Day: July 21, 2024

Chapter 53 – The wife fights the concubine

Chapter 53


Si Lan heard this with an incredulous look at Haowei. He needed daily spiritual communion… to stabilize his cultivation?


How could there be such a requirement?


Haowei met Si Lan’s gaze calmly, showing no signs of weakness.


Si Lan hesitated, “How long does this usually take?”


“Previously, due to your poor physical condition, it required three days of adjustment, but now once a day is sufficient.” Haowei lied smoothly, his face calm and composed.


Si Lan furrowed his delicate brows and after a moment murmured, “Hmm,” inwardly not opposed to spiritual communion with Haowei, but feeling that things were progressing too quickly.


Suddenly remembering something, he added, “You must not force me to transform into my true form again.”


When they both transformed, the White Dragon was two to three times larger than Yujia, causing him considerable discomfort. Moreover, the dragon scales were cool and moist, faintly emitting a fishy smell. When wrapped around him, it made him feel uneasy all over.


Haowei’s eyes flickered with a hint of amusement, and he softly acknowledged Si Lan’s request.


As familiarity breeds comfort, this time Si Lan entered Haowei’s consciousness without needing guidance, willingly soaking in the rising mist in the clear pool.


The water made him feel extremely comfortable, every pore on his body opening up.


With closed eyes, he quietly savored the misty vapor, when suddenly a pair of arms gently embraced him from behind, and in the next moment, a hot breath spread from his neck, quickly enveloping his entire body.



After the spiritual communion ended, Si Lan fell into a deep sleep. Haowei, however, couldn’t sleep, quietly watching Si Lan through the night.


Si Lan’s face was slightly flushed, his expression peaceful, his head resting on Haowei’s arm, the gentle breath against his skin slowly dissolving into tingling sensations.


Unable to resist, he pulled Si Lan into his embrace, reminiscent of how he held the naive boy in the cave.


In truth, the current Si Lan was also easily deceived, not much different from that naive boy.


Thinking of this, Haowei’s lips curved slightly, a smile filled with profound meaning.


The next day, Si Lan woke from his sleep, this time feeling refreshed and full of vitality, as if he had swallowed some powerful elixir.


Unexpectedly, the result of their dual cultivation was quite unexpected.


He couldn’t help but mutter to himself, turning to look beside him, only to find that Haowei had already disappeared.


At that moment, a distant sobbing sound suddenly reached his ears, mixed with the weeping of men and women. Si Lan immediately got out of bed, hurriedly threw on a green robe, and rushed outside, following the sound to the main hall.


“I won’t leave today without an explanation!”


“Neither will I! We are all innocent!”


“How could they treat us like this?”


Unknown individuals were arguing incessantly in the hall, one after another.


Si Lan didn’t hesitate and walked straight in, and as soon as his figure appeared, the complaints from the crowd abruptly stopped. They turned to look at him, dumbfounded.


Against the sunlight, Si Lan walked a few steps into the study to see the situation clearly. Haowei, who had disappeared earlier, was now here, sitting on a chair with a gloomy expression. When he saw Si Lan appear, he slightly raised his head, his eyes carrying a hint of coldness and resentment.


“…,” Si Lan paused in his steps.


Beside Haowei stood Qu Ze and the guardians.


Si Lan glanced at Haowei and then at the unfamiliar men and women in the hall. “What’s going on?”


Song Cheng lowered his head. “Your Majesty, they are candidates for the harem. After suspending the selection of concubines, they… they are unwilling and caused a disturbance here at Mount Zhuyun.”


Si Lan clicked his tongue but remained composed, glanced briefly at Haowei, then looked towards the demons.


They were dressed provocatively, their attire revealing, their postures seductive and graceful. Upon meeting Si Lan’s gaze, they continuously changed their poses, fluttering their eyelashes at him.


Leading them was Mo Demon Ruyin. Since Si Lan appeared, Ruyin had been subtly using charm techniques, filling the air with a faint hallucinogenic fragrance.


“Your Majesty…” Ruyin, though appearing male, spoke with a soft and delicate voice softer and sweeter than that of a woman’s, “Your Majesty, I have admired you for so many years. I don’t understand what I have done wrong to make Your Majesty reject me.”


Seeing the beauty in tears, Si Lan felt somewhat uneasy. He reached out as if to comfort her, but caught a glimpse of Haowei’s gaze and hastily withdrew his hand.


“It’s not that I don’t want everyone. It’s a misunderstanding about the selection of concubines. I currently have no intention of marrying.” Si Lan explained.


Upon hearing this, the demons immediately burst into tears, each one looking pitiful and resentful.


Ruyin didn’t expect his illusion to fail and couldn’t help but stomp his foot in grievance, his bare shoulders revealing, “Your Majesty, how can you go back on your word? If this spreads, others will think I have done something wrong and been rejected by you!”


“Yes, Your Majesty, your misunderstanding has ruined our reputation!”


“Sob, Your Majesty, are you really so heartless?”



Listening to these half-complaints and half-pleas, Si Lan felt a headache coming on, but he vaguely understood the reason for their disturbance.


Their claims of not wanting to leave him weren’t necessarily genuine.


After a moment of silence, he said, “Indeed, I mishandled this matter. I intend to give each of you a Jade Dan fruit to aid in your cultivation.” A Jade Dan fruit could boost cultivation by ten years, greatly benefiting these male and female demons in their practice.


Sure enough, upon hearing this, the demons stopped crying, and in the midst of them, Ruyin’s eyes flickered as he smiled seductively, lifting two fingers slowly as if bargaining, “Two, Your Majesty. Only two Dan fruits can soothe the pain in my heart.”


Others nodded in agreement, “Yes, Your Majesty, I also want two.”


Si Lan didn’t refuse, “Alright, two each then. Go back for now, and I will personally send the fruits to your homes later.”


The demons instantly brightened up, hurriedly thanked Si Lan, and left with laughter and chatter, their previous sorrow and resentment nowhere to be seen.


Watching them leave, Qu Ze looked worried, “Your Majesty, there aren’t that many Jade Dan fruits at Mount Zhuyun.”


“Oh, about that…” Si Lan chuckled and turned around, his gaze sweeping past Qu Ze as he looked at Song Cheng and Song Ye, “Not enough? Then the three of you will go pick fruits at the Cangsen Cliff. Be careful, though; it’s infested with poisonous bees and snakes.”


With their cultivation levels, they wouldn’t be killed by bees and snakes, but being bitten would still be quite painful.


Song Ye’s face immediately showed a painful expression upon hearing this, knowing that Your Majesty wouldn’t let them off so easily. No wonder Your Majesty agreed so readily just now; it turned out to be to let them pick wild fruits.


Cangsen Cliff was infested with fierce poisonous bees and snakes, not only lurking below the cliff but also infecting the flowers, plants, and trees on the mountain. It was rare for someone who had gone to pick Jade Dan fruits to return unscathed.


Qu Ze and Song Ye’s faces stiffened for a moment, but they quickly regained their composure and bowed, “Yes.”


Song Ye opened his mouth as if to say something, but Song Cheng dragged him away.


In the grand hall, only Si Lan and Haowei remained after a blink of an eye.


For a moment, the atmosphere froze, an unspoken awkwardness spreading between them. Si Lan, displaying his talent for playing dumb, chuckled, “Oh dear, you caught me in an embarrassing moment.”


Haowei said nothing.


“Were they asking you to handle this?”


“Yes.” Haowei responded. Earlier, Si Lan had been sleeping soundly, and Haowei couldn’t bring himself to wake him, so he got up to check. When he arrived at the main hall, he discovered that it was the concubine candidates chosen by Si Lan causing a commotion.


“How… how could I trouble you with that?” Si Lan smiled awkwardly.


He remembered the scene he saw when he pushed open the door: a stern-faced Haowei confronting a group of extravagantly dressed, tearful male and female demons. It looked very much like a main wife disciplining the concubines.


But, of course, he didn’t dare say this to Haowei.


Haowei suddenly smiled, a hint of menace in his smile, “It was no trouble. I was about to send them flying, but then you arrived.”


“…,” Si Lan.


Haowei stood up and walked over to Si Lan, reaching out to touch his forehead. Si Lan stood still, hearing Haowei’s voice above him.


“Are you feeling better now?”


“Yes, much better.” Si Lan thought for a moment and then asked, “And you?”


He knew Haowei had transferred a lot of cultivation energy to him and was worried that Haowei might be affected.


“I’m fine.”


Seeing the concern in Si Lan’s eyes, Haowei’s mood lightened a bit. This Demon Lord still had a bit of a conscience, showing concern for him.


A gentle breeze blew through the window, causing Si Lan’s robe to flutter and revealing his bare, clean feet. Only then did Haowei notice that Si Lan was not wearing any shoes.


He frowned, said nothing, and directly scooped Si Lan up into his arms. Startled, Si Lan let out a soft sound, almost like a bedroom whisper.


Haowei’s expression froze for a moment, then he carried Si Lan back without a word, “Why aren’t you wearing shoes? Acting so recklessly.” The weather was getting colder, and it was easy to catch a chill.


“I forgot.” Si Lan, now in a bridal carry, felt awkward and didn’t know where to place his arms. Hesitating for a moment, he settled them on his chest.


Looking at Haowei’s profile, he whispered, “You should put me down, or someone might see.” After all, he was a grown man, with hands and feet, being carried like this was strange.


“Is there anyone else on Mount Zhuyun?” Haowei raised an eyebrow and glanced towards the corner.


In the corner, Xiao Xieli was about to walk over but suddenly felt a wave of pressure hit him, making him shiver and stand still, not daring to move.


At the same time, a threat echoed in his mind.


“Stay away, or I’ll carve you into a piglet.”


“…,” Xiao Xieli.


Haowei carried Si Lan back to the room and placed him on the bed, lifting his foot.


Si Lan felt inexplicably shy, his snow-white toes curling as if trying to hide. The veins on his feet were clearly visible, like vines spreading through his flesh.


Haowei picked up a shoe, bending down, his gaze focused and serious, but his tone slightly disdainful, “Take better care of your paws.”


Hearing this, Si Lan indignantly lifted his foot, “They’re not paws!”


He wasn’t careful with his strength and accidentally kicked Haowei’s chin.


Haowei instinctively grabbed his foot, the rough warmth of his fingers touching Si Lan’s arch, making him involuntarily let out a soft sound and trying to retract his leg, but Haowei held on tight.


Si Lan frowned and looked up at Haowei, only to find Haowei’s dark eyes fixed on his foot. The area where his foot was held became even whiter, while the surrounding skin turned a faint pink, and the small toes in Haowei’s palm looked delicate and cute.


He tried to pull back his right foot, but Haowei took the shoe and gently put it on his right foot, then picked up his left foot, his fingers seemingly unintentionally brushing against Si Lan’s arch, causing him to tremble and nearly fall. He managed to steady himself with his hands.


Si Lan suspected Haowei was doing it on purpose, but seeing Haowei’s impassive face, he couldn’t help but think he was overthinking it.


This seemingly serious Divine Emperor Haowei wouldn’t be flirting with his feet… would he?


Si Lan was overthinking it.


After Haowei helped him put on his shoes, he stood up. His white luxurious attire was so bright it was almost blinding, though there was an unusual bulge in the middle of his robe.


Before Si Lan could take a closer look, Haowei quickly turned around and began to straighten his robe.


“…” Si Lan.


Even though he couldn’t see clearly, he realized that it wasn’t just his imagination.


This seemingly righteous Divine Emperor Haowei turned out to be a hypocrite. Just looking at his feet could…


Yet earlier, Haowei had deliberately mocked him, saying his feet looked like claws.


Ha! Hypocrite.


Si Lan’s lips curled up into a smirk. Whether it was playful or smug was unclear. He arched his foot to nudge Haowei’s calf. Haowei’s body stiffened, and his breath hitched for a moment.


Although it was just a moment, Si Lan noticed it accurately. So he intentionally slid his foot upward, rubbing against Haowei’s leg.


“My shoes feel uncomfortable. Can you check what’s wrong?”


Haowei didn’t react at first. Just as Si Lan thought he wouldn’t do anything, Haowei turned around and grabbed Si Lan’s ankle. His slender, jade-like fingers clasped around Si Lan’s ankle like a shackle.


Adjusting Si Lan’s shoes, he asked, “Is this better?”


“It still feels a bit awkward,” Si Lan said, moving his foot, his toes brushing against Haowei’s wrist.


This pretentious little white dragon showed no sign of faltering, but his ears were exceptionally red.


Tsk tsk.


Suddenly amused, Si Lan rubbed Haowei’s elbow with his toes, seeing Haowei’s ears turn even redder. Si Lan’s gaze moved down to Haowei’s lower abdomen, trying to see something. But Haowei turned sideways again, standing up and adjusting his robe as if trying to hide something.


“If the shoes don’t fit, just change to another pair,” Haowei said, his back to Si Lan, his voice stiff.


Si Lan stopped teasing him, softly murmured an “okay,” and lowered his head to straighten his own robe, his eyes still filled with mirth.


Haowei’s voice remained stiff. “If you have recovered enough, we should head to Linglong Mountain to find that fox demon.”




That fox demon was the only one in the world who had been with Yu Wuxia and survived.

T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!


Chapter 36

       The two were silent for a while.

       Zhan Weiyang rode the bicycle in front, looking back from time to time at Pei Qing as if he were afraid that he would not be able to find Pei Qing if he rode too far.

       Pei Qing asked Zhan Weiguang, “So, the way Weiyang looks now, is it natural?”

       Zhan Weiguang looked at Pei Qing, “No. He nearly drowned when he was young. By the time he was rescued, he had stopped breathing. Someone performed CPR and brought him back. His current condition, the doctors say, is due to permanent brain damage caused by lack of oxygen, which affected his brain development.”

       The moment he heard the answer, Pei Qing even stopped breathing briefly. He looked at Zhan Weiyang’s back and didn’t say a word for a long time.

       Zhan Weiguang continued, “My dad took him to see many doctors, and he has done all the rehabilitation treatments that can be done. His current condition is considered to have recovered well.”

       Pei Qing slightly parted his lips. He wanted to suggest taking Zhan Weiyang to a better hospital to see more experienced doctors. However, thinking of how much Zhan Pengcheng doted on Zhan Weiyang, he must have done everything possible already. Mentioning this now probably wouldn’t serve any purpose, and Zhan Weiyang might also have passed the optimal age for treatment.

       However, Pei Qing’s heart still felt a deep sense of powerlessness. A terrible picture even appeared in front of him, seeing the young and pale Zhan Weiyang being taken out of the water, with wet hair sticking to his forehead and eyes closed as if he were dead.

       He was horrified and saddened by his own thoughts.

       Zhan Weiguang was a little hesitant. He whispered to Pei Qing, “Don’t ask Dad about Zhan Weiyang. He is most afraid of others saying that Zhan Weiyang is abnormal.”

       Pei Qing said, “I know.”

       Zhan Weiguang said, “Zhan Weiyang is just a little dumber than his peers and a little slower in reaction. There is nothing else. He can take care of himself and live alone in the future.”

       Pei Qing nodded.

       Zhan Weiguang said, “I know he’s a little annoying sometimes. If he keeps pestering you, just ignore him.”

       Pei Qing said, “No, I think he’s quite cute.”

       Zhan Weiguang laughed and said, “My dad and my grandma also think he’s cute. I think everyone in the family thinks he’s cute except me.”

       Pei Qing thought for a moment and said, “You need to be more patient with him.”

       “Forget it,” Zhan Weiguang said with a slightly impatient look, “Be careful not to let him sneak into my bathtub. It’s troublesome enough to prevent him from walking to the water.”

       The conversation between the two ended because Zhan Weiyang couldn’t help but jump off the bicycle and run towards Pei Qing. When he stood in front of Pei Qing, he said, “I don’t want to ride with Zhan Xiusong anymore.”

       Before Pei Qing could speak, Zhan Weiguang said, “Then don’t ride anymore. Return the bike.”

       Zhan Weiyang glanced at Zhan Weiguang, ignored him, and hesitantly reached out and pulled Pei Qing’s sleeve. Pei Qing said, “Come on, I’ll ride with you.”

       Zhan Weiyang was immediately happy, took Pei Qing’s wrist, and walked in the direction of where they had just parked.

       Zhan Weiguang looked at Zhan Weiyang’s cheerful back, a little unhappy, and yelled at him, “Zhan Weiyang!”

       Zhan Weiyang turned his head symbolically, without even seeing Zhan Weiguang, and said ‘En’ perfunctorily and continued to pull Pei Qing forward.

       They walked to the bicycle parked on the roadside. Zhan Xiusong was still sitting on the bicycle. He looked at them with an unhappy face and asked Zhan Weiyang, “Are you still riding?”

       Zhan Weiyang said, “I won’t ride with you anymore. Get off.”

       Zhan Xiusong didn’t want to ride in the first place, but he became even more unhappy after Zhan Weiyang said that. He then said, “I won’t get off.”

       Zhan Weiyang said angrily, “Get off!”

       Zhan Xiusong said, “No, I want to ride.”

       Pei Qing raised his hand to press on Zhan Weiyang’s shoulder and asked Zhan Xiusong calmly, “Does Xiuxong still want to ride?”

       Zhan Xiusong pedalled and spun backwards, saying, “Of course.”

       Pei Qing said, “Then you and Weiguang ride one, and I’ll take Yangyang to rent another one.”

       At this time, Zhan Weiguang also came over and said, “I won’t ride. Zhan Xiusong can ride by himself.”

       Zhan Xiusong suddenly got anxious and jumped off the bike, saying, “I won’t ride either. You guys ride.”

       When Zhan Weiyang saw him getting off, he quickly grabbed the handlebars and tried to climb up. Pei Qing held his waist from behind and lifted him up. Zhan Weiyang was too thin, and his waist was too thin as if it could be broken by a pinch. Pei Qing could not forget what Zhan Weiyang had just said. When Zhan Weiyang sat down, he still looked at Zhan Weiyang in a daze.

       Pei Qing rarely acted like this. Zhan Weiyang felt strange. He waved his hand in front of him and said uneasily, “Shall we go ride a bike?”

       He was afraid that Pei Qing would refuse him.

       Pei Qing quickly came to his senses, smiled at him, and said, “Okay.” Then he got on the other seat and rode the tandem bike that Zhan Xiusong called a little silly with Zhan Weiyang, moving forward slowly.

       After riding the bike for a while, Zhan Pengcheng called Zhan Weiyang and asked them to go back to fly a kite.

       Zhan Weiyang’s kite flew very high. Zhan Xiusong was competing with him. He tried many times but failed to fly the kite. Finally, he ran to ask Pei Qing for help. Pei Qing helped him fly the kite into the sky first and then gave him the string to continue flying.

       After dinner, Zhan Weiyang was already very sleepy in the car. He was leaning against the window in the last row of the seven-seater SUV. He fell asleep with his head against the window and kept hitting the glass, making a crisp sound.

       Later, Grandma felt distressed and asked Auntie Luo to change seats with Zhan Weiyang and let Zhan Weiyang sleep on her legs.

       While driving, Zhan Pengcheng looked up at the rearview mirror and said, “Yangyang, don’t crush Grandma’s legs.”

       Grandma quickly said, “No, My Yangyang is skinnier than a stray dog I picked up by the roadside. When he lies down, I can’t feel anything at all.”

       Zhan Xiusong couldn’t help but laugh when he heard Grandma’s description. He turned his head to look at Zhan Weiguang next to him. In the end, Zhan Weiguang closed his eyes and tilted his head. He didn’t know if Zhan Weiguang was asleep, but he didn’t react at all.

       Zhan Weiyang lay on his grandma’s legs with a small blanket folded several times, feeling soft and warm.

       Grandma’s skinny palm stroked the top of his head and said, “Go to sleep.”

       Zhan Weiyang said, “En.” He closed his eyes and fell asleep quickly.

       There was a traffic jam on the way back to the city in the afternoon. Zhan Pengcheng drove for more than an hour before parking the car in front of the villa.

       Pei Qing got off the passenger seat and opened the door of the back seat first. He saw Zhan Weiyang still sleeping on Grandma’s legs.

       Grandma put her index finger against her lips, signalling Pei Qing not to wake up Zhan Weiyang.

       But then, Zhan Xiusong stood up, leaned over from the back seat and shouted to Zhan Weiyang, “Get up, Zhan Weiyang!”

       Zhan Weiyang was awakened by him in a flash.

       Grandma raised her hand and hit Zhan Xiusong’s arm, angrily saying, “Don’t bully your brother.”

       Zhan Xiusong made a face and jumped down from the car quickly.

       Zhan Weiguang then stood up from the back seat and said to Grandma, “Grandma, I’ll help you down.”

       Zhan Weiyang sat up and rubbed his eyes.

       Grandma asked him, “Didn’t you get enough sleep? Go up and continue sleeping later.”

       Zhan Weiyang nodded. He stood up and wanted to get out of the car, but then he remembered something and sat back down, helping to help Grandma down first.

       Auntie Luo pushed Grandma back to the room.

       Zhan Pengcheng was about to park the car in the garage. He leaned out of the driver’s seat window and said to Zhan Weiyang, who was standing at the door, “Go upstairs and take a shower first, and then come to Dad’s room to sleep.”

       Zhan Weiyang had not woken up yet and was in a daze. He subconsciously answered, “I’ll go to Qing ge’s room to sleep.”

       Several teenagers were still at the door. Zhan Weiguang and Zhan Xiusong looked at Pei Qing after hearing this. Even Zhan Pengcheng looked at Pei Qing and seemed to feel bad. He said to Zhan Weiyang, “Why? Yangyang doesn’t like Dad anymore?”

       This question made Zhan Weiyang feel very embarrassed. He couldn’t answer it, so he turned to look at Pei Qing.

       Pei Qing knew that the best answer at this time was to persuade Zhan Weiyang to sleep in Zhan Pengcheng’s room, but at that moment, he suddenly had some selfish thoughts. He smiled and replied, “Yangyang can come over to sleep if he wants. Don’t worry, uncle; my bed is very spacious and won’t squeeze Yangyang.”

       Zhan Pengcheng seemed very embarrassed. He didn’t want Zhan Weiyang to sleep in Pei Qing’s place, not only because he didn’t want to disturb Pei Qing but also because of some reluctance that he couldn’t explain. Perhaps it was a subconsciously overprotective desire for Zhan Weiyang.

       Zhan Weiguang said in a somewhat cold tone at this time, “Zhan Weiyang, sleep in my place.”

       Zhan Weiyang took a step back in panic and said, “I won’t!”

       Zhan Pengcheng said helplessly, “Okay, as long as your brother doesn’t mind, you can sleep wherever you want.”

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