Chapter 173 – The Little Princes’ Issue


Jian Luo made sure the children went to bed early.


After all, it was better to end this topic sooner rather than later, lest their father return and a tragedy unfold.


Returning to his room, Jian Luo found the lights on. Sitting at his desk, he began writing in his diary. Since Lu Shifeng had left, it had become a habit for him to jot down his thoughts—little daily occurrences, interesting moments, worries, and longing.


He didn’t know when Lu Shifeng would return, or even if he would. Human life was fleeting, illnesses commonplace, and any random wave could erase everything. Jian Luo hoped to leave something behind for Lu Shifeng, even if it was just a notebook.


Of course, he hoped even more to spend his future years with that man, if only he could return soon.



The Next Day


Early in the morning, Jian Luo received a brief message from Earth. It was short but heartening—the couple from the Dark Star had detected a pregnancy!


This was the first natural pregnancy on the Dark Star in millennia, achieved without technological or electronic assistance, solely through herbal remedies. It meant salvation for this lonely planet after countless centuries!


Jian Luo was overwhelmed with joy: “Really? Is it confirmed?”


The old Chinese doctor said, “We notify only after the fetus is stable at three months. We don’t take risks lightly. Inform the medical team from the Dark Star.”


Taking care of a Dark Star fetus required professionals. In case of any mishaps, it would prevent further complications.


Jian Luo assured him, “You can trust me on this matter.”


With absolute certainty, Jian Luo informed the authorities. Upon hearing the news, they were initially stunned, struggling to find words: “Is it true? Mr. Jian, you’re not joking, are you?”


Jian Luo smiled, “If this were a joke, it wouldn’t be funny at all.”


The Dark Star man fell silent for a moment and then unexpectedly started to cry. It was hard to believe; these proud and noble Dark Star people rarely showed such vulnerability. Jian Luo was taken aback.


“I’m sorry, I’m just so overwhelmed,” the man said. “My wife and I have dreamed of having a child. We never thought it could actually happen.”


Jian Luo comforted him, “Everything will be fine. Don’t be sad.”


The man quickly regained his composure, “Mr. Jian, you’re right. We’ll send someone over immediately. Thank you, thank humanity, thank Earth. You’re our saviors. The Dark Star people will forever be grateful to you.”


Listening to his somewhat disjointed words, Jian Luo chuckled softly, “No need for thanks. If your ancestors hadn’t accepted our wandering ancestors, humanity might have been extinct long ago. As our ancestors said, ‘repay a favor with a spring,’ mutual assistance is only natural.”


The male doctor on the other end sighed deeply.


After ending the call, Jian Luo hurried to the Sanctuary. This matter was significant; if the herbal remedy proved effective, he would need to mobilize resources and start preparing for a mass migration to Earth. His original goal was to bring all humans back to their homeland.


Upon returning, Jian Luo immediately told Qing’er, “I’m going to hold a meeting. Notify all senior supervisors to come here.”


Qing’er replied, “Okay.”


Their efficiency was remarkable. By noon, the news network of the Dark Star had officially announced the pregnancy of a Dark Star person, not through replication but through natural means. All Earthlings were informed, and the entire interstellar community was abuzz.


“I’ve waited so long for this day.”


“I knew Jian Luo could do it.”


“Humanity is truly magnificent.”


“Tears of joy. I suggest erecting a statue of Jian Luo in the central square.”


Online discussions were fervent, and the Sanctuary buzzed with excitement. When everyone gathered for the meeting, they were all smiles.


After everyone was seated, Jian Luo spoke, “I believe you’re all aware of today’s events. I won’t waste words. Today’s scientific achievement is not a matter for personal glory. Any misconduct that tarnishes humanity’s image will be severely punished without leniency.”


His words were firm and commanding, filled with undeniable authority.


After finishing, Jian Luo glanced at everyone and added, “I hope each of you will manage your subordinates well. Don’t get carried away, and don’t forget that not long ago, Earth and humanity were part of the Dark Star. Don’t let a little recognition make you forget where you come from.”


His words sobered everyone up instantly. There were indeed some who lacked foresight, but Jian Luo’s speech brought them back to reality in a heartbeat.


“Got it.”


“Jian Ge, don’t worry.”


“We’ll make sure everything’s in place and manage the people well.”


Jian Luo felt much relieved now. Then he brought up another important matter, “A lot of the land on our Earth is under development. We’re entering an industrial era there, constructing large-scale agricultural centers and tourist resorts. Basically, Earth needs people now.”


Everyone looked at Jian Luo.


“We’re all in this together, so I won’t keep anything from you,” Jian Luo said, propping his chin on one hand. His slender fingers tapped on the table intermittently. “Currently, Dark Star has a high acceptance of humans, and it’s one of the top planets in the universe. If anyone wants to stay and develop on Dark Star, they can.”


Jian Luo continued, “For those who want to immigrate to Earth, give me your names. Consider it for a week, no pressure.”


There was a moment of silence in the air.


Previously, people were unwilling to work on Dark Star because while the Dark Starians claimed to liberate humans, they still looked down on them. But now things were different; Dark Starians were grateful to humans and treated them kindly. They could find good jobs on Dark Star now.


After a while, someone said, “Let’s discuss this at home.”


Jian Luo nodded, “Go ahead.”


He left the decision to them, thinking the wish list might end up split fifty-fifty. However, within just two days, unexpectedly, the thirty or so people who had originally gone on vacation from Earth returned. At a time when people in Paradise were still hesitating, they came back.


“What? Immigration? That sounds great!”


“Earth is so beautiful. The air there is sweet, and the food is delicious. I never want to drink nutrient solution again in my life.”


“And they’ve already built the new villa district. Jian Ge even got a research institute to set up a signal base, so the internet speed is super fast.”


“I want to die on Earth in this lifetime.”


As people hesitated, someone nearby was instigating them. This effect was powerful, and more and more people made up their minds. In the final wish list, 80% of people chose to immigrate to Earth.


Their reasons were simple:


“Home is where the heart is.”


“We can’t just stand still forever.”


“Earth helped us gain the right to freedom. Now that our mother planet needs development and people, if I don’t go back when needed, am I still a person?”


When Jian Luo received this list, he couldn’t help but laugh and cry.


It was a huge project. Many businesses and factories had to relocate, and only a few fast food outlets’ staff chose to stay. Jian Luo personally went to handle things over there. Originally, he planned to stay for a few months, but with children at home, he finished outlining the general tasks in just a few days and returned.




Long Aotian leaped into his arms.


Jian Luo caught the child. Since having a physical body, this child had started going to school. In less than a month after enrolling, the sociable child had become popular with everyone, always surrounded by a crowd after school. Even his elder brothers would pull him along with their younger siblings.


Jian Luo patted the child’s head, “Behaving well in school?”


Long Aotian nodded and glanced at his younger brother, saying, “Teacher praised him today.”


“Really?” Jian Luo looked over.


Long Aotian said, “Because during study period, everyone else was talking except for him.”




Clearly, he didn’t quite fit in.


Jian Luo was a bit worried. As children grew older, their personalities became more apparent. He didn’t know where Long Batian’s introverted nature came from. When he was young, Jian Luo thought things would improve with age, but apart from family, he ignored everyone. He had never had this problem with his dad, Lu Shifeng!


Jian Luo decided to spend more time with his child.


He said, “Daddy will take you to watch a movie today and then go to the amusement park.”


The three children’s excited eyes lit up, and they chorused, “Great!”


Usually, Jian Luo was busy with work, and the instructors took care of them. Now Jian Luo gradually felt that the children’s personalities were problematic and decided to take over.


They arrived at Dark Star’s largest entertainment venue. They ordered food here, which was one of Jian Luo’s franchises: fried chicken burgers, a favorite among the children. The waitstaff brought the food over. Long Aotian glanced at it and said, “Let’s go.”


The waitress looked at the other two children.


The white-haired girl was quite elegant. She said, “I don’t want the one with orange pulp. Could you please replace it?”


The second child, who didn’t speak much, just glanced indifferently at his own food and continued eating. Sitting across from them, Jian Luo took all this in. It seemed quite normal, but he felt a subtle abnormality.


It seemed—


His three little princes, surrounded by the adoring crowd, were becoming accustomed to their high status, which was just the beginning. As they continued on this path, Jian Luo became increasingly aware that something wasn’t right.


Finally, when they were buying tickets at the amusement park, Jian Luo said, “Have you thanked the person?”


The child sitting opposite him froze.


“I’m talking to you,” Jian Luo glanced at the timid waitress beside him, “She just gave you the tickets. You’ve received her service. Have you said thank you?”

T/N: Ahhh, the end is near! Finally… after so many months! (Ah not including side stories, of course)

Hope you’re having a good day! Drink water and make sure to sleep early! (>w<)/

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If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep

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