Oh, I did order it.”

       As he spoke, Jiang Tongyan’s spicy hot pot was ready.

       The 36-yuan deluxe spicy hot pot made Qian Xiaoke drool.

       It was great to be rich.

       In the past, no matter how hard Qian Xiaoke’s life was or how much he contrasted with Zhou Mo, he never expressed such emotion. At that time, Qian Xiaoke was indifferent when he saw Zhou Mo showing off his luxury house, luxury car, and luxury bags on Weibo. However, a bowl of spicy hot pot for 36 yuan made him sigh, ‘It’s great to be rich!’

       “Want to eat?” Jiang Tongyan said, “I’ll treat you.”

       Qian Xiaoke saw the teasing in his eyes. Although he didn’t know how to write the word ‘teasing’, he directly replaced the ‘teasing’ with pinyin in his mind, but he knew that Jiang Tongyan was humiliating him.

       “No need!” Qian Xiaoke took out his mobile phone, scanned the code to pay, and then said proudly, “Boss! Give me a 36 yuan Supreme Super Thunderbolt Deluxe Spicy Hotpot!”

       Jiang Tongyan couldn’t help laughing when he heard his series of prefixes.

       Impulse brought momentary pleasure, but constant impulsiveness led to disaster.

       Qian Xiaoke ordered 36 yuan of spicy hotpot because of impulse, but when he entered the password to pay, his heart was bleeding.

       With his meagre monthly salary, he scrimped and saved just to get by. This one meal of spicy hotpot was enough to buy him a piece of clothing.

       He could wear a 36-yuan T-shirt for at least two summers. If he washed it less often and gently, he could wear it for three years. Even when it was finally worn out, it could still be used as pyjamas. And now, that amount was gone in a single meal.

       But for the sake of his pride, Qian Xiaoke still paid.

       After paying, he sat opposite Jiang Tongyan and waited for his spicy hotpot.

       “Aren’t you a mysophobe?”

       “What? What’s wrong?” Qian Xiaoke deliberately picked a fight, “Do you discriminate against us mysophobes?”

       “That’s not the case,” Jiang Tongyan said, “Since you are a mysophobe, why don’t you wipe the chair before sitting down?”

       “… I’ll wipe it now!”

       While eating this legendary spicy hotpot, Jiang Tongyan watched Qian Xiaoke rub the chair with a tissue.

       “Why are you so funny?” Jiang Tongyan said, “You pretended not to know me at Cheng Sen’s place today.”

       “Who are you again?” Qian Xiaoke started to act stupid again.

       “Oh, you really don’t know me?” Jiang Tongyan said, “Do you have intermittent amnesia?”

       Qian Xiaoke pouted and ignored him. He stared in the direction of the kitchen, looking forward to his spicy hotpot.

       Jiang Tongyan stole a glance at Qian Xiaoke and started teasing him again.

       “Hey, do you know why I returned to China this time?”

       Qian Xiaoke didn’t answer but suddenly became nervous.

       The tone of the man opposite became a little serious, which made him very uneasy.

       He thought: Could it be that he came back to settle accounts with me and let me take responsibility?

       During this period, he looked up a lot of information on the treatment of impotence on the internet. To be honest, it was very difficult to treat it, and first of all, he had to figure out whether Jiang Tongyan’s problem was psychological or physical.

       If it was psychological, it might really be his fault. Although he didn’t want to, he might have to take the responsibility of a man.

       But then again, if it was physical, this man was not good at first, then it was not his fault; he was also a victim!

       While Qian Xiaoke’s brain was spinning rapidly, Jiang Tongyan spoke again, “I did it all for you.”

       Qian Xiaoke was almost choked to death by the air he inhaled.

       Jiang Tongyan deliberately acted gentle, “Have you heard that song? I can’t forget the first time I saw you, a pair of charming eyes…”

       “Brother, don’t speak.” Qian Xiaoke stopped the man from continuing to sing.

       Actually, it was not because Jiang Tongyan sang badly. To be honest, he sang well, and Qian Xiaoke was about to change his mind about him.

       In order not to have pity for his enemy, Qian Xiaoke interrupted him in time.

       “I’m serious,” Jiang Tongyan felt that it was a pity not to act. He was so handsome and so good at acting. Maybe he could win the best actor when he debuted. “After seeing you that time, I couldn’t forget you.”

       This much was true. Qian Xiaoke was really in his dreams.

       However, this so-called ‘can’t forget’ was that he couldn’t wait to catch this kid, peel off his skin and throw him out to plant flowers.

       Jiang Tongyan was so angry that his teeth itched.

       Qian Xiaoke had never encountered such a thing.

       He had been quite good looking since he was a child, but his love life was really not smooth.

       What he said to Jiang Tongyan when he was drunk at Zhou Mo’s birthday party that day was true. He was the kind of person who fell in love with everyone he met. As long as the one was pretty, he would be immediately attracted to the person. However, he had never had a serious relationship. Everyone said to him when they rejected him, “Xiaoke, your soul runs too fast. I can’t keep up.”

       Qian Xiaoke didn’t know what they meant before, but then he realised that all these guys were into that kind of high-mountain flower or sexy temptress, but he was like a furry bunny all day long, and this overly jumpy personality made the dudes think he was a psychopath.

       He felt wronged.

       Qian Xiaoke felt that he could also be sexy and cute.

       Qian Xiaoke, who had never had a smooth love life, was inevitably confused when someone ‘confessed’ to him for the first time.

       He turned around and looked at Jiang Tongyan, “You… to me…” Qian Xiaoke suddenly said shyly, “Did you fall in love at first sight?”

       Jiang Tongyan watched the little guy take the bait, and his tail was so proud that it stood up.

       He was going to catch this little fish and grill it!

       “What do you think?” Jiang Tongyan sighed sadly, “Actually, I don’t know myself. After all, I have never loved.”

       Never loved? Qian Xiaoke thought, shouldn’t you rich people live a decadent life of luxury?

       But he thought again, that’s right, in a world of luxury, there is no such thing as true love.

       Rich people are really pitiful.

       “I only know that I think of you every day when I open my eyes and close my eyes. I always think of you when I am distracted when I am doing things. Every day in New York feels like a year. In the past half month, I seem to have aged ten years.” Jiang Tongyan said, “You could say, I am doing this to you—”

       “Mine! Mine! Mine!” Jiang Tongyan had not finished his pretentious heartfelt confession when Qian Xiaoke’s eyes suddenly lit up, and he stood up and shouted to the back kitchen, “Boss! My spicy hotpot!”

       Alright then.

       Jiang Tongyan saw that in the eyes of this little bastard, he, a handsome guy, was not as important as a bowl of spicy hotpot.

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Chapter 9

       Qian Xiaoke felt aggrieved.

       From childhood to adulthood, no one had ever praised him for being smart, but people often praised him for being good-looking and cute.

       He knew that although he was not the reincarnation of Daji1Daji was the favourite consort of King Zhou of Shang, the last king of the Shang dynasty in ancient China. In legends and fictions, she is portrayed as a malevolent fox spirit who kills and impersonates the real Daji. Her identification as a fox spirit seems to have originated from at least the Tang dynasty. who could captivate anyone with his smile, he certainly wasn’t ugly. Jiang Tongyan was definitely seeking revenge on him.

       Qian Xiaoke always had a good temper, but the only thing he could not tolerate was others saying he was ugly. However, now that he was in the company and this person was sitting in the boss’s office, Qian Xiaoke had to endure it.

       He walked in angrily and served tea and water to the ‘guest’ in a very professional manner.

       Jiang Tongyan watched him with a breath held, thinking to himself: I’d better not drink this water; who knows if this little trickster has spat into it.

       Jiang Tongyan was a cautious person and would not give the enemy any opportunity to retaliate.

       To the casual observer, these two seemed like there was nothing much going on, but in reality, there were undercurrents beneath the surface. Cheng Sen, sitting on the side, was thoroughly entertained, feeling as though he was watching a brilliant pantomime, one that he couldn’t even buy a ticket to see.

       Cheng Sen was smart. No matter how the two pretended to be strangers, he didn’t believe that they really had no story.

       He didn’t ask questions or interfere; he just let the two of them carry on with their antics.

       After returning to the front desk, Qian Xiaoke was upset. He would ask anyone who passed by him, “Am I ugly?”

       The answer was, without exception, “No! How can our company’s mascot be ugly!”

       As the mascot, Qian Xiaoke was still unhappy, and pulled the colleague who liked to gossip and asked, “What do you think of my appearance?”

       “The little face is still good.” The colleague said, “It’s just that the butt is a little flat.”

       Then, the colleague began to tell him that a plastic surgery hospital had opened in a certain place that could do buttocks filling, and he suggested that Qian Xiaoke save money and go for one.

       Qian Xiaoke: “You go, I have to continue working!”

       He would never spend money on that kind of place, not in this life!

       However, while sorting out the express delivery to be sent today, he was thinking: Is my butt really so flat that it needs to be filled?


       When Jiang Tongyan and Cheng Sen came out of the office, it was already lunchtime. Qian Xiaoke was sitting there eating his spicy hot pot.

       Although he was in a bad mood, he still had to eat.

       When Jiang Tongyan passed by him, he smelled the smell and was a little curious. He pretended to take a casual look.

       Qian Xiaoke raised his eyes and glared at him, thinking: What are you looking at?!

       “What is this food?” Jiang Tongyan turned around and asked Cheng Sen.

       It smells pretty good!

       When Qian Xiaoke heard it, he complained in his heart: Are all rich people so ignorant? They don’t even know about spicy hot pot?

       “Malatang2spicy hot pot.” Cheng Sen said, “Do you want to try it?”

       “I’m not eating that,” Jiang Tongyan said, contradicting his true feelings, “It doesn’t even look good.”

       Qian Xiaoke rolled his eyes, and after the two entered the elevator, he said, “So sheltered! I despise you!”

       After Jiang Tongyan left, Qian Xiaoke felt that the air in the company became fresher–although this fresh smell was actually spicy hotpot-flavoured.

       Of course, he also heard from his colleagues that the person they previously suspected to be Chairman Cheng’s affair partner was actually Jiang Tongyan. It turned out there was no affair at all—Cheng Sen had personally gone to pick up Jiang Tongyan and bring him to the company.

       The misunderstanding was resolved, and Qian Xiaoke no longer had to think about whether he would lose his job.

       For the rest of the afternoon, he didn’t see their Chairman Cheng at all. He stayed at his post, handling over a dozen deliveries and answering five phone calls. Then, when the time came, he happily and contentedly clocked out for the day.

       The world without Jiang Tongyan was a real paradise.

       When Qian Xiaoke went downstairs, he thought: Let’s not continue this bad fate. Please, God, don’t let us meet again!

       He was really afraid—afraid that Jiang Tongyan would make him responsible.

       Qian Xiaoke walked out of the office building and walked towards the subway station. While walking, he scanned the snack shops on the roadside with his eyes, thinking about what to eat in the evening.

       What to eat in the morning? What to eat at noon? What to eat at night?

       These were the three most confusing things for modern humans.

       Sometimes, there was no coincidence.

       Just a few minutes ago, Qian Xiaoke was thinking he never wanted to see Jiang Tongyan again and that even if he did, he’d keep a ten-meter distance. But he quickly forgot the promise he made to himself.

       When he passed by the spicy hot pot restaurant he often went to, he actually saw the familiar yet strange, handsome but somewhat difficult-to-describe figure.

       What did this guy say at noon?

       “It doesn’t even look good.”— Qian Xiaoke still remembers this sentence!

       After all this time, the rich were also honest in words.

       He originally didn’t intend to provoke the other party, but suddenly thought of being called ugly by this guy today, and he couldn’t get over it.

       Some people’s words could be forgiven, but some people and some words were absolutely unforgivable.

       Saying that he was ugly was unforgivable.

       Qian Xiaoke would not only not forgive him but would also go over to ridicule him!

       Qian Xiaoke walked into the spicy hot pot restaurant, straightened his back, and walked towards Jiang Tongyan.

       “Hey! Who is this!” Qian Xiaoke pretended to be surprised and looked at Jiang Tongyan, “This is not… This is not that… That…”

       Jiang Tongyan turned his head when he heard the voice, and his eyes almost fell out when he saw Qian Xiaoke.

       “Isn’t this Shen Huiming!” Qian Xiaoke did it on purpose. He was so deliberate.

       Although he knew that revenge would never end, he felt that it was not a gentleman not to take revenge.

       In Jiang Tongyan’s world, Shen Huiming was not a taboo at first, but then it was, all because of this Qian Xiaoke.

       “…What did you say?” Jiang Tongyan stared at the person in front of him, his voice as cold as a big ice cube just taken out of the freezer.

       Qian Xiaoke was frozen by his tone, and on the night of early autumn, he couldn’t help but shiver.

       “I… Humph.” Qian Xiaoke was scared because the man’s eyes were a bit scary.

       In fact, Qian Xiaoke was a coward. When he encountered something, he was very good at running away, and it was definitely not okay to confront him head-on.

       He leaned aside guiltily and muttered softly, “I-I recognised the wrong person.”

       “Recognised the wrong person?”

       Jiang Tongyan was irritated. Qian Xiaoke took a step, and he followed, pressing step by step, with no intention of giving up.

       He thought Qian Xiaoke was really interesting. He hadn’t settled accounts with this little liar yet, but this guy actually came to pick a fight first. It was obvious that he didn’t want to have an easy life.

       Qian Xiaoke was a little panicked, and he suddenly realised that ‘one would not be in trouble had one not asked for it’ is definitely a wise saying.

       Why did he even bother?

       Being called ugly wouldn’t make his butt shrink by two inches; if the person wanted to say it, so be it.

       Now he was cornered, and if things had really turned into a fight later…

       He recalled the man’s muscles and felt that he had no chance of winning.

       Just when Qian Xiaoke was anxious and guilty, he was suddenly hugged by the shoulders.

       Qian Xiaoke was shocked. His body was straight, like a zombie. He turned to look at Jiang Tongyan, “Big brother, what’s the matter?”

       Jiang Tongyan smiled at him, “Why call me brother, so polite.”

       Qian Xiaoke thought this man might be possessed, otherwise, why would he suddenly become so… amiable?

       Jiang Tongyan was certainly not possessed, but he found another way to get revenge.

       Life was too boring. It seemed like a good thing to tease this guy who make fun of him and hurt him.

       “What do you want to eat?” Jiang Tongyan pinched his shoulders hard, “This gege will treat you.”

       This gege will treat you, depending on whether you dare to eat.

       Qian Xiaoke should have run away at this time, but when he heard that someone was treating him, Qian Xiaoke suddenly wavered.

       “How about this?” Jiang Tongyan pointed to the ‘Deluxe Spicy Hotpot’ on the sign and said, “36 yuan a bowl of spicy hotpot, worthy of your honourable status?”

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