Day: October 16, 2023

Chapter 4 – It's hard to escape from the Omegaverse trope!

Chapter 4


“First of all, Mr. Qu, I congratulate you on joining Tangyi,” Tang Chaobai’s assistant, Qiu Wenhuan, extended his hand.


Qu Di smiled and shook his hand, saying, “Thank you. It’s an honor to join Tangyi.”


Qiu Wenhuan looked down at the paper in his hand and began to explain the tasks Tang Chaobai had assigned to him: “Before your formal employment, we will arrange a two-week training for you. Do you have any questions?”




“Well, can you start the training next week?”


“That’s fine.”


He couldn’t wait to start working tomorrow.


Qiu Wenhuan was quite satisfied and handed a folder to Qu Di: “Please take a look at this in the next two days.”


Qu Di picked it up and estimated that it contained several dozen pages of documents. He thought it might be company regulations or something similar. However, when he opened it, the cover bore a large title: “Life Assistant Rules, 100 Guidelines.”


Qu Di raised an eyebrow in confusion. Qiu Wenhuan still had an official smile on his face and gestured for him to continue reading.


Qu Di cautiously turned to the first page, only to be met with densely packed text, five-point font, single-spaced, enough to make one’s eyes hurt.


  1. Xiyan has a bad temper, and he’s a master of foul language. He can curse at you for 24 hours without repeating a word, making you question your life. So, please remember, you can ignore any off-topic talk outside of work. Maintaining a calm attitude is crucial. If you can’t handle it, read some scriptures. If you can’t find any, ask Xiyan’s agent, Mr. Chou Fei. Also, you must control him to prevent him from using profanity in front of the media. Each occurrence deducts a thousand from his salary.


  1. Xiyan likes to sleep in. If you wake him up, he’ll be in a foul mood, and it might lead to murder. So, on holidays, do not wake him up unless necessary. If you have to wake him, prepare a cup of sweet milk tea in advance. He likes it sweet but with half the sugar and minimal ice. He can only take a few sips, as he’s an idol who needs to maintain his figure. During this time, he’ll likely start swearing, so remember rule number one.


  1. Do not let Xiyan dye his hair or go out before the start of filming a TV series. It’s best to keep him indoors and maintain good eating habits to ensure he’s in the best condition for filming.



Qu Di glanced at Qiu Wenhuan, wanting to ask many questions, but he didn’t know where to start. Was he sure they were looking for a life assistant and not a nanny? Why did it seem like there was a potential threat involved?


Qiu Wenhuan seemed oblivious to his doubts and asked, “So, any questions?”


Qu Di didn’t want to give up this job. He closed the file and replied, “I think… I should be fine.”


His tone was slightly lacking in confidence.


Finally, Qiu Wenhuan showed a genuinely friendly smile and patted Qu Di’s shoulder. “Very well, I hope you do well. Many people are vying for this job.”


Actually, they didn’t know that the sunny and handsome little wolf on the outside, Xiyan, was a rebellious child in private.


After two weeks of training, Qu Di felt like he had shed a layer of skin. He didn’t have to do physical labor or endure exposure to the elements, but he felt like his sanity was slowly deteriorating.


Every day, he read through the Life Assistant Rules and painstakingly memorized Xiyan’s habits and quirks. After so many days, he could recite them from memory, but deep down, he was beginning to fear Xiyan.


He had searched up Xiyan’s name in private.


Xiyan, 23 years old, graduated from Y City Music College, and had been in the entertainment industry for five years, accumulating a substantial fan base with his outstanding looks and exceptional talent. His debut single was the best-selling of the month, topping the charts for three consecutive months, and his albums sold like hotcakes. He had won numerous awards, and his three-year streak of winning the Pop Song of the Year award remained unbroken.


His fans affectionately called him “Yanyan,” and they referred to themselves as “salty fish,” signifying that they had been through trials by fire like salted fish wrapped in salt (Yan). Qu Di couldn’t help but laugh when he first heard this term. Had he been too hasty to call himself a “salty fish”?


Whether or not they were happy, Qu Di wasn’t sure, but he was certainly not as happy as before. He felt like he was no different from a salty fish now.


Going through Xiyan’s recent work schedule, Qu Di realized that it mainly consisted of magazine interviews and advertisements. The most crucial task was the upcoming period drama.


“It starts shooting on August 1st, and the opening ceremony is at Hongli Film and Television City. Makeup starts at 7 am, and the shooting officially begins at 9 am…”


Why so early? Hongli Film and Television City was about five kilometers away from here. He needed to leave half an hour early, which meant he had to be out of the door by 7:30 am. Add some time for getting ready, and it meant he’d have to wake Xiyan up around 6 am.


Qu Di shivered. He hadn’t forgotten about Xiyan’s temper when he was woken up. It seemed like he would have to brave it.


Tomorrow, Xiyan had no work the whole day, and his training had ended. Qiu Assistant informed him that tomorrow he would meet his service target. Although there was still about a month until the TV series started shooting, they would need some time to get acquainted.


Actually, Qiu Wenhuan had thought ahead. If this didn’t work out, he would have to find another assistant. He had given himself a month.


The next day, Qu Di got up early. He put on a suit he had specially bought for the occasion. However, for some reason, the outfit that had seemed appropriate now didn’t feel right. A white T-shirt paired with black pants, with a big letter “Q” in the middle.


He had wanted to look approachable but was worried he might appear too casual, showing disrespect. After much deliberation, he changed into formal attire. Since he had no work today and wouldn’t be going out, he wanted to appear more formal. He unbuttoned his suit jacket, rolled up his sleeves, and tucked his tie into the chest pocket. He even took a moment to fix his hair; he looked presentable.


Qiu Wenhuan asked him to come to the company first, and he personally took Qu Di to meet Xiyan. Qu Di couldn’t help but sigh. Xiyan was indeed Tangyi’s cherished child; the executive assistant was busy with him day and night.


They arrived a bit early, before 9 am. Xiyan lived in a well-known affluent neighborhood, and the houses were all detached villas with quite a bit of space between them. Qiu Wenhuan didn’t ring the doorbell; he simply punched in the code on the keypad.


“The code here is 59468. Remember it. If there’s an emergency, you can come in, but don’t mention that I told you.” Tang Xiyan valued his “private space,” but as a public figure, he had little of that left. At the very least, his older brother was keeping a close eye on him.


“If he asks, say that Tang General brought you here,” he whispered.


“General Tang?” Would a CEO be concerned about such things? Would he know the passcode to his employee’s home? Qu Di couldn’t help but be curious. Did this General Tang have some secret relationship with Xiyan?


“Alright, I won’t go in. Mr. Chou Fei already greeted him yesterday, and he’s probably still sleeping. No need for me to introduce you. I have to get back to work.” Jokes aside, if you could avoid seeing that demon, why wouldn’t you?


Qiu Wenhuan smiled amicably. “Go on in.”


With that, he gently pushed Qu Di inside and closed the door behind him. The room was quite dark, and it took him some time to make out the decor. The living room had a striking set of red leather sofas, and the white walls were adorned with various decorations, including a guitar, a lion oil painting, vinyl records, and even a stuffed eagle.


Next to the TV was a complete sound system, and upon closer inspection, there was a phonograph on the cabinet, though he couldn’t tell if it was real.


The decorations in the house exuded the owner’s wild and uninhibited personality, but honestly, the place was a bit messy and, dare he say, ugly. Qu Di couldn’t help but make some internal remarks.


Beside the sofa, there was a large French window, which likely led to the small garden he had seen when he entered earlier. At the moment, the curtains were drawn tightly, blocking out any light.


He sat down on the sofa, picked up a jacket that had been tossed on the floor, and looked around. There was leftover takeout from last night on the table, along with unfinished potato chips, and a game console was buried under a pile of trash. After a while, Qu Di couldn’t stand it and took off his suit jacket. He unbuttoned his sleeves and tucked his tie into his chest pocket, rolled up his sleeves, and began to tidy up the room. It was just too dirty…


After cleaning the table, he couldn’t sit still. Not only did he sweep the floor, but he also mopped it. He rummaged through the kitchen and found nothing but instant noodles and a bunch of snacks. There weren’t even any condiments.


So, Qu Di returned to his original position and, as he picked up his coat to put it on, he noticed a small stain on the sleeve. He tried to wipe it with water, but it not only didn’t work but also made the stain larger.


He sighed, thinking that he probably wouldn’t see the stain once he wore the coat.


On the first day Qu Di came here, he experienced just how capable the young master was at sleeping. He had been waiting here until noon, and he even dozed off on the couch.


“Who the hell are you?”


Qu Di, half-awake, opened his eyes to see Tang Xiyan, the young master with a messy hairstyle, rushing toward him. Before he could react, Tang Xiyan had grabbed him by the neck. The Alpha had completely disregarded concealing his scent, and Qu Di could smell a sea breeze…


Tang Xiyan’s gaze was fierce. “Stalkers are even invading my house now, huh? Where are the security guards!? He’s sleeping in my house. How disgusting!” He freed one hand to search for his phone to call Qiu Fei but realized he had left it upstairs.


“I’m going…” He tightened his grip. “Don’t move, or I’ll kill you instantly!”


Qu Di held his hand, his face turning red. The man’s grip was too strong, and he feared he might be strangled. So, in the next moment, Qu Di bent his knee and used a little force to push upwards…


“Damn it!” Tang Xiyan cursed and clenched his teeth, the last syllable disappearing into the air. He hunched over, unable to stand up straight.


“Ahem…” Qu Di, now free, quickly stood up, feeling unsure. “I’m sorry… I used very little force… Does it hurt? Are you okay? Should we go to the hospital?”


Tang Xiyan, struggling to get up and with tears in the corners of his eyes, stared at Qu Di. “I won’t cry even if you cut that thing off and offer it to the heavens.”


Qu Di saw the tears in his eyes and felt a bit guilty. “Don’t cry…”


Tang Xiyan hesitated for a moment and then angrily shouted, “Even if my mother dies, I won’t cry because of you!”

T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!


Chapter 4 – Xuanlingmen in danger

Chapter 4


Si Lan suddenly felt a tingling sensation at the tip of his nose. He adjusted his azure robe, muttering, “Little one, are you talking behind my back?”


Little White Dragon twitched at the corner of its mouth, ignoring Si Lan.


Throughout the journey, its gaze had been hovering around Si Lan’s skin.


The person before it not only had remarkably fair skin, so pale that the blue veins were clearly visible, but also had no strange odor like that of a wild chicken. Instead, a faint fragrance emanated from him, making it ravenously hungry.


Its injuries had been healing quickly for the past two days, thanks to the daily bloodsucking sessions it had with Si Lan. However, today it hadn’t had a single drop of blood, and it was starting to get impatient.


Just as it was about to extend its fangs, Si Lan suddenly descended from mid-air and landed on the ground. It stumbled out of Si Lan’s embrace, and Si Lan quickly caught it.


Its two still-extended fangs bumped against Si Lan’s bone, causing a sharp pain that made stars dance before its eyes. It twisted its head, glaring fiercely at Si Lan.


Foolish Demon Lord!


However, Si Lan smiled tenderly and stroked Little White Dragon’s head. “Does it hurt? Don’t reach your fangs out so carelessly next time.” After saying this, he furrowed his brow and examined the two fangs seriously. “Could it be that you’re too young and haven’t learned to retract your fangs yet?”


“…” The Little White Dragon.


Si Lan affectionately patted Little White Dragon’s head. His young husband was still so inexperienced, unable to do anything. His responsibilities were getting a bit heavy.


The two of them had landed at the foot of Xuanling Mountain, where the human world and the cultivation world met. People bustled along the streets, and the bustling atmosphere lingered.


In the distance, Xuanling Mountain towered majestically, like a colossal mountain god, guarding this peaceful land.


On the mountain peaks, ethereal immortal palaces were nestled among the clouds.


A peculiar plant enveloped Xuanling Mountain, occupying one-third of its mass. On its stems and roots, clusters of red flowers bloomed, layer upon layer, densely packed, stretching from the clouds to the foot of the mountain, resembling a winding river of blood.


Si Lan had never seen such a strange plant and couldn’t help but look at it a few more times.


When he turned his head, he found that Little White Dragon was also curiously staring at the plant. After a while, Little White Dragon squatted at his feet, staring intently at a wild grass in a stone crevice.


Si Lan recognized this wild grass.


Si Lan cleared his throat, bent down, and said, “This is Luo Yu grass. It has strong vitality and can live for decades…”


Before he could finish his sentence, a black boot happened to step on the Luo Yu grass, crushing it.




“May I ask if you are Lord Si Lan?” The owner of the black boots extended a respectful greeting, excitement in their voice.


Si Lan looked up and saw a cultivator in a purple and white robe. Behind him, dozens of similarly dressed cultivators followed. Si Lan nodded slightly.


“Lord Si Lan, I am Xuyi, a disciple of Xuanling Sect. We have come to welcome you on behalf of our Sect Master.”


Si Lan didn’t expect that he and Little White Dragon had just arrived at Xuanling Mountain, and Lou Yuqing had already detected his presence. It seemed that Lou Yuqing had made significant progress in his cultivation.


“Please lead the way.”


Little White Dragon, on the other hand, immediately lay back on the stone steps, seemingly fascinated by something again.


Si Lan picked up Little White Dragon, who was furious about being disturbed, waving its dragon claws in protest. Si Lan paid no attention to its struggles and tucked it into his arms.


Xuanling Mountain had a total of 678 steps. Typically, cultivators would fly on their swords, but Si Lan expressed his desire to enjoy the scenery along the way. Therefore, Xu Yili and the others accompanied him, explaining the sights and customs of Xuanling Mountain.


As he got closer, he noticed that the strange plant on Xuanling Mountain, with its red flowers in full bloom, emitted a peculiar fragrance, tinged with a faint scent of blood. However, this blood-like odor was not human blood; it was the blood of snakes.


“That plant is…”


“It’s the Tengying Flower that our Sect Master brought back from Shacha sea. Lord Si Lan, don’t be deceived by its appearance; it’s only a little over half a year old,” Xu Yili explained with a friendly smile.


Si Lan exclaimed in amazement, repeating, “Only a little over half a year…”


“Yes, our Sect Master said that Tengying can protect Xuanling Sect. At first, we disciples didn’t believe it, but some time ago, the snake clan from the Demon Realm attacked Xuanling Sect for no apparent reason. Thanks to Tengying’s help, we managed to repel the snake demons,” Xu Yili recalled the incident with a shiver. “When we regained our senses, the ground was covered in snake blood.”


Si Lan paused; he had been in seclusion and wasn’t aware of this significant event outside.


“Why did the snake demons attack Xuanling Sect?”


Xu Yili shook his head. “We don’t know.”


Si Lan didn’t say anything more, and Little White Dragon in his pocket seemed mysteriously quiet, likely tired of playing.


Upon reaching the mountaintop, Lou Yuqing didn’t come to meet Si Lan personally but had his disciples show him to a room for rest.


Si Lan couldn’t help but feel somewhat melancholic. In the past, when he came to Xuanling Sect, Lou Yuqing would immediately greet him. Now, he was treated like any other guest and assigned to a room. It seemed that after several decades apart, their relationship had grown distant.


In the evening, while Si Lan was meditating cross-legged, his stomach suddenly rumbled with hunger.


Xuanling Sect hadn’t sent any food, probably assuming that he was fasting and didn’t require a meal.


Si Lan opened his storage pouch. He had been in a hurry this time and only had a few wild fruits left inside.


Calling for Xuanling Sect disciples to prepare a meal for him in the middle of the night would be inappropriate. So, he decided to find something to eat outside. He pushed open the door, unsure which direction to go, when he suddenly heard voices ahead.


It was already late at night, and there were still people awake.


Si Lan approached quietly.


“On such a cold night, the Sect Master actually has us guarding the Demon Lord outside…” a purple-robed woman wearing a black wooden crown complained with a disgruntled expression.


Xu Yili hastily signaled for silence. “Shh, don’t complain.”


“Hmph, I’m going to say it. I don’t understand why the Sect Master invited him over. Won’t this make the cultivation world suspect that we, Xuanling Sect, are colluding with the demon race?”


“I heard that the Sect Master owes a life debt to Lord Si Lan.”


“But even so, we shouldn’t invite him openly. Besides, he has a bad reputation in the Demon Realm, having killed three wives on his wedding day. It’s bad luck.”


“What does luck have to do with it? Killing his own wives is one thing, but it doesn’t mean he’ll do the same to our Sect Master’s wives…”


“How can it not have anything to do with it? Killing wives is killing wives, there’s no distinction…” the woman in purple robes grumbled and leaned against the wooden door.


The door wasn’t very sturdy, and with a snap, it fell down, crashing to the ground and raising a cloud of dust.


In the hazy dust, Si Lan’s figure gradually became visible in the moonlight.


The woman in purple robes turned around, caught off guard when she saw Si Lan’s face. She was instantly dumbfounded, her face turning pale.


Xu Yili also stared with wide eyes, unable to speak for a moment.


The atmosphere became quite awkward, so awkward that Si Lan felt he should be hiding underground at this moment, not standing on the surface.


He envied the fallen door for a moment.


For a long time, no one spoke. Si Lan had to break the silence, “The moonlight is beautiful tonight.”


Xu Yili and the woman in purple robes looked up at the sky but didn’t see the moon, only a sky full of stars.


The atmosphere became even more awkward.


Xu Yili quickly regained his composure and apologized, saying that his junior sister was outspoken and would arrange for disciples to bring food to Si Lan immediately.


Si Lan graciously accepted and turned to leave.


As he closed the door, he faintly heard Xu Yili scolding the woman in purple robes.


The woman wasn’t convinced. “I didn’t do it on purpose, and everyone outside is saying the same things about him…”


Si Lan sighed softly and lay down on the bed.


Lying flat seemed to help alleviate his hunger.


“Little one, are you hungry?”


He reached into his pocket and realized that Little White Dragon had been sleeping soundly since the afternoon.


He checked its spiritual aura and, finding nothing wrong, felt relieved.


“Little one, are you going to take hundreds of years to grow up?”


If that were the case, he would have to bear the “infamous” label for centuries.


Life as a demon was challenging.


“Little one, you need to grow up quickly.”


Once it grew up, they would form a bond. By then, no one would call him a “wife-killer.” At that point, the mighty and domineering Heavenly Emperor would be his father-in-law. Even if his reputation as a wild chicken were revealed, no one would dare to mess with him.


Si Lan had already started daydreaming about the future when a hissing sound from outside interrupted his reverie. It sounded like footsteps, or perhaps scales scraping against tiles, and it startled him from his pleasant thoughts.


He thought it might be Xu Yili bringing food, so he didn’t think much of it and got up to open the door.


A massive blood-red eye spanned the doorway, with the iris narrowed into a black line, the white of the eye bloodshot.


Before Si Lan could react, the moment he opened the door and met the blood-red eye, he was already pulled into an illusory world.

T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!

Chapter 2 – Dragon

Chapter 2: Dragon


Although at first glance, the two eggs looked very similar, Su Muluo, after all, had carried the dragon egg with him for so many years. It was impossible not to tell the difference. So he reached out and touched it, only to find that his dragon egg still felt good, smooth, and comfortable, unlike a duck egg, which was a bit rough.


Now that he had distinguished the dragon egg from the duck egg, Su Muluo set the duck egg aside and soothingly stroked the dragon egg.


The dragon egg remained quiet, not moving at all, appearing rather sulky.


Su Muluo said, “Are you angry again?”


The dragon egg remained silent.


Su Muluo knew it was indeed upset. It probably felt that as soon as his phoenix arrived in the human world, it lost its charm and was even mistaken for a common duck egg. It must have felt wronged.


Thinking about this, Su Muluo couldn’t help but chuckle. He leaned down and kissed the dragon egg, saying, “Chu chu 1kissing noises, are you not angry anymore?”


The dragon egg remained silent.


The dragon egg leaned in Su Muluo’s palm, rolling slowly.


Well, reluctantly forgiving you.


Su Muluo smiled and carried his dragon egg into the kitchen to continue cooking.


Originally, he had planned to fry a duck egg for lunch, but because he had almost caused a kitchen explosion a while ago, he was still a bit jittery. So, he decided to simply boil the duck egg.


As the pot boiled, the duck egg simmered in the water. Su Muluo watched the duck egg for a while, then looked down at the dragon egg. Suddenly, a bold idea popped into his mind: “Can you be cooked?”


The dragon egg remained motionless.


Su Muluo poked it and asked, “If I cook you, will you hatch?”


The dragon egg still didn’t move.


Su Muluo wondered, “Why are you ignoring me?”


The dragon egg remained motionless.


Su Muluo said, “?”


In theory, the dragon egg shouldn’t be angry anymore, but it was now refusing to answer. Why?


After pondering for a few seconds, Su Muluo tentatively said, “What I said couldn’t be true, could it?”


The dragon egg still didn’t move.


Su Muluo suddenly found it very suspicious and thought about tossing the dragon egg into the water to test it, but he restrained himself. After all, what if he accidentally boiled the dragon egg? Even though he didn’t think a dragon egg could be easily cooked.


After a while, the duck egg seemed to be done. Su Muluo cracked it open and tasted it, only to furrow his brows. “It’s terrible.”


Surprisingly, the duck egg, which looked round and appealing, didn’t taste good at all. Su Muluo threw the remaining half into the trash can and decided not to have lunch.


Then he sat on the sofa with the dragon egg, took out his phone, and continued to explore the magical box he wasn’t very familiar with.


The dragon egg probably thought the sofa was soft, so it rolled around on it. Su Muluo tapped it gently with his fingers and said, “I’ll have to find a job in a few days. I can’t rely on selling feathers forever.”


The old rabbit demon had told him that his feathers were valuable, worth millions for a single one. However, to live in the human world, having a job was necessary. Su Muluo also valued his feathers and didn’t want to sell too many of them.


The dragon egg didn’t seem to have any objections and rolled in his hand. Su Muluo thought for a moment and asked, “How about a coffee shop?”


He had come across a coffee shop for sale this morning. Coffee wasn’t unfamiliar to him because the old rabbit demon had mentioned that young people in the city liked coffee and milk tea. Opening a coffee shop should be profitable.


The dragon egg still didn’t express any opinion and nuzzled Su Muluo’s palm. So, Su Muluo happily put it in his pocket and left the house.


A few minutes later, he returned to the coffee shop he had passed by in the morning. The owner had woken up and was playing with a small fish treat to amuse the nearby orange cat. However, the orange cat remained unimpressed.


Su Muluo walked into the shop, and even before he could say anything, the owner’s eyes lit up. He set down the small fish treat and stood up, asking, “Would you like something to drink?”


“No, thank you,” Su Muluo shook his head and said, “I saw the ‘for sale’ sign outside and wanted to inquire.”


The owner didn’t seem disappointed by this. Instead, he appeared surprised and said, “You want to take over this shop?”


Su Muluo gave a small “yes,” and this surprised the owner even more. He remarked, “You’re quite young; why are you considering this?”


Su Muluo remained silent for a moment and then replied, “You don’t look that old yourself.” After all, he wasn’t young; he was 1,800 years old.


The owner sighed, touched his receding hairline, and said, “You don’t understand. I’m already an experienced person… So, do you really want to take over this shop?”


Su Muluo glanced at the owner’s hairline, waited for a few seconds, and then nodded.


The owner said, “Well, then come and take a look.”


This coffee shop is not very large, but it’s elegantly and exquisitely decorated, with a subtle aroma of coffee lingering in the air. As Su Muluo followed the owner and listened to his explanation, he said, “The decoration here is quite nice, right? I had a designer specially design it. You see, this is the coffee area, and behind that small hidden door is the storage room. There’s also a lounge inside for the employees… but, well, I couldn’t afford to pay the employees, so they left.”


Su Muluo asked curiously, “Why, is the coffee shop not making money?”


The owner shook his head and said, “These days, it’s not that easy to make money. Young people nowadays prefer going to milk tea shops over coffee shops. Besides, I use carefully selected coffee beans, which means higher costs and prices. They don’t want to come… Besides, the location is near the city center, and I don’t know how expensive the rent is. I impulsively bought this shop space, and now the money I earn every month isn’t enough to cover the mortgage.”


Su Muluo pondered. If he couldn’t make much money later on, he might have to sell his feathers again… Phoenixes could only pluck their feathers to make a living, which was quite a grim thought.


Seeing Su Muluo’s silence, the owner assumed that he might be hesitating due to the high price and said, “If you’re really interested in taking over this shop, I can lower the price for you. If you don’t have enough money, I can rent it to you. You can consider it as my investment, and later, you can give me a share of the profit.”


He then quoted a very affordable rent, which was quite rare for a location near the city center.


Su Muluo quietly used his phone to look up what a “share of the profit” meant and then said, “But what if I can’t make a profit later? What if there’s no profit to share?”


The owner sighed once again and appeared somewhat forlorn, saying, “Money or no money doesn’t matter to me. I just hope that someone will continue to run this coffee shop because it used to be my dream. I don’t have much time left…”


Su Muluo was surprised, and he was about to say “I’m sorry” when the owner added, “In half a month, I’ll have to return to work at my father’s company.”


Su Muluo: “…”


The owner continued, “Even though I can’t fulfill my dream, as long as someone helps me keep it alive, it won’t be shattered. So, would you be the one to help me?”


“…I’d be willing,” Su Muluo said, “but I need some time.” Renting a shop would require signing a contract, which would need an ID, and he didn’t have one.


The owner heard this and felt a bit conflicted. He said, “Try not to take more than half a month. My father has given me strict orders that I must return in half a month, and if I don’t, I’ll be forcibly taken back.”


Su Muluo wasn’t sure if half a month would be enough, but after thinking for a few seconds, he agreed, “Alright, I’ll contact you within half a month.”


Relieved, the owner nodded and then took out his phone, saying, “Let’s exchange contact information. Oh, by the way, do you mind having several cats in the shop?”


Su Muluo asked, “What?”


The owner glanced at the orange cat near the counter, lowered his voice, and said, “My parents hate cats, and when I go back this time, I won’t be able to keep one. I’ll have to leave Qiansui here… But Qiansui is well-behaved, doesn’t disturb anyone, and doesn’t run around. He’s the shop’s mascot, and all the customers who came here before liked him. If you keep him, your business will surely thrive!”


He finished speaking, looking at Su Muluo with a hopeful and reluctant expression. Su Muluo turned his gaze to the orange cat named “Qiansui,” who was gazing outside with indifference, seemingly oblivious to their conversation.


“But are you not afraid he’ll be upset?” Su Muluo looked at the owner and added, “Cats are very sensitive, and maybe he’s already guessed that you’re going to abandon him.”


The owner was taken aback by this and looked at his orange cat. Qiansui turned his head, and their eyes met. Soon, the owner lowered his head.


“…There’s nothing I can do,” he said sadly. “I’m not a good owner, I can’t even support myself, and I have to rely on my parents… If I ever start earning money on my own and move out of my parents’ place, I’ll definitely bring him back!”


Su Muluo didn’t say much more. After all, it was the owner’s decision, and he didn’t want to interfere. He nodded and said, “Alright, if I can take over this shop, I’ll keep him.”


They agreed to stay in touch within half a month, and Su Muluo said goodbye to the owner before returning to his rented room. He opened a small package in his room.


Inside the package were several delicate and beautiful white feathers that he had shed over the years. Phoenix feathers didn’t fall easily, so he had only shed about thirty in his 1,800 years. He had kept them well.


Su Muluo calculated that one of his feathers was worth millions, according to what the old rabbit demon had told him. So, these thirty feathers would be enough for him to live in the human world for quite a long time. However, selling feathers was his last resort. If he didn’t make much money from the coffee shop, he could always spend the rest of the money and then return to the mountains with the dragon egg, considering it an experience of life in the human world.


With these thoughts, Su Muluo quietly reassured himself. He decided not to worry too much about money for now. The most important thing at the moment was getting an ID. He had heard that if a supernatural being wanted a suitable identity in the human world, they had to register with a special agency called the “Bureau of Extraordinary Beings.” He didn’t know how to do it, so he needed to research it.


Su Muluo took out his phone, visited a specific website that the old rabbit demon had given him – a forum dedicated to supernatural beings – and found the nearest branch of the Bureau of Extraordinary Beings.


However, the location was quite far from his rented place, and he had already been out twice today. He didn’t feel like going out again and decided to rest. He would go and register tomorrow.


In the evening, Su Muluo walked into the bathroom with clean pajamas and a dragon egg.


For him, the human bathroom was quite novel. While he had looked up how to use it on his phone and had a basic idea, he still wasn’t very accustomed to the “showerhead.” After all, in the mountains, he had taken baths in hot springs to clean his feathers.


Here, there was definitely no hot spring, but there was a brand new bathtub. The landlord had mentioned that the previous tenant had paid extra for it. However, as soon as it was installed, that tenant had some issues at home and had to move out, not getting the chance to use the bathtub.




The bathtub was filled with hot water. The temperature was slightly high, almost a little too warm, but very comfortable. Su Muluo submerged himself in the warm water, his soft black hair getting wet and resting against his fair skin. He half-closed his eyes and let out a contented sigh.


The dragon egg was originally nestled among the pile of clothes next to the bathtub, but it soon rolled slowly towards the bathtub. With a gentle “plop,” it splashed a few droplets of water.


Su Muluo smiled and gently pushed the dragon egg back into the water, where it bobbed up and down, circling around him.


Su Muluo watched it for a moment and then suddenly remembered something. He asked, “You can’t see me, can you?” – Back in the mountains, the hot spring waters were filled with spiritual energy from heaven and earth, making them a hazy shade of blue, not transparent. In this human world, the water was clear, allowing everything to be seen clearly.


The dragon egg hesitated in its circling.


Su Muluo’s gaze turned somewhat mischievous. “Are you trying to peek at me?”


The dragon egg froze in place for a moment and then slowly sank into the water.


Su Muluo said, “You are peeking at me!”


He grabbed the dragon egg, wrapped it tightly in clothes, not allowing it to show even a bit.


The dragon egg, looking rather dejected, tried to nudge its way out after a while.


Su Muluo promptly wrapped it up again. “No peeking!”


The dragon egg, looking even more forlorn, wriggled around in the pile of clothes. After a while, it attempted to emerge from its cloth prison.


Su Muluo said sternly, “No peeking!”


The dragon egg: “???”


Su Muluo teased, “If you don’t hatch soon, I’ll find someone else to be my partner. I won’t need you!”


The dragon egg: “???”


Su Muluo continued, “If you’ve been an egg for so many years and still don’t hatch, you might turn out to be a duckling instead of a dragon, and that won’t be very attractive.” Of course, he was just teasing the egg, trying to get a reaction out of it.


The dragon egg: “???!?”


It seemed that the dragon egg was on the verge of being exasperated, and it rolled around in the pile of clothes, even bouncing up in frustration.


Su Muluo’s eyes glinted with amusement, and he acted as though he was saying, “You can’t do anything to me anyway.” He continued, “Getting angry won’t help; if you have the ability, hatch first.”


Ignoring the dragon egg’s antics, Su Muluo changed into fresh clothes and placed the dragon egg in a small nest he made with some of the clothes. He didn’t want it rolling off the large, flat bed and breaking.


The dragon egg appeared to be quite traumatized by the earlier episode, and it remained still, not moving at all. Su Muluo lay down on the bed, running his hand gently over the smooth surface of the eggshell. A small smile played on his lips, and he said, “Remember to hatch tomorrow.”


Then, he turned off the lights and closed his eyes.


Although it was his first time sleeping in a human city, the softness of the bedding made him feel comfortable, and he slept soundly, without the discomfort he had expected.


However, he did have a dream. In the dream, a stranger in black clothes approached from the mist in the distance and silently sat down next to him.


Su Muluo turned his head to look at the man. He knew it was a dream because he couldn’t see the man’s face, only a pair of dark, golden eyes that seemed bottomless, deep and enigmatic.


Su Muluo couldn’t recall ever meeting this man before, but he did like the man’s presence; it felt oddly familiar, as if he saw this person every day.


The dream world was quiet, and the man just stared at Su Muluo without saying a word. After a while, Su Muluo broke the silence, “Who are you?”


The man didn’t respond.


Su Muluo continued, “Why are you in my dream?”


This time, the man spoke, his deep voice melodic and captivating, but for some reason, there was a touch of bitterness in his tone, “The person I love doesn’t want me anymore.”


Su Muluo: “…”


He wasn’t sure why, but at that moment, he felt a bit guilty. He coughed lightly and averted his gaze, “I’m sorry, I misspoke.”


The man continued, “He finds me unattractive and wants to elope with someone else.”


Su Muluo: “Ah… That’s really unfortunate. My condolences.”


The man: “…”


He fell silent again, and while his dark golden eyes remained emotionless, they seemed to carry a hint of grievance.


Su Muluo: “…” Under the man’s gaze, he felt like a scoundrel. After a few seconds, he cleared his throat and said, “Do you want to tell me about your situation? I can try to help.”


The man didn’t answer.


Su Muluo added, “You don’t want to know what this help is, do you?”


The man stared at Su Muluo for a while, his eyes still carrying that hint of grievance.


“…,” Su Muluo found himself feeling awkward. He coughed lightly, “Okay, that’s good then. I wish you success.”


He had intended to end the conversation at this point, but it seemed that the man was not pleased. He continued, “Don’t you want to know what the solution is?”


Su Muluo made a thoughtful sound. “What is it?”


The man kept looking at Su Muluo for a while and then slowly said, “The solution is…”


And then, he suddenly leaned in and kissed Su Muluo’s cheek.


Su Muluo: “?”


In that instant, the phoenix almost exploded with anger. Who knew, as soon as the man kissed him, he disappeared from the dream, disappearing at a lightning-fast speed. Simultaneously, the dream came to an end.




The bedroom was quiet in the morning. The curtain allowed a faint light to filter in from the window. Su Muluo sat up from the bed, his gaze lowering to the dragon egg that had been resting beside his pillow.


The dragon egg remained peacefully nestled in its small nest, appearing as if it hadn’t woken up yet, looking cute and innocent.

Su Muluo tapped the dragon egg and asked, “Are you awake?”


The dragon egg affectionately snuggled against his palm.


Su Muluo used the blanket to shield the dragon egg, preventing it from peeking. He changed into fresh clothes, got out of bed, and headed to the kitchen with the dragon egg in his hand.


The dragon egg obediently nestled in his palm, watching as he boiled a pot of water. He turned on the electric stove, poured the hot water into the pot, and after a few seconds, the water in the pot started to boil vigorously.


The dragon egg: “?”


It stared at the boiling water, feeling a sudden sense of unease.


At that moment, Su Muluo pointed at the boiling pot and, with a blank expression, said to the dragon egg, “Do you see this pot?”


The dragon egg: “…”


In the next moment, it was with a “plop” sound that the dragon egg was thrown into the boiling water.

T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!

Chapter 2 – The First Encounter

Chapter 2: The First Encounter


The first time Gu Ruoqing saw Yu Yang after transmigrating was in a doghole behind a brothel at the foot of a mountain. He had just received the first task from the system: to bring Yu Yang back to the Qingyun Sect.


At that time, Yu Yang was a child born to a courtesan in the brothel, confined to a desolate and narrow backyard, gazing at the square sky while playing with mud every day.


He would wet the earth with water, then mold human limbs out of it. After that, he would create the flamboyant hairstyles of the courtesans on the mud figures.


Once he finished, he would meticulously tear off the limbs of these mud figures one by one, then twist off their heads and crush them underfoot.


The first time Gu Ruoqing saw him playing with mud figures, it reminded him of how he met his end in the original story, sending a shiver down his spine.


Gu Ruoqing: “Do I really have to bring this child back?”


System: “Yes, indeed. Our goal is to save the corrupted antagonist, mend the master’s character, and improve the overall plot! I will assign secondary tasks based on the plot, and your task is to complete them all while ensuring the antagonist’s corruption level remains below 70%.”


Gu Ruoqing: “What’s the corruption level?”


System: “The corruption level represents the extent to which the antagonist wreaks havoc. The higher the corruption level, the more the antagonist wants to kill the male lead, distort the plot, and destroy the world.”


Gu Ruoqing looked at the mud heads crushed on the ground and felt that this was going to be a long journey.


Gu Ruoqing: “What’s Yu Yang’s current corruption level?”


System: “The initial data is 50%.”


Gu Ruoqing: “50% from the start?!”


System: “But please note, if the antagonist’s corruption level exceeds 80%, he will start to recall the memory of the original ending, i.e., the memory of Gu Ruoqing killing him.”


Gu Ruoqing: “…And then what?”


System: “Then it triggers the extra ending.”


Gu Ruoqing: “!!!”


Yu Yang tossed another mud figure to the ground, then expressionlessly grabbed the mud figure’s head, tearing it cleanly in half.


An old earthen wall separated the cage from the world, with only a doghole in between. Gu Ruoqing stood on the worldly side, and Yu Yang crouched on the cage side. Gu Ruoqing wanted to take him away but didn’t know how to broach the subject.


Both knew of the other’s presence but remained silent.


Gu Ruoqing: “How can I bring him back?”


System: “Maybe just knock him out and take him?”


Gu Ruoqing: “…If I knock him out and take him, how much will the corruption level increase?”


System: “Umm… 65%?”


Gu Ruoqing: “Can you please stop giving me suggestions from now on?”


Seeing Yu Yang continue to play with mud figures and not taking the gift he offered, Gu Ruoqing asked, “You don’t like it? Then what do you like? I can bring it for you.”


The child remained silent and in place. He slowly stopped playing with the mud and sat down, hugging his knees while gazing at the doghole.


Through the crevice in the hole, he could see the silk fabric of the person who had crouched inside – it was the same material that the high-ranking officials and nobility wore.


“Why aren’t you talking? Are you unhappy?” He heard the child sounding somewhat nervous, but his voice remained gentle, mingling with the commotion of the people outside the dirty courtyard wall.


After waiting for a while and realizing the child inside was still silent, Gu Ruoqing decided to pretend to stand up and said, “It seems I’m not welcome today. I’ll leave for now…”


“Don’t go.”


Suddenly, a hoarse child’s voice sounded, and Yu Yang called out urgently, “I haven’t left. You… Don’t go.”


Gu Ruoqing’s lips curled upward, and he squatted back down, using his spiritual power to muffle his voice and said, “Then why didn’t you speak?”


The child hesitated again.


But it seemed he was afraid that his silence would make the person outside the courtyard wall leave, so he spoke softly, “You haven’t visited me in a long time. I thought you didn’t want me anymore.”


Gu Ruoqing was taken aback.


What’s going on? Shouldn’t this be his first encounter with Yu Yang? He had just followed the system’s guidance to fly to the southwestern Shu region and stayed in Yan Tang City. As he entered the city and walked through the bustling crowd, a strange sense of familiarity suddenly emerged in his heart.


This familiar feeling was like bodily memory, guiding Gu Ruoqing until he arrived at a brothel’s backyard in Willow Street and flower alleys.


He raised his head and saw that this brothel was called “Where Spring Winds Seek.”


The system had told him that Yu Yang’s mother, Le Lin, although a daughter of the Demon Realm, had not awakened her bloodline in the early stages and had ultimately been forced to disguise herself as a human courtesan to make a living.


This made him suddenly realize that the original Gu Ruoqing in the story had probably taken Yu Yang from this place, which was why it seemed so familiar to him.


However, the child’s words now left him uncertain.


Could it be that someone else had approached Yu Yang like this before him?


“…I haven’t not visited you; it’s just that I had urgent matters to attend to,” Gu Ruoqing suddenly felt a pang of guilt, thinking that Yu Yang mistook him for the person who used to play with him. But then, he began to feel uneasy. Even if he didn’t recognise him by sight, how did he not recognise him by his voice?


Yu Yang fell silent again, but the child kept fiddling with something and then pushed it through the doghole.


“What’s this?” Gu Ruoqing picked up the small, translucent semicircular object, brushed off the dirt on it, and said, “This is… jade?!”


“Where did you get jade?” Gu Ruoqing looked at the exquisite jade in his hand, which was clear and cool to the touch, with faint bloodlines inside, exuding rich spiritual energy.


This was a top-grade Blood Spirit Jade!


The child, listening to Gu Ruoqing’s surprised tone, felt pleased with himself. “It’s for you.”


Giving jade to someone? Were antagonists usually this extravagant?


Gu Ruoqing looked at the cheap Nine Linked Rings1a children’s mental development toy he probably wanted to give to Yu Yang by his feet, which looked scanty in comparison, and suddenly felt a bit embarrassed.


He was about to ponder it when he took the jade into his hand, and then his brows furrowed as he thought carefully.


He remembered that the original work mentioned this kind of jade.


Blood Spirit Jade was not ordinary jade mined from underground; it was both rare and precious and also represented something ominous. This was because the birth of Blood Spirit Jade symbolized the birth of a demon – they were found inside the mouths of newborn demon infants. The more bloodlines within the Blood Spirit Jade, the purer the spiritual power, signifying that the newborn demon would be more powerful.


But what made this jade precious was that every demon considered it more important than their own lives, and it was only exchanged between partners as a token of love. Ordinary people could only obtain this jade by killing a demon and taking it by force.


Why did Yu Yang give him this piece of jade?


System: “Maybe he wants to take your life√.”


Gu Ruoqing: “Thanks, I needed a good laugh.”


Gu Ruoqing looked at the jade in a daze.


Indeed, he was the future Demon Sovereign; there were so many bloodlines contained in this jade that it was turning blood-red.


However, he still couldn’t understand why Yu Yang had given this jade to him.


System: “Maybe he wants to take your life√.”


Gu Ruoqing: “… Thanks for the insight… again.”


Gu Ruoqing stared at the jade and sighed, then placed it back inside and said, “I can’t accept this. It’s too precious, and you should keep it safe.”


Yu Yang also seemed surprised that the jade was rejected. It was the only valuable thing he had, and yet, the person didn’t want it.


Gu Ruoqing was about to say a few more words to make sure that Yu Yang didn’t casually show this jade to others, as it could expose his identity as a demon. Suddenly, he saw the jade being thrown out and landing at his feet, covered in dust, as if it had been wronged.


“You don’t want it, and I don’t want it either! I don’t want anything you give me from now on! You don’t need to come and play with me anymore!”


Gu Ruoqing didn’t expect Yu Yang to suddenly become angry. His angry appearance seemed to dissipate the gloomy atmosphere from when he was making mud figures, making him look more like a regular upset child.


Gu Ruoqing found it amusing and heartbreaking at the same time. He picked up the jade that had been thrown on the ground, wiped off the dust, and said softly, “I really can’t accept this. You’re still young and don’t understand its importance…”


“You just look down on it! You think it’s a broken jade, only half of it…” Yu Yang retorted indignantly, like a little kitten that had its tail stepped on, but as he spoke, he fell silent.


An incomplete broken jade, even if it was naturally born, was originally not highly valued. Who would want it?


Gu Ruoqing suddenly realized that the child cared about this. He said, “In that case, I’ll keep it for now. Tomorrow, I’ll use a spell to make the other half appear, so it won’t be a broken jade anymore. How about that?”


“Really?” After a while, the child’s voice sounded muffled and nasally.


Gu Ruoqing chuckled and said, “Is it real? You first solve these Nine Linked Rings; then I’ll tell you.”


He placed the Nine Linked Rings back through the hole, and he also gave him a candied fruit skewer.


The child didn’t say anything, but this time, he accepted the toys and candied fruit skewer and began playing with them inside the courtyard, making clinking sounds.


Gu Ruoqing stood up slowly and said, “I should go now.” Just as he finished speaking, the sound of the child solving the rings stopped.


After a moment, Yu Yang said, “…I lied to you just now.”




The boy’s voice was a bit hoarse but still very tender. He hesitated and said, “I didn’t mean… I didn’t really not want you to play with me, and I didn’t really dislike your things… Will you come back tomorrow, big brother?”


Gu Ruoqing was called big brother and suddenly felt something warm bumping into a place in his heart.


Unconsciously, he softened his voice, “Of course, I’ll come back tomorrow and show you some magic.”


Yu Yang remained crouched against the wall, listening to the fading sound of the other person’s footsteps. Only then did he sit down slowly and look at the Nine Linked Rings in his hand. As soon as that person left, the whole backyard returned to its cold and lifeless state. All that remained were the broken and dirty walls, knee-high weeds, and his mother inside the house, who often went mad.


Yu Yang sat motionless in the corner, gazing at the sky in all directions.


He often came to this corner, and once he was there, he stayed the entire day. This place was at the very edge of the brothel, and it was the closest spot in this prison to the outside world’s hustle and bustle. During festivals, he could still hear the cries of street vendors selling candied fruit skewers.


He had been confined here since birth, and his mother never allowed him out of her sight.


What was it like outside? Was the sky unobstructed by the overhanging eaves? Did the red lanterns float in the night sky? Were there countless stars that you could never finish counting? Were the candied fruit skewers that the vendor outside called out about sweet?


At first, when he was little, he would inadvertently ask such questions, but his mother would fly into a rage, throw him on the ground, and beat his slender legs while crying out, “Do you want to leave me too? Don’t you want me anymore?! You beast! What gives you the right…?”


Later, Yu Yang stopped asking. As he grew older, his mother became increasingly strange.


Sometimes, even if he said nothing and did nothing, she would suddenly slap him, and then she would make him kneel down, grabbing his hair to make him apologize.


At first, Yu Yang didn’t understand what he had done wrong. He just endured the beating in silence. But that only led to even more severe punishments.


But later, he understood. Whenever Le Lin had one of her fits, he would kneel down voluntarily, repeating, “Mother, I was wrong. It’s my fault. I killed Father. I made Father abandon us. I made you like this. I should have died as soon as I was born. Mother, I know I was wrong…”

T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!


Chapter 60

Article 5: We needed to be duty-bound to think about two people getting old together.

       Suo Yang’s proactive expression of love quickly left Shen Huiming lost in such a state. In the blink of an eye, it seemed that any object became an obstacle blocking them from conveying their feelings.

       The two loving people were about to go to the bedroom when Shen Huiming suddenly pulled Suo Yang, “Wait a minute.”

       He hugged the person, turned around and blew out the candle.

       In the darkness, the two looked at each other, smiled, and returned to the room with their fingers clasped.

       The bedroom door was closed tightly, and a table of prepared dishes had to wait for their return quietly. On a winter night, the two of them were sweetly in love, and the wind and snow outside the window did not affect the people inside the house at all.

       Originally he planned to eat first, but because of Suo Yang’s ‘husband’ word, his sanity collapsed, and he went to bed directly. When the fierce lovemaking was over, Suo Yang said with a smile, “The dishes must have cooled down again.”

       Shen Huiming kissed his finger, “It’s all your fault this time.”

       Suo Yang smiled, “Yeah, my fault.”

       He leaned over and hugged Shen Huiming, breathing a long sigh of relief.

       “I blew out the birthday candles,” Shen Huiming said, “You haven’t made a wish yet.”

       “Is it still too late to make a wish now?” Suo Yang looked up at him, “But you should be able to make my wish come true for me.”

       “Let’s hear it.”

       “I hope you stay healthy despite being busy.” Suo Yang said, “My wish is still quite easy to fulfil, right?”

       Shen Huiming hugged the person over and kissed the man’s sweat-dampened hair with his eyes closed.

       He was somewhat touched.

       It was a great honour and luck for a person to be willing to share his birthday wishes with others.

       “It’s really not difficult. I’ll apply for a dual card in a while, and you go with me.”

       Suo Yang leaned against him and laughed, “Why did you involve me in it?”

       “In our family, I can’t be healthy alone. You must also be healthy.” Shen Huiming said, “There’s a gym near my company, I’ll explore it tomorrow, and if it’s good, I’ll get a card. It’s also your birthday present.”

       Suo Yang reluctantly bit his shoulder gently and then took him to take a shower.

       Shen Huiming finished showering before Suo Yang, changed the sheets, opened a small gap in the window for ventilation, and then went into the kitchen. When Suo Yang came out, the food had been reheated.

       Suo Yang picked up the clothes they had thrown away and put them into the dirty clothes basket, then went over and kissed Shen Huiming again.

       “Did you have a happy birthday?” Shen Huiming put her arm around his waist and sat down at the dining table, then carefully cleaned the candles on the cake.

       “This is the happiest birthday in my life.” Suo Yang helped him put the chopsticks away. “I didn’t even know that birthdays could be celebrated like this.”

       Shen Huiming looked at him and said jokingly, “Thought we should celebrate it like Zhou Mo’s?”

       Suo Yang leaned against him and laughed.

       It was already late at night, and the two of them didn’t really have much of an appetite left, but they still ate some of each dish. After all, they shouldn’t waste it.

       At almost twelve o’clock, they stood on the balcony of Shen Huiming’s house wrapped in sweaters and coats. The two of them huddled closely together, eagerly awaiting the arrival of the New Year.

       The sound of the countdown came from the small square in the distance, and many young people gathered there to celebrate the New Year.

       Five, four, three, two, one.

       Along with the cheers, there were also fireworks exploding in the sky.

       The heavy snow continued to fall, and fireworks burst amidst the snowflakes. Suo Yang was mesmerized by the scene.

       Shen Huiming raised his hand, put his arm around Suo Yang’s shoulders, and said softly, “Happy New Year, my dear.”

       Suo Yang turned around and hugged him.


       On the first day of the New Year, Suo Yang and Shen Huiming stayed at home for most of the day. In the evening, they set off again to fly to distant countries and cities.

       Shen Huiming drove him to the airport, and the two met Suo Yang’s colleagues as soon as they got out of the car.

       They met He Tian, who used to hitchhike with Suo Yang.

       He Tian met Suo Yang on the airport bus before. She knew that Suo Yang was in a relationship, but Suo Yang didn’t have the habit of revealing all his private life to his colleagues. Almost no one knew that he was not straight.

       “Yang ge!” He Tian just got off the bus and waved to Suo Yang.

       Suo Yang looked over and smiled at her.

       “My colleague.” Suo Yang said softly to Shen Huiming.

       Shen Huiming understood and followed Suo Yang towards the other party.

       “Are you flying tonight too?” Suo Yang asked politely.

       “Well, flying to New York.” He Tian saw the man next to Suo Yang, “Is this your friend?”

       Shen Huiming was handsome and had a good temperament. He Tian couldn’t help but take a second look at her.

       “Yes, I took his car here.” Suo Yang saw He Tian’s eyes brightening when he looked at Shen Huiming and couldn’t help but want to laugh.

       He turned to Shen Huiming and said, “Then I’ll go in first and contact you when I get back.”

       “Okay.” Shen Huiming originally planned to accompany him in, but since he met his colleague, he couldn’t continue to follow. “Have a safe trip.”

       Suo Yang smiled at him, “Bye.”

       As the two of them walked in, He Tian couldn’t help but look back, “All the handsome guy’s friends are also handsome guys!”

       Suo Yang lowered his head and chuckled, saying nothing.

       Shen Huiming stood there and watched them go in. He didn’t turn around until no one could be seen anymore.

       He returned to the car and looked up at the planes flying overhead with a thunderous roar. In just over three hours, his beloved would be taking off once again.

       The snow was still falling, but it’s not as heavy anymore.

       Shen Huiming kept playing a song on the way back, the same song ‘Berlin’ they listened to all night in Moscow.

       They had just parted ways, and already the longing had begun.

       Shen Huiming didn’t know whether he should laugh or cry. He couldn’t believe that he had turned into a clingy person.


       Suo Yang, who just celebrated his birthday, was in a good mood and looked happy when he saw everyone.

       This time, the other colleagues on the crew were all old partners, and the only one who was not too familiar with them was the boy who told Suo Yang that he had a crush on him before.

       Suo Yang read the message sent by the flight attendant and then remembered the other person’s name. He didn’t mind who he worked with. He just wanted to minimize communication with the other person because he really didn’t like to discuss his private life with his colleagues.

       More importantly, this man had seen him with Shen Huiming before when they went to Berlin.

       At that time, Suo Yang and Shen Huiming were not together yet, and the other party had already misunderstood their relationship. Suo Yang didn’t say much at that time and didn’t bother to explain because it was unnecessary.

       He went to the meeting as usual and told himself that he could not let these unimportant things and unimportant people affect his work.

       As soon as Suo Yang entered the room, the boy greeted him with a smile.

       “Yang ge, we are together again!”

       Suo Yang smiled politely at him and said nothing.

       “It’s been a while.”

       Suo Yang went over and stood up, and the other party stood next to him, “You became handsome again.”

       “Song Kai, aren’t you too enthusiastic?” A girl came over and slapped Song Kai on the back, “Flirting with everyone! Yang ge, don’t let him do that either!”

       Suo Yang took advantage of their quarrel to go to the other side and waited quietly for the steward chief to come over for the meeting.

       This trip still went to Berlin, with a stopover in Moscow.

       Suo Yang took a special look and found that he and the guy named Song Kai were both in first class this time.

       He calmly continued to look through the information in his hand, and when he looked up, he found that the other party was looking at him again.

       Suo Yang pretended not to see it and followed everyone to prepare for the flight after the meeting.

       While he was busy counting the lunch boxes, Song Kai came over and said, “Yang ge, was it your birthday yesterday?”

       Suo Yang didn’t want to chat with him, but he nodded politely.

       Song Kai smiled and took out a small velvet bag from his pocket, “It’s a birthday present. It’s a little late, I hope you don’t mind.”

       Suo Yang smiled at him, took a half step back and said, “I accept your kindness, so there is no need for the present.”

       “No, I chose it specially for you.” Song Kai said, “I called you yesterday, but you didn’t answer.”

       Suo Yang did have a missed call from an unknown number yesterday, but he never answered numbers he didn’t recognise.

       However, he never expected that the call would come from a person named Song Kai.

       “Is that so?” Suo Yang said perfunctorily while continuing to work, “I didn’t hear it.”

       “So I’m here to give you a present now.” Song Kai looked at him with a smile and put the velvet bag in front of him.

       Suo Yang glanced at the small bag, straightened up and said to Song Kai with a cold face, “I’m sorry, I don’t casually accept gifts from others, and I’m about to serve customers soon. I’m quite busy right now.”

       Song Kai looked at him with a slight smile, “Okay, then you go about your business first.”

       After saying that, Song Kai picked up the present he had carefully prepared and turned around to do his own thing.

       Suo Yang turned back and sighed with his back to the direction Song Kai left. He really didn’t want to have a conflict with others, but Song Kai was obviously not very good at reading people’s eyes.

       Or, he actually could but pretend not to understand.

       Suo Yang couldn’t be bothered with him. There were still many things to be done, and such a trivial matter wasn’t worth his attention, not even as a side note.

       There were very few first-class passengers on this flight. In fact, Suo Yang could handle it by himself, but after all, the route was long, so he had to accept Song Kai and get along with him.

       In the beginning, everything seemed ordinary. Although Song Kai had annoyed Suo Yang a bit before, he behaved professionally after the passengers arrived. There was no sign of any improper behaviour; he greeted customers, conducted safety demonstrations, and everything was carried out step by step.

       While the plane was ascending, Suo Yang and Song Kai were sitting in their respective seats, so close that they could see each other when they raised their heads.

       But Suo Yang didn’t want to look up and kept turning around and looking out the window.

       This flight was really unpleasant, but Suo Yang knew that he must not work with emotions, and he had to adjust himself as soon as possible.

       For him, the most effective way to regulate his emotions was to think about Shen Huiming.

       His Mr. Shen was an elegant and upright person. Whether he was revising the plan with a frown on his face at the company or cooking for him at home wearing an apron, he was particularly charming.

       Suo Yang had never met such a charming man. Shen Huiming was the only one in the world, and he belonged to him.

       As he thought of Shen Huiming, Suo Yang couldn’t help but smile. When he rushed into the clouds, he began to miss his lover.

The author has something to say:
Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2020-06-01 06:35:51~2020-06-02 06:10:43~

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Chapter 64 – Lu Shifeng’s beloved wife

Chapter 64 – Lu Shifeng’s beloved wife


The salesperson at the women’s clothing store was momentarily taken aback. Jian Luo turned and looked at the woman over there, asking, “But your men’s clothing store, I want to buy women’s clothing.”


The salesperson looked slightly surprised. “Are you buying for someone else?”


Jian Luo nodded and introduced Su Liang, saying, “I brought my mother here to try on some clothes.”


The salesperson smiled warmly. “Of course, we also have a women’s clothing store right next door! You’re our esteemed member, and I’m here to assist you with anything you need.”


Jian Luo hadn’t expected that their store also sold women’s clothing. He immediately said to Su Liang, “Let’s switch to another store then.”


Su Liang nodded.


Just as they were about to leave, the manager of the women’s clothing store reacted first. She stepped forward to intercept Jian Luo and said, “Sir, did you just find a women’s outfit in our store that you’d like to try on? We can prepare it for you to try right away.”


Jian Luo paused and looked at the manager, his tone indifferent. “Worried about it getting dirty?”


The manager chuckled awkwardly and stood in front of Jian Luo. “Sir, what are you saying? How could that be? The girl who just served you is new here, and she’s very considerate. Please don’t judge us based on her.”


Her attitude now was completely different from her earlier arrogance.


Jian Luo raised an eyebrow and looked at the manager. After a moment of silence, he glanced at the salesperson who had spoken initially and smiled faintly. “New, you say?”


The manager nodded, “Yes.”


Jian Luo’s expression remained indifferent. “If she’s new, then let’s consider it training. I wouldn’t want to make a mess in your store.”


The manager choked up, her face turning somewhat unpleasant.


Jian Luo, accompanied by Su Liang, left the store. The salespeople in the store opposite them were all smiles, as if they had seen a wealthy patron approaching them. “Please come in.”


The group left together.


One of the female salespersons walked up to the manager and said, “Manager, why did you try to keep him? Look at the clothes he was wearing…”


The manager cursed in frustration, “What do you understand? Do you know how much a VIP like Lord Huangchen Clothing spends to qualify?”


The female salesperson hesitated, “How much?”


“Ten million!” The manager gritted her teeth. “I heard that his store was once emptied by someone, all the clothes for the small-sized humans. Have you considered that?”


The female salesperson was at a loss. “Well, maybe…”


The manager sighed deeply and gave a cold look to the female salesperson. “You’d better hope it’s maybe, or else…”


Losing a big order like that was an absolute disaster.


On the other side – Huangcheng Clothing Store.


Jian Luo had noticed before that their store’s styles and materials leaned more towards the aesthetics and requirements of humans. He hadn’t expected there to be a women’s clothing store as well.


The salesperson was enthusiastic towards Su Liang. “Your skin is so fair, and your figure is really good. We just received a new batch of dresses and suits. Please be sure to try them on.”


Su Liang looked at the dresses on the rack – fitted ones, long ones, with fresh and innovative colors and patterns.


Her eyes sparkled. “I’d like to see them.”


The salesperson happily handed her some dresses. “Please try them on. The fitting rooms are in the back.”


Su Liang blushed a bit. “Thank you, but I’m a bit older, maybe these aren’t suitable…”


The salesperson, an alien herself, understood the situation. Women like Su Liang, at her age, were in the prime of their youth, the most beautiful time of their lives. She reassured, “You’re worrying too much; these clothes will suit you very well.”


Jian Luo, who was behind them, added, “Mom, just give it a try.”


Su Liang nodded and went to try on the clothes.


Jian Luo sat down and sighed a bit. He had found that Su Liang’s mindset was somewhat conservative and reserved. He had inquired and learned that Su Liang was still in her thirties, not even 40 yet. In the environment of the Dark Star, human lifespans had increased significantly, with most living to around 100 years.


In other words, Su Liang’s life had only just begun.


Jian Luo didn’t want her to end or give up so quickly. He hoped that Su Liang could regain her confidence and truly be herself.


The curtain opened.


Su Liang walked out in a white, form-fitting dress. Her skin was fair, her figure graceful, and her temperament gentle. Her hair was simply arranged at the back of her head, with a few strands falling by her ears, adding a soft touch. There were a pair of high-heeled shoes specially provided in the fitting room, and she walked in them gracefully, the high-quality fabric of the dress emitting a dazzling radiance.


The server couldn’t help but exclaim, “Truly remarkable.”


Jian Luo sincerely added, “Mom, you look beautiful.”


“Really?” Su Liang took a few steps, and due to the high heels, her steps were a bit awkward. She walked up to the glass and looked at the woman in the mirror with a hint of disbelief.


The server chimed in from behind, “It suits you very well. You look beautiful.”


Su Liang stared at herself in the mirror for a moment and murmured, “I’ve never worn anything like this before. It looks…”


She had never worn clothes like this, as she always had to work, and wearing such clothes would hinder her movements. Even during her wedding, she hadn’t dressed so elegantly.


Jian Luo walked up from behind, saying, “Mom, you look really good in it.”


Su Liang murmured, “But these are not the kind of clothes you wear in daily life.”


“In that case, let’s buy something for daily wear as well,” Jian Luo replied casually. “After all, you have a clothes rack, so you can wear whatever you want.”


Su Liang wanted to refuse, but when she thought about Jian Luo’s current achievements and status, and the embarrassment of attending a school parent meeting in shabby clothes, she reluctantly agreed.


What Su Liang didn’t expect was that Jian Luo had packed up all the clothes she had tried on, both the ones she liked and the ones she hadn’t tried yet. Clothes of all sizes filled the entire long table, and the store employees were busy packing them.


The manager even personally escorted them to the door. “Don’t worry, we will have someone deliver these to you. The clothes also come with after-sales support. If there’s any damage or wrinkles, we will provide free repairs, and even cleaning services are included. Just contact me, and a specialist will come to your door.”


Jian Luo nodded and said, “Thank you.”


The store employees expressed their gratitude, “It’s an honor to serve you.”


For customers of this level, the manager would never neglect them, and the commotion in the entire store also caught the attention of neighboring clothing stores.


The store had glass doors, and the long table filled with clothes swiped by credit cards piqued the interest of all the shopkeepers. Such a high-profile customer was a rare sight, probably not seen for a long time!


Across the street, the store was in even greater shock.


One of the female salespeople couldn’t believe it. “How is this possible…”


The store manager was so angry she felt like she was about to faint. She glared at the female salesperson angrily. “You useless thing! You’ve ruined the entire store’s performance! Starting today, you’re off your post, and you’ll need to undergo retraining!”


The female salesperson’s heart sank. She felt like the world was mocking her. She looked at Jian Luo and Su Liang’s attire, unable to believe how a human could be so wealthy. There must be something fishy going on…


The next day was the parent-teacher meeting at Jian Luo’s school.


It was a private noble school, so the parents who came for the meeting were all relatively well-off. On the day of the parent-teacher meeting, the place was bustling with various luxury cars.


Jian Luo had been sent there by Lu Shifeng. He sat in the back with Lu Shifeng, while Su Liang sat in the front. Throughout the journey, she listened nervously, fearing that her son would do something reckless and embarrass her, especially since the marshal seemed quite satisfied with Jian Luo.


However, Jian Luo had no self-awareness whatsoever.


Lu Shifeng said, “Finish eating it.”


“I’m full,” Jian Luo frowned, a bit annoyed. “I don’t like the taste; it’s bitter.”


Lu Shifeng tried to persuade him, “It’s nutritious.”


Jian Luo pretended not to hear, “Dragon fruit is nutritious too. I’ll eat more dragon fruit tomorrow.”


“Same thing.” Lu Shifeng made him finish the last bite. “This is the last one.”


Jian Luo stuffed the sweet fruit into his mouth and pretended to see something. “I’m full now. If I eat more, I’ll be too full, and then you’ll have to carry me.”


Lu Shifeng raised an eyebrow. “Do you still have room for sweet fruit?”


Jian Luo turned the tables on him, sounding a bit aggrieved. “So now you’re willing for me to eat something?”


Conversations like these made Su Liang’s heart race. She never imagined that her son would be so audacious. Wasn’t he afraid of angering the marshal? A person like Lu Shifeng could be terrifying when angered!


What surprised her even more was that Lu Shifeng put away the fruit. “If you want to eat sweet fruit later, take some with you. Don’t go hungry.”


Jian Luo nodded. “Okay, thanks, Long ge. I’ve already acted.”


Su Liang couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Wasn’t her child afraid of anything?


Lu Shifeng then repeated, “You can eat some sweet fruit later; don’t starve yourself now.”


Jian Luo nodded and adamantly said again, “Alright, thanks, Long ge. I’m already full.”



Getting off the car, Su Liang’s heart felt uneasy. Since the car couldn’t enter the school premises, they had to walk in from outside. Jian Luo was supposed to meet them at the entrance, but their son wasn’t at the designated spot.


Jian Luo waited for a while and tried to reassure Su Liang, “I’ll send a message to check.”


Su Liang nodded lightly. “I hope nothing has happened to him.”


“I’ll find out,” Jian Luo replied. He sent a message, but there was no response. Just as he was about to consider going inside himself, he noticed a group of people gathered under the shade of trees in the distance, seemingly for no apparent reason. He had a strange premonition.


Jian Luo said to Su Liang, “Mom, please wait for me here. I’ll go take a look.”


Su Liang hesitated for a moment but nodded. “Okay.”


Jian Luo walked towards the group of people under the tree shade, and as he got closer, he could hear Jian Sheng’s voice. There was another parent nearby, angrily shouting, “Are you capable of compensating? Can you afford it? Pay attention when you’re walking! How did a human child even get in here? Did you come to the wrong school? Do you know how valuable my belongings are?”


Jian Sheng lowered his head and kept apologizing, “I’m sorry, I’m really sorry. I will compensate.”


The man brushed his clothes and continued, “How uncultured! You say you’ll compensate, but do you even know the value of my clothes? They are the same model as Mr. Nie’s. Do you know Mr. Nie? Besides him, there’s only me with this limited edition outfit. Fine, I also need an apology from you. Let your parents come to negotiate about the cost of the clothes. I need an explanation!”

T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!

Chapter 79 – Who Says Omegas Can’t be as Explosive as Alphas

Chapter 79


The Imperial Navy Patrol is a unique organization, possessing its own independent office space. As the captain of the guard, Wen Ye was given a special, separate resting area. However, few people knew that besides being the captain of the Imperial Navy Patrol, he also carried the responsibility of forming a special task force.


Although he would officially graduate from the academy in half a year, Wen Ye was currently the most accomplished individual in the Imperial Navy. He held this prestigious position despite still being a student.


Today, the usually undisturbed resting area fell into an eerie silence due to the arrival of three individuals. Sitting in the central chair, Wen Ye’s mood appeared less than pleasant. His gaze fixed on Wen Xingchen, and his lips curved slightly downwards, revealing a touch of profound emotion in his eyes.


Originally, as a semi-military member of the Empire, everyone was expected to be prepared to serve the country at any time. However, because of his important position, Wen Ye understood the significance of joining the Imperial Navy Special Task Force. He thought the recruitment for fresh blood into the special task force would at least wait until he graduated and Wen Xingchen officially entered his sophomore year. But he never expected that three new recruits would be enlisted even before the first half of Wen Xingchen’s freshman year had ended.


Next to him, Bing Yunlin leisurely brewed some tea and handed a cup to each of them, gently breaking the silence, “Welcome to the team. Come, try the tea I brewed.”


Bing Yunlin’s other identity was the vice-captain of the special task force, and he usually assisted Wen Ye in assigning tasks to the members.


Intentionally or not, when handing the cup to Wen Ye, Bing Yunlin lightly patted his shoulder. Wen Ye looked up, meeting his smiling gaze, and lowered his eyes slightly. He finally spoke, “The bounty tournament will officially begin next month. Since the principal wishes for you to participate, use the time you have to understand the specific rules of the competition and prepare accordingly.”


Lu Jingning interjected, “Then, when can we start dealing with missions related to the insect race? I feel…”


As the special task force was specifically set up to deal with the insect race, there was no need to avoid discussing such matters in front of the captain and vice-captain. Lu Jingning could openly voice his thoughts.


Before he could finish his sentence, Bing Yunlin calmly interrupted, “Isn’t this upcoming mission related to the insect race? The reward for this bounty competition is a highly dense energy mine. Apart from our school, it’s likely that several other military academies on Silver Star will send representatives. Moreover, if the rumors are true, the Federation government may also get involved. Everyone’s objective is the same – to prevent this valuable item from falling into the hands of the insect race. Hence, you can understand the importance of this mission, right?”


Upon hearing this, Lu Jingning’s lingering dissatisfaction from the practice match seemed to dissipate, and he immediately cheered up, saying, “Understood! We’ll make sure to complete the mission!”


After discussing some specific matters that the members of the special task force needed to be aware of, their first meeting concluded.


As Wen Xingchen was about to stand up from his chair, Wen Ye suddenly called out to him. When he turned to look, Wen Ye fell silent for a moment before speaking, “Next week is your birthday, and Father wants to hold a grand birthday banquet for you. So, let me ask, can you arrange some time to come home?”


Wen Xingchen almost instantly rejected the invitation, “No need, I don’t plan to go home for now.”


Wen Ye continued, “Father has already sent an invitation to Madam Yu, so she should be attending.”


Wen Xingchen’s steps faltered. Wen Ye then looked at Lu Jingning next to him and said, “Since you just entered the Imperial Navy, you can take this opportunity to invite some classmates as well. It would be a good chance to strengthen friendships.”


Wen Xingchen instinctively wanted to refuse, but when he turned his head, he met Lu Jingning’s piercing gaze. The words on the tip of his tongue stopped, and he finally replied, “Okay, I understand.”


Seeing that Wen Xingchen had agreed, Wen Ye nodded, “You may go.”


After the three left, Bing Yunlin sat down next to Wen Ye, holding a cup of tea with a smirk. He observed Wen Ye’s expression and taunted, “You seem to be worrying about everything. Should I go ask Grandfather for a termination contract and kick those three out of the special task force?”


Wen Ye rubbed his slightly throbbing temple, “You’re just joking.”


Bing Yunlin smiled and said, “Do you know that you’ve always cherished your little brother? But Wen Xingchen is no longer the little carrot that followed you around from a young age. Ever since he officially entered the Imperial Navy, you should learn to let go.”


Bing Yunlin’s words revolved around the idea that “the child has grown up and should have his own ideas.” Although Wen Ye understood this reality, he couldn’t help but frown.


In the next moment, Bing Yunlin handed him a cup of tea without seeking his consent and forced him to take a sip, “I added some honey. Surprisingly, the taste is quite good. Try it.”


As the tea entered his mouth, a sweet and sticky flavor spread, stifling the sigh that was about to escape Wen Ye’s lips.


After a brief silence, he replied, “Mm, not bad.”



Walking back, an unusual silence enveloped the three of them, most evidently represented by Lu Jingning, who remained quiet throughout.


Although Yan Hebin didn’t like to be talkative on regular days, it didn’t mean he enjoyed being the third wheel in this awkward atmosphere. When they reached the first intersection, he used the library as an excuse and parted ways with the other two.


Initially, Wen Xingchen’s thoughts lingered on the upcoming birthday banquet. He knew exactly what his father, Wen Muqiao, had in mind. Over the years, his father’s indifferent attitude towards him had already spread throughout the military, and despite Wen Muqiao’s efforts to change this public perception, any onlooker could easily notice the atmosphere between father and son. Regardless of the effort to put up a show in the upper echelons of society, Wen Xingchen wondered if his father would end up setting his sights on another prestigious family’s daughter during the banquet and consider her as a potential fiancee.


Personally, Wen Xingchen had no interest in such gatherings. However, Wen Ye mentioned that Wen Muxue had invited his mother to the event.


This was a display of submission.


Wen Xingchen did not mind giving his mother the chance to stand tall in public, especially when she had been the only one by his side throughout the years.


Lost in thought, by the time he snapped back to reality, they had arrived at the final intersection.


He was about to bid farewell when he glanced at Lu Jingning, who seemed somewhat displeased. Instead of saying, “See you tomorrow,” Wen Xingchen asked, “What’s wrong?”


Lu Jingning didn’t answer the question directly but stared at Wen Xingchen for a long time before asking incoherently, “Wen-ge, be honest, am I a very inadequate boyfriend?”


The question was rather profound, leaving Wen Xingchen momentarily stunned. “Why do you say that?”


Lu Jingning responded, “Jian Luan said he used to have four Omega partners within a month, and he even remembered all their birthdays.”


As he said this, he furrowed his brows in self-reflection. “But you are my first Alpha, and if Captain hadn’t mentioned it today, I might not have known about it, even after your birthday.”


Before this, Wen Xingchen had never thought that Lu Jingning would have such a delicate and sensitive side. For some reason, looking at him lost in thought, he had an inexplicable feeling as if this person had unconsciously chosen to bestow all his tenderness upon him.


Especially that phrase, “you are my first Alpha,” no matter how one heard it, it sounded like the most beautiful declaration of love.


Wen Xingchen felt a surge of joy in his heart. He leaned slightly forward, firmly pressing a hand against Lu Jingning’s waist, pulling him closer with a half-smile. “Now that you mention it, it does seem to be the case, doesn’t it?”


Lu Jingning probably expected Wen Xingchen to console him, saying things like “It’s not true,” but instead, he received this response, which made him frown and glare at Wen Xingchen resentfully. “What? Do you want a refund?”


Unconsciously, a hint of amusement appeared in Wen Xingchen’s eyes. “Can I get one?”


Lu Jingning raised an eyebrow. “No refunds or exchanges.”


Wen Xingchen wore a look of helplessness. “Then what should I do?”


This amusing act from Lu Jingning made him forget his earlier concerns, and he replied in a teasing tone, “What else can you do? Accept it! There’s a saying, isn’t there? Even if you get an Omega with tears, you still have to pamper them.”


Lu Jingning’s tone sounded nonchalant, mixed with a touch of pride, as if the person who had just deeply reflected upon himself wasn’t him at all.


Seeing Lu Jingning’s radiant smile, Wen Xingchen’s lips curled up. “Alright, I’ll pamper you for a lifetime.”


Lu Jingning swayed slightly under his affectionate gaze, then suddenly leaned in and kissed Wen Xingchen’s lips without warning.


After parting, Lu Jingning looked at Wen Xingchen, who seemed a little dazed, and solemnly made a vow, “Although I may not be qualified right now, within my lifetime, I will become a qualified boyfriend, okay?”


Wen Xingchen pondered for a moment and said, “No good.”


Lu Jingning didn’t expect his grand declaration to receive such a response. Before he could say anything, Wen Xingchen leaned down and firmly sealed his lips, leaving him slightly dazed from the long and affectionate kiss.


“Just being a boyfriend is not enough; you need to become a qualified partner,” Wen Xingchen’s voice gently stirred his racing heart. “Next week, I’ll introduce you to my mother, okay?”


Lu Jingning wondered if it was just his imagination, but towards the end of the sentence, there seemed to be a hint of a coquettish tone?


With such a compelling gesture, how could Lu Jingning refuse? It was practically cheating!!!


After mentally cursing countless times, he finally managed to keep his composure and said reluctantly, “I’ll consider it.”


Wen Xingchen chuckled from above, “Alright, take your time to consider.”


The author has something to say: Heh, you’re talking as if you’d actually reject it!


T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


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