Month: July 2024

Chapter 164 – Wedding Gift

Chapter 164 – Wedding Gift


Jian Luo looked at Lu Shifeng in disbelief.


On Lu Shifeng’s handsome face, there was a serious and earnest expression, as if they were discussing not the issue of age but rather some profound and mysterious strategic deployment. He stood upright, looking at Jian Luo with an air of righteousness, which for a moment made Jian Luo wonder if he was perhaps being unreasonable.


After a pause, Jian Luo chuckled, “Come on, don’t tease me!”


Lu Shifeng raised an eyebrow, “I’m serious.”


“Human lifespan is just over a hundred years, you could practically be my grandfather,” Jian Luo ruthlessly retorted.


Lu Shifeng looked at Jian Luo in silence, seemingly pondering these words, unexpectedly hurt as if Jian Luo’s words had struck a nerve.


Jian Luo’s heart skipped a beat, quickly correcting himself, “I didn’t mean it that way…”


Lu Shifeng said, “Respect for elders and care for the young.”




“Since I’m not a child,” Lu Shifeng attempted to reason with him, “you should still respect your grandpa.”



There was a brief silence in the air.


After a moment,


Jian Luo heartlessly burst into laughter, laughing mercilessly in front of his grandpa, not giving him any face.


Lu Shifeng stared at him intensely.


After Jian Luo had enough laughter, he said, “You have a point.”


“In that case,” Jian Luo thought of a solution, “we can call each other later, and, oh, you remember to hold the cubs; I’ll miss them if I don’t see the children.”




“For the sake of seeing the child?”


Seeing that his tone was not right, Jian Luo corrected himself in time, saying, “And to see you.”


Only then did Lu Shifeng feel somewhat satisfied. He touched Jian Luo’s head and felt the soft touch of his hair with his rough palm. The fragile and petite human before his eyes seemed as if he might disappear in the blink of an eye. He wanted to keep Jian Luo close, as if he could integrate him into his bones and blood.


Muttering, Jian Luo added, “We’ve been together for so long, just a few days apart, don’t be sad, it’ll be over soon.”


Lu Shifeng rubbed his head, his voice low, “Want to see more of you.”


“It’s not like you won’t see me in the future…”


As Jian Luo unconsciously finished his sentence, he remembered Lu Shifeng was going to practice in the illusionary realm, and suddenly felt a pang of sorrow. Just the thought that he might not see Lu Shifeng in the future made his heart ache faintly. His emotions were always written on his face, easily detectable.


Lu Shifeng kissed his forehead gently, “What makes you always ready to be a widow?”


Jian Luo looked at him in surprise.


In Lu Shifeng’s blood-red eyes, there was a hint of teasing smile: “I’m not that weak.”


Jian Luo hugged him, his arms around Lu Shifeng’s waist, burying his face against him. He wanted to comfort Lu Shifeng, knowing that sometimes saying nothing was the best approach.



The next day,


Marshal Lu’s plan was like this.


Although Jian Luo couldn’t come to see him, he could sneak in to see Jian Luo. The rule was that the dead would die and the living would live; one always had to use their brain a bit. Unfortunately, despite all his calculations, Marshal Lu hadn’t expected that Jian Luo would silently pack up and leave.


Secretary Jin stood in front of the desk, conscientiously reporting, “Yesterday afternoon, at 5 o’clock, there was a spaceship ticket to the F Solar System, with a transfer in between. The interstellar railway to the Solar System is still under construction, so judging by the current situation, the transfer should have just taken place.”


Lu Shifeng: “…”


Secretary Jin comforted him, “Today is the third day. Lolo should be back on the fourth day. Your wedding is in five days, so it shouldn’t be delayed.”


Lu Shifeng asked, “Didn’t he use our military ship to come over?”


“Just sending it directly would have been better than making his own arrangements,” Lu Shifeng muttered.


Secretary Jin had to speak the truth, “Lolo said he was afraid of running into you on the way here, which wouldn’t look good and would break the rules.”


As expected, as soon as these words fell, Lu Shifeng’s face turned dark. “He said that?”


Secretary Jin nodded timidly.


Lu Shifeng chuckled in frustration, “Alright, alright.”



Watching the furious Marshal, Secretary Jin dared not speak further, only silently praying for Jian Luo.


On the other side,


The first thing Jian Luo did upon arriving on Earth was to inquire about the progress with the research and development team. Over these months, their progress had been rapid, thanks to the technological support from the Dark Star. There were several academicians from research institutes here, all of whom showed great respect to Jian Luo and greeted him politely.


They were all Dark Star natives who had come a long way to Earth for research. Jian Luo asked, “Are you adapting well here?”


An academian, a girl, who had a male colleague, said happily, “I really like this beautiful planet. The scenery is amazing, the magnetic field and gravity here are very comfortable, and the food is delicious.”


Jian Luo laughed.


Currently, it was winter on Earth. An elderly Chinese doctor in a thick cotton jacket took a sip of liquor before approaching Jian Luo, saying, “Come over here.”


Jian Luo followed him.


The elderly doctor opened an information screen displaying floating images of dozens of herbs. He said, “We’ve compared the DNA and medicinal properties of over ten thousand types of vegetation, and consulted the local indigenous people. We found that these herbs are very effective in improving the body’s pheromones. However, the smell of these herbs when cut is too strong for most people to accept.”


Jian Luo looked concerned, “How are the medicinal properties?”


“We are still testing,” the elderly doctor said, “the two Dark Star individuals, a couple, have been taking them for half a month. Their test results show a significant increase in the female’s fertility signals. If everything goes well, according to the treatment plan, it should return to normal levels within three months.”


Jian Luo understood. Currently, there were two main problems: how to make such bitter medicine palatable to most people once it was successful, and how to mass-produce these herbs while ensuring quality and meeting demand.


The elderly doctor said, “Chinese herbal medicine should not have anything added to it, as it would affect its efficacy.”


Jian Luo smiled, “Hmm, what I’m thinking is that there might be a greater demand for gourmet food trends at that time. I should make arrangements in advance to adjust the production lines in the factories and consider whether to deploy physical gourmet food stores offline.”


His words made the elderly doctor look at him differently. Some people were naturally suited for business—they were good at creating opportunities and seizing them. Suddenly, he felt that Jian Luo’s success might have an element of luck, but certainly not entirely. This child had some real ability.


The elderly doctor kindly advised him, “Avoid spicy and pungent foods to cater to market demand.”


Jian Luo nodded, “I understand.”


“As for the mass production of herbs, you don’t need to worry about manpower. When the time comes, let me know how many people you need, and I’ll send some over. The local indigenous people here understand the environment well and should be able to help,” Jian Luo looked around at the surroundings as he thought aloud, “Once the environment here is better purified, I’ll allocate funds to renovate the houses here and build our own skyscr4p3rs.”


The elderly doctor sat down in his rocking chair nearby, “With so much money, can you handle it?”


Jian Luo smiled, “This is on my shoulders now. Whether I can handle it or not, I have to.”


“The profits from the factories are only enough for daily expenses,” Jian Luo sat down as well, sharing his thoughts, “worker wages, maintenance of the village, various household matters—the net daily profit is about 500,000 star coins.”


But building a skyscr4p3r would cost tens of millions.


He thought of ways to make money every day, but there were always endless uses for money. He finally understood that managing his own life and managing paradise were completely different things.


To wear a crown, you must bear its weight. He had no retreat now; he could only grit his teeth and move forward. He knew that besides himself, there was no way out, so he had to keep moving forward.


The elderly doctor looked at him meaningfully, “I heard you’re engaged to him. The Dragon Clan’s wealth is beyond our imagination. Have you never thought about it?”


Jian Luo said, “What is there to think about? I can earn money on my own.”


The elderly doctor looked at him in surprise.


Jian Luo sat by his side, realizing that the boy who used to come to him timidly seeking advice and hesitating was no longer there. He had matured a lot and had become a man who could stand on his own. Initially, the elderly doctor had been worried that he might not be able to handle it, but at this moment, he suddenly felt that given time, Jian Luo could become a remarkable person.


A figure who could be recorded in the histories of both races and praised by future generations.



A few days later,


Jian Luo returned. When he intended to take a car himself, a military ship from the military landed. Lu Shifeng’s deputy said, “The Marshal asked me to pick you up.”


“Thank you,” Jian Luo said.


Just by looking at Lu Shifeng’s demeanor, he knew that the somewhat petty man might be angry again. Due to Earth’s lack of signal, many communications couldn’t get through, and he hadn’t made any calls these past few days. He guessed there might be an explosion waiting for him when he returned.


Due to the schedule, the military ship landed directly at the military base.


When Jian Luo came down from the ship, he immediately saw Lu Shifeng waiting not far away. Leaning against the wall, half of his body obscured in darkness, Lu Shifeng’s stern features and towering figure resembled a lurking beast—dangerous and powerful.


Jian Luo considered walking around him.


But Lu Shifeng unexpectedly appeared in front of him in a flash. “What, Mr. Jian, been gone a few days and don’t recognize me anymore?”



Jian Luo nervously replied, “We’re not supposed to meet before the wedding.”


“It’s midnight now, it’s already our wedding day,” Lu Shifeng said seriously. “So, it doesn’t count as meeting before the wedding.”


Jian Luo found himself unable to argue with that.


Feeling a bit weary now, he made his way towards the house, chatting casually with Lu Shifeng along the way. When he entered the room, he was astonished to find it filled with various types of gifts. One of the largest caught his attention. “Who sent this?”


“Silver Grey,” Lu Shifeng replied.


Silver Grey—the interstellar thief—sent a gift.


Jian Luo was curious. “What did he send?”


As the question fell, Lu Shifeng looked at him with a subtle expression, even a hint of approval, his lips curling into a smirk. “Why don’t you open it and find out?”


Author’s note: Silver Grey: Didn’t expect that, did you?

T/N: Hope you’re having a good day! Drink water and make sure to sleep early! (>w<)/

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep

and many, many more!


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!


Chapter 163 – I Am Still a Child

Chapter 163 – I Am Still a Child


Jian Luo looked at Lu Shifeng’s face before him. Lu spoke casually, but there was an inexplicable sadness in his words. Below them, three little ones were happily playing, surrounded by a scenery so beautiful it seemed like a fairyland on earth. However, Jian Luo’s mind was filled with Lu Shifeng’s past realms.


He had been there.


In that dream realm, he had been there.


It was a place filled with torrential rain, where trees in the forest blocked out the sky, and the gloomy atmosphere was occasionally pierced by the roars of wild beasts. The landscape was rugged, desolate, and lonely.


Jian Luo felt a dryness in his throat. He said, “This isn’t your fault.”


Lu Shifeng looked down at him. “Is it?”


“Yeah,” Jian Luo nodded gently. “Maybe the God Tree has its own reasons, but you’re not at fault.”


Lu Shifeng stood beside him on a nearby rock, watching three little ones playing by the stream not far away. Sitting down with Jian Luo on the rock, under the clear sky and in an atmosphere reminiscent of a fairyland, he lounged lazily and said, “The second time in the Mirror of Transformation was different from the first.”


Jian Luo asked, “Oh?”


“That time, I returned to an ancient era of great wars. I was a soldier, participating in the legendary battle of Dragon’s glory. The entire legion was nearly wiped out, with wreckage everywhere and vultures circling in the sky.” Lu Shifeng looked at the sky, as if reminiscing. “Enemies were everywhere, and I was the last line of defense.”


He had fought fiercely, entering a frenzied state without realizing it.


In the illusion, where darkness prevailed, he had grown accustomed to pain, accustomed to killing, accustomed to darkness. Born as a Dragon King, born to sacrifice for his race—it was his mission, his duty.


As his last shred of consciousness faded, he had thought—dying like this wouldn’t be so bad.


Jian Luo’s voice came from beside him. “You succeeded.”


“Yeah,” Lu Shifeng replied.


Stepping out of his memories, Lu Shifeng said, “I succeeded.”


What sacrifices were necessary to achieve an invincible physique and stature in battle? He didn’t like discussing the past with others. This was the first time he had shared it with someone, and surprisingly, he felt calm.


Jian Luo turned to look at him, a trace of heartache on his face. “Do all Dragons have to go through this?”


Lu Shifeng said, “I don’t know.”


“Everyone’s transformation is different,” Lu Shifeng looked down at the three little ones not far away. “They will also experience their own swamps.”


Jian Luo couldn’t help but furrow his brow, feeling worried.


Meanwhile, the three little ones had no idea what would happen next. The illusion here was so real; the clear stream even contained live fish. Long Aotian had always enjoyed this kind of physical activity since he was young. After catching one fish and giving it to his younger sister, he failed to catch any more. Long Ao Tian was looking disdainfully at the rain, and Long Ao Tian was chasing it away. Finally, the two fell into the river together and lost their fish.


Jian Luo laughed straight at it. “Should we give them their grown-up, official names?”


Lu Shifeng said, “It’s already planned.”




First shocked, then accepted, they had already discussed it before. He took the children’s nicknames, and Lu Shifeng didn’t interfere, and the Dragon Family took it.


He still curiously asked, “What are their names?”


Lu Shifeng replied, “Lu Chengyin, Lu Chengyu, Lu Chengqi.”


Jian Luo was shocked. He knew “yin” meant descendant, “cheng” meant connection or continuation. The name for the eldest probably carried some blessings from the Dragon Clan and the Dark Star. “Yu” meant brightness and light, quite a significant character. As for “qi,” it suited girls well, describing beauty and inheriting goodness.


Jian Luo sighed, “It took quite some thought.”


Lu Shifeng said, “It was only recently decided. The Dragon Clan formalizes their names after their first adult transformation. We don’t need to tell them yet.”


Jian Luo nodded, “Alright.”


They rested for a while, and nearby, the dragon cubs tired themselves out from their play. Jian Luo went over and lifted them up to see the God Tree. This place was sacred to the Dragon Clan, beyond the farthest river boundary lay the unified sacred land of the Dragon Clan. Towering above all was the immense green God Tree, majestic and imposing.


The three cubs widened their eyes upon seeing the God Tree for the first time.


Lu Shifeng stopped under the tree and said to them, “Kneel and pay respects to the Mother Tree ahead.”


In the Dragon Clan, receiving the Mother Tree’s inheritance and favor was extremely important. The cubs had been instructed before coming to kneel before the Mother Tree, but now they seemed a bit fearful. Jian Luo gently patted their heads one by one and reassured them, “Go on, it’s alright. The Mother Tree is our protector; it loves you.”


The cubs seemed to understand vaguely, and awkwardly moved their legs towards the towering tree.


Jian Luo watched as they knelt not far away, and a gust of wind blew through. The branches of the God Tree swayed, and a green vine slowly descended from the tree. Around it, several small green orbs gently swayed in the air, softly dancing around the cubs.


The green vine approached the children and tenderly stroked each of their heads, much like a gentle elder would with obedient descendants.


Lu Shifeng remarked, “The Mother Tree really likes them.”


Jian Luo breathed a sigh of relief, “That’s good then.”


“Are the vines of the Mother Tree its hands?” Jian Luo asked softly.


Lu Shifeng didn’t confirm or deny, simply saying, “They symbolize a spiritual entity. Its vines and branches are imbued with powerful spiritual energy, untouchable and inviolable…”


As he spoke, he noticed Jian Luo’s expression seemed somewhat uneasy.


Raising an eyebrow, Lu Shifeng asked, “What is it?”


“Well…” Jian Luo hesitated, pointing not far away, “What if they pluck them?”


Lu Shifeng turned to look and saw Long Aotian curiously pulling on the vine on his own head. A leaf happened to brush against his nose, causing a slight itch. The young dragon casually plucked the leaf and earnestly examined it in his hand.


Jian Luo was exasperated and whispered, “Don’t pluck the leaves!”


Long Aotian innocently looked back at his father, while even the Mother Tree above seemed momentarily surprised. It had not encountered such a mischievous young dragon in a long time; the replicas of Dark Stars born after were always mature, with no young dragons misbehaving and being affectionate with it.


“Hm?” Long Aotian looked puzzled, holding the leaf.


The Mother Tree gently touched him with the vine, conveying a soothing force that felt warm and comforting.


Long Aotian found it pleasant, squinting his eyes and even purring softly in his throat. He nuzzled against the vine with his head, seeming to greet it with his small claws. He even curiously thought about taking a bite to taste what it was, sniffed it, found it not tasty, and disdainfully let go.


The Mother Tree: “…”


Jian Luo, not far away, had given up.


However, unexpectedly, the Mother Tree did not get angry. Instead, several more vines descended from the tree, each bearing golden fruits. The vines handed one to each of the three little cubs, then slowly descended towards Jian Luo and Lu Shifeng, giving each of them a fruit.


Jian Luo instinctively said, “Thank you…”


The vine of the Mother Tree shook as if laughing. Its tender green sprout patted Jian Luo’s head before retracting.


Lu Shifeng collected the fruit, “It seems the Mother Tree is very happy today.”


Jian Luo nodded with relief.


When the three cubs grew tired of playing with the Mother Tree, Lu Shifeng carried them back. On the way to Dragon Valley, Jian Luo remarked, “The Mother Tree is really tolerant towards the children.”


Lu Shifeng lightly said, “It depends on the person.”




Jian Luo looked back at him.


Lu Shifeng landed on the ground, sending the children back to the nursery before saying, “Except for these two times, the Mother Tree has never responded to me.”


Jian Luo widened his eyes, “How could…”


“It likes children full of light and hope,” Lu Shifeng said, “I obviously don’t fit that description.”




Jian Luo processed this for a moment, then retorted with a hint of disbelief, “How can it be biased like that? It’s not like you want it that way.”


Lu Shifeng looked at him silently, his red eyes seeming to hold a deep and intense storm, ready to engulf anyone at any moment.


Jian Luo felt his heart race under his gaze, stuttering, “What’s wrong?”


Lu Shifeng lowered his eyes, then led Jian Luo out of the room. Only then did he smile faintly, looking calmly at him, “You, criticizing the Mother Tree in front of the Dragon King?”


Jian Luo realized belatedly, feeling a bit guilty, “You, you shouldn’t take it seriously, I was just…”


He hadn’t finished speaking when Lu Shifeng bent down and lightly kissed his forehead. The tall, handsome man bowed before him, his blood-red eyes carrying a charming smile as he said, “Thank you, Madam.”


His deep, husky voice landed on Jian Luo’s heart as if tickling it.


They were very close, feeling each other’s breaths intertwining, lingering, their uncontrollable heartbeats quickening in an inexplicable tenderness.


Lu Shifeng intended to kiss Jian Luo’s lips next, but his attempt was blocked by Jian Luo’s slender hand.


Jian Luo’s cheeks flushed slightly as he said, “I, I just remembered something.”


Lu Shifeng suppressed his impatience, wanting to hear Jian Luo finish speaking so he could gain some advantages, but instead heard his blushing young wife say, “Our wedding is scheduled for a week from now. Starting tomorrow, I will move back to Paradise to live. We have a tradition: the seven days before the wedding are spent apart and we cannot see each other.”




Lu Shifeng raised an eyebrow, “Seven days?”


Jian Luo leaned back a bit and nodded gently, “Yes, no seeing each other. You’ll come to fetch me on the wedding day, and then we can meet.”


Lu Shifeng commented, “In today’s open society, shouldn’t those ancient customs of yours be changed?”


“No.” Jian Luo shook his head. “These are our ancestors’ customs. We can’t forget our roots or change them casually. Besides, it’s just seven days. When you were away on business, I waited for you for a long time too. You’re a mature dragon now, not like the little cubs who need care.”


Lu Shifeng asked, “Do you know the average lifespan of dragons?”


Jian Luo admitted he did not.


“For ordinary dragons, it’s about 2,000 to 3,000 years. If we consider that…”


Lu Shifeng quietly looked at Jian Luo.


Jian Luo asked, “Consider what?”


“I’m still young,” Lu Shifeng said seriously.

T/N: Hope you’re having a good day! Drink water and make sure to sleep early! (>w<)/

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep

and many, many more!


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!


Chapter 162 – The Transformation of the Offspring

Chapter 162 – The Transformation of the Offspring


Just as many people were discussing fervently, suddenly, a well-known gossip journalist from the Dark Star posted a Weibo:


“According to reliable sources, Marshal Lu is getting married to Jian Luo. Once the Dragon God blesses the Dragon Valley, their wedding date can be set. The source is reliable, and they are opting for the Second Marriage Law.”


This single statement shook the entire internet. While it was speculated that Jian Luo might marry, nobody expected it to be Marshal Lu in the end. Some had even speculated that it wouldn’t be Marshal Lu at all, arguing that these two had children without formalizing their union. The appearance of this information felt like a direct slap in the face to those assumptions.


“Is it true?”


“Is there solid evidence?”


“Unscrupulous media should not spread rumors.”


“My goodness, who can believe this? Setting aside the Dragon Clan, just Marshal Lu’s personal wealth could buy several paradises. Splitting assets? That’s insane!”


The journalist seemed slightly affected by the public’s questioning and praise. He began posting more and more, presenting a photo as evidence: “I took this photo in a mall. Jian Luo’s mother was buying red paper, saying it’s for a joyful occasion. It must be true.”


The release of this photo did strengthen the credibility for many, yet some still refused to accept the reality:


“Come on, can’t there be any other joyous occasion besides marriage at home?”


“Yeah, this doesn’t seem reliable.”


“Don’t believe rumors, don’t spread rumors.”


Some even suspected the reporter fabricated the story, while others speculated Jian Luo orchestrated this for attention, deliberately creating a topic to boost sales. Many found this speculation plausible, believing that Marshal Lu Shifeng would never agree to the Second Marriage Law—it seemed like a fantasy.


People continued to speculate and tag Lu Shifeng, curious and eager for answers. Some felt tagging him was futile, given Lu Shifeng’s likely non-response due to his personality.


One netizen asked, “Now everyone is gossiping that you’re getting married. Could you clarify this, Your Excellency?”


However, just as most people were about to give up, suddenly—


Upon refreshing, there was suddenly a new reply under his comments, clearly from the golden-named Lu Shifeng v: “To clarify, it’s true.”


This sentence caused a mixed reaction of relief and astonishment.




The netizens collectively fell silent for a moment, then exploded in shock and excitement.


“Is it really his second marriage?”


“Overnight wealth, wow.”


“Master, heartbreak for me. I’m a fan of Luo Luo.”


“Why is Luo Luo getting married? Can’t she wait ten more years for me?”


“Wait for you? Do you have half of the Dragon Clan’s treasure?”


“Sorry to disturb.”


For most internet users, aside from spectating and being shocked, they were also genuinely supportive of this couple’s marriage. Jian Luo held a different significance in many people’s hearts. In the eyes of the hierarchical Dark Star residents, Jian Luo was akin to a leader among the human race, marrying into the Dragon Clan’s royalty. Although seen as reaching a bit high, they couldn’t deny the global hope she represented!


Therefore, many people felt that they were a perfect match and gave their full blessings and approval. They were already looking forward to the wedding, and some memes started circulating among the crowd.


“#Still using the First Marriage Law, are you richer than Marshal Lu Shifeng?”


“#First couple under the new Marriage Law”


The internet was abuzz with discussions about this event, and many were quite excited. Since both were well-known figures, the news spread quickly across the entire planet.



“Luo Luo!”


Early in the morning, Jian Luo was dragged out of bed by Su Liang.


Rubbing his sleepy eyes, Jian Luo asked, “Mom, what’s up?”


“You need to prepare a lot for your wedding. Have you chosen the auspicious patterns for the decorations?” Su Liang continued, “And also, won’t you come and help with the invitations? Do you know how many people?”


Still half-asleep, Jian Luo was forcibly pulled along to do chores.


He had thought that such formalities were unnecessary at this point. At least, it shouldn’t be as complicated as the many customs in their village. Yet now in Paradise, not only were there more customs, but he also had to learn the human marriage customs while simultaneously adapting to those of the Dragon Clan.


Jian Luo frowned. “Seriously?”


Su Liang said, “Ordinary folks like us wouldn’t need so many rules, but your current status is different. You’re now a leader among us humans. How can your marriage be too casual? Wouldn’t it make us humans look humble?”


“We’ve discussed it. The dowry for you shouldn’t be anything too ordinary. We humans don’t have anything special, so each household will prepare an embroidered picture for you and the Marshal as a token.”


Jian Luo, writing the invitations, replied, “It doesn’t have to be so troublesome. Sincerity is enough.”


Su Liang glanced at him. “Children don’t understand.”


Jian Luo knew that no matter what he said now, Su Liang wouldn’t listen. He wisely chose to remain silent to avoid further scolding.



In the afternoon, Lu Shifeng came to find Jian Luo.


Jian Luo asked, “What’s up? Here to help with the invitations?”


Lu Shifeng held his hand and said to Su Liang, “I need him for the afternoon.”


Su Liang’s attitude towards Lu Shifeng was markedly different, and she quickly said, “Go ahead, go ahead. Have fun!”




Jian Luo couldn’t believe it.


Just moments ago, he had mentioned wanting to take the afternoon off, and Su Liang had scolded him for being mischievous.


As Lu Shifeng pulled him away, Jian Luo muttered, “My mom is more lenient with you.”


Lu Shifeng lowered his voice. “You’re mistaken.”




“She’s tolerant and polite to me because she hopes I’ll treat you well,” Lu Shifeng’s voice was deep and magnetic. “Otherwise, she would only advise you to stay away from me.”


Jian Luo was shocked, then burst out laughing.


Lu Shifeng raised an eyebrow. “Did I say something wrong?”


“No no no,” Jian Luo chuckled helplessly. “Let’s go, what are we doing out here?”


Despite already having children, their time together remained sweet and affectionate. Every time they met, Jian Luo was delighted, much like a couple in the throes of a new romance.


Lu Shifeng said, “Fetching the children.”




In a nearby pavilion, three youngsters sat together, chatting animatedly as they watched television. While most children their age were watching educational cartoons, Jian Luo’s three were engrossed in action-packed mech battles, discussing tactics and deployments.


Long Autian was particularly excited, pointing at the latest combat mech with enthusiasm. He puffed up his chest, indicating to his younger siblings that one day, he too would pilot such machines.


His younger brother was more interested in command and strategic formations, focusing on the commander’s segments. Occasionally, he would appease his elder brother during breaks. Meanwhile, his younger sister showed more interest in the cost and assembly of mechs, jotting down notes intermittently.


Jian Luo approached them and asked, “Have you finished your morning lessons?”


The three youngsters spotted Jian Luo and rushed over excitedly, abandoning the TV. They crowded around him, affectionately rubbing against him, displaying their well-behaved nature.


Jian Luo patted their heads lovingly.


Lu Shifeng said, “Let’s go.”


Jian Luo was puzzled. “Where to?”


“The Dragon Valley,” Lu Shifeng replied. “First, I’ll take them to the Sacred Tree to learn the way. Later, when they transform, they’ll have to fly there on their own.”


In other words, this time, Dad was taking them flying.


The youngsters had never been to the Dragon Valley before and were very curious. Previously, they were too weak physically, so Lu Shifeng hadn’t taken them. Now that they were stronger, he was preparing to take them there. Standing atop the small pavilion, a gust of wind blew in, and a massive black dragon appeared out of nowhere in the sky. Its scales shimmered brilliantly in the sunlight, exuding a majestic aura.


Jian Luo helped the three youngsters onto Lu Shifeng’s back. Once they were settled, Lu Shifeng took off. The black dragon soared into the sky, making the whole world seem small underfoot. They overlooked everything, feeling the refreshing coolness brought by the wind.




The young dragonlings had never flown before. It was their first experience, exhilarating and awe-inspiring. It seemed as though dragons were meant to soar in the sky, craving the thrill of flight and the dominance of overlooking the earth.


The white gates of Dragon Valley swung open, and Lu Shifeng led the little ones inside.


Jian Luo’s eyes widened. “This place…”


The Dragon Valley looked completely different from Jian Luo’s previous visits. Those times, it was a vast, desolate wilderness with endless plains and flowing rivers, truly spectacular.


But now, Dragon Valley was in full bloom. Cartoonish little clouds adorned the sky, and the ground was covered with beautiful, delicate flowers, petals fluttering down in vibrant splendor.


Lu Shifeng remarked, “This is their transformation realm.”


Jian Luo was shocked. “So Dragon Valley isn’t always the same?”


“Who told you that?” Lu Shifeng set the youngsters down to play. “Every dragon entering Dragon Valley steps into their own transformation realm. Each one is unique. From what I know, Silver Ash’s realm is particularly special, nearly impossible to navigate.”


Jian Luo asked, “What determines the formation of these different realms?”


Lu Shifeng replied, “It’s based on personal psychology.”


In other words, your inner self manifests into tangible form within your realm.


Jian Luo sat on Lu Shifeng’s back. “Is this the illusion of when the little ones were young? What about yours?”


Lu Shifeng said, “It was different.”


Jian Luo fell silent, suddenly remembering. Lu Shifeng’s first transformation realm had failed—he had no wings and couldn’t fly for centuries.


Looking over the lively grassland, Lu Shifeng said, “My first realm was nothing but rubble, with torrential rain and dangerous beasts lurking in the forest.”


Jian Luo was stunned, recalling a dream of his own.


Lu Shifeng gently placed Jian Luo on the ground. “Aren’t you curious about my first illusion?”


Jian Luo looked at him.


“I fought through that forest, vanquishing all beasts that came near me, until I reached the sacred tree. I thought I had done well, but the tree didn’t approve.”


The boy, covered in blood, kneeled before the sacred tree amidst countless beast corpses. The tree, neither blessing nor condemning, looked upon him with pity and sorrow, unable to respond.

T/N: Hope you’re having a good day! Drink water and make sure to sleep early! (>w<)/

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep

and many, many more!


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!


Chapter 161 – The Reverse Proposal

Chapter 161 – The Reverse Proposal


Jian Luo stared at the documents in front of him, lost in thought.


As he flipped through them, he gradually discovered that there were very few and vague records about the Dragon Clan’s illusions. Most likely, dragons who had experienced them were unwilling to discuss them. Another reason was that Jian Luo had just learned that each dragon’s illusion realm was unique, rendering them fundamentally incomparable.


The only certainty was that the more times one entered the illusion, the greater the danger within. However, with each journey, one would undoubtedly grow stronger, significantly so. Lu Shifeng was already on his third expedition. This time, he had no choice but to face it head-on, with no retreat.


“How could this be…”


Jian Luo had spent the whole day in the library, but it was the alert from his personal information bracelet that finally woke him. It was from Su Liang.


Su Liang said, “Luo Luo, where are you? Haven’t seen you all day.”


Jian Luo was still immersed in the documents. The more he read, the more apprehensive he became, feeling as if he were facing a formidable enemy. He hastily replied, “Mom, I’ll talk to you tonight when I get back. I’m busy right now. Please take care of the little ones.”


Su Liang asked, “What are you up to?”


Jian Luo didn’t explain further. “I’ll tell you later.”


After ending the call, Jian Luo could no longer sit still. He stood up and walked briskly outside. In the past, he was unfamiliar with the military terrain, but now he moved around as if it were his own home, navigating effortlessly.


Jian Luo walked faster and faster, as if rushing to meet someone.


The afternoon sunlight bathed him as he hurried towards the warm, summer-like temperature. Walking under the sun, his pace was swift, almost as if he might burst into flames at any moment.




The door to the training camp opened.


Gasping for breath, Jian Luo stood at the entrance. Looking inside, he saw Lu Shifeng standing on the training platform. Nearby, three young trainees were at their stations, and behind them stood a group of instructors. In preparation for Lu Shifeng’s upcoming third illusion journey, the most outstanding dragon trainers had gathered. They stood beside Lu Shifeng like stars around their king.


The door closed with a slight sound, and Lu Shifeng turned around.


A drop of sweat trickled down Jian Luo’s cheek. His face was flushed, carrying an excitement that he couldn’t quite hide.


Taking a step forward, Jian Luo gasped, “I need to talk to you… with you.”


Lu Shifeng handed what he was holding to an assistant nearby and walked over. He pulled out a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped the sweat from Jian Luo’s forehead, his voice deep and magnetic, “Take your time. No need to rush.”


Jian Luo took a deep breath. He held Lu Shifeng’s hand and said slowly, “Come with me.”


They walked outside to the balcony, where the view was expansive. Jian Luo stood in front of Lu Shifeng, who was more than a head taller. When they stood together, Jian Luo had to tilt his head up to look at him. The setting sun cast its glow upon them, drawing them closer together.


In Lu Shifeng’s eyes, Jian Luo’s face was filled with hesitation and conflict, as if he was pondering whether to speak up or not. Lu Shifeng suddenly became curious. Could it be because he was about to embark on the illusion journey that Jian Luo wanted to discuss something that had already been prepared?


“Jian Luo, do you want to…”


“Marry me!”



There was a brief silence in the air.


For a moment, Lu Shifeng doubted if he had misheard something. He repeated incredulously, “What did you say?”


Jian Luo hesitated, “What I mean is, let’s get married, with my blood as the sacrifice.”


Lu Shifeng’s blood-red eyes dimmed for a moment. He quickly understood what Jian Luo meant by those words.


A breeze blew in from the other side, gradually fading the blush on Jian Luo’s face caused by running. Leaning against the railing, he seemed to have finally spoken his mind, even feeling a bit relieved, his eyes bright and filled with excitement.


Lu Shifeng said solemnly, “Jian Luo, do you understand what you’re saying?”


“I do.”


“If I fail, you won’t have many good years left.”


“Who said that? I still have over thirty years.” Jian Luo counted on his fingers, “Thirty years is enough time for so many things. We can travel, play, watch our children grow up. You can teach them to fly. With your abilities, you can teach them how to protect themselves. We…”


As he spoke, tears suddenly streamed down his face like beads breaking loose, uncontrollable. Jian Luo wiped his face with the back of his hand, sniffing to cover his embarrassment.


Lu Shifeng reached out to wipe his tears, his voice gentle, “Without sacrificing, you would have endless life, able to stay with them longer, travel, play. I know you would protect them.”


“But not without you!”


Jian Luo looked up, his black eyes now tinged with red, his voice hoarse from crying. He threw himself into Lu Shifeng’s embrace, “I don’t want to live that long. I want to be with you.”


Lu Shifeng caught the small human unexpectedly, and for a moment, a hundred emotions surged within him.


Humans were said to be fragile, yet sometimes terrifyingly brave—brave enough to sacrifice their lives, brave enough to surprise him. Lu Shifeng was determined to protect Jian Luo, shield him from any hardship, pave the way for him, and ensure his future life wouldn’t be so arduous.


Yet now, Jian Luo told him he also wanted to protect himself, to contribute to their relationship, even willing to endure hardship if it meant being with him.


Lu Shifeng chuckled softly as he patted the human’s head in his arms, feeling an unexpected warmth.


Jian Luo sniffled, a bit annoyed, “What are you laughing at?”




Lu Shifeng responded quietly, “Feels quite unusual.”


Jian Luo looked puzzled.


“First time being taken care of.” Lu Shifeng gently wiped away the tears on Jian Luo’s cheek, his voice both amused and solemn, “Thank you, our Luo Luo.”


Lu Shifeng, the Marshal, had never imagined that one day he would be protected by a human, healed by a human, and—fall in love with a human.


Dark stars were selfish, and dragons possessed strong territorial instincts. Undoubtedly, they were selfish beings. Before meeting Jian Luo, Lu Shifeng had never considered sharing anything with anyone. He had lived solitary in this world, akin to a machine created with a mission, destined to fade into the Dragon Valley after fulfilling that mission.


But then he met Jian Luo.


Jian Luo scratched his head awkwardly, “No need to thank me. It’s nothing. Actually, after careful consideration, I thought about it all day. I know this might be risky, but I still want to try. I’m prepared for whatever happens. I…”


“Jian Luo.”


Lu Shifeng interrupted him.


Jian Luo looked up, bewildered.


Lu Shifeng held Jian Luo as if embracing his most precious treasure. The mighty dragon lowered his head before Jian Luo, and in the twilight’s glow, gently placed a kiss on Jian Luo’s forehead, whispering softly, “Let’s get married.”


Silence enveloped them. A white bird flew across the sky, leaving a long trail in its wake. It was an ordinary day yet so extraordinary.


Spring brought renewal to all things, summer was approaching. Warm winds carried whispers as they passed the railing, brightening the world. Amidst the spring-summer transition, Jian Luo’s voice was soft yet weighty in the wind, “Yes.”



Next day


The Dark Star’s two sets of marriage laws were officially announced!


This was the first instance of “one country, two systems.” When the laws were publicized, the nation was shocked. Some couldn’t believe their eyes at the two sets of marriage laws. The reaction from the Dark Stars was even more pronounced:


“Who would choose the second set?”


“Even property division? I bet no one will choose.”


“Even if they choose the first set, those who want to marry will still marry. Don’t humans want to come to the Sky City?”


Some Dark Stars seemed to live in a dream, dreaming of others taking the initiative, but reality soon dealt them a harsh blow.


Hope Elementary School in Paradise was completed. Although schools in Sky City were open to humans, tuition fees were not reduced. Most families preferred to send their children to Hope Elementary, where the teachers recruited by Jian Luo were highly educated individuals from Phoenix Terrace, no less competent than those in big city schools. Moreover, Hope Elementary was tuition-free, ensuring that children would not face discrimination.


After a few shy days, many illiterate adults found new opportunities when Jian Luo established an adult vocational school. Here, they learned literacy and gained knowledge under the guidance of teachers, understanding concepts like propriety, justice, integrity, and discerning right from wrong. They came to realize that the world was not confined to just the farming settlements but extended over vast, expansive spaces.


“Why should I work as a waiter in Sky City?”


“Oh, our factory is also in the Industrial Park of Sky City.”


“Sorry, I’m focused on building my career right now. The factory needs people, and I don’t have time to chat with you.”


With their own careers and goals, humans were no longer mere dependents. They soon discovered that not all Dark Stars were as welcoming. Marrying into Sky City no longer garnered envy from the entire village. In the current Paradise, everyone had their own careers and jobs, no longer confined to their original status.


As human industry slowly developed, potato chips and fries, after passing moonlight inspections, gained widespread popularity and acclaim. They became essential snacks for home and travel, with sales skyrocketing to the point where factories needed overtime to keep up with demand.


Many Dark Stars were slow to react:


“Are we supposed to follow the second set of marriage laws if we want to date and get married?”


“The first set is completely meaningless.”


Among these discussions, one highly praised response stood out:


“Actually, maybe they don’t care about your money at all. They just want to see your sincerity. If you’re so meticulous even about marriage, not treating them like equals, how can you live together? Honestly, Peace Paradise is expanding now, and Earth is also under construction. In the future, humans will move there. Who do you think will still care about your possessions then? You might as well stay with your wealth.”


Author’s Note: When writing about Luo Luo, I suddenly thought of a line from “Big Fish & Begonia”: “What’s the use of living long if you’re not happy?”

T/N: Hope you’re having a good day! Drink water and make sure to sleep early! (>w<)/

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep

and many, many more!


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!


Chapter 11 – Scar

Chapter 11: Scar


The little phoenix stopped in the high position of the living room, tidying its feathers a bit, looking down at the black dragon below with a mixture of aloofness and pride.


Its feathers were pure white, as if sculpted from jade and frost, emitting a beautiful pale luster. Beneath those feathers trailed long and graceful tail feathers, shimmering with faint golden light like scattered stars in the Milky Way.


In addition, its eyes were also stunning, like rubies immersed in cold spring snow, reflecting a beautiful and pure brilliance without any impurities.


This wasn’t the true form of the phoenix but a shrunken version. After all, the phoenix had long since grown to adulthood; its true form was too large to fit in this living room.


However, even in its reduced size, the phoenix’s beauty remained undiminished. The dark golden eyes of the black dragon narrowed slightly, flicking its tail. Suddenly, it wanted to lure its Pheonix down, wrap it in its arms, and stroke its feathers.


The phoenix didn’t allow it to stroke its feathers. It immediately flew a bit higher, landing lightly on the highest cabinet, and turned its head away, ignoring it.


The black dragon: “…”


It silently turned back into a small black dragon, “roaring” at the phoenix.


Only then did Su Muluo shift his gaze back to it, staring at the other for a few seconds, ensuring the dragon wouldn’t take advantage of him again like earlier, before it slowly flew down and returned to its human form.




Just as Su Muluo sat down on the sofa, the sticky little black dragon looped around his wrist, nuzzling against him.


Su Muluo remained unmoved, “Acting cute won’t work on me. You took advantage of me earlier.”


Little Black Dragon blinked its round, shiny golden eyes innocently, as if it had no idea what he was talking about.


Su Muluo clicked his tongue, “Tsk.”


“Not even transformed into a human yet, already taking advantage and playing innocent. Once it really becomes human, it will probably be even worse!”


Clearly not a serious dragon, once it transforms, he’ll send it straight to sleep on the couch!


With this thought, Su Muluo rubbed the top of Little Black Dragon’s head.


The dragon lowered its head, obediently allowing the phoenix to rub against it. Su Muluo looked at its small dragon body and seemed to remember something, saying, “Change back to how you were earlier, let me see.”


The Little Black Dragon lifted its head and looked at him, “Huh?”


Su Muluo warned, “No taking advantage of me!”


The Little Black Dragon silently changed back to its previous size, to avoid squishing its phoenix, awkwardly positioning its dragon body outside the couch.


Su Muluo stared at the dragon body for a few seconds, finding nothing unusual, then asked, “Can you show me your belly?”


The black dragon rolled over and exposed its belly.


The belly was one of the softest parts for many demonic creatures and rarely shown. Although the enlarged black dragon’s belly was not as soft as the smaller one’s, it was covered in tough scales. However, this roll revealed a scale under its neck.


The scale was the most crucial part of a dragon, also its weakness. Legend has it that the dragon’s scale cannot be touched; touching it means death. But now, the black dragon showed its scale to Su Muluo without any guard.


A hint of a smile appeared in Su Muluo’s eyes. He gently stroked along the dragon’s belly and found a slightly raised scar in the middle.


The black dragon had only grown large in front of him a few times before, most of which ended up with it sticking to him, distracting his attention, and not paying attention to its belly. Just now, when it bathed, although the black dragon had grown a bit larger, its size hadn’t reached that of the bathtub, so this scar wasn’t very noticeable—until Su Muluo changed back to the little phoenix and flew halfway through the air, the black dragon’s current largest size, and found this wound.


This wound was not new and had long since healed, but it still left a scar that was a meter long, indicating how severe the wound was, if it were a little deeper, or perhaps fatal.


Su Muluo’s smile faded, his expression gradually darkening. Little Black Dragon had only recently hatched, and this scar was clearly akin to a birthmark—yet why did his dragon bear such a mark from birth?


Who had harmed his dragon? When did it happen? Why did neither of them remember?


Sensing his phoenix’s uneasy mood, the black dragon wrapped its tail around his waist, affectionately nuzzling him.


Su Muluo lowered his head to meet its gaze, “Do you know how this scar came about?”


The black dragon shook its head.


Su Muluo knew his dragon wouldn’t lie to him. After a few silent moments, he murmured, “It must have hurt a lot, didn’t it?”


This wound pierced through the dragon’s tough scales, tearing flesh and blood. Su Muluo felt a twinge of fear at the thought that if the attacker had struck harder, he might have lost his dragon.


But who was the attacker?


Frowning deeply, Su Muluo knew he had spent thousands of years in the egg, but those memories had long since blurred. He only remembered the dragon egg beside him when he first hatched, but why it was there and how it got there were mysteries to him.


Now, with both dragon and phoenix races wiped out, only he and the Little Black Dragon remained. Had there been any thrilling events before his birth that had been forgotten with his hatching?


The more Su Muluo thought about it, the more unsettled he felt. The black dragon sensed his distress; its dark golden eyes narrowed slightly as it gently nuzzled his shoulder, emitting a low dragon hum.


The deep dragon hum sounded like a man softly comforting, instantly pulling Su Muluo out of his negative emotions. He glanced at his dragon and after a few seconds, gently patted its head, whispering, “It’s alright, maybe I’m just overthinking.”


Regardless, Little Black Dragon had just hatched, and any mysteries would have to wait until later to unravel. Moreover, those past events were probably long settled, and trying to trace them now would likely be futile.


Unaware that his dragon had silently wrapped around him, happily wagging its tail.


This was how dragons treated their beloved treasures: wrapping them in their bodies, keeping them in their arms, and preventing anyone from coveting them.


Moreover, its phoenix had a soft, fragrant scent that the black dragon loved all over its body, causing it to want to wrap it in its phoenix every day, unwilling to let go for a second.


Su Muluo didn’t realize the black dragon’s hidden possessiveness; he only felt the intense gaze from its dark golden eyes. After a few seconds of eye contact, he gently patted its head and said, “Let go of me.”


This time, his actions were gentle, his tone devoid of any heavy meaning. Feeling his phoenix softening, the black dragon didn’t move, even affectionately wrapping around him a bit more.


Loving its phoenix, unwilling to let go.


Su Muluo: “…”


Always pushing the boundaries!


Su Muluo stared at the black dragon, feeling that this dragon would not only take advantage but also push boundaries. Once it became human, it would surely do anything!


Maybe it would even steal a kiss while he slept!


Thinking this, Su Muluo became more determined to send the black dragon to sleep on the couch in the future. But for now, he didn’t push away the dragon.


The black dragon happily buried its head in the phoenix’s shoulder, sniffing its favorite scent, and contentedly squinted its eyes.


A day later, Su Muluo received a message from Huang Gaigai at the coffee shop.


[Damn, your coffee is so amazing! My hair has grown back!!!]


[I originally wanted to come and thank you, but these days I’ve been busy packing things up. My dad suddenly ordered me to go back early, so I really don’t have time. All I can do is apologize to you, QAQ].


[I’m leaving today. Qiansui, I’ll leave it to you to take care of. I’ll come visit you again when I have time!]


  It’s half past ten in the morning now, the coffee shop just opened, and Qiansui casually strolled out from the staff lounge, preparing to leave.


  Su Muluo calls out to it, saying, “Your master is leaving today.”


  Qiansui lifts its paw slightly, then leaves indifferent.


  After it leaves, the Little Black Dragon pokes its head out from Su Muluo’s pocket. Su Muluo glances at it and presses it back in.


  When he woke up this morning, he found that the small black dragon that was still small before bed had grown bigger again. Moreover, it took advantage of him while he was asleep, entangling him and taking advantage of him all night, which was quite excessive.


  The small black dragon, feeling wronged, was pressed back, but a few seconds later, it hummed and emerged again, using its tail to entwine around Phoenix’s wrist.


  The coffee shop usually doesn’t get busy until the afternoon, so there aren’t many customers in the morning. Su Muluo sits at the bar, browsing his phone with one hand, while the other hand is held by the small black dragon, unwilling to let go.


  The weather today is somewhat gloomy. Just after eleven o’clock, there’s a loud thunderclap, accompanied by heavy rain. Su Muluo looks at the rain outside and feels that there might not be many customers today, so he could go back early.


  It’s early autumn now, and it’s even colder when it rains. He doesn’t like this kind of chilly rainy day and just wants to stay in a comfortable nest and pass the time leisurely.


  The small black dragon is enthusiastically poking at Phoenix’s fingers, rubbing its two little horns against them. Su Muluo touches its head and says, “Let’s go back in a while.”


  The Little Black Dragon: “Ao.”


  Then it nibbles Su Muluo.


  In the morning, Phoenix made honey water for it, with a bit of honey on his fingertips. Although he washed his hands later, there was still a sweet smell that it really liked.


  Su Muluo: “…”


  He looks at the Little Black Dragon in shock and says, “Are you hungry or something?”


  Why else would it bite him?


  Would a dragon eat Phoenix when it’s hungry??


  The Little Black Dragon: “…”


  The bite just now was just a light nibble, not hard at all, but Phoenix obviously misunderstood its intention, even giving it a strange look.


  The Little Black Dragon innocently meets Su Muluo’s gaze and “Ao” to indicate that it’s not hungry.


  Su Muluo is even more puzzled. He can’t understand why the Little Black Dragon would bite him, especially all wet… This dragon was never serious to begin with, and now it seems even more frivolous!


  Thinking of this, Su Muluo pinches the Little Black Dragon’s small horn and says, “Don’t bite me.”


  The Little Black Dragon stares at his fingertip, thinking it’s sweet and liking it.


  ——Just then, the door of the coffee shop is pushed open, and a woman walks in.


  She’s the same woman with long black hair and a gloomy face as before. After entering the shop and looking around, seeing no other customers, she walks straight to the bar.


  Su Muluo tucks the Little Black Dragon into his pocket. Before he can withdraw his hand, he feels the little dragon take advantage of the opportunity to lightly bite him again.


  And licked him.


  Su Muluo: “…”


  Su Muluo calmly takes the Little Black Dragon out of his pocket, grabs a coffee cup, and before the little dragon can react, he stuffs it whole into the cup—


  Then with a “clap,” he overturns the cup on the table.


  The Little Black Dragon, trapped in darkness: “…Squeak.”


  Hugging its little tail in grievance.

T/N: Hello hello! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!


Chapter 31

       To say that Zhan Xiusong was a little chubby was somewhat courteous, but calling him a big fat guy would have been a bit unfair to him, as he was, after all, only a sixteen-year-old boy.

       Anyway, he was one centimetre taller than Zhan Weiyang, with a round face and two layers of chins. He wore a pair of framed glasses, which had left marks on both sides of his eyes.

       But if one ignored the extra fat on his face, Zhan Xiusong actually looked pretty handsome, with some similarities in facial features to his relative, Zhan Weiyang. If he could lose weight, he would also be a beautiful boy.

       But Zhan Xiusong obviously didn’t consider these things now. He was more concerned about whether there were meat buns and milk for breakfast. He really liked drinking milk and wished he could drink it like water.

       Zhan Pengcheng and Pei Qing both came down from the second floor. Auntie Luo brought breakfast to the table and called them to come and eat.

       Zhan Xiusong sat down and started to eat the buns in big mouthfuls. When he was satisfied with his meal, he said to Pei Qing, “Qing ge, do you want to go out and have some fun together in the next few days?”

       He liked Pei Qing very much. Everyone in the Zhan family liked Pei Qing very much, especially the boys. They thought Pei Qing, being a student at a prestigious university, was good-looking, capable, and had a great personality. Plus, he came from a good family background, which made them naturally gravitate towards him.

       Before this, except Zhan Weiyang, everyone else was quite close to Pei Qing.

       Since Pei Qing had come over for his internship, he hadn’t had any time to go out and have fun. Now that it was the National Day holiday, it seemed like a good opportunity. So he nodded to Zhan Xiusong and said, “Let’s go.”

       Zhan Xiusong quickly bumped Zhan Weiguang’s arm and said, “Guang ge, let’s go out and play together.”

       Zhan Weiguang asked him, “Where do you want to go?”

       Zhan Xiusong smiled and said, “Let’s just visit some of the tourist spots and find a place to eat lunch. I want to have a hotpot.”

       Zhan Weiguang said, “Okay, we’ll go out after we decide where to go.”

       Pei Qing glanced in the direction of the stairs and was about to speak when Zhan Pengcheng came over and said to Zhan Weiguang, “Take your brother with you.”

       Zhan Weiguang didn’t say anything, and Zhan Xiusong made a face behind Zhan Pengcheng.

       Pei Qing was sitting opposite the dining table, facing the two of them, watching their expressions silently.

       Zhan Weiguang turned around and said to his father, “He can go if he wants to. It’s not like I can force him if he doesn’t want to go.”

       Zhan Pengcheng came over and stood behind Zhan Weiguang, saying, “Why doesn’t he want to go? If you are willing to take him out to play, he will definitely want to go.”

       Zhan Weiguang said, “I’ll ask him later.”

       Zhan Xiusong looked up and asked, “Where is Zhan Weiyang?”

       Zhan Pengcheng said, “It seems he hasn’t gotten up yet.”

       “So lazy?” Zhan Xiusong stood up from his seat, “I’ll go wake him up. If not, how long will he have to wait?”

       Auntie Luo heard the conversation outside in the kitchen, poked her head out to Zhan Xiusong, and shouted, “Have you finished your meal?”

       Zhan Xiusong said, “I’ve finished, I’ve finished, I ate three buns!” As he spoke, he ran to the stairs and strode upstairs.

       Pei Qing held the milk carton in his hand, drank it slowly, put it gently on the table, and then stood up.

       Zhan Weiguang immediately looked at him and asked, “Qing ge, where are you going?”

       Pei Qing said, “Go back to the room. Enjoy your meal.” After that, he also walked towards the stairs.

       Zhan Weiyang was still wrapped in a blanket, deep in dreams. He slept heavily, cycling through several dreams without waking up.

       Until he heard someone shouting, “Zhan Weiyang! Wake up!”

       Right after that, something heavy pressed down on him, almost taking his breath away.

       He could only struggle to wake up in shock and opened his eyes to see Zhan Xiusong climbing up from his bed. It turned out that the thing that pressed heavily on him just now was none other than Zhan Xiusong.

       Zhan Xiusong stood by the bed with his back bent. When he saw Zhan Weiyang wake up, he threw himself on him again and said, “Get up!”

       Zhan Weiyang shouted in panic, “You’re crushing me!”

       Zhan Xiusong knew that he was heavy. He lay on Zhan Weiyang’s waist through a quilt and raised his hand to support his face with a bit of complacency, saying, “Who told you to be lazy?”

       Zhan Weiyang was really about to be out of breath. He said, “I’m dying.”

       Zhan Xiusong then slowly got up from him, knelt on the bed with his legs, raised his hand to push the glasses on his nose, and looked at Zhan Weiyang with drooping eyelids and a smile.

       Zhan Weiyang quickly supported his body with his hands, sat up, and even stepped back a little, with his back against the head of the bed. His hair was messy and sticking up, and there was a faint red on his fair cheeks. He looked at Zhan Xiusong while panting.

       Zhan Xiusong asked him, “Do you want to go out with us?”

       Zhan Weiyang asked, “Where?”

       Zhan Xiusong said, “Let’s go out for a walk and find a place to eat at noon.”

       Zhan Weiyang looked outside the door and confirmed that Zhan Pengcheng was not there before he said, “I don’t want to go.” He didn’t want to go out with Zhan Weiguang and Zhan Xiusong.

       “Don’t bother then,” Zhan Xiusong obviously didn’t mean to keep inviting him, so he climbed down from Zhan Weiyang’s bed, tidied his own clothes, and walked out.

       As soon as he walked out of Zhan Weiyang’s room, he saw Pei Qing and shouted, “Qing ge, Zhan Weiyang said he won’t go, let’s get ready to go.”

       Pei Qing walked to the door of Zhan Weiyang’s room and looked inside. He saw Zhan Weiyang sitting on the bed with his eyes wide open, looking a little dazed, so he asked, “You don’t want to go?”

       Zhan Weiyang opened his mouth, but before he could say anything, Zhan Xiusong said, “He won’t go. Don’t think much about him; let’s just go.”

       Zhan Weiyang lowered his head in silence. At this time, Zhan Weiguang carried his luggage up to the third floor. When he passed the stairs on the second floor, he saw Pei Qing and the others and said, “You guys go wait for me downstairs first. I’ll pack up my things and come down.”

       Pei Qing nodded.

       Zhan Xiusong had already reached out to pull Pei Qing’s arm, urging him, “Let’s go, let’s go.”

       Pei Qing was not in a hurry to leave, so he asked Zhan Weiyang again, “Does Yangyang want to come along?”

       Zhan Weiyang looked at Zhan Xiusong and shook his head silently. Pei Qing then said, “Alright, then we’ll leave first.”

       After they all left the room, Zhan Weiyang got off the bed, walked to the window in his pyjamas and looked outside. He knew Zhan Weiguang had just gone upstairs, so for a while, they probably wouldn’t be leaving the house. Nevertheless, he stubbornly waited by the window.

       After waiting for almost a quarter of an hour, he saw Pei Qing drive the car to the front of the building. Zhan Weiguang and Zhan Xiusong came out of the house and got into the car one after the other. Zhan Pengcheng also walked to the door to see them off, told Pei Qing to drive carefully, and told Zhan Weiguang to take his brothers to have something delicious for lunch.

       Pei Qing drove away. Zhan Pengcheng stood there and looked for a while, then suddenly raised his head and looked towards the second floor, where he saw Zhan Weiyang standing by the bed.

       It was too late for Zhan Weiyang to hide at this time, so he could only call out, “Dad.”

       Zhan Pengcheng asked him, “Why don’t you go out and play with your brother?”

       Zhan Weiyang said, “I don’t want to go.”

       Zhan Pengcheng put his hands on his waist, looked up and asked, “Why don’t you go?”

       Zhan Weiyang pinched his fingers on the window sill and said, “I just don’t want to go.”

       Zhan Pengcheng sighed and no longer forced him. He only said, “If you’re not going, forget about it. Have you slept enough? If you have, change clothes and come down for breakfast.”

       Zhan Weiyang nodded and said, “Ah.”

       Zhan Weiyang was at home doing nothing all day.

       Zhan Pengcheng went out after receiving a phone call in the morning, leaving only Grandma and Auntie Luo at home. After lunch, Auntie Luo accompanied Grandma for a walk, leaving Zhan Weiyang alone.

       Zhan Weiyang went up to the second floor, squatted on the balcony, wiped the dust accumulated on the flower pot with a rag, then stepped into the flower pot and sat down.

       He sat there for the whole afternoon until he heard that Grandma and Auntie Luo had come back. Then he came out of the flower pot and went downstairs to watch TV with Grandma for a while.

The author has something to say:
Sorry, I still haven’t figured out the rules for joining V. I don’t know when I’ll be able to join V. It’ll probably take at least another two or three days… I’ll let everyone know on Weibo.

I have a feeling Yangyang wouldn’t join but… Those brothers of his are… sigh…

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Chapter 160 – Proposal

Chapter 160 – Proposal


In this book, in black letters on a white background, it was written that the previous Dragon King, Lu Chen, passed away during his six hundredth year, during his third transformation period, for reasons that remain unclear.




Jian Luo stared at the line in the book, feeling like he could punch a hole through it. “Why is it unclear?”


Zhan Wentai said, “The content of the Dragon Clan’s transformations is closely related to the participants themselves. The specifics are not easily ascertainable, and there is no correlation between each dragon.”


Jian Luo flipped through two more pages. “Are there no successful cases?”


After all, what this book recorded was meager. He needed more information to support himself.


The three little dragons sensed their father’s tension and obediently came over, affectionately nuzzling Jian Luo, trying to calm his emotions.


Jian Luo took a deep breath, patting the dragon hatchlings’ heads. “It’s okay.”


Zhan Wentai said, “Information about transformations is not widely known outside. Specifics are stored in the Dragon Clan’s archive, guarded by specialists. Ordinary people are not allowed entry, not even me.”




How could this be?


Jian Luo’s heart sank. After a stunned silence, he finally said, “Okay.”


Seeing Jian Luo looking somewhat hurt, Zhan Wentai spoke, “If you want to know, those close to you might have the best answers.”


Jian Luo smiled faintly. “He never told me.”


“But he didn’t forbid you from asking,” Zhan Wentai remained calm and composed. “The decision is yours.”




After checking their homework, the dragon hatchlings were free to roam. They were particularly excited today, possibly because they were happy to see Jian Luo, chattering incessantly about whether the teacher had praised them, or which question they couldn’t solve today.


By the time Lu Shifeng arrived in the evening, all three were tired, curled up in balls on the bed. Dragon hatchlings curled up when sleeping, their small claws holding their tails, sleeping in a docile manner.




The door outside opened.


Lu Shifeng walked in and immediately frowned upon seeing the three hatchlings. “Why did you bring them here?”


Jian Luo replied, “It’s been days since they saw you. They missed you, so I brought them over to see you.”


Lu Shifeng had initially wanted to scold the children for being reckless and thoughtless, but seeing Jian Luo protectively explaining softened him. He walked over and sat on the sofa. “How was your run to the cold spring today?”


“Not bad,” Jian Luo replied.


There was food on the table, simple dishes made by Jian Luo himself. He had been avoiding greasy food lately, and inadvertently, Lu Shifeng had also refrained from it.


Lu Shifeng picked up a pastry. “I heard you went for a blood test.”




Jian Luo hesitated before saying, “Yes, I did.”


Lu Shifeng lifted his eyelids slightly, observing Jian Luo’s somewhat pale face. He frowned and Jian Luo took the initiative to walk over and stop behind him. His hands skillfully massaged Lu Shifeng’s shoulders. The Marshal worked hard during weekdays, so when he had free time, Jian Luo liked to help him relax.


Lu Shifeng reached out and held Jian Luo’s hand, his rough fingertips clasping Jian Luo’s delicate wrist. “Don’t move.”


Jian Luo’s movements froze.


Lu Shifeng said, “Come here, take a break.”


Jian Luo laughed wryly. “I’m not that fragile. I’ve only been to the hospital for a few days and slept most of the time. Today, I just went for a blood test.”


Lu Shifeng asked him to sit beside him. He just held Jian Luo’s hand and lowered his handsome face, quietly watching him for a long time before whispering, “You’ve been through a lot.”


Jian Luo asked, “Huh?”


“For the research on Dark Stars.” Lu Shifeng stroked the bruise left on Jian Luo’s arm after the blood draw. “Does it still hurt?”


He knew Jian Luo was afraid of pain.


During pregnancy check-ups, every time the doctor drew blood, Jian Luo found it much more painful than others.


Jian Luo felt a tingling sensation in his arm. “It doesn’t hurt anymore.”


He looked at Lu Shifeng. At this moment, the Marshal appeared unusually gentle and harmless, almost for an instant merging with the shadow of the little dragon, except one was a meek little dragon and the other a meek great dragon.


Jian Luo asked casually, “How much longer until their transformation?”


Lu Shifeng paused before replying, “Less than three months until the Transformation Realm. They’ll be ready by then. I’ll train them over the next two months, so don’t worry, there won’t be any major issues.”


“Is the first transformation dangerous?”


“Not for them.”


“Really?” Jian Luo gathered courage. “Then was your first time without danger?”


He didn’t know that before this, no one knew what Lu Shifeng had experienced during his first transformation. People only knew that the formidable Marshal had failed during his first transformation and rose from the flames during the second.


It was widely known that a dragon’s first transformation might fail, which seemed incredible.


Lu Shifeng suspiciously paused, his voice quiet. “It’s not a good thing. You don’t want to know.”


Jian Luo choked up.


He had many questions to ask, but for a moment, he saw melancholy flicker across Lu Shifeng’s face. Though fleeting, Jian Luo caught it—a wave of emotion that unexpectedly touched his heart.


Quickly, Jian Luo said, “I’ve made rice porridge. Would you like some?”


Lu Shifeng just silently watched him. His deep, dark eyes seemed to see through Jian Luo’s thoughts, making everything laid bare under his gaze, with nothing left to hide.


Under such scrutiny, Jian Luo looked away.


Finally, Lu Shifeng spoke, “You know now.”


Jian Luo nodded slightly. He felt there was no need to hide anymore. “Yes, I know.”


Seeing the stubborn figure of the young man sitting next to him on the sofa, Lu Shifeng rubbed his head and asked, “What’s wrong?”


“Why didn’t you tell me?”


“It’s too early. Knowing so early, how long would you worry?” Lu Shifeng’s voice was deep but magnetic. “You think too much; earlier disclosure wouldn’t help.”


Jian Luo glared at him. “Not telling me makes me worry even more!”


Seeing Jian Luo bristling like a little hedgehog, Lu Shifeng smirked. “Alright, I won’t do it next time.”


Next time, there would be a next time.


Jian Luo’s nose tingled. “Do you have to go? Can’t you stay?”


Seeing him pout, Lu Shifeng spoke gently, “When you gain something, you also have to pay a price. Everyone’s the same; there are no exceptions.”


Jian Luo asked the question he most wanted to ask, “What if you lose your wings?”


“Maybe I’ll lose them. Maybe I won’t be able to come out. Anything’s possible.”


Jian Luo stood up in surprise to speak, but the movement seemed to disturb the dragon cubs on the bed. The little dragons hummed sleepily, seemingly unhappy about their sleep being disturbed. Jian Luo covered his mouth, sat down quietly again.


Lu Shifeng held his hand, gesturing him to sit. He said, “Don’t think so much. I’m not afraid; what are you afraid of?”


Jian Luo’s hands and feet were cold.


Lu Shifeng sat on the bed, holding him close, whispering, “Luo Luo.”




“Would you marry me?” Lu Shifeng’s voice echoed above his head. The lights in the room went out. Jian Luo couldn’t see his face, only hearing him say, “Under the Second Marriage Law, we’ll use my blood in a ceremony at the Sacred Tree. I’ll marry you properly. Over these years, I’ve saved some money; it should be enough for you to live on, for you to do whatever you want, whether it’s eating, drinking, having fun, or building Earth, anything you wish to do.”


Jian Luo widened his eyes, his heart tightening. He could hardly believe what he was hearing.


Building Earth.


Jian Luo’s hands curled unconsciously. Why did Lu Shifeng say this? Did he know about this long ago, wanting him to build Earth, in case he couldn’t return, providing a place for himself to live?


Suddenly, Jian Luo felt he might have never truly understood this man before.


Lu Shifeng’s voice came low, “Don’t worry about those three. The Dragon Clan isn’t strict with the next Dragon King.”


Jian Luo listened quietly before asking, “Why?”


Lu Shifeng hesitated.


Jian Luo said, “Do you want to marry me to secure my inheritance or because you love me?”


There was a moment of silence in the air.


After a while, Lu Shifeng lowered his voice, “You’re too fragile. I’m afraid you’ll be bullied. The Dark Star has strong constraints on marriage protection laws; no one will dare to trouble you.”


Jian Luo pursed his lips, still wanting to pick a fight, “What about taking care of your brother…”


Lu Shifeng kissed him before he could finish his sentence. The Marshal’s actions were gentle yet lingering, successfully silencing him. After the kiss, Lu Shifeng’s voice was husky, “I don’t kiss the silver-haired, alright?”


Jian Luo was taken aback, then burst into laughter.


Lu Shifeng held him, their position so intimate it seemed he wanted to merge Jian Luo into his very being. He said, “Be good, listen.”


Jian Luo sniffed and said, “No.”


He couldn’t stand Lu Shifeng’s way of leaving these parting words. “If you go, what am I supposed to do? If I die later, what will happen to the children? You must live well. I don’t want to talk about such gloomy things.”


Lu Shifeng patted Jian Luo’s head, remained silent for a while, then sighed. “Go to sleep.”


Jian Luo nestled into his arms, saying nothing.



The next day,


Early in the morning, he finished his run at the cold spring, then took the cubs back to the Dragon Clan for their studies. He also went to find Secretary Jin and asked, “Where is the archive? Can I go take a look?”


Secretary Jin didn’t expect him to ask this. “It’s above the Sky City, but you need permission to enter.”


Jian Luo asked, “What level of permission?”


“You need the highest level. Usually, only those with a black card or higher can enter,” Secretary Jin replied.


Jian Luo remembered the black card Lu Shifeng had given him when he was pregnant. He quickly took it out from his storage space and asked, “Is this it?”


A black card appeared at his fingertips. Secretary Jin stared wide-eyed and slowly gave him a thumbs up.


Jian Luo smiled. “Let’s go.”


The archive was heavily guarded. After swiping his card to enter, Jian Luo followed the instructions of the intelligent brain to find some documents. There were quite a few, requiring careful selection and a slow read.


He hadn’t found any information on the Transformation Realm yet. As he flipped through, he suddenly came across a page of rumors. It recorded a passage: “There are two methods for intermarriage between the Dragon Clan and other races. With the Dragon Blood as sacrifice at the Sacred Tree, both parties can share their lifespan. If sacrificed unilaterally, the sacrificer’s demise doesn’t affect the other.”


Jian Luo’s hand trembled, and he continued reading.


The second page recorded: “The second method involves the partner sacrificing their blood, similarly allowing them to share the other’s lifespan. If one party dies unilaterally, the living partner can share the other’s lifespan, but the lifespan of the partner who sacrificed their blood is halved.”




Jian Luo widened his eyes, his heart beating faster.


Could he interpret this clause like this: if he used Lu Shifeng’s blood in the ceremony, he could share Lu Shifeng’s lifespan, and even after Lu Shifeng’s death, his own longevity would remain unaffected? But if he used his own blood, he could still share Lu Shifeng’s lifespan, but if Lu Shifeng died, he could save him once with his own life, at the cost of halving his own lifespan.


Humans could live up to 100 years at most. He was currently 22 years old, so even if he calculated generously, he had only about 78 years left. Halved, that would be 39 years. Did that mean they might only have 39 years left together?

T/N: Hope you’re having a good day! Drink water and make sure to sleep early! (>w<)/

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

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Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep

and many, many more!


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!


Chapter 159 – Illusion

Chapter 159 – Illusion


When Jian Luo heard Little Zai Zai speak like that, his heart tightened suddenly.


“Don’t talk nonsense!” Jian Luo blurted out, then realizing he might have been too agitated, he softened his tone, “Baby, Dragon Scale is very important. You need to protect yourself and not let others know about it casually, okay?”


He was truly worried that his child might be deceived in the future.


His little sister tilted her head after hearing this, saying, “Daddy isn’t just anyone.”


“…Ah, this.”


Jian Luo smiled wryly, “It’s okay, Daddy doesn’t need Dragon Scale anymore, the illness is already cured.”


Long Ao Tian climbed onto Su Liang’s body to rub against his wristband. It had grown to the size of a basketball, quite heavy; sometimes Su Liang couldn’t support it.


Jian Luo knew she wanted to see him. His heart softened completely, “Daddy will have Grandma bring you over.”


Long Ao Tian’s tail wagged happily upon hearing this, its red eyes filled with joy, chirping incessantly as if eager to fly to Jian Luo’s side.


But Jian Luo added, “But today is not a rest day. Go back for dinner first, then attend classes. Come over in the evening, okay?”


The three little ones couldn’t hide their disappointment, but they knew they had to behave at this moment, or Grandma might not take them.


Su Liang put down Long Ao Tian and patted its head, “Let’s go, time for dinner.”


Long Ao Tian comfortably leaned its head, rubbing its small dragon horn against Su Liang’s palm, purring contentedly, its adorable demeanor melting hearts.


Though mischievous at times, and occasionally noisy, sometimes they were surprisingly well-behaved.



After ending the communication, Jian Luo went to soak in the cold spring.


The hospital’s cold spring wasn’t actually cold in temperature, but its water had a chilling effect, which Jian Luo didn’t fully understand. Finally, a doctor explained, “This is the Fountain of Life of the Jade Rabbit clan. It has medicinal properties.”


Jian Luo asked, “Since it belongs to them, can we also use it?”


“Every race has a duty to contribute to the Dark Star,” the doctor smiled, “Sacrifices made when necessary are meaningful.”


Jian Luo realized that the people of Dark Star never explicitly mentioned unity, but each person, each race contributed to the world. The brave defended the country, the skilled in business filled the treasury, the intelligent established research institutes. From nobles to the smallest and seemingly insignificant groups, they used their strengths to build a vast empire that stood unshakable at its peak.


Suddenly, he understood why humans were ostracized.


Because Dark Star appeared indifferent, yet acted like fair judges. Everything was mutual—you plant vegetables for us, we provide you with a home. If you give us more, we’ll give you more. We never reject you coming, but you’ve been standing still.


The doctor assured him, “Don’t worry, this is just a small part of the Spirit Spring. The Jade Rabbit clan’s Spirit Spring is vast, and this small part is cut out for the nobles’ use.”


“I see, thank you.”


“You’re welcome.”


They went inside, and Jian Luo began soaking in the spring. During this free time, he began his official duties. The factory in Paradise mainly produced fast food, and the assembly line had already started operating. Chief Wang messaged him whenever Jian Luo had spare time, urging him to rest assured and recuperate, as everything was under control here.


Jian Luo hadn’t had time these past few days, so he took the opportunity to review product quality inspection reports. Items like potato chips needed proper sealing; once air leaked in, they wouldn’t taste good. Hygiene in food production was also crucial, so he had purchased disinfection and protective equipment at a high price, which was now being utilized.


Even so, Jian Luo still reminded Director Wang, “Pay attention to hygiene every day. Our first batch of products will undergo quality inspection. Mr. Nie will handle logistics, but he’s very strict about product quality. It’s the first time humans are doing business, and many are watching. We can’t afford any mistakes.”


Director Wang reassured him, “Don’t worry, I understand.”


“Okay,” Jian Luo added, “There’s also a system of rewards and penalties. If any employees violate rules, they should be dismissed without leniency just because they’re from the same village. This is a workplace, not a charity.”


Some harsh truths needed to be stated upfront, though unpleasant.


Director Wang said, “Rest assured, at my age, I know these things.”


With that settled, Jian Luo ended the communication. There was more to do; he needed to check on the situation back on Earth. The connection was slow, and he waited for a while after switching over.




The scene shifted to Jian Sheng’s face.


Jian Sheng looked much darker now, currently in a field, extremely excited as he spoke to Jian Luo, “Brother, Earth is so beautiful!”


Seeing his excitement, Jian Luo smiled, “How beautiful is it?”


“Even more beautiful than I imagined.” Jian Sheng gestured, “Its surface is blue and white, resembling the clouds in our sky. There are towering mountains, it’s spring here, and there are butterflies.”


Dark Star only had Sky Cities, not very tall mountains, and the sky was dark red. There were endless greenery in spring, but no colorful butterflies like on Earth.


Jian Luo remarked, “It’ll be even more beautiful in winter.”


Jian Sheng was visibly excited.


“How are the research results over there?” Jian Luo asked, “Is Professor’s health okay?”


Jian Sheng obediently replied, “He’s doing well. As soon as the professor returned, he went everywhere, climbed a mountain every day, and collected a warehouse full of herbs with us.”


Frowning, Jian Luo asked, “Is his body able to handle it? Did you encounter any wild beasts on the mountain?”


Jian Sheng explained that they were accompanied by a leader and the leader’s wife, Aya, and that while collecting herbs, the professor also aimed to gather wild fruits. He also mentioned that their research base was established.


Finally, Jian Sheng added, “Oh, Brother, Professor mentioned he needs your blood for DNA comparison and sampling. Is that okay?”


“It’s fine,” Jian Luo replied.


Jian Sheng seemed concerned, “Mom said you had a fever. If you’re not feeling well, please rest. We’ll be fine here.”


“It’s okay,” Jian Luo assured him, “I’m already fine.”


This reassured Jian Sheng.


They chatted a bit more before ending the call. Jian Luo finished soaking in the cold spring and prepared to leave. As he stepped out, he saw a doctor outside and said, “I need to draw blood. Could you lead the way?”


The doctor asked, “Why?”


Jian Luo explained, “The research base needs it.”


The doctor nodded, and they went to draw blood. On the way back, Jian Luo received a call from Su Liang, who said, “The little ones are in the room. I’ll bring them to see you.”




He quickly returned to his room, went to the mirror to tidy up his appearance, afraid his complexion might not look good. Indeed, he seemed a bit thinner and paler, perhaps due to the blood draw, looking somewhat weary.




The door outside opened.


As Jian Luo turned around, he saw three dragon cubs running towards him, especially excited, as if they hadn’t seen him in a long time, chirping and rubbing against him non-stop.


The impact nearly pushed Jian Luo back a few steps, almost knocking over a nearby shelf.


Su Liang hurried over and quickly held the black cub, saying, “Baby, come down quickly.”


Realizing what happened belatedly, the cub’s eyes quickly showed a hint of self-blame, letting out a mournful whimper.


“It’s okay, it’s okay,” Jian Luo hurriedly reassured, “Daddy’s fine.”


His sister and younger brother crouched beside Jian Luo’s footsteps, having learned from their older brother’s example not to act recklessly.


Jian Luo crouched down and stroked their little heads, “Good, did you bring your homework? Write it here. Daddy will make delicious food for you.”


There was a small kitchen in the hospital, and as parents, they always wanted to take good care of their children, without exception. Jian Luo thought the cubs would be very happy, but they weren’t.


Long Ao Tian shook its head and jumped onto the bed, gesturing for a while.


Jian Luo was puzzled, but then heard his sister softly say, “Dad, go rest.”


Long Ao Tian eagerly nodded in agreement, then pointed at the bed, rolling around on it in a classic sleeping pose. Jian Luo couldn’t help but laugh at its comical posture, his eyes reddening as he did.



In the evening, the children did their homework in front of him.


Sometimes, Chief Zhan Wen would inspect their homework. Tonight happened to be the routine inspection. Checking through his information bracelet, Zhan Wen said, “This question is wrong.”


The dragon cubs were obedient and well-trained.


Turning to Jian Luo, Zhan Wen asked, “Didn’t you check it already?”


Jian Luo was inexplicably troubled, “Which question?”


“The Dragon Clan’s Mirror Retreat period is once every three hundred years,” Zhan Wen explained. “Entering from Dragon Valley, the retreat period is one year. During this time, they must undergo the Dragon God’s test, undergo a baptism by fire, and only successful dragons can emerge. If they fail, they’ll be punished by the Dragon God, losing their wings.”


Jian Luo had just realized he hadn’t paid much attention to this question: “Once every three hundred years?”


Zhan Wentai looked at Jian Luo with a probing gaze and said, “Has Lu Shifeng not told you? Your family’s three, plus there’s about half a year left before they enter the Dragon Valley for the Mirror Transformation. If successful, they can transform into humanoid forms with dragon bodies and wings. If unsuccessful, they won’t fly.”


In an instant, Jian Luo thought of his own dream where Lu Shifeng couldn’t fly…


Could it be that Lu Shifeng didn’t pass back then?!


Jian Luo’s expression changed rapidly. Zhan Wentai continued, “Also, since we’re on this topic, I should remind you: do you know how old Lu Shifeng is?”


Jian Luo replied, “Over five hundred years.”


“More precisely, he’s five hundred and ninety-nine years old,” Zhan Wentai set down the documents in his hand. “In less than a month, he’ll enter the Dragon Valley for transformation for the third time. Based on inference, this attempt will be more challenging than the previous two.”


“How challenging? Is it dangerous?”


“How do you think the former Dragon King died?” Zhan Wentai glanced dispassionately at him. “Didn’t you read the history books?”


The history books of the little dragons were nearby. Jian Luo quickly jumped off the bed to find the index, flipped to the page on transformation, and found the passage he wanted to read. For a moment, when he saw those lines, his mind buzzed.

T/N: Hope you’re having a good day! Drink water and make sure to sleep early! (>w<)/

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

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Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep

and many, many more!


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