Day: September 29, 2023

Chapter 40 – Replica

Chapter 40: After I Leave


Li Zhao placed the bought lunch on the bedside table and turned to Tan’s mother, saying, “Auntie, you and Uncle can go home and rest. I’ll take care of Xilu.”


Tan’s mother felt a bit embarrassed and politely replied, “Li, isn’t this too much trouble for you?”


“It’s no trouble. Besides, the store is closed for the New Year, so I have nothing else to do,” Li Zhao said with a smile.


“Well, thank you then,” Tan’s mother said. “Don’t leave later. I’ll come in the afternoon with some stew for you to eat.”


“I’ll be looking forward to Auntie’s cooking,” Li Zhao rubbed his hands together and said.


“You’re such a sweet talker,” Tan’s mother said with a smile. She patted Tan’s father on the shoulder and said, “Let’s go.”


“Okay, okay,” Tan’s father mumbled. “What’s the rush?”


Tan’s mother gave him a playful look and said, “No foresight at all.”


After leaving the ward, Tan’s mother sighed and said to Tan’s father, “I can see that Li Zhao really cares about Xilu. I’d be happy if these two could be together. But Xilu’s condition is worrying, and there’s also that child…”


Tan’s father looked back at the still pale Xilu in the ward. “Xilu has really suffered.”


Tan’s mother shook her head helplessly, patted her husband’s shoulder, and was about to enter the elevator. Out of the corner of her eye, she thought she saw a figure not far away. She hesitated and looked in that direction, but there was nothing there. She thought she might have been mistaken and then entered the elevator with her husband.


In the hospital room, Li Zhao helped Xilu set up the table on the bed and placed the bought lunch on it one by one.


He had put thought into it, asking Tan’s mother in advance about Xilu’s preferences, and he chose things Xilu liked to ensure that he would eat. However, it could also be because Xilu had no appetite due to being ill; he showed no reaction when he saw the food.


Li Zhao lifted the lid of the millet porridge, and the food container had good heat preservation; it was still steaming. He placed a spoon inside and said, “Try to eat a bit more.”


Xilu moved slightly, his eyes somewhat vacant. He stared at the lunch for a moment before finally looking up at Li Zhao. “I’m not hungry.”


“You should eat even if you’re not hungry,” Li Zhao said. “You haven’t had a proper meal in a long time.”


Li Zhao spoke somewhat bluntly and harshly, “Look at yourself. Have you even looked in the mirror? You’ve become so thin and ugly.”


Upon hearing this, Xilu’s eyes showed a momentary confusion. Then, he sat up straight, took the disposable chopsticks, and started eating.


The doctor said there were psychological factors at play, which was why Xilu kept getting feverish for no apparent reason. With the New Year approaching, Xilu had been in the hospital for a week, and a minor fever just wouldn’t go away. He couldn’t even be left alone at night.


“Take your time,” Li Zhao said. “No one’s going to take it from you.”


As if he remembered something, Li Zhao sat on Xilu’s bedside and smiled. “You’re not afraid that Xu Huaiming will come and see you looking ugly, are you?”


Xilu paused for a moment, didn’t look at Li Zhao, and took another bite of shredded potatoes. He said with his head down, “No.”


Xilu seemed to say those two words in a calm tone, as if he genuinely didn’t care anymore. But from the slight trembling in his hand as he picked up the food, it was evident that he wasn’t as strong as he had imagined. It made Li Zhao feel a pang of sympathy.


Over the past few days, as he watched Xilu suffer, Li Zhao couldn’t help but wonder if he had made a mistake by calling Xilu and telling him about Xu Huaiming. He admitted he was a selfish person. Perhaps it was for the sake of his damned competitive spirit, or maybe he really had some interest in Xilu. When he found out that Xu Huaiming was an AI, he was mostly relieved, thinking that at least Xu Huaiming was an AI and he still had a chance to compete. But now, he realized that as long as Xilu didn’t love him, he could never catch Xilu’s eye.


He had underestimated Xilu’s feelings for Xu Huaiming. 


“Never mind then,” Li Zhao moved the bowl of corn soup towards Xilu. “Auntie said you really like this soup. Taste it and see how it is.”


Xilu looked at the bowl of soup and suddenly felt a bit dizzy. Then, he felt nauseous and realized something was wrong. He quickly covered his mouth and rushed to the bathroom, opening the toilet and vomiting.


Xilu had a stress reaction. Before Xu Huaiming came back, he couldn’t stand to see corn soup. At the beginning, when it was at its worst, he would feel nauseous at the sight of corn in the kitchen. Later, after Xu Huaiming came back, for some inexplicable reason, he got better. But now, it was happening again.


Xilu had barely eaten anything, and now he had vomited it all out. Tears welled up in his eyes, and he took a while to recover before slowly standing up and flushing the toilet.


“You…” Li Zhao’s face looked a bit unpleasant. “I didn’t know you couldn’t have that soup. I’m sorry.”


Xilu shook his head. His throat felt uncomfortable from vomiting. “It’s okay. I didn’t know I would react like this.”


“I’ll go find a nurse to get you some medication,” Li Zhao said.


“No need. I’m not that delicate,” Xilu shook his head and said. “It was just a little bit of vomiting.”

Li Zhao looked at him with some concern.


After vomiting, Xilu didn’t have the appetite to continue eating. He said he was feeling a bit tired and wanted to take a nap, so Li Zhao cleared away the food. After Xilu lay down, Li Zhao sat by his side and watched him fall asleep.


Xilu felt a bit embarrassed being watched as he slept. Finally, he said, “Can you go buy the cake we had together last time?”


Li Zhao knew he was referring to the restaurant they had been to before. However, the restaurant had been closed for renovation these past few days. Li Zhao thought for a moment and said, “I can, but it might take a while.”


“That’s okay,” Xilu said.


Li Zhao replied, “Then you rest. Maybe I’ll bring it back by the time you wake up.”


Xilu rarely smiled after falling ill, but this time, he smiled and said, “Okay, I’ll wait for you.”


Perhaps Xilu had never genuinely smiled at Li Zhao all this time, so Li Zhao didn’t realize that Xilu was trying to get him to leave. He tucked in the blanket for Xilu, watched him close his eyes, and then left the room, closing the door behind him.


After a while, the door to the ward opened again, and the person who entered walked softly, as if afraid of being noticed. Upon seeing that Xilu was asleep, he sat down on the chair next to the bed and reached out to touch Xilu’s hand, which was outside the blanket.


The room was a bit cold, and the person went to close the window. Just as he was about to close it, he heard Xilu’s voice from behind, “You’ve been coming to the hospital every day, and you’re afraid to see me directly. Aren’t you tired, Xu Huaiming?”


Xu Huaiming’s hand paused, and he turned around.


Xilu was already sitting up, wearing a patient’s gown, looking pale and much thinner.


Xu Huaiming felt a pang of sadness. He had finally managed to put some weight on Xilu, and now he had lost it again. “I was afraid you wouldn’t want to see me.”


“Then why sneak in? Aren’t you afraid I’ll find you disgusting?” Xilu looked at him.


“I am,” Xu Huaiming admitted. He walked over but didn’t dare to touch Xilu’s hand like before. His voice was very soft. “But I’m more worried about you.”


“When I had a fever that night, did you come?” Xilu suddenly asked. “There was no record of your call. Was it my imagination?”


“I did go, but maybe my phone malfunctioned,” Xu Huaiming explained. “When I got there, I saw your parents had already taken you out.”


At that time, it was late at night, and Xu Huaiming had wasted a lot of time rushing over from the research institute. When he arrived at the entrance of the residential area, he saw Xilu’s parents taking him out. Xu Huaiming couldn’t hail a taxi on his phone, so he had to search for the nearest hospital and run there. When he got to the hospital, he also saw Li Zhao, who seemed to be very familiar with Xilu’s parents. Later, he saw them all enter the hospital together.


After Xu Huaiming finished speaking, he saw that Xilu’s complexion had improved, indicating that he wasn’t as angry anymore. Xu Huaiming breathed a sigh of relief but then heard Xilu say, “I know you care about me because of your program settings. It’s really not interesting. These few days lying in the hospital bed, I’ve thought a lot. It’s been almost ten years. Maybe I loved Xu Huaiming so much because I got used to it, but it’s not like I can’t live without him. Look, I lived just fine during those seven years without him. As for you, tell that professor to help you change your program. You don’t really love me. You keep coming to see me, and it’s annoying.”


“I’m also trying to move on. After all, you and Xu Huaiming have taken up too much of my time. I need to find someone who can truly be with me. You’ve seen it too. Li Zhao has been with me all this time, and he’s been good to me. Maybe his personality is a bit mixed, but he’s human, not like you robots who are so rigid in your actions. He can change, and besides, his desserts are delicious. I just sent him away to make a cake for me.”


“I don’t have to eat only the cakes you make.”


After Xilu finished speaking, there was a few seconds of silence in the air. Xilu looked at Xu Huaiming, whose face had clearly changed color, waiting for his response.


Perhaps Xilu’s gaze was too intense, forcing Xu Huaiming not to evade and to answer. Xu Huaiming looked hurt and said, “Alu, please don’t do this.”


“I’ve thought it over. This is the best way,” Xilu smiled. He curled his lips, but his eyes were filled with endless sadness. “I will slowly forget you and him. You need to forget me too.”


What was sad was that in this relationship, Xilu needed to forget two people at the same time. What had started as pure love had become a web of lies, like a farce that had shattered Xilu’s heart.


T/N: Wishing you all a good September and welcome to Bad End month! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!

Chapter 39 – Replica

Chapter 39: Missing You


“Xiao Lu, are you awake? Your mom has made chicken soup. Come out and have some,” Tan’s father knocked on Tan Xilu’s door.


“Okay, I’m coming.” Tan Xilu opened his heavy eyelids, pushed aside the blanket, got out of bed, and walked to the door.


The air was filled with the rich aroma of chicken soup, enticing and appetizing. Tan’s mother had always been a great cook, and the chicken was stewed to perfection, with a flavorful broth.


Tan’s father had already prepared a bowl and placed it in front of Tan Xilu.


Tan Xilu politely thanked his dad and then sat down to take a sip.


The taste was just right, very savory. He praised Tan’s mother in the kitchen, “Mom, the chicken soup is so delicious.”


Tan’s mother chuckled from the kitchen and said, “If you like it, have more. I’ve prepared several dishes, and they’ll be ready soon.”


“How’s your headache now?” Tan’s father ladled a bowl of hot porridge for Tan Xilu. “If it’s still bothering you, avoid the greasy food and stick to the porridge.”


“It’s much better.” Tan Xilu rubbed his temples. “Not as severe as before.”


Last night, the heating suddenly went out in his apartment, and Tan Xilu was awakened by the cold in the middle of the night. He had hoped to find a source of warmth next to him as he used to, where Xu Huaiming’s embrace was always warm and comforting. But after groping for a while, he realized that Xu Huaiming was gone. Only then did he remember that Xu Huaiming had already left, and he instinctively called for Beibei, only to remember that Beibei had been taken away as well.


Tan Xilu remained stunned for a while before closing his eyes again. However, the latter half of the night was extremely cold, and his health was not great to begin with. He was prone to catching colds, and the next day, he woke up with a cough and a runny nose.


When he inquired about the heating issue with the property management, they said there had been a malfunction last night and a repairman was working on it.


The apartment was too cold to stay in, so Tan Xilu had already planned to return to his parents’ place today. He packed his things early and came back.


Today happened to be the eve of the Lunar New Year, and the neighborhood was lively. In previous years, Tan Xilu would have been dragged by the children from the neighboring house to join in the festivities. But today, he was genuinely feeling unwell, so when a child called out to him, “Big Brother Tan, let’s play together,” he patted the child’s head and said, “Big Brother isn’t feeling well today. How about we play together tomorrow?”


The child looked a bit disappointed. “Okay.”


Blushing, Tan Xilu returned to his parents’ home. Initially, Tan’s mother had welcomed him with joy, but when she saw his sickly appearance, her expression changed immediately. “You, child, why didn’t you wear more clothes?”


She reached out and touched Tan Xilu’s forehead, then touched her own. “Looks like you have a bit of a fever.”


“I did wear warm clothes. I caught a chill because the heating was off last night,” Tan Xilu defended himself. He took off his coat and said to Tan’s mother, “It’s okay, the fever isn’t too bad. I’ll feel better after a nap.”


Tan Xilu had been sleeping poorly lately, and his eyes were dark and swollen. His mother felt sorry for him and said, “Alright, I’ll put my hot water bottle in your bed.”


“I have some fever-reducing medicine here. I’ll get you a cup of hot water. Xilu, take the medicine and then go to sleep,” Tan’s father said as he took out a few tablets of fever-reducing medicine from the medicine cabinet at home.


“Okay.” Tan Xilu sneezed and then walked over to Tan’s father, swallowing the pills.


The medicine made him drowsy, or perhaps it was the warmth from the air conditioning in the room, but as soon as he regained consciousness, Tan Xilu heard Tan’s father calling him to drink chicken soup.


Tan Xilu picked up some vegetables with his chopsticks. Since Xu Huaiming left, he had hardly eaten anything decent. Even this night’s sleep was stolen by the cold, allowing him to rest well.


During the Lunar New Year, Tan’s mother usually prepared a sumptuous feast with seven or eight dishes on the table. Lately, she had been emphasizing the importance of a balanced diet, and the dishes were well-prepared. It was a relief for Tan Xilu, as he couldn’t stand the taste of his own cooking.


Tan’s mother scooped a piece of boiled pork slices into his bowl and asked, “Why didn’t you invite that someone over?”


That someone referred to Xu Huaiming.


Tan Xilu’s hand hesitated as he reached for more vegetables. He couldn’t bear to think about Xu Huaiming anymore. Just the thought that Xu Huaiming was not even human made it impossible for him to accept.


How could he have a romantic relationship with an AI? Normal people didn’t date AIs.


Moreover, he had loved the Xu Huaiming from before.


“No matter what decision you make, your mother and I will support you,” Tan’s father said, patting Tan Xilu’s head. “If this doesn’t work out, then find someone else. Your mother knows many good young men.”


“Forget it.” Tan Xilu waved his hand. “Don’t tell my mom yet. She’s the type who will insist on setting me up with that Li Zhao. I really don’t have any feelings for him, and I don’t have the energy to find someone else right now.”


He just wanted to take a break and step away from this absurd relationship.


“Alright, Dad will do as you say.” Tan’s father smiled and said, “I won’t tell your mom.”


During the day, everything seemed fine. But in the middle of the night, Tan Xilu felt the fever returning. He felt hot all over, and the burning sensation in his stomach was unbearable. His pillow was damp with cold sweat, and he was getting weaker. When he was no longer fully conscious, he would start mumbling incoherently. Fortunately, at this moment, he was still lucid enough to call for his parents.


However, either they were sleeping too soundly or Tan Xilu’s voice was too weak, as he called out several times without anyone responding. In frustration, he decided to try calling on the phone.


Tan Xilu had a habit of adding an ‘A’ before the phone numbers of important people, making it easier to find their numbers quickly. However, he was feeling so disoriented that he couldn’t remember which number he had dialed. When the call connected, he weakly said, “I have a fever again, and I feel terrible, there is so much pain.”


The voice on the other end of the phone spoke up, and Xu Huaiming’s voice sounded hoarse. There was concern in his tone. “Ah Lu, where are you?”


Tan Xilu was already too feverish to think clearly. He was aware that he had called Xu Huaiming, but he couldn’t remember that they had broken up. He felt his eyelids getting heavier, and he couldn’t muster any strength. He told Xu Huaiming that he was at his parents’ place, that he had a fever, and that he felt awful.


Xu Huaiming asked for the address.


In his confused state, Tan Xilu rambled on with some nonsensical words, and he couldn’t even recall whether he had given the address or not. Just before closing his eyes, his last memory was saying something about a replica.


T/N: Wishing you all a good September and welcome to Bad End month! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!

Chapter 68 – Who Says Omegas Can’t be as Explosive as Alphas

Chapter 68


After dropping Su Qian off at the temporary dormitory that night, Yu Qingcang quickly found an excuse and disappeared.


Lu Jingning was thinking about things, and he was glad that Yu Qingcang wasn’t around to interfere.


Walking one after another, their shadows were elongated by the streetlights.


When they reached a fork in the road, Lu Jingning stopped and turned around to look at Wen Xingchen. “Do you not like Su Qian?”


Wen Xingchen replied vaguely, lifting his eyelashes slightly, “Hmm? Can’t say.”


“Or is it because I scolded you at dinner, so you’re unhappy?” Lu Jingning recalled how Wen Xingchen had been unusually silent tonight and looked directly into his eyes. “But it’s been so long since I last saw Su Qian, and if he sees me with an Alpha being bossed around, won’t I lose face?”


Wen Xingchen remarked, “You do care about his opinion.”


Lu Jingning: “……”


Yeah, it’s true that I’m not happy, nailed it!


If someone else was sulking tonight, Lu Jingning might not even bother looking at them, but somehow, he always seemed to unintentionally catch Wen Xingchen’s emotional changes.


Although he still wasn’t quite sure what was off, he couldn’t help but wonder…


—What do you do when your boyfriend is unhappy?


—Comfort him!


The question was, how to comfort him?


With that in mind, Lu Jingning took a big step forward, closed his eyes, and unexpectedly leaned up to kiss Wen Xingchen.


Wen Xingchen was waiting to see Lu Jingning’s reaction when he suddenly felt his face go soft, and a light kiss brushed past like a dragonfly skimming the water.


However, Lu Jingning didn’t stop there. His long fingers tentatively touched the back of Wen Xingchen’s hand and then extended further, gently clasping his palm.


Wen Xingchen was left in a daze for the first time, feeling Lu Jingning pulling his hand and shaking it lightly, softly saying, “Wen Ge, are you still unhappy? My boyfriend?”


Such a huge contrast from their usual interactions was the most deadly move.


Wen Xingchen’s facial expression finally couldn’t hold up, and he immediately pulled Lu Jingning into his embrace. Lowering his head, he looked at him with an ambiguous smile. “You still remember I’m your boyfriend? You were chatting and laughing with another man right in front of me, huh?”


Lu Jingning had imagined many scenarios but never thought that Wen Xingchen would actually be jealous of Su Qian. He couldn’t help but feel a bit amused. “Wen Ge, Su Qian is my childhood friend. We used to be very close, didn’t you notice?”


Wen Xingchen replied, “Yu Qingcang is Yu Qingcang, and Su Qian is Su Qian.”


“…” Lu Jingning compared the two and fell silent, “Got it, if you have to blame someone, blame my brother for being too weak.”


In the end, he couldn’t help but burst into laughter, “But your jealousy is really unfounded. If I had something with Su Qian, don’t you think we would have had it a long time ago? Why wait until now?”


Wen Xingchen said, “Who knows?”


Lu Jingning asked, “Are you the king of jealousy?”


Wen Xingchen replied, “Yes, I am.”


Lu Jingning: “……”


Wen Xingchen gently ruffled his hair, “However, my boyfriend knows how to comfort me, and I’m happy now.”


Saying that, he leaned closer, not seeming to get enough, “How about another kiss?”


Lu Jingning kicked him away, “Don’t push it!”



The next morning, Lu Jingning went to the temporary clinic for an examination.


Precise instruments were operating at high speed, and a moment later, Lu Jingning was pushed out by a mechanical arm and climbed out of the compartment.


Su Qian was standing beside him, recording the results.


The white coat suited Su Qian particularly well, and the light from the stars leaked in from the window, casting a soft halo around him.


Lu Jingning walked over, glanced at the indicators he couldn’t understand, and asked, “How is it?”


“There’s one more test.” Su Qian temporarily set aside the notebook and took out a miniature dropper. “I need to take a sample of your pheromones.”


“Sure, go ahead.” Lu Jingning cooperated, unbuttoning his collar a bit to expose the glands.


The miniature dropper felt slightly cool as the needle was inserted, and the slight pain made him subconsciously groan, “Gently, gently.”


Standing outside the door in the corridor, two tall figures watched.


The training process for pheromone control would sharpen their features. Yu Qingcang could clearly hear the ambiguous grunt. His already serious expression tightened even more.


Even Wen Xingchen, who had never received this kind of training, could hear the sound. He felt as if the air around him had frozen for a moment.


Yu Qingcang struggled to maintain a nonchalant posture, making sure not to turn his head foolishly.


Just then, the door opened, and Lu Jingning walked out, straightening his clothes while muttering, “Damn, this isn’t a hospital check-up. Do we really need such a comprehensive examination?”


He had taken only a few steps when a figure enveloped him.


Wen Xingchen gently adjusted Lu Jingning’s collar, his gaze casually passing over the slightly red gland on Lu Jingning’s neck. Then, he asked, “Is the examination done?”


“Yeah,” Lu Jingning nodded, “Su Qian still needs some time to process the data, but it shouldn’t take too long.”


Wen Xingchen replied, “Alright, let’s wait then.”


Ever since the end of the estrus period, Lu Jingning had been displaying unusual symptoms of sleepiness for the past few days. Though it was likely a side effect of the double inhibitor, Su Qian, as a member of the medical team, was more professionally aware. Although he couldn’t ignore his concerns, now wasn’t the time to act impulsively.


After about half an hour, Su Qian walked out of the room. His gaze swept over the two of them but didn’t focus on Lu Jingning. Instead, he looked at Wen Xingchen and said, “Can we talk?”


Lu Jingning looked puzzled, “Didn’t I just do the check-up? Why do you need to talk to Wen Xingchen?”


Su Qian responded, “I need to talk to him first. I’ll find you later.”


Wen Xingchen seemed indifferent to the situation, “Sure, let’s talk.”


Lu Jingning looked at the two of them walking into the examination room with a puzzled expression and then turned to Yu Qingcang, asking in disbelief, “What’s up with them? Am I underage? Why do they act like Wen Xingchen is my guardian or something?”


Yu Qingcang gazed at the closed door, looking as if he was facing an imminent interstellar war. “Just let things happen naturally, Lu Ge.”


He didn’t know how to answer. In the short span of a day, he felt as if his heart had been riddled with countless holes.


Who knows what kind of drama they’re playing now? Are they going to fight inside the room?!


But if they fight, Su Qian might be at a disadvantage…



After Su Qian led Wen Xingchen into the room, he stood by the table and didn’t say anything, quietly observing him for a while.


Wen Xingchen didn’t avoid his gaze and asked casually, “Is there something you want to say? Just get to the point.”


A fleeting expression passed through Su Qian’s eyes. Between his gentle brows, a hint of seriousness appeared. “I want to know what you really think about Lu Jingning.”


Wen Xingchen raised an eyebrow, “What do you think?”


After a moment of silence, Su Qian said, “If it’s just a temporary relationship, I can only say he’s not suitable for such a game.”


Normally, such words should easily arouse the possessiveness in an Alpha’s heart, but under Su Qian’s expression, the playfulness in Wen Xingchen’s eyes seemed to settle down.


A cool smirk tugged at the corner of Wen Xingchen’s lips, and he said slowly, “Is there a problem with the test results?”


Su Qian handed over the summary report, “From the first examination, I noticed that his pheromone concentration is much higher than the average Omega’s standard. At that time, the situation was still manageable, but now, perhaps because he has become more powerful or due to some other reasons, this excessively high peak may cause him some trouble.”


He paused for a moment before continuing, “If I’m not mistaken, he has just experienced an estrus period not long ago and had to inject a higher dose of inhibitors than normal to control the situation. However, this kind of operation usually places a great burden on the body, which manifests as extreme fatigue.”


Wen Xingchen’s expression slightly darkened, nodding, “He has been very sleepy these past few days.”


Su Qian added, “Sleepiness is just one symptom. The underlying cause is that his body needs to endure such high-intensity pheromone releases. In the process of resisting the inhibitors, significant damage occurs. This situation may have just begun, and he will have to go through the same process in each subsequent estrus period, resulting in significant stress on his body.”


“The best pheromone for Omega bonding is undoubtedly that of an Alpha. So I said that I need a clear statement from you.” Su Qian looked at Wen Xingchen calmly and explained the drawbacks one by one. “You should know that when an Alpha repeatedly marks an Omega, a strong psychological dependence often forms. Given Lu Jingning’s current condition, he might need to rely on temporary markings during each estrus period to assist the inhibitors’ effectiveness, or he might even consider more thorough marking methods. Of course, if you tell me now that you’re not ready for that, I can take him back and look for other effective solutions.”


Su Qian had expected that such matters might require some time for Wen Xingchen to consider. Unexpectedly, Wen Xingchen responded almost without hesitation, “No need to prepare, I have no objections. I’m serious. Besides Lu Jingning, I have no plans for other Omega.”


Under Wen Xingchen’s indifferent attitude, Su Qian felt that his previous concerns seemed somewhat excessive, and a gentle smile appeared between his brows. “Alright, then I need to extract some of your pheromones.”


Simple intentions to seek advice were only the first step; the compatibility of pheromones between Alphas and Omegas was also crucial.


However, it was evident that the final test results had no problems whatsoever.


This high level of compatibility was rare, and Su Qian looked at Wen Xingchen with a hint of satisfaction in his eyes.


He had been quite worried about Lu Jingning’s future placement, but now it seemed that everything was destined to be perfect.



After waiting outside with Yu Qingcang, Lu Jingning finally saw the door of the temporary clinic open again.


Su Qian stood at the door, waving his hand. “Come in.”


Lu Jingning immediately stepped inside the room. However, just as he entered, Su Qian came out instead and smiled at the other person in the room before closing the door, “I’ll trouble you then.”


Wen Xingchen replied nonchalantly, “No trouble at all.”


Lu Jingning was utterly confused, “????”


He hadn’t figured out what these two were up to, when he saw Wen Xingchen suddenly walk towards him. Lu Jingning instinctively took two steps back and ended up leaning against the door.


Wen Xingchen stopped right in front of him, his arm looping around Lu Jingning’s side, and he quietly locked the door.


The smell of disinfectant filled the air, and inexplicably, it became filled with a sense of ambiguity.


Lu Jingning could smell the sudden release of Wen Xingchen’s Alpha pheromones, and it felt like a gentle touch on his heart. He subconsciously turned to open the door, but Wen Xingchen firmly held onto the handle.


Lu Jingning glared at him, “What are you doing? Su Qian and Yu Qingcang are still outside!”


“No, Su Qian said he was thirsty, so I asked Yu Qingcang to take him to buy some water,” Wen Xingchen replied with a faint smile. The pheromones around them slowly enveloped Lu Jingning, and Wen Xingchen’s voice, as if coaxing a child to eat candy, continued, “Su Qian just analyzed your current condition and specifically asked me, as your boyfriend, to pay special attention to your pheromone levels.”


Lu Jingning questioned, “What levels?”


Wen Xingchen said, “For example, your recent excessive sleepiness is not appropriate.”


Lu Jingning felt Wen Xingchen’s hand gently exploring, exposing his gland on his neck.


He hadn’t paid much attention to what Wen Xingchen had said earlier, but now he sensed something odd. Was Wen Xingchen really doing this at Su Qian’s request? What kind of drama was unfolding here?


However, before he could figure it out, Wen Xingchen had already lowered his head, and in the next moment, he gently bit down on Lu Jingning’s gland.


The Alpha’s pheromones filled him, causing Lu Jingning’s body to weaken. He felt like he was about to collapse, but Wen Xingchen held him tightly and supported his waist.


Lu Jingning relaxed and instinctively reached out, holding onto Wen Xingchen’s neck.


For a moment, the Omega’s pheromones also started uncontrollably emitting, blending with the scent of mint in the room, filling every corner.


Unlike the previous brief contact, this time, the marking was lasting and profound.


With such a long infusion, Lu Jingning’s entire body seemed to burn, and in the haze, he could even feel their pheromones fusing within him.


Finally, when Wen Xingchen let go, Lu Jingning still felt weak, hanging onto him.


Wen Xingchen’s eyelids drooped slightly as he looked at the fierce and angry glare Lu Jingning gave him. Unable to help himself, Wen Xingchen embraced Lu Jingning’s limp body and spoke sincerely and innocently, “Su Qian said that excessive use of inhibitors is harmful to you. This was just an experimental attempt. In the future, before and after your heat, I’ll cooperate with the inhibitors to give you temporary markings to help you complete the fusion of high pheromone levels.”


With Wen Xingchen’s Alpha pheromones teasing him, Lu Jingning blushed intensely, so he just leaned softly in Wen Xingchen’s arms.


After a while, he couldn’t help but tease, “Su Qian? I don’t remember someone being so jealous of Su Qian yesterday. Now, you’re calling him so affectionately, the King of Jealousy?”


Wen Xingchen’s chin lightly brushed against Lu Jingning’s head, and he smiled nonchalantly, “When it comes to doctors, you should listen to them.”


Lu Jingning couldn’t resist the itchiness in his heart and, taking advantage of Wen Xingchen’s momentary distraction, unexpectedly reached out and pulled him closer.


In the next second, Lu Jingning placed a deep kiss on Wen Xingchen’s gland.


Before Wen Xingchen could react, Lu Jingning ended the kiss, looking at him provocatively as he licked the corner of his mouth. “What? You’ve bitten me so many times, can’t I taste it too?”


Wen Xingchen was left dazed by his words, and the softness in his eyes also grew. “Of course, you can taste it as much as you like.”


Author’s note: Su Qian, hiding his strength and fame.




The next chapter will begin a new side quest, a grand quest!


T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


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