Month: June 2024 (Page 8 of 8)

Chapter 113 – The Due Date Arrives

Chapter 113 – The Due Date Arrives


Jian Luo was stunned by the online comments he was reading.


Meanwhile, Lu Shifeng was changing his clothes behind the curtain. As he walked out, he had two small bear pajamas dr4p3d over his arm.


The young emperor was waiting on the sofa outside, initially bored. When he saw Lu Shifeng, especially noticing the pajamas in the marshal’s hand, his eyes widened. “Wow, so cute!”


Lu Shifeng remained expressionless.


The young emperor eagerly asked, “Where did Uncle Emperor get these clothes?”


Lu Shifeng finally glanced at him twice. Under the expectant gaze of the young emperor, he slightly parted his thin lips. His usually cold and hard demeanor showed a rare touch of pride and self-satisfaction. “Jian Luo gave them to me.”


The young emperor choked.


For some reason, he felt he had just been shown off to!


Jian Luo, who was still reading messages, suddenly heard his name. He listened for a moment and felt a bit guilty. Actually, he hadn’t made those clothes; Su Liang had. But since the marshal had already said it, he couldn’t contradict him and just let it go.


Lu Shifeng asked the emperor, “How many days does Your Majesty plan to stay here?”


The young emperor was displeased. “Is Uncle Emperor in such a hurry to drive me away? I am still on a private inspection!”


Lu Shifeng looked down at him from above. “Your Majesty has already stayed here for two days. Is it not enough?”




You are so annoying.


The young emperor sulked. “It’s not enough. The elves are beautiful, Luo Luo’s cooking is delicious, and the little magical gadgets here are fun. I am never leaving. Never in this lifetime.”


Lu Shifeng let out a cold laugh.


It carried no particular meaning, but it made the young emperor feel a chill down his spine.


The young emperor muttered, “Fine, I won’t come as a third wheel next time, okay?”


Lu Shifeng sneered again. “It seems His Majesty is clear about his role.”




Jian Luo, still on the bed, couldn’t hear clearly but could tell they were chatting outside. Feeling that sitting on the bed wasn’t appropriate, he got changed and came out.


Jian Luo had also changed into casual clothes, carrying pajamas in his hand.


The young emperor’s eyes lit up when he saw his deer pajamas. “They’re so pretty, Luo Luo.”


These pajamas were quite cute, featuring Q-version characters with big eyes and round bodies, looking adorably clumsy and soft-hearted.


In this interstellar era, such designs were rare as people favored realism. Thus, Jian Luo’s designed clothes were almost one-of-a-kind.


Usually, only he and Lu Shifeng could see each other’s pajamas. However, the marshal never complimented anything as cute, so Jian Luo rarely received any praise. Unexpectedly, today he gained some confidence from the young emperor!


Jian Luo said, “This design is simple but unique. My mother hand-sewed it, and it’s not available on the market.”


The young emperor was clearly very interested.


Hand-sewn items were quite different from those made by Dark Star machines. He asked, “May I have a look?”


Jian Luo smiled. “Of course.”


He had only worn these pajamas once or twice, so it was okay to show them. However, the marshal, being a dragon with strong possessiveness, wouldn’t normally allow others to touch such private items.


Before Jian Luo could hand over the pajamas, Lu Shifeng took a step forward and handed the ones he held. “Your Majesty, you can look at these.”


The young emperor was speechless.


Jian Luo was also a bit surprised. He glanced at Lu Shifeng, realizing that the marshal had a surprisingly strong desire to show off!


The young emperor examined the clothes and nodded in approval. “Luo Luo, if your mother wanted to be a fashion designer, she’d be an excellent seamstress!”


Jian Luo smiled. “Thank you.”


Since boarding the battleship, he had mostly stayed in touch with Su Liang and his little brother through communication devices, talking about everyday things but not meeting in a long time.


Jian Luo said, “When I go back, I will definitely discuss it with my mother.”


The young emperor was happy with that.


After chatting, the young emperor even stayed for breakfast, actively engaging as much as possible.


After breakfast, the young emperor asked, “Luo Luo, do you want to go out and play with me?”


Jian Luo said, “No, I have to take an exam with the priest and then do physical training on the battleship in the afternoon. The doctor advised it.”


The young emperor reluctantly nodded. “Alright then!”


Jian Luo was quite nervous when he went to find Zhan Wentai, knowing well how bad his grades were. It was almost like public punishment.


At the learning site, Jian Luo said, “Teacher.”


Zhan Wentai nodded and said, “Come and sit.”


Jian Luo thought it was exam time, so he took out his pen. “What subject are we testing today?”


Zhan Wentai said, “Oral skills.”




The hardest one.


Oral skills were as hard to learn as a foreign language, the subject Jian Luo hated the most after maths. But since it was being tested, he had to face it seriously.


After a grueling oral exam, his scores were a mess.


Zhan Wentai looked at him in silence, making him nervous. “Um… I’ll study more and retake it later.”


Zhan Wentai didn’t deny it. The priest simply said, “Oral skills are very important. Your pronunciation was not accurate before you left Dark Star. Now, though some words are unfamiliar, your pronunciation is standard.”


In interstellar communication, sometimes different species had to use a common language due to language barriers, making oral skills very advantageous.


Although Jian Luo’s skills were lacking, staying with Lu Shifeng had helped him pick up proper pronunciation through exposure. Jian Luo asked, “Teacher, do you think, with my current level, I can communicate if I get lost?”


Zhan Wentai was blunt. “Can you understand a three-year-old’s babbling?”


Jian Luo choked up. “Sometimes.”


“Mm.” Zhan Wentai nodded. “About that level.”




Thanks a lot.


His heart was shattered, but Jian Luo understood the importance of oral skills. If he wanted to expand his business and succeed, he needed these skills, just as Lu Shifeng had said. There would come a day when he’d have to manage things independently, without constant help.


So—he needed to work hard.


Because so many people were helping him, many were watching him. If he failed or made mistakes, people wouldn’t just laugh at him but also at those backing him.


Zhan Wentai noticed his low spirits and took out a pouch from his pocket.


Jian Luo was curious. “What is this?”


“A strength talisman,” Zhan Wentai said concisely. “Use it when you feel weak or down. Just tear it apart.”


Jian Luo opened his mouth in awe. “Is it magic?”


Zhan Wentai nodded.


Although Jian Luo found it amazing, he couldn’t fathom the value of a talisman made by the Phoenix clan. A phoenix spirit talisman, drawn with blood as ink and breath as a brush, required mind-body unity and was extremely rare. An auction once sold one of Zhan Wentai’s talismans for a planet, indicating its worth.


Holding a planet’s worth in his hand, Jian Luo chuckled. “It’s so pretty, I can’t bear to tear it.”


Zhan Wentai calmly sipped tea. “It’s fine. If you use it, I’ll make another.”


“Really?” Jian Luo was pleasantly surprised. His eyes curved into crescents when he smiled. “Thank you, teacher.”


Zhan Wentai lowered his eyes, not responding.


But Jian Luo understood. He said, “Teacher, I’ve recently developed some new dishes. I’ll make some and bring them over this afternoon.”


Zhan Wentai said, “No need to trouble yourself.”


Jian Luo quickly said, “It’s no trouble at all!”


Kidding, he thought, receiving such a precious talisman for free. Although he didn’t know its exact worth, anything the priest gave must be extraordinary, probably worth thousands!



In the afternoon, Jian Luo was taken for physical training.


Lu Shifeng’s battleship had a large training room with all kinds of facilities, some customized for human use.


Lu Shifeng walked in from outside.


Jian Luo, rubbing his belly, asked, “How long do I need to exercise?”


Lu Shifeng selected a few pieces of equipment. “Set your bracelet to exercise mode. Stop when it shows an energy value of 80.”


Jian Luo adjusted his bracelet.


To test how the energy value increased, he decided to run a lap. The training ground was about the size of a basketball court, just right for one lap. It was tiring but manageable.




After one lap, Jian Luo, hands on his hips, checked his bracelet. The number was discouraging, breaking his heart a bit. “5?”


How many laps would that take?!


Lu Shifeng approached. “After running, you also need to strengthen your limbs.”


Against the wall was a variety of equipment, all custom-made for human height and endurance, showing great care.


Jian Luo felt tired. “Can I sit for a while?”


“After running, it’s bad for your heart to sit immediately,” Lu Shifeng said without looking back. “Come over.”






Lu Shifeng was extremely


 strict when teaching, so Jian Luo didn’t dare argue and obediently followed to practice.


After going through several sets of equipment, his energy value reached 50.


Jian Luo, panting and slightly petulant, said, “I can’t do it anymore. I’m really done.”


Lu Shifeng took out a towel to wipe his sweat. “Rest for a while.”


Jian Luo naturally said, “I want some water.”


Lu Shifeng fetched a bottle, opened it, and handed it to him. “Drink slowly.”


After a break, they resumed running. Jian Luo’s running was more like walking, but Lu Shifeng didn’t stop him, accompanying him at a slow pace. After a few laps, Lu Shifeng had him do some stretching exercises before resting.


Jian Luo sat on the ground. Due to his pregnancy, his limbs were swollen, and even slight movements could cause cramps. Just as he sat down, his leg started to ache.


Lu Shifeng asked, “Legs uncomfortable?”


Jian Luo nodded. “A bit. I’ll get some calcium tablets from the doctor later.”


Lu Shifeng knelt and skillfully massaged his leg. “Probably didn’t stretch enough. Massaging will help.”


The interaction between the two was very natural. The adjutant stood quietly at the doorway, watching, observing a side of the marshal he had never known.


Previously, he always thought Lu Shifeng was extremely cold and serious. He never got distracted by anyone, nor did he soften for anyone. He treated everyone ruthlessly, showing occasional gentleness only to the little dragons.


But even with the little dragons, Lu Shifeng was never lenient during training.


The adjutant once believed that this was just Lu Shifeng’s personality, his true nature that wouldn’t change. He thought the marshal was naturally like this with everyone.


But he was wrong. He was completely wrong. His past perceptions were overturned today when he saw Lu Shifeng standing beside Jian Luo, looking at him with gentle eyes and caring actions. It turned out Lu Shifeng could look at someone with such tenderness, be patient in taking care of someone, and even kneel down to massage someone’s legs.


It turned out…


It turned out…


Unexpectedly, the adjutant felt a strange emotion rising in his heart. He felt… jealous of Jian Luo.


Was it because of the children?


If there were no children, or if the children were someone else’s, his, would he receive such tenderness?


He had been by Lu Shifeng’s side for hundreds of years but had never received such gentleness. He had given his all, his utmost effort, yet never earned even a glance. He used to comfort himself, believing that Lu Shifeng was like this with everyone. But today, seeing this scene, he could no longer deceive himself.


Yes, the thing he longed for and desired could be easily obtained by someone else.



Jian Luo moved his legs: “Much better.”


Seeing him covered in sweat, Lu Shifeng knew he had worked hard. “Go take a bath. Tell the chef what you want for dinner.”


Usually, Jian Luo would teach the chef when he cooked. Many homestyle dishes the chef had learned from him, so when Jian Luo was busy, the chef would cook.


Jian Luo nodded lightly: “Okay.”


Reaching an energy value of 80 was really too difficult.


Kid, your dad is really going all out for you.


Just when he thought he had reached his limit, as the months passed, he hadn’t expected the energy value to keep increasing.


Lu Shifeng said, “Exercising is also good for you.”


“I hate it,” Jian Luo gritted his teeth. “Once they’re born, I’m never coming to this stadium again.”


Standing beside him, Lu Shifeng responded slowly, “Okay, we’ll go somewhere else.”




Jian Luo was full of question marks.


As the due date approached, it was clearly not suitable to give birth in the Elf territory. With time passing, only a month remained.


Jian Luo video-called Su Liang.


Su Liang asked, “Luo Luo, is your due date approaching?”


Jian Luo was chewing on dried fruit: “Yes, it’s less than a month now.”


“Are you coming back then?” Su Liang was very worried, “You must take care of your health.”


Jian Luo nodded: “We are coming back. I’m already on the battleship. It will take about five or six days to get back.”


Su Liang responded, her heart filled with worry. She knew there had been no precedent of humans getting pregnant. Even with advanced Dark Star technology, the process might not be foolproof. Moreover, no one knew if there would be issues during the birth of the dragon cubs, and if complications arose, who would be prioritized.


Thinking about this, Su Liang’s eyes reddened: “Luo Luo, you must be okay. Mom is waiting for you to come back.”




Jian Luo hadn’t been nervous, but her words made him anxious again.


He comforted her: “It’s okay, mom. After I have the babies, I’ll come back and live with you and my brother. No more worries.”


Su Liang, eyes red, nodded.


Compared to Su Liang’s excitement, Jian Luo had passed the phase of anxiety. He had worried enough and considered all possible outcomes, thinking he had envisioned the worst-case scenario, nothing worse could come.


“Knock knock knock.”


A knock sounded at the door.


Jian Luo said, “Come in.”


Secretary Jin stood outside with a meal cart. “Luo Luo, His Majesty and the others are on the front battleship. They have matters to discuss, and will come over later.”


Jian Luo was watching videos, these were childbirth tutorials. He nodded: “Okay.”


Secretary Jin, fearing he might be lonely, suggested, “Actually, you don’t have to stay in your room all the time. You can go out for a walk. We have built entertainment stations in other places too. Don’t worry, it’s very safe inside the battleship!”






Before she finished speaking, an explosion was heard from not far away, causing the room to shake. The attacked battleship wasn’t theirs but the Emperor’s.


Jian Luo and Secretary Jin exchanged glances, both surprised.


Secretary Jin froze: “It seems His Majesty’s battleship was attacked.”


“Really?” Jian Luo became nervous: “Are they assassins? No, are they here to kidnap the Emperor?”


Secretary Jin wasn’t sure. The Emperor had always faced various life threats, as Dark Star was extremely wealthy. Many illegal organizations attempted to kidnap the Emperor to gain maximum profit from Dark Star.




Another explosion shook the room.


Jian Luo, having some revolutionary friendship with the young emperor, said: “Is it okay over there? Should we go and check?”


Secretary Jin nodded: “His Majesty might be in danger, but Luo Luo, my duty is to protect you. You are very important, I cannot leave.”


Jian Luo, also scared, decided: “Then don’t leave.”




Alright then.


Both were worried. Just then, there was a knock at the door. Secretary Jin asked cautiously, “Who is it?”


The adjutant stood outside. “It’s me. The marshal sent me to protect Luo Luo.”


The smart door scanned, confirming it was the adjutant. Secretary Jin opened the door, anxious: “How are things up front?”


“Not good.” The adjutant adjusted his glasses. “It seems the attackers are well-prepared. This time, they are determined to kidnap the Emperor. Level one defense has been activated. During the battle with the interstellar pirates, did you input their data and the battleship’s defense data? The command center needs you to verify it now. The marshal sent me to replace you.”


Secretary Jin said, “Yes, I did. Is there a problem with the data?”


The adjutant nodded: “There are some discrepancies. They want you to check it out. It’s very dangerous over there, don’t waste any time.”


Secretary Jin quickly responded: “Take care of Luo Luo. Remember, no matter what, the troops here cannot be withdrawn.”


The adjutant nodded: “Understood.”

T/N: Hey there! How have y’all been? If you missed the previous TN, been busy with life and all, so apologies for the super delayed update, but I plan on finishing this series this year so hang on tight! Please accept this mass-update as an apology! We will get back to a regular update schedule till the last chapter is published (ch180).  There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! Hope you’ve all stayed healthy!

Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep

and many, many more!


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!


Chapter 112 – Beloved of the Big Boss

Chapter 112 – Beloved of the Big Boss


Seeing the fiery gazes around, Jian Luo felt very complicated.


Before he could speak, people had already surrounded them. A bold girl, holding a flower, blushing, stammered, “H-Hi, this is for you.”


Jian Luo glanced at the girl, feeling a bit sulky.


The girl kept glancing at Lu Shifeng, shyly waiting for his nod to eagerly add him on WeChat.


Lu Shifeng showed no reaction, but Jian Luo watched them with a fierce glare, his eyes wide and sparkling, his ears perked like an elf. Naturally, such a direct gaze caught Lu Shifeng’s attention.


Lu Shifeng glanced sideways at Jian Luo.


Jian Luo snorted, “Why are you looking at me when someone is giving you a flower?”


The girl, curious about their interaction, stubbornly tried to hand over the flower, “Please accept it.”


Lu Shifeng coldly looked at her and said, “I don’t need it.”




The girl was stunned.


Lu Shifeng didn’t care, leading Jian Luo past her and away with such grace and decisiveness that it left others in awe.


The girl was dumbfounded.


Jian Luo was also a bit dazed, admiringly saying, “So decisive.”


Lu Shifeng sneered, “Not as decisive as you hanging up on the people you were on the line with before.”




He still remembered that.


As Jian Luo silently cursed him for being petty, more people gathered around. The first girl being rejected didn’t dampen the enthusiasm of others.


“Hi, this is my flower.”


“Here’s my number.”




A group of girls surrounded them, chatting noisily.


At first, Lu Shifeng politely rejected them one by one, but eventually, he ignored them entirely. Jian Luo watched in awe. There were even boys among the flower givers, which was surprising.


Jian Luo said to Lu Shifeng, “You seem calm despite all these people liking you.”


Lu Shifeng walked on, “Is it surprising?”


The implications of his words were complex.


Jian Luo suddenly had a bold guess, “Have many people confessed to you before?”


Lu Shifeng replied calmly, “Dark Stars don’t usually give flowers.”


Jian Luo: “What do they give then?”


“We’re more direct, giving items based on preference or capability,” Lu Shifeng explained as they walked.


Jian Luo realized something important, hesitating, “Giving items is a way of confessing? What if you give something out of politeness, wouldn’t it be misunderstood?”


They arrived at a toy store.


Lu Shifeng stopped in front of a shelf, “Dark Stars don’t casually give items unless they want to express goodwill.”


Jian Luo choked.


He had never known this custom.


Unexpectedly, Small clothes, small shoes, small accessories, baby products—everything was available.


Jian Luo stopped in front of the shelf, looking at the adorable children’s clothing, and liked everything he saw. “It would be great if I could take some back.”


Lu Shifeng said, “Remember the styles, and you can get someone to make them when we get back.”


Jian Luo nodded.


Beyond this shelf was the accessories section, filled with bracelets, rings, necklaces, all glittering and attracting many young girls, and of course, some who were there with their partners.


In the ring section, the crowd was especially dense.


Young couples naturally loved buying rings. Some girls were trying on rings, incredibly happy. “Does it look good?”


“It looks good.”


“I like it too, it’s really beautiful.”


“When I have money in the future, I’ll definitely buy you a real one.”


Young girls often yearn for love and are willing to go through hardships with their boyfriends. Sometimes, just a promise is enough to win their hearts.


As expected, one girl said, “It’s okay, we can save money to buy a house. When we get married, we can buy a small diamond ring…”


Jian Luo watched with great interest from the side.


Lu Shifeng seemed to gain some insight and said, “Do Earthlings need accessories for marriage?”


Jian Luo casually replied, “Not just any accessory will do. Usually, you need a diamond ring for a proposal. For the wedding, there are the three golds, but the wedding itself can be a bit more complicated, with the three letters and six etiquettes, and so on.”


Seeing that many people liked diamond rings, Lu Shifeng asked, “Do you like them?”


Jian Luo didn’t expect the question to turn to him. He thought for a moment and honestly replied, “These things feel so distant. Besides, humans on Dark Star stopped following these customs a long time ago. It probably won’t have anything to do with me in this lifetime.”


Even if he were to get married in the future, there wouldn’t be these rituals.


Actually, it’s quite nice to see them in dreams. At least he could relive some moments, which wasn’t bad.


Lu Shifeng glanced at him a few more times but said nothing.


Jian Luo said, “Let’s go eat. It’s rare for us to be here. I have to show you the ancient Earth’s food culture. You’ll think the food I make is weak in comparison. Only they are true culinary masters!”


As they spoke, many men and women in the mall holding flowers started eyeing them. Some looked like they were about to make a move.


Jian Luo quickly said, “Shall we go?”


Lu Shifeng didn’t expose his various little thoughts. “Let’s go.”


To cater to the dragon’s love for spicy food, Jian Luo specifically chose a hot pot restaurant, an authentic Chongqing hot pot with great flavors.


Jian Luo ordered some ingredients not available on Dark Star. “Shrimp paste, rice cakes, this sausage is super delicious. What do you want to eat? I’ll order for you!”


Lu Shifeng sat across from him, lazily leaning against the soft couch. “Anything.”


Jian Luo ordered according to his own preferences.


When the food was served, the pot started bubbling with spicy steam, smelling incredible. Jian Luo said, “Try it.”


He had missed this taste for a long time.


Later, he still needed to pack some fried chicken and various junk foods to satisfy his long-standing cravings.


Lu Shifeng took a few bites, not showing much on his face, but it was obvious he was eating less than usual and not as much as he did when eating with Jian Luo.


Jian Luo asked suspiciously, “Doesn’t it taste good?”


Lu Shifeng didn’t hide it, simply saying, “It’s not as good as yours.”




Jian Luo’s hand holding the chopsticks trembled slightly.


He looked up, trying to find some insincere traces on Lu Shifeng’s face, but the marshal was frank, as if he was just stating a fact.


Jian Luo said, “What’s the difference? Isn’t hot pot all the same?”


Lu Shifeng leaned back on the couch, raising an eyebrow. “A watermelon and a fool are both ‘gua’ (melons)1西瓜(watermelon) and 傻瓜(fool) share the same 2nd word. Are they the same?”




As expected of you.


No matter what, being recognized by others did touch Jian Luo a little. He ate two big bowls with tears in his eyes and then packed some ingredients to cook separately for Lu Shifeng later.


As they left the hot pot restaurant, a broadcast sounded outside:


“Dear guests, welcome to the large-scale dating event at our Wanxing Mall. The biggest winner of our event, the customer who received the most flowers, has been selected. Please look at the big screen!”


In the center of the square was a large screen, visible to almost everyone in the mall, making a significant impact.


Jian Luo looked up and saw Lu Shifeng in green clearly reflected on it.


Jian Luo pointed, “Dragon Bro, it’s you.”


The broadcast announced, “We detected that this gentleman is our biggest winner today. Please come to the hall on the first floor to receive our super deluxe gift package!”


Jian Luo’s mouth dropped open. “Wow, you won.”


Lu Shifeng remained expressionless.


“I wonder what the prize is.” Jian Luo was as excited as if he had won. “Shall we go see?”


Lu Shifeng had no interest in the prize, but the excited Jian Luo, who hadn’t won anything in ages, was very keen on the deluxe gift package, chattering all the way down.


Finally, they arrived on the first floor.




Confetti exploded.


The gathered crowd applauded. “Congratulations to this gentleman for becoming today’s most popular contestant and winning our deluxe gift package!”


Everyone was extremely excited, smiles on their faces, except Lu Shifeng, who remained indifferent. Before presenting the prize, the manager asked, “Before we award the prize, is there someone you like among those who sent flowers to you?”


Lu Shifeng: “No.”


The manager’s smile froze.


The atmosphere turned awkward. After all, this was a dating show, and even to humor the crew, he should have said something.


The manager tried to ease the tension. “Do you have someone you’d like to send flowers to?”


Probably not.


Because this guy seemed indifferent to everything.


Just as everyone was losing hope, Lu Shifeng nodded. “Yes.”


The manager’s eyes lit up. “Is he here? Can we invite him over?”


Lu Shifeng: “No.”




As expected of you.


Though reluctant, the manager had to swallow his frustration and led Lu Shifeng to unveil the grand prize.


The box was securely packaged, generally requiring scissors to open. Just as the manager was about to fetch scissors, Lu Shifeng easily untied it like unwrapping a ribbon.


The manager’s eyes widened.


The box revealed a delicate black case. Lu Shifeng opened it to reveal a sparkling ring, shining brilliantly under the lights.


The manager started explaining, “This ring, from xx, is valued at about 90,000 Star Dollars…”


Lu Shifeng closed the box and walked away.


Jian Luo, who had been standing on the sidelines unaware, saw Lu Shifeng approaching and curiously asked, “What deluxe gift package?”


Lu Shifeng didn’t hide it. He stood before Jian Luo, opened the box, and the diamond lay quietly in the velvet case. The man holding it gazed silently at Jian Luo. The mall was adorned with colorful flags, filled with floral scents, and accompanied by soft, lyrical music, making it feel like time had stood still, leaving just the two of them.


Jian Luo’s words got stuck in his throat. He could hardly believe it. “Is this the gift package?”


Lu Shifeng nodded.


Jian Luo didn’t know what to say. If it were something else, he might have taken it to look at, but with a ring, he didn’t dare to touch it.


Lu Shifeng said, “Try it on.”




How casually you give out rings.


Jian Luo pouted, “We humans don’t casually give rings.”


Dark Star people really didn’t know anything and just flirted randomly.


Luckily, the manager, who understood the situation, shouted, “Marry him, marry him!”


Because of the manager’s loud shout, other clueless onlookers thought it was a proposal and started chanting, “Marry him, marry him!”




Jian Luo looked at the manager speechlessly.


Lu Shifeng also glanced at the manager. The two of them started, making the manager feel awkward. He scratched his head, “What, isn’t it a proposal?”


Just as Jian Luo was about to speak, Lu Shifeng took out the ring. He threw away the box, took Jian Luo’s hand, and with visible care, placed the ring on Jian Luo’s finger solemnly and seriously.


Jian Luo was stunned.


Lu Shifeng said, “It fits well.”


The manager was dumbfounded. This was the most straightforward proposal he’d ever seen. Regardless of whether the other party agreed or not, he just put it on. Brother, you’re bold!


Jian Luo looked down at the ring on his finger, momentarily speechless.


The manager continued, “I wish you both a long and happy life together, may you grow old together, get your marriage certificate soon, and enter the hall of matrimony!”


Lu Shifeng took Jian Luo away.


After leaving the mall, the wind outside brought Jian Luo back to his senses. He asked, “Why did you put the ring on me?”


Lu Shifeng looked down at him, “Don’t you like it?”


“… That’s not the point.” Jian Luo pursed his lips,


 “For humans, you can’t casually give rings.”


Lu Shifeng: “I know.”


Jian Luo’s eyes widened. For a moment, his heart raced inexplicably, and he breathed more slowly. He looked at Lu Shifeng, a long-held question surfacing, ready to be asked.


“Beep beep beep!”


The knocking sound persisted outside.


Jian Luo opened his eyes, waking from the dream. The room was one the elves had prepared, and the knocking continued persistently.


Lu Shifeng slowly sat up.


Jian Luo smiled wryly, “Why have people been knocking more often since I started using this bed?”


Lu Shifeng’s face was as dark as ink.


The knocking outside remained insistent. Lu Shifeng commanded, “Open the door.”


It was the young emperor, who burst in energetically, “Time to get up, the sun is shining!”




The room fell silent.


The young emperor awkwardly touched his nose, “Did I come at a bad time?”


Lu Shifeng let out a cold laugh.


Jian Luo still gave the young emperor some face: “Your Majesty, you’re overthinking it.”


The young emperor smiled cheerfully. Standing by the bedside, although he couldn’t see inside, he spoke with great enthusiasm: “Luoluo, I’m here to bring you good news. I thought about it all night, and I’ve decided to amend the law. You can check online.”


Jian Luo’s attention was immediately drawn to work: “Really? Let me see.”


He opened StarNet and saw that it was bustling with activity. The empire had rolled out new internet laws and regulations. One clause clearly stated: “In cases of product quality issues requiring returns or exchanges, buyers are obligated to provide genuine and reliable images of the products. Fabrications or severe cases of fraud will constitute a Class B Level 1 cyber fraud, resulting in permanent account bans and entries into the credit system.”


The credit system in the interstellar world, once marred by bad records, affected more than just online shopping. It impacted citizens’ ability to get loans, buy cars and houses, and even use certain software normally. Many privileges would be restricted, and travel would be limited.


With the announcement of this law, the internet was abuzz:


“The Dark Star’s Pearl strikes again.”


“This isn’t the first time laws have been changed because of him.”


“He really doesn’t take any grievances.”


“Don’t put it that way. Some people bullied him first. It wasn’t the streamer causing trouble. I heard there were thousands of malicious refunds. Is it easy to do business?”


There were also plenty of sarcastic voices online.


Some even questioned whether it was necessary to penalize just for not providing photos. Wasn’t the punishment for that blogger too severe?


As everyone was discussing, suddenly, some large online store owners started speaking out.


Interstellar Market’s Flagship Store: “Last December, that buyer purchased a set of tableware worth 3,000 star coins from my store. After receiving the goods, they claimed the ceramics were broken. We asked for photos, and the buyer only provided a picture of a broken wine glass worth 100 star coins, refusing to provide more and demanding a full refund of 3,000 star coins, threatening to file a complaint if we didn’t comply. After machine analysis, we determined the item was broken intentionally by the buyer and not during shipping.”


Lysha’s Clothing: “In March this year, that same buyer bought a limited spring fashion set from our store, totaling about 4,200 star coins. They later returned it, claiming the size was wrong. Upon inspection, the returned item was a counterfeit, and the buyer refused to return the genuine product.”


After the first, there was a second and a third.


Store owners who had long suffered various oppressions suddenly found a public forum, all standing up to expose the nefarious deeds of such buyers.


Gradually, fewer people opposed the new law:


“Some people are indeed malicious.”


“Support the new law, protect the rights of store owners.”


“Honestly, the new law doesn’t harm law-abiding buyers.”


“Are those against it feeling guilty?”


Just when everyone thought the matter was over, the YueSe Group issued a statement regarding the complaint about damaged dried fruit: “Thank you all for your attention and trust in YueSe logistics. User Xiaoyunduo made false claims about our delivery on the 13th of this month, causing significant harm. YueSe announces that henceforth, we will not provide any services to this user. We hope for honest purchases and cooperation.”


The announcement caused a stir online.


While having a bad credit record was bad enough, being blacklisted by YueSe was severe. Everyone knew YueSe’s business spanned every aspect of life, from real estate and cars to daily necessities. Being rejected by YueSe meant being rejected by the entire commercial and daily life sector.


Netizens sighed:


“Light a candle for the brother.”


“Haha, he wanted to bully humans but didn’t know they had powerful backers.”


“He’s done for.”


Just when people thought the drama was over, the M-star’s government’s official website released a statement: “Resident Xiaoyunduo has recently incited inappropriate public opinion online and engaged in severe misconduct, significantly damaging M-star’s image and affecting others. Starting today, we will enforce Class B Level 1 punishment and repossess all properties bought with credit under Xiaoyunduo’s name.”




The entire network fell silent.


That day, everyone understood the consequences of antagonizing the global hope of Dark Star. They realized that while humans might seem weak, their backers were not. Provoking one powerful person could be disastrous, but how could one manage to offend several at once? Xiaoyunduo demonstrated it clearly.

T/N: Hey there! How have y’all been? If you missed the previous TN, been busy with life and all, so apologies for the super delayed update, but I plan on finishing this series this year so hang on tight! Please accept this mass-update as an apology! We will get back to a regular update schedule till the last chapter is published (ch180).  There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! Hope you’ve all stayed healthy!

Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep

and many, many more!


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!


Chapter 111 – Jealousy (Part 2)

Chapter 111 – Jealousy (Part 2)


Jian Luo never expected to encounter such a situation.


Holding the phone, his voice trembled slightly: “Um, Brother Zhou, it might be inconvenient. Something came up at home these past two days, and I’m afraid I can’t meet you.”


Brother Zhou was clearly displeased: “Luo Luo, are you worried I’m a bad person? Don’t worry, I’m not. I just want to be friends.”




I understand, but you need to realize that it’s not my life in danger, it’s yours. I’m trying to save you, brother!


Jian Luo couldn’t reason with him: “Brother Zhou, I really have something to do, let’s forget about meeting up.”


Brother Zhou’s tone turned cold, and he hung up the phone.


Jian Luo breathed a sigh of relief once he heard the call end.


Thinking back, those days were tough. Due to his education level, no formal company wanted him. He tried to find some basic jobs. His first job in a restaurant ended abruptly because the head chef harassed him. Later, he did various jobs and started live-streaming to pay rent. Though he left the countryside, establishing himself in the city was much harder than he imagined, in fact, several times harder.


Gradually, because he came from the countryside and knew many simple, hearty dishes, these down-to-earth foods became sought after by urban white-collar elites. Slowly, his live streams gained popularity.


But the pressure also increased.


For survival, he learned to chat with these people he referred to as ‘big brothers’ and cooked for them.


It wasn’t too troublesome. These big brothers never made excessive demands, at most they ordered dishes and chatted a bit. He remembered one big brother saying: “You’re a kid from the countryside, living alone in the city isn’t easy. We support you as we feel for you.”


Jian Luo never felt ashamed of his streaming career. He lived by his skills and found his way to survive. There was nothing shameful about it.


Thinking of this, Jian Luo said to Lu Shifeng: “When I lived on ancient Earth, I was a streamer. This was my job. They… were like my customers.”


Lu Shifeng sat on the sofa: “Every day?”


Jian Luo was stunned. He remained silent for a moment, then nodded lightly: “I did answer calls every day.”


These were facts. He didn’t want to lie. He told the truth. He never met these people; he only considered them as customers. If the Marshal had any prejudices against him because of this, he had nothing to say.


Lu Shifeng stood up, walked over, and stopped in front of him. This time, he didn’t look down on him but squatted slightly. Given his tall stature, squatting made him look less intimidating, especially in those cute pajamas, significantly reducing his imposing aura.


Jian Luo raised his face and met his gaze.


Lu Shifeng gently parted his thin lips: “You’ve worked hard.”


Jian Luo was taken aback.


Lu Shifeng extended his long arm, placing his large hand on Jian Luo’s head, gently ruffling his hair: “You did well.”


Jian Luo’s eyes widened. They were very close, and he could clearly see those eyes. They held no disdain or belittlement, only a gentle touch on his head and the words, “You’ve worked hard.”


Jian Luo pressed his lips together. He wanted to say something, but his eyes reddened first. He finally lowered his head, muttering: “It’s all in the past anyway.”


Lu Shifeng’s lips curved into a gentle smile.


The atmosphere was warm. Sunlight poured in through the window, bringing warmth. Birds chirped outside, and time seemed to stand still.


Jian Luo and Lu Shifeng were very close. Their gazes locked, breaths mingling, slowly leaning in—


“Ring ring ring!”


Another call came in.




Jian Luo quickly retreated behind the bed.


Lu Shifeng gave the phone a cold glance. Under his gaze, Jian Luo instinctively felt the phone’s life was in danger. He quickly said: “I’ll turn it off right now!”


No matter what, his life was more important!


Jian Luo turned off the phone, and the world fell silent. However, the atmosphere from before had completely vanished. Scratching his head, Jian Luo said, “Since it’s rare for you to come here, how about I take you out for a bit? There’s a lot we can do at this time.”


Lu Shifeng stood up, “Let’s go.”


Jian Luo quickly went into the bathroom, freshened up, and changed clothes. Seeing Lu Shifeng still in his pajamas, he decided the Marshal needed a change of clothes too.


Jian Luo came out and said, “Let’s go to the mall and buy you some clothes.”


Lu Shifeng didn’t mind.


They left the small, shabby rental apartment and went outside to Jian Luo’s only means of transportation—a bicycle.


Jian Luo leaned against the bike and asked, “Can you ride?”


Lu Shifeng looked at the wobbly, seemingly ready-to-fall-apart bicycle and said, “We’ll walk.”




In the end, they took the bus.


If it were just Jian Luo on the bus, it would have been fine. But the problem was having Lu Shifeng with him. Even in pajamas, the Marshal was incredibly eye-catching. His tall, upright stature, handsome and stern face, and noble aura made him a walking advertisement.


The bus passed through the university district, and several young men and women boarded. Upon seeing Lu Shifeng seated in the back, their eyes lit up—more accurately, they sparkled with excitement.


Jian Luo’s mouth twitched, grumbling, “What’s so interesting?”


While he was still muttering, a bold girl approached them. She straightforwardly asked, “Hi, handsome, can I add you on this chatting app?”


Lu Shifeng raised his eyelids to glance at her. His red eyes were like the purest rubies, cold and untainted. His stern face bore no extra expressions as he lightly replied, “No.”


The girl’s eyes widened, covering her mouth in excitement despite his reply.


Heavens! Such perfect beauty! How could someone’s eyes be this lustrously red and beautiful?


Jian Luo, feeling uncomfortable under all these gazes, quickly pulled Lu Shifeng out of the bus as they reached their stop. A group of girls blocked the door, making it hard for Jian Luo to get off. In the end, Lu Shifeng protected him, effortlessly leading him out. Once off the bus, Lu Shifeng had him stand by the platform and glanced back at the bus.


Jian Luo gave him a sideways glance, his voice chilly, “What, do you want to go back and add her contact info?”


Lu Shifeng turned back, looking down at him as if he were a child throwing a tantrum. He raised an eyebrow, “Why are you angry?”


Jian Luo put his hands on his hips, stubbornly saying, “I’m not angry!”


They were supposed to go to the mall, but they got off early. This area wasn’t a mall but had many street vendors selling various clothing styles.


Jian Luo had an idea.


He led Lu Shifeng to a stall and picked out a pair of black sunglasses for him: “Put these on. It’ll hide the color of your eyes. Normal Earthlings don’t have that shade.”


Lu Shifeng had no objections.


Seeing him obediently put on the sunglasses, Jian Luo’s face showed a satisfied smile. With his eyes covered, those people shouldn’t swarm around him!


Feeling pleased, he said, “Let’s go. I saw a suitable outfit at a stall just now.”


Lu Shifeng followed him.


The stall owner, an old lady, had never seen such a handsome young man before. Seeing Jian Luo about to buy clothes, she eagerly said, “100 yuan for two pieces.”


Jian Luo felt the fabric, “So expensive. Are you in the same business as me?”


Old lady: “What do you do?”


“I rob banks.”




“This young man loves to joke.” The old lady refused to give up, looking at Lu Shifeng. “How about this? Since you’re intent on buying, 50 yuan for two pieces.”


Jian Luo was pleased.


While he was picking clothes, the old lady made her move on Lu Shifeng. Eagerly, she asked, “Young man, how old are you?”


Jian Luo was scared that Lu Shifeng would honestly say he was five hundred years old, so he quickly interjected, “He’s 25.”


The old lady’s smile deepened, “The perfect age. Are you seeing anyone? I have a daughter…”




The sound of knocking on the clothes rack interrupted her.


Jian Luo held a shirt, gritting his teeth, “Old lady, there is a small hole on your clothes.”


“Oh no, my fabric is very good…”


After some haggling, Lu Shifeng finally changed into a new outfit. The Marshal looked at the green suit on him, raising an eyebrow in indifference.


Jian Luo was quite satisfied, “Not bad.”


Lu Shifeng said, “Earthlings are very enthusiastic.”


“…… They vary by person.” Jian Luo was honest, “Mostly by looks.”


He was no different. If it weren’t for Lu Shifeng’s face, he wouldn’t be so willing to have his child!


Lu Shifeng said, “Dark Stars have different preferences.”


Jian Luo was taken aback. He hadn’t studied what Dark Stars liked. Did different beings have different aesthetics?


Curious, Jian Luo asked, “What do Dark Stars like?”


“We prefer cute creatures,” Lu Shifeng said meaningfully, “like humans.”




What a peculiar taste.


As they chatted, they reached the mall. A girl in uniform greeted them with a smile, “Hello, are you single?”




With the Dragon next to him, she actually noticed him?


Girl, you have good eyes!


Jian Luo asked, “Why me?”


The girl smiled warmly, “If you’re single, here’s a flower for you.”


Jian Luo took it, “Thank you.”


He thought it was just receiving a flower, but people were truly sinister. After walking a few steps, he realized the mall was holding a large matchmaking event. Single visitors were given a flower with a number. If they liked someone, they could give them the flower.


The person who received the most flowers would become the popularity king, winning a valuable prize and choosing a desired partner from the flower givers.


Upon entering, they were greeted by a strong fragrance of flowers.


Jian Luo clicked his tongue, “Would anyone really give flowers to a stranger…”


As soon as he spoke, someone looked over. There were many young girls and boys in the mall. Although they came to play, not really for matchmaking, seeing the man standing at the entrance made their hearts race and hands tremble.


“Oh my god, so handsome.”


“He’s wearing sunglasses. Is he a celebrity?”


“Ah, he has a flower, he’s single.”


“Girls, I’m going first!”


Author’s Note: Jian Luo: I’m jealous!

T/N: Hey there! How have y’all been? Been busy with life and all, so apologies for the super delayed update, but I plan on finishing this series this year so hang on tight! Please accept this mass-update as an apology! We will get back to a regular update schedule till the last chapter is published (ch180).  There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! Hope you’ve all stayed healthy!

Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep

and many, many more!


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!

Chapter 60 – (Side Story Finale) Overcoming the Tribulation

       The injury on Erbao’s leg needs to be treated by removing the poison. Otherwise, his body will remain weak, and it will be difficult for him to recover fully.

       Everyone looked at Yun Po.

       Yun Po said, “What do you want me to do? Are you guys going to pay the bill?”

       Song Jun asked, “Does Master Yun Po have any solution?”

       Yun Po looked at Erbao’s wound again and said, “It’s not troublesome. Just take it back to Hongyin Temple and let my master help extract the poison. But it’s a demon, and it knocked over my car. Why should I help him.”

       Song Jun said, “Monk…”

       “Hey!” Yun Po interrupted him, “I’m not merciful, so shut up. Your family still hasn’t paid back the money you guys owe me.”

       Luo Fei said at this time, “Didn’t I help them pay it back?”

       Yun Po turned to Luo Fei and smiled, “Benefactor Luo is Benefactor Luo. He is different from these people. If it is your request, I will consider it.”

       Hearing this, Song Jun raised his hand and bumped Feng Junyuan.

       “?” Feng Junyuan was confused, “I have no money.”

       Song Jun whispered, “I’m not asking you to pay. I’m asking you to ask Luo Fei for help.”

       Feng Junyuan said, “Can I?”

       Song Jun nodded, “Go and try.”

       So Feng Junyuan walked to Luo Fei and pulled Luo Fei’s sleeve, “Mr. Luo.”

       Luo Fei turned to look at him, stretched out his hand to push the messy hair on his forehead to one side, and said with a smile, “What’s the matter?”

       Feng Junyuan said, “Can you let Master Yun Po save Erbao?”

       Luo Fei smiled and asked, “Why?”

       Feng Junyuan actually felt pity for Erbao. After all, they all watched Long Xing pick the dog up at that time. However, Feng Junyuan’s emotions were not as rich as those of Long Xing and Song Jun, and he didn’t feel any affection for Erbao.

       Seeing that Feng Junyuan didn’t speak, Luo Fei lured him and said, “If I save him, how will you thank me?”

       Feng Junyuan hesitated and turned to look at Xia Hongshen.

       Xia Hongshen had no intention of saving Erbao and said to Feng Junyuan, “Come back.”

       So Feng Junyuan stopped talking and went back to Xia Hongshen.

       Erbao lay on the ground and slowly closed his eyes at this time as if it didn’t matter whether his injury was treated or not; Long Xing didn’t want him anyway.

       Song Jun sighed, walked to the window and looked out.

       They were now on the second floor of the amusement park office building. It was very lively outside, with many demons gathered just to take a look at the legendary Firefly. And since they didn’t show up in the office building after a long time, the demons entertained themselves, and it turned into a carnival.

       Song Jun’s ears were filled with all kinds of happy music, and the rides in the amusement park began to operate.

       At this moment, a thunder exploded from the sky.

       Song Jun was slightly startled. He raised his head and looked into the distance. He saw that the sky in the distance was faintly white, and the thunder was followed by rolling thunder coming in this direction.

       Long Xing suddenly ran to Song Jun, looked out the window together, and then said, “Not good!”

       He returned to Erbao and asked anxiously, “Are you going through a tribulation1in some novels, a trial encountered by cultivators at key points in their cultivation, which they must resist and ultimately transcend. Because immortal cultivation (generally) goes against the Will of Heaven, the Heavens will send down tribulations to oppress high-level cultivators who make progress towards Immortality, often right when they enter a new cultivation stage. This typically takes the form of a lightning storm, with extraordinarily powerful bolts of lightning raining down from the Heavens to strike at the cultivator.?”

       Song Jun suddenly realised that he felt the thunder a bit strange, which made him slightly uneasy. Then he recalled that the current situation was very similar to that of Demon Zhen, who had overcome the tribulation and become immortal. This thunder was not an ordinary thunder.

       Sure enough, the thunder was getting closer and closer.

       Song Jun said, “Tell everyone to hide and avoid accidental injuries!”

       How could the little monsters outside be able to withstand the thunder tribulation of Firefly?

       Fortunately, this was the office building of an amusement park. Luo Fei immediately asked someone to make a broadcast, asking all the demons in the amusement park to find a place to hide and avoid being struck by the thunder.

       In an instant, the entire amusement park was in chaos.

       Yun Po said, “What should we do here? If it stays here, we will all suffer!”

       Xia Hongshen said, “Throw it out.”

       Erbao opened his eyes and said nothing. He glanced at Long Xing weakly, his eyes slightly moist.

       It was like it was about to die at that time, lying on the ground waiting for death, but Long Xing stayed and fed it a sip of water.

       Long Xing looked at it in a daze.

       Song Jun raised his hand and bumped Long Xing and said, “You don’t want to see it die, do you?”

       Long Xing shook his head, “But we can’t help it with its Heavenly Tribulation.”

       Song Jun said, “If you can’t help, someone can, as long as you are willing to beg Senior Brother Xia for it.”

       Long Xing hesitated.

       The thunder was getting closer and closer.

       Xia Hongshen suddenly walked up to Erbao, grabbed it by the back of the neck, and wanted to throw it out.

       Erbao didn’t struggle; just whimpered softly.

       Long Xing turned around and knelt down next to Xia Hongshen, grabbed the hem of Xia Hongshen’s clothes, and called out, “Master.”

       Xia Hongshen had a cold expression, clearly not very pleased.

       Long Xing held on to Xia Hongshen and secretly looked at Feng Junyuan and Xi Anling.

       Xi Anling curled her lips, walked over and knelt down with Long Xing, and said softly, “This dog is quite pitiful…”

       Feng Junyuan was the last one to come over and just knelt down after Long Xing without saying anything.

       Xia Hongshen glared at Song Jun.

       Song Jun smiled and said, “Save it.”

       Xia Hongshen said to Long Xing and others, “Go away all of you!” Then he threw Erbao away and reached out to Song Jun with one hand.

       Song Jun changed form in his hand, then Xia Hongshen held Chunjun, jumped out of the window and climbed to the top floor.

       Long Xing and Feng Junyuan jumped out immediately.

       Xi Anling chased to the window and shouted, “I’m not going! Be careful!” After saying that, she couldn’t help but worry as she looked out of the window. Then, she grabbed a frightened little squirrel by the wall and buried it in her chest.

       Luo Fei saw Feng Junyuan following him out, so he said, “I’ll help them,” and then followed him out.

       Wan Mingguang said to Yun Po, “Let’s go too!”

       Yun Po quickly grabbed him, “Why are you joining in the fun? Aren’t you afraid of being beaten to a pulp?”

       Wan Mingguang looked at the Erbao on the ground worriedly and said to Yun Po, “Then you save it first.”

       Yun Po was still a little unhappy.

       Wan Mingguang said, “Please, Master.”

       Yun Po said “Ay, ay, ay” a few times irritably and finally said, “Forget it, for your sake.” He squatted down and helped to treat the wound on Erbao’s leg.

       The demons in the entire amusement park had all scattered and hidden. After the bursts of thunder, there was still heavy rain in the sky, and then all the lightning and thunder concentrated on the office building, striking straight down.

       Xia Hongshen’s clothes were soaked through. He waved Chunjun, and a blast of thunder split open one after another. There were constant terrifying explosions all around.

       And Long Xing held the Gilded Phoenix Wings in his hand and leaned closely around Xia Hongshen.

       At this time, Luo Fei went up to the top floor and said to Long Xing, “Give me Fengliu, and you go and see the Firefly.”

       Long Xing hesitated for a moment and chose to hand the Gilded Phoenix Wings to Luo Fei, then turned around and went downstairs.

       Luo Fei waved his Gilded Phoenix Wings, caught a thunderbolt hitting his feet, and shattered it with demonic power.

       Xia Hongshen now had enough time to talk to Luo Fei, “What exactly is your true form?”

       The Chunjun and the Gilded Phoenix Wings in their hands immediately focused their attention, also wanting to know what the answer to this question was.

       Luo Fei smiled and asked, “Can’t you see?”

       Xia Hongshen said, “I can see it, but I don’t recognise it.”

       Don’t recognise it? Chunjun and Fengliu were both a little confused. Even Demon Zhen didn’t know what he was.

       However, as the thunder became stronger and stronger, the two people finally had no time to talk and began to concentrate on striking the thunder.

       Long Xing watched Yun Po treat Erbou’s wounds and asked, “Has its poison been removed?”

       Yun Po said, “There is no way to remove it cleanly here. You need to come with me to Hongyin Temple later.”

       Long Xing nodded.

       It took Yun Po some time to treat Erbao’s wounds. Long Xing heard the thunder outside gradually getting weaker. He knew that this thunderstorm had been overcome, and if he wanted to become immortal, he only had this chance.

       He picked up the Erbao and said to it, “I will send you to the top of the building. If you can become an immortal, this residual poison will be nothing to you.”

       However, Erbao shook his head.

       Long Xing said in surprise, “Are you going to let this opportunity go?”

       Erbao said, “I want to follow you.”

       Long Xing looked at it in a daze.

       By this time, the thunder had completely subsided, and the heavy rain had stopped.

       Xia Hongshen and Luo Fei came down from the top floor. They were soaked to the skin, and some wounds were faintly visible on their bodies.

       Long Xing once followed Xia Hongshen to overcome the tribulation and become immortal. He knew that it was not easy to overcome the tribulation. When he saw Xia Hongshen endure such a disaster because of his request, he suddenly felt uncomfortable in his heart. He walked to Xia Hongshen, hugged him and rubbed him.

       Xi Anling also grabbed Xia Hongshen’s hand as if she was frightened and shed a few tears.

       Xia Hongshen touched their heads and then said to Erbao, “You missed the opportunity to become an immortal.”

       Erbao didn’t seem to care. He opened his moist eyes and just looked at Long Xing.

       Later, Yun Po brought Erbao back to Hongyin Temple, and then there was no news about it.

       Two months later.

       Standing in front of the old dormitory building of Forensic Medicine College was a young man wearing a long-sleeved T-shirt and blue jeans. He had white hair on his head, but it had been cut short, making him look fresh and clean.

       The girls passing by couldn’t help but glance at him because he had a handsome face, but he looked a little dull. He kept wandering in front of the dormitory building, not daring to go in.

       Suddenly, a Maserati stopped on the side of the road. Luo Fei got out of the car and saw Erbao standing in front of the dormitory building.

       He asked, “Looking for Long Xing?”

       Erbao hesitated and didn’t speak.

       Luo Fei smiled and said to him, “Come in with me. Long Xing shouldn’t have gotten off work yet. He will be back later. Are you okay?”

       Erbao said, “Okay.”

       Luo Fei then said, “Let me treat you that night. Let’s go out to eat. I’ll call xiao Feng and ask him what he wants to eat…”


The author has something to say:

I suddenly realised that I seemed to have confused the mines of the two stories, but it doesn’t matter. I would like to express my thanks again.

The side stories end here. Mainly because I don’t have the energy to update two stories at the same time. The ending is also perfect, so that’s it.

I keep checking the comment and some readers speculated that Luo Fei might be magical creature, kek
I’ll just keep stalking so I know what the heck is Luo Fei

Thank you for reading this, for the past few episodes, the scheduling system on the web is wonky and it keep missing the schedule and I forgot to publish it on time.
But now it’s all done, I hope to see you guys in other novels too 😀

Support the author by buying the author’s other works and/or giving some jades here~
P.S: the price is cheaper if you buy from the app ><

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and her original novel about a sly cute dragon here~
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Chapter 29

       That day, Chen Youyou eventually drank the cup of coffee, indicating he had forgiven Zhan Weiyang. What made Zhan Weiyang even happier was that the System hadn’t deducted any points from him in the past few days. There were even two nights when it didn’t speak to him at all. Zhan Weiyang fervently hoped that the System had forgotten about him and would never remember him again.

       However, for Zhan Weiyang, nothing could compare with the happiness that Zhan Pengcheng brought him when he returned from his business trip.

       Zhan Pengcheng returned the day before the National Day11st October PRC National Day. Zhan Weiyang had already had his dinner that day and had just returned upstairs when he heard a noise coming from downstairs. He stretched his head out the window of his room to look and was just in time to see Zhan Pengcheng walking through the first-floor door with a suitcase in his hand.

       “Dad!” Zhan Weiyang couldn’t help shouting, then turned around and ran outside. He hurried through the corridor, his slippers clattering on the stairs and ran all the way down. He came to the living room, panting slightly, and saw that Zhan Pengcheng was talking to his grandma.

       Zhan Pengcheng put the box at his feet, walked over, hugged Zhan Weiyang hard, patted his back with the palm of his hand, and called, “Son!”

       Zhan Weiyang showed a happy smile.

       Zhan Pengcheng quickly let go of him and turned around to continue talking to Grandma. Zhan Weiyang stood aside and listened for a while, and listened to him talking about business matters.

       At this time, Pei Qing came down from the second floor, saw Zhan Pengcheng, and called out, “Uncle, are you back?”

       Zhan Pengcheng raised his head and greeted Pei Qing with a smile, “Pei Qing, you have worked hard to take care of the family this month while I was away.”

       Pei Qing said, “It’s not hard for me. You’re the one working hard out there.”

       Zhan Pengcheng still wanted to say something, but Auntie Luo came out of the kitchen and walked towards the dining room with a bowl in hand. As she walked, she said, “Come and eat the noodles first. After you finish, let’s talk slowly.”

       Zhan Pengcheng had rushed straight back after getting off the plane and hadn’t had time to eat dinner yet, so he only asked Auntie Luo to cook a bowl of noodles for him.

       He went to the dining room to sit down and eat noodles. No one else returned to the room, so they went to the dining room to sit with him.

       While eating, Zhan Pengcheng asked his grandma, “Mom, are you feeling well?”

       Grandma folded her arms, stuffed them into her sleeves, and said, “I’m very good.”

       Zhan Pengcheng then asked Zhan Weiyang, “Have you had any exams recently?”

       Zhan Weiyang shook his head.

       Zhan Pengcheng smiled, looked up at Pei Qing, and asked, “Did he behave himself and study?”

       Pei Qing said, “Yes, he is very good every day.”

       Zhan Pengcheng smiled and said, “Don’t hide it from me for him. I know that he sometimes spreads the book on the table and doesn’t read it seriously at all.”

       Zhan Weiyang was sitting next to him. Hearing Zhan Pengcheng’s words, he did not refute but smiled sheepishly.

       Pei Qing lowered his head slightly, smiled softly, and said, “No, he’s really well-behaved.”

       Zhan Weiyang’s eyes darted quickly to Pei Qing, stealing a swift glance. His mouth curved into a slight smile before he immediately looked away again.

       After Zhan Pengcheng finished dinner, Auntie Luo cleaned up and washed the dishes, and Grandma went back to her room to rest. Pei Qing helped Zhan Pengcheng carry the box to the door of his room on the second floor and said, “I’m going back to my room first. Uncle, please rest early.”

       Zhan Pengcheng thanked him, opened the door and pushed the box in.

       Zhan Weiyang followed Zhan Pengcheng, and Pei Qing passed by him when he left. He hooked Pei Qing’s hand with his fingers.

       Pei Qing paused, patted him on the shoulder and said, “Keep your uncle company and chat with him for a while.”

       Zhan Weiyang looked at him and nodded.

       Zhan Pengcheng squatted on the ground and sorted the box. Most of the box contained his clothes. There were a few pieces that he had not washed after wearing them two or three times. He took them out and threw them on the ground.

       Zhan Weiyang walked over and squatted beside him to accompany him quietly.

       Zhan Pengcheng turned his head, looked at Zhan Weiyang and smiled. There were deep wrinkles on the corners of his eyebrows and eyes. These wrinkles would fade slightly when he didn’t smile, but the wrinkles between his eyebrows would not disappear.

       He also had a hard time these past few years.

       Zhan Weiyang’s gaze fell on Zhan Pengcheng’s face.

       Zhan Pengcheng dug out a paper bag from the box, took out a black baseball cap, and raised his hand. He then put it on Zhan Weiyang’s head and said, “Dad bought you a gift. Do you like it?”

       Zhan Weiyang raised his hands to hold the brim of his hat, turned it left and right on his head, and said, “I like it.”

       Growing up, Zhan Pengcheng would buy gifts for Zhan Weiyang whenever he went on a business trip. It was easier when Zhan Weiyang was a child—remote-controlled cars, Iron Man figures, and the like. Now that Zhan Weiyang was growing up, Zhan Pengcheng found it harder to decide what to buy each time. Last time, he bought Zhan Weiyang a pair of sneakers worth over a thousand yuan; this time, he bought a baseball cap.

       But no matter what gift he bought, Zhan Weiyang would always say, ‘I like it’ with bright eyes.

       Zhan Pengcheng couldn’t help but raise his hand, held Zhan Weiyang’s head in his arms, shook it, and said, “Good son.”

       He would ask Zhan Weiyang if he had studied well, but he didn’t really ask him if he had learnt well. He knew that Zhan Weiyang’s grades were not good and there was nothing he could do to improve them. All he hoped for was that Zhan Weiyang could live a happy life, and that was enough for him.

       When Zhan Pengcheng let go of Zhan Weiyang, the hat on Zhan Weiyang’s head was already crooked.

       Zhan Weiyang took off his hat, put it back on, and said with a smile, “Thank you, Dad.”

       Zhan Pengcheng picked up all the clothes thrown on the floor and threw them into the dirty clothes basket in his bathroom, waiting for Auntie Luo to take them to be washed tomorrow.

       When he turned his head from the bathroom to look outside, he saw Zhan Weiyang standing in front of the mirror, trying on the hat. He smiled and said, “Dad’s going to take a shower in a bit. You go back to your room and have some fun.”

       Zhan Weiyang quickly looked back at him.

       He added, “Tomorrow, Xu Song is coming over to play. He’s coming back with your brother. You must not fight and make sure to get along well with your younger brother, okay?”

       Zhan Weiyang said, “Oh.”

       Zhan Pengcheng waved to him, “Go ahead.”

       Zhan Weiyang came out of Zhan Pengcheng’s room and raised his hand to close the door for him. When walking towards his room, he passed Pei Qing’s door. He couldn’t help but walk over and knock on the door.

       He heard Pei Qing say, “Please come in.”

       Zhan Weiyang opened the door and went in. He saw Pei Qing sitting on the edge of the bed, with one leg bent on the bed and the other leg on the edge of the bed. He was holding a mobile phone in his hand as if he was sending a message to someone.

       Pei Qing glanced at him, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, but still looked back at the phone screen and asked casually, “What’s wrong?”

       Zhan Weiyang approached Pei Qing and said, “Qing ge, look at my new hat.”

       Pei Qing smiled and said, “It’s very nice.”

       Zhan Weiyang felt that Pei Qing was perfunctory with him, so he squatted by the bed and looked up at him, saying, “Look at me first.”

       Pei Qing finally put his phone aside, his gaze falling on Zhan Weiyang’s face. He said, “I saw yours, it’s really nice.” After speaking, he reached out, lifted Zhan Weiyang’s hat, and then put it back down.

       Zhan Weiyang stood up happily, took off his shoes, and climbed onto the bed from Pei Qing’s side. He jumped over Pei Qing to the other side and sat down against his own pillow and quilt.

       Pei Qing bent his fingers, tapped twice on the screen of his phone, and said to Zhan Weiyang in a serious tone, “Yangyang, you can’t sleep with me today.”

       Zhan Weiyang originally took his mobile phone out of his pocket. He wanted to take a photo of the hat and send it to Chen Youyou. Suddenly he heard Pei Qing’s words and looked at him blankly, “Why?”

It’s refreshing to see a very gentle and caring parents in danmei

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Chapter 34 – Miss you

       That night, Zhuo Yue nestled in the man’s arms and fell asleep on the soft big bed. Fang Mingyan looked at the bitten lip of the person in his arms and the red whip marks on his chest. He touched his head with some reluctance and said softly, “I’m sorry.” The person in his arms moved uneasily as if he had had some unpleasant dream and snuggled up to him for some comfort. The man held him tighter, stroking his naked back soothingly, bringing him closer to him.

       The next day, Zhuo Yue woke up on time due to his biological clock and found that he was lying on Fang Mingyan’s body like a piece of stubborn adhesive plaster and was still wrapping him like an octopus. The posture was extremely inelegant. He wanted to move away secretly but didn’t dare to wake the man up. After a long time of effort, he finally managed to prop up his upper body. The movement involved the whiplash on his chest, and he couldn’t help but take a breath. Looking directly at the open dark eyes above and below, he froze and called out with some embarrassment, “Master…”

       Fang Mingyan raised his eyebrows, “Using this gesture to wake me up, you’re certainly creative.”

       Only then did he realise that he was straddling on top of the man, and his face suddenly turned red. He hurriedly tried to get off but was stopped by the other person’s words, ‘Don’t move’, and awkwardly remained in his original position.

       His naked body showed beautiful curves. His legs were spread apart, and he was kneeling on the bed. The part between his legs fell into the hands of the man below him without any cover. There was a shy and forbearing expression on his crimson face. This kind of Zhuo Yue was like a beautiful and delicate snack that made people want to enjoy it slowly.

       Fang Mingyan lay lazily on his back, fingers playing with his legs. “Slave, it turns out you like this position, what a surprise.”

       “It’s not… um… I don’t know why when I fell asleep, I didn’t mean to…” He stammered in explanation.

       “If you don’t like this, then…” The man straightened his back, sat up, facing him, and asked, “What about this?”

       Zhuo Yue was startled by such an unexpected approach, and when he leaned back, he was held around his waist. The distance was shortened to an extremely ambiguous range. The tight lower bodies could clearly feel the heat and thickness of the silk pyjamas. The tips of their noses were almost touching, and their breaths were intertwined.

       The handsome face before him, now magnified, bore an ambiguous smile. The hand pressing against his lower back slowly descended and slipped between his buttocks, gently pressing near the entrance of his rear. A soft, deep voice murmured in his ear, “Do you like it?”

       The temperature of his body gradually increased, and the oxygen seemed to be sucked away. Zhuo Yue dared not move and could only let the hand invade his secret parts, causing him to tremble, “Master…”

       “Answer my question.” The man turned his head and licked his earlobe.

       “I don’t know…” His breathing was out of rhythm. Zhuo Yue felt that he was about to burn because of the heat. He mustered up the courage to speak shyly, “As long as Master likes it… so do I…” This was the first time he said it so straightforwardly, but he couldn’t bring himself to say anything more.

       Fang Mingyan curled the corners of his lips. The dark and uncertain light in his eyes gathered into a sea. He lifted Zhuo Yue’s chin and kissed it. Like a gentleman, he gently licked his injured lower lip.

       “Master…” Zhuo Yue leaned against the man softly and gasped softly.

       He used to find it so difficult to say it, but now he wanted to keep calling him so.

       The person whom he once thought was lost forever was now by my side.

       The bottom of his eyes became moistened a little bit, and tears filled his eyes unconsciously.

       “Did I hurt you?” Fang Mingyan was slightly startled when he saw Zhuo Yue’s expression, stopped moving, and carefully checked the injury on his chest.

       “It doesn’t hurt.” Zhuo Yue shook his head.

       “Tell me what’s wrong with you.”

       “I just… suddenly feel like this isn’t real.” Zhuo Yue blushed and looked at him with wet eyes, “It was like dreaming. I feel happy but also very uneasy, I am afraid that the alarm will be triggered, and the next second I wake up, you will be gone.” He pursed his lips guiltily, “I’m sorry, Master.”

       Fang Mingyan knew that Zhuo Yue had always been insecure after experiencing that incident, and such a situation could only be cured through time. He touched Zhuo Yue’s head and said softly, “Don’t worry, I will always be by your side.”

       When the two of them went downstairs, the cook, Zhao, had already prepared breakfast, and Zhou Chi thoughtfully pulled out a chair for him. The sudden appearance of thick cushions on the chair made Zhuo Yue’s face turn red instantly.

       The man who sat down at the main seat chuckled, “Zhou Chi, you prepared this cushion a little early, he doesn’t need it now.”

       Hearing this, Zhou Chi asked Zhuo Yue, “Does Young Master Zhuo need me to remove it?”

       Zhuo Yue’s face was so hot that he could fry an egg. He whispered, ‘No need’ and sat down. He didn’t even raise my head after eating a meal.

       After breakfast, Lin Hui came to pick him up and take him to the airport. He was going to Lidao1or Li Island to participate in the recording of the special episode of “The Right Time to Fall in Love”, which was expected to take a week. This trip was booked long ago and cannot be cancelled. Therefore, Fang Mingyan did not leave any traces on Zhuo Yue’s exposed parts during the morning intimacy.

       The man sent him to the car, straightened his collar, leaned over and whispered in his ear, “Suddenly, I don’t want to let you go, Slave.”

       Zhuo Yue was startled, then laughed, pecked him on the face, and said, “I will always miss you, Master.”


       Lidao was located in the south, surrounded by the sea, with long summer and no winter. The island was covered with lush tropical plants, and the sea breeze was cool and refreshing.

       “The Right Time to Fall in Love” chose such a picturesque place to shoot the scene in order to enhance the romantic feelings of paradise. The four pairs of artists participating in the special episode were voted by netizens from ten pairs of on-screen couples who had participated in the show. Zhuo Yue and Sun Xinxin topped the list.

       Firstly, it was because both of them were highly attractive. Secondly, it was because their performances were captivating. Thirdly, Zhuo Yue had to leave the show abruptly after only four episodes due to health reasons, leaving the audience wanting more. Fans took to the internet, demanding that the show invite the duo back. Thus, this return was also intended to give closure to the on-screen couple.

       The recording started as soon as he got off the plane, and the camera followed him to the hotel, focusing on filming the scene where he reunited with Sun Xinxin. The two had worked together several times and had a tacit understanding, and they played the joy and heartfelt feeling of a long-time reunion to the fullest. Sun Xinxin took the initiative to give Zhuo Yue a hug. Zhuo Yue hugged her back weakly, showing a gentleman’s demeanour in every gesture. He did not forget to give a beautifully wrapped gift and said thoughtfully, “Last time you told me that you like chocolate, so I bought it.” Sun Xinxin was so moved that her eyes were brimming with tears. While taking small bites of her chocolate, she turned to look at him, her face full of gentle, feminine charm.

       When the director called for the ‘cut’, she immediately spat the chocolate in her mouth into the tissue handed to her by her assistant and said with a grimace, “I’m sorry, I’ve gained weight recently and can’t eat such high-calorie foods.”

       “I understand.” Zhuo Yue smiled politely. Female celebrities were very strict about managing their figures, typically avoiding foods like fried chicken, ice cream, and chocolate. The food photos they posted online were mostly just pictures with the food, while what they actually consumed were low-calorie vegetables and fruits. In fact, that box of chocolates had been prepared by Lin Hui according to the show’s requirements; he couldn’t even remember when she had ever mentioned liking chocolate. The show was just a performance catering to the many people who yearned for flawless love by displaying affection to satisfy their pursuit of perfection.

       After their respective groups arrived, the eight people started a ‘group date’ on the beach. One of the games required the male guests to swim to a floating island in the sea to get a garland for their female partner and then complete games with their female partner, such as biting an apple and drilling a circle. The worst group would be punished for cooking.

       This game put a lot of pressure on Zhuo Yue. While the wound on his lip could be temporarily concealed with makeup, the marks on his chest from the whip were something he absolutely couldn’t reveal. As a result, he became the only male guest unwilling to go shirtless. Every movement while swimming strained his muscles, causing him to grit his teeth and endure the pain as he completed the swim. His progress was significantly delayed, and by the time he reached the shore, the other teams were already nearing the finish line.

       Sun Xinxin felt dissatisfied in her heart but still showed a concerned expression. She shouted, ‘Come on’, and came over to cooperate with him in biting the apple. The string hanging the apple was swaying around, and the two people came together and actually touched their lips together, both of them were startled. The two had once shared an ‘on-screen first kiss’, which was awkward for both of them, so they used a camera trick to film it. This time, however, they actually kissed for real. The multi-directional lens captured that moment as clearly as possible. Sun Xinxin blushed and stayed there shyly without saying a word. Fortunately, the other three groups had completed the game at this time, and they became the last ones, so they did not need to continue. Several other couples came over to tease him one after another, saying that Zhuo Yue did it on purpose, preferring to come in last just to steal a kiss.

       Zhuo Yue smiled bitterly. Fang Mingyan once banned him from having close contact with others. If this scene was broadcast and his master saw it… his body ached just thinking about it. In private, he politely asked the director if the scene could be cut. The other person was surprised and said that this was a major attraction and he would never cut it. He was a little helpless, thinking about how to explain to the other party while recording.

       The punishment for the last place was to prepare dinner for eight people.

       When by the sea, seafood was a must. To make seafood delicious, getting the cooking time just right was crucial. Zhuo Yue was busy on one side, and Sun Xinxin kept causing trouble on the other side. She had little experience in cooking. After chopping onions, she touched her eyes with her hands, which made her cry. He had no choice but to immediately put down the pot and clean her. Sun Xinxin leaned on his arms and sniffed.

       “Does it still hurt? Why don’t you sit down for a while?” he asked.

       “It hurts. But I want to help you.” There was a bit of coquettishness in her tone.

       “Sit down and take a rest. You are tired enough today. I will do the rest.” Zhuo Yue performed the gold medal boyfriend’s performance to the fullest. He helped her sit down considerately and returned to the kitchen to play the leading role. After the dinner shooting was over, he returned to the hotel room exhausted, fell on the bed with his eyes closed, and didn’t even want to move his fingers.

       The door opened, and someone walked in. He thought it was Lin Hui, and without opening his eyes, he said dullly, “Just put the clothes there for me. I’ll take a shower later. I’m really tired…”

       However, the bed moved, the other party sat down on the edge of the bed, his voice low and melodious, “The room service I offer can include a bath.”

       Zhuo Yue was startled. He opened his eyes and saw the person in front of him clearly. He sat up immediately and said in surprise, “Master!”

       Fang Mingyan, wearing a loose T-shirt, had a faint smile on his face.

       “You…why are you here?” he asked stammering, and then said to himself in confusion, “Am I dreaming again?”

       Seeing his dumbfounded expression, the man felt funny in his heart and asked, “You don’t want me to come?”

       “Of course that’s not it.” Zhuo Yue’s eyes were bright, like a child who had received a prize—full of joy. He looked at the person in front of him for a moment and then said shyly, “…I miss you very much.”

       These words were spoken with genuine sincerity. He was not someone who easily showed emotion, but once he did, he became steadfast and persistent. After finally reuniting with the man, they were forced to part after just one night, leaving him full of reluctance. During work, he couldn’t help but be distracted many times, thinking of the other person. At this moment, seeing him again, he felt a lot of words stuck in his chest that he couldn’t express, so he used these four words to convey his feelings.

       Fang Mingyan laughed, put his arms around him, and said, “Good boy.”

       He had many subs but had never been sincere to anyone. Zhuo Yue was an exception. He was tempted, but he kept suppressing himself because he didn’t want the other person to enter the BDSM circle. When the man knelt in front of him on the East Coast in tears, he could no longer cruelly push the man away from him. He was a magnanimous person. Now that he had decided to establish a relationship, he would not have any hesitation. Zhuo Yue had always lacked a sense of realness in the relationship between the two, so he gave him a sense of realness. After spending some time in the morning to take care of the official duties, he took a break for himself and flew directly to Lidao to accompany him.

       “By the way, Master, are you tired? Would you like something to drink? The tea here doesn’t taste very good…” Zhuo Yue only then remembered the etiquette of hospitality and hurriedly got up to fetch him a drink, but his wrist was caught.

       “No need, I’m here to provide room service.” There was a teasing smile on the man’s lips. He picked him up with his long arms, went straight into the bathroom, placed him on the flat surface of the sink, and started filling the bathtub with water.

       “Let me do it, Master, I’m not tired…” Zhuo Yue felt very sorry to see him doing it himself and asked several times.

       “Sit down and don’t move.” Fang Mingyan adjusted the water temperature, selected a small pack of bath salts from the toiletries Zhuo Yue brought with him, sprinkled it on, and then began to unbutton him.

       Zhuo Yue sat with a blushing face and let the man take off his clothes one by one. When his slender fingers came to his waist to unbuckle his belt, he trembled slightly.

       Fang Mingyan slowly unzipped his pants and asked, “What are you thinking about?”

       He pursed his lips, and his face became even red, “…Nothing.”

       “Nothing?” The man’s hand reached between his legs, touching Zhuo Yue’s erect c0ck through his underwear, and said, “Slave, you will be punished for lying.”

       Such a subtle touch made the little brother between his legs become even more uncontrollably hard. Zhuo Yue wished he could throw himself into the bathtub and said in embarrassment, “Master…I…” He couldn’t say any more.

       “Tell me why it stands up?” Fang Mingyan opened the edge of Zhuo Yue’s underwear and exposed the delicate member.

       “I don’t know…” He couldn’t answer such a question at all, so he turned his head and looked away in shame. In a blink of an eye, his whole body was lifted off the sink, his loose outer pants fell to the ground, and only the grey boxer briefs were left on him.

       “Look in the mirror.” The hand came from behind and pinched Zhuo Yue’s chin to force him to look in the mirror. The man raised the corners of his lips, deliberately lowered his voice and said in his ear, “Let me guess what you were thinking just now.”

       Zhuo Yue’s sensitive zone is around the ear. The warm breath penetrated into his ears, causing half of his body to feel numb, and he couldn’t help but shudder.

       “You imagined me kissing you, didn’t you?” The man didn’t do anything but spoke in a low and sexy voice behind Zhuo Yue, “Did you imagine me pressing you on this sink and kissing you non-stop, making you breathless? Then licking your sensitive ears and biting your earlobes to make you tremble. I would slowly move down and suck on your nipples, leaving my teeth marks on them. I’ll treat them roughly and make them a better colour. I will leave hickeys on your belly and inner thighs to mark them uniquely for you with my mark…”

       Zhuo Yue’s breathing became more and more rapid. Even though the other party had done nothing, the words had given him endless imagination, and they were like an aphrodisiac that made his desires grow even more intense.

       “Thirsty slave, you must have imagined how I caressed you.” Fang Mingyan was like a bewitching wizard, chanting evil spells behind him, “My hands will knead your two sacs, causing you so much pain that you can’t help but beg me. Then I will use my nails to ravage the little holes you use for excretion and wrap the c0ck between your legs with my palms to masturbate you. I will soon give you the ultimate pleasure, but you can’t release it.” He paused, blew an ambiguous breath into his ear, and said, “Tell me why.”

       Zhuo Yue couldn’t help but moan. His throat was parched, and his body felt as if it was about to burn. All the heat gathered in his lower abdomen, and there was nothing in his head except the blissful world that the man had created for him. He gasped and replied, “Everything about me belongs to Master… I can’t… without Master’s permission…”

       “Very good.” Fang Mingyan narrowed his eyes slightly, “Tell me next, have you ever imagined how I would fvck you?”

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Chapter 59 – (Side Story) Cat and Dog Fight

       The surroundings suddenly became dim, and the streetlights on the distant highway were hazy, leaving only a halo. The group kicked up dust and sand, creating a truly eerie atmosphere.

       Song Jun appeared in human form and couldn’t help but raise his hands to cover his face to avoid the flying sand and stones.

       Xi Anling hid behind Song Jun, held his sleeve, and said worriedly, “Is everything going to be okay?”

       Song Jun didn’t dare to say it, but he believed that there was no demon more powerful than Xia Hongshen in the world. In the many years they had been together, he had seen countless powerful monsters fall to Demon Zhen’s claws.

       As Demon Zhen let out a roar, Qin Song couldn’t resist it and was so frightened that he turned back into his original squirrel form and burrowed into Song Jun’s arms.

       Song Jun quickly grabbed his big tail and told him not to move.

       Firefly rushed over first and bit Demon Zhen. Demon Zhen hit one side of his body and hit his neck with his tail. Although Demon Zhen had long been cultivated into a demon, and even had gained an immortal body, when they fought, they were no different from ordinary beasts. The two formidable monsters engaged in a fierce battle, generating a thick aura of demonic energy. The surroundings were enveloped in a mist, concealing the ongoing conflict from the passing vehicles, leaving them unaware of what was happening.

       Song Jun and the others watched worriedly but had no room to intervene.

       Just a moment later, Song Jun noticed that the monster called the Firefly was showing some signs of fatigue, and he couldn’t help but wonder if there were wounds on his body that had never recovered.

       The moment it showed his mistake, Demon Zhen bit his neck and knocked him to the ground hard.

       He rolled over on the ground and got up. He no longer tried to rush out of the city but turned around and ran away into the city.

       Demon Zhen quickly chased after him.

       “Oh my!” Song Jun shouted.

       Demon Zhen turned back at the sound of his voice, took Song Jun in his mouth, and threw him onto his back, along with the little squirrel and Xi Anling.

       After delaying for such a short time, they could only see the back of the demon from a distance.

       After chasing through another street, the sound and shadow of the demon disappeared.

       Demon Zhen stopped and carefully searched for the beast’s traces. After a while, he transformed back into his human form and said, “Narrow the encirclement. He won’t be able to escape from this area.”

       So, once again, all demonic beasts were mobilised, and the magic circle was once again set up within the area designated by Xia Hongshen. There were always people stationed at the four points of the magic circle. In this way, whenever there was any movement from the beasts, Xia Hongshen could get the news immediately.

       Xia Hongshen and Song Jun stood on the rooftop of a nearby high-rise building.

       Song Jun asked Xia Hongshen, “Can you find it?”

       Xia Hongshen shook his head, “Firefly is exceptionally skilled at concealing its whereabouts. However, as long as it appears, there’s no way it can escape my grasp.”

       Song Jun looked at the tall buildings in the distance, hoping that nothing would happen to Long Xing.

       At this time, Long Xing, who had been sleeping for a long time, finally woke up from the haze.

       When he opened his eyes, he was in a daze, not knowing where he was. Then he realised that he was in a strange room, lying on a soft bed.

       He sat up and suddenly found another person sitting beside the bed. The person had long white hair and was sitting there cross-legged in silence, his face looking a little gloomy.

       But after seeing Long Xing woke up, a pair of dog ears suddenly stood up on his head.

       Long Xing looked at him blankly, and after a moment of mental processing, he suddenly realised and asked, “Erbao?”

       Although the man’s face was still gloomy, the white-haired man stood up and pounced Long Xing onto the bed.

       Long Xing was overwhelmed and said, “Are you really the Erbao? How did you become like this? Why am I here with you?”

       The white-haired man seemed to accept the name Erbao calmly. He said, “Come with me.”

       Long Xing was baffled, “Where to?”

       Erbao told him, “I am going to overcome the tribulation and become an immortal. I will take you to the heavenly realm.”

       Long Xing said, “Why should I go to the heavenly realm? I won’t go.”

       Erbao raised his head to look at him, the ears on his head drooped, “Why don’t you go?”

       Long Xing was a bit frantic, “It was hard for me to follow my Master down here,. Of course I don’t want to go back, I like it here.”

       When Erbao heard this, he looked shocked.

       Long Xing asked strangely, “Do we know each other? Why do you want to take me to the heavenly realm?”

       Erbao said, “You don’t remember me.”

       Looking at his face, Long Xing couldn’t remember where he had seen this person before.

       Erbao said slowly, “Many, many years ago, I once encountered Demon Zhen, and you saved me from a life-and-death situation.”

       Long Xing looked confused. He had no memory at all.

       In fact, at that time, the Firefly was injured by Demon Zhen and fell to the ground, dying. Chunjun and Fengliu followed Demon Zhen away, while Longshao and Yueya were a step slower.

       Yueya asked Longshao, “Will it die?”

       Longshao squatted down, stretched out his hand to test the Firefly’s breathing, and said, “It might. What’s wrong?”

       Yueya said, “Can I eat it?”

       “No,” Longshao said. He lowered his head and saw the Firefly slowly opening his eyes, with tears in his eyes.

       Yueya felt bored and planned to chase Demon Zhen and the others.

       Longshao suddenly stopped her and said, “Go get some water.”

       Yueya helped Longshao bring a handful of water over. Longshao fed the Firefly water, then helped him wash his wounds, then stood up and said, “It’s up to you.”

       The Firefly looked at him with his weak eyes open.

       Longshao couldn’t help but say again, “Don’t overestimate your capabilities.”

       They were the most ferocious beasts, and they would fight to the death if they encountered one. However, Longshao had been following Demon Zhen for a long time, but he had never seen a demonic beast that could fight Demon Zhen.

       In fact, it was just a momentary sense of compassion. As time passed, Long Xing had long forgotten about this incident. Perhaps the supernatural creatures he had once shown mercy to were not limited to just Erbao.

       But the person in front of him still remembered him and wanted to take him away.

       Although Erbao’s expression still looked a little gloomy, as Long Xing looked carefully into his eyes, he was full of expectations for Long Xing.

       Long Xing suddenly felt a little pain in his heart.

       However, he still pushed Erbao away and said, “I really don’t remember you, and I won’t follow you. I won’t hold you accountable for sucking my spiritual power. I want to go back to my master now.”

       Erbao said, “I didn’t mean to suck your spiritual power. I was injured and couldn’t control myself.”

       Long Xing had already stood up from the bed. When he heard him say he was injured, he hesitated for a moment, turned his head slightly and asked, “Where are you injured?”

       Erbao, who was not wearing any clothes, opened his legs wide and showed him a long wound on the inside of his leg. The wound had festered, and pus had appeared, and it seemed that it had not healed for a long time.

       Seeing the terrible condition of the wound, Long Xing moved closer to take a look and asked curiously, “What’s going on?”

       Erbao said, “The poisonous energy cannot be eliminated.”

       Long Xing frowned. He saw Erbao looking at him with his ears drooped and felt that he was quite pitiful, so he said, “Why don’t you come back with me, and I’ll ask Master to find a way to help you remove the poisonous energy.”

       “No!” Erbao refused flatly, “He wants to snatch you away.”

       Long Xing immediately corrected him, “I belonged to Master. Even if he doesn’t come to snatch me, I won’t leave with you.”

       Erbao’s ears drooped, and he didn’t look very spirited as he said, “If you don’t come with me, then I won’t go to the heavenly realm.”

       When Long Xing was still about to speak, the doorbell of the room outside suddenly rang.

       This house was a temporarily vacant house in a nearby community. At that time, Erbao sneaked in with Long Xing in order to avoid Xia Hongshen.

       Erbao stood up immediately and pulled Long Xing nervously.

       Long Xing was not so nervous. As he walked outside, he asked, “Who is it?”

       A pitiful, trembling voice came from outside the door and said, “I’m checking the water meter.”

       It turned out that in order to find their traces, Xia Hongshen sent many little demons to search the area one by one. They knocked on doors under various pretexts to see what was going on inside. If they saw anything strange, they would immediately notify Xia Hongshen.

       The person ringing the doorbell now was Qin Song. He had already rang the doorbells of many nearby houses. When he opened the door and saw someone who was not the person he was looking for, he would apologise and say that he went the wrong way.

       But this time, he didn’t expect that the person who opened the door would be Long Xing.

       Originally, Qin Song didn’t expect that he could find them, and of course, he didn’t really hope that he could find them.

       However, at the same time as he saw Long Xing, the Firefly also jumped out and threw Qin Song to the ground.

       “Er Bao!” Long Xing scolded and pulled him hard.

       The big white-haired dog swung its tail and was pulled away by Long Xing.

       However, in this moment of movement, Qin Song had already sent a message to Xia Hongshen, and immediately after, Xia Hongshen climbed in from the corridor window and rushed towards Erbao.

       Seeing that they were about to fight, Long Xing quickly called to Song Jun, who was following Xia Hongshen, “Help me pull them away!”

       So one caught the dog, and the other pinned down the cat, finally nipping a war in its bud.

       Long Xing said to Erbao, “If you dare to hurt my Master, disappear from my eyes immediately!”

       Erbao looked at him in disbelief, as if he was greatly hurt.

       Song Jun also hugged Xia Hongshen tightly. Of course, he was not afraid that Xia Hongshen would hurt Erbao, but he felt that this environment was too dangerous. A neighbour might open the door at any time to check what was going on. He felt that they should change to a safer environment.

       Long Xing pressed Erbao to the ground and looked at Xia Hongshen, feeling a bit aggrieved as he sniffled.

       Xia Hongshen said, “Take it back and find a place to dispose of it.”

       That night, the amusement park became lively again, and the demons who heard the news came to watch one after another to see who dared to steal Demon Zhen’s precious weapon.

       Erbao didn’t know if his vitality was damaged again in the battle with Xia Hongshen that day. He never recovered since he transformed into the beast form, and he looked a little like dying.

       Inside the office building of the amusement park, Long Xing grabbed one of its legs and lifted it up to show Xia Hongshen and the others for inspection.

       “Tsk,” Yun Po squatted down, took a closer look at the injury on its leg, and said, “This seems to be poisonous.”

       Feng Junyuan said to Long Xing strangely, “It didn’t seem to have any injuries on it when you picked it back up.”

       Song Jun said, “Maybe it is hiding it. It just wants to take Long Xing away.”

       Xia Hongshen suddenly snorted and said, “Wishful thinking.”

       Long Xing quickly expressed his loyalty to Xia Hongshen, “I will never go anywhere, and I will always follow my Master.”

       Xia Hongshen raised his hand and touched his head.

       Erbao raised his head and made a soft whimpering sound.

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Chapter 28

       After the gauze on Chen Youyou’s forehead was removed, a scar was left. The doctor sutured it very carefully, but it still looked a little hideous before the swelling subsided.

       Zhan Weiyang stared at Chen Youyou’s scar, feeling anxious. He tapped it with his finger through the air and asked him, “Will it leave a scar?”

       “Who cares?” When he was first injured, Chen Youyou asked the doctor with a pale face whether he would be disfigured. Now he had almost forgotten the pain, and his tone had become indifferent.

       Zhan Weiyang lay on the table listlessly and said, “It’s all my fault.”

       Chen Youyou couldn’t help but persuade him, “Don’t blame yourself, blame Xie Ling.”

       Zhan Weiyang sat up straight, “Don’t blame him, blame me.”

       Chen Youyou was not very happy, “Why do you protect Xie Ling so much…”

       Zhan Weiyang said, “Because I am pursuing him.”

       Chen Youyou pouted in disdain.

       Zhan Weiyang reached out and pulled his sleeve, “I’ll treat you to milk tea at noon.”

       Chen Youyou said, “Starbucks.”

       Zhan Weiyang quickly said: “Okay, let’s go for Starbucks.”

       At noon, Zhan Weiyang ordered Starbucks takeout and had it delivered directly to the school gate. He ordered it before lunch, and just after lunch, he received a call that his drinks had been delivered.

       Chen Youyou went to the school gate with him to get the takeout. When he walked by, he saw Zhan Weiyang ordered three cups of coffee.

       “There’s another cup. Who is it for?” Chen Youyou felt strange.

       Zhan Weiyang said in a low voice, a little embarrassed, “For Xie Ling.” As he spoke, he took the bag from the delivery boy and said thank you politely.

       When he turned to leave, Chen Youyou asked him unhappily, “You, if you had to choose, between me and Xie Ling, who would you choose?”

       Zhan Weiyang panicked and said, “Why do I have to choose?”

       Chen Youyou said, “N-no matter what, you have to choose!”

       Zhan Weiyang looked at Chen Youyou and almost blurted out that he would choose him, but suddenly remembered that his points would be deducted, so he was so nervous that he stuttered, “C-choose Xie Ling.”

       Chen Youyou was originally standing side by side with him, but when he heard this, he turned his head hard and glared at him, saying, “I am, not, drinking!” After that, he ran towards the direction of the teaching building.

       Zhan Weiyang hurriedly wanted to chase him, but as soon as he ran faster, the coffee in the bag in his hand shook violently. He was afraid that it would spill out, so he didn’t dare to continue chasing.

       He walked to the stairs of the teaching building with a Starbucks paper bag, and when he was about to go upstairs, he ran into Xie Ling, who was coming back from the playground after playing basketball and was about to go back to the classroom to rest.

       Xie Ling was not alone. There were three boys and two girls with him. They were all his classmates. One of the girls had been with Xie Ling since the beginning of the school term. Zhan Weiyang and the others had seen him many times.

       Xie Ling stopped when he saw Zhan Weiyang. The others were about to pass by, but when they saw Xie Ling stop, they all stopped and looked at them.

       A girl came to another girl and whispered, probably talking about Zhan Weiyang.

       Zhan Weiyang had been the target of many girls’ inquiries since he entered the school. He was quite famous in the school, but no girl had ever shown any interest in him.

       The two girls said something unknown, covered their mouths and started laughing softly.

       Zhan Weiyang glanced at them, then looked at Xie Ling.

       Xie Ling asked him, “That friend of yours, the little stutterer, is okay?” Xie Ling didn’t think Zhan Weiyang and Chen Youyou were his seniors at all.

       Zhan Weiyang wanted to say it was okay, but then he thought he shouldn’t say it for Chen Youyou, so he just said, “There’s a scar this long.”

       He compared it with his fingers, and when he put his hand down, he looked at Xie Ling and took a deep breath to ease his nervousness. He then mustered up the courage to ask, “Do you want some coffee?”

       Xie Ling said, “Don’t want any.”

       Zhan Weiyang clenched the paper bag in his hand, and the courage he had mustered up was completely gone, and he said, “Oh.”

       Xie Ling passed by him sideways.

       A tall boy saw the Starbucks bag Zhan Weiyang was carrying, smiled, and said, “Senior, why don’t you treat me a drink?”

       Zhan Weiyang looked up at him, stunned momentarily, not knowing whether to hand him the coffee.

       In the end, Xie Ling turned around and said coldly, “Let’s go, don’t bully him.”

       The boy shrugged at Zhan Weiyang, smiled and left with Xie Ling.

       Zhan Weiyang went upstairs to his classroom with three cups of coffee in his hand, dejected. Most people in the classroom were lying down to take a nap, and a few girls gathered together to chat in a low voice.

       Chen Youyou lay on his seat, looking like he had fallen asleep.

       Zhan Weiyang put a cup of coffee on Chen Youyou’s desk, and he drank the remaining two cups of coffee listlessly.

       The consequence was that he ran to the toilet after every class in the afternoon and couldn’t sleep that night.

       He lay flat on the bed, staring at the ceiling with his round glasses wide open, not feeling like sleeping at all.

       So Zhan Weiyang wanted to lift the quilt and sneak out of bed, only to have Pei Qing grab his arm just as he moved.

       Pei Qing’s voice was tired and unclear, low and deep, and he asked him, “Where are you going?”

       Zhan Weiyang said, “I can’t sleep.”

       Pei Qing turned over and faced the direction of Zhan Weiyang, “You are not allowed to go to the balcony even if you can’t sleep.”

       Zhan Weiyang asked him, “Why?”

       Pei Qing said, “You will catch a cold.”

       Zhan Weiyang thought for a while and said, “Can you hold me to sleep?” Ever since Zhan Weiyang asked Pei Qing if he wanted to like him on Sunday afternoon, he had been clinging to Pei Qing very much.

       Pei Qing didn’t answer for a long time.

       Zhan Weiyang thought Pei Qing was asleep, so he reached out to touch his eyes, but before he touched them, he heard Pei Qing say, “No.”

       “Why?” Zhan Weiyang was very disappointed.

       Pei Qing said, “You are almost an adult, not a child.”

       Zhan Weiyang lay on the bed, tilting his head to look out the window.

       Pei Qing heard that he stopped talking and asked, “Why can’t you sleep?”

       Zhan Weiyang said, “I drank two cups of coffee at noon.”

       “Why did you drink two cups of coffee?”

       “Because I bought it for others, but they refused to drink it.”

       Perhaps Pei Qing was sleepy, and his voice was a little unclear, “Who could be so mean? To refuse to drink the coffee bought by Yangyang?”

       Zhan Weiyang couldn’t help but get close to him when he heard what he said. He lay face to face with him, blinking, and asked, “Do you want to drink it? I’ll buy it for you next time.”

       They were so close that they could feel each other’s breathing. Pei Qing couldn’t help but step back, lie on his back on the pillow, and say, “What do you want to drink? I’ll buy it for you.”

       Zhan Weiyang put his face on Pei Qing’s neck and said, “Drink Oreo Boba.”

       Pei Qing suddenly couldn’t help but chuckle. He put his hands under his head, looked at the ceiling and repeated, “Oreo Boba?”

       Zhan Weiyang supported his upper body with one hand, raised his head, looked down at Pei Qing, and said, “It’s really delicious. Let’s go drink it together next time.”

       Pei Qing said, “Okay.”

       Zhan Weiyang looked at Pei Qing for a while, and suddenly remembered the topic just now, and said, “Why can’t you hold me to sleep?”

       Pei Qing asked him, “Will you let your brother hold you to sleep?”

       Zhan Weiyang thought about it and said, “Yes.”

       Pei Qing was a little surprised, “You will let Zhan Weiguang hold you to sleep?”

       Zhan Weiyang said, “I don’t want Zhan Weiguang, I only want you, you are also my brother.”

       Pei Qing looked at him silently for a while and found that Zhan Weiyang did not avoid his eyes at this time. Perhaps it was too dim, and many emotions could not be seen clearly. He could only see a pair of shining eyes in the dark.

       “An older brother can’t hold their seventeen-year-old younger brothers to sleep either,” Pei Qing told him.

       Zhan Weiyang instantly lowered his head in disappointment. He turned away from Pei Qing and lifted the quilt to get out of bed.

       Pei Qing grabbed him and asked, “Where are you going now?”

       Zhan Weiyang said, “I can’t sleep, I want to go check on my flower pots.”

       Pei Qing was a little helpless, silent for a while, opened her arms to him, and said, “Come here, gege will hold you to sleep.”

       Zhan Weiyang was overjoyed and threw himself into Pei Qing’s arms, hugging him tightly.

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Chapter 33 – Crossing the Line

       After hearing the order, Zhuo Yue hesitated for a moment and looked at the audience again. Fang Mingyan was no longer on the sofa in the first row.

       A wry smile appeared on his lips.

       That person had never been willing to expend energy to pay attention to people or things he was not interested in. It seemed that he had already been included in this category. After dissolving the master-slave relationship, he tried to forget about each other but failed repeatedly. When happy, depressed, or lonely, Zhuo Yue would always unconsciously think of that cynical but gentle and meticulous man. The shelter and warmth that man had given him were something he had never experienced in over twenty years of his life. He cherished it like a precious gem, unwilling to let it go.

       If there was anyone in this world who could make him change his sexual orientation, let go of his self-esteem and pride, and trust him wholeheartedly, this person could only be Fang Mingyan. It took Zhuo Yue a long time to figure out what kind of feeling this was. Finally, he decided to face everything and follow his heart. No one could understand how much courage it took for him to take such a step today. In fact, today was the last chance he gave himself, the last time he tried his best to get close to that light.

       However, it ultimately failed.

       Zhuo Yue knelt down numbly, feeling as if a piece of his heart had been hollowed out.

       Seeing that he was so obedient, No. 28 was very happy. He shook the soft whip in his hand, adjusted the distance slightly according to the length, and then ordered, “Next, I will administer four lashes to your front. If you move, you will bear all the consequences yourself. Do you understand?”

       Zhuo Yue maintained his kneeling posture, lowered his eyes and said, “I understand.”

       No. 28 swallowed, and the hand holding the whip trembled slightly because of nervousness. He took a deep breath, raised his hand and swung the whip out.

       The moment he pulled it out, he panicked. He instinctively felt that he had swung it in the wrong direction and used too much force. However, it was too late to stop, and the whip was just about to hit Zhuo Yue’s face. At this time, he felt the whip handle in his hand tremble, and a long golden soft whip came across the air, slashing straight down the middle, forcibly bending the red whip towards Zhuo Yue from the middle, and pressing it down hard. This strike was incredibly fast and powerful, hitting the stage with a sharp ‘crack’. As a result, the red whip’s tip that was supposed to strike Zhuo Yue’s face narrowly missed him, so close that he could feel the faint breeze it created. The Dom’s mouth on the stage went numb for a while, and the whip fell out of his hand and fell to the ground. When he saw the person wielding the whip clearly, he froze in place.

       Zhuo Yue didn’t move. He kept his eyes closed tightly and bit his lip with a pale face. It wasn’t until the ‘pop’ sound was heard that he opened his eyes in panic. The first thing that caught his eye was the golden soft whip lying on the ground, and then the person holding the whip under the stage.

       Time seemed to have stopped, and the vision was frozen.

       Fang Mingyan didn’t look at him. He raised the whip handle in his hand and neatly took the soft golden whip back into his hand. Then he said to No. 28 on the stage without expression, “Come down.”

       The man’s voice was as cold as ice, making the other party shiver. No. 28 knew in his heart that he had almost caused a big disaster. At this moment, everyone was trembling with fear. He did not dare to say a word and stepped back from the stage in dejection.

       The whole place was silent.

       Fang Mingyan stepped onto the stage step by step, stood before the kneeling Zhuo Yue, and raised his chin with the hard whip handle.

       Zhuo Yue looked up at him with trembling eyes and called softly, “Sir…”

       “Why are you here?” His tone was cold and hard, without any warmth.

       The light fell on his eyes and became mottled spots of light, illuminating his black eyes as bright as obsidian. He said softly, “Because you left my world, so I want to…come to your world to have a look.”

       “Now that you’ve seen it, do you find it interesting?”

       Zhuo Yue didn’t know how to answer for a moment. He moved his lips but made no sound.

       “Uh, you two, I’m sorry to interrupt you.” As the host, Rabbit cautiously interjected, “Because there was an incident just now, Dom No. 28 has left the stage again, and I need to seek the opinion of Sub No. 39. Do you want to continue your performance? Do you want to continue with someone else, or give up?”

       “If I choose to continue…” Zhuo Yue stared at Fang Mingyan and asked, “Are you willing to help me complete it as a Dom?”

       “I refuse.” The man glanced at him, turned around and walked towards the audience.

       Zhuo Yue, who was behind him, looked at his back and spoke slowly, “Are you unwilling to do it because you are afraid of hurting me, or is this job too difficult for you to complete?”

       Fang Mingyan stopped.

       At this moment, the audience was in an uproar.

       This was undoubtedly a blatant provocation.

       The club had a very strict class system, and it was extremely rare for lower-level members to speak rudely in such public places and challenge the authority of club elders.

       The man turned around and looked at him condescendingly. Every word was like ice, “Newcomer, you need to pay a price for provoking me.”

       The heavy sense of pressure made Zhuo Yue feel oppressed. He tightened the hands hanging by his sides and stretched his knuckles until they turned white. His eyes were filled with desperate determination, and he looked at him, “No matter what the cost, I just want you to do it yourself.”

       “I’ll do it.” There was no expression on the man’s face. He threw his coat aside, unbuttoned his cufflinks, rolled up his sleeves, held the golden whip in his hand, and ordered in a low voice, “Take off your shirt. “

       Using the whip to lash would leave marks on Sub’s body. Uneven strength and angle deviation would be clearly reflected on the whip marks. So when Dom asked Sub to take off his clothes, it meant that he had enough confidence in his skills.

       At the host’s signal, the audience fell silent.

       Xu Ye looked at Zhuo Yue with some worry. Zhuo Yue’s number card was indeed drawn because he had tampered with it. He originally thought that Fang Mingyan would come on stage to help Zhuo Yue complete the performance, which eventually led to the pairing and everyone would be happy. Although things had developed to this point and the two of them had begun to interact, the atmosphere was completely different. Zhuo Yue’s sudden provocation surprised him. The coldness in the Lion’s eyes even made him feel chill downstage… Everything was beyond his expectations.

       Zhuo Yue took off his white suit, saw the other person looking at him indifferently, lowered his head to unbutton his shirt, and finally showed his upper body naked in front of others.

       “Next, I will whip you from the front, four lashes in total.” Fang Mingyan’s instructions were simple and clear without any sloppiness. “Rule number one, keep the standard kneeling position and don’t move. Rule number two, look at me. Rule number three, don’t make a sound. If you break any of these rules, you will be whipped again. Do you understand?”

       “Understood, Sir,” he replied.

       Zhuo Yue knew his skills well and trusted him enough to not act rashly when the whip came. He made up his mind to remain silent, but he didn’t expect that he would fail at the first lash.

       It hurt so much, and the pain made his whole body tremble. Although he gritted his teeth tightly, he still couldn’t help but groan in pain. The whip was like a furious fire dragon, spitting flames and burning through his skin, leaving an indelible mark of pain.

       However, before he could recover, the second whip was already thrown at him. The golden soft whip perfectly copied the trajectory of the previous whip, accurately pressing on the previous whip mark at the same angle, rendering the mark sloping downward from the left chest a more brilliant red.

       Double blows to the same spot made the pain exponentially worse. Zhuo Yue let out a suppressed cry uncontrollably, his body trembled violently, and he instinctively arched his back in a defensive posture.

       “Repeat the three rules I gave you.” The man stopped and said coldly.

       Zhuo Yue’s eyes were filled with moist mist, and his voice trembled, “…First, keep kneeling and don’t move. Second, to look at you. Third… don’t make any sound.”

       “What did I tell you would happen if you disobeyed an order?”

       “The lashes…will be invalid.”

       “So the first two lashes are invalid.” Fang Mingyan looked at him coldly, “I personally don’t mind using you for some practice, but if you keep moving around unpredictably and yelling, it will ruin the spectacle of this performance and spoil my mood.” He paused and said, “If you still can’t do these three things, get out of here.”

       Zhuo Yue couldn’t help but pant and his trembling eyelashes were like small insects desperately struggling in the spider web. He straightened up with difficulty and said, “Sir, I will try my best not to make a sound…”

       Seeing him look at him with those wet eyes, a surge of agitation rose in the man’s heart. It was like a sharp thorn embedded in his flesh, impossible to locate yet causing a constant, dull pain. He gripped the whip tightly and, without any warning, lashed it out. As it struck Zhuo Yue’s body, his own heart seemed to jolt violently at the same moment.

       He knew very well how heavy the lash was and he also knew very well how painful it would be to be hit by such a lash.

       The soft whip slanted from the left chest to the lower right, leaving a clear mark. The skin showed a state of congestion that was about to be broken, and the fair skin showed a red colour like a blooming tea plant. The pain distorted all the senses, but the person who endured the whipping did not make a sound. His body was trembling violently, but he still maintained his kneeling position with difficulty. The hands behind his back were clenched into fists, and his nails pierced the flesh. There was blood oozing from his lower lip, which must have been bitten due to excessive endurance. Those clear black and white eyes were filled with water mist, still looking in his direction.

       Fang Mingyan was silent for a moment and said, “If you can’t bear it, you can stop at any time.”

       Zhuo Yue’s forehead was covered with cold sweat, and he said with a pale face, “You said that Sub’s obligation is to please the Dom. If my pain can make you feel happy, it should be worth enduring.”

       The man frowned deeply and said coldly, “Newcomer, you made a mistake. You are not my Sub, we are just doing a show. Your pain and endurance didn’t mean anything to me.”

       Hearing this, Zhuo Yue’s tearful eyes trembled, and he slowly said with heartbreaking sadness, “To you, I hold no significance, but to me, you are the only light in my life. Since I am not worthy to be your sub, at the very least, I should ensure that this performance ends perfectly.” He endured the pain and straightened his body and said, “Please continue.”

       Fang Mingyan’s dark eyes were filled with dim and uncertain light, and the hand holding the whip tightened and relaxed several times. After a moment of stalemate, he asked coldly, “You want to be my sub, right?”

       Zhuo Yue was stunned for a moment. He saw Fang Mingyan throw away the whip and stand in front of him, a faint smile on his lips. “I have conditions for taking a sub. If you can complete my command, I might consider giving you a chance.” The man grasped Zhuo Yue’s jaw, roughly rubbing his thumb across his lips, and slowly said, “Please me with your mouth.”

       The moment he heard the order, Zhuo Yue felt cold all over.

       “That’s just…” Xu Ye could no longer remain seated after seeing the lion take such harsh action against Zhuo Yue. He couldn’t contain his anger any longer and stood up furiously, but was held back by Chu Yu beside him.

       “Sit still.” The Second Young Master looked at him calmly, “You have interfered enough; leave the rest to them.”

       “Always resorting to the same tactic… So shameless…” Xu Ye cursed angrily. Before, he was reckless and ignorant and planned to find the Lion as his new master. The Lion also gave him this order, asking him to perform oral sex on him in front of Chu Yu, which made him cry when he was punished by Chu Yu1(see Surrender 1 for details). Now he repeated his old tricks, obviously to make Zhuo Yue retreat in spite of the difficulties. He wanted to help, but his master spoke up, so he had to sit down again as he looked anxiously at the people on the stage.

       The entire banquet hall was so quiet that one could hear a pin drop, and the performance had completely deviated from its original track. However, the one on the stage was the Lion—one of the club’s major shareholders and none of the seniors in the audience made a sound to stop him. The others did not dare to make any mistakes and silently watched what happened. The host, Rabbit, even hid in a corner to watch the show.

       Zhuo Yue’s naked upper body was covered with a layer of warm yellow light, and a layer of clear mist rose in his eyes as if wrapped in strands of sadness and fragility entwined into knots like glass.

       The dark room, the dirty sheets, the shaky camera, the humiliating posture, the ugly man, the smelly bodily fluids, the feeling of retching when his throat was violated…that hellish nightmare that invades every night.

       It was Fang Mingyan who had taken him away from this nightmare, yet now used this method to make him remember it.

       The trembling fingertips touched the zipper of the man’s pants several times and then retracted several times. The water that had gathered in the corners of his eyes finally came out, sliding over his cheeks with scalding heat. Just when Zhuo Yue bit his bleeding lower lip and tried to do it again, his wrist was caught. He raised his face helplessly, looked at the person who was watching him, and said in a trembling voice, “I’m sorry…”

       “Why do you always have to make me feel so…” The words ended here. The dusty glacier in Fang Mingyan’s eyes finally cracked. He stared deeply at the hesitant man in front of him and sighed helplessly.

       Everything was supposed to go according to his plan. After using BDSM to cure Zhuo Yue’s PTSD, he intended to find an excuse to terminate their master-sub relationship, secretly monitor Zhuo Yue’s progress, and help him adapt to a life without him, ultimately facilitating his return to a normal life. However, fate played a cruel joke, making Xu Ye the link between their two worlds, bringing this stubborn man back to his side.

       Then he was in chaos.

       This person, who was so fragile that even a camera would frighten him, was stubborn to the point of being covered in scars yet refusing to turn back.

       Although he knew he shouldn’t take action to protect him, he couldn’t help but intercept the whip that would cause harm. Even though he knew he shouldn’t interfere with the performance, he was provoked into picking up the whip. He was the one who had planted the thorns blocking his path, yet he couldn’t bear to see him in pain.

       Because that pain felt as if he was experiencing it himself.

       For the first time, Fang Mingyan felt that he had lost—lost to a stubborn fool.

       Enough. He no longer wanted to hide himself under a calm and cold facade and torture and hurt the man who made his heart ache. He stretched out his hand to wipe away the tears on Zhuo Yue’s face, and his dark eyes revealed the long-lost tenderness, “Why do you have to choose a difficult road?”

       His long eyelashes moistened with tears trembled. The man who was still kneeling looked up at him and said, “Because only this road can lead to you.”

       The man stroked his hair and said in a deep voice, “Zhuo Yue, you need to understand that entering my world means you’ll become an outcast in others’ eyes. To most people, BDSM is seen as perverse, disgusting, and pathological. It can’t be brought into the light; you’ll never be able to discuss this preference with your friends openly. The intense stimulation it provides might make you addicted, and over time, you might become dependent on it to experience pleasure. Leaving all that aside, we’re both men, and you know very well how society views homosexuality. For you, this relationship is perilous. If anyone finds out, all the hard work and effort you’ve put into your career could crumble into ruins.” The man said these words patiently and seriously, “Many people here can no longer turn back, but you still have a chance to choose. You are not a complete sub, you can live a normal life.”

       Zhuo Yue shook his head and said, “I don’t want to live a life without you.”

       Fang Mingyan was silent for a while and asked, “Have you decided?”


       “No regrets?”

       “No regrets.”

       “Okay.” The man took a small step back and said, “Go and pick up that golden whip.”

       Zhuo Yue stood up despite the pain, picked up the whip, and then returned to its original position.

       “Kneel down and raise the whip above your head with both hands.” The second order came one after another, and Zhuo Yue did as he was told.

       At this time, several people in the VIP seating area stood up one after another, looking very solemn. Many people in the audience had surprised looks on their faces and lowered their voices to discuss something.

       “Is this…an oath?” Xu Ye in the audience widened his eyes and asked, “Master, what the Lion is doing now is…”

       “Yes. He is doing the master-slave oath ceremony.” Chu Yu said calmly while looking at the two people on the stage.

       “What is the difference between an oath and a contract?”

       “The validity of the oath is not only to confirm the relationship between two people but also to bind both parties. To terminate the contract, only one party needs to agree, but to terminate the oath, two people need to make a joint statement in public. Simply put, in the world of BDSM, it is equivalent to a marriage certificate,” Pharaoh said, “Because of this, very few people make such an oath now. The most recent one should be the one between Sima and Xia Ran, and that was two years ago.”

       Sima Jun was surprised, “I didn’t expect the Lion to do this.”

       “He’s been in love with that kid for quite some time now.” Chu Yu smiled, “As the saying goes, ‘Those involved can’t see clearly; it’s the outsiders who have the clearest view’.”

       Xia Ran sighed, “When someone who rarely takes things seriously starts being serious, it becomes quite special. And when someone who rarely loves finally falls in love, they become incredibly brave. The two of them are truly meant for each other.”

       At this time, with everyone watching, Fang Mingyan slowly said, “The whip represents power, and the person who owns the whip will become the master to control and dominate everything. Zhuo Yue, will you voluntarily hand over all your rights to me, and from now on consider me as your master, obey my orders, obey my command, and become my slave?”

       Zhuo Yue was still stunned when he suddenly heard a shout from the audience, “Answer him quickly!” He turned around and saw Xu Ye’s excited expression. He seemed to understand everything that was happening at this moment, and there were a few tears in his eyes, “I do.”

       The man took the whip from his hand, held the whip in his right hand, and lightly tapped the whip handle on his forehead. “Zhuo Yue, listen carefully to everything I am about to say.” His deep voice was as moving as reciting a psalm, “I hereby establish a master-slave covenant with you. Under the binding oath, neither you nor I shall have the unilateral right to terminate the relationship. Once the covenant takes effect, I will become your sole master, and you will become my sole slave. Everything you possess will belong to me, including your body and soul, as well as your property and life. Likewise, everything I possess will belong to you, including my body and soul, as well as my property and life. We shall be each other’s closest confidants, sharing everything in life.”

       At this point, Zhuo Yue could not hold back his tears any longer, and it slipped down his cheeks.

       “During the duration of the oath, I will not allow you to overstep your bounds, deceive or conceal anything, or have an affair with others. I will have the right to punish you. At the same time, I will also take on the responsibility and obligation to protect and care for you, doing everything in my power to ensure your safety, guide your spirit, and keep you away from all harm.” Fang Mingyan paused and said, “The above is the entirety of the oath, I will give you three minutes to think it over before making a decision.”

       “I do…” Zhuo Yue looked at him with tearful eyes and repeated, “I do.”

       Three minutes was too long, and he was unwilling to wait any longer.

       The man placed his right hand on top of his head and no longer concealed the soft warmth in his eyes, “In the presence of all, I hereby swear an oath to accept Zhuo Yue as my only slave, to take all responsibility for his care and protection, and to abide by all of the stipulations in the Master-Slave Oath. If he violates the oath, he is willing to accept any judgment given by the East Coast.”

       Zhuo Yue said word by word with tears in his eyes, “In the presence of all, I hereby swear an oath to accept Mr. Fang Mingyan as my only master, obey his orders, fulfil my obligations, and abide by everything in the master-slave oath. If I violate my oath…” He pursed his lips and said, “I am willing to lose everything I have.”

       “Then, the oath is established.” Fang Mingyan leaned over and kissed his forehead, then picked him up in his arms.

       Zhuo Yue didn’t remember how he left the club that day. He only remembered the man’s answer after he asked “Why?”

       ──Slave, I love you more than you can imagine.

This chapter is so long, and it’s twice longer than usual. Please consider this as a double update too (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ)
Lately, I slowed down my update for Surrender because I got too busy with RL and also was not in the right mind to do the translation. I thought there were not many people reading this series since I didn’t upload it to NU, and the series was translated 2x by different people, so I slowed down my update. Tbh, I’m quite surprised to see people asking for updates

Thank you for all your support! I will try to update more often~

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Chapter 27

       Later, Zhan Weiyang picked a large ceramic flowerpot for himself. Because it was large and heavy, Pei Qing helped him carry it to the car.

       They spent half a day in the flower market and only bought this one flowerpot. They didn’t buy anything else, mainly because Zhan Weiyang felt that he didn’t have time to take care of other plants.

       After driving back home, Pei Qing parked the car in front of the door.

       Auntie Luo came out of the house and stood at the door to watch them move the flowerpot down. She was surprised and said, “What do you buy such a big flowerpot for?”

       Zhan Weiyang said, “To live in.”

       Auntie Luo was puzzled.

       Pei Qing and Zhan Weiyang moved the flowerpot to the balcony on the second floor together and placed it on the spot Zhan Weiyang had chosen for himself.

       In the afternoon, Zhan Weiyang squatted on the ground, holding a wet rag in his hand, and wiped his flowerpot carefully.

       Pei Qing stood by the door leading to the balcony, leaning against the door frame to watch him.

       Zhan Weiyang looked very focused. The sun was shining on his head, and his soft short hair was lightly golden. His forehead and nose were slightly sweaty, and his fair cheeks were healthy and rosy.

       He pursed his lips tightly, and the corners of his lips that were always slightly upturned were stretched into a serious straight line. His eyes were staring at the big flower pot in front of him as if he was doing something sacred.

       Pei Qing couldn’t quite explain why he had been standing here, watching Zhan Weiyang. Now, whether it was him or Zhan Weiyang, they were both doing something quite boring. Yet, he found it difficult to look away, as if he had reverted to childhood, squatting at the doorstep and watching ants crawl along the concrete floor.

       Zhan Weiyang was certainly not an ant. He was a better-looking boy than ordinary boys. Because he was squatting on the ground, a part of his waist was exposed between the hem of his hooded sweatshirt and the waistband of his pants. He was thin and skinny, and his whiteness was dazzling. If he wasn’t a bit dim-witted, Pei Qing thought, at this age, he should be a confident and dazzling young man like his brother, Zhan Weiguang. Perhaps he was secretly in love, spending a sunny weekend afternoon playing basketball with a group of youngsters, with girls cheering and applauding for him when he scored. After all, he shouldn’t be squabbling with a large flowerpot on the balcony at home.

       As Pei Qing thought about this, Zhan Weiyang had already cleaned his flowerpot and was squatting on the ground, turning around the flower pot half a circle to check if there was any place that was not wiped clean. Seeing this, Pei Qing couldn’t help but smile faintly.

       Zhan Weiyang stood up from the ground, turned around and saw Pei Qing, and immediately showed a bright smile, waved at him, and then walked over.

       He stopped beside Pei Qing, raised the hand holding the rag, and said, “I’m going to wash the rag.”

       Pei Qing stepped aside and said, “Go on.”

       Zhan Weiyang nodded, walked past Pei Qing into the corridor, and went to the bathroom. He washed the rag with soap in the wash basin, then took it back to the balcony and hung it on the hanging rope. He then walked to his flower pot and looked at it with satisfaction.

       Pei Qing couldn’t help but tease him, “Do you want to give your flower pot a name?”

       Zhan Weiyang looked at him in surprise and said ‘Oh?’ softly, obviously not having thought about this question beforehand.

       Pei Qing sometimes felt that teasing Zhan Weiyang was not good, but he couldn’t help it. He said, “Yeah, there should be a name for it after all; you have a name.”

       Zhan Weiyang turned his head and stared at the flower pot, lost in thought.

       Pei Qing waited for him quietly.

       Unexpectedly, after a while, Zhan Weiyang raised his legs and stepped into the flower pot one after the other. He sat down in the flower pot and hugged his leg silently.

       At that moment, Pei Qing had an illusion, as if Zhan Weiyang really turned into a green plant with dense branches and leaves in front of him. Although it was growing vigorously, he could no longer move or speak, and he would no longer react when he wanted to tease him.

       Before realising that his emotion at that moment was panic, Pei Qing had subconsciously walked toward Zhan Weiyang.

       He squatted outside the flower pot and called him, “Yangyang?”

       Zhan Weiyang looked at Pei Qing but did not respond.

       Pei Qing raised his hand and touched Zhan Weiyang’s forehead, which was soaked with sweat but also slightly cool.

       Just like that, Zhan Weiyang suddenly spoke without warning, “I don’t know what it’s called, it’s my flower pot.”

       Pei Qing said, “Okay, don’t think much about it, it’s your flower pot.”

       Zhan Weiyang still sat there with his legs hugged, staring at Pei Qing and thinking seriously for a while. He said, “I want to go downstairs to shovel some soil up. Can you help me pour it in later?”

       Pei Qing stopped him, “Not today, let’s do it another day.”

       Zhan Weiyang asked, “Why?”

       Pei Qing said, “Because you have to go to class tomorrow. If you planted yourself in the soil, how can you go to class tomorrow?”

       Zhan Weiyang thought about it and felt that it made sense.

       Pei Qing continued, “Have you forgotten Chen Youyou? He got a wound on his forehead because of you. Are you not going to go to school tomorrow to comfort him?”

       Zhan Weiyang looked at Pei Qing with sparkling eyes, “I almost forgot. Qing ge you are really kind.”

       Pei Qing stretched out a hand to him, “Come out.”

       Zhan Weiyang’s gaze fell on Pei Qing’s palm, but he didn’t move for a long time. He didn’t want to come out.

       Pei Qing noticed it and asked him, “Don’t you want to come out?”

       Zhan Weiyang said, “En.”

       Pei Qing asked him, “Why?”

       Zhan Weiyang thought for a while and said, “I feel some—” He tried hard to find a word to express his meaning, and finally he really found it successfully. He was very surprised and happily said to Pei Qing, “Sense of belonging!”

       Pei Qing slowly shook his head at him, “No, you don’t. You’ve been busy all afternoon. Do you want to take a nap? How about taking a nap on Qing ge’s bed?”

       Zhan Weiyang found it quite appealing too, feeling a bit conflicted all of a sudden.

       Pei Qing stretched out both hands, “I’ll carry you out.” He passed his arms under Zhan Weiyang’s armpits. Seeing that he didn’t struggle, he first helped him stand up, then hugged his waist and lifted him out of the flowerpot.

       Zhan Weiyang was not short, so it was not easy for Pei Qing to hug his waist and lift him. Zhan Weiyang cooperated very well, not only hugging Pei Qing’s neck but also wrapping his legs around his waist.

       Pei Qing couldn’t help but pause.

       Zhan Weiyang hugged his neck tightly, tilted his head, put his face against his face, and gently called him, “Qing gege.”

       Pei Qing had never heard a boy call him in such a soft voice, and he didn’t know how to answer for a while, so he just said, “To bed?”

       Zhan Weiyang nodded.

       Pei Qing carried him and walked towards the balcony door.

       When crossing the balcony door and entering the corridor, Zhan Weiyang suddenly rubbed Pei Qing’s face, then kissed Pei Qing gently under the earlobe, and said to his ear, “I like you so much.”

       Pei Qing didn’t speak.

       Zhan Weiyang asked him, “Do you want to like me?” Pei Qing still didn’t answer. Zhan Weiyang leaned his face on Pei Qing’s shoulder in disappointment and said, “You could have given it some thought.”

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