Day: September 28, 2023

Chapter 38 – Replica

Chapter 38: The Palm of Your Hand


Tan Xilu couldn’t sleep again. He lay in bed, staring at the ceiling all night, and finally sat up before the sunrise. He reached for the bottle of vitamins that had worked well for him before on the bedside table and swallowed several pills.


His stomach burned, as if there was a fire raging inside. He closed his eyes and tried to sleep again, but undoubtedly, he still couldn’t fall asleep.


He was tired, but sleep eluded him. Whenever he closed his eyes, all he could think of was Xu Huaiming.


It had been two weeks since he and Xu Huaiming separated, but thinking about Xu Huaiming still made Tan Xilu’s heart ache in waves.


What terrified Tan Xilu was that he didn’t know if the Xu Huaiming he couldn’t stop thinking about was the one from the past or the one in the present.


After lying in bed for ten minutes, Tan Xilu finally gave up on sleep, got up from the bed, and went to the bathroom to brush his teeth and freshen up. He tried to make himself look normal, the way he used to smile, but the dark circles under his eyes were too heavy, his complexion too pale, and his lips too dry. He just couldn’t resemble his former self.


Tan Xilu splashed his face with water, then walked out of the bathroom. In the past, after he woke up, breakfast would have already been set on the dining table. As he stepped out of the bathroom, he would hear Xu Huaiming’s voice coming from the kitchen, “Are you up? Have you finished getting ready? Have a seat; breakfast will be ready soon.”


But now, the table was empty, devoid of anything.


The day they separated, when Tan Xilu returned home, there was still the hotpot meatballs they had bought the day before in the kitchen. They had planned to eat them together with Lin Changyu and the others. However, little did they know that their last meal together before parting ways would be a simple breakfast.


He ended up eating the hotpot meatballs alone for several days, but eventually, he had to visit the hospital, and since then, he couldn’t eat anything or sleep well.


The doctor advised him to eat something light, so Tan Xilu had been drinking congee lately.


For someone with no talent for cooking, even making the simplest congee was a challenge. Staring at the pot filled with blackened and unidentifiable substance, Tan Xilu stood there in a daze for a moment, then covered the pot.


Returning to the living room, he sat on the couch and ordered some rice porridge from a food delivery app.


“Meow…” Beibei knocked over her food bowl again, scattering cat food all over the floor. Tan Xilu sighed and went over to clean it up.


During this time, Beibei had been acting up. When she first came to his home, she used to squeeze herself between Tan Xilu and Xu Huaiming to sleep, but now that Xu Huaiming was gone, she no longer wanted to do that. She would pester Tan Xilu at night, as if she had realized that there was one less person in the house. Sometimes she would even sneak into each room to see if Xu Huaiming was there.


Tan Xilu petted Beibei and his eyes suddenly welled up with tears. He said, “Don’t look for him anymore; he won’t come back.”


It all felt like a dream. He had met Xu Huaiming, they had fallen in love, and then they had been together. After Xu Huaiming disappeared, he spent seven years reminiscing about him. They had started their relationship again when Xu Huaiming returned, but he never expected it to end like this.


It was all a lie; Xu Huaiming was a lie, and so was their love.


Nearly a decade of his life had been nothing but deception.


Beibei nibbled on his pants, then rolled over on the floor. Tan Xilu touched her and said, “Beibei, I’m so sad.”


Beibei didn’t understand human words, but she seemed to sense that her owner was very sad, and it made her a little melancholic too. She lay down on the floor.


The ringing of Tan Xilu’s phone on the coffee table interrupted the moment. He got up to check his phone; it was his food delivery.


Three minutes later, he went downstairs to pick up the food.


The delivery guy handed him the food and looked around cautiously before saying, “Sir, just a heads up, when I came in, I saw someone acting suspiciously near the entrance of your building. I’m not sure what they’re up to, but you should be careful and maybe consider informing the property management.”


“Someone?” Tan Xilu was surprised and instinctively looked around, but he didn’t see anyone. He asked, “Did you get a good look at what they looked like?”


“No,” the delivery guy shook his head, “but sir, please be cautious. It’s better to be safe; I’m worried they might be up to no good.”


“Oh, alright, thank you,” Tan Xilu smiled at him and said, “I’ll give you a good rating.”


Back in his home, Tan Xilu placed the food on the table. Then he remembered something and walked to the entrance. He opened the door quietly and stepped outside, making sure not to startle the person he had been warned about. He walked to the entrance of the building, and indeed, he saw someone sitting on the wooden bench near the flowerbed.


It seemed like the person hadn’t expected Tan Xilu to come down. They had probably intended to hide somewhere but realized that Tan Xilu had already spotted them. In the end, they just stood there, head down, motionless, and silent.


Today was an uncommonly good day considering it was mid-winter, and there were many evergreen trees in the neighborhood. Despite the cold season, there was still lush greenery. Xu Huaiming was still wearing that same down jacket, and the fragmented sunlight filtered through, making him seem bright in the light, yet inexplicably lonely to Tan Xilu.


Taking a deep breath, Tan Xilu walked over and asked, “What are you doing here?”


Xu Huaiming moved, lifting his head to look at Tan Xilu. He wanted to reach out and touch Tan Xilu’s face, but Tan Xilu quickly evaded, showing a guarded expression.


Xu Huaiming had no choice but to lower his hand. He said, “Alu, you’ve lost weight.”


Without looking at Xu Huaiming, Tan Xilu said, “You shouldn’t come here anymore. We’ve already parted ways.”


Pausing for a moment, he added, “Your things at home, you should pack them up and take them with you.”




“Just for today, and then I’m going to my parents’ for the New Year tomorrow,” Tan Xilu turned and headed inside.


“Okay,” Xu Huaiming didn’t resist any further, obediently following him.


Once inside, Tan Xilu, who was always cold in the winter, had the heating turned up high in his home. As he entered, he felt the warmth enveloping him. Tan Xilu leaned against the door, saying, “Hurry up and pack. There are cardboard boxes behind the bedroom.”


“Alright,” Xu Huaiming replied softly and began packing his belongings diligently. He even tidied up the mess in the room that Tan Xilu had made earlier. Tan Xilu put Beibei down on the floor, and she wagged her tail before heading towards Xu Huaiming.


“Take Beibei with you,” Tan Xilu suddenly said, “Originally, she was a gift from a guest, and I shouldn’t keep her all to myself.”


“Alu…” Xu Huaiming looked up at Tan Xilu, his eyes filled with confusion. He felt like he was slowly losing something.


Tan Xilu leaned against the door and said with a faint smile, “Xu Huaiming, I’m really tired, very tired. It’s been ten years… Do you know how many decades that is in a lifetime? I can’t waste it on you guys anymore. Besides, you’re just an AI. Should I spend my whole life with an AI?”


He paused and added, “You should also understand that the Xu Huaiming I love isn’t you.”


Of course, Xu Huaiming understood. He was a replica of Code no.7, created to fulfill Code no.7’s wishes. But in a way, he was also designed to make Tan Xilu gradually grow tired of him, so that Tan Xilu could seek a new life, or cruelly, to let Tan Xilu forget him while slowly falling in love with him.


He understood the rationale, but he didn’t want it now. He wanted a life that belonged only to him. He wanted to be with Tan Xilu, and he wanted Tan Xilu to love him in return.


However, he was burdened with the face of Code no.7, and Tan Xilu had loved only Code no.7 from the beginning to the end.


T/N: Wishing you all a good September and welcome to Bad End month! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!

Chapter 37 – Replica

Chapter 37: Sighing Clouds


Xu Huaiming woke up from the sofa on the second day. He rubbed his eyes and glanced at the clock on the wall. The hands pointed at exactly nine o’clock. He had slept in a bit today.


After being injured yesterday, the emergency healing function of the system automatically activated. However, because he hadn’t gone to Professor Bowen for maintenance in a while, all his functions were a bit sluggish. When he got home, the system suggested that healing would be faster if he shut down, so he prepared dinner early to avoid Tan Xilu going hungry and sent him a message before turning off the machine.


He originally thought he could turn it back on before Tan Xilu returned, but unexpectedly, it was already the second day.


He was about to get up to wash and make breakfast when he saw Tan Xilu coming out of the kitchen. He was surprised that Tan Xilu had woken up so early today; usually, he didn’t get out of bed before eleven.


“You’re up so early today?” he asked.


Tan Xilu nodded, and when he saw Beibei coming out of the bedroom, he said with a slightly awkward tone, “Awake?”


Xu Huaiming replied with an “Ah” and was quite surprised that Tan Xilu had woken up so early today. Normally, he didn’t get out of bed before eleven.


“You woke up early today?” he asked.


Tan Xilu nodded, glanced at Beibei, who had just come out of the bedroom, and lied, “Beibei woke me up this morning.”


“Really?” Xu Huaiming didn’t doubt him and crouched down, beckoning Beibei to come over. “Then I should teach her a lesson.”


Tan Xilu pursed his lips, mumbled a response, and in reality, he hadn’t slept all night. He sat on the floor, staring at Xu Huaiming’s injured hand. He knew that technology was very advanced nowadays, but he watched in astonishment as the wound slowly healed and there was no sign of a scar when he had seen it with an open wound. Surprised and afraid, he realized he had been living with a robot all these days. They ate together, lived together, even slept together and kissed. The thought sent shivers down Tan Xilu’s spine and made his stomach churn.


He hadn’t noticed that Xu Huaiming was no longer the same.


He was still enjoying the love from the other as if it was compensation for seven years. But in reality? It was all a facade.


He took a deep breath, suppressing the urge to vomit, and said to Xu Huaiming, “I was too tired last night when I got back, didn’t have dinner. I just reheated the dinner you made yesterday and had it for breakfast.”


“Alright,” Xu Huaiming released Beibei and stood up, heading towards the bathroom. “I’ll freshen up first.”


Tan Xilu nodded and turned to get the reheated food.


While washing up, Xu Huaiming looked at the bandaged hand and was momentarily surprised. Then, to avoid suspicion, he carefully rewrapped it. After washing his face, he left the bathroom.


Tan Xilu had already prepared congee. When he saw Xu Huaiming approaching, he said, “There’s pickled radish in the fridge. Can you get it?”


Xu Huaiming went to fetch it, poured some onto a plate, and brought it to the table. He didn’t eat such things much, to be precise, anything hard to digest, and sometimes Tan Xilu had peculiar tastes that he couldn’t understand.


Xu Huaiming placed the plate on the table, helped Tan Xilu move his chair closer, and, after Tan Xilu sat down, shifted all the dishes a little closer to his side. These seemingly normal actions were now different since Tan Xilu knew Xu Huaiming was an AI.


Tan Xilu thought, why was this AI so good to him? Why did he impersonate Xu Huaiming? Was his love all fake? Just part of a programmed design?


Tan Xilu was frightened and couldn’t believe it. He had been living with a machine all these days, eating together, living together, even going to bed and kissing. The thought sent shivers down his spine and made his stomach churn, threatening to make him nauseous.


He had never realized that Xu Huaiming was no longer Xu Huaiming.


Despite his shock, he managed to control his nausea and said to Xu Huaiming, “I was so tired when I got back last night that I didn’t have dinner. I just reheated the dinner you made yesterday and had it for breakfast.”


“Alright,” Xu Huaiming replied and went to clean up and wash the dishes. Meanwhile, Tan Xilu continued to sit at the dining table. It seemed like he was in a bad mood, and Beibei, sensing this, approached him, jumped onto his lap, and started licking his palm.


Tan Xilu petted the cat, feeling a sense of sadness welling up. He didn’t know what to do.


He had never imagined such a bizarre situation would happen to him. He couldn’t help but wonder, what was the truth about the old Xu Huaiming? Was he even a human? Or was he also an AI? Were they two different people or the same?


Tan Xilu sighed and tried to suppress the feeling of nausea. He had to find out the truth. Was Xu Huaiming really who he seemed to be, or was there something more to this story?


After finishing the meal, Xu Huaiming tidied up and washed the dishes. Tan Xilu still sat at the table, lost in thought. Xu Huaiming called his name several times, asking about the taste of the food and whether the congee was soft enough, but Tan Xilu was absent-minded and didn’t respond promptly. Eventually, Xu Huaiming stopped asking.


After washing the dishes, Xu Huaiming put everything away and washed up. Tan Xilu was still sitting at the table, and Beibei seemed to sense that he was upset. The cat walked over, jumped onto his lap, and started meowing.


Tan Xilu petted Beibei and suddenly felt overwhelmed with emotion. He had never imagined such a bizarre situation. He had been living with Xu Huaiming, thinking it was a loving relationship, but now everything seemed uncertain.


Tan Xilu took a deep breath and stood up from the table. He went to the bedroom and retrieved his phone from the bedside table. He scrolled through his contacts and dialed Li Zhao’s number, then waited for the call to connect.


Ten minutes later, Tan Xilu changed into different clothes and came out of the bedroom. Xu Huaiming had just finished washing the dishes. When he saw Tan Xilu dressed neatly, he asked, “Are you going out?”


Tan Xilu nodded.


“Where are you going? Can I drive you there?” Xu Huaiming asked.


“No need,” Tan Xilu shook his head lightly. “I’m going to meet a friend.”


“Alright,” Xu Huaiming didn’t ask further. He took a scarf from the coat rack in the


 entrance, helped Tan Xilu put it on, and said, “Be careful.”


“Okay,” Tan Xilu replied and headed towards the door.


“Wait a moment,” Xu Huaiming suddenly called out.


Tan Xilu, accustomed to responding, turned back.


Xu Huaiming walked over, embraced Tan Xilu, and then kissed him on the lips.


Instinctive reactions are the most genuine. The previous Tan Xilu would have willingly embraced Xu Huaiming and responded to his kiss without hesitation. But now, his body stiffened for a moment, even though he was still kissing the same person. Xu Huaiming could see from Tan Xilu’s response that something had changed.


He let go of Tan Xilu and called his name, “Alu.”


Tan Xilu opened his eyes but didn’t respond to the name.


The door opened, and then closed with a loud “bang.”


Xu Huaiming stood still for about ten minutes until Beibei knocked over her food bowl and started meowing, which brought him back to reality.


He walked over and arranged the cat’s food bowl, then petted Beibei, saying, “What do you think, Beibei? What should I do if Alu doesn’t want me anymore?”


Beibei’s only response was a series of “meow.”



“This is…” Tan Xilu stood in front of the research institute and turned to look at Li Zhao, asking.


“This is where Xu Huaiming was created,” Li Zhao replied, looking at him.


Tan Xilu moved his lips but didn’t utter a word.


Li Zhao tugged at his arm and said, “I’ll take you inside to meet someone. He’ll explain everything.”


Li Zhao took a few steps forward, but there were no footsteps behind him. He turned around and saw that Tan Xilu hadn’t moved. He asked, “What’s wrong? Are you scared?”


Tan Xilu was lost in thought, feeling torn between the desire to open the door and find out the truth and the fear of losing the current Xu Huaiming. After all, he could still be with him if he pretended not to know the truth, right? He could turn a blind eye to it. He could still enjoy Xu Huaiming’s love, even if it was fake.


As this thought crossed his mind, Tan Xilu mentally chastised himself. What about the old Xu Huaiming? How could he be so selfish?


With a determined expression, he pushed open the door.


Upon seeing Tan Xilu, Professor Bowen immediately understood why both Code no. 7 and Xu Huaiming had fallen for this person.


Tan Xilu’s eyes were captivating, unbelievably beautiful, and when he looked at someone, it was with utmost sincerity. When he listened, he did so with complete focus, and if he didn’t understand, he would timidly ask for clarification.


He was incredibly obedient and wouldn’t refuse anyone. Who could resist such qualities?


T/N: Wishing you all a good September and welcome to Bad End month! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!

Chapter 67 – Who Says Omegas Can’t be as Explosive as Alphas

Chapter 67


At the entrance of Building 3, the queue extended from the corridor to the roadside. Today marked the collective return of students from the Imperial Navy University. It was said that the Imperial Government specially arranged a medical team to inspect the campus, conducting comprehensive check-ups for students injured during the pirate campaign. Institutions like the Imperial Navy University, being a significant source of military strength over the years, naturally received great attention.


On the first floor of the teaching building, all the classrooms had been temporarily converted into clinics. One particular room had a long queue outside, and each person in line was neatly dressed, exuding an air of enthusiasm that seemed more akin to a matchmaking event than a medical check-up.


A curious lower-grade student passing by couldn’t help but inquire, “What’s going on? Is this like Hua Tuo from ancient books?”


The girls in the queue glanced at him, and one of them replied, “Not Hua Tuo, but someone resembling Pan An! One of the members in this medical team is like a divine being. If it wasn’t for the fact that he came specifically for examination, I would have just twisted my wrist a bit, and there’d be no need for a re-examination.”


The lower-grade student was stunned, “Really? The medical team has such a good-looking Omega?”


“Not an Omega, but a Beta,” the girl recalled the pictures she had seen and said with conviction, “He is the most perfect Beta I’ve ever seen!”


Her exaggerated description instantly piqued the curiosity of the lower-grade student. He hesitated for a moment, wondering if he should also join in the excitement.


The girl encouraged, “Go ahead, classmate! Pass by if you can! Don’t leave any regrets for your youth!”


In the blink of an eye, about ten more people joined the queue at the end.


The student, who was initially just a bystander, couldn’t stand still and rushed straight to the back of the line.



Compared to the lively atmosphere outside, inside Room 1203, the air was filled with the faint scent of disinfectant. The people in the room wore clean white coats, and their slightly long hair was casually tied back. The hand holding the medical records had distinct joints and graceful, well-groomed fingers, leaving an impression of meticulousness.


“It’s just a simple sprain, according to the test results, there’s no problem. You can rest assured,” after delivering a straightforward conclusion and recording the case, he naturally helped the Omega sitting in front of him pull down the rolled-up sleeve. With a faint smile, he said, “If you’re still worried, you can consider consulting the neighboring Room 1204. Our psychological counselor should be able to dispel all your concerns.”


Seeing him smile, the Omega’s face flushed red, and he stood up from the chair as if waking from a dream. After saying “Thank you,” he covered his face and left.


At this moment, a middle-aged man in a white coat entered the room, taking a glance at the extravagant scene outside. He chuckled, “Su Qian, as I said, Old Wu shouldn’t have sent you. I knew the other clinics wouldn’t have much attention, but it turns out everyone is coming to you.”


Su Qian smiled lightly, “It has nothing to do with Master. I chose to come here myself.”


The middle-aged man sat down on a chair, and as an Alpha just entering the room was about to approach Su Qian directly, he reached out and pulled the person towards him. While checking, he asked, “What’s the matter? Do you know anyone in the Imperial Navy University?”


Su Qian replied, “Yes, after such a major incident, I thought I’d take this opportunity to visit.”


“Stop looking around, open your mouth, ah!” The middle-aged man turned the Alpha’s head back and checked his throat. “No problems, you’ve probably been eating too many spicy foods lately. You know it’s unhealthy, young man?”


After efficiently sending the person away, he turned to Su Qian, “Alright, you want to find an acquaintance, right? Go ahead! I can handle things here.” 


Su Qian responded, “No need. I’ll go after I finish with my duties.”


The middle-aged man couldn’t help but feel a headache at the mention, “You’d better not be busy, hurry and go! If you stay here, this inspection will turn into your personal meet-and-greet.”


Su Qian was about to say something when he received a communication message. After reading its contents, he handed over the case statistics, saying, “Then I’ll leave first. I’ll trouble you with the rest.”


The middle-aged man waved his hand, “Go ahead, go ahead. It’s rare to see friends; you don’t have to rush back tonight!”


Watching the tall figure leave, he couldn’t help but feel emotional.


As a Beta, Su Qian indeed had an exceptionally handsome appearance, coupled with his completely gentle and harmless demeanor, making every patient who came into contact with him feel like they were basking in the spring breeze. Such a person was undoubtedly well-suited to be a doctor. He gained complete trust from patients without a trace, and most importantly, both clinically and academically, he was an unparalleled genius.


Su Qian was the closed-door disciple of Professor Wu, and without any surprises, he would eventually inherit all of his teachings. Among the young generation, his future was boundless.



Lu Jingning disembarked the light shuttle and met Yu Qingcang at the school gate. Seeing the quick response to the communication message, he couldn’t help but smile, “Su Qian said he’s coming over soon.”


Yu Qingcang suggested, “We’re both hungry. Why don’t we eat outside together?”


He glanced occasionally at Wen Xingchen.


Wen Xingchen’s tone was indifferent, “You two go ahead. I’ll head back first.”


Jiang Luan had just witnessed something he shouldn’t have on the light shuttle. Considering his own safety, he smoothly transitioned to say, “I won’t eat either. I’ll walk you back.”


Watching the two leave one after the other, Yu Qingcang felt slightly resentful that they didn’t even think of him. Just as he was about to comment, he suddenly felt a slight chill on his back.


When he turned around, he saw Wen Xingchen’s somewhat inscrutable expression.


Yu Qingcang thought he might be confused about Su Qian’s identity, so he introduced, “Oh, Su Qian and I have been close since we were young. We have a deep friendship. This genius skipped two grades in school and was directly recruited by the Medical Department when he went to college. He abandoned us early on. We haven’t seen each other for probably a year or two.”


He smiled, and couldn’t help but gossip, “Besides, Lu Jingning’s pheromones are not easy to handle for an Alpha, right? Uncle Lu was quite fond of Su Qian and even said that if there was no suitable person, he would just pair them up. After all, Su Qian is a Beta and wouldn’t be affected by pheromones. His gentle personality would be a perfect match for Lu Jingning’s explosive temper.”


Wen Xingchen listened silently, and his lips slightly pressed down.


Yu Qingcang mistakenly thought he was puzzled about Su Qian’s identity, so he politely extended his hand, “By the way, this Wen Xingchen, is he your…”


“Hello, I am Lu Jingning’s boyfriend,” Wen Xingchen said before Yu Qingcang finished introducing.


Yu Qingcang froze, “?!?!”


Su Qian was stunned too and couldn’t help but glance at Lu Jingning. Then, he extended his hand and gently shook it, “A bit unexpected.”


“More than unexpected!” Yu Qingcang was clearly taken aback by this sudden, heavy news, “What’s going on? When did you two get together? How come I didn’t know?!”


Lu Jingning felt a headache coming on from Yu Qingcang’s reactions and just kicked him away, “Why do you need to know when we are dating? Does your dad have to report his dating life to you?”


Yu Qingcang remembered the things he said to Wen Xingchen earlier and wished he could turn back time to strangle his past self. He felt on the verge of tears now and spoke with a grievous tone, “Uncle Lu, shouldn’t you have told me when you found a new boyfriend?!”


Lu Jingning replied, “There’s no ‘should’ or ‘shouldn’t,’ it’s all about whether I want to or not.”


Yu Qingcang felt utterly defeated and wanted to bury himself in a hole. He sneakily looked up and saw Wen Xingchen and Su Qian standing together, not saying anything but gazing at each other quietly. In a split second, his mind imagined a passionate battlefield of love and desire.


He almost wanted to scream out how intense it felt. Unfortunately, he was in the middle of this battlefield, and shouting might lead to being burned to ashes on the spot.


No doubt, Wen Xingchen was feeling quite unhappy at the moment. Since the start of the semester, Lu Jingning had become close to Yu Qingcang. Despite Yu Qingcang being an Alpha and Lu Jingning risking his life to save people during the interstellar pirate attack, it was not enough for Wen Xingchen to take him seriously.


However, this Beta named Su Qian made him feel alert from the bottom of his heart. Among the three ABO types, Betas were considered more balanced, but Su Qian was different. Though gentle and harmless, he carried an aura of strength that was impossible to ignore. Compared to most Alphas, he attracted even more attention.


When facing a powerful individual, Alphas would instinctively feel a strong possessiveness, and Su Qian’s presence seemed to intrude upon his territory.


Yu Qingcang endured it for a while, and when Lu Jingning wasn’t paying attention, he carefully approached Wen Xingchen and said, “Um, Wen Ge… Actually, I made all that up earlier. You mustn’t take it to heart.”


Wen Xingchen responded calmly, “Mhm, I know.”


Yu Qingcang: “……”


No, you don’t know!!!



During the meal, Yu Qingcang still felt uneasy about Wen Xingchen’s inscrutable attitude.


Lu Jingning didn’t bother with Yu Qingcang and focused his attention on Su Qian, “How many days are you staying this time? Do you have any free time during the day? I can take you out to play. Although things were damaged before, the nearby reconstruction is almost complete, and it’s been quite lively since the students returned.”


“You medical students must be bored all day in the lab. It’s not easy to come out this time, so don’t waste such a good opportunity! I heard that the medical team sent by the government is here this time. It seems you’ve been doing well these past few years! Now you can be deployed for missions, looks like you’ve achieved more than me.”


Su Qian patiently responded to all of his words with a gentle and patient tone, seemingly enjoying the “disturbance” caused by Lu Jingning’s excitement.


Upon hearing the last sentence, Su Qian’s smile softened a little, “Let’s talk about playing later. We might not get a chance to meet again anytime soon. If you have time tomorrow, I think it’s necessary for me to give you a full-body examination.”


Lu Jingning instinctively wanted to refuse, but when faced with Su Qian’s gentle gaze, he couldn’t say the word “no.”


He lightly touched the tip of his nose and reluctantly replied, “Okay, got it.”


Author’s note:


Wen Xingchen: I heard you have an engaged fiance?


Lu Jingning: ??? No, who the hell said that?


Yu Qingcang: Daddy, I messed up!!!



Lu Jingning’s father liked Su Qian unilaterally, having his own thoughts, but no engagement yet.


Facts have proven that rumors aren’t reliable, hehe~!


T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you life 🙂 I love reading them!

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