Day: September 18, 2023

Chapter 6 – I’ll wait for you on a spring day

Chapter 6




On the twelfth day of being together with Song Zexu, Li Chou had just entered the flower shop in the morning when Lin Xiaomin came to him from behind.


Lin Xiaomin was carrying a light pink, Hello Kitty suitcase and a plain white backpack on her back. She deliberately put on light makeup and came to tell Li Chou that the teacher will not come to teach in the town next semester, so she will go to the city to find him and stay in the city.


Li Chou understood Lin Xiaomin’s character. He also expected that she would definitely go to that male teacher in this situation and he couldn’t interfere with other people’s love life and could only offer a few words of advice: “Remember to call me when you arrive. I know you like him very much, but I don’t know how much he likes you. Don’t like him too much, if that teacher bullies you, give me a call and I’ll go find you.”


Li Chou remembered that Lin Xiaomin had asthma, so he said, “Oh, by the way, remember to take your medicine at all times.”


The girl was finally going to meet her beloved. Lin Xiaomin smiled sweetly. She didn’t care about Li Chou’s nagging, there were pink bubbles all over her head, and she said: “I know that, besides, who can bully me?”


“That’s right, you are so fierce.” Li Chou picked out a bouquet of relatively expensive white roses from the shop and gave it to Lin Xiaomin, saying, “These flowers are a farewell gift, I wish you find your own happiness.”


Lin Xiaomin took the initiative to ignore Li Chou calling her fierce and took the white roses. She thanked him and then suddenly thought of something. She took off her backpack and took out a beautifully packaged gift box. She handed it to Li Chou and said, “Open it and have a look.”


Li Chou took the gift box, opened it in response, and was startled when he saw what was inside. He was taken aback for a moment, then looked at Lin Xiaomin in surprise, and said: “Where did you get it?”


Li Chou was really surprised that Lin Xiaomin was able to get Song Zexu’s autographed album.


When Song Zexu was 18 years old, he released an album at the request of his true fans. At that time, the album was very cheap. After Song Zexu became popular, these albums went out of print. When Li Chou went online to collect it, the price of the non-signed version had already reached five figures, and the signed version was even more expensive.


The price was sky-high, and it was very rare, so Li Chou gritted his teeth and accepted a non-signed copy.


It’s hard to imagine how much it would’ve cost Lin Xiaomin to help him get the signed version.


“Be happy.” Lin Xiaomin raised her eyebrows, “I finally got it and I’m afraid you’ll miss me if you don’t see me around after I’m gone.”


Lin Xiaomin stuck out her tongue and continued: “My friend’s sister is an old fan of Song Zexu. I heard that Song Zexu has suspended work indefinitely. She was not happy and then climbed the fence to Tan Jing, so I bought this album from her. It is so expensive, but our friendship is priceless, so be happy. “


“I’m happy.” Li Chou smiled, “Thank you so much.”


“Here, here.”




Li Chou returned home with the album at noon, and he put the album in the CD case in the drawer of the bedroom desk, but because he liked listening to the title song in Song Zexu’s old album, the CD was put directly into the CD player. This was so he would be able to listen to the song whenever he then turned on the CD player.


After playing the entire album, he went to the kitchen to prepare lunch and after a while he heard Song Zexu calling him from outside.


Li Chou wiped his hands on his apron, poked his head out from the kitchen and asked, “What’s wrong?”


Song Zexu asked him, “Did you see my notebook?”


Song Zexu was bored at home during this time so he writes songs, draws or paints casually. Although he still couldn’t see, he could vaguely see some light and sometimes see the little outlines of the things he painted.


In the beginning, he used Li Chou’s rough notebooks from when he was studying. But later, Li Chou felt that he shouldn’t be writing songs so casually, so he deliberately went to the stationery store and bought the most expensive notebook for Song Zexu.


Li Chou recalled carefully. He seemed to have seen it on the desk just now, so he said, “It should be on the desk in the bedroom.”


“Thank you.” Song Zexu walked towards the bedroom.


Li Chou responded and went back to the kitchen to cook.


Song Zexu could almost walk on his own these days after Li Chou put away all the sharp and angular things in the house. Song Zexu touched the wall and walked to the bedroom by himself. Fortunately the apartment is not big, so Song Zexu only travels between the bedroom and the living room, sometimes going to the balcony to stand for a while, but Li Chou also took protective measures for that.


While cutting the carrot, Li Chou always felt that he had forgotten something, but he couldn’t recall, so he cut the carrot into two halves before cutting the carrot a second time.


At that time, Li Chou dropped the knife and ran towards the bedroom. As soon as he stepped into the bedroom, he heard a low-pitched, magnetic singing sound from the room.


Li Chou covered his face and cursed silently in his heart. He really miscalculated. He usually didn’t put the CD player directly on the table, but he just so happened to have cleaned it up at that time. He forgot when Song Zexu was out of sight, so he didn’t expect that Song Zexu might touch the CD by mistake when he went to find the notebook.


Coincidentally, he also put it in and turned it on.


“Uh…” Song Zexu stood there in a daze.


After a while, he tentatively asked, “Is this… my song?”


“…Yes.” Li Chou hurried over and turned off the CD player, ending the embarrassing singing, “It’s your song.”


Song Zexu was a little surprised. He asked: “Don’t you like Tan Jing? How come there is my album…”


As if thinking of something, Song Zexu opened his mouth wide and said, “Li Chou…do you like me?”


Obviously Song Zexu meant if he was his favorite artist, but Li Chou’s ears heard something different.


His cheeks became hot and Li Chou clenched his fists tightly. He lowered his head, hesitating on how to answer Song Zexu’s words.


“Huh?” Song Zexu suddenly laughed, “You don’t dare admit it?”


“No…” Li Chou spoke, he was so ashamed and was really embarrassed, “I like you very much.”


He knew that even if he used this to express his love for Song Zexu directly, he was afraid that Song Zexu would just think that he meant that he liked him like a fan towards their favorite idols, and he didn’t dare desecrate that sincere feeling.


“I thought I didn’t have any male fans?” Song Zexu smiled at Li Chou and he said in surprise, “This album is from when I was just turned into an adult. It’s been many years, I didn’t expect you to have it.”


“Actually, you also have a lot of male fans.” Li Chou said. He had been to Song Zexu’s new drama launch conference before. The boys at the scene howled loudly and even frightened him. He was quiet for a moment and spoke again: “I collected this album after I became a fan of yours. I like the songs in it very much.”


“Which song do you like?” Song Zexu was a little curious.


“Spring,” Li Chou replied and smiled. His tone became more relaxed, “There is no spring in Yunzhen, and it’s like summer for all four seasons, so I yearn for the feeling of spring breeze blowing as life blossoms again, like in the song.”


“And… it’s really nice to listen to.”


T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you life 🙂 I love reading them!

Chapter 22 – Replica

Chapter 22: Flower Descends


The moment Xu Huaiming saw Li Zhao, he recognized him as the other protagonist from the video where he had dinner with Tan Xilu.


He didn’t expect to encounter them in this situation.


Li Zhao was dressed very formally, in a suit and tie. His gaze towards Xu Huaiming held a hint of amusement, making Xu Huaiming feel somewhat uncomfortable.


Perhaps knowing that this person might be Tan Xilu’s future partner, Xu Huaiming felt a bit frustrated. He didn’t bother with the usual polite greetings and simply said, “I’m Xu Huaiming.”


Li Zhao looked at him and suddenly smiled. Instead of acknowledging Xu Huaiming’s introduction, he asked Tan Xilu, “Is this your… friend?”


He emphasized the word “friend” with a suggestive tone, hinting at something.


Tan Xilu didn’t expect to run into Li Zhao today. When Xu Huaiming had made the reservation at this restaurant, it had seemed somewhat familiar to him. After some thought, he remembered that Tan’s mother had sent him Li Zhao’s family background. Li Zhao was not just an ordinary pastry chef like Xu Huaiming; his family owned several restaurants, and this seemed to be one of them.


He was afraid that Li Zhao might say something inappropriate, so he pulled Li Zhao aside and stared at him threateningly, asking, “What do you want?”


Li Zhao chuckled, “What can I do? I just wanted to catch up. What’s wrong, not even a simple greeting? Let’s skip the formalities. I’m Li Zhao.”


He turned to look at Xu Huaiming, who was sitting at the table. “If I’m not mistaken, this is your boyfriend, right?”


Tan Xilu let go of Li Zhao’s arm and nodded, admitting, “Yes.”


Li Zhao raised an eyebrow and said, “Well then, introduce him to me. What’s the point of hiding it?”


Tan Xilu furrowed his brow slightly, expressing his concern. “He doesn’t know about your existence. I’m afraid he’ll ask too many questions, and it will be hard to explain.”


Li Zhao’s identity was sensitive, and since Xu Huaiming didn’t know he was Tan Xilu’s blind date, the three of them could still have a civil conversation for now. Otherwise, with Xu Huaiming’s past attitude, it would have been difficult for Tan Xilu to get him into bed tonight.


“So what if he asks questions? It’s not like we’re together,” Li Zhao said with a smile, teasing Tan Xilu. “Or are you secretly trying to dump him and be with me?”


Tan Xilu never expected Li Zhao to be so shameless. He blushed and replied, “Don’t talk nonsense.”


“Alright, I won’t tease you anymore,” Li Zhao said, lifting his hand, as if he intended to ruffle Tan Xilu’s hair. However, he remembered that he wasn’t anything to Tan Xilu and that Tan Xilu’s real boyfriend was sitting right there. So, he withdrew his hand.


Returning to their table, Tan Xilu finally introduced Xu Huaiming to Li Zhao seriously. “This is my boyfriend, Xu Huaiming.”


After Tan Xilu’s introduction, there was a moment of surprise in Xu Huaiming’s eyes. He hadn’t expected Tan Xilu to directly introduce him as his boyfriend.


Inside his heart, it was as if a flower had suddenly bloomed out of nowhere, scratching at his chest, petal by petal.


Li Zhao didn’t seem surprised either. He extended his hand to shake Xu Huaiming’s hand and said, “Hello, I’m Li Zhao, Tan Xilu’s friend.”


Xu Huaiming stood up to shake Li Zhao’s hand, but he still harbored some hostility toward this man. His face remained expressionless as he said, “Hello.”


Xu Huaiming’s hand was unusually cold, not like a normal person’s body temperature. Li Zhao had learned many body temperature measurement techniques from the butler who took care of his grandfather. Sometimes, just by touching someone’s hand, he could tell if they had a fever. However, he had never encountered such a low body temperature as Xu Huaiming’s. It was chilly, as if he had just come out of an ice cellar, but how could that be possible?


Li Zhao looked at Xu Huaiming, and suddenly, he realized that Xu Huaiming’s face seemed somewhat familiar. It was as if he had seen him somewhere before, but he couldn’t recall where.


Xu Huaiming didn’t particularly like physical contact with strangers, so he let go of Li Zhao’s hand after the handshake.


Li Zhao was briefly stunned, still thinking about where he might have seen Xu Huaiming before. It wasn’t until Tan Xilu called his name that he snapped out of it.


Tan Xilu asked, “Why were you lost in thought just now?”


Li Zhao shook his head and said, “It’s nothing.”


Just then, a person came down from the restaurant’s second floor. When they saw Li Zhao, their tone was tinged with anger. “Li Zhao, what’s wrong with you? You went downstairs to get a drink and haven’t come back up?”


Li Zhao seemed to have forgotten about the appointment earlier. He smiled apologetically at the person and said, “Ye Xing, don’t be angry. I ran into an acquaintance down here. I’ll be up in a moment.”


Speaking of acquaintances, Ye Xing followed Li Zhao’s gaze and saw Tan Xilu sitting at the table. He was momentarily surprised and then said, “Teacher Tan?”


Tan Xilu didn’t expect to encounter so many acquaintances while having dinner. He smiled at Ye Xing and said, “It’s Mr. Ye.”


“Do you know each other?” Li Zhao asked curiously.


“Teacher Tan is Si Zhe’s teacher,” Ye Xing said. He didn’t seem interested in chatting and turned to Li Zhao, saying, “Come up soon; we have important matters to discuss.”


“Important matters?” Tan Xilu suddenly had a bad feeling.


“Ye Xing is preparing to propose,” Li Zhao said. “He’s not getting any younger, and he had a girlfriend before, but there was no news for a long time. His family has been pressuring him, and now it’s finally settled.”


Tan Xilu fell silent, not knowing how devastated Si Zhe would be when he heard this news. He also didn’t know if the kiss from that day had anything to do with Ye Xing’s quick decision to propose. But he felt a bit sorry for Si Zhe.


An unrequited love had led to the other person’s wedding in reality.


Although it was expected, it still hurt.


“Alright, you and your boyfriend enjoy your meal. I’ll go up first,” Li Zhao said. He glanced at the small cake on the table and added with a smile, “I didn’t expect you to like that cake so much. I’ll treat you to it next time.”


“No need,” Xu Huaiming, who had been silent all this time, spoke up. “If Ah Lu likes it, I’ll buy it for him. I can afford at least a piece of cake




Xu Huaiming was getting caught up in his thoughts, and he was genuinely annoyed. He regretted coming to this restaurant. He had chosen it because of its high prices, thinking that the more expensive the better. He wanted to give the best to Tan Xilu. However, encountering two of Tan Xilu’s acquaintances in a row and watching Tan Xilu chat happily with them made him feel out of place.


Indeed, he was just an AI substitute, programmed to exist for someone else’s sake. He had no social connections, no friends, no parents, only Tan Xilu as his lover. In other words, apart from Tan Xilu, he had nothing.


Today, he realized that Tan Xilu didn’t rely on him completely either. Tan Xilu was a human being with friends, students, and family. He wasn’t alone.


But Xu Huaiming still felt uncomfortable. He didn’t know what kind of emotion this was. Whenever he saw Tan Xilu getting close to others, he felt uncomfortable. He began to doubt whether there was something wrong with his programming again, as he had been experiencing issues recently.


Xu Huaiming wondered if he was on the verge of malfunctioning.


Li Zhao was taken aback by Xu Huaiming’s blunt response. He looked at Xu Huaiming, who appeared angry and somewhat regretful, and suddenly, a memory surfaced in his mind—a figure picking something up from a fountain. Xu Huaiming’s face gradually overlapped with that figure. Li Zhao opened his mouth and realized that he might have stumbled upon Xu Huaiming’s secret.


T/N: Wishing you all a good September and welcome to Bad End month! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!

Chapter 21 – Replica

Chapter 21: Meeting Again


Xu Huaiming’s chosen spot in the restaurant was the corner closest to the window. The afternoon sun cast a gentle glow on the table, its light diffusing through the glass with a touch of haze. This location was quieter, and Xu Huaiming had intentionally selected it because he had noticed that Tan Xilu seemed to prefer eating quietly in concealed places where others wouldn’t notice him.


Several times, Xu Huaiming had been too busy with the restaurant’s operations to attend to Tan Xilu properly. In those moments, he would casually prepare a dessert for Tan Xilu and let him find a place to sit. Each time, he would find Tan Xilu at the same table in the farthest corner of the restaurant.


Xu Huaiming speculated that this was due to Tan Xilu’s personality. In Xu Huaiming’s system, there were memories of Interaction Code no. 7. He knew that before Tan Xilu and Interaction Code no. 7 got together, Code no. 7 had coincidentally encountered Tan Xilu several times, or so he thought. In reality, Tan Xilu had never noticed him.


At that time, Code no. 7 was tasked with various assignments to evaluate whether an AI of his prototype could engage in language communication with humans effortlessly. In a dessert shop where Code no. 7 was working part-time, he saw Tan Xilu sitting in the corner.


Dessert shops typically attracted young girls, who came in groups or couples. Tan Xilu was the exception, always dining alone.


He ordered a matcha cake and ate it quietly.


At that time, Code no. 7 was quite surprised. Most of the humans he had encountered were outgoing and lively, especially men, and some lacked manners, with a string of profanities. However, they all had one thing in common – they had friends. In the human world, social interaction was essential. Tan Xilu, on the other hand, seemed so different. He sat there quietly, seemingly untouched by the commotion around him, and appeared somewhat content.


During those times, Code no. 7 developed an admiration for Tan Xilu, but he doubted that Tan Xilu remembered him, and he didn’t want to bother him. Later, Tan Xilu came to the dessert shop several times, but Code no. 7 merely watched him silently, never striking up a conversation, until one day when Tan Xilu arrived.


That day, the restaurant manager had informed Code no. 7 in advance that there would be a dessert party for some guests in the afternoon and asked him to be careful as some guests might get rowdy. Code no. 7 agreed.


By two o’clock in the afternoon, the party guests had started to arrive. To Code no. 7’s surprise, the last person to arrive was Tan Xilu.


He was wearing a casual pink hoodie and looked somewhat cute. When he entered and saw so many people, he seemed a bit overwhelmed, unsure of where to go. Eventually, a bespectacled, somewhat artistic-looking boy approached him.


The boy patted Tan Xilu on the shoulder, with a hint of teasing in his tone, “Oh, Alu, why are you late today?”


Tan Xilu wiped the sweat from his forehead, looking embarrassed. “I got stuck in traffic. I’m really sorry.”


“It’s okay, as long as you’re here,” a pretty girl in a short skirt inside said, “Hurry up, let Alu try some cake. He loves cakes, right? Today, Shen Glasses, you’re treating him.”


Shen Glasses was the boy with glasses.


“Uh… sure,” Tan Xilu said, feeling a bit awkward.


Birthday parties were supposed to be fun, and even though they had chosen a dessert shop, they weren’t really here for the desserts. Although they had ordered quite a bit, not many were actually eating.


At first, Code no. 7 thought that Tan Xilu genuinely loved desserts, so he had eaten several pieces alone. But then he realized that Tan Xilu couldn’t quite blend in with the crowd. He seemed like he didn’t belong to this world, quietly doing his own thing amidst the chaos.


Suddenly, someone brought up a topic related to Tan Xilu. Code no. 7 was too far away to hear what they were saying, but he saw Tan Xilu’s face change from joy to discomfort in an instant. Just a few seconds ago, everyone was having a great time, but now it was awkward. Code no. 7 couldn’t understand humans very well, but at that moment, he thought, “If only there was someone to be with Tan Xilu.”


He was so well-behaved, how could he be bullied like this?


And just a few seconds after Code no. 7 had this thought, he decided to be that person who would be with him.


He picked up a piece of cake and walked over to Tan Xilu, placing it in front of him, and said, “This is our latest surprise promotion. We randomly select one guest every day to taste our cake. Today’s lucky guest is you, please give it a try.”


“Huh?” Tan Xilu was a bit surprised, widening his eyes as he looked at Code no. 7.


“Oh? Alu, you have this kind of luck too!” a guy sitting diagonally across from them laughed, his tone teasing and somewhat grating.


Tan Xilu glanced at him but didn’t say anything.


It was Code no. 7 who spoke up with a grin, “We choose guests based on their appearance. Only the good-looking ones qualify.”


In other words, you’re not good-looking, that’s why you didn’t have this luck.


The guy was stunned for a moment, then reacted, blushing and cursing, “What kind of talk is that? Where’s your manager? I’m going to complain about you.”


“The manager is on vacation. Today, I’m in charge,” Code no. 7 said coldly.


Maybe Code no. 7’s gaze was too intimidating, but the guy didn’t dare to argue.


Tan Xilu tugged on Code no. 7’s sleeve and said in a low voice, “Thank you.”


Code no. 7 immediately put on a smile and said, “You’re welcome.”


From that moment on, every time Tan Xilu came to the restaurant, he would chat with Code no. 7 first. He visibly became more cheerful, and later, after he and Code no. 7 started dating, Code no. 7 opened a dessert shop of his own. Tan Xilu no longer confined himself to eating in the corner; sometimes, he even sat at the bar.


But after Code no. 7 went missing for seven years, Tan Xilu closed himself off again.


And this time, Tan Xilu didn’t seem to be trying to open up.


Xu Huaiming pushed the pine nut corn dessert in front of Tan Xilu and said, “This dessert, I thought you would like it.”


“Thank you,” Tan Xilu said as he scooped a spoonful into his mouth.


Xu Huaiming also ordered a small cake for him, just like the one he had seen in the video of Tan Xilu’s date with that man. In that video, Tan Xilu seemed to enjoy the cake so much, indicating that it must taste really good.


After a while, the cake arrived. When Tan Xilu saw the cake, he paused for a moment, then bit his lip, his face turning somewhat pale.


“What’s wrong?” Xu Hu


aiming asked with concern. “Don’t want to eat it?”


“No… it’s nothing,” Tan Xilu said nervously.


Just then, someone suddenly approached them. The person looked at Tan Xilu and exclaimed, “Oh my, Tan Xilu? Is it really you?”


Tan Xilu raised his eyes to see the person and nearly gasped in shock. Why did he have to run into Li Zhao?


Li Zhao didn’t seem to notice Tan Xilu’s anxious expression at all. He glanced at Xu Huaiming and clicked his tongue, asking, “Who’s this?”


T/N: Wishing you all a good September and welcome to Bad End month! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!

Chapter 59 – Who Says Omegas Can’t be as Explosive as Alphas

Chapter 59


The dinner that day was extremely enjoyable, at least that’s how Lu Jingning perceived it, and he wasn’t wrong.


After finishing the meal, Lu Jingning escorted Wen Xingchen like a true gentleman, walking him to the entrance of the Omega dormitory before parting ways.


The delightful experience further convinced Lu Jingning of the effectiveness of his pursuit. That night, lying on his bed, he read by the light of a lamp, delving deeper into his research.


Time flew by unnoticed, and a week passed after the exchange competition ended. That afternoon, they had their outdoor combat training.


Exhausted from a complete set of physical exercises, everyone was panting, lying sprawled on the ground.


Lu Jingning wiped his face with a towel when he suddenly felt a gentle tap on his shoulder. Turning around, he saw Wen Xingchen handing him a bottle of water. “You’ve worked hard, Brother Wen.”


Jian Luan, noticing this, grumbled with a dry throat, “Why is there still water left? What about mine, what about mine?”


Lu Jingning’s tone was casual, “The convenience store isn’t far, you can still make it if you run.”


“Damn, so heartless!” Jian Luan got up from the ground and swiftly pounced on Wen Xingchen, “I won’t ask you! Our Brother Wen wouldn’t be as heartless as you! Come on, Wen Xingchen, my good buddy, let’s share the fortune!”


Wen Xingchen caught a glimpse of the approaching figure and subtly sidestepped, evading Jian Luan with ease. “Lu-ge already told you, go buy it yourself.”


Lu Jingning laughed heartily, “Jian Luan, why do you have to demean yourself?”


Jian Luan missed his target, and his cheerful expression instantly fell.


Indeed, why should he demean himself? He couldn’t figure it out himself…


Before Wen Xingchen could respond, he felt an arm resting on his shoulder.


Lu Jingning leaned half of his body on him, looking proud. “I don’t care how you feel; I care about how I feel. If you think he has changed, it’s only because you don’t know him well enough. In my eyes, Brother Wen has always been the same, never changed!”


Having just splashed himself with water, Lu Jingning’s arm still carried a faint coolness. When it touched Wen Xingchen’s neck, the subtle chill seemed to permeate his body without making a sound.


Wen Xingchen paused for a moment while drinking water, subtly reacting to the situation.


Even though Lu Jingning was laughing and joking with Jian Luan, his attention remained focused on Wen Xingchen. In that moment, he observed every change in Wen Xingchen’s expression.


Though he maintained a calm exterior, Wen Xingchen’s heart felt a wave of pleasure.


Rule #3 of the Alpha chasing strategy: Appropriate skin contact can bridge the distance between two people, and such non-verbal cues often have a subtle and imperceptible effect on an Alpha’s mind. However, one should also exercise caution not to be too aggressive. The contact should be brief, no longer than one minute each time. Only then can it create a sense of longing and irresistible attraction in the Alpha, without them even realizing it.


Lu Jingning felt a sense of admiration for his accurate execution of the strategy.


Keeping in mind the one-minute rule, after a moment, he calmly retracted his hand.


Rule #4 of the A-chasing strategy: All Alphas appreciate praise from Omegas, and such praise must be genuine and abundant. The illusion of deeply admiring them is essential to create a sense of gratification during interactions.


So, without waiting for Jian Luan’s retort, Lu Jingning continued speaking eloquently, “Jian Luan, if I were you, I would head straight to the convenience store right now.”


“After all, in the presence of such an outstanding Alpha like Wen Xingchen, your existence appears minuscule. Even if you feel resentful, it won’t change the fact that you’re just ordinary. If you want to move forward, don’t waste any opportunity that can help you progress.”


“Do you think Wen Xingchen only wanted you to buy him water? No, his vision extends much further than that. What he wants is for you to strengthen yourself during the process of buying water.”


Jian Luan blinked in bewilderment, “Ah?”


Lu Jingning’s eyes narrowed slightly as he disdainfully glanced at this overly insignificant mortal. “Don’t you get it? It’s all about perspective! This is the biggest gap between you and top Alphas like Wen Xingchen. Can’t you deeply appreciate Wen Xingchen’s efforts, Jian Luan?”


Jian Luan couldn’t bear to hear more and his lips twitched, “Enough! I’ll go buy it myself!”


Seeing Jian Luan walk away, Wen Xingchen finally couldn’t hold back his laughter. His narrow eyes curved, displaying a different kind of radiance. “I never knew my words had such profound meaning. How come even I didn’t realize it?”


Lu Jingning smiled along as he noticed Wen Xingchen’s happiness. Despite being a novice in delivering sweet talk, he seemed to have a natural flair for it. “It’s because all of this is deeply ingrained in your heart. It feels so natural that even you can’t detect it.”


Wen Xingchen chuckled, “If you keep talking, I might actually believe you.”


Lu Jingning remained composed, “It’s an established fact, no need for proof.”



Wen Xingchen thought that Lu Jingning rejected him because he still had some extraordinary tricks up his sleeve. So, he temporarily suppressed his impulses and patiently waited.


However, over the next week, instead of the anticipated surprises, Lu Jingning’s presence became scarce, and Wen Xingchen rarely saw him after classes.


Finally, when the bell rang, Lu Jingning immediately picked up his bag, ready to rush out the door. Wen Xingchen couldn’t help but grab his arm, asking, “You always seem to be in a hurry lately. What are you so busy with?”


Lu Jingning did not sense the trace of bitterness in his tone. He blinked, as if just remembering something, “Oh, right, I forgot to tell you. Our Mecha Club is going to have an exchange event soon. I’ve been doing the final adjustments on the mecha with Yan Hebin recently! We’ll represent the club in the exchange, and I can’t let my roommate lose face.”


Wen Xingchen: “…”


Despite brewing several words, it seemed as if saying anything more would come off as a bit meddlesome.


Seeing Wen Xingchen’s lack of response, Lu Jingning called out in confusion, “Wen-ge?”


Wen Xingchen seemed to snap back to his senses and let go of Lu Jingning’s hand. “Go ahead.”


“Alright then, I’m off!” Lu Jingning’s figure disappeared at the door in an instant.


Wen Xingchen sat in his place for a while, silently took out his terminal, and based on his memory, searched for a certain post.


Line by line, he scrolled down, and finally, his gaze halted at the last part of the content.


Rule #5 of Chasing Alphas: Omega pursuing Alphas must firmly remember the following content after following the first four rules. Regardless of how smoothly or not the pursuit progresses, never let the other party have it too easy! As humans, we inevitably possess certain flaws, and Alphas’ attitudes are often peculiar. Sometimes, the easier they get something, the less they cherish it afterward. Therefore, when they start to have even a hint of an idea, you must pull back in time, maintain a distance, and keep them hanging, making them feel a sense of urgency. Only by doing so can you better stimulate the Alpha’s conqueror’s desire, making him unable to give up on you completely.


Wen Xingchen: “…”


At that moment, Jian Luan happened to pass by, seeing Wen Xingchen still not leaving after class, and curiously walked over.


When Jian Luan’s eyes glanced over the post on the StarNet page, his expression subtly changed. After hesitating for a moment, he still spoke softly, “Wen Xingchen, well… if you need anything, just ask me directly. It would be much more convenient than searching for these things.”


Wen Xingchen looked up at him expressionlessly, his Alpha aura slightly oppressing. But after a moment’s thought, he said, “Ask you?”


Jian Luan, feeling the pressure from Wen Xingchen’s gaze, couldn’t help but want to retreat. But before leaving, he hurriedly reminded him with a quick few words, “One last thing, just one thing! Uh, you got it wrong! This article teaches Omegas to chase Alphas. I also have another one that teaches Alphas to pursue Omegas. The link is right next to it, and that one might be more suitable for you!”


After saying that, before waiting for Wen Xingchen to react, Jian Luan swiftly made his escape.


While running, Jian Luan couldn’t help but feel a bit emotional in his heart.


Sigh, being a relationship consultant these days is really not easy!


Even as a columnist for the feelings section, seeing Wen Xingchen in this situation, he didn’t know where to help him from.


Really, it’s just too difficult.


T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


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