Month: December 2023 (Page 2 of 5)

Chapter 110 – Cheating on three people at once (Part 1)

Chapter 110 – Cheating on three people at once (Part 1)


The air was filled with such an awkward atmosphere, and the doctor also sensed it. Before she could speak, Lu Shifeng, who was accompanying her, spoke first, “It’s nothing. Stop watching documentaries.”


Jian Luo glanced at him.


Lu Shifeng spoke in a deep voice, “The dragon race has a 0% difficulty in childbirth. You are human, and the situation may be somewhat special. I will have the top medical team in the entire universe assist in your delivery. Don’t worry.”


It sounded good indeed.


Even though he didn’t explicitly state whether the priority was the child’s safety or the mother’s, Jian Luo didn’t want to inquire further. Some things didn’t need a clear answer. Sometimes, being muddled was rare, and making things too clear could be embarrassing.


Moreover, the answers to such questions were already in everyone’s hearts; there was no need to humiliate oneself by asking.


Jian Luo touched his belly and smiled, “Alright, I hope everything goes smoothly and safely.”


Lu Shifeng looked at his forced smile and furrowed his brows.


The doctor on the side felt that she might have said something wrong and tried to change the topic, “It’s okay. There are still three months left. Giving birth is very physically demanding. We will provide some exercise plans later on. Luo Luo, you must actively cooperate with the exercises. Keeping up with your physical condition and strength will prevent many accidents.”


Luo Luo nodded in cooperation, “Okay, got it.”


Today, he was surprisingly obedient, not complaining as usual. However, the doctor didn’t feel relieved.


Now, she could only hope for the safety of mother and child, praying for the smooth birth of the only hope of the Dark Star and that the mother could deliver smoothly.



On the way back from the examination, Jian Luo remained silent.


Before Lu Shifeng could speak, he received a private message from Jiang Jiang, and his whole person became lively, “Oh, the results of the photo processing are out.”


Lu Shifeng asked, “How is it?”


Jian Luo didn’t have time to explain. When he returned to the room, he sat on the sofa and contacted Wei Wei and the others with the processed photos.


Throughout the afternoon, Wei Wei and the others were under great pressure. Influenced by online public opinion, many customers started applying for refunds without the product, and some who received the dried fruits also demanded refunds, citing dissatisfaction with the taste.


Wei Wei said, “They’ve already opened the merchandise and eaten a lot, yet they still demand a refund.”


Anya also helped analyze for Jian Luo, “It’s all the work of that blogger. After posting that manipulated image, he has been leading the narrative, claiming that our products are bad and inciting others to demand justice. It makes it seem like we and the consumers are on opposite sides.”


Jian Luo also opened StarNet to check the latest developments.


Since the release of the manipulated image, which seemed like solid evidence, the blogger became more arrogant. He listed all the mistreatment he had received during his process of seeking justice, even bringing out his past records of seeking justice. He loudly advocated the theory that consumers should stand up to defend their legitimate rights:


“We buy things, and if we’re not satisfied, the merchants should be responsible.”


“No one’s money comes from thin air. If it’s not suitable, it should be returned.”


“These unscrupulous merchants only know how to make money. Do we, as consumers, still have a say?”


The blogger’s words were impassioned, stirring up many people and encouraging them to seize this opportunity to apply for refunds.


Jian Luo, as he continued to read, once again noticed that the blogger had mentioned him: “I have received the refund. I hope you can do better in the future. Don’t be so stubborn and disregard the consumers. That’s it.”


Wei Wei leaned over, “He dares to mention us again?!”


Jian Luo chuckled instead of getting angry. With extreme calmness, he replied, attaching a picture, “We have received your after-sales request. We sincerely thank you for your support and encouragement of our work. We hope that in the future, when uploading after-sales photos, you can seek truth and be genuine. Running a small business is not easy. Please understand each other.”


The manipulated photo was released by Jian Luo.


To make the differences more apparent to others, he even pointed out some obvious flaws in the manipulated image. Finally, he placed the two photos side by side for a more direct and three-dimensional comparison.


As the first image was displayed, the audience was stunned:


“Is it real?”


“Manipulated image? How can someone do such a thing?”


“Just for a dried fruit worth 15 star coins, really?”


One star coin is equivalent to 1 RMB yuan. Although 15 yuan is not a small amount, it’s rare for someone to go to the trouble of manipulating an image for a refund of 15 yuan. It was simply unbelievable.


The blogger, seeing this, became infuriated. He retorted, “Baseless accusations! My photos haven’t been manipulated. Is this how your store bullies consumers?”


Jian Luo said, “We have not made any malicious modifications to the images. Instead, your actions constitute online fraud. If you have any doubts, we are willing to go through legal procedures for a fair trial.”


He knew that it wasn’t worth making a big deal out of a transaction for 15 star coins. He also knew that openly opposing the consumers wouldn’t benefit him. However, from the beginning, the other party had been pushing him step by step. He had already offered a refund, but the other party maliciously placed multiple orders and demanded refunds. Jian Luo had tried to downplay the situation, but the other party continued to publicly shame him on the platform. His tolerance and patience hadn’t gained the slightest restraint from the other party, so he decided to speak up.


The commenting onlookers said:


“Interstellar lawsuits aren’t that easy to establish.”


“The amount is too small.”


“Isn’t it a bit much to file a lawsuit for such a small sum?”


There were those who opposed and those who supported:


“What kind of holier-than-thou attitude is this? Isn’t it just money? They say humans are weak, yet they’re trying to take advantage even of a small race. Have some shame!”


“You complained about the taste, but during the live broadcast, there was always holographic tasting. Why didn’t you find it unappetizing then? No one forced you to place an order.”


“Even a fool can see the traces of manipulation in those photos. Is it so hard to admit a mistake?”


“Is this racial discrimination? If this store were a major aristocracy, these people wouldn’t dare to show such an attitude. It’s just because humans are easy to bully.”


The online argument was heating up, and Jian Luo was already considering consulting with legal professionals.


“Ding dong.”


A message happened to come in.


Jian Luo casually opened it, and it turned out to be from Nie Yan. He said, “Any issues with the dried fruits in transit?”


It was a must to reply to the information from the business partner’s influential father. Jian Luo said, “It shouldn’t be. We rarely receive orders with genuine quality issues. I suspect he’s attempting a malicious refund.”


Nie Yan responded with a thoughtful “Hmm.”


Jian Luo lounged on the sofa, sighed deeply, and rubbed his forehead.


Not far away, Lu Shifeng was also browsing the star network. Just as he was about to speak, Jian Luo’s message tone rang.


Nie Yan said, “I’ll have the legal department handle this matter.”


Jian Luo was somewhat shocked, “Are you personally going to handle it?”


“The logistics sector falls under Moonlight’s responsibility. Food spoilage tarnishes the company’s image. As your business partner, I should take responsibility when issues arise. Building a good brand image maximizes benefits,” Nie Yan added, “Next time you encounter such a situation, I hope you’ll think of me first to minimize losses.”




Truly deserving of you.


Jian Luo honestly replied, “Okay, boss.”


Although Nie Yan’s words sounded official, Jian Luo had still received assistance. So, he actively added, “Thank you, boss~”


After some thought, Jian Luo sent a custom emoji he had developed himself. Originally designed for the online customer service team, it aimed to add a touch of friendliness and fun to communication with customers.


He included a dog head, a heart, a crying face, a hug, a happy face, and various other small expressions. Jian Luo chose a heart and sent it to Nie Yan to express his gratitude.


Originally thinking that Nie Yan wouldn’t reply, to his surprise, Nie Yan responded after a short while, “Did you draw this yourself?”


Jian Luo: “Yes.”


Nie Yan was silent for a moment, then copied and pasted a heart back, saving time and effort.




Jian Luo closed the chat interface.


As he looked up, he saw Lu Shifeng staring at him. The marshal was half-leaning on the sofa, in a lazy posture, supporting his chin with one hand. He was quietly looking at Jian Luo with those deep red eyes, making people inexplicably guilty. How to describe this feeling precisely? It was like being caught cheating – an awkward embarrassment.


Jian Luo awkwardly chuckled, “What’s up?”


Lu Shifeng spoke leisurely, “Feeling better?”




Well, it’s quite ordinary.


Actually, Jian Luo, he’s someone with a strong ability to self-regulate. Whatever happens, it doesn’t bother him for long. His earlier bad mood was genuine, but now that things are resolving, his good mood is genuine too.


Thinking about this, Jian Luo became quite proactive. He said, “You’re not asleep yet. I thought you’d go to bed first.”


Lu Shifeng’s lips curled into a cold smile. “What, am I being extra?”


“…Be normal.”


Jian Luo was contemplating what madness this guy was up to again. Dealing with a man’s heart was truly tricky. Lu Shifeng placed the parenting guide he was holding on the table and spoke, “The matter online, I’ll have someone handle it.”


Jian Luo: “Huh?”


Lu Shifeng: “If the involved amount doesn’t exceed 10,000 star coins, it won’t constitute fraud.”


Jian Luo nodded, aware of this matter too. “I understand. I doubt we can make a lawsuit out of it.”




Lu Shifeng paused, lifted his eyelids to glance at Jian Luo, his tone forceful yet tinged with danger. “He likes to deal with merchants, right? Let him have his fill.”


Initially bewildered, Jian Luo blinked, then realized. He clapped his hands, “You mean, he’s not just like this with our family!”


Lu Shifeng raised an eyebrow without confirming or denying.


Jian Luo’s eyes brightened, praising him, “Boss, you’re amazing. If the combined amount exceeds 10,000, we can sue. Wow, you’re incredible.”


Lu Shifeng, languidly, a hint of sourness in his voice, “What, not unnecessary now?”


Jian Luo, like a flatterer, crawled to his side, pleasingly grabbing his arm. “How could that be, how could that be? The boss is the most amazing.”


As they spoke, his phone pinged again.


Lu Shifeng barely had a moment to revel in the attention when Jian Luo let go and checked the message. It was unexpectedly from Zhan Wentai.


The noble master said, “I’ve seen the news online.”


Jian Luo hummed, “Thank you, teacher, for your concern. I’m fine.”


“Is it because of those things that you didn’t submit your assignment today?” Zhan Wentai was very indifferent. “You don’t need to worry about those matters. I’ll handle them.”




As expected of you.


Jian Luo’s hand trembled slightly as he typed the message, “I’m sorry, teacher. I’ll make up for the assignment tomorrow. You don’t need to worry about the things online; I’ll handle them myself. I won’t trouble you.”


Zhan Wentai outright refused, “The M9 Galaxy is an affiliated galaxy of the Phoenix Clan. My lax supervision is my responsibility. Regarding what happened there, I’ll give you an explanation.”


Jian Luo: “But…”


“There are no ‘buts,'” Zhan Wentai said. “When you have time, finish your assignment sooner.”




After closing the message, Jian Luo asked Lu Shifeng, “Do you also have affiliated galaxies? I’ve never heard of that.”


Lu Shifeng, originally reading a document, responded, “We do.”


Jian Luo seemed lost in thought.


“A few years ago, when I had nothing to do, I casually subjugated quite a few galaxies,” Lu Shifeng said casually, as if he had just gone out to buy groceries. “The Dark Star Territory is vast and doesn’t necessarily need colonization. We usually accept offerings from these galaxies. Why, have your eyes set on any?”




Darn it, why is he so extravagant?


Jian Luo persisted, “Um, roughly how many are there?”


Lu Shifeng casually replied, “Forgot.”


Jian Luo nearly choked on his own breath.


Lu Shifeng succinctly explained, “For ease of memory, galaxies named with ‘A’ are affiliated with the Dragon Clan, ‘S’ with the Blood Clan, ‘B’ with Pixius, and ‘M’ with the Phoenix Clan.”


Ah, that’s why His Excellency the Sacrificial Master said it was his affiliated galaxy.


Looking at it this way, giving away Earth was probably as simple to them as giving away a watch. He had been fussing over it unnecessarily for days!


“Ding dong.”


The terminal beeped again.


Jian Luo snapped out of it, only to find it was from the Little Emperor. The Little Emperor said, “Luo Luo, I’ve seen the online matter. They’ve really gone too far! I’m very angry!”


Jian Luo even had to comfort him in return, “Your Majesty, calm down. Don’t stoop to their level.”


The Little Emperor persisted, “Holding back just makes me angrier. I’ve decided, I’ll adjust the laws on online purchases to make people like him face legal consequences.”


Jian Luo widened his eyes, “How will Your Majesty change it?”


So arbitrary, is it? Laws are just changed like that? Your Majesty, are your subjects aware of how authoritative you are?


The Little Emperor’s momentum weakened, “I haven’t figured it out yet, but I’ll decide soon. Luo Luo, just wait and see!”


“…Thank you for your grace, Your Majesty.”


After closing the communication, before Jian Luo could deeply contemplate, Lu Shifeng had already turned off his communication wristband and pointed at the clock, “Look at the time.”


Jian Luo turned to see the hands showing it was already past 11 in the evening.


Lu Shifeng said, “Anything can wait until tomorrow.”


Knowing resistance was futile, Jian Luo obediently nodded, “Alright then, I’ll rest first. I’m actually a bit tired.”


After saying that, he eagerly headed towards the bed.


Cross-legged, gazing at the crystal ball, Jian Luo asked, “Will we return to the village from my childhood this time? Will the previous incident continue?”


Lu Shifeng glanced at him coolly, “It’s random.”


Jian Luo breathed a sigh of relief. In truth, he didn’t have much connection with these elder brothers. They didn’t harbor ill intentions; they were just a group of slightly lonely people in the city who craved warmth. Some liked watching pretty ladies, some enjoyed singing, and others preferred food shows.


Sometimes, these elders would place orders with him. When he livestreamed at night, it coincided with their work breaks, allowing them to watch and support the broadcaster.


After ending the call, Jian Luo relaxed. But as he looked up, he met Lu Shifeng’s gaze. The Marshal’s gaze was penetrating, and he arched an eyebrow. “Another one of your ex-boyfriends?”


Jian Luo hurriedly explained, “No, he’s not, he’s not my boyfriend.”


As he tried to explain in his haste, another call came through. Frantically attempting to clarify, he accidentally accepted the call again.


Jian Luo felt extremely close to collapsing inside.


The voice on the phone sounded delighted, “Luo Luo, it’s me.”


Jian Luo resigned himself, “L-Li Ge?”


“Ah, you okay from last night? You were up late.” Li Ge also expressed concern for Jian Luo’s late-night livestream, “I didn’t tune in last night. You’re not mad, are you?”




Jian Luo sensed a brewing storm of anger.


Desperately trying to survive, he quickly said, “Li Ge! It’s just not watching the livestream, no big deal. You must have had your own stuff to do. I don’t blame you.”


The more accommodating he sounded, the more the man on the other end persisted, launching into a conversation about physical and emotional well-being. Jian Luo was sweating profusely, finally finding a chance to hang up.


Having learned his lesson this time, he tossed the phone aside, vowing never to accidentally answer calls again.


Jian Luo glanced at Lu Shifeng, feeling extremely guilty. “They’re not my boyfriends. I’ve genuinely never even met them in person!”


Lu Shifeng arched an eyebrow, implying something deeper. “Is that so?”


Jian Luo wished he could disappear.


This was worse than being caught red-handed!


What had he done wrong for this dream scenario to treat him this way? Did he desecrate the ancestral graves of the Elf Clan in his past life?!


Lu Shifeng smirked coldly, “Placing orders without meeting in person, calling to inquire about well-being? Morning calls?”


“This…” Jian Luo choked up, “I can swear they’re just viewers of my livestream, I have no other intentions. And they’re around forty to fifty years old, they could practically be my father! How could there be anything? Trust me, we’ve never even met in person!”


As the words fell, the atmosphere grew colder.


Jian Luo, in his haste, blurted without much thought. It was only after he said it that he realized, while in human years, forty to fifty might be considered older, in the Dragon Clan, Lu Shifeng could be four to five hundred years old!


Sure enough, Jian Luo cautiously lifted his head, only to see the Marshal’s darkened expression. The atmosphere became somewhat awkward. After his unplanned confession, he had completely dug himself into a pit. No, he needed to salvage this situation somehow!


Upon thinking about it, Jian Luo said, “Um, you have to believe me, I really…”


“Ding ling ling.”


Another phone ring echoed.


Cold sweat poured down Jian Luo’s body in an instant. This phone ring was almost like a death knell. No matter who it was this time, he wouldn’t answer! He swore!


Lu Shifeng glanced indifferently and smirked, “Since it’s no big deal, just answer.”


Jian Luo awkwardly replied, “I-it’s not necessary.”


Lu Shifeng’s gaze turned cold. “Are you scared?”


“…Not scared.”


Jian Luo reluctantly picked up the phone, praying that this guy had dialed the wrong number, hoping not to stir trouble for himself.


As the call connected, a cheerful voice sounded, “Luo Luo, you finally picked up! Are you awake? I happen to be on a business trip to City A and wanted to meet you. I’ve seen your live streams and found you to be a very cute guy. I really want to get to know you offline. Can I?”




Yeah, right.


T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!

Chapter 17 – The Star Thief (2)

       The moment his body entered the zero gravity atmosphere, Qin Yun was knocked over by the air current. Moschery pulled him to his side by the end of the rope and motioned for him to hold on to him tightly.

       Qin Yun hung onto Moschery like an octopus, “Hold, hold me tight!”

       “What’s the fuss now?” Moschery pressed the back of Qin Yun’s head with a strange expression, “We can kiss him after we go down and take off the oxygen mask.”

       “…” Qin Yun was embarrassed to say that he didn’t mean it that way. He was supported by Moschery on the back and gradually rose steadily. When he remembered and looked back at Chen Xiao’s aircraft, the Stallion Balls had turned into a small black ball.

       “Almost there.” Moschery loosened the rope in his hand, pulled out a little distance, and signalled Qin Yun to stand firm.

       “Wah!” Qin Yun looked down at his dangling feet with an expression of disbelief and surprise.

       Moschery stretched the rope tied around their waists a little longer and suggested, “Go run and see.”

       Qin Yun enthusiastically tried to do a few ‘spacewalks’. After feeling that there was no danger at all, he let go and started to have fun.

       Moschery held the other end of the rope steady and watched Qin Yun flapping up and down, left and right, and if he flew too far, Moschery would be responsible for pulling him back by the rope.

       After playing for a long time, Qin Yun found that he was the only one who was happy and felt a little embarrassed. He slid next to Moschery and said cheerfully, “You want to play for a while too? I’ll help you hold it!”

       Moschery glanced at him and said calmly, “No need.”

       Qin Yun: “??”

       Moschery: “I don’t like being toyed around with.”

       Qin Yun: “…”


       The spiritual link was not affected by gravity, and Zhongyan’s flying speed was still the same as usual. The huge black dragon almost blended into the night sky, and its outstretched wings were like cloud curtains, covering the bright stars.

       Qin Yun imitated Moschery’s movements and laid ‘flat’ in space. The stars above his head were magnificent, and even the nebulae farther away could be clearly seen.

       “This is more beautiful than the one in Cyprus.” Qin Yun sighed. Zhongyan had already laid down next to him as if he was afraid of Qin Yun being cold; he stretched out one of his wings to cover him.

       “Don’t fall asleep.” Moschery kicked his sleepy guide.

       Qin Yun made a muffled sound and said with slurred speech, “It’s okay… there’s enough oxygen, right?”

       Moschery remained silent. He reached out and intermittently applied pressure to Qin Yun’s neck, ensuring that he didn’t completely fall asleep.

       “Don’t you want to try and ride a dragon?” Moschery suddenly said, “It’s not far from the atmosphere. We can ride back… and fly in the clouds.”

       Half-awake Qin Yun suddenly finally regained some energy. He climbed onto the dragon’s back clumsily and patted the position in front of him, “Come up quickly, I’ll take you!”

       Moschery: “…You sit in front!”


       After returning to the atmosphere, Qin Yun wanted to imitate Moschery and remove the oxygen mask, but the latter did not agree.

       “It’s too high; it’s better to carry it with you.” Moschery pointed in the general direction and let Zhongyan fly wherever he wanted. The Sissy Dragon was indeed peculiar, choosing thick and large cloud layers to fly through. It opened its mouth wide and passed through the clouds from the middle. In no time, the two riders on the dragon’s back were soaked from head to toe.

       Qin Yun: “…can it see the road when it’s in the clouds?”

       “Did you look at the road when you hit the wall?” Moschery glanced at him, “The more you hit the wall, the more you’ll get used to it. Stop the nonsense.”

       Qin Yun: “…”


       Just after hitting countless cloud walls, a large and gorgeous meteor shower suddenly appeared in front of Qin Yun’s eyes. The trailing star tails pierced the sky like burning flames, illuminating the dark curtain of the night, and Qin Yun’s eyes widened, his mouth half-open as he tilted his neck in a dazed manner.

       Moschery asked Zhongyan to stop on a huge cloud.

       The meteor shower was vast in scale, and although Zhongyan wasn’t very close to it, Qin Yun still had the illusion that the stars might fall directly onto him.

       “Blessed by God of Love, the best stargazing spot in the imperial capital located in Cyprus is below.” Moschery said calmly, “It’s still a little far away from us now, so you don’t have to worry about being hit.”

       Qin Yun finally came to his senses. He looked at the emperor with a complicated expression, “…Do you know there will be a meteor shower today?”

       Moschery didn’t say anything, probably because he was tired of being stared at. The sentinel pushed his guide’s face away roughly, “Shut up and look at your stars.”

       Qin Yun giggled foolishly for a while, but after a while, he still couldn’t hold it back, “Since when did you start planning this? It took a long time to find this location, didn’t it?”

       Moschery lazily propped up his head, making it clear that he had no intention of answering.

       Qin Yun babbled, “Don’t be shy…” but no longer pressed for an answer.

       Zhongyan occasionally extended its claws as if trying to catch the tails of the shooting stars. In the thick ink-like night sky, the nebulae formed a colourful and radiant stream of light, decorating the darkness and falling upon the people nestled together.


       It seemed that no matter whether it was the beginning of the universe or the end of the world, they would never be separated.


       Yuanbao lay on Skarter’s shoulder, and Lin Dongliang sat cross-legged next to him, with the head of the king’s crocodile resting on his knees. The terrace where they stayed was the honeymoon presidential suite in Cyprus, the best place to watch the meteor shower.

       Lin Dongliang looked at the meteors flying in the sky and was a little surprised, “How did you find this place?”

       It was no wonder he would ask so. Although his childhood sweetheart could grow to love others, he didn’t seem to have many romantic cells. Perhaps because his spiritual link was a cold-blooded animal, even the owner’s physical condition was somewhat peculiar, such as being excessively sensitive to the cold in winter and having poor heat dissipation in summer, he would prefer to stay indoors and not go out all year round.

       The temperature in Cyprus was very low at night. Skarter found a thick cotton coat out of nowhere, folded his hands like an old man and put them in his sleeves.

       “I looked at His Majesty’s itinerary.” Skarter’s voice buzzed with a thick nasal tone, “He made an itinerary for watching the meteor shower… As expected, he is planning to take Qin Yun to see it.”

       Lin Dongliang opened his mouth, “…His Majesty’s boyfriend power is very high.”

       Skarter took out a roll of paper and started to blow his nose, “It’s not just high, it’s MAX. I even took a peek at his detailed itinerary map, from the schedule to the best viewing spots… He also drafted the scene dialogue. Even his dragon has a role to play.”

       Lin Dongliang: “…”

       Skarter: “Even on a secret mission, he never forgets to arrange a date casually.”

       Lin Dongliang was speechless, “Does Chen Xiao know?”

       “He’s probably just being used.” Skarter held the red panda into his arms like a hot water bag, “He played the super-sized lightbulb1unwanted third guest number one in His Majesty’s script.”

       Lin Dongliang: “…”


       Chen Xiao sneezed hard in the c0ckpit of the Stallion Balls. He was muttering in his mind, wondering if the lingering canon lass was cursing him again.

       “Are those two people back?” Chen Xiao asked his men.

       A small crew member replied, “Seems on their way back. Do you need to pick me up?”

       Chen Xiao thought for a while and called out, “Ali.”

       The bald burly man whose name was called turned around. He was only wearing a tank top, and his exposed skin was covered in large tattoos.

       “Go and help pull down the rope.” Chen Xiao ordered, “By the way, tell them that a merchant ship from Olympus will pass by in the early morning, and there is very important news on it.”


       When Qin Yun first entered the aircraft observatory, he saw Ali holding the rope.

       “You’re here to help?” Qin Yun smiled and waved to greet, but Ali did not respond. He concentrated on tightening the rope so that Qin Yun could land safely.

       Different from his bad and rough appearance, Ali was a silent and gentle person. He held him steady before stepping forward to untie his oxygen mask and hand over the warm clothes he had prepared.

       “Thank you.” Qin Yun trembled and hastily fumbled to put on the clothes. Without Zhongyan’s wings to block the wind and unable to always rely on Moschery’s embrace, it was truly exceptionally cold for a while.

       “Chen Xiao asked you to come?” Moschery took off the rope around his waist, “What’s the mission?”

       Ali repeated Chen Xiao’s words.

       Moschery pondered for a while and asked, “How to get on the other party’s ship.”

       Ali: “Unsurprisingly, it must be a theft.”

       This answer seemed to be within Moschery’s expectation, but Qin Yun didn’t understand, “Theft? What to steal?”

       Ali glanced at him, with a faint smile on the fierce man’s face, “Treasure, news, people… there is nothing we cannot steal.”

       Qin Yun: “Aren’t you… a merchant ship?”

       “It’s a merchant ship.” Ali said, “But we also have a more famous name.” He lowered his head and pointed to the tattoo of a five-pointed star on the back of his neck, “Star Thief.”

The author has something to say:
Hold on, I am a meme on Weibo. Everyone can easily search and take a look. It’s very cute XD. His Majesty is a cool version, taking you to watch the meteor shower 233333.

Fixed a bug, watching the meteor shower on the clouds is like having a VIP seat.

I’m not sure what meme is that… I’ll post when I found it
Also yeah, His Majesty bf power is so high to even make a detailed date guide kek

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Chapter 109 – Protecting the Big or Small

Chapter 109 – Protecting the Big or Small


After returning from the banquet, Jian Luo could feel the power of the fruit.


Nowadays, he felt energetic. Not to mention reading, studying, or writing, even staying up all night didn’t make him tired at all.


Jian Luo, who rarely looked in the mirror for eight hundred years, said, “I feel like I’ve become a bit more handsome, haven’t I?”


Lu Shifeng, not far away, didn’t bother to turn his head, “Is that so?”


“Yeah, I feel like my skin has improved, and I seem to have grown a bit taller. My eyes also have a sparkle.” Jian Luo shook his head in front of the mirror, “Haven’t you noticed?”


Lu Shifeng just gave a casual “Hmm,” and said, “I noticed.”




Such an indifferent man.


Jian Luo snorted lightly, “Look if you want to, or don’t.”


Lu Shifeng finally took his gaze away from the documents, turned his head elegantly, and glanced at him, “Jian Luo.”


“What?” Jian Luo asked.


Lu Shifeng said, “Don’t care too much about appearances.”


Jian Luo blushed, “I’m not bothered; I was just talking!”


Lu Shifeng nodded, “Hmm, it’s okay. Dragon clan members usually inherit the majestic appearance of their fathers, so you don’t have to worry about them.”




What does this indifferent man mean?


There’s really nothing to talk about with such a stubborn guy. After tidying up, Jian Luo went to work. To facilitate product delivery, he had already opened an online store on the interstellar network. Currently, the only product available is dried fruits.


Most of the dried fruits have arrived now. The next step is dealing with reviews and after-sales issues. To handle these matters more efficiently, Jian Luo specifically set up a room as their workspace.


Vivi was discussing something with Anya.


Jian Luo entered, “What are you talking about?”


“Boss.” Vivi, always the most resourceful of the three, approached him, “When we were handling after-sales orders just now, we suspected someone deliberately cashing out.”


“What?” Jian Luo asked.


Vivi led him over and pointed at several orders on the screen, “Although these five orders have different addresses, we just discovered that their contact numbers are the same. Moreover, they are in the same area. Just now, these five orders simultaneously requested a refund, claiming quality issues, but the other party refused to upload photos of the problems.”


Jian Luo bent down to take a look. He said, “Can you trace the account ID of the orders?”


Vivi nodded, “Five new accounts, all participating in group purchases. Our group purchase rules require different accounts.”


Jian Luo thought for a moment, “In that case, later, send him a text, asking him to upload photos of the quality issues. Otherwise, reject the refund.”


Vivi agreed, “Alright, I’ll do that.”


Knowing they were working hard, Jian Luo happened to have a small kitchen next to the office. So, he went in to prepare some fruit platters to bring out for them.


As he was about to do so, Vivi’s voice came from nearby, “Boss, he replied.”


Judging by her tone, Jian Luo could tell it was a refusal. He walked out and looked at the screen. The person on the screen was confidently stating, “You promised a refund for quality issues. The goods were already rotten when I received them. How can I keep rotten things at home? I’ve already thrown them away without taking photos. Now refund me immediately, or I will expose you online, complain to the end.”


Vivi sighed, “What should we do?”


After a moment of contemplation, Jian Luo said, “Grant him the refund.”




Several elves were shocked.


Jian Luo sat down on the nearby sofa, “We approach this rationally, but if this incident is exposed, other consumers will only know that our after-sales service is poor and refuses compensation. Even if there are rational people, the power of rumors is frightening. Misinformation spreads, and our reputation among the public will suffer. The potential fallout from losing the money from these five orders could lead to us losing 50 more orders and damage our image in the eyes of the public.”


Vivi bit her lip, finally nodding, “Understood.”


Jian Luo patted her shoulder, comforting her gently, “It’s okay.”


Though Vivi was still angry, she understood the bigger picture. In the end, she processed the refund for that person. Elves who had never experienced the cunning of the human heart were thoroughly frustrated.


To lighten the mood, Jian Luo decided to go back and prepare a big meal for them at noon to replenish their energy.


Vivi and the others, after a brief period of frustration, regrouped. Considering the high volume of inquiries and after-sales orders to review, they couldn’t afford to waste time on one person. Everything seemed to have settled down, but gradually, Anya noticed something amiss, “Vivi, come take a look.”


Vivi walked over.


Anya pulled up the documents, pulled down nearly 500 orders, and said, “In just the past 10 minutes, these 1,000 orders have applied for refunds one after another, all claiming quality issues. However, they haven’t uploaded any photos of the quality issues, and the reasons all state that the dried fruits have already been thrown away.”


Vivi frowned deeply.


Cai Cai, the elf who rarely spoke, spoke up, “Although these orders have different addresses, they are in the same galaxy. Interestingly, most of them belong to the same group.”


If the speculation was correct, then it was almost certain that the entire group was maliciously cashing out.


Vivi said, “It must be because we granted a refund to the first person, and they informed others, so now everyone is imitating.”


Anya looked at the number of orders, “If these people inform another group, we’ll face a massive wave of returns.”


This problem was becoming very serious.


The elves had never seen such shameless behavior. Vivi found Jian Luo and roughly explained the situation.


Jian Luo squinted, “No photos at all?”


Vivi replied, “None.”


“Send a message to all of them, demanding photo uploads,” Jian Luo said. “If there’s no upload, reject them all.”


Vivi nodded, “Alright.”


As it was impossible for them to have the photos, over 500 refund requests were all rejected.


While Jian Luo was cooking, just when everyone thought things were settling down, Cai Cai, who was in charge of online customer service, said, “What is StarNet?”


Jian Luo, now highly sensitive to any potential issues, asked, “What’s going on?”


Cai Cai replied, “I’ve received many inquiries asking if what’s said on StarNet is true.”


Jian Luo knew it wasn’t good. He quickly logged into StarNet and found himself trending on the hot search:


# Livestream Host Jian Luo’s Product Mishap #


The most trending blogger made a statement:


“When we received the goods, all the dried fruits had already gone bad. We immediately contacted Jian Luo’s customer service, but the promised refund was simply non-existent. The customer service was unyielding. We were initially looking forward to it and trusted them, but the result is just like this. Humanity is a race with no achievements, why can’t we farm properly?”


This trending topic soared to the top.


Surprisingly, there were quite a few agreeing comments:


“I agree, the dried fruits I received are not tasty at all.”


“They ask for photos for returns, did I ask them to upload photos when I made the purchase?”


“I also think it tastes awful.”


“Just after money, humans have such an unsightly appearance. Are we that short of money?”


Jian Luo calmly read through the comments and said to Vivi, “Let’s privately chat with those who mentioned issues with the dried fruits. If there’s a problem, we’ll issue a refund. Customer service needs to be handled well.”


Vivi said, “No need to ask, most people’s Star Webs and shopping accounts are linked. I’ll check it out.”


Searching through the large orders, the one who just mentioned the bad taste, Vivi looked and then said to Jian Luo, “This person received the goods yesterday, placed another order today, and has approached Cai Cai expressing approval of the dried fruit taste. She requested a discount for the second purchase from Cai Cai, but she was already on a group-buying price, which is already very favorable. So, Cai Cai refused.”




Jian Luo’s mouth twitched.


Anya on the side said, “Why are these people like this, spreading rumors with just a mouth.”


This trending topic now had even higher heat. Jian Luo thought for a moment and said, “I’ll reply to them.”


Jian Luo logged into his main account and replied to the highest-trending netizen’s Weibo, “Hello, I’m Jian Luo. We’ve understood your situation. Firstly, we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused. It’s only right to refund for problematic dried fruits. Requesting photos is not meant to trouble you. Before packing, to ensure quality and taste, we used the best freezing chain and transportation.”


“We need the photos for two reasons: firstly, to analyze the problem in the process of the dried fruits going bad for improvement in the future, and secondly, as the origin of the dried fruits is the Elf Clan, elf mages also need photos for analyzing the quality. We hope for your understanding.”


His reply quickly made it to the trending topics, and there were also rational voices below:


“Without photos, who knows if it’s real or fake.”


“Isn’t this bullying people?”


“Knowing they are humans, taking advantage of such a weak race for cheap deals?”


“Don’t bully him, okay? He’s still pregnant. If anything happens to the Dark Star, you’ll be responsible, right?”


The blogger who received Jian Luo’s direct response probably didn’t expect such a straightforward reply. Moreover, the swift change in public opinion caught everyone off guard. Having dominated arrogantly for years, being countered by a human was hard to accept.


Just when Jian Luo thought the matter had concluded, the blogger suddenly released photos with a caption: “I found these dried fruits in the trash. Please assist with the refund. Thank you for not turning a blind eye.”


The attached photos showed slightly dirty dried fruits. At first glance, there seemed to be no issue, but some parts were indeed moldy and blackened. With the release of these photos, public opinion on the internet shifted again:


“Live streams indeed don’t have good products.”


“Whoever buys falls for it.”


“I was planning to buy, thanks for the heads up.”


Jian Luo called Vivi, “Are these our dried fruits?”


Vivi, Anya, and a few others gathered to inspect. After careful examination, they reached a conclusion, “These are indeed our dried fruits.”


A heavy silence filled the room.


The somber atmosphere gradually spread. Initially, everyone was happy with the business’s high sales. Even though the profit per person wasn’t exceptionally large after splitting, everyone was motivated. From production to packaging, they even communicated multiple times with the logistics team linked to Yuemoon.


They all wanted to do their best, treating every consumer with care. They thought it would be a perfect transaction, but unexpectedly, they encountered such a significant setback at the beginning.


Vivi sighed, “How did it come to this?”


Anya patted her shoulder, “It’s okay, we’ll do better next time.”


They all unconsciously looked at Jian Luo. Since earlier, he had been staring at the photo without moving his eyes, showing a deep sense of shock.


After a moment of hesitation, Anya spoke, “Luo Luo…”


Jian Luo said, “Wait, I’ll be back soon.”


He sent the photo to Jiang Jiang. Although Jinjiang always crashed, as the former sole programmer of Jinjiang, the little prince who single-handedly supported the entire website, Jiang Jiang was very capable.


Jian Luo said, “Check if there’s an issue with this image.”


Jiang Jiang’s response was always quick, “Wait a moment.”


Without the need for explanation from one and a plea not to explain from the other, after a few minutes, Jiang Jiang returned, “Yes, there seems to be tampering with this image. If you want it fixed, I’ll do it for you tonight.”


Jian Luo said, “Thanks, I’ll treat you to dinner when I get back.”


“Take care of yourself. Now that the months are advanced, I’ll treat you to dinner when you return safely,” Jiang Jiang sighed, “Let’s not be so polite between us.”


Jian Luo smiled.


Knowing that there was room for things to happen, he felt relieved. In the afternoon, Lu Shifeng scheduled another prenatal checkup for him. Judging by the time, it was about time to go.


During this checkup, the doctor was very satisfied with his health condition and reminded him, “The due date should be approaching. Our ordinary dragon cubs usually only need a gestation period of 6 months. However, your body is not in good condition, and you’re carrying three. To mature them all will increase the burden on your body, hence the delayed due date. But it’s okay. According to my estimation, your due date might be advancing. If everything goes well, it should be in three months.”


Jian Luo remembered it was four months earlier, “One month in advance.”


The doctor nodded, leaning down to look at Jian Luo’s belly, “They are developing well, but from today onwards, you need to exercise more. There should be a proper amount of daily physical activity to ensure that the children can grow up healthy and strong.”


Jian Luo nodded.


“Moreover, you are now entering the final stage. This stage is the peak period for prenatal depression. This kind of depression is not external but physiological. So, if you feel sad or unhappy with life, you can communicate with the Marshal or someone you trust in a timely manner. You don’t need to feel embarrassed; it’s all normal.”


Jian Luo: “Depression?”


He had always felt that this term was distant from himself.


The doctor glanced at Lu Shifeng beside him and said, “Yes, depression. You need to adjust your mentality. I will also inform the Marshal and the others.”


Jian Luo smiled, “I won’t have depression, don’t worry. At most, I’m concerned about whether this child will be easy to deliver. When I watched documentaries before, some mothers screamed in pain, and some had difficult deliveries. At this time, families would discuss whether to prioritize the older or the younger ones in their family…”


The doctor stared at him in shock.


Jian Luo choked up. That was something normal families would discuss, but his words didn’t need asking as oftentimes, no one would prioritize the older one, right?


T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!

Chapter 16 – Gilded Phoenix Wings

       “I will take care of disciplining them when they make mistakes, no need to bother the City God,” Xia Hongshen said, slowly taking two steps in their direction.

       The next moment, Song Jun saw him standing in front of him and Feng Junyuan, but Song Jun didn’t even see how he moved.

       When Night Patrol God saw Xia Hongshen, he became even more angry. He pointed the long blade at Xia Hongshen and said, “What Immortal Lord? You’re just a mere demonic beast! Don’t think we are really afraid of you!”

       Song Jun was stunned when he heard Night Patrol God’s words.

       Xia Hongshen’s expression remained unchanged, but he said coldly, “Then what do you want?”

       The Night Patrol God pointed at Feng Junyuan and Song Jun and said, “Today is the day that the Ghost Gate is opened, and these two boys are here to disrupt the order of Yin and Yang. I will take them to the City God to hold them accountable. Do you dare to stop?”

       Xia Hongshen said, “I am going to stop it.”

       Night Patrol God’s expression changed, and without saying a word, he swung his long blade and struck down towards Xia Hongshen, shouting, “Let’s see if you can stop my blade first!”

       Xia Hongshen raised his hand. Song Jun and Feng Junyuan were immediately pushed away by a gentle wind. All of a sudden, Xia Hongshen’s figure swayed slightly, and he had already dodged the blade of Night Patrol God. With a flick of his slender fingertips, a deep and gentle spiritual power knocked the Night Patrol God’s blade away.

       Song Jun was a little dumbfounded. He didn’t know how things could develop to this point. Even though he had seen many demons and ghosts before, he had never seen such a battle before.

       The guy who wielded the long blade didn’t say anything, but Song Jun listened to his words and guessed that he might be a ghost messenger; but what exactly was Senior Brother Xia?

       Immortal Lord? Demons? Song Jun felt that he couldn’t understand it.

       However, Song Jun immediately became worried about Xia Hongshen. No matter whether Xia Hongshen was a human or a demon, Song Jun would always be on his side. Now, the opponent had a long sword in his hand, while all Xia Hongshen had was empty hands. Although it seemed that he was not at a disadvantage, Song Jun was always frightened every time the Night Patrol God’s long blade swung, bringing up gusts of wind.

       When Song Jun couldn’t contain his worry and took two steps forward, Feng Junyuan already jumped forward and wanted to rush over.

       Song Jun was shocked and stretched out his hand to stop Feng Junyuan, “Hey!”

       However, Feng Junyuan sensed the Yin energy coming from the Night Patrol God’s long blade and involuntarily took a few steps back. He looked somewhat anxious, and yet he couldn’t quite articulate why. He just felt that he couldn’t stand by and watch the two of them fight.

       When Feng Junyuan stepped forward again, he was forced back by the Yin energy of the Night Patrol God, and he looked a little frustrated.

       Unexpectedly, Xia Hongshen suddenly escaped from the fight with Night Patrol God. He stopped next to Feng Junyuan, stretched out a hand to Feng Junyuan and said, “Come here.”

       Feng Junyuan was momentarily stunned as if guided by some unseen force, he reached out and clasped Xia Hongshen’s hand.

       Song Jun didn’t have time to be surprised. The next moment, he saw a golden light appear on Feng Junyuan’s body. Even Feng Junyuan himself looked down at his body in surprise as the golden light turned into a long weapon in Xia Hongshen’s hands.

       The long weapon was shaped like a long fork, with a sharp blade in the middle and crescent-shaped curved edges on both sides, with golden light flowing.

       Song Jun didn’t recognise the name of this weapon, but the Night Patrol God who fought with Xia Hongshen did. He paused slightly and stared at the weapon in Xia Hongshen’s hand, saying, “Gilded Phoenix Wings?”

       Xia Hongshen didn’t say anything. He held the sharp weapon in his hand and stabbed Night Patrol God in the face.

       The Night Patrol God blocked with his long knife, only to feel a tingling numbness in both hands, instantly recalling the rumours he had heard from Bai Wuchang about the person in front of him. The Night Patrol God was originally a fierce deity, and he would definitely not be afraid of any ancient ferocious beast. However, as they clashed in combat at this moment, he suddenly felt that the person before him did indeed possess a certain frightening quality.

       Little did he know Xia Hongshen had not even transformed into his true form but still retained a considerable amount of strength.

       The two long weapons collided fiercely, with constant clanking sounds. The Night Patrol God was the god of the underworld, and the seventh month was the yin moon, where the yin energy was at its peak. All of a sudden, the nether winds are very strong.

The two long weapons clashed fiercely, the resounding clangs echoing incessantly. The Night Wandering God, being a deity from the underworld, coupled with the fact that it was the seventh month, associated with the peak of yin energy. All of a sudden chilling Yin wind suddenly swept through.

       Song Jun was almost unable to stand due to the strong wind and almost fell to the ground.

       Suddenly, he felt a gentle force wrap around him, and a golden halo suddenly appeared around him. It was not a surprised that Xia Hongshen would use his spiritual power to protect him while fighting the Night Patrol God.

       Song Jun’s eyes fell on Xia Hongshen.

       He was seen waving the Gilded Phoenix Wings; his posture was carefree and unrestrained, and his expression was calm and indifferent, but the person who was fighting with him gradually showed signs of decline and began to retreat slowly.

       The Night Patrol God could hardly withstand Xia Hongshen’s attack.

       The Gilded Phoenix Wings was worthy of being a divine weapon known as the Immortal Sword. The peak of its spiritual power was far beyond what the Yin energy of the long blade in the Night Patrol God’s hand could compete with. Perhaps others couldn’t see it, but Night Patrol God could clearly feel that Xia Hongshen was able to handle things with ease.

       He saw Xia Hongshen’s slender fingers twirl the Gilded Phoenix Wing’s long handle effortlessly, swinging it in a circle easily and slashing towards the top of his head. Instinctively, he raised his long knife to block, but in that instant, he felt regret, fearing that the long knife might be powerless against the spiritual energy of the Gilded Phoenix Wing weapon.

       However, the imagined attack did not land on top of his head. At the last moment, Xia Hongshen gently pushed the long handle with his finger, and the Gilded Phoenix Wings flew away from the Night Patrol God.

       Knowing that the other party was showing mercy, Night Patrol God felt a surge of anger in his chest. He wanted to yell to tell Xia Hongshen not to look down on him, but at the last moment, he chose to be patient. He escaped from the battle, pointed at Xia Hongshen and said, “Monster, please don’t be arrogant! The two realms of Yin and Yang have strict order, so we won’t allow you to act recklessly! Sooner or later, we will end our relationship with you after what happened today!”

       Xia Hongshen stood still and responded calmly, “I’ll be waiting for you.”

       Immediately, the Night Patrol God disappeared from the street with a big blade on his shoulder.

       Only Song Jun and Xia Hongshen were left, as well as the long soldiers in Xia Hongshen’s hands.

       However, Song Jun only saw Xia Hongshen’s weapon transforming into the appearance of Feng Junyuan. He stood there in a daze for a moment, then, with a mix of annoyance and anger, he glared at Xia Hongshen and turned to run away.

       Xia Hongshen showed no intention of stopping him but instead said to Song Jun, “Are you okay?”

       Song Jun was in a complicated mood at the moment and couldn’t say a word for a moment. He felt that if there was a tree next to him, he should hold on to the tree and say, “Let me slow down.”

       It was a pity that there was no tree, and he was too embarrassed to hold Xia Hongshen in front of him. The words ‘Are you a human or a monster?’ lingered on his lips, but he didn’t ask.

       Suddenly, Song Jun heard the sound of cicadas chirping on the tree next to him. It was so quiet just now that it was not like a human world. Now, somehow, the lively scene has returned. There were old people squatting by the side of the road to burn paper money, middle-aged people taking a walk, and small children running, jumping, and playing.

       The fog on the river had dispersed, and the big red lantern had disappeared.

       In an instant, Song Jun felt like he was back in the original world.

       He turned his head blankly and saw Zhou Yingchun and the group not far ahead.

       A senior sister turned around and saw him, and waved to him.

       Song Jun was a little dazed at that time. He replied, “Oh,” and then showed Xia Hongshen the cup he had been holding in his hand and said, “I will return the cup to Professor Zhou.”

       Xia Hongshen said, “Go ahead.”

       Song Jun then chased in the direction of the group of people. Returning the cup to Zhou Yingchun, everyone continued to talk and walk towards the school. Song Jun turned around and found that Xia Hongshen had disappeared.

       In that moment just now, it was as if time and space had frozen. Once Song Jun broke free from that place, there were no traces left of what had transpired.

       However, Song Jun had witnessed everything about Xia Hongshen and Feng Junyuan with his own eyes. His mind was a jumble of confusion. It wasn’t until he returned to the dormitory at night and was quiet that he could carefully contemplate all these events.

       Xia Hongshen was probably not a human being, at least not an ordinary person; maybe neither was Feng Junyuan. But Song Jun didn’t feel scared. He just felt a little confused. Since he came to this university to study, he had encountered many strange things that he had never encountered before, and he didn’t understand what happened. And now, even his close and trusted senior brother seemed to be no ordinary human being. Having received education about materialism1Philosophical Materialism states that everything that truly exists is matter; everything is material, thus all phenomena we see are a result of material interactions since childhood, his cognition had been subverted overnight, which was really hard for him to accept.

       After struggling alone in the room for half an hour, Song Jun opened the door and walked to the opposite side, knocking on Xia Hongshen’s door.

       The door opened quickly. Xia Hongshen was standing in front of the door wearing a dark T-shirt, cotton trousers, and a pair of slippers as he looked at Song Jun.

       Song Jun glanced at him and suddenly became nervous, and then he heard Xia Hongshen ask him, “Do you want to eat small fish?”

       Song Jun didn’t know what happened, but he sat in Xia Hongshen’s room again and ate dried fish. He didn’t like eating dried fish at all, and he was not a cat.

       Xia Hongshen was sitting on a chair with one leg raised. Song Jun’s eyes were unconsciously attracted to his bare feet wearing slippers. Even Xia Hongshen’s feet were beautiful in shape and fair in complexion, and his toenails were round and smooth, just like him. It was perfect, flawless.

       Seemingly noticing that Song Jun was staring at his feet, Xia Hongshen raised them up to show him and asked him, “Does it taste good?”

       When Song Jun was asked, he remembered the purpose of his coming here. He put the dried fish aside and asked, “Senior Brother, are you a human?”

       Xia Hongshen did not answer.

       Song Jun asked tentatively, “Are you a demon?”

       Xia Hongshen still didn’t answer.

       Song Jun suddenly felt a little discouraged. He was not the kind of person who was used to being aggressive. On the contrary, he was actually a bit meek in character. He didn’t like to force others, and he didn’t like to fight for anything. He asked Xia Hongshen two questions in succession but did not get an answer from him. He suddenly lost the confidence to continue asking.

       When he thought of Xia Hongshen holding Feng Junyuan’s hand and Feng Junyuan transforming into Xia Hongshen’s weapon, Song Jun felt even more uncomfortable. He stood up and said, “I’m going back first.”

       Xia Hongshen didn’t ask to stay with him.

       When Song Jun went out, he said angrily, “The dried fish is not delicious at all!” Then he closed the door of Xia Hongshen’s room.

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Chapter 16 – The Star Thief (1)

       Although Olympus formed its own alliance in the middle of Helu’s period, the government did not prohibit trade and passage between the two regions. The merchant ships were no longer under the jurisdiction of the government and operated independently. Apart from safety measures in the ports, each region developed its own system, relying on its capabilities to earn a living.

       Moschery wore a black eyepatch over one eye. He wore ordinary field camouflage, and his military boots were still muddy.

       “We board the merchant ship at two o’clock in the afternoon. What is it called… Horse, Horse…” Qin Yun frowned. He was holding the list of merchant ships leaving the port that day and trying to find the one they wanted to board.

       “Stallion Balls,” Moschery called out the name of the ship with an expressionless face. He glanced at the list in Qin Yun’s hand with disdain, “You don’t have to look for it. You will recognise it at a glance.”

       Qin Yun: “Are you close with the captain…”

       Moschery: “No one wants to be close with him.”

       Qin Yun: “?”

       Moschery said with a gloomy face, “That idiot can always embarrass you all the time.”


       After noon, there were obviously fewer merchant ships at the port, but the goods began to become more and more miscellaneous. Qin Yun even saw a few Flame Crocodiles tied up and locked in cages and transported below the deck.

       Qin Yun bit the hot dog. He opened a cup of coffee nutrient solution for Moschery and slurred as he asked, “What is the purpose of catching the Flame Crocodile? Is there a zoo open in the capital?”

       “There are two circuses over in Area C.” Moschery glanced at the dark ‘coffee’ and said, “I want creamer.”

       Qin Yun took out his backpack and asked, without raising his head, “How many do you want?”

       “8…” Moschery thought for a moment: “No, 10.”

       “…” Qin Yun: “…Give me this cup, and I’ll buy you another cup of pure milk.”

       The two of them finished 14 hot dogs, 12 cups of nutrient solution, including 5 cups of coffee flavor and 7 cups of pure milk…

       Moschery looked contemptuous, “You actually ate 8 hot dogs… Are you a pig?”

       “…How dare you talk to me like that?” Qin Yun counted the milk cans, “800CC per cup of milk, and you drank 7 cups… 5600CC?!”

       Qin Yun said in disbelief, “You have never drank so much before, so you drink so much…”

       “…Shut up!” Moschery said viciously.


       Qin Yun was replacing all the coffee with pure milk at the supply station when he saw a huge merchant ship docking not far away. The supply robot mechanically counted the cans, “28, 29, 30… Confirm? Confirm?”

       Qin Yun came to his senses. He counted and felt that 10 cans a day should be enough for the Emperor to drink. Then he started packing. He observed the merchant ships that had just entered the port out of the corner of his eye.

       According to the rules, the spaceship must register its name at the port before landing. Just as he was about to check, he saw a large speaker slowly extending from the skylight on the top of the ship.

       “Stallion Balls!” A hoarse male voice came from the loudspeaker, “I’ve acquired such a good name, and every time, you have to keep asking and asking! Can’t you remember it, damn it?!”

       Qin Yun: “…” Now he finally understood what Moschery meant when he said there was no need to look for it…


       Chen Xiao stood on the deck with broad shoulders and a narrow waist, long legs and long arms. He had a typical oriental appearance, a pair of slender peach blossom eyes. His hairstyle was a standard crew cut, and just below the corner of his mouth, near the chin, there was a mole that was easily overlooked by others.

       He was a little surprised when he saw Qin Yun behind Moschery and said with a smile, “Where’s the canon lass? She didn’t come along?”

       Moschery had a headache, “Why would she be here? To argue with you every day?”

       Chen Xiao shrugged, “Most of the time, I give in to her.”

       Moschery couldn’t be bothered with this and motioned for Qin Yun to follow him.

       Chen Xiao’s Stallion Balls was no smaller than the Imperial Starship. As soon as Qin Yun entered, he saw a golden statue of Guan Yu1Guan Yu, courtesy name Yunchang, was a Chinese military general serving under the warlord Liu Bei during the late Eastern Han dynasty of China with an incense burner placed in front of it.

       “Old rules.” Chen Xiao raised his chin, “You can only go in after bowing three times and placing incense sticks.”

       Qin Yun: “…They still believe this?!”

       Moschery just pretended not to see it.

       Qin Yun had no choice but to light the incense himself. When she was about to pray, she saw Moschery standing motionless next to him.

       “You’re not going to pay respect?” Qin Yun couldn’t help but ask.

       Moschery had a ‘you think I’m you’ face.

       “…” Qin Yun kowtowed three times in frustration. Just as he was about to stand up, he heard Moschery say: “You can kowtow for me also.”

       Qin Yun: “…”


       The Stallion Balls ship was the only merchant ship with its own armoury. Chen Xiao arranged for his men to unload the cargo at the port, and he took Moschery and Qin Yun down to the bottom of the ship.

       “I didn’t bring many weapons this time. I heard you didn’t bring Dragon Scale?” Chen Xiao opened some ventilation, “What, it doesn’t fit?”

       Moschery casually raised a long sword mounted on the wall and swung it left and right twice, “The Dragon Scale are too obvious a target and easily recognised.”

       Chen Xiao nodded, “That’s true.” As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a ‘clang’ sound. The sword Moschery just took was almost dragged to the ground by Qin Yun, and he could barely lift the hilt.

       “?!” Qin Yun: “Why is it so heavy?!”

       Chen Xiao: “…this thing weighs nearly 40 kilograms, don’t you know?”

       Qin Yun fainted, “How could I know!”

       “Something is not right. Dragon Scale weighs 50 kilograms…” Chen Xiao was stunned. He looked at Moschery in disbelief, “He is the guide?!”

       Moschery took the sword from Qin Yun’s hand, raised his arm, and hung it back on the wall easily, “If not, who do you think?”

       “He smells like a sentinel, so I thought he was one of your guards.” Chen Xiao said frantically. He suddenly sniffed, “Wait…the pheromones on him are yours?!”

       Moschery’s face was full of ‘You’ve got taste. I’ll give you credit for knowing the truth’ as he wore a smug but affectionate expression…

       Chen Xiao said sadly and angrily, “Didn’t we agree to be lonely little angels for each other before?! You traitorous dog!”

       Qin Yun: “…”


       In addition to cold weapons, there were also many other firearms and ammunition in the armoury. Qin Yun set aside a bag specifically for his commonly used items. As for what caught Moschery’s eye, he had no expectations of Qin Yun carrying it for him.

       Chen Xiao had a resentful face from beginning to end. He helped the two of them pack their weapons and muttered, “Remember what you said before, huh? Who’s the badass claiming that he will die and say that he will definitely die alone? Damn, I’m fvcking dumb to actually believed you…”

       Qin Yun asked Moschery cautiously, “What happened to you guys before… Did he have as much trouble finding a guide as you did?”

       Moschery loaded the gun in his hand with a ‘click’ and said with a cold expression, “His 100% matching guide is Tristana, but these two people hate each other extremely much, so they can only communicate and bicker from afar without meeting each other.”

       Qin Yun: “…”

       “Tristana once piloted the Crested Ibis and fought with Stallion Balls on the sixth line for a day and a night.” Moschery recalled with squinted eyes, “First, they started by arguing over the loudspeakers, and then Tristana fired the cannons. Of course, Chen Xiao did the same, but neither of them dared to open the cabin doors and fight face-to-face. I guess they were afraid of hitting the bed.”

       Qin Yun wiped his sweat, “They also went all out in their own way, huh…”


       Chen Xiao came down from the ladder carrying a long gun and said with a gloomy face, “Don’t think I can’t hear you.”

       Moschery’s expression changed slightly. He quickly raised the muzzle of the gun, pointed it at the opponent and pulled the trigger. Chen Xiao raised his spear, but there was no big movement. The bullet made a big turn and flew out from Qin Yun’s head.

       Chen Xiao pointed the finger at Moschery, raised his eyebrows and said, “Want to practice a few rounds?”

       “As long as you’re not afraid of getting beaten.” Moschery threw the gun into Qin Yun’s bag. He finally picked a sword about the same length as the Dragon Scale and tied it behind his back.


       When Stallion’s Ball left the port, Qin Yun couldn’t help but follow Chen Xiao and Moschery to the observatory on the top floor of the spaceship. Through the huge transparent protective cover above his head, he could clearly see the bright nebulae in the night sky.

       Chen Xiao released his spiritual link, a massive Haast Eagle with its wings spread out to 3 meters long, and its black and white feathers were smooth and shiny.

       This beautiful male eagle, clearly kept in captivity for a while, almost impatiently flew towards the curtains, circling about five or six times before slowly gliding into a low-altitude dive.

       “Jifeng.” Chen Xiao shouted as he stretched out his arm, and the eagle flapped its wings and landed on it.

       “Do you want me to give up the territory and let your dragon come out for some air?” Chen Xiao moved the Haast Eagle to his shoulder. The eagle looked at Qin Yun and Moschery curiously, and its sharp beak occasionally combed a few feathers from its wings.

       “It’s a little too small here.” Moschery looked around and pointed at the protective shield above his head, “You can just remove it.”

       Chen Xiao rolled his eyes, “So many requests… I will prepare ropes and spacesuits for you. If you want to stay overnight, an oxygen mask will not be enough.”

       Before Qin Yun could react to the conversation between the two of them, Moschery forced him into a spacesuit. The Emperor personally tied a rope around their waists and buckled the oxygen mask on Qin Yun’s face.

       “We’ll probably be about a kilometre away from the ship shortly.” Moschery’s voice reached Qin Yun’s ears via Bluetooth, “Just relax, and I will keep your balance.”

       Qin Yun asked nervously, “Do you… want to ride a dragon in space?”

       Moschery thought for a while and said in a rare gentle tone, “If you want to, it’s not impossible.”

The author has something to say:
The spacesuit is designed to be lightweight, so there’s no significant barrier when hugging or embracing each other. It’s not cumbersome either. I’ve noticed that I really enjoy writing scenarios like taking you to see meteor showers (or stars)… it’s just so enchanting. It makes me laugh and cry at the same time.

It took me a while to decide on Chen Xiao’s ship name, if any of you come here after reading the manhua, you’ll see the manhua translator said that the name of the ship 马了个鸡鸡, means a 马了 = slang for taken away and (个)鸡鸡 = pen-s/d1ck/c0ck (it can also mean balls as in testicles)
But after some research, I found that some zhidao page said 马了 can also mean a slang for leaving a bookmark. In a way, the ship name might be just an excuse for Chen Xiao to swear or make people swear as they announced his ship’s arrival (๑*ᗜ*)
Looking at the other ship name the Crested Ibis, I feel like the ship might not mean a slang and maybe that’s just simply a horse/stallion instead of some slang, so after receiving some advice from Bean, I decided to settle on Stallion Balls

Sorry for the long note!

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Chapter 108 – Preference

Chapter 108 – Preference


Jian Luo stood quietly outside, listening in silence.


Lu Shifeng, on the other hand, was quicker to react. The marshal took a step forward, ready to kick the door, his face icy and stern, resembling a grim reaper on a mission.


Jian Luo widened his eyes and quickly grabbed him, “Stop!”


Lu Shifeng halted.


Jian Luo’s gaze held a hint of pleading as he shook his head, “Don’t…”


Although they were stopped in time, their commotion still drew attention in the courtyard. A woman’s voice echoed, “Who’s there?”


Jian Luo felt a bit flustered just as he was about to pull Lu Shifeng away.




A warning sound rang out, and Jian Luo opened his eyes, waking up.


He saw the familiar ceiling and sighed in relief, slowly sitting up, “Are we awake?”


Lu Shifeng, beside him, opened his eyes and glanced at him.


Jian Luo also recalled the events outside the courtyard. He felt he could explain, “I didn’t mean to keep it from you. I just thought…”


Lu Shifeng lifted an eyebrow, “Thought what?”


“I thought she wasn’t entirely wrong,” Jian Luo spoke calmly, “She’s not my biological mother, but she raised me, provided food and shelter. That’s already enough. As for the rest…”


Jian Luo pursed his lips, “Forget it, I’m not really fond of sweets anyway.”


Lu Shifeng watched him in silence.


Jian Luo wasn’t one to dwell in sadness for long. He quickly adjusted and said, “Fortunately, we woke up early. It would have been troublesome if we were discovered.”


Lu Shifeng’s voice was indifferent, “What if we’re discovered?”


“…I might be subjected to torture,” Jian Luo shuddered at the mere thought, “Anyway, it would be quite miserable.”


Lu Shifeng scoffed, “They dare lay a hand on you?”


Jian Luo hesitated.


But at the same time, he couldn’t deny a certain touch of gratitude. The feeling of being protected was quite novel. It wasn’t easy to express, but there was a profound emotional impact.


Jian Luo sighed, a smile returning to his face. “Well, they definitely won’t be able to hit me, especially with you around.”


Lu Shifeng glanced at him.


“After all this time, I don’t really care anymore,” Jian Luo nodded.


Lu Shifeng lightly pursed his lips, “Is that so?”


“Yeah,” Jian Luo confirmed.


Lu Shifeng looked away. What bothered him wasn’t the woman’s words; it was the injured look in Jian Luo’s eyes when he stood there. Perhaps even Jian Luo himself didn’t realize how much sadness filled his eyes at that moment.


He had seen many sides of Jian Luo—happy, sad, guilty, playful, triumphant—but never that particular expression. Standing there, silent, eyes flickering with sadness that seemed to envelop his entire being.


At that moment, a sense of unease inexplicably arose in Lu Shifeng’s heart. The Marshal didn’t think too much; it was an instinctive protective feeling. He wanted everyone inside to shut up, cradling Jian Luo carefully. He wouldn’t allow anyone to harm him.




Another warning sound came from outside.


Jian Luo said, “It seems like it just rang. Actually, I’ve been meaning to ask, is someone outside?”


Lu Shifeng glanced outside and calmly said, “Come in.”


The door opened, revealing Secretary Jin standing outside.


There were curtains on the wooden bed, blocking the view from Secretary Jin. Jian Luo could see a silhouette through the curtains.


Secretary Jin said, “My Lord, an urgent message has arrived from His Majesty. He requests your immediate attention.”


Lu Shifeng frowned, displeased, “How urgent can it be? Is he in a hurry to die?”




I can’t respond to that.


Secretary Jin sighed, “I didn’t want to disturb you, but His Majesty has sent 30 urgent messages in the last half hour.”


Lu Shifeng, still displeased, was about to retort when Jian Luo quickly intervened, “Just take a look. What if it’s something important?”


As the words fell, Lu Shifeng’s expression improved, “Bring it here.”


Secretary Jin’s mouth twitched slightly, handing the messages to Lu Shifeng. Lu Shifeng opened the communication, and as soon as he did, the Emperor’s annoying voice echoed, “Uncle, it’s been a while! Missed you so much!”


Lu Shifeng couldn’t be bothered to respond.


“When you see this letter, I’ll be almost there!” The Emperor danced around on the video call, “Surprised, aren’t you?”


Lu Shifeng’s eyelid twitched, a foreboding feeling settling in his heart.


Sure enough, the Emperor continued, “Not only me, but the High Priest is also here. You must be thrilled to see him after so long. Don’t worry; we’ll be there soon!”


The video ended.


Lu Shifeng’s face turned as dark as ink.


Sensing something was wrong, Jian Luo asked, “What’s going on?”


Jian Luo blurted out, “No way!”


Lu Shifeng was quite satisfied; it seemed that Jian Luo understood that these two people shouldn’t have come in the first place.


Jian Luo covered his head, “Oh my, oh my, I haven’t finished my homework!”


Unable to sleep, Jian Luo said, “I’ll go study. Otherwise, my teacher will kill me. Help me stall for some time. If they ask, say I’m studying.”




The next day.


The Emperor and his entourage arrived. According to him, being immersed in administrative affairs on Dark Star made it easy to be misled. So, he wanted to make a disguised visit to deeply understand the sentiments of the people.


To this, Lu Shifeng remarked, “He’s just too free.”


As soon as the Emperor landed, he came to see Jian Luo. He opened his arms in a hugging gesture, “Luo Luo!”


The cute little child hadn’t changed at all, with round big eyes and an innocent chubby face that melted hearts.


Jian Luo also opened his arms, wanting to hug him. However, as the Emperor approached, Lu Shifeng stood between the two, his face stern like a guardian deity. The Emperor felt he might have been scared to death if he hadn’t reacted quickly.


Lu Shifeng said, “He’s older now, can’t be rushed at.”


The Emperor hurriedly said, “I can be gentle.”


“No, it might startle him.”




The Emperor was quite hurt. He looked at Jian Luo, but Jian Luo gazed at the back where Zhan Wentai was. The High Priest remained untainted, with an aloof demeanor. However, Jian Luo could always detect the teacher’s gaze from those eyes, which was quite troublesome.


Awkwardly, he smiled, “Hello, teacher.”


Zhan Wentai nodded and immediately said, “In these months, your studies haven’t fallen behind, have they?”




Zhan Wentai praised, “That’s good.”


Jian Luo felt guilty and secretly prepared to catch up on his studies in the next few days, trying to cover the progress he had missed before the High Priest’s exams.


Because the Emperor had come, the Elf King would surely come to welcome him. The Elf Kingdom might not excel in many things, but hosting feasts and dances was their specialty. Although the Emperor claimed it was a disguised visit, he had come looking for Lu Shifeng, making it a significant event. It wasn’t hidden from the Elf King. Therefore, on that night, the palace hosted a grand banquet.


Lu Shifeng looked at Jian Luo with confusion. He saw the marshal produce a crystal-clear, golden fruit from somewhere, saying, “The sacred fruit of the elf clan, try it.”


Jian Luo was pleasantly surprised, “Where did it come from?”


Lu Shifeng lightly parted his thin lips, “Gifted by the Elf King. The elf tree bears fruit only once every hundred years, and it’s for you.”


Jian Luo unconsciously opened his mouth wide, “Is it okay for me to have it?”


Just when he was filled with excitement, Lu Shifeng unexpectedly added, “His Majesty is the emperor. If he wants to eat, he can negotiate with the Elf King. Offering the fruit to you is already clever enough. Lord Nie is wealthy and doesn’t need it.”


“So,” Lu Shifeng picked up the fruit and put it in his mouth, “this is for you alone.”


The fruit melted in his mouth, sweet and delightful, as if sweetness had instantly traveled from his mouth to his heart.


There was a light drizzle falling from the sky. Jian Luo lowered his head, sniffed, and tiptoed, wrapping his hands around Lu Shifeng’s waist, giving him a hug, buzzing, “Thank you.”


Suddenly, he understood why the place he missed the most in his dreams was the one filled with childhood memories of pain.


What he longed for, yearned for, was not that place but a home.


He yearned for a lifetime to have a home, a place where someone would cherish him. He hoped to get a share of his own sweetness.


T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


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Chapter 6 – Secret Chamber

       Under Fang Mingyan’s ‘personal’ guidance, Zhuo Yue’s audition went very smoothly. The A-list actor Lu Chenyang, who played the male lead, happened to be there that afternoon and even offered to perform with him. The relationship between the two was very good. After the performance, director Xie Anqing, who had been sullen because there was no suitable candidate for the third male lead, finally showed a smile, patted him on the shoulder and said ‘not bad’ twice.

       Zhuo Yue was also very happy. When he saw that Lu Chenyang was leaving, he hurriedly went over to thank him.

       “You’re welcome. We are in the same company now, so we should help each other.” The other party said with a smile, “Looking at Director Xie’s attitude shows that he is very satisfied with you. The film will start shooting soon, so I hope we can have a pleasant cooperation by then.”

       Only then did Zhuo Yue realise that he was also an artist from Huasheng, and he smiled sheepishly, “If there’s a chance, I’ll definitely treat you to a meal.”

       “It’s a deal.” When Lu Chenyang smiled, his eyebrows curved into a beautiful arc, handsome and gentle.

       The reply came quickly. Zhuo Yue was packing his things in the rental house that afternoon when he received a call from Shen Luo—it was confirmed that he would play the third male lead. After calling his adoptive parents, who were far away in the countryside, he sat by the window and stared blankly for a while, then went downstairs carrying some necessities he had packed.

       “Just this one bag?” Lin Hui, the assistant waiting downstairs, asked in surprise.

       “Yeah.” Zhuo Yue took a few steps and turned to look at the old house on the sixth floor where he had rented. He left many things there, including the trophies he won.

       As dusk approached, the sky turned bright red as if the clouds were about to burst into flames.

       There was a voice in his heart, speaking softly.

       ──Let’s start over, Zhuo Yue.

       When he returned to Hanguan No.15, Fang Mingyan had not returned yet. After greeting the butler and the cook, Zhuo Yue took a newspaper and went upstairs to read it. He originally lived in the guest room at the left end of the corridor on the third floor. Now, he was focusing on reading Lu Chenyang’s scandal in the newspaper. When he raised his eyes, he realised that he had unknowingly reached the fourth floor. When he was about to turn around to go down, his eyes swept across the half-open dark door, and there seemed to be something reflecting the dazzling golden light. He stopped and hesitated for a moment, then walked over curiously.

       When he gently opened the door and saw the furnishings in the room, Zhuo Yue felt a chill down his body.

       The light of the setting sun shone through the floor-to-ceiling windows and the transparent roof, casting a golden glow on the execution frame in the room, which was somewhat dazzling. Huge hooks and metal shackles hung from the ceiling’s sturdy steel beams. Three different types of massage tables were placed together. On the right side, there was a huge display cabinet covering the entire wall, neatly hanging various whips and paddles made of different materials in three rows. On the opposite wall, bundles of various ropes, some of them knotted, hung. On the left side, against the wall, there was a row of cabinets with glass doors reflecting a shimmering yellow under the sunlight, making it difficult to see clearly. In the centre of the room was a single black leather sofa, giving off a somewhat chilly vibe.

       Zhuo Yue felt his heart beating uncontrollably as if he had accidentally stepped into some terrible secret. There was a suffocating fear, but he wanted to go deeper because of curiosity, which was dangerous and enchanting.

       He walked slowly to the left. The thick light brown carpet made no sound when he stepped on it. A wide variety of sex toys were placed in the row of huge cabinets similar to disinfection cabinets, some of which were soaked in transparent liquid. This dazzling array of things made Zhuo Yue blush just by looking at them. There were many that he had never seen before and could not guess their uses.

       Why was there a room like this?

       What was Fang Mingyan going to do with these things?

       He fled from the room in a hurry. His whole body was cold. He hid in the guest room, and the more he thought about it, the more frightened he became. In Zhuo Yue’s heart, Fang Mingyan was the benefactor who saved him from despair, his boss, and a friend he could trust. But now, what he saw disrupted all these original impressions.

       Zhuo Yue didn’t know what kind of person he was hiding under that elegant and majestic appearance.

       Shackles, chains, whips, those horrible and obscene instruments…each of them made him feel panicked. He began to doubt the man’s original intention of letting him live here and even imagined himself being hung in that room with his hands and feet tied, being beaten and tortured.

       He wanted to escape. But he had nowhere to go, and even the rental house was vacated in the afternoon. Just as he was pacing the room anxiously, there was a knock on the door. It was the butler, Zhou Chi, who came to tell him to eat.

       Zhuo Yue went downstairs and saw Fang Mingyan sitting at the dining table. With a smile on his face, he took the initiative to greet, “You are back.”

       He had only one idea. To pretend everything was normal until he found a house and moved out. He was an actor, and acting was his talent.

       “I heard you got the role.” The man picked up the chopsticks at hand and put a piece of ribs in his bowl. “I had Shen Luo arrange a fitness plan for you. You’re too thin, and if there are shots that require a bare upper body, it won’t look good.”

       “I’ll do my best.” Zhuo Yue mouthed the reply, and his gaze lingered on his bony hands. The thought of the whips crossed his mind, and he immediately lowered his head to focus on his meal, making the entire dinner quiet. After eating, he went back to his room to hide on the pretext that he wanted to review the new script sent by his assistant. After a while, feeling thirsty, he went to get water, coincidentally finding Fang Mingyan also pouring water in the kitchen. Unable to retreat, Zhuo Yue had to go over with a forced expression. After pouring a glass of water, he was about to return to his room when his arm was suddenly grabbed. Fear surged within him, and he jerked his hand away, causing the glass to harshly collide with the countertop, producing a crisp sound as shattered fragments scattered.

       This outcome startled him as well. He froze in place and looked at the other party with a pale face.

       Fang Mingyan’s slender eyes narrowed slightly, and his gaze became deeper, staring at the panicked man in front of him.

       “…My hand accidentally slipped.” Zhuo Yue tried his best to round everything up and smiled awkwardly, “I will clean it up and buy a similar cup back. Sorry.”

       “What are you afraid of?” A dark light flowed in the man’s abyssal eyes.

       This sentence made Zhu Yue’s heart tremble, but his face remained calm as he said, “I was just careless…I didn’t do anything bad, so what’s there to be afraid of?”

       Fang Mingyan’s eyes swept across the broken pieces of the glass and then landed on him. “A good director should always pay attention to the actor’s condition and grasp every subtle expression of his.” The man stretched out his hand to lift his chin and smiled lightly, “Even though you didn’t hide away, the tension in your body and the momentary unnatural flicker in your eyes still reflect your true feelings. You dislike my touch.”

       Zhuo Yue’s lips moved, but he didn’t say what he wanted to say.

       “This was not the case. During the rehearsal of the kissing scene last night, there was no such reaction. Within almost a day of our limited interactions, you’ve developed a sense of aversion, even fear, towards me. There are few paths that could lead to such an effect. Perhaps you’ve heard some dreadful rumours about me, but merely hearing wouldn’t be enough to provoke such a strong resistance from you.” The man analysed the details in a calm voice, “Then it would have to be that you’ve seen something that scares you, and that belongs to me.” He paused, “Let’s say a room on the fourth floor.”

       Zhuo Yue felt a gloomy chill all over his body. He tried his best to hide the panic in his eyes and said, “I don’t understand what you mean. What’s there in the room on the fourth floor?”

       Fang Mingyan slowly raised the corners of his lips, “Want to go up and have a look?”

       Zhuo Yue’s hands and feet were cold, and he quickly glanced around. There was no one else in this huge room except the two of them. He was so panicked that he took half a step back, approached the knives placed in the kitchen, and said in a dry voice, “Fang Mingyan… I admit I went to the fourth floor, but it was unintentional… I can act like I don’t know anything; just let me go…”

       “What if I’m not letting go?” The man approached him, held his hand that was going to get the knife, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said slowly and gloomily, “You saw what’s in that room, so let’s try it all the same, shall we?”

       “No…” Zhuo Yue could no longer maintain his composure; his eyes turned red, and he begged in panic, “You can’t…”

       Watching him tremble in fear, Fang Mingyan’s facial expression gradually changed, and the curve of his lips grew wider until he burst into laughter. Releasing him, he leaned against the bar and asked, “In your imagination, am I the kind of pervert who ties people at home and subjects them to various forms of torture?”

       Zhuo Yue huddled in a corner of the kitchen, looking at him warily with dark pupils, obviously acquiescing.

       “You entered areas you shouldn’t have entered without my permission, snooped into my privacy, and distorted my character based on imagination without understanding the situation. Mr. Zhuo Yue, don’t you think your actions are highly inappropriate?”

       “It’s my fault for entering without permission.” He stood awkwardly by the refrigerator, “But those things…”

       “Those are training tools.” The man openly confessed, “I am a dom, or in simple terms, training teacher. BDSM is my hobby.” Looking at the other person’s confused expression, he smiled and said, “You know SM?”

       Zhuo Yue nodded.

       “Some individuals find it challenging to achieve the desired pleasure through conventional sexual activities, so they turn to more intense means, and SM is one of them. The dominant party derives satisfaction through exerting control, while the submissive party gains pleasure from being subjected to various forms of stimulation. BDSM is a collective term for these behaviours, encompassing bondage and discipline, dominance and submission, and sadism and masochism. It’s a rather unconventional form of sexual expression. In this dynamic, the Dom, as the dominant partner, issues commands and maintains control, while the Sub, as the submissive partner, complies with the commands. This kind of relationship is built on voluntary participation, rather than the forced and abusive scenario you might imagine.”

       “Are you saying they willingly get beaten, willingly get tied up and suspended, willingly take on the submissive role?” Zhuo Yue asked with a frown.


       “…” He felt it was unbelievable, and his eyebrows tightened, “Can you get the so-called ‘more intense’ pleasure in this way?”

       Fang Mingyan raised his lips and looked at him with a half-smile, “Want to give it a try?”

       The voice was full of temptation, like a blooming poppy exuding an alluring fragrance or like a feather falling on the lake, gently creating waves in his heart.

       Zhuo Yue was startled and turned away, “I don’t want to.”

       The man smiled, poured another glass of water and handed it over again, “Drink.”

       He finally relaxed, took the cup, and took a sip.

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Chapter 107 – Otherwise, Luo Luo is back.

Chapter 107 – Otherwise, Luo Luo is back.


The knocking outside the door continued.


Jian Luo had no choice but to grit his teeth and go out. Since he got pregnant, his body had become quite heavy. Suddenly feeling lightheaded, he almost stumbled, unable to control his walking posture and strength.


Outside, Tie Zhu saw Jian Luo almost stumbling in the yard through the crack in the door. He shouted, holding his neck, “Luo Luo, are you okay?”


Jian Luo bypassed the chicken droppings in the yard and took off the door latch. “I’m fine.”


In front of him stood the memory of Tie Zhu, with dark skin and a naive smile, all revealing the simplicity of a rural guy. He looked at Jian Luo, suddenly took something out of his pocket, and asked, “Luo Luo, guess what I brought for you?”


Jian Luo was feeling guilty at the moment and asked, “What?”


Tie Zhu grabbed his hand and walked into the house, saying, “This kind of treasure can’t be talked about at the door. Come in!”


“Hey, you…”


Due to the huge difference in strength, Jian Luo couldn’t resist being pulled in. Now, in his heart, he was on the verge of collapse. Before he could react to everything, Tie Zhu and Lu Shifeng in the room locked eyes.


One was a rural guy wearing coarse clothes, while the other turned out to be a military marshal in traditional military attire. The two stood in opposition, creating a strangely bizarre scene.


The atmosphere became extremely awkward.


A somewhat dangerous tension inexplicably spread in the air.


Jian Luo’s scalp tingled. “Um…”


Both Tie Zhu and Lu Shifeng looked at him simultaneously, asking, “Who is he?”


“Um…” Jian Luo’s eyes wandered, “It’s like this, listen to my explanation, don’t get too excited.”


Jian Luo’s gaze moved back and forth between Tie Zhu and Lu Shifeng. Finally, he took a deep breath and said to Tie Zhu, “He is my distant cousin, surnamed Lu.”


Tie Zhu couldn’t believe it. “Aren’t you an orphan?”




Jian Luo insisted, “What nonsense are you talking about? I am a member of the Jian family, and he is my distant cousin from the Jian family.”


As soon as these words came out, Tie Zhu felt a bit guilty. He was not very bright and often said the wrong things. Now he had inadvertently embarrassed Jian Luo again. Tie Zhu was straightforward. After some self-reflection, he took a step forward, actively and warmly patting Lu Shifeng’s arm, “Brother, which village are you from, and why are you dressed like this?”


Jian Luo widened his eyes, never expecting that a slip of the tongue would magnify his cousin’s identity!


However, the catastrophic scene he anticipated where people would be in trouble did not occur. Lu Shifeng raised an eyebrow, looking at Jian Luo. He repeated, “Cousin?”


Jian Luo choked.


A cold smile appeared on Lu Shifeng’s lips, giving Jian Luo a chilling feeling.


Tie Zhu was oblivious to Jian Luo’s cautiousness and nervousness, lacking any survival instinct. He said, “You are Luo Luo’s cousin, so from today, you are my cousin too. Rest assured, coming here is like coming to your own home. If you have any difficulties, just speak up, and I will do my best!”


Lu Shifeng withdrew his gaze from Jian Luo and focused it on Tie Zhu. “What’s your relationship with him?”


Jian Luo’s heart skipped a beat.


As a rough man, Tie Zhu had never experienced such questioning before. A faint blush appeared on his dark face, and he said, “Hey, do we still need to ask about this?”




Please, just shut up.


Jian Luo cleared his throat lightly and said, “Tie Zhu is my elder brother, and he usually takes good care of me.”


Can’t control it anymore. Just treat it as a dream. May God forgive this bad man! Mainly, he didn’t want to die now!


Lu Shifeng lightly lifted his thin lips and repeated, “Elder brother?”


Thinking that Jian Luo was just shy, Tie Zhu didn’t insist. “Yep, calling me elder bro is fine too!”



A silence filled the room.


Though it seemed like the explanation was clear, the awkward yet mysterious atmosphere did not dissipate.


Jian Luo decided to shift the topic a bit and said to Tie Zhu, “Uh, Tie, didn’t you say you brought something for me? What is it?”


At the mention of this, Tie Zhu became enthusiastic. He suddenly pulled out a large wooden sculpture from his pants, handed it to Jian Luo like a treasure, and said with great enthusiasm, “Luo Luo, I made this myself. Look, this is me, and this one is you. It represents us being together forever, never parting.”




They are two separate sculptures, and you say never parting, big brother, are you kidding me?


Jian Luo didn’t bother to look at the wooden carvings. He cast a somewhat timid glance at Lu Shifeng not far away, locking eyes with those red pupils, feeling a bit pressured.


His survival instinct was still strong. He stuffed the wooden carving into Tie Zhu’s hands and hastily found a reason, “Uh, Tie Zhu, since they are never to part, it’s better to keep them together for good luck, don’t you think?”


Tie Zhu looked at Jian Luo in confusion.


Jian Luo wiped the sweat off his forehead and said to Tie Zhu, “Alright, alright, you’ve delivered the gift. Hurry back; I’ll find you another time.”


“No, Luo Luo…”


“Nothing to wait for; go quickly!”






The door was closed.


Having sent away this time bomb, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, turned to look at Lu Shifeng, feeling a bit guilty. “My big brother just likes to joke. Don’t mind him.”


Lu Shifeng tapped the table with his slender fingers and said calmly, “How many is he? Your ex-boyfriend.”




“Your history of boyfriends.”




You remember that?


Jian Luo recalled the times when he had mentioned his ex-boyfriends to Lu Shifeng and said awkwardly, “None.”


Lu Shifeng asked, “Shall I go ask for you?”


“Well, the first one.” Jian Luo sighed, “But he was an honest guy. We only held hands at most. Not long after, he got married, so we didn’t have much interaction.”


Can’t compete with Lu Shifeng; the old man hits a home run right from the start!


Lu Shifeng seemed satisfied with this information. “Hmm.”



Jian Luo decided to do something to lighten the mood. He heard the pigs outside, realizing, “Oh, I haven’t fed the pigs.”


Thinking of this, he rushed outside.


Feeding the pigs involved a somewhat troublesome process and procedure, especially the bucket, which was heavy to lift. People in the countryside would collect green leaves from the mountains, dry and crush them. A bucket of green soup with some added ingredients was sufficient for pig feeding.


Jian Luo skillfully prepared everything quickly. Just as he was about to lift the bucket, Lu Shifeng took a step ahead and picked it up.


Jian Luo: “Don’t carry it, it’s dirty.”


Lu Shifeng glanced at him: “Where should I put it?”




Jian Luo pointed to the pig trough. In this lifetime, who could have imagined seeing Lu Shifeng, with his precious hands that usually held guns, carrying a pig food bucket? The tall and handsome man, dressed in a neat military uniform, holding a shiny green bucket, stood in front of the pigsty pouring food while the pigs squealed. The scene looked amusing no matter how you looked at it.


Jian Luo chuckled.


Lu Shifeng turned around: “What’s so funny?”


“It just feels so out of place.” Jian Luo, with a smile in his eyes, patted his flat abdomen. “I never thought you would do these things again. Actually, I can do it myself; I’m not pregnant right now.”


Lu Shifeng placed the bucket aside: “Feeding a pig is nothing. In the military, during special circumstances, what we eat is worse than what it eats.”




Jian Luo’s smile froze on his face.


Lu Shifeng walked to the nearby water tank to wash his hands and casually said, “Helping you with tasks doesn’t depend on whether you’re pregnant or not.”


Jian Luo’s eyes widened: “Huh?”


He could hardly believe what he heard. He always thought that the care he received was because of the child. But today, the Marshal said such things. Could it be that, even without a child, he could still be treated well?


Lu Shifeng glanced at him: “Any questions?”




After feeding the pig, Jian Luo remembered that the vegetables in the field needed to be harvested. Although it was a dream, he decided to follow the dream’s rules. Since Lu Shifeng hadn’t come back for a long time, it was a good opportunity to explore.


Thinking of this, Jian Luo said to Lu Shifeng, “Do you want to see our village? You’ve probably never seen a place like this.”


Lu Shifeng said, “Seen it.”




Lu Shifeng didn’t elaborate: “Let’s go.”


Jian Luo was afraid that others might see him, so he added, “Would you mind changing your clothes first?”


Suddenly, he remembered that he didn’t know what possessed him before to learn sewing and make clothes for his lover. He still had a set of clothes for Tie Zhu, who was a bit shorter than Lu Shifeng but could make do.


Lu Shifeng swept his eyes over Jian Luo’s body with a meaningful look: “What about your clothes?”




Who was looking down on whom!


Angrily, Jian Luo rummaged through the wardrobe and handed over the poorly made clothes to Lu Shifeng: “Here, try these.”


Lu Shifeng took the gown without showing any disdain, went to another place to change, while Jian Luo fantasized in place about how the Marshal would look in the clothes he made.



The door creaked.


He turned around and saw Lu Shifeng wearing his poorly crafted gown – a blue and white combination that seemed like a deathly color scheme. The tight-fitting clothes had a few unfinished seams, yet this appalling outfit strangely exuded a sense of high-fashion on Lu Shifeng.


The saying goes, “Clothes make the man,” but for some inherently beautiful people, it’s all about the clothes coming to the rescue. Clearly, a beggar’s attire on someone’s body could inexplicably transform into a limited edition fashion statement.


Jian Luo praised, “It actually looks quite good.”


Lu Shifeng asked, “Made for your big brother Tie Zhu?”




Jian Luo stammered, “No, definitely not.”


“Is it?” Lu Shifeng pointed to the cuff, where an extremely unattractive “iron[/mfn]Tie1” character was embroidered. “What’s this?”


Oh no, forgot about that.


Jian Luo tried to sound resolute: “My heart is like iron, strong!”




Lu Shifeng looked at his struggling appearance and couldn’t help but find it amusing.


After some fuss, they finally left. On the rural path, you would often encounter chickens or dogs from neighboring households taking a stroll. Along the way, any dog that saw Lu Shifeng would inexplicably tuck its tail and run away.


Jian Luo laughed, “Scaredy-cats.”


Lu Shifeng glanced at him indifferently.


Jian Luo stopped laughing, “Uh, what I meant to say is that they seem quite discerning.”




Many people on the road also cast glances at Marshal Lu, but Jian Luo mostly ignored them. He didn’t have much presence in the village anyway, so it didn’t matter.


They arrived at the cornfield, the sun shining brightly. The corn was growing well, but there were quite a few weeds below.


Jian Luo sighed, “Alright, let’s get to work!”


He was diligent in his tasks, ready to start pulling weeds. Lu Shifeng squatted down behind him and said, “Go rest over there.”


Jian Luo was stunned.


Lu Shifeng said, “I’ll take care of this.”




After feeding pigs, now there was weeding service?


Jian Luo didn’t actually leave, “You haven’t done farm work before. How about I show you? Consider it a new experience.”


Lu Shifeng replied, “I’ve done it before.”


Jian Luo was genuinely surprised this time, “Ah?”


Lu Shifeng squatted down to weed and said while moving, “Back in Dragon Valley.”


Hearing the mention of Dragon Valley, Jian Luo couldn’t help but feel a wave of sadness. He always felt that the place hadn’t brought much happiness to Lu Shifeng.


Since it’s a sad place, let’s not dwell on it.

The two of them pulled weeds together for a while. The sun was too intense, so Jian Luo sat by the bank for a bit, drank some water, and then washed his face in the nearby ditch. When he was about to find a towel to wipe his face, he unexpectedly pulled out a small comic book from his pocket.


He was startled, opened the book, and inside were densely packed, somewhat distorted characters—all his own handwriting. Time had passed so long that seeing the comic book in his hand now felt complex.


Lu Shifeng walked up behind him: “What are you looking at?”


“Huh?” Jian Luo said, “A comic book.”


Lu Shifeng took a glance at what he held: “Study materials from here?”


“No, it’s for entertainment, but I use it for studying.” Jian Luo looked at the pages in his hand and inexplicably said, “Actually, I haven’t had much formal education.”


Lu Shifeng silently watched him.


Jian Luo’s voice was indifferent: “Our family was poor. We could only send two to school, and one had to stay home to help with chores. But if I finished my work quickly, I could go outside the school window to listen. When my sister and brother came home to do homework, if they were happy, I could learn a bit too.”


Lu Shifeng asked, “You want to learn?”


Jian Luo sighed, “Coming from the countryside, who doesn’t want to change their fate through knowledge?”


It was because he had suffered that he wanted his younger siblings to go to the best schools. Many elders imposed their regrets on their children, and he was no exception.


Lu Shifeng sat down beside him, “It’s not very apparent.”


Jian Luo asked, “What?”


Lu Shifeng raised an eyebrow, looking somewhat teasingly at him, “Like when the High Priest taught you.”




How could they be the same!


The atmosphere tensed for a moment. Jian Luo’s face turned red, and he argued, “I used to want to study to go to college and change my fate. When the High Priest taught me, I was already grown up. What fate could I change? Besides, he was clearly teaching prenatal education!”


Lu Shifeng’s deep red eyes looked at him seriously, “Is that what you thought?”


Jian Luo choked.


“Changing fate depends not on planning but on action.” Lu Shifeng’s voice was deep and magnetic, “It’s not too late now. Waiting for the next second is already late.”


Holding the small comic book, Jian Luo seemed lost in thought.


Lu Shifeng said, “You’ve gained access to many resources that others can’t touch. Every day you can learn from these people is an immeasurable treasure. This is your chance. Use the resources that can be utilized while you still have control.”


Jian Luo asked, “Utilize?”


He hadn’t expected Lu Shifeng to use that word. If they talked about resources, was he using Lu Shifeng, or was Lu Shifeng also using him?


Suddenly, Jian Luo felt a bit confused.


But Lu Shifeng didn’t give him much time to think, “We’ve finished weeding. Let’s go back.”


Jian Luo nodded.


As they walked back, when they reached the house door, Jian Luo noticed that the relatives who came for a visit had returned. He stood at the entrance and could hear voices from inside.


A woman’s voice came, “Da Mao, your aunt asked you to bring back the sugar?”


The sister said, “Here it is.”


“Bring it here. I’ll put it away. You and your brother shouldn’t eat too much; it’s bad for your teeth.”


“Mom, Luo Luo hasn’t eaten it yet.”


“He’s even younger; how can he eat candy!” The woman’s voice carried a hint of reproach. “You and your brother mustn’t tell him we have candy at home, understand?”


The sister nodded, “Understood.”


After a while, the woman remembered, “Oh, I remembered. There’s still a piece of cake here. Can you call your brother to come and split it? Hurry up and eat, or Luo Luo will be back soon.”


T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


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Chapter 15 – Hundred Ghosts Parade

       After he hurriedly took a shower and changed into a set of clean clothes, Song Jun didn’t forget to greet Xia Hongshen before leaving the dormitory.

       “En.” Xia Hongshen stood at the door of the room with an indifferent attitude.

       Song Jun scratched his hair and said, “Then I’ll leave first.”

       In fact, Song Jun was always a little troubled when he thought of Xia Hongshen. He felt that Xia Hongshen’s attitude towards him was a bit erratic. Sometimes he felt that Xia Hongshen was very good to him, but sometimes, he felt that Xia Hongshen was quite cold to him and that there was no difference between treating him and other people.

       As he thought about this, Song Jun reached into his pocket and touched the crystal leaf hanging on his mobile phone. It was given to him by Xia Hongshen. He didn’t know if he was imagining things or not, but he always felt that Xia Hongshen wouldn’t give any small gifts to other juniors casually.

       Just when Song Jun touched the leaf, Xia Hongshen felt a flash of light from another leaf in the room.

       He also sealed some spiritual energy in the leaf, and it was made into a small mobile phone chain and lay in the drawer of the desk. Xia Hongshen took it out, held it with his fingers and shook it slightly, thinking that although this thing was a treasure from the immortal realm, it still paled in comparison to his own possessions.

       Song Jun rushed to the teaching and research office and everyone was getting ready to leave.

       This was the most crowded time since Song Jun reported to this school. There was a girl who had just come from home. When she saw Song Jun, she introduced herself again.

       The head of the faculty was a middle-aged man with a very kind personality. He said that he had booked a place to eat and that it was near the school, so everyone could just walk there together.

       There were so many people that Song Jun was inevitably a little cautious, and there were more girls than boys in the teaching and research section. He was even more embarrassed to join the crowd of girls, so he walked silently at the end alone.

       During dinner, he inevitably drank a little wine.

       Song Jun was Zhou Yingchun’s only student at the moment. The others were accompanied by their seniors, but he was alone. Zhou Yingchun clearly had high expectations of him, instructing him to present a toast to several teachers in the academic research office, leaving no one out.

       Thanks to the teacher and all the senior brothers and sisters, in the end, Song Jun couldn’t bear it anymore.

       After dinner, a group of people took a walk back to school. Because everyone had eaten a lot, someone suggested taking a walk along the river outside the campus, and everyone readily agreed.

       This river was a large river that runs through the city centre, not far from the school. Across the road from the river was the campus wall. In summer, when the river water rose, a cool breeze would naturally blow when they walked along the river, which was perfect for evening walks.

       Unfortunately, Song Jun didn’t go far when he was called over by Zhou Yingchun. Zhou Yingchun said that she had forgotten her cup at the restaurant and asked Song Jun to run over and get it for her.

       Of course, Song Jun didn’t refuse. He nodded and returned to the restaurant alone. He found the waiter who had cleared the table and helped Zhou Yingchun find her cup.

       When he came out of the restaurant again, it was completely dark.

       Song Jun still walked along the road by the river, trying to catch up with Zhou Yingchun and the group. However, halfway through, Song Jun saw someone burning paper money by the river.

       Suddenly Song Jun remembered that today was the 15th of the 7th month.

       The legendary Ghost Festival, the day when the gate of hell opened. It was also the day when Song Jun was picked up by his grandmother and made it his birthday.

       Today, Song Jun turned twenty-two years old.

       He was in a daze, and when he suddenly came to his senses, he found that he was still holding Zhou Yingchun’s cup in his hand, so he chased ahead but still didn’t see the group of people in the teaching and research department.

       Song Jun stood on the roadside, panting slightly. He looked around and suddenly realised that not only was there no trace of his teacher or classmates on the road but there was no trace of anyone else at all.

       A gust of cool wind blew over, and his clothes were blown tightly to the body. Ashes from a pile of burning money and paper not far away flew up and scattered all over the sky. However, the old woman who burned the money and paper had disappeared.

       The surroundings were very quiet, and the only sound that could be heard was the rustling of leaves in the wind.

       Song Jun stood by the road in a daze and suddenly noticed a dark red light shining on the dark river. He looked up and saw a thick layer of fog rising from the river. In the thick fog, there were two big red lanterns were hung in the sky. Through the light of the lanterns, many pedestrians were vaguely visible on the river, walking forward.

       It was like a mirage.

       Song Jun subconsciously took a few steps back and felt someone grabbing his ankle.

       He lowered his head and saw the pale face of a child looking up at him. Seeing that he saw him, the child let go of Song Jun’s hand and ran away quickly.

       Only then did Song Jun realise that many people had appeared in the originally empty streets. However, most of these people had indifferent expressions and were walking aimlessly. There were also many people gathered around piles of burning money and paper, wanting to grab something.

       And there was no trace of shadows in any of these people.

       In the middle of the 7th month, the gate of ghosts opened and hundreds of ghosts roamed.

       Song Jun’s face turned a little pale. He didn’t know if these people could see him, and he didn’t know whether it would be safer for him to run away from here or stay quietly.

       At this moment, Song Jun saw a strange person appearing among the ghosts. He was also a young man, and Song Jun knew him. That person was Feng Junyuan.

       Feng Junyuan walked along this road while looking left and right.

       Song Jun didn’t know if he could see these things at first until he saw Feng Junyuan’s eyes falling on a woman by the road.

       The woman was wearing a winter down jacket, and if it weren’t for her well-proportioned figure, Song Jun might not have dared to confirm that she was a woman because she had no head.

       She had been groping around carefully as if she wanted to find her head, but unfortunately, there was no woman’s head nearby.

       When he saw Feng Junyuan looking at the woman, Song Jun was sure that he could see these things.

       Feng Junyuan’s expression did not show fear or panic. He just looked at these people silently, and then suddenly pulled out a short sword from his waist.

       The short sword was made of tortoiseshell and had the ability to exorcise evil spirits and ghosts, but Song Jun didn’t know it at first. He just saw Feng Junyuan suddenly raise the small sword and stab a man passing by.

       The man let out a scream of terror. There was no blood where the sword stabbed him, but his body became transparent and weak, and then turned into a mist and floated towards the centre of the river.

       All the ghosts on the road were startled by the scream, and everyone looked in this direction, including the female ghost whose head was not found.

       The wind stopped at some point, and Song Jun felt that the whole street was so quiet that he could hear his rapid breathing.

       Although the commotion just now was caused by Feng Junyuan, as a fellow human being, Song Jun was obviously isolated by the group of ghosts together with Feng Junyuan.

       Feng Junyuan also noticed Song Jun’s presence at this time. He glanced at Song Jun and said nothing. He raised the small tortoiseshell sword in his hand and stabbed the middle-aged female ghost next to him again.

       The whole street suddenly became chaotic. Song Jun’s ears were filled with all kinds of terrible screams. Some people were howling and others were running. He saw a middle-aged man running with a split stomach. When he got there, his intestines leaked all over the floor, so he went to pick it up again.

       Song Jun felt like he was in a hell execution ground, surrounded by chaotic and terrifying scenes.

       But Feng Junyuan, who caused the commotion, obviously had no intention of giving up. Song Jun saw him reaching out and grabbing the kid who grabbed his feet just now. The kid was twitching and his face had turned blue.

       Song Jun ran over and hugged Feng Junyuan, and the kid took the opportunity to slip away from Feng Junyuan’s hands.

       Feng Junyuan wanted to push Song Jun away, “What are you doing?”

       “What are you doing?” Song Jun was simply confused. He couldn’t care less about being afraid and hugged Feng Junyuan tightly and wouldn’t let go.

       Feng Junyuan said, “None of your business!”

       Song Jun was not as strong as him, so he gritted his teeth, raised his knee to bump him, and then said, “Are you crazy?”

       He didn’t understand why Feng Junyuan would do such things. Although he knew that they were all ghosts, even as ghosts, he could tell that they were not malicious spirits. Life was predetermined, perhaps only lasting a few decades. There were those who, like children lost their lives before they became an adult. Even the souls that had lost their physical bodies still had emotions. They came from the underworld, and many of them were just attached to the mortal world, wanting to see their loved ones or partners. They were not inherently evil, perhaps even incapable of doing harm. Otherwise, why would they allow Feng Junyuan to slaughter them without resistance?

       Song Jun was also afraid and didn’t want to see ghosts, but he didn’t hate them without reason.

       Just like his grandma, she waited so hard in that house just to hand over the little inheritance she had worked so hard to save to Song Jun.

       So no matter what, Song Jun did not want to see Feng Junyuan hurt these ghosts so recklessly.

       Just as the two were struggling, they suddenly heard a loud shout from the air, “Who is it?!”

       Song Jun and Feng Junyuan stopped arguing and looked at the man who appeared out of thin air in front of them. The man had small cheeks, bare shoulders, a black robe and long boots. He was none other than Night Patrol God under the City God.

       The Night Patrol God noticed the strange phenomenon nearby and hurried over. When he saw the small tortoiseshell sword in Feng Junyuan’s hand, he was furious, “A hundred ghosts are walking at night today. Who are you? How dare you wildly interfere with the order of the underworld?”

       Song Jun was a little stunned. He looked at the man in front of him, wondering what kind of monster he was.

       Feng Junyuan, on the other hand, wore a cold expression and remained silent.

       The Night Patrol God had always been irritable. He slammed his long knife forcefully into the ground, then flipped it up in front of his chest, shouting, “You ignorant fool! Follow me to confess your sins in front of the City God’s Seat!”

       Song Jun let out a muffled scream, and Feng Junyuan was also forced to take two steps back by the Yin energy of the long sword.

       Suddenly, Song Jun heard a voice behind him, “I’ll take care of their mistakes; there’s no need to trouble the City God.”

       Song Jun and Feng Junyuan turned around at the same time and saw Xia Hongshen standing under the street light, slowly walking to their direction.

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Chapter 106 – Simultaneously being cheated on

Chapter 106 – Simultaneously being cheated on


Jian Luo’s birthday song mercilessly continued, and Lu Shifeng struggled to control his expression, trying not to appear too melancholic.


After Jian Luo finished singing, his eyes sparkled as he looked at Lu Shifeng. “How was it?”


Lu Shifeng remained expressionless. “What are you referring to?”


“The song!” Jian Luo observed his expression, feeling a bit uncertain. He scratched his head, a little embarrassed. “Was it off-key? I don’t sing often, so please bear with me…”


Lu Shifeng replied, “No.”


Jian Luo, pleased, said, “I knew it. I think I did exceptionally well just now. It was a decent performance, right?”


Lu Shifeng nodded.


Jian Luo suspiciously looked at him, wanting to gauge Lu Shifeng’s expression. After all, he had worked hard all day, hoping for some reaction from his patron. Unfortunately, after observing for a while, he couldn’t discern any particular reaction. Of course, General Lu was always composed, making it difficult for Jian Luo to judge if he was happy. Jian Luo decided unilaterally that Lu Shifeng was pleased.


Well, the poor child. Hasn’t he ever had a birthday before?


Jian Luo sat down and grabbed Lu Shifeng’s hand. “There’s something else you definitely can’t guess—I made you a cake!”


Lu Shifeng asked, “Really?”


Jian Luo, trusting, said, “Of course. You know, where we come from, there’s a tradition of blowing candles on birthdays. Normally, it’s one candle per year, but considering your age—I heard you’re five hundred years old—I thought I’d go with five candles, just following the procedure.”


Lu Shifeng replied, “Thank you.”


“No problem, not at all.”


Jian Luo led him to the inner room, and sure enough, when he opened the curtain, there was the cake on the round table. The overall design of the cake was incredibly cute. To cater to Lu Shifeng’s preferences, Jian Luo thoughtfully used chocolate to draw a few guns on the edge. In the center of the cake, he drew a cute little black dragon, and—


Inserted some candles on the black dragon’s face.


Lu Shifeng stood by the table, trying hard to maintain his expression. “Did you design this?”


A hint of pride appeared on Jian Luo’s clear face. “It’s not bad. I just did it casually.”




No one praised you.


Looking at the table full of food, all childlike treats—cake, small cheese, desserts, ice cream, dried fruits—all full of childishness, no one could imagine that this was the birthday celebration for the legendary stern and ruthless Marshal.


Lu Shifeng glanced around. Originally, he should have found it amusing, but inexplicably, a strange taste welled up in the Marshal’s heart. This feeling made him feel a bit warm, even though the cake was genuinely poorly designed, and he had lost interest in these snacks long ago.


Jian Luo leaned in and said, “Time is running out, so this is all I could come up with for now. I’ll do something better next time.”


Lu Shifeng glanced at him sideways. “Who gave you this idea?”



Jian Luo said, “Don’t ask such mood-killing questions at a time like this. Also, my candles are almost burnt out. Hurry up and make a wish!”


Lu Shifeng looked puzzled. “Make a wish?”


Oh right, he forgot that the Dark Star people don’t understand Earth’s customs.


Jian Luo walked over, clasped his hands together, and gestured for him to make the motion. “Like this, then silently think about your wish. It might come true this year. Any wish is fine; it’s a rare opportunity. Think it through before making a wish.”


Lu Shifeng raised an eyebrow. “Human customs?”




Jian Luo, a bit angry, pinched his waist, his cheeks puffed up, grumbling, “Don’t look down on it. Making wishes is powerful. I went through the trouble of getting you five candles!”


Seeing him like this, a slight smile unconsciously appeared on Lu Shifeng’s lips. The smile was fleeting, but under the dim candlelight, his usually stern face seemed to melt, exuding a warmth.


Jian Luo was stunned.


Lu Shifeng closed his eyes, clasped his hands together, and made a brief wish. Soon, he lowered his hands. “Done.”


So fast.


No one would give up their curiosity. Jian Luo was no exception. His gossiping spirit flared up. “What did you wish for?”


Lu Shifeng lifted an eyelid and remained silent.


The more he stayed silent, the more curious Jian Luo became. “World peace?”


It’s not that he wanted to mock Lu Shifeng, but this person might actually make such a wish. Anything was possible with him!


Lu Shifeng replied, “No.”


Jian Luo choked.


“I wished for you to become smarter,” Lu Shifeng lightly opened his lips, mercilessly, “too dull.”




Jian Luo widened his eyes, unable to believe it. His hand trembled as he pointed at himself. “Me, dumb?”


Who could endure this injustice?


Can he still go on living like this?


Is he even speaking human language, this dog of a man!


Lu Shifeng walked over, pulled out a chair, and sat down. “At least not smart enough.”


As Marshal Yuan spoke, he picked up the knife used to cut the cake on the table, intending to slice it. Unexpectedly, Jian Luo, who was beside him, snatched it away in annoyance. He scolded, “Don’t eat something stupidly made by you. What if I become dumb because of you, then you’ll blame me.”


Lu Shifeng looked at him holding the knife with a fierce expression, lacking any threatening aura. Instead, he resembled a small cat that had been wronged, fur standing on end, appearing fierce but adorable, teeth bared and claws out, making him even more tempting to bully.


Lu Shifeng extended his long arm, taking the knife back. “I won’t blame you.”


Jian Luo glared at him.


“I’ve already been influenced by you,” Lu Shifeng cut the cake with a swift motion. “Otherwise, I wouldn’t have ended up in this situation.”


Jian Luo made him relive the powerless moments from the past. It had been a long time since Lu Shifeng faced such a challenging situation, and what made it different was that back then, he could overcome difficulties by forcing himself. However, that approach didn’t work in matters of the heart.


He could force himself, but he couldn’t bear to force Jian Luo.


He could use force and authority to achieve certain goals, but he couldn’t bring himself to employ those methods on Jian Luo.


Jian Luo sat in the chair, somewhat stubborn. “Well, I was already like this. My brain has already formed, and I can’t become smarter.”


Lu Shifeng took a piece of cake. The taste was sweet and sour, as if sweetness traveled from the mouth to the heart, simple yet complex, making it hard to let go. It was completely different from the cakes commonly sold in the market, indicating the dedication put into making it.


Putting down the spoon, Lu Shifeng looked at Jian Luo. “No need to change.”


Jian Luo was puzzled. “What?”


“It’ll be tough if you worry about such things,” Lu Shifeng consoled in a straightforward manner. “Don’t worry; even if you stay foolish, it’s okay.”



Completely failing to ease the tension, Jian Luo got to the point, “Where do you think I’m foolish?”


Lu Shifeng’s finger on the tabletop slightly contracted, the marshal lifted his eyelids, giving Jian Luo a meaningful look with complex emotions.


Jian Luo: ?


Lu Shifeng lightly opened his lips, saying, “In various aspects.”




This meal was impossible to enjoy.


Just as Jian Luo felt stifled, Lu Shifeng presented a cute blue bracelet to him, placing it on the table. “Try wearing it.”


Jian Luo glanced at it, showing determination. “No.”


Lu Shifeng spoke slowly, “This is a developed generation of pain-relief bracelets. Wear it, and injection needle won’t hurt.”


Jian Luo’s eyes lit up. He was about to reach for it but remembered his earlier boast. Clearing his throat, he pretended to be reserved. “I don’t want to wear it for myself. It’s for your son, you know?”


Lu Shifeng didn’t expose him. “Hmm.”


Jian Luo immediately picked up the bracelet and put it on his wrist. He looked around. “Seems like nothing special?”


Lu Shifeng said calmly, “It’s useful in certain special situations.”


“Such as during injections?”


Lu Shifeng’s red eyes seemed to deepen in color. He looked at Jian Luo, his Adam’s apple rolling up and down. Nodding, his voice became somewhat hoarse, “During your injections.”




What are you doing? It’s quite creepy.


After eating, it’s time for a medical examination.


Before wearing the wristband, Jian Luo was obedient, but after putting it on, he took a bold approach: “Today, just check whatever you need!”


The doctor was a bit surprised and glanced at Lu Shifeng.


Lu Shifeng gestured to her, “Just follow the procedure, he’s wearing the wristband.”


Unable to contain her laughter, the doctor said to Jian Luo, “Alright, we will conduct a detailed physical examination for you.”


Jian Luo felt inexplicably uneasy under her laughter.


Fortunately, the doctor was quick in her actions, likely influenced by Jian Luo’s previous reactions. Everything proceeded at the fastest pace to avoid discomfort for both the one inside and those outside, who might wear a stern face.


After receiving the medical report, the doctor went out to find Lu Shifeng.


Lu Shifeng asked, “Is everything okay?”


“All aspects of his health are fine.” The doctor looked at the report. “Luo Luo is quite cooperative. His daily nutrient intake is balanced, and he maintains good nutritional balance, so the dragon cub is developing well.”


Lu Shifeng nodded.


The doctor hesitated as she continued reading, “However, from the preliminary examination of various indicators, there are signs of early prenatal depression.”


Lu Shifeng’s expression didn’t show much surprise. “Already aware.”


The doctor nodded, “Do you plan to return to your journey?”


Prenatal depression in this context does not refer to the emotional state of the pregnant individual but indicates a peculiar phenomenon in female dragons before giving birth. In dragon culture, the Sacred Dragon Mother Tree is the origin of the dragon race, and each dragon forms a special bond with it from the day of consciousness.


Pregnant females and unborn dragon cubs also experience this. As the due date approaches, the female dragon tends to yearn for her homeland and the Mother Tree, displaying various symptoms such as increased temper, irritability towards the partner, loss of appetite, and immersion in sorrow.


The doctor explained, “According to our tests, due to the cub’s development, Luo Luo’s body is now tending towards a normal female dragon’s body structure. Apart from his inability to transform into a dragon, everything else is essentially the same. He is showing this atavistic tendency now. If not intervened, it may have an impact. Would you like to take him back to the sanctuary?”


In the dragon culture, the female dragon’s atavism involves returning to the Mother Tree. If Jian Luo goes home, it would undoubtedly be to his own hometown.


Lu Shifeng didn’t confirm or deny, only saying, “I have arrangements.”


The doctor, sensing the situation, chose not to press further. “Understood.”


Exiting the examination room, Jian Luo noticed that Lu Shifeng had been silent the entire time, his expression tense. It seemed like the examination results were not favorable.


This can’t be good.


Jian Luo rubbed his stomach, feeling a bit uneasy. Could there be a problem?


Jian Luo tentatively said, “Is there a problem with the prenatal examination? Just tell me, I can handle it. Do I need to name this condition after me, or can I just eat whatever I want now, or is it necessary to label it with my name?”


Lu Shifeng halted and turned to look at him, “What’s going on in your head?”




Who told you to scare me.


Jian Luo has been getting angry a lot lately, “So what if there is?”


Lu Shifeng explained the atavistic phenomenon, trying hard to make Jian Luo, whose brain was not particularly quick, understand what this phenomenon meant. He said, “So, which hometown have you been longing for in your heart, the sanctuary?”


Jian Luo choked.


If he had to speak the truth, he didn’t have a particularly deep affection for the sanctuary. In his heart, what he thought of and missed was always Earth. He missed the small stalls in the night market, the gossiping old lady at the village entrance, the lazy life of eating fried chicken while holding a cola, and the joy of playing games all night, then going to the kitchen to cook a pot of instant noodles with ham and sausages.


He missed it all the time, that country without racial discrimination.


Human children were free and equal, everyone lived in harmony, and he wouldn’t have a boyfriend with such disparate social status…


Wait, are they even in a relationship?!


Jian Luo snapped back to reality. He said to Lu Shifeng, “As for me…”


Lu Shifeng interrupted him, “Don’t lie.”




Too difficult.


Jian Luo scratched his head, “My situation might be a bit complicated. How should I put it? Even if what I say doesn’t make much sense, because the place I want to return to is quite special, to be precise, it probably doesn’t exist anymore.”


Lu Shifeng said, “Ancient Earth?”


Jian Luo blurted out, “How do you know?”


As the words fell, he looked at Lu Shifeng’s calm eyes and suddenly understood everything. In fact, he hadn’t deliberately hidden anything, like those exotic dishes, his eating habits, and the things he liked—all of these were not tailored to the humans in the sanctuary.


Upon closer inspection, he had many flaws.


He knew this himself, but he was too lazy to pretend. He wanted to live comfortably. Suddenly arriving in an entirely unfamiliar place, survival and adaptation became challenges.


He didn’t want to make life too hard for himself.


Jian Luo’s throat felt dry, “You knew all along.”


Lu Shifeng reached out, and his large hand, initially intended for his back, ended up gently resting on Jian Luo’s head. His voice was somewhat deep, “I said, don’t worry about such troublesome matters.”

After completing the work coordination, Jian Luo still needs to handle the backend. Now, his private messages are flooded every day—questions about the products, inquiries about various business collaborations, and feedback, all piling up like mountains.


The three elves distribute the workload evenly.


Vivi and Anya are responsible for promotion and after-sales, while another elf, Cai Cai, who is very introverted and shy, is assigned to handle these inquiries by Jian Luo.


Cai Cai sends a message, “Boss, today’s total number of inquiries is 6 million, and there are about 200,000 business collaboration inquiries. I have categorized and compiled the report, sending it to your email for your review.”


Jian Luo is startled by the quantity, “Can you handle all of this, Cai Cai?”


Cai Cai replies, “No problem, I have magical skills.”


She is genuinely afraid of talking to people but enjoys it at the same time. This online customer service mode makes her happy—she can talk to many people without speaking.


Jian Luo hesitates, “Don’t force yourself. If needed, I can hire more people.”


Cai Cai is afraid he might hire more people, “No need, Boss, I can handle it. I really can. Please don’t hire anyone else.”






What else can Jian Luo say? He can only thank the Elf King for this divine assistance.


After a brief meeting with a few employees, Jian Luo starts examining the reports. These big data are crucial for understanding the audience’s preferences and reactions.


In the past, he was alone, earning small profits. But now, with a team and a planet to support, no amount of money seems sufficient.


Lu Shifeng enters from outside, seeing him still working, and frowns, “Don’t look at it for too long.”


Jian Luo nods, “I’ll take a quick look. It would be great to create a report. Later, I’ll have a meeting with Manager Nie to report on the work. I heard there will be an inspection in two days at the latest. I need to double-check, can’t afford any mistakes. Everyone is working so hard; it can’t be in vain.”


Lu Shifeng watches him with a serious expression, feeling strangely nostalgic. He remembers the first time he saw Jian Luo, genuinely thinking humans were small and fragile. At that time, Jian Luo was not as outstanding, timid, physically weak, lacking vitality.


But now, he’s different.


Confident, responsible, exceptionally dazzling, like a gradually glowing jade, gentle yet eye-catching.


Jian Luo says, “I’m going to the meeting.”


Lu Shifeng holds him back, “Tomorrow, have the meeting tomorrow.”



“It’s not until the day after tomorrow. It’s fine to have the meeting tomorrow,” Lu Shifeng points to the screen. “Jian Luo, check the time.”


Jian Luo looks at the time, stunned, “It’s already 11:30?”


Unconsciously, he has been looking for so long. Indeed, it’s too late for a meeting; he can’t disturb people’s rest.


Lu Shifeng, seeing him finally react, is satisfied, “Come, take a break.”


Jian Luo suddenly remembers something he discussed during the day, “Can this bed really take us back to ancient Earth?”


Lu Shifeng responds, “Yes, the bed can take you back to past dreams. But remember, you must not do anything against the consciousness of that dream world. Once the order of the dream is disrupted, you will be trapped inside forever.”


Jian Luo scratches his head, feeling clever, “So even if we go back, we have to live honestly. No robbing banks or walking naked on the street.”




After discussing, the two place their hands on the crystal ball as usual. Jian Luo suddenly thinks of his previous dreams and wants to ask Lu Shifeng if he knows what happened in those dreams. But he’s too afraid to speak up.


Forget it, pretend not to know!


Jian Luo closes his eyes to sleep. He thought it would be difficult to sleep with heavy thoughts, but surprisingly, he falls asleep as soon as he closes his eyes.





A rooster’s crow comes from the window, startling Jian Luo awake.


Jian Luo sits up from the bed, looking at the mosquito net above and the mosquito bloodstains, he has a moment of confusion.


A voice from outside says, “Luo Luo, your father and I are going to visit the Zhang family today. Remember to feed the pig at home and pull the grass in the field.”




Jian Luo’s mind doesn’t react, and he answers, “Okay.”


Then, the sound of the door closing comes from outside as the woman takes the two children and her husband to visit relatives.


Jian Luo slowly sits up. Before he can react, he sees Lu Shifeng sitting on a chair not far away. He startles and covers his mouth, “Master?!”


This is too out of place, a military officer with a cold aura sitting inside a thatched house—it’s just weird!


Lu Shifeng says, “Awake?”


“I’m going.” Jian Luo pats his stomach, which is gone. He slaps himself, looking not too bright. “Are we really in a dream woven by the bed?”


Lu Shifeng says, “Yes, is this the hometown you longed for?”




That bed is a counterfeit product. How could he long for this place?


Jian Luo says, “It’s not exactly, but since we’re here, you can’t wear this. You’ll be gossiped about by other villagers.”


Lu Shifeng asks, “Then what should I wear?”


Jian Luo is in a dilemma. He doesn’t dare to steal clothes from his father and brother. After much thought, just when he’s troubled, there’s a knock on the door. It’s a somewhat honest voice, “Luo Luo, I’ve come to see you. I have no work today and wanted to visit you.”


The knocking is so urgent, almost like urging the soul.


Jian Luo shouts outside, “Wait a moment!”


He was about to open the door to see who it was when he suddenly froze. This voice, isn’t it his first little boyfriend, Tie Zhu, from when he was in the countryside?


Strictly speaking, it couldn’t be considered a relationship, just a bit of puppy love. Because Tie Zhu was the only person in the village who treated him well. Although Tie Zhu was forced to marry later, they separated.


Originally, it wasn’t a big deal; who doesn’t have a few unresolved first loves?


The door outside is still being knocked on, “Luo Luo, Luo Luo, open the door for me!”


Jian Luo feels a bit anxious about the urging. Meanwhile, Lu Shifeng leisurely says, “Why not go see him?”


“Um… I’m going now.”


Strangely, he feels a bit guilty. Outside is the current one, and inside is a wild man with a green hat. How is he going to explain this? Wait a minute, something’s not right. Strictly speaking, the Marshal is his current partner, right? Could it be that he was simultaneously cheating on two men?


No, he hasn’t actually married anyone. How can this be considered so? To top it off; no one was actually in a relationship with him currently!



T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


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