Day: July 15, 2024

Chapter 15 – The Master of Shifting Blame

Chapter 15: The Master of Shifting Blame


The afternoon streets were bustling with people. Su Muluo cast an invisibility spell on himself and trailed the woman in the white dress with long black hair.


She walked quickly, navigating through the crowded streets without being hindered. From the reactions of the people around, it seemed they hadn’t noticed her.


After an hour of walking, Su Muluo stopped by the street and watched the woman enter an old residential building. The stairs were exposed, so he could clearly see her ascend to the fourth floor and enter her apartment.


These buildings were very old, likely the type of rental where no contract was needed. This suggested the woman was a demon who wasn’t registered with the supernatural bureau and didn’t have an ID.


With this in mind, Su Muluo didn’t rush to follow her. Instead, he stood across the street from the building and revealed himself.




The little black dragon, curious why its phoenix had stopped, looked up and called out. Su Muluo looked down at it and said, “Let’s wait a bit.”


He planned to observe the surroundings and test the woman.


A few minutes later, the curtains of her apartment were drawn open. Su Muluo saw her standing by the window for a while before she turned and went back inside.


Had she noticed him?


Su Muluo still didn’t move. The woman wouldn’t leave the building in front of him, and he wanted to see her reaction to his presence—would she choose to attack or flee?


The little black dragon lazily flicked its tail, idly resting on its phoenix’s fingers as it waited… After a while, it suddenly turned over, rubbing its back against Su Muluo’s palm.


Su Muluo: “?”


He looked down at the little dragon, seeing it wriggle against his hand with its soft scales as if it was itchy. “What’s wrong? Are you feeling uncomfortable?”


Little Black Dragon: “Squeak.”


Its scales were itchy.


Su Muluo found this odd. “Did you get something dirty on you?” He bent his finger to scratch the little dragon’s back scales.


The little dragon’s dark gold eyes squinted in comfort, purring contentedly. Su Muluo continued scratching it, running his fingers from head to tail—except for the tip, which the little dragon clung to, refusing to let him touch it.


After a while, the little dragon seemed less itchy. It chirped at Su Muluo and rolled affectionately in his palm.


Su Muluo petted it, still a bit worried. “So, what was wrong just now?”


The little dragon shook its head, indicating it didn’t know either.


Su Muluo thought for a moment. “Are you going to shed your scales?”


He wasn’t very knowledgeable about dragons and wasn’t sure if little dragons shed their scales shortly after birth. As a young phoenix, he hadn’t experienced anything like molting.


The little dragon continued shaking its head. Seeing its confused expression, Su Muluo smiled.


“I see, your scales are about to fall off,” he teased. “You’re turning back into a little mud eel.”


Little Black Dragon: “?”


Su Muluo: “A little mud eel spirit.”


Little Black Dragon: “??”


The little dragon lifted its head in anger, chattering at Su Muluo.


Su Muluo remained calm. “I can’t understand you. You’re noisy, just like a mud eel.”


Little Black Dragon: “…”


Frustrated, the little dragon flopped onto its side in Su Muluo’s hand, wriggling furiously.


Unlike last time, it didn’t tie itself into a knot. Su Muluo watched it for a moment, then couldn’t help but laugh, petting its head again.


The little dragon grabbed onto his finger and wouldn’t let go.




“Alright, alright,” Su Muluo chuckled. “I was just kidding. You’re not a little mud eel spirit. You’re my little dragon, okay? Don’t be mad.”


Little Black Dragon: “Roar roar!”


Su Muluo: “I’m not going to kiss you. Kiss yourself.”


Little Black Dragon: “Roar roar roar!”


Su Muluo put it in his pocket.


Little Black Dragon: “…”


Its phoenix was bullying it!


Too much!!


Curled up angrily in his pocket, the little black dragon sulked while outside, Su Muluo looked up to see the woman in white at the window again.


With his excellent vision, he saw her pale face staring straight at him—completely different from her previous expression.




Su Muluo didn’t wait any longer and walked toward the residential building. As he reached the fourth floor, he saw a girl standing in front of the woman in white’s door.


“Open the door! Is anyone inside?”


The girl in the red dress banged on the door. She had long black hair down to her waist and a strikingly beautiful face, a stark contrast to the delicate and reserved look of the woman in white.


Su Muluo watched her knock for a while and asked, “Are you her neighbor?”


“Who?!” The girl in red jumped in surprise, turning to look at him warily. “Who are you?!”


Su Muluo replied, “I’m her friend.”


“…Really?” The girl in red scrutinized him from head to toe, her gaze finally settling on his face for a few seconds. “Can you contact her?”


Su Muluo wouldn’t say no and reveal he was lying. Instead, he asked, “What’s wrong with her?”


The girl in red pointed to the window beside the door. “I saw her standing still at the door with a terrifying expression. When I asked what was wrong, she turned back inside. I felt something was off and wanted to check on her, but no one responded to my knocking. It’s too strange.”


The window faced the hallway; it was the same window Su Muluo had seen earlier. Before he went upstairs, the woman had stood by it, but now she was gone, and the curtain was drawn.


Su Muluo thought for a moment, then stepped forward and said to the girl in red, “Step aside.”


The girl in red looked at him expectantly. “Do you have a key?”


Su Muluo politely replied, “No.”


Then he kicked the door open.


Girl in red: “…”


With a loud bang, the door slammed against the wall, stirring up a small cloud of dust, and the interior of the apartment was revealed.


It looked like a one-person residence, sparsely furnished and not very large. From the entryway, they could see the living room and kitchen, both empty, with no sign of the woman in white.


The girl in red called out softly, “Is anyone here?”


There was no response.


She cautiously peeked inside, but Su Muluo had already stepped in, heading straight for the rooms after confirming the living room and kitchen were empty.


The girl in red hurriedly followed him. “Wait! Are you really her friend? How can you just enter a girl’s room… Ah!”


Her last words turned into a scream as she froze at the room’s entrance, eyes wide with horror.


The ceiling fan creaked as it turned, a woman hanging from it. Her long black hair dr4p3d down, and her neck twisted unnaturally to one side. Her pale face bore wide-open eyes, staring blankly at the door.


“Ah—someone’s dead—ah!!!”



In the midst of the red-dressed girl’s continuous screams, Su Muluo remained motionless.


“Are you blind?! What are you doing? Call the police! She’s hanging herself! Can’t you see?!”


Ignoring her, Su Muluo observed the woman in white for a few seconds, then calmly said, “If a demon could be strangled by a rope, that would be too funny.”


“What? What are you talking about?”


The girl stared intently at Su Muluo. He slightly lowered his head, glanced at her, and then laughed, “The fox’s tail is showing.”


As soon as he finished speaking, the red-dressed girl’s face suddenly changed.




In the next moment, a cold wind arose, and the red-dressed girl disappeared, enveloping the entire room in shadows, turning it dark and somber.


The body of the woman in white gently swayed. Su Muluo turned around and saw the red-dressed girl standing in the shadows, holding a blood-red umbrella. Her once beautiful face was now smooth and featureless.


Her red umbrella opened, and the painful face of a woman— the woman in white—kept appearing on it.


Su Muluo immediately recognized this as the fox demon that had previously attacked him. The woman in white was not dead; her soul was trapped in that eerie red umbrella.


“You’re not her neighbor at all,” Su Muluo said. “Let me guess, are you sisters?”


The fox demon, though faceless, sneered and touched the face of the woman in white on the umbrella. Her voice was sharp and filled with hatred, “Yes, she is my dear sister. She lured you here and pretended to persuade me to run away… But this is better. I don’t even have to come to find you.”


“Oh,” Su Muluo replied. “It seems like I have no grievances with you.”


The fox demon giggled, pushing the red umbrella downward. Seductive eyes emerged on the umbrella, staring directly at him.


“We have no grudge, but you have a pretty face.” Her laughter rang like a bell, filled with sweet malice. “Such a beautiful face, even more beautiful than my lover’s. If I could swap it onto his face, he would love it.”


As soon as she finished speaking, something in Su Muluo’s pocket moved. He calmly reached in and held down the restless little black dragon.


“Is your lover here too?”


“…” The fox demon did not answer, instead raising the umbrella, causing the eyes to disappear from its surface. “Are you trying to trick me? How mean. If you’re waiting for the Special Abilities Bureau idiots to come, I suggest you—”


Before she could finish, she suddenly threw the red umbrella.


The umbrella opened, revealing a huge, toothy mouth. From the mouth spewed thick, foul-smelling blood, rushing towards Su Muluo—


Su Muluo’s face remained calm, though inwardly he sighed, thinking how dirty this was. Nowadays, demons fought so messily?


He then slightly bent his slender fingers. A flash of cold light, like white feathers, thundered through the blood tide. It was so fast that it touched the fox demon’s brow in an instant.


Her pupils contracted. In that moment, she almost unleashed her peak reflexes, twisting her head to avoid it—but the target wasn’t her. The sharp line of attack sliced through the umbrella’s handle, severing it in two.


Half of the red umbrella fell to the ground, the blood tide vanished, and simultaneously the fox demon let out a piercing scream, convulsing on the floor.


She was defeated, in a single move.




Su Muluo looked at the fox demon writhing in pain, raising his eyebrows slightly. He hadn’t expected that cutting the umbrella would provoke such a strong reaction. It seemed the umbrella was not just her weapon, but deeply connected to her.


As the umbrella was destroyed, the face of the woman in white began to protrude, and her entire soul was released, slowly drifting back to her body.


Su Muluo had already taken down the woman in white from the ceiling fan. Seeing her eyes closed but her breath restored, he knew she was alright.


He had also contacted the Special Abilities Bureau, and they would arrive soon. Once they captured the fox demon, they could unravel the events that had transpired.


In previous battles, the fox demon had used human skins to fight him, abandoning them to escape if things went wrong. But now, her true form was here, and she couldn’t escape no matter what.


Just as Su Muluo was thinking this, he noticed blood seeping from the faceless fox demon, splashing heavily onto the umbrella. In the next second, she turned into a pool of thick blood, merging with the umbrella, disappearing completely.




Su Muluo stared at the unmoving red umbrella on the ground, silent for a moment.


He poked the little black dragon.


“It’s all your fault.”


The little black dragon, inexplicably blamed: “?”


Su Muluo righteously said, “You didn’t remind me.”


Little black dragon: “??”


The little black dragon couldn’t believe its phoenix not only bullied it but had now done so twice in one day. Feeling it was intolerable, it angrily raised its head and roared at Su Muluo.




I’m upset! I want a kiss and a hug! And at least two kisses!


Su Muluo stared at it for a few seconds and said, “I won’t kiss you, little mud eel.”


Little black dragon: “???”


Su Muluo: “Turn into a human, then I’ll kiss you.”


Then he quickly poked it again and stuffed it back into his pocket.


Little black dragon: “……”


Too much!!


It’s Fuming to the point of tying itself in knots.

T/N: Hello hello! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!


Chapter 2 – I smell the scent of drama

Chapter 2 – I smell the scent of drama


Zhao Qi followed Jiang Dehai’s gaze and finally felt relieved.


It seemed that the original owner’s body had no issues; the previous symptoms might have been due to psychological reasons. While Zhao Qi remained calm, Jiang Dehai was already sobbing uncontrollably, making Zhao Qi worry that he might faint any moment.


“Heaven blesses our Great Jing, Your Majesty!” Jiang Dehai stammered, “The dragon vein of the emperor has risen. From now on, Great Jing will rise too!”


Zhao Qi was momentarily speechless and awkwardly said, “There’s no need to say it like that…”


“To see the emperor rise in my lifetime, I have no regrets, Your Majesty! If the Empress Dowager learns of this…” Jiang Dehai suddenly came to his senses and called to the young eunuch behind him, “Quick, go to Cian Palace and report the good news to the Empress Dowager! Your Majesty, please maintain the current state so the Empress Dowager can witness the hope of Great Jing with her own eyes!”


Zhao Qi: “…” Just try to keep it up for me?


Not long after, a noble and elegant lady arrived at Zhao Qi’s palace. Zhao Qi barely had time to see what his mother looked like before Empress Dowager Wen pulled him into her arms.


“Qi’er, my dear Qi’er!” Tears streamed down Empress Dowager Wen’s face, falling onto Zhao Qi, “You’ve finally grown up!”


The faint fragrance on Empress Dowager Wen made Zhao Qi feel uncomfortable. He patted her hand and rolled his eyes, saying, “Mother, mother, you’re strangling me…”


Empress Dowager Wen quickly released her son and wiped her tears with a handkerchief, “I was too emotional. You must know that I have waited for this day for eighteen years!”


Zhao Qi rubbed his neck and muttered softly, “I’m only eighteen this year. Could it be that mother has been thinking about this since I was born?”


Empress Dowager Wen laughed through her tears and gently said, “Come, let mother take a look.”


Zhao Qi stiffened and said in panic, “Look at what?”


Empress Dowager Wen replied, “What do you think?”


Zhao Qi jumped up, “Mother, stop joking!”


“Joking? This is a serious matter. How can I be at ease without seeing it with my own eyes? Come over here.”


Zhao Qi shook his head vehemently, “No—I refuse!” Can this kind of thing be casually looked at? He feared developing a psychological shadow from it.


Empress Dowager Wen looked puzzled and turned to Jiang Dehai, “Did you see clearly? Has the emperor really risen?”


Jiang Dehai nodded repeatedly, “I saw it very clearly. The emperor’s dragon vein was upright and vigorous, like the peak of Mount Tai!”


Zhao Qi was mortified, “Stop talking already!”


Jiang Dehai whispered to Empress Dowager Wen, “Empress Dowager, could the emperor be feeling shy?”


“Shy?” Empress Dowager Wen said, “Impossible. Qi’er is my son. I know him well. He doesn’t even know how to write the word ‘shy’.”


Zhao Qi: “…” Can’t you lower your voices when whispering?


After a moment of contemplation, Empress Dowager Wen said, “This is no small matter. It’s best to have the imperial physicians take a look. Issue my decree: all the imperial physicians from the Imperial Academy of Medicine must come to Yonghua Palace immediately without delay.”


Jiang Dehai replied, “Yes, Your Majesty!”


Zhao Qi reached out, trying to stop her, “Wait, mother, I…”


Empress Dowager Wen grabbed his hand and interrupted, “If your illness is really cured, I will grant amnesty to the world and celebrate nationwide!”


As dawn broke, Zhao Qi lay on his bed, filled with despair.


Around ten imperial physicians surrounded him, their expressions serious as they whispered among themselves. Zhao Qi, dressed in his clothes and pants, accepted their examination as his last act of defiance. Fortunately, these physicians only checked his pulse and examined his face. After some analysis, they concluded, “Congratulations, Empress Dowager! The emperor’s condition ensures the continuation of the royal lineage. Great Jing’s reign will last for millennia, generation after generation!”


Empress Dowager Wen was overjoyed, “Qi’er, did you hear that? Our Great Jing will have heirs for generations to come!”


Zhao Qi covered his face with his hand, “I heard, I heard.”


Empress Dowager Wen, with tears in her eyes, said, “It must be the spirit of the late emperor protecting us. Qi’er, mother is looking forward to holding a grandson!”


One imperial physician said, “Empress Dowager, the emperor has just recovered. In my opinion, he needs to be cautious and take good care of himself. The emperor is young and has a long future ahead; there is no need to rush.”


Empress Dowager Wen calmed down and thought for a moment, “I understand.” She turned to Zhao Qi and said, “Qi’er, listen to the physicians and rest well. I know you’ve been holding back for a long time, but those people in the harem…”


In the past, Empress Dowager Wen turned a blind eye to the emperor’s behavior, knowing he kept many people in the harem. But now things were different. Since the emperor was healthy, the priority was to choose an empress and consorts from reputable families to bear legitimate heirs. The emperor’s dragon vein, once raised, should not be wasted on unworthy individuals.


“Qi’er, bear with it for now. Mother will choose a virtuous, beautiful, and understanding empress for you!”


Zhao Qi yawned, “Thank you, mother.”


Empress Dowager Wen chatted with Zhao Qi for a while longer before it was time for the morning court session. Empress Dowager Wen said, “It’s time for court. Rest well, Qi’er. I’ll visit you later.”


From her tone, Zhao Qi felt like a child. He hesitated, then said, “Have a good session, mother.” He had no idea how to govern and thought it best not to involve himself in state affairs for now.


Zhao Qi slept until late morning, then was attended by Jiang Dehai as he dressed and washed. Zhao Qi looked at Jiang Dehai and said, “Why do you keep staring at my pants? Pervert!”


Jiang Dehai chuckled, “The imperial physicians told me to note the time of vigor of the emperor’s dragon.”


“Stop!” Zhao Qi snapped, “Never mention those words in front of me again, or I’ll cut your tongue out.”


Jiang Dehai shivered, “Yes, Your Majesty.”


Being a tyrant has its perks, at least you can easily scare people.


“Also, I don’t need palace maids to attend to me anymore. Replace them with eunuchs.” Before Zhao Qi entered this book, he had never even held a girl’s hand, let alone been in a relationship. He wasn’t used to close contact with women.


Jiang Dehai realized, “Understood. I’ll take care of it. By the way, news from the Drunken Book Pavilion: Lord Rong fell into a coma last night. The imperial physicians can’t identify the poison and are trying different antidotes. If they can’t find a cure within two days, I’m afraid…”


Zhao Qi’s eyelid twitched, “Why didn’t you tell me earlier?”


Jiang Dehai looked innocent, “You didn’t ask, Your Majesty. Besides, the imperial physicians said Lord Rong refused to name the poison before falling unconscious. He’s seeking death, Your Majesty.”


In the book The Boundless Great Jing, Rong Tang is an important supporting character. The poisoning incident involving him and the dog emperor was detailed, and Zhao Qi had a vague memory of the poison’s name.


“Tell the physicians the poison’s name has ‘San’ in it. Something-something San.”


Jiang Dehai wiped his sweat, “Your Majesty, that’s hardly helpful.”


“Nonsense, it’s a crucial clue! Now hurry and inform the physicians.”


Zhao Qi’s hint did indeed shorten the trial-and-error process. The next day, the imperial physicians found the antidote. Rong Tang narrowly escaped death but was left weakened. The physicians said he would always be frail and needed careful nursing to live longer.


Zhao Qi silently lit a candle for Rong Tang in his heart. In the original story, Rong Tang became a frail beauty, bedridden from the slightest chill due to the poisoning.


Rong Tang was a year younger than the original owner, only seventeen. If Zhao Qi had transmigrated earlier, he might have been able to change Rong Tang’s fate.


Zhao Qi sighed. “Forget it, just have the physicians take good care of him.”


“Yes.” Jiang Dehai replied, then added, “Your Majesty, there’s another matter. Jiang Gongzi personally prepared some snacks and invites you to Mingcui Palace to taste them.”


Zhao Qi asked, “Jiang Gongzi…who?”


Jiang Dehai reminded him, “Jiang Bao’er, Jiang Gongzi.”


Zhao Qi remembered. Jiang Bao’er, one of the emperor’s male consorts and a minor character doomed to fail spectacularly. He was always causing trouble for Rong Tang, the emperor’s favorite. After the emperor was dethroned, Rong Tang took revenge, disfiguring Jiang Bao’er and using all the aphrodisiacs seized from the emperor on him. Ultimately, Jiang Bao’er died a gruesome death, bleeding from all orifices—a truly miserable fate.


“Isn’t the food from the imperial kitchen good enough?” Zhao Qi said. “Why should I go eat his? I’m not going.”


After lazing around in the palace for a few days, Zhao Qi finally adjusted to his role as the emperor. Taking advantage of the good weather, he had Jiang Dehai lead him on a stroll in the imperial garden. The garden featured a large pond filled with ornamental koi fish. As Zhao Qi basked in the sunlight and watched the fish scramble for food, he suddenly heard a commotion.


Startled, Zhao Qi asked, “What’s going on? Is it another assassin?!”


Jiang Dehai chuckled. “Your Majesty, not even a fly can get into this palace. How could there be an assassin?”


Zhao Qi, still nervous, said, “You don’t understand. Send someone to check it out right away.”


Soon, a young eunuch came to report, “Your Majesty, it’s Jiang Gongzi and Rong Gongzi arguing ahead.”


“Really? I don’t believe it,” Zhao Qi said. “Rong Tang doesn’t seem like the type to argue with Jiang Bao’er.”


“Your Majesty is wise,” the eunuch replied. “It’s mainly Jiang Gongzi talking. Rong Gongzi hasn’t said much.”


A prime opportunity to witness the downfall of a minor character—too good to pass up.


“I’ll go have a look,” Zhao Qi said. “Guards, follow closely.”


By the pond, Rong Tang sat on a stone bench, his face pale and gaunt, as if the fire in him had been extinguished. Beside him stood a fair-skinned young boy who looked about fifteen or sixteen. This must be Jiang Bao’er.


Jiang Bao’er was chattering incessantly while Rong Tang, visibly irritated, tried to leave. But Jiang Bao’er grabbed his sleeve, causing Rong Tang to yank it back forcefully. Jiang Bao’er stumbled and fell into the water with a splash, crying out, “Your Majesty, save me!”


Zhao Qi, who witnessed everything, thought, “I smell a drama queen.”


Jiang Dehai was alarmed. “Your Majesty, Jiang Gongzi fell into the water!”


“I’m not blind,” Zhao Qi said, looking at Rong Tang, who quickly averted his gaze.


Zhao Qi approached the pond. Jiang Bao’er was floundering in the water, turning from a well-dressed boy into a wet mess. “Your Majesty! Your Majesty, save Bao’er…ah!”


Leaning over, Zhao Qi asked, “Can you swim?”


“Your Majesty, Bao’er…glub…”


“What? I can’t hear you.”


“Glub glub glub…”


Suppressing a laugh, Zhao Qi motioned for the guards to rescue him.


When Jiang Bao’er was pulled ashore, he had already fainted. Zhao Qi suspected he was pretending but didn’t expose him. “Take him back and have the physicians check on him.” Then he turned to Rong Tang, “You…”


Rong Tang covered his mouth with a fist, unable to stop coughing. Zhao Qi waited patiently, but the coughing only worsened, leaving Rong Tang unsteady and on the verge of collapse.


Instinctively, Zhao Qi stepped forward to support him, but Rong Tang recoiled. “Don’t touch me.”


Zhao Qi retorted, “I didn’t want to touch you anyway. I still remember you tried to poison me.”


“Perfect. Old grudges and new grievances,” Rong Tang scoffed. “What are you waiting for, Your Majesty?”


“New grievances? What new grievances?”


Rong Tang gave him a peculiar look. “Your favorite pet fell into the water because of me. That’s a new grievance.”


“Oh, that,” Zhao Qi laughed. “Jiang Bao’er fell in on purpose. Didn’t you notice? You’re not very bright, are you? How did you pass the imperial exam as the top scholar?”


Rong Tang: …

T/N: Yay! A new novel?! If you’re wondering if it’s a good idea to take on 4 novels at the same time; my answer – “Probably not…”


But after reading a few chapters of this, I just HAD to snatch this project up. I haven’t done transmigration with a true-doomed villain start so I want to try this one! ANYWAY, there is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep



Chapter 175 – Let's Go Home

Chapter 175 – Let’s Go Home


When Jian Luo approached the corner of the garden, he saw them: three well-behaved children standing obediently. Standing in the middle was a tall man, his back straight, clad in a dignified military uniform. His legs were long and powerful, his mature and handsome face carried a hint of seriousness. Even standing there quietly, he captivated every gaze.


For a moment, it felt like a lifetime away.


Jian Luo looked at Lu Shifeng, who stood motionless, unable to move or take a step forward. His mind was strangely blank.




Long Aotian looked up and wanted to run towards Jian Luo, but hesitated as his father was present, so he weakly called out, “Dad.”


Jian Luo snapped back to reality.


Lu Shifeng seemed to notice too. He turned his head slightly, locking eyes with Jian Luo. His face was nearly unchanged from before they entered the illusion, yet somehow different, more mature and exuding a composed confidence.


Seeing Jian Luo still unmoving, Lu Shifeng frowned slightly, stepped forward, and stopped in front of him, step by step.


“Why aren’t you coming over?” he asked.


Jian Luo’s throat felt dry. “Traffic on the road.”


A hint of amusement flickered in Lu Shifeng’s eyes. “Who asked you that?”


Jian Luo looked at his familiar smile and listened to his familiar voice. A sense of reality returned, but he still hesitated, afraid this might all be a dream, easily shattered.


Lu Shifeng noticed the bag of cloud fruits in Jian Luo’s hand, knowing they were for the children. He gestured to the three behind him. “They behave properly, no eating allowed.”


The three children were thunderstruck.


Feeling more grounded, Jian Luo chuckled. “Actually, we’ve got an etiquette teacher for them.”


“Yet they’ve learned so little,” Lu Shifeng seemed somewhat disdainful. “They won’t have any tomorrow.”


Long Aotian looked like he was about to cry.


Jian Luo wasn’t sure if he should defend the children further. He wisely chose to stay silent, pondering in his mind how to handle the snacks. Who should he share them with?


As he contemplated, Lu Shifeng stepped forward, took the bag, took one for himself, and handed another to Jian Luo. “Try it.”


Jian Luo hesitated for a moment, then mechanically took a bite. The cloud fruit tasted deliciously sweet. He remembered their first date years ago, in a shopping mall, when Lu Shifeng first treated him to these fruits. Back then, he had been cautious and reserved, not fully enjoying the taste.


Lu Shifeng ate a few bites in front of the children and asked Jian Luo, “Is it good?”


“Sweet,” Jian Luo replied.


“Hmm,” Lu Shifeng nodded. “Haven’t had anything from outside in a long time.”


Suddenly, Jian Luo remembered Lu Shifeng had spent nearly a year in the illusion. He felt a pang of sympathy. Taking another bite of the fruit, he said softly, “When we get back, I’ll cook something nice for you.”


“No need,” Lu Shifeng replied.


Jian Luo looked up.


“I’m not in a rush for food right now. If my wife cares about me, she should pay more attention to other matters.” Lu Shifeng’s handsome face began to turn slightly serious and his tone less playful.



After their chat, they entered the children’s classroom.


This school was an exclusive academy for nobility, bustling with children. Many parents had a change of mindset and were now actively participating in parent-child activities. When they entered, most people were already present.


Seeing Lu Shifeng’s figure, the entire classroom gradually fell silent. Someone stood up first, uncertain: “Greetings, Your Excellency.”


With one person leading, the others soon followed:


“Good day, Your Excellency.”


“Marshal, welcome back.”


“It’s an honor to see you.”


Their voices overlapped, but Lu Shifeng remained expressionless. “I’m here for the parent-child event. No need for formalities.”


Only then did the others nervously sit back down. They all knew the young prince of the Dragon Clan attended school here and were prepared to meet him, but they hadn’t anticipated seeing Lu Shifeng, especially without any news of the Dragon King’s return. It was unexpected and somewhat overwhelming.


The teacher was taken aback upon seeing Lu Shifeng and Jian Luo enter. Both were renowned figures.


“Um,” the teacher coughed lightly. “Thank you all for accompanying your children to our parent meeting.”


Lu Shifeng and Jian Luo glanced at the slightly nervous teacher.


Pointing to the tables, the teacher continued, “There are letters on the tables written by the children for you. Please open and read them, then write a reply to each child.”


There were three letters in front of Jian Luo and Lu Shifeng. They began reading, Jian Luo taking Long Aotian’s letter while Lu Shifeng read the first letter, from his younger sister. 


The child’s letter was brief, clearly not serious. Jian Luo quickly finished it and moved on to the second letter. Initially expecting little from the typically quiet second child, he was surprised to find a full page upon opening it.


Jian Luo paused, slightly stunned, before settling in to read. Though the handwriting was immature, the words were unexpectedly mature for the child’s age. It read: “Dad, don’t work too hard. Even without dad here, my brothers and sisters will take care of you in the future. We won’t let anyone bully you.”


“The Dragon Clan is your backing.”


“If not, we will be.”


“You took care of us before, and now it’s our turn to take care of you.”


Every word touched deeply, and it was hard to believe this was written by the usually reserved child. Jian Luo’s hand trembled as he held the paper.


After Lu Shifeng finished reading his sister’s letter, he asked Jian Luo, “What’s wrong?”


Jian Luo shook his head.


Lu Shifeng handed Jian Luo his sister’s letter, his crimson eyes staring at the young man’s slightly thin face for a moment before saying, “You’ve worked hard.”


Jian Luo paused, then took the letter from Lu Shifeng.


The little girl had written a lot, acknowledging Jian Luo’s hardships over the past year and expressing her determination to grow up quickly to help alleviate his burdens. Each word was sincere and heartfelt, melting hearts.


The teacher interjected, “Please write a reply to the children after reading.”


Jian Luo hesitated on what to write, but Lu Shifeng set aside the letter and found a clean sheet of paper. He wrote a single line: “He doesn’t need your care. He’ll live his own life. I’ll take responsibility for his life.”


The words reflected his character, bold and confident, evoking respect.




Jian Luo paused, then burst into laughter.


He watched as the three children nearby received their replies with astonished expressions, feeling deeply fulfilled. Indeed, he felt incredibly fortunate and satisfied now. His children were growing up well, and his husband had returned. Life’s path might not always be smooth, but being able to stay with his family and take it slow was a form of completeness.



The next day,


Today was the day for dismantling and constructing in Paradise. The old-fashioned houses were being torn down to make way for new office buildings. As business expanded, human industries such as clothing, food, medicine, and tourism were spreading further.


Some eyed the pie and sought to cause trouble, but the powers behind humans were too formidable. The Moon was the largest shareholder, and the Dragon Clan was not to be trifled with. As a warlike race, they typically didn’t mince words.


“Bro, everything should be dismantled over here today.”


“Most people have moved. The light rail installation from Dark Star to Earth is complete. It takes about an hour by light cruiser now. Everyone moved in last night.”


“Our home is also empty. The demolition team will be here soon.”


Jian Luo stood in the small courtyard. “Okay, you go greet them. I’ll stay here for a while.”


Jian Sheng hesitated. “Bro, if you can’t bear to, we can keep this place.”


Years had passed. The young man who once feared sleeping alone had grown up. Jian Sheng was almost as tall as Jian Luo now and could lead a team independently, decisive in making decisions.


Jian Luo glanced at the courtyard and smiled. “Mom, call her over for a photo.”


Jian Sheng’s eyes lit up. “Okay.”


Not far away, Su Liang, managing the construction of the office building, heard the call and walked over. “A photo? I’m not dressed up nicely today, Mom.”


“No, you’re always beautiful.”


Jian Sheng spoke the truth. Su Liang was indeed becoming more beautiful, or rather, confident. A confident mature woman’s air changed her entirely. With a successful clothing brand, she ventured into luxury items this year and employed thousands, making a fortune.


Sometimes, when Jian Luo had financial trouble or funding issues, Su Liang no longer worried or shed tears. Instead, she supported him and became a pillar for him. After women started businesses, their entire personalities changed.


Su Liang gave him a sidelong glance and smirked, “Always just trying to please your mom.”


The three of them stood in the courtyard. Although the small yard was still somewhat dilapidated, it had witnessed their hardest days, through thick and thin. Under the trees stood the swing that Jian Luo had assembled back then. At the courtyard entrance was the stone stool where they used to sit during tough times.


The photographer called over to them, “Alright, three, two, one, look at the camera!”


Jian Luo and Jian Sheng stood beside Su Liang, smiling at the camera. “Cheese.”


The photo captured a beautiful moment. Su Liang and Jian Sheng waited for the photo to be sent over, while Jian Luo went to his nearly empty room to check on things.


Inside the room, there was a worn-out sofa filled with memories. Jian Luo sat on it for a while, reminiscing about the awkward moments when he first arrived, recalling how Su Liang had advised him to distance himself from Lu Shifeng back then.


Scene after scene replayed in his mind, as if it were just yesterday.




The sound of the door being pushed open came from outside.


Jian Luo looked up and saw a tall, straight figure standing at the doorway. Lu Shifeng gazed at him and walked over. “I knew you’d be here,” he said.


Jian Luo smiled. “Not busy? Why did you come over?”


“They’re going to demolish this place,” Lu Shifeng said. “They’re moving everyone back to Earth at night.”


Jian Luo nodded. “It’s convenient to go back now, though it’ll take some time. Most industries have moved to Earth, and there’s hardly anyone left here. Even Mom’s clothing factory has moved.”


“What about you?” Lu Shifeng asked.


“As for me?” Jian Luo suddenly understood what he meant and couldn’t help laughing. “Where would I go? My home is here.”


Lu Shifeng looked at him, his gaze deepening, and sat down beside him. “Earth is your mother planet too.”


“What should I do then?” Jian Luo leaned against him. “Should I go back?”


Lu Shifeng held his hand firmly.


Jian Luo giggled. “Are you coming to pick me up?”


Lu Shifeng paused for a moment before saying, “Yes, to take you home.”




Such a beautiful word. Jian Luo had never had a home before; he was an orphan without a place to belong or any relatives. But now, standing here after all these years, with the man beside him coming to take him home, he finally had a place to return to.


Happiness, it seemed, could be so simple.


Jian Luo tilted his face up and smiled. “Lower your head a little.”


Lu Shifeng lowered his head, his handsome face close to his.


Jian Luo kissed him softly on the lips. “Alright, let’s go home.”


Author’s Note: The main story has officially concluded. Starting today, I will begin updating the side stories.

T/N: And…. CUT! This is the last chapter for this series! Whether you’re a new reader, or have been with me since the beginning, thank you for your support and comments! Some of them really got me through my darkest times. Anyway, fear not. It’s not the TRUE end yet. There are a couple of side stories to go, and I’ll take my time this time to translate them as I’ve been going crazy with these updates lately. They’ll be sporadically released once a week (?) But there’s not a lot of them so you won’t have to wait long!

(Also, I’m not ready to let go of this baby just yet…. aaaahhh… I can’t believe it’s really over- not really! Side stories left!)

Anyway, hope you’re having an amazing day! And stay hydrated!


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Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep

and many, many more!


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!


Chapter 41 – Winning an Award

       Time flew by, and by the time the annual Silver Star Awards online voting concluded, it was already spring of the following year. This time, Zhuo Yue was nominated for Best Actor in a TV Drama for his outstanding performance in ‘So I Love You’.

       On the day of the awards ceremony, Lin Hui was driving on the way to the studio. He looked out the window at Zhuo Yue and sighed, “The last time I came here, I was so afraid of those cameras; I just wanted to run away. Winning awards, performing, becoming famous, making money—I didn’t want any of it. Now, looking back, it all feels like a dream.”

       “You’re not afraid anymore?” asked the man next to him.

       “With you by my side, I’m not afraid of anything.” He rested his head on Fang Mingyan’s shoulder.

       The man smiled silently and covered his hand with a warm palm. Zhuo Yue turned his palm over and intertwined his fingers. The two wrists hidden in the sleeves of the suit wear identical silver bracelets, with each other’s initials engraved on the inner rings that were invisible to others.

       This was a pair of bracelets designed and customized by Xia Ran for them.

       He couldn’t say how expensive they were, but they were the only pair in the world.

       This time, Zhuo Yue walked on the red carpet with Lu Chenyang. The two people’s dresses were black and white, forming a strong contrast.

       “Why did you choose black this time?” Lu Chenyang asked as he walked.

       “It looks calmer this way,” he replied.


       “Well, if I really have a chance to win this award, I want to do something very special. So, at least, I have to look calm. After all, this is a serious matter…” He stopped and graciously stopped to smile for the cameras.

       Over the past year, he participated in stage plays, shot commercials, engaged in charity work, appeared on reality shows, and acted in TV dramas and movies. Through continuous experience and accumulation, his presence in front of the camera became even more remarkable. It seemed that he didn’t need to look at the camera intentionally, but he could know the direction and angle of the camera precisely. From grand gestures to subtle glances, everything he did was filled with confidence and an exceptional demeanour, commanding people’s attention effortlessly.

       The spotlight flashed in front of his eyes, and the screams sounded in his ears. Everything was the same as a year ago.

       The time and space seemed to overlap.

       Zhuo Yue still clearly remembered how he had clumsily walked down that long red carpet back then. He remembered the ‘talisman’ the man had given him, the words the man had silently spoken behind him, and the tears that welled up in his eyes when he heard the words ‘for me’.

       He wrote his name neatly on the signature board and then walked into the awards hall.

       Fang Mingyan was standing in the corner inside the door, waiting for him. He was wearing a black suit with exquisite workmanship and just the right cut. One hand was stuck casually in his pocket, and the other was fiddling with his cell phone boredly. As if feeling his gaze, the man raised his head and slightly raised the corners of his lips towards him, with a bit of warmth in his eyes.

       “It seems like it’s time for me to retire.” Lu Chenyang smiled and left first.

       Zhuo Yue walked up to him and asked, “Are you waiting for me, Sir?”

       Fang Mingyan asked, “Have you thought about your acceptance speech?”

       “I did.” He looked at the other person with his dark eyes, “Do you think I have a good chance of winning?”

       “If I were a judge, I would choose you.”

       “Purely from a professional point of view?”

       “Of course, you are a good actor.”

       “If I win the prize, can you grant me a wish?”

       There was a smile in the man’s eyes, “Where did you learn this trick of raising prices on the ground?”

       Zhuo Yue raised his eyebrows and said, “Don’t you dare?”

       Such a clumsy provocation made Fang Mingyan couldn’t help laughing, and said leisurely, “Okay, I promise you.”

       Before the awards ceremony officially started, the two entered the venue one after another and took their seats. When the award presenter announced the shortlist for Best Actor in a TV Series, Zhuo Yue greeted the camera with a smile, and the light melted into a crystal-like hue under his eyes.

       Then the guest of honour read out a name.

       The applause was thunderous.

       Zhuo Yue, who was wearing a formal black suit, stood up, thanked the colleagues around him who congratulated him, and then walked steadily toward the stage with his head held high.

       Fang Mingyan looked at his figure and curled his lips silently.

       When they first met, Zhuo Yue was like a desperate little animal, stubborn and obstinate, but he had to put down his pride to please himself in order to make a living. After that, he gradually began to bloom in his hands, and the sudden accident almost completely destroyed him. He became a puppet relying on drugs to survive, with only endless fear and emptiness in his eyes. At last year’s awards ceremony, he ran to himself like a frightened deer through a hail of bullets. And in the end, he became such a dazzling being.

       Gentle, confident, elegant and humble.

       So beautiful.

       When did he start falling in love?

       That kind of emotion, slowly fermenting over time, had now become difficult to delineate clearly. However, replacing it was a more intense and passionate feeling within his chest—one of wanting to accompany, share, and become each other’s closest person.

       This should be love.

       Zhuo Yue took the trophy, thanked the guest of honour and looked around the audience. “Thank you, everyone. Receiving this award today is a recognition from the audience and the judges, and I feel very proud. I want to thank everyone in the ‘So I Love You’ crew—without all of your collective efforts, I wouldn’t have achieved today’s success. And to my fans, I know you’ve been voting for me, cheering me on, and I am very grateful to all of you.” He paused and said, “Actually, apart from my acceptance speech, I have also prepared a statement on my temporary break from the acting profession.”

       Such sudden and explosive news caused a commotion in the audience. Everyone was whispering to each other. The reporters focused all their cameras on this artist who was at the top of his game. Fang Mingyan frowned slightly and sat in his original position without moving.

       “I love acting very much. During this year, I tried many different roles and performance methods, did a lot of things I wanted to do, and gained a lot. Today, I won another award that I had dreamed of. This made me very satisfied, and in the following time, I decided to leave my acting career temporarily to spend time with the people I love deeply.”

       “Who is it?” A shout came from the audience. Such explosive news that came one after another made all the reporters as excited as chicken blood.

       Zhuo Yue smiled slightly, his black eyes full of brilliance. He raised his face and said calmly, “The person I love is not a woman.”

       The audience was stunned. When everyone came to their senses, they all asked each other, “What did he mean just now? Is he coming out?”

       “Did I hear that right?”

       “Oh my God! He’s gay!”

       A few veteran actors glared, exclaiming, “This is outrageous!” “Does he have no shame?”

       Chaos erupted as journalists crowded around the stage past the security guards.

       “So you love a man?”

       “Who is that man?”

       “Is it true that you’re in a relationship with Huasheng’s boss?”

       “Is this your declaration of coming out?”

       At this moment, a figure walked straight to the centre of the stage, grabbed Zhuo Yue’s hand, and quickly pulled him out.

       “It’s Fang Mingyan from Huasheng!” Someone shouted. Reporters swarmed in and blocked the way, countless cameras were shaking, and the continuous flashes made it difficult for Zhuo Yue to keep his eyes open.

       However, he didn’t have a trace of fear because someone was holding his hand.

       Fang Mingyan wrapped him in his coat, blocked the approaching cameras with his hands, held his waist tightly, and led him through all the hustle and bustle. A large number of reporters had not dispersed until the security personnel escorted them into the car and left. The news of ‘Zhuo Yue coming out as gay’ even overshadowed all other award-winning news and steadily appeared at the top of the hot search list.

       The silence in the carriage was a little depressing.

       Fang Mingyan was silent, Zhuo Yue didn’t dare to speak, and Lin Hui didn’t even dare to speak out, focusing on pretending to be an unattended driver.

       “Don’t you think I should be informed of this kind of thing in advance?” After a moment of silence, the man spoke.

       “I originally thought…I didn’t expect you to come up…” Zhuo Yue fiddled with the trophy in his hand awkwardly and muttered in a low voice, “You promised before that if I win the prize, you will grant me a wish.”

       “What do you want?”

       “I hope you won’t be angry.” His eyes were bright in the night.

       Fang Mingyan looked at him with a half-smile. “Your little plan is quite flawless.” He now understood why Zhuo Yue had worked so hard this past year. The kid had planned everything from the start, doing everything he wanted to do and then dropping a bombshell before coming back to live with him. Keeping it a secret and causing such a stir, this slave’s courage had grown immensely.

       Seeing him looking at him so indifferently, Zhuo Yue was so nervous that his throat went dry, and he said aggrievedly, “You promised me…”

       “I will fulfil your wish. I won’t be angry or punish you for this. Are you satisfied?” There was a dark light in the man’s eyes.

       Zhuo Yue laughed happily.

       However, soon, he regretted today’s act of acting first and thinking later.

       Fang Mingyan did not punish him for this matter. Instead, he found an excuse to tie him to the execution frame and whip him and then tossed him over and over again for a long time in the next bed. He cried so much that he almost fainted. He was forced to moan and admit his mistake and said a lot of words begging for mercy. The next day, he didn’t even have the strength to get out of bed, so he lay softly on the pillow while the man rubbed his sore lower back.

       After Zhuo Yue came out publicly, public opinion showed two extreme trends. Some people expressed their disgust towards homosexuality, while others openly expressed their support. What surprised Zhuo Yue was that the number of his fans on social networks did not decrease but actually increased. Fang Mingyan’s rarely-used account suddenly gained tens of thousands of followers.

       Some people hurled insults at his state, and many fans left tearful messages asking him to come back to acting quickly.

       After asking for the man’s consent, he retrieved the account that was originally kept by the company and would often post something he was eating or something fun. Occasionally, he would secretly take pictures of Fang Mingyan, but he didn’t dare to take pictures of the front, only blurry figures from behind. Once, he was caught by the man and his cell phone was taken away.

       Zhuo Yue thought he would delete it. Unexpectedly, Fang Mingyan sat down next to him, turned on the selfie mode, then took his head with one hand, kissed him on the cheek, took the picture neatly, and sent it to the phone. He then threw it to him and said, “If we’re going to show affection, we might as well make it grandiose.”

       Zhuo Yue sat dumbfounded on the sofa, blushing after a long moment.

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