Month: September 2024 (Page 1 of 3)

Chapter 20 – My harem was disbanded by the Prime Minister...well, half of it.

Chapter 20 – My harem was disbanded by the Prime Minister…well, half of it.


Xiao Shiqing’s eyes darkened as he said with a half-smile, “What General He said doesn’t count. Whether or not he comes to my side depends on what the Emperor decides.”


He Changzhou held Zhao Qi’s arm and asked, “So what does the Emperor say? Does he want to stay with me or go with the Prime Minister?”


At this moment, Zhao Qi could only sing a song for himself: Little Emperor, do you have many question marks? Why is it that others are happily living their lives while you are constantly forced to make meaningless, inexplicable choices? Last time it was between Xiao Shiqing and Rong Tang, and this time it’s Xiao Shiqing and He Changzhou. Will the next time be between He Changzhou and Rong Tang?


Both of these men are important officials of the court, and Zhao Qi will need to rely on them in the future. He can’t afford to offend either. After much hesitation, Zhao Qi weakly said, “I choose neither.”


“Not acceptable,” Xiao Shiqing said. “You must choose.”


He Changzhou smiled, “Prime Minister, you’re pressuring the Emperor again.”


Xiao Shiqing’s dark eyes glinted, “General He, is the military camp so idle that you keep coming to the palace every few days? If you have nothing to do, I can give you an assignment to travel to Western Xia.”


Western Xia is a small vassal state of Da Jing, located far to the west. A round trip would take at least half a year.


He Changzhou’s face darkened, and his tone turned colder, “As the Prime Minister and head of the Cabinet, you can assign me tasks, and I have no reason to refuse. But even if I were to go to Western Xia, I would not let the Prime Minister bully the Emperor today.”


Xiao Shiqing laughed, “Bullying the Emperor?” He looked at Zhao Qi. “Have I bullied you?”


The two men were at odds, and the others dared not make a sound. Zhao Qiao looked at Prime Minister Xiao, then at General He, and then at the Emperor caught in the middle, suddenly feeling like he was watching a harem drama.


Zhao Qi looked mournful, “Alright, stop arguing. I admit my mistake—Changzhou, please let go of me.”


He Changzhou hesitated for a moment before releasing his grip. Zhao Qi approached Xiao Shiqing, lowered his head, and said softly, “Prime Minister, I was wrong.”


Xiao Shiqing’s expression softened slightly, “Where did the Emperor go wrong?”


Zhao Qi took a deep breath, “I shouldn’t have let the beauties help me with copying characters.”


Xiao Shiqing nodded, “It’s good that the Emperor sincerely regrets it. However, there must still be a punishment.”


He Changzhou said, “How the Emperor should be punished is not for the Prime Minister to decide. The only person who can punish the Emperor is the Empress Dowager.”


Xiao Shiqing raised an eyebrow, “Fine, then the Emperor can accompany me to see the Empress Dowager.”


Zhao Qi knew that even if it came to the Empress Dowager, she would likely side with Xiao Shiqing. “Let’s not bother her.”


He Changzhou looked resigned, “Emperor, you needn’t be afraid. We are on the same boat now. I will help you.”


Zhao Qi turned to him, “Forget it. One should bear the consequences of their own actions. Let’s not add to the trouble.”


He Changzhou: “…”


“So, Prime Minister, how do you plan to punish me?” Zhao Qi asked. “Continue copying characters?”


Xiao Shiqing said, “You need to practice writing. Just complete the characters that others had copied for you before.”


Zhao Qi asked doubtfully, “Is that all?”


“Not quite,” Xiao Shiqing said. “The Emperor’s harem is filled with many low-born beauties who do not understand right from wrong and might have a tendency to mislead the Emperor.”


Zhao Qi’s eyes lit up, “Does the Prime Minister intend to expel them from the palace?”


He Changzhou: “Hmm?”


Zhao Qiao gasped, unable to help but say, “That’s too harsh!”


Xiao Shiqing looked at Zhao Qi’s eyes, which were bright and clear, as if expecting something. Before the words left his mouth, Xiao Shiqing changed his mind. “Expel half of them.”


…Just half?


Xiao Shiqing noticed the disappointment in Zhao Qi’s eyes and sneered, “If there’s another time, you won’t be able to keep the other half either.”


Zhao Qiao thought Xiao Shiqing’s punishment was extremely severe and couldn’t help but speak up for Zhao Qi, “Prime Minister, as the ruler of the country, the Emperor only has a little over twenty beauties in his harem. That’s too few. Even a local official’s family has more consorts!”


Zhao Qi: “…” Brother, do you have a misunderstanding about what ‘few’ means?


“The Emperor is now at a prime age, and if the Prime Minister expels half of them, who will be responsible for the Emperor’s bedchamber pleasures in the future? Prime Minister, will you take responsibility?”


You’re the one at a prime age, and your whole family is at a prime age! Zhao Qi wanted to cover Zhao Qiao’s mouth, “Please just go back to your fief, really.”


Zhao Qiao indignantly said, “Emperor, don’t be afraid. My brother and General He will definitely help you seek justice.”


Xiao Shiqing didn’t even bother to look at him, “Overestimating oneself.”


He Changzhou said slowly, “Actually, the Emperor is indeed at fault in this matter. It’s only reasonable for the Prime Minister to impose a punishment, and I have no objections.”


Zhao Qiao: “???”


Zhao Qi: “…” So much for being on the same boat. This boat is sinking too fast!


Xiao Shiqing smiled, “As expected of General He—Does the Emperor have anything else to say?”


“Yes,” Zhao Qi said. “Since we’re expelling the beauties, let’s start with those who still have relatives and are financially well-off. Their lives won’t be too difficult after leaving the palace. It would be best to give each of them some silver as a token of appreciation for their company.”


Xiao Shiqing nodded, “Alright. However, Rong Tang is also one of them. Does the Emperor want to let him go?”


Zhao Qi hadn’t considered this and was momentarily stunned, “This…”


Xiao Shiqing smiled faintly, “The Emperor should consider it carefully.”


Zhao Qi hesitated to release Rong Tang from the palace mainly because, in the original story, the dog emperor ultimately fell into Rong Tang’s hands and was tortured beyond recognition after being corrupted. Zhao Qi was unsure of Rong Tang’s current feelings towards him. Although Rong Tang seemed less cold towards him on the surface, he couldn’t be sure of Rong Tang’s true intentions—he might already have a thousand ways to torment him planned out.


After much thought, Zhao Qi decided to wait and observe. Just in time, the Prince of Huai was about to arrive in the capital. According to the original plot, the Prince of Huai would go to great lengths to meet Rong Tang in the palace and inform him of his plans to raise an army. Zhao Qi could use the Prince of Huai to test Rong Tang. If Rong Tang opposed the Prince’s plans, Zhao Qi would release him. If Rong Tang still wanted his life regardless of everything, then he would deal with that when the time came.


Half of the beauties in the harem had left, and the remaining ones were orphans with no relatives, like Jiang Bao’er. Besides her good looks and a bit of talent, she had nothing else and would be left to drift into the world of pleasure.


Some of the beauties allowed to leave the palace were those who had been forcibly brought in by the dog emperor, so naturally, they were overjoyed to return to their families. Others, who had entered the palace with the hope of rising to prominence, were now unwilling and discontent to be expelled. Among them was Miss Shangguan, who was closest to Jiang Bao’er.


On the day of departure, Jiang Bao’er saw Miss Shangguan off. Miss Shangguan, while wiping her tears, said, “When I first entered the palace, I thought I would bear the emperor’s child and become a concubine or something. But now, two years in, the emperor hasn’t even touched me, and now I’m being expelled from the palace. What kind of fate is this!”


Jiang Bao’er, with red-rimmed eyes, said, “Sister, stop saying that. The emperor is no longer the same as before. Not only you and I, but even now he doesn’t visit the harem for ten days or half a month. Even when he does, it’s just to go to the Drunken Book Study. Today it’s you being expelled, and tomorrow it might be me.”


“Sister, you have no parents. How will you make a living after leaving the palace?” Miss Shangguan said, “You must not sit idly by and wait for the emperor to expel you!”


Jiang Bao’er, with tears in her eyes, replied, “I’m just a small male pet, and a rough one at that. Besides waiting to die, what else can I do?”


Miss Shangguan thought for a moment and said, “If you could bear a child for the emperor, wouldn’t you be able to stay in the palace for a long time?”


“Sister, what nonsense are you talking? I’m a boy!”


Miss Shangguan said, “Listen to me. There’s a eunuch by the name of Xiao Xiazi beside the emperor, who is from my hometown and with whom I have a good relationship. Last time, he told me an interesting thing—he said the Fourth Young Master from the Ninth Prince’s family gave the emperor two special birthday gifts…”


Upon hearing this, Jiang Bao’er’s expression became serious. “Sister, say that again. What is the name of the medicine that makes men pregnant?”


Miss Shangguan confirmed, “It’s called Chang Xiangsi.”


After the beauties had left the palace, Zhao Qi walked around the harem and found it much quieter. Unconsciously, he ended up at the Drunken Book Study, where he smelled a strong medicinal aroma and saw Jin Ning boiling medicine in the courtyard.


Zhao Qi approached her and asked, “Is this medicine for Rong Tang?”


Jin Ning, focused on boiling the medicine, did not notice Zhao Qi’s arrival. She was startled by his sudden question and let out a scream. “Your Majesty?” She quickly knelt and saluted, “This servant pays her respects to Your Majesty.”


“Get up, get up,” Zhao Qi said. “Is Rong Tang’s health not improving again?”


Jin Ning shook her head. “Replying to Your Majesty, the young master’s condition has improved recently, but the imperial physician said the medicine cannot stop. It must be taken three times a day.”


“…This isn’t a medicine pot; it’s a medicine barrel, isn’t it?” Zhao Qi looked at the black, murky concoction in the pot and asked, “Is the medicine ready?”


“Replying to Your Majesty, it’s almost done.”


“Then take it to him.”


Rong Tang was in the study organizing ancient books. Hearing someone knock, he said, “Just leave the medicine there.”


Jin Ning said, “Young master, the emperor is also here.”


Rong Tang turned around and met Zhao Qi’s gaze, giving a slight nod. “Your Majesty—cough.”


“Didn’t you say it was getting better? Why are you coughing again?” Zhao Qi said. “Hurry and drink the medicine first.”


Rong Tang took the bowl and drank a sip, slightly frowning. Seeing this, Zhao Qi asked, “Is it very bitter?”


Rong Tang looked up at him. “Why don’t you try it, Your Majesty?” He then handed the bowl to Zhao Qi.


He intended to show Zhao Qi that the question was meaningless. However, Zhao Qi hesitated for a moment and really took the bowl. “Alright, I’ll try a sip.”


Rong Tang: “…”


Jiang Dehai, upon hearing this, quickly said, “Your Majesty, you shouldn’t drink the medicine casually!”


Rong Tang said, “It’s just some tonic medicine; drinking a sip or two won’t hurt.”


“Then I’ll give it a try.” Zhao Qi was curious about the taste of the medicine. He took a small sip, and the bitter taste spread in his mouth, causing his facial features to contort. “Sugar— I need sugar!”


Jiang Dehai: “Quick, get some candied fruit!”


Zhao Qi loved snacks, and wherever he went, eunuchs carried small treats behind him. Zhao Qi quickly grabbed a piece of candied fruit and put it in his mouth, finally alleviating the unbearable bitterness. He couldn’t help but exclaim, “Rong Tang, you drink such bitter medicine every day. It’s really not easy.”


Rong Tang said, “You get used to it.”


“This one is very sweet. Do you want to try it?”


Rong Tang hesitated for a moment before accepting the candied fruit and tasting it.


“How is it? Sweet?”


Rong Tang nodded. “Sweet.”


Zhao Qi smiled, “If you like it, I’ll have someone send some to the Drunken Book Study later.”


Rong Tang, unusually, did not refuse. “Hmm.”


“You can eat it, right?” Zhao Qi asked. “Don’t throw it away like the peach blossoms I sent you before.”


Rong Tang lightly coughed. “I won’t.”


Zhao Qi’s smile became even brighter. Perhaps he was being overly sentimental, but he really felt that Rong Tang’s attitude towards him had changed significantly compared to before.


Rong Tang, keep it up. If your aversion to me decreases a little more, I’ll be able to release you from the palace!


Thinking about leaving the palace, Zhao Qi said, “Have you noticed that there are fewer people in the harem?”


Rong Tang replied, “Hmm.” He didn’t care much about others; it was Jin Ning who told him.


Zhao Qi popped another piece of candied fruit into his mouth and said slowly, “Regarding your departure, I’ve thought about it for a long time. I know you don’t want to stay in the palace any longer, but I have my concerns.” Zhao Qi continued, “I’m reluctant to part with you for now, so please stay with me a little longer. After the Longevity Festival…” Zhao Qi paused, thinking it was better not to say uncertain things just yet.


Rong Tang looked at him quietly for a long time before saying, “Alright.”

T/N: There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep



Chapter 49

       After class, Chen Youyou noticed that Zhan Weiyang was daydreaming. It wasn’t just daydreaming; during the morning self-study session, when the teacher wasn’t in the classroom, Chen Youyou turned around to look at Zhan Weiyang a few times and found him smiling foolishly.

       Actually, Chen Youyou wanted to tell Zhan Weiyang about the incident with Xie Ling yesterday. Although he gave the bicycle to Xie Ling yesterday, he felt a little guilty. Originally, he wanted Zhan Weiyang to give Xie Ling a ride. Then the two of them would get to know each other as Zhan Weiyang helped Xie Ling change the tyre. As it turned out, Zhan Weiyang ran away directly, and Xie Ling’s bicycle was still broken there without anyone to take care of it. The more Chen Youyou thought about it, the more embarrassed he felt.

       He couldn’t help but want to urge Zhan Weiyang to help Xie Ling fix the bicycle, but he saw Zhan Weiyang in a daze all morning.

       Before Chen Youyou had time to speak, a boy from the next class suddenly called Zhan Weiyang’s name at the back door of the classroom.

       Zhan Weiyang suddenly came to his senses and turned his head to take a look. He stood up and walked towards the back door, curiously asked, “Is there anything wrong?”

       The boy threw a bicycle key to him and said, “Xie Ling asked me to give it to you.”

       Zhan Weiyang was puzzled. After taking the key, he found that it looked familiar. He thought about it and said, “Oh.”

       The boy had left.

       Zhan Weiyang returned to his seat and asked Chen Youyou, “Isn’t this the bicycle key you lent me yesterday?”

       Chen Youyou said, “Yes.”

       Zhan Weiyang asked him, “Why is it with Xie Ling?”

       Chen Youyou did not answer directly but thought for a while and said, “Do you, want to accompany, him to fix the bike, the tyre?”

       Zhan Weiyang suddenly remembered, “Oh right, his tyre is broken.”

       Chen Youyou said, “Yeah. I, gave it, to him yesterday.”

       Zhan Weiyang panicked, “What should I do? We broke it for him.”

       Chen Youyou reached out and grabbed Zhan Weiyang’s shoulders, shaking him hard, “So you, must go to, accompany him, to fix it!”

       He shook Zhan Weiyang so hard that he disturbed Zhan Weiyang’s deskmate. The little girl said impatiently, “Do you guys have a problem or something?”

       Chen Youyou withdrew his hand and said to Zhan Weiyang, “You, can do, whatever you want.”

       Zhan Weiyang was very distressed. Later in class, he kept thinking about this problem. When class was over, he pulled Chen Youyou and accompanied him to the bike shed, and the two found Xie Ling’s bike. They saw that the bike was still in there, and the rear tyre was still flat.

       Chen Youyou squatted down and pinched the tyre.

       Zhan Weiyang stood and thought seriously. After a long time, he said to Chen Youyou, “I have thought of a way.”

       Chen Youyou looked at him incredulously.

       After lunch at noon, Zhan Weiyang and Chen Youyou went outside the school to find a bicycle repairman. They used the excuse that their own bicycles were broken and they could not ride out, so they asked the guard to let the man in.

       The repairman brought tools and new tyres. When changing the tyres, Zhan Weiyang and Chen Youyou squatted beside and watched.

       Chen Youyou couldn’t help but be curious, “Isn’t this your chance to get close to Xie Ling?”

       Zhan Weiyang supported his face with his hands and said, “I don’t understand why I should get close to Xie Ling.”

       “Huh?” Chen Youyou was very confused.

       Zhan Weiyang stared at the front and suddenly leaned close to Chen Youyou’s ear.

       Chen Youyou immediately understood that something was to be said to him in secret, so he quickly moved closer and then heard Zhan Weiyang say, “I’m in love.” This was said sweetly and shyly.

       “What?!” Chen Youyou stood up in shock and yelled so loudly that the repairman dropped all the tools in his hand.

       Zhan Weiyang put his finger to his lips, “Shh—-“

       Chen Youyou squatted down again, this time very close to Zhan Weiyang. The two of them were close to each other, almost pushing Zhan Weiyang down. The shock in his eyes had not yet subsided, and he asked, “Who is it?”

       Zhan Weiyang hugged his knees with his arms and said, “It’s me.”

       Chen Youyou said, “Nonsense! Who are, you with?”

       Zhan Weiyang looked at him and refused to tell him.

       Chen Youyou asked him, “You don’t like Xie Ling anymore?”

       Zhan Weiyang didn’t say anything.

       Chen Youyou didn’t want to pursue this matter further. He was more interested in something else. He raised his hand and bumped Zhan Weiyang, “Who is it?” After saying that, he added, “Boy or girl?”

       Zhan Weiyang still didn’t say anything.

       Chen Youyou said, “You’re annoying.” Keeping people on edge!

       Zhan Weiyang suddenly blushed. He raised his hand to cover his face and whispered to Chen Youyou, “I kissed him.”

       This news was like a bolt from the blue for Chen Youyou. He hadn’t expected that at seventeen, he would still be a virgin while Zhan Weiyang would be the first to date and kiss someone. Chen Youyou’s tone became a bit sour as he asked, “Who is it?”

       Zhan Weiyang smiled and shook his body left and right but didn’t say anything.

       At this time, the repairman had already changed the bicycle tyre and stood up to pack up the tools.

       Zhan Weiyang and Chen Youyou didn’t continue talking. The two of them sent the repairman out of the school and then returned to the classroom together.

       Walking to the door of the classroom, Chen Youyou grabbed Zhan Weiyang, “What about Xie Ling?”

       Zhan Weiyang’s expression suddenly became solemn.

       Chen Youyou looked at his face, “W-what happened?”

       Zhan Weiyang whispered, “There’s a lot that I gave up.”

       “Huh?” Chen Youyou was confused all afternoon. He felt that Zhan Weiyang was leading him to run around, and he didn’t understand what had happened.

       Zhan Weiyang’s tone became sad, “Chen Youyou.”

       Chen Youyou said, “What?”

       Zhan Weiyang turned around and faced him, saying, “I dare not tell him, but I will tell you secretly, okay?”

       “Tell me, what?”

       Zhan Weiyang said, “I will become a tree in the future, and you have to come to see me often. I only have you as a friend.”

       Chen Youyou frowned.

       Zhan Weiyang lowered his head and picked his fingers, “I know I shouldn’t do this, but I can’t help it.”

       Chen Youyou felt puzzled all afternoon.

       When school was over, the boarding students went to the cafeteria for dinner, and the day students went home, leaving Zhan Weiyang and Chen Youyou in the classroom.

       Zhan Weiyang said to Chen Youyou, “I have a System.”

       Chen Youyou’s face was full of confusion, “Huh?”

       Zhan Weiyang said, “I must court Xie Ling; otherwise, my points will be deducted. And when all the points are deducted, I will become a tree.”

       Chen Youyou’s expression changed from incomprehension to disgust, and finally said, “Are you crazy?”

       Zhan Weiyang was a little unhappy and said, “I’m not crazy. Can’t you listen to me carefully?”

       Chen Youyou said, “Then?”

       Zhan Weiyang continued, “That’s it, but I have someone I like more now, I can’t play two boats, I can only choose one.”

       Chen Youyou looked at him in confusion.

       Zhan Weiyang said, “I hesitated for a long time. This is not an impulsive decision. Even if I have to become a tree in the end, I want to be…” He lowered his voice and finally whispered, “Be together.”

       After that, he saw Chen Youyou staring at him without saying anything, so he said, “I only told this secret to you. You are my best friend.”

       Chen Youyou said, “So?”

       Zhan Weiyang grabbed his hand: “If one day I become a tree, you can’t forget me.”

       Chen Youyou finally said, “Crazy.”

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Chapter 32 – No More Phoenixes

Chapter 32: No More Phoenixes


In the room, a black dragon was tightly coiled around its phoenix, its dark golden dragon eyes filled with stubbornness.


Su Muluo met its gaze for a few seconds and said, “Alright, alright, three phoenixes, just three phoenixes, no more than that!”


The black dragon immediately let out a delighted “Aow” and transformed back into a human, happily hugging its phoenix.


Su Muluo gave his head a light pat and said, “I knew you’d take advantage of me.”


Long Ling held him without a word, thinking that although the phoenix claimed not to want to be taken advantage of, it still let him hold it. Even the pat on his head was gentle.


The phoenix liked him.


Thinking of this, he smiled with great pleasure.


Lin Chengcheng had been waiting outside for a few minutes. When he saw Su Muluo and Long Ling coming out of the staff lounge, his expression tensed immediately.


Su Muluo sat down in front of him and said, “I have a proposal. I don’t know if you’re willing to accept it.”


Lin Chengcheng, recognizing the tone of the boss, knew that he intended to help him. He was overjoyed and said without hesitation, “Accept, accept! Boss, I’ll accept whatever you say!”


Su Muluo replied, “Hold on, let me explain first.”


“Many years ago, your father passed away unexpectedly. Since then, the bird clan has split into two factions—one led by the Grand Elder and the other by your father’s faction. The faction that wants to kill you today is likely the Grand Elder’s faction. The faction that truly wants to bring you back and let you inherit the clan leader position is your father’s faction.”


According to Su Muluo’s deduction, although Feng Xuan was an elder of the bird clan, he was aligned with the former clan leader’s faction. What he did not expect was that his disciple, Muge, was actually an undercover agent for the Grand Elder, and his subordinates were all under Muge’s control.


When Feng Xuan saw Su Muluo at the Bureau of Extraordinary Beings, he thought Su Muluo was Feng Hen’s illegitimate child. However, Muge, who was with him and was hiding Feng Hen’s relics, knew Su Muluo was not. Still, to test Su Muluo, Muge sent a few bird demons to attack him. After discovering Su Muluo’s profound strength, he was more certain that Su Muluo was not an illegitimate child, but did not inform Feng Xuan.


Later, Feng Xuan learned from Su Muluo that the bird clan had sent someone to attack him. Although he became suspicious, he did not doubt his disciple, but simply asked Muge to investigate. His trust in Muge ultimately led to his own demise.


After hearing Su Muluo’s words, Lin Chengcheng felt a wave of fear.


When his demon power awakened, it had already attracted the Bureau of Extraordinary Beings’s attention. Although the first to find him was the boss, even without the boss, the bureau would have soon discovered him and found out that he was the person the bird clan was searching for.


Or, looking further back, if he hadn’t drunk the boss’s special coffee, perhaps his demon power wouldn’t have awakened. But since Muge had his father’s relics, even if he hadn’t awakened his demon power, with the bird clan’s spies in Lin Cheng, finding him would have been just a matter of time.


Moreover, if he hadn’t awakened his demon power, he would have been an ordinary person with no parents and few friends. Muge wouldn’t have needed to wait for him to leave Lin Cheng; he could have simply killed him upon finding him.


It was because he had awakened his demon power and became a half-demon, and thus attracted the Bureau of Extraordinary Beings’s attention, that Muge was wary of the bureau and wouldn’t act against him immediately.


Thinking of this, Lin Chengcheng began to feel relieved. Luckily, he met the boss. Without the boss, he would have died more than once by now.


Seeing that he had processed the information, Su Muluo continued, “Now, what I’m thinking is, since the elder faction wants to kill you and knows about your existence, they will definitely keep sending people after you. Hiding won’t help. So, it’s better for you to return to the bird clan. As long as the faction that your father was part of knows about you, they will do everything they can to protect you. With their help, you’ll be safer.”


Lin Chengcheng hesitated and said, “But I don’t even know where the bird clan is. I can’t make it there on my own.”


Su Muluo replied, “I can take you there.” Seeing Lin Chengcheng’s eyes light up, he added, “But I also have a condition. I want to see that phoenix relic. Just see it, I won’t ask for it.”


“Sure! No problem!” Lin Chengcheng said excitedly, “If we can find that phoenix relic, I’ll definitely ask them to give it to you! If they refuse, then I’ll steal it for you!”


Su Muluo was somewhat surprised by how readily Lin Chengcheng agreed. He thought for a moment and said, “But even if you go back, it won’t be a one-time solution. After all, you’ll still have to face the elder faction.”


Lin Chengcheng nodded and said, “I know. But what else can I do if I don’t go back? I can’t keep troubling you, boss. If it’s just me alone, I won’t survive till tomorrow.”


As Su Muluo said, staying here was just waiting to die. If he could return to the bird clan and receive protection from his father’s faction, it would offer a glimmer of hope.


Moreover, he didn’t want to hide like a turtle forever. Rather than living in fear and discomfort, it was better to face the situation with courage… at least that way, he would retain some dignity.


“I want to go back, not only to save my life but also to find out the cause of my parents’ deaths,” Lin Chengcheng said, pausing before adding, “And to apologize to my father’s wife.”


Su Muluo clasped his hands and listened as he continued, “I don’t know what exactly happened back then. To me, it seemed like my father was with my mother after he married… To his wife, I might just be an annoying child from an affair.”


The black cat looked up at him, and he stroked the black cat, slowly saying, “I don’t know why my father chose my mother back then, but in any case, he still hurt his wife.”


“So I want to go back. Even if she dislikes me, I want to say I’m sorry,” Lin Chengcheng said, then fell silent for a second before whispering, “If she’s unwilling to forgive me… then I’ll have to run away.”


After hearing this, Su Muluo said, “Your grandmother must have really liked you because she raised you so well.” Then he added, “Don’t worry. Since I promised to take you back, I’ll ensure your safety. After all, we’re helping each other.”


Lin Chengcheng thought to himself that it wasn’t entirely true. The boss was endlessly helping him, the burden. He resolved to find that phoenix relic once he returned to the bird clan to repay the boss’s kindness.


With the decision made, Su Muluo arranged for Lin Chengcheng to stay in a hotel. A magical barrier was placed at the entrance to ensure that no one could harm Lin Chengcheng or track him down.


After leaving the hotel, Su Muluo poked Long Ling and said, “Change back. I want to take you somewhere.”


Before they set off, he needed to take his dragon to do something.


Long Ling replied, “Okay.”


Without asking where they were going, he transformed back into a little black dragon and slipped into the pocket of his phoenix’s clothing.


Su Muluo patted the little dragon and walked out at a leisurely pace.


Soon, the little black dragon poked its head out of the pocket and made a “woof” sound.


Why haven’t they arrived yet?


Su Muluo calmly said, “We’re almost there.”


He then pressed the little dragon back into the pocket.


The little black dragon was confused, curling up its tail in the pocket, feeling both curious and cautious.


It felt like there was nothing good about this.


After a while, it heard its phoenix’s voice say, “Okay, we’ve arrived.”


The little black dragon slowly emerged from the pocket and looked up—


The Bureau of Extraordinary Beings.


The little black dragon: “……”


The little black dragon: “Woof!!”


It immediately wanted to scramble out of the pocket and flee quickly, but Su Muluo was faster and held it down.


“This time, there’s nothing wrong. Really,” Su Muluo comforted. “I just want you to see the Mirror of Origin.”


The little black dragon: “Woof!” 


It didn’t like it!


It didn’t want to see it!


It hated the Bureau of Extraordinary Beings!!


“Just stay here for a little while,” Su Muluo said, “It won’t take long to look at the Mirror of Origin.”


As he spoke, he patted the little black dragon’s head, stroking it from start to finish. The little dragon angrily hugged his hand.


It wasn’t that it didn’t want to see the Mirror of Origin; after all, it was a bit curious about its past with the phoenix.


But it just didn’t like the Bureau of Extraordinary Beings, very much so.


Every time it came here, nothing good ever happened!


A few minutes later, the little black dragon was reluctantly soothed by Su Muluo, lying in the phoenix’s palm, its tail swishing back and forth, its dark golden dragon eyes filled with displeasure.


Su Muluo almost laughed. When he had passed by the hospital before, he had seen many children crying loudly, clinging to their parents because they didn’t want a shot… it seemed the little black dragon was pretty much like them.


So he comforted the little dragon again and took it inside.


He had made prior arrangements with Liu He before coming to the Bureau of Extraordinary Beings. Today, Liu He looked very happy and said, “Mr. Su, your timing is perfect. The day before yesterday, the neighboring city just applied to the headquarters for the Mirror of Origin, so I borrowed it today.”


The Mirror of Origin was usually managed by the headquarters of the Bureau of Extraordinary Beings. After Su Muluo borrowed it last time, Liu He had returned it to the headquarters. But today, she was so happy, it surely wasn’t just because she had borrowed the Mirror of Origin from the neighboring city.


As before, Su Muluo entered the room where the Mirror of Origin was kept. As soon as he stepped in, he stopped in his tracks.


The last time he saw the Mirror of Origin, it was intact. Now, it was in a pitiful state, missing a corner.


Su Muluo asked, “I didn’t break this, did I?”


Liu He chuckled and said, “Of course not. It was broken by the deputy director of the neighboring city. He used this mirror to see his wife cheating on him, and she was with his two younger brothers. He couldn’t control himself on the spot… hahahaha!”


Su Muluo: “……”


It sounded like Liu He was quite pleased.


Liu He also realized she had been a bit too ecstatic and immediately cleared her throat, explaining seriously, “The deputy director has always had issues with us. When our Lincheng branch was rated as the ‘Most Uncivilized Organization,’ he led the mocking. We’ve been unhappy with him for a long time.”


“A few days from now is the new round of ‘Most Uncivilized Organization’ selection. He broke the Mirror of Origin yesterday, and their branch will definitely get blamed for it. We finally get to laugh at him.”


Liu He couldn’t help but laugh again.


She was absolutely thrilled.


Su Muluo looked at the somewhat sorry-looking Mirror of Origin and asked curiously, “Can it still be used?”


“It can still be used, it can still be used. It was just dropped, it doesn’t affect it at all!” Liu He said. “I’ll send it back to headquarters for repair tomorrow. Mr. Su, you can take your time. I’ll step out first.”


She left with a very light step, and after she was gone, Su Muluo took the little black dragon out.


The little black dragon transformed back into human form, glanced at his phoenix, and picked up the Mirror of Origin.


Then he stood there, unmoving.


Su Muluo stood beside him, observing, and couldn’t help but wonder if he had looked like this the last time he saw the Mirror of Origin.


What did the dragon see… Could it see that silver-haired phoenix?


While Su Muluo was lost in thought, Long Ling turned his head and fixed his gaze on him.


Su Muluo was slightly surprised, “So soon?”


He checked his phone and found that it hadn’t been a minute since Long Ling picked up the Mirror of Origin. He was even more surprised: “It hasn’t even been a minute. What did you see?”


“…” Long Ling was silent for a moment before suddenly saying, “I don’t want the phoenix anymore.”


Su Muluo: “?”


Long Ling looked at him with a hint of grievance, “The phoenix has other lovers now. Anyway, I don’t want the phoenix anymore.”


Su Muluo: “???”


At that moment, he almost thought history was repeating itself. His mind went blank, unsure of how to respond. But the next second, Long Ling started to laugh.


“Just kidding,” Long Ling said with a hint of mischievous satisfaction in his eyes, as if he had played a successful prank, “I didn’t see anything.”


Su Muluo: “…”


He felt like he wanted to twist the little dragon into a pretzel right then and there, but he held back after hearing Long Ling’s follow-up words. He frowned and said, “What did you say?”


Long Ling blinked and said, “I didn’t see anything.”


He spread the Mirror of Origin out in front of Su Muluo and continued, “And look, phoenix, it doesn’t even reflect my face.”


Su Muluo looked down. Since he had used the Mirror of Origin before, it didn’t react to him this time. However, it was strange that it showed his face but not Long Ling’s.


What was going on?


Su Muluo was puzzled. He took the Mirror of Origin and looked at himself, then turned it towards Long Ling.


Long Ling stood quietly in place, his face full of innocence.


“…” Su Muluo was silent for a while and said, “Do you not have anyone important at all?”


Long Ling: “???”


Without waiting for Su Muluo to say anything more, he immediately said, “How could that be!”


Then he tightly hugged Su Muluo with such force that it seemed he was afraid his phoenix might ignore him and run away. “I love the phoenix the most! The phoenix is the most important person to me. Besides the phoenix, no one else is!”


His voice was deep, filled with undeniable certainty and seriousness, with a hint of grievance. Su Muluo patted his head and smiled, “I know.”


He was just saying it casually and did not doubt his dragon’s feelings for him. It was just that the Mirror of Origin was truly strange… Could it be that it was broken by the deputy director from the neighboring city?


With this question in mind, Su Muluo found Liu He outside and told her about the situation with the Mirror of Origin.


Liu He was first startled when she saw Long Ling, and then was even more shocked when she heard about the Mirror of Origin. She looked horrified and said, “It’s impossible! Every living person should appear on the Mirror of Origin, and it’s been a thousand years without this mirror ever being broken!”


Su Muluo said, “Could it be that it’s been dropped too many times before?”


“Well… that might be possible,” Liu He murmured. “Could it really be broken by that bald deputy director?”


“Mr. Su, could I see the mirror?”


Su Muluo nodded and looked at Long Ling.


Long Ling picked up the Mirror of Origin from the table, intending to hand it to his phoenix. However, as soon as he raised his hand, there was a “crack” sound—


The smooth surface of the Mirror of Origin shattered into several pieces in his hand.


It was broken.


Su Muluo: “…”


Long Ling: “…”


Liu He: “…………”


Liu He stared in disbelief as the Mirror of Origin cracked on its own, as if she saw the “Most Uncivilized Organization” green and dirty flag, the bald deputy director from the neighboring city’s ruthless mockery, her own bureau chief’s “kind and friendly” gaze, and that year-end bonus with wings flying away…


Finally, she couldn’t hold back and burst into tears.

T/N: Hello hello! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


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Chapter 5

       “I choose the second.”

       It was not a hard choice.

       Survival is a human instinct, and he was only twenty-eight years old, far from the age to see through life and death.

       As long as he could keep his life, what did it matter if he lost everything? At worst, they could kick him out of the Chu family, erase his identity, and leave him penniless on the streets. Such a life might be tough, but it was still better than death. At least staying alive meant there was still a future.

       Chu Yunhan, who had returned from the hell gate, finally breathed a sigh of relief. When he stood up, he found that his legs were a little weak. He followed Chu Yichen out of the private room and saw Tang Shaocheng leaning on the corridor. The two people’s eyes met, and each saw surprise in the other’s eyes.

       Tang Shaocheng’s eyes darkened. He adjusted his expression and greeted Chu Yichen with a smile, “Young Master Chen, here for some fun as well?”

       “Had some free time today, thought I’d drop by.” Chu Yichen replied. The Tang family had developed quite well in logistics in recent years, and since the two sides had cooperated before, they knew each other.

       “After all, you are the most charming. No matter how much I try to win him over, this Ah Zhou guy doesn’t give me the slightest chance, let alone make an appearance.”

       These words made Chu Yunhan’s eyebrows jump. This guy was actually acting jealous at this time. He glanced at Chu Yichen secretly, and seeing that the other party was calm, he did not dare to speak rashly, so he could only remain silent.

       “He doesn’t often appear in public, so General Tang may not have recognised him. This is my brother Chu Yunhan.” The man said slowly, “A while ago, he made some mistakes and was punished by being made to work as a waiter in his own place to experience life. Speaking of which, I must thank General Tang for looking after him these past few months.”


       Tang Shaocheng was stunned, and it took him a long time to return to his senses. The person he had been chasing for so long was actually the eldest young master of the Chu family, and countless ‘no wonders’ suddenly filled his heart. No wonder his manners were impeccable, his taste refined, and he wouldn’t accept any gifts or give him the time of day. A cold sweat broke out immediately. He had actually tried to get this young master into bed… He quickly recalled if there had been any actions or words that might have offended the young master and hurriedly said, “I truly had no idea. If I have offended Young Master Yun in any way, it was completely unintentional. I sincerely hope Young Master Yun won’t take it to heart.” After all, the Chu family was not like any other business partner; offending them could lead to serious trouble.

       Chu Yunhan did not expect that Chu Yichen would reveal his identity so straightforwardly, but since he was given the script, he could only act according to it and said perfunctorily, “Not at all. It’s rare to meet a friend like General Tang—consider it one of the gains from this life experience.”

       Only now did Tang Shaocheng get a good look at him. His skin was fair, with brown hair, double eyelids, and long eyelashes. Beneath his slanting eyebrows, his deep-set eyes seemed to hold a hidden allure. His face, flushed with a peachy hue from the alcohol, was undeniably handsome. Such a face, unfortunately, belonged to someone untouchable—it truly was a pity, he sighed inwardly. But he was a man who knew when to hold back; once he identified a danger zone, he would never cross the line. As for the stains of spilt wine on Chu Yunhan, he naturally wouldn’t ask any more questions about their origin.

       Three identical black Mercedes-Benzes were already waiting at the door of Lihao. Fortunately, he didn’t have to sit in the same car as Chu Yichen. Chu Yunhan leaned on the back seat and breathed a sigh of relief. When he saw the person clearly in the passenger seat, he was stunned.

       “…Uncle Yang?”

       “Young Master.” Yang Lin turned around and spoke rather awkwardly.

       “Are you okay? He didn’t do anything to you, right?” He asked anxiously. Lihao’s supervisor was Yang Lin. Finding himself here was tantamount to intentionally hiding him. This was a serious crime in the meeting, and he was very worried about Yang Lin’s safety.

       “Young Master Yun, I’m truly sorry…” Yang Lin spoke with his head lowered, his voice choked and faltering. “I wanted to help you; I was always trying to find a way, but then I slipped up, and Hei Yu discovered some clues… If I continued to hide it, I wouldn’t have lasted much longer. So… I’m not afraid to die, but my family—they all depend on me… I had no choice, that’s why I…”

       Told them the truth.

       Even Yang Lin, whom he regarded as his last resort, had turned to the other side. At the end of this pursuit and escape game, what trump card did he have left?

       Chu Yunhan sat stiffly and was silent for a long time before speaking, “When did he know about it?”

       “About a month ago.”

       So it turned out he had been exposed long ago, even earlier than he had anticipated. Chu Yichen had already made it clear that there was a connection between himself and Tang Shaocheng, which meant he had been under surveillance for some time. The fact that they waited until today to make a move against him was likely because they wanted to see if he could stir up any more trouble. Thinking of this, he felt a tightness in his chest, a suffocating discomfort.

       “Eldest Young Master, the Second Master has kept your matter under wraps, and only a few senior executives in the company know about it. After all, you are brothers; he will surely forgive you…”

       “Stop talking.” He leaned back on his seat tiredly and closed his eyes. He knew in his heart that Chu Yichen asked Yang Lin to appear here just to let him understand that he had betrayed his relatives and had no one to rely on. If he wanted to live a good life, he had to obey.

       Was there really nothing left?

       He clenched the fist hanging at his side.

       No one spoke in the car, and the atmosphere was heavy and tense. Chu Yunhan looked out at the fleeting lights and shadows outside the window and suddenly recalled a fairy tale his mother told him many years ago. In the story, a circus trapped all the homeless animals in a huge cage, dragging them along as they wandered and performed. Eventually, a bard came to their rescue. At that moment, he felt like one of those lost animals, confined in a small cage, hastening towards an unknown destination in the night.

       But where was the bard who could save him?

       He closed his eyes tiredly and stopped trying to read the road signs. No matter what Chu Yichen wanted to do to him, it was just a matter of dealing with challenges as they came and protecting himself as best as he could.

       About half an hour later, the car came to a stop, revealing a familiar scene. A brightly lit traditional Chinese courtyard with a round archway leading to an exquisitely landscaped garden. Walking through the covered walkway and around a pool of jade-green water, one would find a three-story building with white walls and blue tiles.

       Chu Yunhan looked up to the room on the right side of the third floor, and the wooden wind chime hanging on the wooden pane window made a faint sound in the night wind.

       That was his room.

       Or rather the room that once belonged to him.

       This old Chu family residence was the place where he grew up. The old master of the Chu family enjoyed lively gatherings, so his sons raised all the children here. It wasn’t until they reached high school that each of them returned to their own homes. Even so, during holidays, everyone would come back, and they would meet frequently. Afterwards, when his father, Chu Qin, suddenly passed away from a heart attack, Chu Yunhan rarely came back. Meanwhile, after Chu Yichen was confirmed as the next family head, he continued to live in the old residence with both of his fathers.

       Although the old man who sent off the young man with black hair did not speak of it, his spirit suffered as a result. He then passed away six months later. At the funeral, the two of them had black gauze wrapped around their arms and stood side by side with Min Ran on the side of the mourning hall. Jiahui’s suppressed crying could be heard behind them. No one spoke. From beginning to end, it was like two trees growing alone, hiding all their emotions in the tree holes, standing upright and silent.

       That was the last official meeting between them. Two years later, Chu Yu retreated to seclusion for physical reasons. Chu Yichen officially took over the Chu family’s leadership and became the family’s head. Chu Yunhan graduated from university and held the title of director of several companies. He lived freely in the mountains and seas for a long time and made many friends. Chu Yichen called him back several times during this period, but he ignored them. It had been a long time since he returned to his hometown this time.

       Chu Yunhan followed the man upstairs and opened the door. The furnishings in the room had not changed. On the table were the handmade motorcycle models he had made before and some photos he had taken when he was young. On the table were a used gamepad. The room was cleaned and spotlessly clean.

       “You will live here starting today.” Chu Yichen only said this and left. Chu Yunhan sat for a while, then stood up and opened the wardrobe. On one side of the inside were the clothes he had worn and even a set of junior high school uniforms that he had left behind in the old house and forgotten to take away. On the other side were several sets of cotton home clothes, all of which were loose-fitting. They seemed to have been washed and were exactly the size he was wearing. He took a shower, washed the red wine off his body, and put on his clothes and slippers. However, he had no desire to sleep, so he went downstairs to take a stroll.

       The night was deep, the moonlight serene, and the indigo sky dotted with twinkling stars. A thin layer of mist floated on the pond. He walked slowly along the path paved with pebbles by the edge of the pond. The wind rustled the drooping willows, brushing past his hair, sweeping across the water’s surface, creating delicate ripples. He was heading towards a pavilion not far away when he heard a rustling sound and stopped to find its source.

       Suddenly, a huge black shadow stood up from the wall, scaring him so much that he took a step back. When he looked closely, he saw a big black dog looking at him warily, and he was suddenly frightened out of his wits.

       Damn, I forgot there was this guy by the pond!

       “T-thor…” He was afraid of dogs. When he was a child, despite warnings, he boldly tried to provoke a pregnant shepherd’s dog, and was knocked to the ground by a swipe of its paw. If the bodyguard hadn’t arrived in time, his arm would have been bitten to pieces. Since then, he has been afraid of dogs, especially large ones.

       The big dog seemed to recognise his voice, relaxed its guard, and walked towards him with its tail wagging. “No, don’t come over! Don’t come over, don’t come over…” Chu Yunhan turned pale with fright, and his legs and feet became weak, and he kept backing up. Seeing that the dog was about to pounce, he turned around and ran away in a panic. “Here, help!” Before he could even shout out, he bumped into someone. The man was knocked back a step, clasped his wrist, and said in a deep voice, “Thor, stop!”

       The big dog stopped behind him, stuck out its tongue, and barked softly.

       Chu Yunhan’s whole body froze, and he barely recovered from the panic. He raised his eyes and saw the person coming. His face immediately turned red, and he whispered, “I…forgot it was here…” but couldn’t continue with the next sentence.

       The distance was too close, so close that they were almost touching.

       He backed away from the other person’s arms in embarrassment. He felt a hot and humid puff of air behind his back. It was obvious that he was about to hit the dog. His hair stood on end immediately, and he hid forward and pressed into the other person’s arms again.

       Awkwardness squared1something like awkward2.

       Chu Yichen looked at him indifferently, showing no intention of retreating to make way for him, nor did he ask the dog to leave. So Chu Yunhan was caught between the man and the dog, unable to move forward or retreat, and became a patty in the hamburger.

       Embarrassing to the Nth power.

       “Can… you make it go away first?” He lowered his head and asked. For some reason, he didn’t dare to look into the man’s eyes.

       After a long silence, Chu Yichen finally said, “Thor, go back.”

       The big dog looked at the two people and reluctantly returned to the kennel next to the wall to lie down. Chu Yunhan breathed a sigh of relief and immediately took a step back. In order to ease the embarrassment, he said something else, “It really listens to you.”

       Chu Yichen let go of his wrist and said expressionlessly, “To me, an obedient dog has a value of existence. The same goes for people.”

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Chapter 19 – I don't believe men can have children.

Chapter 19 – I don’t believe men can have children.


Zhao Qi became nervous. Was he finally going to meet Zhao Tong, who was said to have a protagonist’s halo?!


Unexpectedly, Jiang Dehai was taken aback. “The emperor wants to see the Prince of Huai?”


Zhao Qi was confused. “Who exactly are you talking about?”


“The Fourth Young Master of the Ninth Prince’s family. The emperor used to enjoy his company the most. Every year during the Longevity Festival, the emperor eagerly awaited the unique and bizarre items he would bring from the east.”


Rong Tang’s shoulders relaxed. Zhao Qi remained indifferent. “Oh, him.”


The Fourth Young Master of the Ninth Prince’s family, named Zhao Qiao, was Zhao Qi’s cousin and also a buddy of the despised emperor. The Ninth Prince’s fief was in the east, near the Eastern Sea, and Zhao Qiao was very knowledgeable about various illusions and secret medicines from the east. Most of the emperor’s collection came from him, including things like “I Love a Dog,” “Strange/Obscene Joyful Powder,” “Fiery Passion”—besides sending medicines, Zhao Qiao also sent many beauties, one of whom, a curly-haired blue-eyed girl, unfortunately died from acclimatization issues after just six months in the palace.


Seeing Zhao Qi’s expression, Jiang Dehai was even more puzzled. “Doesn’t the emperor want to meet the Fourth Young Master?”


Before Zhao Qi could answer, a palace eunuch came in to report, “Your Majesty, the Fourth Young Master has arrived and is waiting outside the hall.”


“Already? Can he fly or something?”


Rong Tang said, “In that case, I’ll take my leave first.”


Zhao Qi extended his hand, “Wait—”


Rong Tang stopped in his tracks. “Also, I won’t be copying the characters for you. For long-term success, the emperor should practice more.”


“……” What is this nonsense? First, Xiao Shiqing, and now Rong Tang is also meddling?!


The eunuch asked, “Your Majesty, will you see the Fourth Young Master or not?”


Since he was already here, it would be unreasonable to chase him away. After all, he was Zhao Qi’s cousin. “Let him in,” Zhao Qi said.


As Zhao Qiao entered the hall, he happened to brush past Rong Tang. Rong Tang kept his gaze straight ahead, but Zhao Qiao glanced back at him a few times. Zhao Qi cleared his throat intentionally, and Zhao Qiao withdrew his gaze, smiling broadly as he greeted Zhao Qi, “Your humble servant greets the emperor.”


Zhao Qi responded coldly, “Hmm, you’re back. That was quick.”


“Of course, I rushed back from the Wang Residence, hurrying to the palace just to see you. Your Majesty, after a year apart, you’ve become even more robust! Just look at your complexion and your figure; you’re like a celestial being descending to earth! Ah—” Zhao Qiao raised his hand to shield his eyes from the supposed brilliance. “This dazzling light, I can no longer gaze directly upon the emperor’s holy visage!”


Zhao Qiao looked fairly decent, slightly chubby. His sincere expressions while flattering were enough to leave Zhao Qi somewhat dazed. He was quite a character.


“You’re so good at flattery, why don’t you go tell stories at an inn?”


Zhao Qiao smiled obsequiously, “What I’ve said is all the truth. In my eyes, the emperor truly shines.”


“I think you shine too, in a green light,” Zhao Qi said with a straight face. “Enough with the nonsense. Why are you in such a hurry to enter the palace? What’s the matter?”


Zhao Qiao stepped closer and lowered his voice. “Your Majesty, it seems that Young Master Rong has already bowed to your dragon robe?”


Zhao Qi picked up his tea cup and said irritably, “What does that have to do with you?”


“Your Majesty, if matters of romance are not my concern, then nothing in the world is,” Zhao Qiao looked at Zhao Qi’s expression. “I dare to guess the emperor’s intentions. Young Master Rong probably hasn’t yet received the emperor’s favor, has he?”


“Pfft—” Zhao Qi spat tea on Zhao Qiao’s face. “What kind of wolfish talk is this! How dare you discuss my offspring? Withdraw what you just said!”


“Yes, yes, yes. I spoke out of turn. Your Majesty, please don’t be angry. Be careful not to damage your health.” Zhao Qiao wiped his face with his sleeve. “I know the emperor genuinely likes Young Master Rong, so you don’t want to force him.”


Zhao Qi glared at him. “Are you still talking?”


Zhao Qiao slapped himself hard. “I won’t talk anymore. I’ll just do it directly.”


Zhao Qi asked warily, “What are you planning to do?”


Zhao Qiao winked and said, “I’m here to present a longevity gift to the emperor.”


“Aren’t longevity gifts usually given during the Longevity Festival?”


Zhao Qiao smiled. “Your Majesty, don’t you know me? I can’t give such gifts in front of others.”


Zhao Qi understood. “……So, what exactly is this gift of yours?”


Zhao Qiao took out two porcelain bottles, one red and one green. “Your Majesty, please take a look!”


Zhao Qi’s inner emotions were flat. “More aphrodisiacs? Can’t you bring something new?”


“Not at all, not at all,” Zhao Qiao shook his head, “Ordinary aphrodisiacs is not something that would be offered to the Emperor. These two types of medicine are secret formulas from the Eastern Realm, meant only for the Eastern Royal Family.”


“Then how did you get them?” Zhao Qi teased. “Have you become part of the Eastern Royal Family too?”


“I’m ashamed to say that to obtain these two medicines, I had to become a servant to the Eastern Empress Dowager…”


Zhao Qi thought he had misheard. “What Dowager?”


“Empress Dowager.”


Zhao Qi covered his eyes with his hand. “Just tell me what these medicines do.”


Zhao Qiao picked up the red porcelain bottle. “Your Majesty, this medicine is called Longing for You. It is specially for men. No matter how virtuous and self-restraining a gentleman is, after taking this medicine, he will feel an intense heat and desire, burning with passion—more so than even the most lecherous of men…”


Zhao Qi interrupted him. “That doesn’t seem particularly special.”


“Please let me finish, Your Majesty. Besides that, the user will also experience hallucinations, mistaking those around him for his—” Zhao Qiao paused deliberately to create an atmosphere, “beloved.”


Zhao Qi said, “Oh.”


“This medicine, compared to ordinary aphrodisiacs, has the greatest advantage of making the other person completely willing. You see, a man’s reaction differs greatly when faced with an ordinary person versus someone he truly likes.”


Zhao Qi yawned. “So if he calls someone else’s name in bed, you wouldn’t mind?”


“Well…” Zhao Qiao seemed to have not considered that, “How about you block Young Master Rong’s mouth, Your Majesty?”


Zhao Qi’s eyelid twitched. “When did I say I would use this medicine on Rong Tang? Stop throwing mud at me! Next!”


“Oh, oh,” Zhao Qiao  picked up another green bottle. “Your Majesty, this medicine is called Longing for You No. 2.”


Zhao Qi was speechless. “Who came up with these names? They’re so lazy!”


“Though the name is careless, its effects are unparalleled,” Zhao Qiao said with an air of mystery. “It can make a man become pregnant and give birth.”


Zhao Qi looked at Zhao Qiao with sympathy. “Qiao, you’ve been tricked by that Empress Dowager.”


“I didn’t believe it at first either, but when I saw a man with a big belly in the Eastern Palace, I had to believe it!”


“Are you sure he didn’t stuff a pillow under his clothes?”


Zhao Qiao swore earnestly, “I’m sure. I even touched his belly; it was moving!”


Zhao Qi remained firm. “I still don’t believe it.”


Zhao Qiao grinned. “Well, Your Majesty can find someone to try it out. But I worked three days and nights to get a bottle, and it’s only enough for one person. Once used, it’s gone. Who do you want to use it on?”


Zhao Qi didn’t believe that men could get pregnant and casually said, “We’ll talk about it later.”


After returning to the capital, Zhao Qiao ran to the palace frequently. Zhao Qi’s feelings about him were quite complicated. There was no doubt that Zhao Qiao was a lecherous and obsequious little man, but at the same time, he had a great talent for humor, and even Zhao Qi, no matter how unwilling, would end up laughing at his antics.


One sunny day, with the spring breeze just right, Zhao Qiao brought a kite into the palace and asked the Emperor to fly it.


Zhao Qi was disdainful. “I’m almost nineteen years old. What do I need to fly kites for?”


Later Zhao Qi thought: Flying kites is actually quite fun.


The kite Zhao Qiao brought was “Chang’e 1Mooncake/Mid-autumn festival mythology in chinese traditionFlying to the Moon,” and it was quite realistic. From a distance, it really did look like a fairy flying in the sky.


At first, Zhao Qiao was the one flying the kite, while Zhao Qi gave him pointers. Later, Zhao Qi found Zhao Qiao’s skills lacking and decided to give it a try himself. “Let me show you what Chang’e Flying to the Moon really looks like.”


In no time, not only did Miss Chang’e fail to reach the moon, but she ended up hanging from a tree.


Zhao Qi: “……”


Zhao Qiao didn’t miss the chance to flatter, “Your Majesty, the fairy must be reluctant to leave, she doesn’t want to go.”


Zhao Qi said, “I think she’s seen you and become so distraught that she’d rather hang herself—Old Jiang, get someone who can climb trees to retrieve the kite.”


“Your Majesty.”


A few people turned to see He Changzhou walking towards them with a smile. This was Zhao Qiao’s first time meeting He Changzhou, and he couldn’t help but comment, “This person looks quite impressive. Is he also one of the beauties in the Emperor’s harem?”


Zhao Qi replied, “Shut up. Just because someone is eye-catching doesn’t mean they’re one of mine. He’s the son of General Fu Yuan, He Changzhou.”


Zhao Qiao understood, “So it’s Young General He. Seeing him in person is indeed better than hearing about him a hundred times.”


As they spoke, He Changzhou had already reached them. “I was wondering who was flying a kite, turns out it’s the Emperor,” he said, glancing up at the kite in the tree. “Should I carry the Emperor up to get it?”


Zhao Qi recalled how He Changzhou had once carried him to pick peaches at Muyang Temple and frowned, “Do you take me for a fool? I won’t be tricked by you again.”


He Changzhou laughed, “This time I won’t let go of the Emperor. Please give me another chance, alright?”


“No,” Zhao Qi refused firmly, “You should carry Zhao Qiao.”


He Changzhou glanced at Zhao Qiao, “Can’t carry.”


Zhao Qiao: “……” Felt somewhat offended.


Zhao Qi added, “Since there are so many people here, pick someone. That little eunuch looks quite thin; you can carry him.”


“Still can’t carry,” He Changzhou insisted, “I can only carry the Emperor.”


“Anyway, I’m not letting you carry me.”


He Changzhou looked at him for a moment, sighed, “Then there’s nothing I can do.” With that, he lightly jumped and easily reached the kite. He handed it to Zhao Qi, “Here.”


Zhao Qi smiled, “At least you have a conscience.”


“Your Majesty, something terrible has happened!” A eunuch rushed over anxiously, “The Prime Minister has found out about the beauties in the harem copying characters for the Emperor. He went to Yonghua Palace just now but couldn’t find you, and he’s heading towards the Imperial Garden!”


Zhao Qi was stunned, as if someone had hit him on the head, and then cried out, “It’s over, it’s over—I’m doomed!”


He Changzhou comforted him, “Don’t be afraid, Your Majesty, I’ll protect you.”


“How will you protect me? Will you drive the Prime Minister away?”




Xiao Shiqing arrived quickly. His gaze swept over everyone present before finally landing on Zhao Qi, who was hiding behind He Changzhou. Anger ignited in his heart, but his tone remained neutral: “Why is the Emperor hiding behind Young General He—come out.”


Zhao Qi looked to He Changzhou for help. Xiao Shiqing’s voice turned cold, repeating, “Please come to me, Your Majesty.”


Knowing Xiao Shiqing was in a rage and not wanting to add fuel to the fire, Zhao Qi lowered his head and stepped out from behind He Changzhou.


Just as he took a step, his arm was pulled by someone behind him. “It seems like the Emperor is unwilling to go to the Prime Minister,” He Changzhou said, “Why make things difficult for him?”

T/N: There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep



Chapter 31 – Three kisses

Chapter 31: Three kisses


A snow-white, beautiful, soft little bird landed in his palm, and suddenly, Long Ling couldn’t take his eyes off it.


His first reaction was that his phoenix was so beautiful and cute.


His second reaction was, oh no, the phoenix was indeed drunk. When it sobered up the next day, it might turn him into a twisted knot.


The little phoenix, unaware of Long Ling’s thoughts, stared at him with its ruby-like, crystal-clear eyes for a few seconds before tilting its head.




Aren’t you going to touch my feathers?


Long Ling remained still.


He knew that in the eyes of the phoenix tribe, touching feathers was the most intimate thing, even more intimate than certain other things. So, before meeting someone they truly like, and before fully entrusting themselves to that person, they would never easily reveal their feathers or let anyone touch them.


Knowing this, he preferred to touch the soft and fluffy feathers of his phoenix when it was sober, rather than taking advantage while his phoenix was muddled from drink.


Seeing that Long Ling remained unmoved, the little phoenix, puzzled, folded its wings and hopped around in his palm, occasionally looking up and giving him a few “chirps.”


Long Ling: “……”


It’s really so cute!


So, he lifted his hand and gently stroked the phoenix’s… head.


The little phoenix: “Chirp.”


Its small head rubbed against Long Ling’s fingertips and then nestled into his palm, curling up like a baby bird returning to its nest, full of affection.


Long Ling’s dark golden eyes were filled with a smile. Though his phoenix was drunk, it had revealed its true feelings to him.


The phoenix liked him, was attached to him, and at the bottom of its heart, was willing to show its feathers and let him touch them.


Everything was falling into place, it was almost there.


Long Ling felt a heart full of joy. He transformed back into his dragon form and encircled his phoenix, as if guarding his most precious treasure, silently and attentively.


The little phoenix yawned slightly, found a comfortable spot on the black dragon, and soon fell asleep.


After a night passed, the phoenix woke up sober and reverted to human form on its own.


Then came a long silence.


What did he do last night?


Su Muluo lowered his head and saw the dragon coiled around his waist. The memories of last night came flooding back… and then he froze in place.


The black dragon opened its eyes at that moment, seeing his phoenix, now human, lazily and affectionately wrapping its arms around his waist.


“Phoenix,” Long Ling rested his chin on Su Muluo’s shoulder and laughed in his ear, “Good morning.”


Su Muluo: “……”


He didn’t feel good at all!


Who knows why he got drunk after just a few sips of beer yesterday, reverted to his original form in front of the dragon, and let the dragon touch his feathers… and he didn’t even know if the dragon actually touched them!


Just thinking about it made him very angry!


So, with a blank expression, he gave Long Ling a push. “Go away, don’t hug me.”


Long Ling knew his phoenix would definitely be grumpy upon waking, but even if it was grumpy, his tone remained soft, with a smile on his face as he buried his face in the phoenix’s shoulder.


“Not letting go,” he said, “The phoenix was so cute last night.”


Su Muluo: “?”


He immediately gave Long Ling another tap on the head, but Long Ling grabbed his wrist and gently stroked his fair skin with his fingertips.


“I’m not happy,” Su Muluo said, sulking, “You took advantage of me.”


Long Ling responded with a casual “Oh,” and without any guilt, he said, “Then the phoenix can take advantage of me too.”


Su Muluo stared at him for a few seconds and said, “I don’t want to take advantage of you. You’re all dark and covered in scales, there’s nothing to take advantage of.”


Long Ling laughed, “But the phoenix used to pinch my horns and touch my scales.”


Su Muluo: “That’s because you let me pinch you!”


Long Ling: “I didn’t let the phoenix pinch me; it clearly thought I was cute and was tempted by my body!”


There was a hint of pride in his tone.


Su Muluo: “……”


Su Muluo ignored him.


Because he was still a bit dizzy from last night’s drinking, he didn’t want to chat much with this dragon. Long Ling also knew that if it were the usual phoenix, it might have already twisted him into a knot.


But then he thought, maybe not, since the phoenix didn’t seem angry about last night… It seemed his guess was right; his phoenix was indeed willing to let him touch its feathers.


With that thought, Long Ling became happy again. He got out of bed and made a cup of honey water for his phoenix.


“Have some sweet water,” he said, “It will make you feel better.”


Su Muluo didn’t move and was fed half a cup of honey water by Long Ling. Still feeling a bit sleepy, he said, “I want to sleep.”


Long Ling: “Then sleep. I’ll stay with you.”


Su Muluo murmured, burying himself back under the warm covers, and then remembered something with a bit of joy, “I didn’t lose any feathers yesterday.”


Long Ling boastfully said, “I told you, as long as I’m by your side, there won’t be any problems.”


Su Muluo glanced at him and pulled the blanket over his head, too lazy to deal with the dragon.


It was nine in the morning. Su Muluo originally wanted to sleep a bit longer and go to the coffee shop later… but things didn’t go as planned, and soon he opened his eyes again.


The mark he had left for Lin Chengcheng had reacted.



On the other side, Lin Chengcheng, holding a black cat, was fleeing in distress through the forest.


Behind him, the sounds of flapping bird wings grew closer and closer. Lin Chengcheng could even imagine their expressions, like cats toying with mice, leisurely and casually.


What should he do? Will he die here? What should he do?


Lin Chengcheng was full of anxiety and even began to wish he could grow wings like those bird demons. But no matter how much he wished, it was of no use. His hope turned into despair, gradually consuming his anxious heart.


The black cat curled up in his arms, probably squeezed too tightly, let out a few anxious meows.


Hearing the cat’s meow, Lin Chengcheng looked down at it.


This was his cat, which he had only brought home a few days ago, thinking it would be the start of a new life… but now, everything was coming to an end.


Lin Chengcheng closed his eyes and said softly, “Run as far as you can.”


Then he let go, allowing the black cat to fall to the ground while he himself stopped in his tracks.


The sound of flapping bird wings was already closing in behind him, just a meter away. At that moment, Lin Chengcheng felt as if the Grim Reaper’s scythe was hanging over his head. He couldn’t help but close his eyes.


The next second, the sound of wings and wind vanished. Several bodies fell heavily to the ground and then rolled down the hillside.


Lin Chengcheng: “……”


He stood frozen in place, unable to react for a moment.


The black cat circled around his feet, biting his pant leg and letting out a soft “meow.”


The cat’s meow seemed to have a magical power, pulling Lin Chengcheng’s soul back from the brink. He shivered and suddenly came to his senses, then cried out loudly, hugging his cat tightly and burying his face in its fluffy fur.


Heaven didn’t abandon me! Indeed, heaven didn’t abandon me!


Having escaped death, his cold limbs began to warm up again. He felt his blood boiling, a surge of energy coursing through his veins and straight to his brain.


Could I be the protagonist of legends, possessing a special bloodline, and now that my bloodline has awakened, I am destined to be the greatest, invincible in the world?!


Lin Chengcheng jumped up from the ground, and at that moment, he almost wanted to put his hands on his hips and laugh three times at the sky—


Then he looked up and saw two people standing in front of him.


“…… Boss?!” Lin Chengcheng exclaimed, “Why is it you again?!”




Moments later, Lin Chengcheng squatted under a tree, banging his head against it.


Several unconscious bird demons lay in the forest, and Su Muluo glanced around before saying to Long Ling, “Next time, could you not use so much force?”


Long Ling innocently replied, “I didn’t use much force. They were just too weak.”


Su Muluo was helpless. At least his dragon hadn’t really killed the bird demons; they were only seriously injured… That’s fine. It would probably be a long time before these bird demons woke up.


On the other side, Lin Chengcheng had recovered from his extreme embarrassment.


He had just thought he was some kind of genius protagonist, the chosen one, almost laughing triumphantly at the sky… Fortunately, his kind boss didn’t laugh at him or say anything about it.


But it was still so embarrassing!


Lin Chengcheng hugged his black cat tightly and squatted under the tree, unwilling to get up.


Su Muluo glanced at him and then said to Long Ling, “Let’s head back. Conceal the aura here so the bird tribe doesn’t discover our presence.”


Long Ling took his hand and said, “Don’t worry, with their strength, they won’t be able to find us.”


Half an hour later, the group returned to the coffee shop. Su Muluo closed the shop door and made a cup of coffee for Lin Chengcheng, who was still holding the black cat.


Lin Chengcheng accepted the coffee with repeated thanks. After taking a sip, he found that even though it wasn’t the special coffee, it was still very good.


He couldn’t help but sincerely praise, “Boss’s skills are really impressive. No wonder you’re a high-level expert hiding in plain sight.”


After the last encounter with the supernatural agency and this meeting, even if he was foolish, he could see that Su Muluo’s identity was extraordinary. He even guessed that the boss might be some kind of great figure, a daily demon-slayer and benefactor of the people.


Su Muluo saw through his thoughts and calmly said, “To be honest, I had a purpose in saving you.” He then added, “Tell me about your past.”


Lin Chengcheng was stunned by this and fell silent for a few seconds before taking another sip of coffee.


“When I was young, I lived with my grandmother in the deep mountains,” he said. “She wasn’t my biological grandmother, but she treated me very well, even better than a biological grandmother… But three years ago, she passed away.”


“Before she died, she told me that my parents had died in an accident shortly after I was born. She hoped I wouldn’t investigate my parents’ death and would live like an ordinary person. She also gave me an ID card and some money, saying it was what my mother had asked her to prepare before she died.”


Su Muluo asked, “Did she say anything about your identity?”


Lin Chengcheng shook his head and said, “After that, I came here with the ID card and the money and lived alone for two years until now.”


Yesterday, after being taken back by Mu Ge, they didn’t explain much, only telling him that he was the son of the former leader of the bird tribe and that they were going to take him back to the bird tribe. But he didn’t expect that as soon as their car left the forest, those bird tribe members would attack him.


“Who am I really?” Lin Chengcheng asked, holding the coffee cup, both apprehensive and confused. “Boss, why did they want to kill me, and why did I become a half-demon? I don’t have anything special about me; I’m just an ordinary person.”


“For the first part of your question, I’m not sure,” Su Muluo said, “but I can probably tell you about the second part.” He continued, “It’s because you drank my coffee.”


Lin Chengcheng: “……”




Su Muluo cleared his throat and said, “I added some rare herbs to my coffee. For ordinary people, it can improve their constitution. But if a demon drinks it, their demonic power increases dramatically, as if undergoing a complete transformation.”


In reality, if a half-demon doesn’t awaken their demonic power in their youth, it’s very hard to awaken it later in life. Lin Chengcheng was already over twenty years old; he would have likely remained an ordinary person for the rest of his life until he drank his special coffee—especially since the phoenix feather essence in the coffee was also effective for half-demons.


Lin Chengcheng’s eyes widened in shock upon hearing this, his face full of disbelief. After a long pause, he finally managed to utter a sentence: “No wonder… no wonder I was able to carry fifty kilograms of rice and a sofa up the stairs that day!”


He had thought it was due to some special ability he had awakened!


And it turned out it really was!


Su Muluo continued, “It might be a coincidence, or perhaps your awakening drew the attention of the Bird Clan. In any case, they came here. However, not all the Bird Clan members want you dead, as they are divided into two factions.”


He informed Lin Chengcheng about the Bird Clan situation that Feng Xuan had told him about. Lin Chengcheng looked confused, but what concerned him the most was still his own background.


“Wait, what does that mean? My father was with my mother only after getting married?” It was as if his world had collapsed. He was deeply distressed. “Then… then doesn’t that make me a bastard??”


Su Muluo thought for a moment and said, “It seems that way.”


Lin Chengcheng’s mouth fell open, and he was momentarily at a loss for words.


Seeing Lin Chengcheng’s incredulous expression, Su Muluo comforted him, “But maybe the customs of the Bird Clan are different from human society, or perhaps your father had his reasons.”


After all, according to Feng Xuan, Feng Hen was forced to marry the eldest daughter of the elder, which was not his own choice.


“…Is that so?”


Lin Chengcheng weakly asked, feeling distressed as he held his head in his hands. After a few seconds, he looked up at Su Muluo and asked, “But boss, why did you save me?”


He clearly wanted to change the topic from his father. However, unfortunately, Su Muluo’s next question was related to his father.


“The Bird Clan has a treasure, a relic of the Phoenix Clan,” Su Muluo said. “I heard that this relic was taken by your father and is now with you, so they came to find you, hoping to see that relic.”


Lin Chengcheng was stunned. “A Phoenix relic? That sounds impressive!”


He tried to recall and added, “But I’ve never seen any Phoenix relic. All my parents left me was that ID card and some money.”


Su Muluo remained silent. In fact, he didn’t quite believe that Lin Chengcheng had what he was looking for.


Since it was a relic of the Phoenix Clan, it would definitely carry the aura of the Phoenix, which he should be able to sense. However, during their encounters, he had not detected such an aura on Lin Chengcheng.


If the relic wasn’t with Lin Chengcheng, could it still be with the Bird Clan… or perhaps the Bird Clan has clues about it?


Su Muluo fell into deep thought. Lin Chengcheng looked at him anxiously and said after a while, “Boss, what should I do next? The Bird Clan still wants to kill me. Where can I hide?”


Su Muluo looked at him and then glanced at Long Ling.


Long Ling had been quiet, just listening to the interaction between his Phoenix and Lin Chengcheng. Upon meeting Su Muluo’s gaze, he instantly understood his intent.


He immediately frowned, looking displeased.


Su Muluo clicked his tongue.


He then turned to Lin Chengcheng and said, “Wait a moment. We need to discuss this.”


Lin Chengcheng, holding his coffee, looked confused. “Oh, okay. Boss, take your time discussing.”


In fact, when he asked that question earlier, he was seeking protection from Su Muluo. He could tell that this coffee shop owner was no ordinary person, and his boyfriend seemed very powerful too… Moreover, they were now the only ones who could offer him protection.


If he could stay with the boss, even returning to the Bird Clan would be safe.


Lin Chengcheng hugged his black cat and thought silently.


It would be great if the boss could help him… He would be willing to repay him even if it meant going through fire and water.


In the employee lounge, Qian Sui had already left, so only Su Muluo and Long Ling were present.


Su Muluo looked at the displeased dragon and cleared his throat. “I want to go to the Bird Clan.”


Long Ling frowned. “There’s no need for the Phoenix to get involved in the affairs of the Bird Clan. What does it have to do with us?”


“It might not have much to do with us,” Su Muluo said, “but maybe I can find the Phoenix relic there.”


He wasn’t particularly interested in obtaining the relic; he just wanted to see if there were any clues about their past on it… Or if he was lucky, the Phoenix who left the relic might be related to him?


However, with the whereabouts of the Phoenix relic unknown, he only knew it had once been with the Bird Clan, and the only link he had to the Bird Clan was Lin Chengcheng.


“The Bird Clan is divided into two factions: one led by the Elder and the other by the former clan leader Feng Hen,” Su Muluo said. “The faction pursuing Lin Chengcheng is likely the Elder’s faction, but there is also a faction led by the clan leader who wants to protect him. If we can get him back to the Bird Clan and contact the clan leader’s faction, we might be able to find clues about the Phoenix relic.”


With him and Long Ling around, the Elder’s faction wouldn’t be able to touch Lin Chengcheng. Moreover, once in contact with the clan leader’s faction, Lin Chengcheng would be fully protected by people related to his father.


Of course, he would first consult Lin Chengcheng’s opinion. If the other party disagreed, it would be a no-go… But before that, he had to appease his dragon.


Long Ling remained silent after hearing this.


Su Muluo grabbed the corner of Long Ling’s clothes and shook it.


“Come with me,” he said, “After all, it’s a relic of my clan. If there are any clues about dragon relics, I’ll accompany you as well.”


Long Ling still remained silent.


Su Muluo shook him again, looking at him with his beautiful dark eyes, full of anticipation.


Long Ling met his gaze and, after a while, said, “Alright, but the Phoenix has to agree to one condition.”


Su Muluo said, “What condition?”


Long Ling looked at him, his lips curling into a slight smile. “I want seven kisses.”


Su Muluo: “?”


“One kiss each day,” Long Ling said. “If you can’t return within seven days, then kiss me more.”


Su Muluo: “??”


“If it’s more than ten days, then double the kisses every day!”


Su Muluo: “????”


He realized that the dragon had been reluctant from the start and had deliberately tried to take advantage of him!


Long Ling had clearly planned to exploit the situation!


Su Muluo immediately scowled and turned to leave.


Long Ling immediately grabbed his hand and said, “How about five? Even though the phoenix hasn’t been close to me before, I want a phoenix’s favor.”


Su Muluo originally wanted to say none, but seeing Long Ling’s pitiful expression, he hesitated for a few seconds and said, “Only one.”


Long Ling’s eyes lit up, and he quickly said, “No, at least three!”


Su Muluo replied, “Just one. No more.”


Long Ling was adamant, saying, “I want three!” Then he declared confidently, “The road to the Bird Tribe is so far, I’ll definitely need to help the phoenix with the luggage. The phoenix will be tired and need to sleep on me, and I’ll have to hold and comfort him—so three favors are already a good deal.”


Su Muluo said, “Forget it. I’m not going to sleep on you or let you comfort me.”


Long Ling retorted, “The phoenix was still in my arms last night!”


Su Muluo replied, “That was you taking advantage of me, taking me to your bed while I was drunk. I haven’t even settled the score with you.” He narrowed his eyes and asked, “So, did you really touch my feathers yesterday?”


Long Ling was silent.


He locked eyes with Su Muluo for a few seconds, clicked his tongue, and then his gaze became filled with grievance.


Su Muluo was at a loss.


Long Ling said, “The phoenix always needs me to stay with him to fall asleep at night, but he won’t admit it.” He looked at Su Muluo with a look of deep resentment, like he was looking at a scumbag who started something and then abandoned him. “Yesterday, you clung to me, asking for favors and hugs. Today, you’re turning your back on me.”


Su Muluo asked, “When did I ask for favors or hugs?”


Long Ling ignored him and continued, “You take advantage of me every day. When I was still a little dragon, you would touch me all over, pinch my horns, and rub my belly. It was so unfair.”


Su Muluo said, “Before you say that, take a look at your own hands! You’re still holding me tight!”


Long Ling said, “I don’t care, I’m upset! If the phoenix doesn’t favor me, I won’t let go!”


Then he hugged Su Muluo tightly.


In the next moment, he thought for a while, transformed back into his black dragon form, and wrapped himself around the phoenix without letting go.


Su Muluo thought, “How shameless!”

T/N: Hello hello! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!


Chapter 48

       Zhan Weiyang had a limited understanding of what kissing entailed. In the darkness, he opened his eyes wide, feeling Pei Qing’s lips against his. His first reaction was still to wonder what he should do next.

       Then he heard Pei Qing’s voice, muffled against his lips, whispering, “Open your mouth.”

       Zhan Weiyang was a little confused but opened his mouth obediently, and then he finally knew what kissing was.

       At that moment, Zhan Weiyang first felt his scalp tingling. He couldn’t bear it. He subconsciously wanted to hide back and raised his hand to grab Pei Qing’s arm.

       However, Pei Qing pressed his hand on the back of Zhan Weiyang’s neck and didn’t allow him to dodge at all.

       Zhan Weiyang lost the strength to struggle. He tightened all ten fingers holding Pei Qing’s arm, and his fingertips turned slightly white due to the loss of blood. He breathed rapidly; his chest rose and fell violently, but there was not much room for movement, and he was pressed tightly against Pei Qing’s chest.

       Soon, his eyebrows and eyes turned red, and tears gradually flashed in his eyes. His legs were so sore that he could not support his body, but Pei Qing was still holding his waist to let him stand.

       He didn’t know how long it took before Pei Qing finally let go of Zhan Weiyang.

       Zhan Weiyang looked up at him with a dull expression, and he didn’t come back to his senses for a long time.

       Pei Qing raised his hand to touch Zhan Weiyang’s forehead and hair, and his fingers swept through his hair. He then bent down to pick up the meal box beside him and said, “Going home?”

       Zhan Weiyang followed him back in a daze, and only when he walked to a well-lit area could he see the vivid red colour of his cheeks and lips.

       When they returned home, there was no one in the living room on the first floor. Grandma and Auntie Luo stayed in their respective rooms and didn’t come out. Maybe Grandma had already fallen asleep at this time, and Auntie Luo was probably watching TV, leaving only a small light at the entrance.

       They changed their shoes. Pei Qing carried the remaining dumplings into the kitchen and put them in the refrigerator. When he came out, he saw Zhan Weiyang still standing blankly under the ceiling light at the entrance.

       He walked over and asked Zhan Weiyang, “What’s wrong?”

       Zhan Weiyang looked at him, and his face turned redder.

       Pei Qing lowered his voice when he spoke as if he was afraid of disturbing Grandma and Auntie Luo. He said to Zhan Weiyang, “Then let’s go upstairs.”

       Zhan Weiyang nodded.

       The second floor was dark. Pei Qing walked in front, turned on the light in the corridor, then opened the bathroom door and said, “Go take a shower first.”

       Zhan Weiyang stood against the wall in the corridor with his hands behind his back, picking his fingers nervously. He said, “Will you take a shower with me?”

       Pei Qing had planned to go back to the room first, but stopped and leaned against the wall, asking him, “Why do we have to take a shower together?”

       Zhan Weiyang blushed and said, “Do you want to kiss me again?”

       Pei Qing asked, “Do you want me to kiss you again?”

       Zhan Weiyang nodded quickly. Pei Qing crossed his arms and asked, “So Yangyang likes it?”

       Zhan Weiyang said, “Yes.”

       Pei Qing asked, “How much do you like it?”

       Zhan Weiyang looked at him with a pair of round eyes and said, “So much.”

       Pei Qing put his hands down and walked slowly to him. This time, he did not hug Zhan Weiyang again but bent down slightly, put his hands behind his back, and kissed Zhan Weiyang’s lips again.

       Zhan Weiyang was sensible, and he took the initiative to open his mouth to welcome the kiss.

       After a while, when Zhan Weiyang sensed that Pei Qing was about to pull away, he reluctantly stood on tiptoe, leaning forward to follow him.

       “Okay, okay,” Pei Qing said with a smile, holding Zhan Weiyang’s shoulders with both hands and saying, “Stop making trouble. Go take a shower, and go to bed after taking a shower. You have classes tomorrow.”

       Zhan Weiyang asked again, “Then don’t you want to take a shower with me?”

       Pei Qing shook her head, “I won’t take a shower with you.”

       Zhan Weiyang felt a sense of regret. As he turned to leave, he remembered something and stopped to ask Pei Qing, “Then will you sleep with me?”

       Pei Qing said, “I won’t sleep with you either.”

       Zhan Weiyang showed a disappointed expression and said, “But you kissed me.”

       Pei Qing hummed and said, “I kissed you, and then what?”

       Zhan Weiyang blushed and said, “After the kiss, don’t you want to have sex with me?”

       Pei Qing was silent for a while. He raised his hand and gently touched his lips. He looked at him for a long time before saying, “Didn’t you say that you can only have sex when you are 18 years old?”

       Zhan Weiyang suddenly remembered, and he opened his mouth wide, “Yeah, I forgot.”

       Pei Qing took his hand and led him to the bathroom door, “So you should take a shower.”

       Zhan Weiyang said dejectedly, “Oh.”

       Pei Qing leaned against the door and looked at him for a while. When he turned to leave, he heard Zhan Weiyang call him again.

       Zhan Weiyang blushed for the last time and said, “So it’s not okay to just take a shower without having sex?”

       Pei Qing said, “No.”

       Zhan Weiyang was obviously disappointed.

       Pei Qing leaned close to his ear and whispered, “Because gege won’t be able to help it.” After that, he stepped away from Zhan Weiyang, touched his head and said, “Be good, go.”

       Zhan Weiyang took a shower by himself. When he returned to his room after taking a shower, he looked in the direction of Pei Qing’s room when he closed the door. Seeing that his door was always closed, he had to close the door himself, go in, and sit down by the bed.

       He sat cross-legged on the bed, thinking back to the kiss just now, and his face blushed again unconsciously. He then couldn’t help but smile.

       He felt sweet and shy at the same time. Lying down on the bed, he hugged the neatly folded blanket and rolled twice to the foot of the bed, then rolled twice back to the head of the bed.

       Earlier, when Pei Qing asked him how much he liked it, Zhan Weiyang felt that he hadn’t expressed it well enough. It should be so, so, so much—so much that he wanted to be with Pei Qing every day, to have Pei Qing kiss him every day.

       When Zhan Weiyang rolled for the fifth time, his door was suddenly opened from the outside.

       Zhan Weiyang looked up and saw Zhan Pengcheng standing at the door.

       Zhan Pengcheng was still wearing a suit and tie. He had a tall figure and made the suit look very good on him. Seeing Zhan Weiyang rolling on the bed, he said in surprise, “I thought you were asleep.”

       He usually knocked on the door before entering Zhan Weiyang’s room. Only at night, when he thought Zhan Weiyang was asleep, would he open the door and come in to see if Zhan Weiyang had closed the window and covered the quilt.

       Zhan Weiyang turned over and sat up, facing Zhan Pengcheng, and said, “Ah.”

       Zhan Pengcheng walked into the room, smelling of alcohol, and asked, “Why haven’t you slept yet?” He then walked to the window and lifted a corner of the curtain to see if it was closed.

       Zhan Weiyang said, “I’ll be asleep soon.” After that, he asked, “Did Dad drink?”

       Zhan Pengcheng walked to the bed and stopped, “Dad had to work and socialise, so he drank a little, but he didn’t get drunk.”

       Zhan Weiyang hugged the quilt and nodded.

       Zhan Pengcheng saw that his face was red and reached out to touch his forehead. He then asked, “You don’t have a cold, right?”

       Zhan Weiyang shook his head.

       Zhan Pengcheng felt that his forehead was slightly sweaty and asked curiously, “Is it hot?”

       Zhan Weiyang said, “A little bit.”

       Zhan Pengcheng then went back to the window and opened it just a little. He then said, “Just to let some air in, don’t open it too wide. You don’t want to catch a cold at night.”

       Zhan Weiyang sat on the bed without saying anything.

       Zhan Pengcheng walked towards the door, “Then go to bed quickly. You have classes tomorrow. What day is tomorrow? You have classes, right?” Maybe because he was drunk, his mind was not very clear.

       Zhan Weiyang answered him, “Yes.”

       Zhan Pengcheng walked to the door, left the door a crack after going out, poked his head in and said to Zhan Weiyang, “Yangyang, say goodnight to Dad.”

       Zhan Weiyang obediently replied, “Goodnight, Dad.”

       Zhan Pengcheng smiled and closed the door.

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Chapter 67 – The past of the demon immortal 1

Chapter 67


Yu Wuxia’s lips curled into a cold smile. Seeing the blood flow uncontrollably, he decided not to use his energy to heal himself anymore.


He wiped the bloodstains from the corner of his mouth, the red mark between his eyebrows vivid against his pale face. “Heh, quite interesting.”


Indeed, he was the chosen son meticulously cultivated by the Heavenly Law for over fifty thousand years.


Haowei absorbed Taiwei’s cultivation from birth until Taiwei’s destined demise. He naturally inherited over fifty thousand years of Taiwei’s cultivation. It could be said that Taiwei, the former Heavenly Emperor, was not just his father but also the crucible that nurtured and expended everything to raise this divine emperor.


Si Lan said, “Yu Wuxia, no matter what, in this life you haven’t committed irreparable mistakes yet. If you’re willing to release Great Heng Immortal Ancestor and lift the Five Star Nine Heavens Formation, there’s still time to make amends.”


Yu Wuxia seemed to find something amusing in Si Lan’s words. He snorted, his brows arching sharply, eyes deep and piercing like two pools in the abyss, veiled in darkness and calmness, yet predatory like a wild wolf hunting at night, with sharp and sinister eyes.


“Jun Li, you’ve seen it too. This world is so rotten, so filthy. It needs a complete transformation.”


Pausing, he continued, “If the two of us could work together to reshape the Six Realms and create a new perfect world, wouldn’t that be better?”


Seeing his stubbornness, Si Lan threatened, “You’re injured now. If you don’t treat it, you’ll die. Your goal of establishing a new world is also to be forever with Great Heng Immortal Ancestor. But if you die, your goal won’t be achieved.”


Yu Wuxia remained unmoved, “I won’t die. Even if the soul in this fleshly body perishes, it can still become the smallest part of the new world and come back to life.”


And Great Heng Immortal Ancestor had already transcended reincarnation; he would be transported by the formation to the new world, waiting for his resurrection. Then no one would say anything against the norms or defy moral principles. They would live as they pleased in this new world.


No, not just them. Everyone could live as they pleased in this new world.


At the thought, madness flickered in Yu Wuxia’s eyes.


Si Lan heard the words “come back to life even after the soul perishes,” a fleeting thought crossed his mind, but he didn’t dwell on it and was drawn back by Yu Wuxia’s words.


“Jun Li, the Heavenly Laws won’t allow excessively powerful beings to exist in the Six Realms. Once they do, they’ll slowly fall like Lord You Shou.” Yu Wuxia’s voice carried a hint of temptation, “So why work for it? Come with me instead. Let’s build a new world. Your beloved won’t suffer the fate of falling from godhood if she reaches that level.”


Upon hearing the words “beloved,” Si Lan’s face flushed slightly. It had to be said, Yu Wuxia knew how to tempt people’s hearts, knowing that reasoning with him directly wouldn’t work, so he used the person Si Lan cared about to persuade him.


But Yu Wuxia was mistaken.


Si Lan stopped him not for the sake of the Heavenly Law.


As for Haowei, he believed Haowei understood better than he did what needed to be done.


Haowei glanced at Si Lan, as if afraid Si Lan would be persuaded. Taking over the conversation, he said, “I don’t need your pretense of goodwill, Yu Wuxia. Are you determined to activate the Five Star Nine Heavens Formation?”


“Yes.” Yu Wuxia’s lips curled, his eyes wild and incomprehensible.


Haowei didn’t waste any more words. He activated the black Soul-Locking Talismans inside Yu Wuxia, suppressing part of his cultivation and preventing him from healing his wounds.


And the moment Yu Wuxia appeared, he secretly set up a formation. Now, like them, Yu Wuxia was trapped, unable to escape.


Sensing this, Yu Wuxia simply clasped his hands in front of his chest, creating a barrier around him to keep Si Lan and Haowei at bay. He closed his eyes, lips moving silently as he attempted to force the Soul-Locking Talismans out of his body with incantations.


In doing so, he inadvertently left an opportunity for Si Lan and Haowei.


Haowei said, “Si Lan, use the Return Spell.”


Upon hearing this, Yu Wuxia opened his eyes and sneered mockingly, “Even in the previous life, the Return Spell proved futile.”


Si Lan walked up to Yu Wuxia and looked at this handsome and alluring monk, despite bleeding heavily, with some compassion in his heart. “Yu Wuxia, do you know why Great Heng Immortal Ancestor refuses to accept you?”


Yu Wuxia’s expression froze at the words, his eyes swirling with intensity as if touched on a raw nerve. In the next instant, a mass of black energy surged out from within his barrier, transforming into blades aimed directly at Si Lan’s forehead.


Haowei acted swiftly, pulling Si Lan behind him and slashing his sword to disperse the black energy.


Si Lan, however, showed no fear. Without even blinking, he leaned out from behind Haowei and declared to Yu Wuxia with a cutting edge, “I think Great Heng Immortal Ancestor rejects you not only because of your cultivation path but also because of your character. Your character is just too poor!” And you don’t even understand how to love others.


He refrained from uttering the last sentence.


Yu Wuxia glared at him furiously, the red mark between his eyebrows pulsing, as if containing immense rage.


Haowei, unperturbed by Yu Wuxia’s reaction, finished his retort, unwilling to waste any more time. He then began to chant a spell to activate the Return Spell.


As Yu Wuxia had predicted, even if the Return Spell revealed everything Yu Wuxia had experienced, it might not uncover his weaknesses. Nevertheless, they had no choice but to try.


At the moment when Si Lan cast the spell, Haowei added another barrier around Yu Wuxia’s existing barrier, further restricting his movements. One condition for successfully activating the Return Spell was keeping the target within thirty feet.


He feared Yu Wuxia might attempt to escape.


Yu Wuxia looked at the two formations and barriers restricting his movements, his pale face darkening slightly.


Was it really necessary to be so cautious?


He glanced at Haowei with a newfound scrutiny. Initially, due to the Heavenly Law, he had underestimated Haowei’s cultivation and intellect. But after their recent exchanges, he suddenly realized that Haowei was not someone to be taken lightly.


At this moment, Haowei was not concerned with Yu Wuxia’s scrutiny. Alongside Si Lan, he entered into the illusion.


Si Lan was now proficient in manipulating the Wheel of Time. After some thought, he decided to return to the scene of Yu Wuxia’s first encounter with Great Heng Immortal Ancestor.


That was the beginning of all their karma.


They landed in a forest, deep into autumn. The branches and leaves on the trees had turned completely yellow, and the ground was covered with layers of fallen leaves. When the strong wind blew, it created a dazzling yet desolate scene of yellow.


They glanced around the forest but didn’t see Great Heng Immortal Ancestor or Yu Wuxia. Just as they were puzzled, another gust of wind blew, scattering a pile of fallen leaves ahead, revealing a corner of a lead-gray monk’s robe.


Si Lan and Haowei exchanged a glance, then moved towards the almost completely enveloped figure buried under the fallen leaves, which turned out to be Yu Wuxia.


The gentle wind brushed over Yu Wuxia’s body, bringing and taking away the fallen leaves, revealing his young and delicate face. Despite looking as though he had endured much hardship in the forest, with sunken eye sockets and slightly dry lips, there was not a hint of discomfort on his face. His expression appeared resolute.


Seeing Yu Wuxia in this state, Si Lan couldn’t help but feel a sense of emotion: a model student had turned into a little tyrant.


The diligent Buddhist practitioner had turned into a man-eating tiger, who had become a Immortal.


Through all these experiences, Yu Wuxia’s heart had not twisted irreparably. It was just unclear how this twist later led him to fall in love with Great Heng Immortal Ancestor…


Haowei noticed Si Lan staring fixedly at Yu Wuxia’s face and, recalling Si Lan’s earlier compliment on Yu Wuxia’s looks, lowered his eyelids and asked coolly, “Is he handsome?”


Si Lan quickly responded, “Not as handsome as you.”


Haowei knew Si Lan was buttering him up, but his lowered eyelids lifted slightly, deliberately asking, “Oh, really?”


“Yeah, really.”


After all, spiritual cultivation could affect a person’s appearance. The higher the cultivation, the better one looked, so purely in terms of appearance, there weren’t many who could compare to Haowei.


Si Lan felt like he had stumbled upon a big advantage by accident.


As they conversed, an unusually heavy breathing sound suddenly came from behind them, accompanied by the crushing of fallen leaves underfoot.


They turned around and saw a tiger, skin and bones from hunger.


This was Great Heng Immortal Ancestor.


The tiger approached step by step until it stood in front of Yu Wuxia.


Yu Wuxia slowly opened his eyes and met the tiger’s gaze.


Si Lan wasn’t sure what the emotions were between the man and the tiger, but he felt unexpectedly nervous and reached out to grab Haowei’s sleeve beside him.


Haowei glanced at his hand, then pretended to casually touch Si Lan’s hand and quietly held it.


Si Lan’s attention was now focused on the man and the tiger. Contrary to the expected tense atmosphere, the tiger was lying on the ground, barely breathing, looking at Yu Wuxia.


Yu Wuxia closed his eyes again and resumed his meditation.


A day passed like this. Yu Wuxia continued meditating while the tiger’s breath grew weaker.


Si Lan observed the scene in silence and remarked, “I didn’t expect Immortal Jiaheng to be… so courteous.” He figured Immortal Jiaheng’s emaciation in this dense forest was probably due to not actively hunting.


Now the tiger guarded Yu Wuxia, apparently intending to wait until he died to eat him. Yet Yu Wuxia unexpectedly persevered.


The tiger lay on the ground, half-opening its eyes to watch Yu Wuxia.


Perhaps its gaze was too intense. Yu Wuxia opened his eyes, turned the prayer beads in his hand, and smiled wryly, “Since we’ve met here, it must be fate. I can’t bear to let a life pass before my eyes, so I’ll give you a piece of my flesh.”


With that, Yu Wuxia cut a piece of flesh from his arm and handed it to the tiger.


The tiger smelled the blood and couldn’t help but growl softly. It devoured the piece of flesh voraciously. After satisfying its hunger, the tiger did not leave but continued to guard Yu Wuxia.


With closed eyes, Yu Wuxia continued chanting and meditating, seemingly oblivious to the pain in his arm or the tiger’s watchful eyes.


The next day, the tiger was hungry again. Yu Wuxia cut a piece of flesh from his leg for it.


On the third day, it was flesh from his chest.



Until finally, the once lean disciple of Immortal became a nearly fleshless skeleton. As the white bones collapsed, his eyes remained fixed on the sky.


Si Lan approached and heard the murmured words of the white bones, “Why do I still lack that last bit of merit?”


At that moment, the tiger that had consumed the flesh suddenly emitted a golden light, transforming into a Immortal figure.


Seeing this, the white bones could not rest in peace.


Si Lan looked at the transformed Jiaheng and then at the white bones, deeply moved. Unable to contain his curiosity, he turned to Haowei, whom he regarded as knowing everything.


“Why did the tiger attain Immortalhood while Yu Wuxia perished?”


Haowei frowned thoughtfully and replied, “I do not fully understand the Buddhist principles here, but I suspect it’s because Yu Wuxia’s act of feeding his flesh to the tiger wasn’t purely out of compassion but rather stemmed from his desire to attain that last bit of merit. His attachment to gaining merit prevented his enlightenment. Whereas the tiger, though it consumed flesh, did so out of instinct, not malice.”


Moreover, this tiger seemed unlikely to attack living beings and only ate dead things or what was given, which explained its skeletal appearance.


Although the tiger was a fierce beast ignorant of Buddhist scriptures, it possessed a Immortal’s heart, which enabled it to attain Immortalhood.


Si Lan couldn’t help but think of the Moth King for some reason.


He wondered if Yu Wuxia had foreseen this reason when he initially chose the Moth King.


Some actions, though seemingly evil, are not entirely evil.


Some deeds, though seemingly virtuous, are not entirely virtuous.


Si Lan witnessed Immortal Jiaheng’s swift enlightenment and profound study of Buddhist texts after his sudden Immortalhood in the Thirty-Three Heavens, ultimately becoming a disciple of the Blessed Passing Immortal.


On the other hand, after countless reincarnations, Yu Wuxia consistently performed good deeds.


Si Lan manipulated the cycle spell, jumping directly to the scene where they first met many years later.


Suddenly, a disciple on earth ascended to become a Immortal due to his profound virtue, illuminating the Thirty-Three Heavens with his merit lamp. Nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine bronze bells rang autonomously, their sound incessant, Immortal’s light radiating over a hundred thousand miles, shaking the Six Realms.


All the Immortals of the Thirty-Three Heavens mobilized to witness this extraordinary disciple.


When Yu Wuxia ascended to the Thirty-Three Heavens, he saw countless Immortals standing amidst the clouds, dignified and smiling.


Si Lan followed Yu Wuxia and witnessed this magnificent scene, unable to resist saying, “I didn’t expect Yu Wuxia to have such prestige.”


Haowei coolly remarked, “Indeed, good-looking and prestigious.”




He realized he shouldn’t praise others, even if they were mortal enemies. He obediently closed his mouth and followed behind Yu Wuxia.


“Disciple Wuxia pays respects to the Immortals.”


Seated on a lotus throne, the Blessed Passing Immortal, with compassionate eyes, smiled at Yu Wuxia, “Wuxia, all these Immortals behind you are willing to take you as their disciple. Whom do you choose?”


Yu Wuxia glanced at the multitude of Immortals behind him but eventually fixed his gaze upon Immortal Jiaheng beside the Blessed Passing Immortal.


When Yu Wuxia ascended, Immortal Jiaheng’s expression turned uneasy. Meeting Yu Wuxia’s direct gaze, his brow furrowed slightly.


“Immortal, I wish to become a disciple under Immortal Jiaheng.”


Immortal Jiaheng’s expression immediately turned odd. He sought help from the Blessed Passing Immortal, who after a moment’s consideration, surprisingly agreed.


The Blessed Passing Immortal said something to Jiaheng, and despite Immortal Jiaheng’s hint of helplessness on his face, he didn’t object but nodded lightly.


As Immortal Jiaheng led Yu Wuxia away, the other Immortals behind them showed regretful expressions.


Yu Wuxia followed Immortal Jiaheng, his gaze fixed on the back of his neck. Immortal Jiaheng sensed his stare, causing his steps to stiffen slightly.


Upon arriving at a secluded cave, Immortal Jiaheng finally turned around, feigning indifference. “You shall cultivate here.”


Yu Wuxia surveyed the dim surroundings, worse than the conditions he had in his earthly practice. Nevertheless, he remained silent, respectfully folding his hands in front of his chest. “Yes.”


As Jiaheng turned to leave, he paused beside Yu Wuxia, suddenly remembering something. He glanced at Yu Wuxia’s face and asked, “Why did you choose to follow under my guidance?”


He hadn’t taken a disciple for a thousand years. Even if he did, it wouldn’t have been Yu Wuxia. It was the Blessed Passing Immortal who told him about the cause and effect — the flesh sacrifice back then was the cause; now, taking a disciple was the effect.

T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


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Chapter 66 – The beast is trapped

Chapter 66


Actually, it wasn’t just to disgrace the heavens, but also to destroy Si Lan.


“Jun Li, the one who wants to harm Haowei is not me, but you,” Yu Wuxia’s voice, like a snake’s hiss, slithered into Si Lan’s ears after his laugh.


“You could have chosen to plant the array in Qu Ze’s body. That way, even if Haowei hurt or killed Qu Ze, he wouldn’t feel so guilty. But you deliberately brought it into your own body. Isn’t this harming Haowei?”


“You know how Haowei feels about you. If he knew he hurt you even a little, he would hurt himself tenfold. So it is your compassion, your kindness, your benevolence that made you choose to hurt the one you love most.”


As Yu Wuxia finished speaking, outside the barrier, Haowei was suddenly attacked by a humanoid monster, shriveled and withered like dead wood.


The monster moved quickly and ghostly, attempting to get close to Haowei, but was sliced in half by his long sword. However, the pain was transmitted to Si Lan.


It felt like a punch to his abdomen, his face turning pale from the pain.


At some point, Yu Wuxia had let go of him.


He fell to the ground, trying to stand up. At that moment, it felt as if a knife had slashed his abdomen, the ripping pain surging from his flesh. Though there wasn’t a visible wound, the pain was unbearable.


Even in such agony, he couldn’t help but grumble in his heart, wondering what kind of sword Haowei was using that it could hurt so much. He decided he would make Haowei change his sword when they got back.


With one hand clutching his abdomen and the other hand tightly clenched, he tried to support himself to stand. Just then, another sword strike hit him, sending him flying backward, his body crashing into a boulder. A taste of blood instantly filled his mouth.




He tried to contact Haowei with his spiritual sense, but couldn’t reach him.


After slaying two monsters, Haowei’s long sword transformed into countless sword shadows, swirling in the air, ready to break through the illusion.


Si Lan glanced at the sword shadows, his legs trembling, estimating that if they struck him, he would either be dead or crippled.


He silently comforted himself, believing his special physique and blood that could heal others might help him. As long as he could still drink blood, he should be able to survive.


While hiding his breath and observing the situation inside the barrier, he noticed that Yu Wuxia had left at some point.


Surrounded by darkness, except for his own breathing, there was no sound. He cast a spell to conjure a fire, illuminating his surroundings, and realized he was inside a massive stone coffin.


To be precise, he was in an illusion of a stone coffin.


The stone coffin was cold and white, with densely carved runes inside. Recognizing them as Ling Jie Curses, he frowned.


Ling Jie Curses are extremely vicious. Anyone cursed by them would have their soul destroyed, never to reincarnate.


His face darkened, realizing that this stone coffin was prepared by Yu Wuxia, intending to use his body to activate the Five-Pointed Nine Heavens Array and then obliterate his soul.


Yu Wuxia didn’t want the heavens to find his reincarnation and send him back to defy fate again, so he planned to eliminate this “hidden danger” in this lifetime.


He estimated that Yu Wuxia had left but was probably still in the shadows, enjoying the scene of him and Haowei struggling like trapped beasts.


So he looked up at the sky and gave a middle finger.


Outside the barrier, countless flying swords wove together like a stream of arrows, slowly approaching the array, seemingly waiting for the right moment to strike.


Si Lan moved closer to the barrier, quietly watching Haowei’s face.


Suddenly, he remembered that since Haowei had returned to his adult form, he hadn’t really looked at him seriously. This time, he finally took a good look at him, albeit in such a setting.


His eyes stung as he reached out to touch Haowei’s eyebrows and eyes through the barrier. When he first met Haowei, he was just a little white dragon—proud, naive, delicate, and precious, without any sense of majesty or coldness.


So even though Haowei had returned to his adult form, Si Lan didn’t fear him much.


In reality, Haowei’s face was cold and stern, exuding an intimidating presence that made others feel threatened.


Especially with his slightly downward-tilted eyes and the aloofness they conveyed, it seemed like he didn’t take anyone seriously.


The sword shadows spun faster and faster, causing the rubble on the ground to rise, nearly obscuring Haowei’s figure. Si Lan closed his eyes and whispered a silent apology.


He had already concealed his breath. If he were to die, he would only turn into an ordinary skeleton, hoping Haowei wouldn’t find out. That way, Haowei wouldn’t know he had died and wouldn’t feel the pain.


“Haowei…” Si Lan murmured his name.


At that moment, the sword shadows that were about to break through the array suddenly paused, hanging motionless in the air.


The rising rubble and dust fell instantly, revealing Haowei’s face as he walked slowly towards Si Lan.


Si Lan’s heart raced, and he kept his eyes fixed on Haowei, unsure if Haowei had sensed something.


Haowei reached out his hand, pressing his palm against the invisible barrier where Si Lan’s hand met his. Si Lan inexplicably smiled, his chest trembling slightly as a thin mist of tears rose in his eyes. “Haowei…”


With cold black eyes, Haowei retracted his long sword, ceasing his attack on the array.


Si Lan guessed that although Haowei couldn’t see him, he might have sensed something was wrong.


Suddenly, three desiccated monsters emerged from the array, baring their teeth as they lunged at Haowei. He dodged them but refused to strike back.


It seemed that the array was deliberately trying to provoke Haowei, as more and more monsters appeared, nearly filling the entire illusion.


Si Lan noticed that Haowei, for some reason, wasn’t attacking them. After several evasions, he was scratched by a monster, leaving a bloody mark on his face and tearing open his chest, revealing blood.


Si Lan knew this was Yu Wuxia’s way of forcing Haowei to fight.


Cornered, Haowei remained cold and calm, lost in thought with his eyes downcast. Meanwhile, a stone behind him slowly transformed into a gaping maw. Si Lan couldn’t help but shout, “Haowei… Haowei… watch out behind you.”


But Haowei couldn’t hear him. By the time he realized, the monster had already bitten down. His life-bound sword instinctively tried to attack the monster but was called back.


He twisted his body to avoid the attack, but his arm was still bitten. The monster’s sharp fangs sliced along his arm, taking away two chunks of flesh.


Blood instantly soaked through his white robe.


Si Lan’s heart leaped into his throat, his voice hoarse. “Haowei, Haowei… fight back!”


He shouted for a long time, but Haowei didn’t respond. Maybe it was because of his injured arm, or perhaps due to exhaustion, Haowei’s movements grew slower, and his injuries increased.


Si Lan feared that if this continued, Haowei would die inside the array. While Haowei couldn’t break out, Si Lan could enter to save him. With this thought, he drew his Xuanshin Whip, which wrapped around the barrier like a spirit snake.


The barrier trembled, revealing a swastika rune, the gate of the barrier. The long whip turned into a sharp blade, slashing at the swastika repeatedly.


After a few strikes, a crack appeared on the barrier. Si Lan’s expression relaxed slightly, but seeing the situation inside the array made his face tense again.


Haowei had been knocked to the ground, his white robe soaked with blood. As he struggled to get up, a monster stomped on him, and its withered but sharp fingers turned into blades, slicing into his back and reaching for his core.


Even so, Haowei didn’t resist, enduring the pain as his core was forcibly extracted.


The monster excitedly swallowed Haowei’s inner core after extracting it, then let out another fierce roar and shattered Haowei’s spiritual platform.


In an instant, the divine aura of the fallen true dragon burst forth from the formation, shaking the valley and startling countless beasts.


Si Lan was stunned for a moment. When he realized what had happened, he broke down and shouted, “Haowei… Haowei, get up…”


He attacked the barrier madly, disregarding everything. Finally, the cracks in the swastika widened, revealing a small gap. His body turned into smoke and slipped through the barrier without hesitation, charging into the formation.


He threw himself in front of Haowei, his lips trembling as he called Haowei’s name, but found he couldn’t make a sound.


Haowei was covered in blood. When Si Lan touched him, his hand was stained red. He was terrified, speechless, and tears began to fall one by one.


Suddenly, the monster within the formation turned to dust and vanished into the air.


Behind him, the figure of Yu Wuxia appeared.


Yu Wuxia had always appeared as an illusion before; this was the first time he appeared in his true form.


He wore a lead-gray kasaya, with a string of 1,080 yellow prayer beads hanging on his chest. His tall, slender figure stood straight, and his clothes fluttered without wind.


Though his face was like that of a serene monk, the bewitching red mark between his brows gave him an unrestrained and wanton appearance.


He looked at Haowei, lying in a pool of blood, with a hint of regret on his face.


What a pity that Haowei died so easily.


He had thought Haowei, as the Divine Emperor, had transcended the cycle of reincarnation and achieved immortality. Unexpectedly, Haowei now lay dead, killed by a few ordinary monsters.


It must have been because Haowei had transferred too much of his cultivation to Si Lan during their spiritual connection recently.


Yet, Si Lan, this little fool, probably still didn’t realize that Haowei’s death was a result of his own actions.


Yu Wuxia walked slowly to Si Lan, his eyes full of mockery. “He died because of you.”


Si Lan didn’t respond. He seemed to be lost in profound grief, his hands clenched tightly, unable to cry or move, like a puppet, silently sitting beside Haowei.


Yu Wuxia’s words were like daggers, “The heavens have erred again, sending down something utterly useless.”


As he finished speaking, Yu Wuxia extended his hand, intending to crush Haowei’s body. However, just as his hand reached out, Haowei’s seemingly lifeless body suddenly moved with lightning speed, grabbing Yu Wuxia’s elbow. A strange black rune swiftly spread from Haowei’s hand into Yu Wuxia’s body.


Yu Wuxia was about to cast a spell against him, but at that moment, Si Lan, who had been immersed in his sorrow, somehow managed to open his tightly clenched hands, revealing a long sword formed from a fragment of Heaven’s Law.


He held the sword and, without hesitation, thrust it into Yu Wuxia’s heart.


Yu Wuxia’s body seemed to split apart, golden light pouring from his chest. He hastily cast a spell, pushing both of them away and stumbling back several steps.


Coughing up blood, he reached for the piece of the sword formed from Heaven’s Law embedded in his chest, his eyes blood-red as he glared at the two standing side by side before him.


“You two…”


Yu Wuxia’s gaze slowly shifted to Haowei. As Haowei stood up, all his wounds and bloodstains vanished. His robe was as white as snow, and his face was strikingly handsome.


Haowei looked at him coldly.


Yu Wuxia couldn’t believe it. “Aren’t you already dead?” He had believed Haowei was dead because the fall of a true dragon, with its divine aura dispersing, would cause mountains to shake and beasts to cry out.


That was why he had dared to reveal his true form.


He had never been certain he could defeat these two, so he had always hidden his true self. Only upon seeing Haowei’s death had he come out, not expecting it to be a setup!


“Yu Wuxia, you’re not the only one who knows how to use illusions.” Haowei spoke as he glanced at Si Lan, a hint of caution in his eyes.


Si Lan smirked, the redness in his eyes not yet faded, still seemingly not fully recovered from the recent sorrow. “We’ll settle this when we get back.”


Haowei had set up an illusion but hadn’t informed him!


It made him almost faint with rage and grief when he saw Haowei injured inside the barrier.


He realized something was wrong when he approached Haowei’s “body” and noticed a small pinky finger, hidden under the bloody, mangled hand, hooking his finger.


At that moment, he understood Haowei wasn’t dead and was deliberately acting.


When Yu Wuxia appeared behind him, Haowei’s little finger hooked again, and Si Lan vaguely understood. He quietly conjured the fragment of Heaven’s Dao into a long sword and hid it in his hand.


Afraid of revealing the truth, he pretended to be in extreme grief, sitting motionless and dazed.


“Alright.” Haowei leaned slightly, whispering in Si Lan’s ear with a magnetic voice, “You can punish me however you want when we get back.”


Si Lan’s ears inexplicably turned red, and he glared at Haowei.


How could a simple sentence be said with such a suggestive tone?


Yu Wuxia, watching the two “flirting” before him, felt blood mist surging in his eyes. He slowly clenched his fingers, trying to stop the bleeding.


The Heaven’s Dao fragment didn’t kill him outright but severely injured him.


He felt his cultivation draining away like quicksand, but the black rune Haowei had introduced into his body prevented him from stopping the bleeding. The two conflicting forces collided within him, causing another wave of nausea.


Haowei looked at him and said, “I once read in my father Taiwei’s writings about the runes you placed on the pentagram formation. Knowing they were used to channel a curse, I guessed you might transfer the formation into someone’s body. When I was fighting those two monsters, I suddenly understood your intent. You intended to use me to kill someone.”


So Haowei played along, pretending to be killed but actually casting an illusion within the formation, making Yu Wuxia think his divine aura had dissipated and the true dragon had fallen.


What he hadn’t anticipated was that Yu Wuxia would transfer the formation into Si Lan’s body instead of Qu Ze’s. Thinking about how Si Lan’s soul had nearly shattered when he entered the formation, Haowei felt a pang of guilt in his heart.

T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!


Chapter 47

       Pei Qing did not answer Zhan Weiyang’s question immediately but continued to clean up his desk. He put all the used dishes into a plastic bag and threw them into the trash can. Then he came back to his seat, looked at Zhan Weiyang and asked him, “Why do you think so?”

       Zhan Weiyang’s tone was full of nervousness and anxiety, “I don’t know, I guessed.”

       Pei Qing said, “Why do you guess so?”

       Zhan Weiyang looked at him silently for a while, lowered his head, and pinched his fingers nervously, “You said you would treat her to a meal.”

       Pei Qing said, “Didn’t I treat you to a meal? I also treated you to a meal.”

       Zhan Weiyang thought for a while and said, “She is a girl. And she just touched you.”

       Pei Qing couldn’t help laughing but didn’t laugh out loud. He just asked, “How did she touch me?”

       Zhan Weiyang reached out and touched Pei Qing’s chest with an unhappy face.

       Pei Qing looked down and said, “My clothes are a little messy.”

       Zhan Weiyang didn’t want to hear this and just insisted, “Then do you want to date her?”

       Pei Qing finally smiled and said, “I’m not in love with her.”

       Zhan Weiyang immediately looked intently at Pei Qing.

       Pei Qing continued, “I’m not in love with her, and I won’t date other girls, okay?”

       Zhan Weiyang’s eyes were already filled with joy, and he asked, “Really?”

       Pei Qing nodded and smiled at him, “Really.”

       Zhan Weiyang finally couldn’t help smiling, and looked at Pei Qing with his bright eyes without blinking.

       Pei Qing raised one hand, gently placed it on his head, and asked him, “Are you happy?”

       Zhan Weiyang nodded quickly.

       Pei Qing asked again, “Why are you so happy?”

       Zhan Weiyang smiled and said, “I don’t know either.”

       Pei Qing asked, “Then, if you don’t want gege to date her… Tell me, who can I date?”

       Zhan Weiyang almost blurted out ‘me’, but at the critical moment, he remembered that he couldn’t say that; the System would definitely deduct his points. So he held back and thought for a while to find a suitable way to express it, “Anyway, not with anyone else.”

       Pei Qing asked, “Who is not someone else?”

       Zhan Weiyang didn’t say anything.

       Pei Qing didn’t force him to ask and said to him, “Then you sit here and wait for me for a while. We’ll go back after I finish the last form, okay?”

       Zhan Weiyang nodded.

       Pei Qing returned his attention to the computer screen, opened the keyboard drawer and continued to complete his form.

       Zhan Weiyang watched quietly from the side. After a while, he stood up and hugged Pei Qing from behind, put his face on his shoulder, and whispered, “Me.”

       Pei Qing asked him, “What?”

       Zhan Weiyang didn’t answer.

       Pei Qing grabbed his hand, “You what?”

       Zhan Weiyang still didn’t say anything.

       Pei Qing clicked the mouse to save the form, then closed the document, reached out to turn off the computer screen, and said to Zhan Weiyang, “Let’s go. We’re going back.”

       Zhan Weiyang looked up and asked, “Is it finished?”

       In fact, it was not finished, but Pei Qing didn’t want to continue working now. He said, “Yes, the work is finished. Let’s go home.”

       Zhan Weiyang immediately said, “Okay.”

       When they came out of the office building, it was already completely dark, and there were not many pedestrians around.

       Pei Qing carried the box with the remaining dumplings in one hand, grabbed Zhan Weiyang’s wrist with the other hand, and pulled him towards the bus stop.

       There were almost no passengers waiting for the bus next to the bus stop. There were only the two of them, standing in front of the station billboard with white lights on.

       Pei Qing touched Zhan Weiyang’s hand and asked him, “Are you cold?”

       Zhan Weiyang shook his head.

       The weather had been bad these days, so the temperature had dropped a lot. Zhan Weiyang wore a T-shirt over a light yellow sweater on the outside. Although it was a loose style, it still made him look thin.

       Pei Qing raised his hand and unbuttoned his coat from the collar. He then took off his coat and put it on Zhan Weiyang’s back.

       Zhan Weiyang looked at him and said, “I’m not cold.”

       Pei Qing said, “Your hands are cold.”

       Zhan Weiyang said, “No.”

       Pei Qing smiled and said nothing, looking down at him, and then flicked Zhan Weiyang’s forehead with his fingers.

       Zhan Weiyang looked up and smiled shyly. He raised his hand to rub his forehead, then lowered his head and leaned closer to Pei Qing, rubbing his sleeve.

       Pei Qing reached out and put his arm around Zhan Weiyang’s shoulders, applying a bit of force before finally letting go.

       After the rush hour, the bus came a little slowly. They waited for almost five minutes before they got on this bus. After getting on, they saw that there were still many empty seats in the back row.

       The two sat in the last row, and the seats next to them were empty. As long as the people in front didn’t look back, no one could see them.

       After the bus started, Zhan Weiyang secretly leaned his head on Pei Qing’s shoulder. He moved very slowly, from leaning lightly at the beginning to completely relaxing his strength on Pei Qing’s shoulder. He didn’t feel the other party’s rejection, so he was completely relieved.

       The lights were on inside the bus. When Zhan Weiyang looked at the window glass, he could see the shadows of himself and Pei Qing. Pei Qing’s reflection on the glass was his side face with a handsome and neat outline. He was looking forward quietly. Zhan Weiyang couldn’t understand the emotions in his eyes, but he felt very relieved and gentle.

       So Zhan Weiyang hoped that this road could go on. If this bus had no end, he would always be so comfortable and happy to lean on Pei Qing.

       After getting off the bus, the two walked home together. After entering the neighbourhood, the light became dim. Zhan Weiyang wore Pei Qing’s coat—the sleeves and the hem of which were wobbly. He walked happily with his head down.

       Zhan Weiyang saw a corner of his home building from the bushes in the neighbourhood. He pulled Pei Qing and said, “Qing ge.”

       Pei Qing stopped and asked him, “What’s wrong?”

       Zhan Weiyang said, “Come with me, please.” After that, he pulled Pei Qing into a small path.

       The path was lined with greenery on both sides. Apart from the occasional joggers and walkers in the early morning and evening, there were usually no people around. By this time, it was completely dark, and there were no streetlights nearby. The only faint light came from distant spotlights scattered across the grass, illuminating the area. The surroundings were completely deserted.

       Zhan Weiyang took a deep breath, raised his hand to wrap around Pei Qing’s neck, and slowly leaned in, pouting his lips. He stopped just before his lips touched Pei Qing’s.

       Pei Qing looked down at him and asked, “What?”

       Zhan Weiyang showed him his mouth, “Mmm.”

       Pei Qing was silent for a while. He raised one hand and pinched Zhan Weiyang’s mouth with his fingers.

       Zhan Weiyang quickly broke free and said anxiously, “It’s not like that.”

       Pei Qing asked him, “What is it then?”

       Zhan Weiyang said, “I learned it from someone.”

       “Oh,” Pei Qing’s voice lowered a little, “Who did you learn it from?”

       Zhan Weiyang said, “Chen Youyou.”

       Pei Qing continued to ask him, “Then how did he teach you?”

       Zhan Weiyang suddenly felt embarrassed to use his fingers to show Pei Qing and said vaguely, “It’s like that…”

       Pei Qing pinched his jaw with his hand, not allowing him to escape his sight, “What does that look like? You have to explain it gege clearly.”

       Zhan Weiyang was very anxious, and he said, “You pout your lips.”

       Pei Qing’s eyes were full of smiles, but it was a pity that the light around was too dim to see clearly. He asked Zhan Weiyang, “Why do you have to pout?”

       Zhan Weiyang said, “If not, how can I kiss you?”

       Pei Qing asked, “How exactly do you want to kiss?”

       Zhan Weiyang then tried to pout his lips and put his lips to Pei Qing’s and started rubbing them clumsily.

       Pei Qing dodged back, and Zhan Weiyang chased after him relentlessly. He was very upset with Pei Qing’s lack of cooperation, and he thought Pei Qing should also learn to kiss like him.

       “Okay, okay,” Pei Qing had to stop him, stretched out his hand to grab Zhan Weiyang’s back collar and pulled him away from him, saying, “Do you really want to kiss?”

       Zhan Weiyang said seriously, “Yes.”

       Pei Qing put the meal box he was carrying in his hand to the side, hugged Zhan Weiyang’s waist with one hand, and pressed his neck with the other hand. He then lowered his head to kiss him.

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