Day: November 16, 2023

Chapter 27 – Pheasant form exposed

Chapter 27


Suddenly, a sense of emptiness filled Si Lan’s heart as he looked at the well-assembled prosthetic limb in his hand, as if he had realized something. A faint smile crept across his lips.


This little guy still had a conscience; before leaving, he had securely placed the prosthetic limb.


However, Si Lan wasn’t sure if the new prosthetic would be suitable for Quze.


He used his divine sense to communicate with Quze, saying, “Quze, come to Zhuyun Peak quickly.”


Quze didn’t reply, and Si Lan assumed he was busy, so he didn’t think much of it. However, after a while, he tried contacting Quze again and received no response. That’s when he realized something was amiss.


How could it be that he had just returned to Zhuyun Peak and couldn’t get in touch with Quze?


“Quze, is something wrong with you?”


After a moment, Quze’s voice, slightly hoarse, came through his divine sense, “Lord, I’m fine. I’ll be back at Zhuyun Peak shortly.”


Si Lan sensed that something was wrong and calmly said, “Okay.”


After ending the communication, he immediately flew to find Quze based on the guidance of Feather Spirit.


When Quze was young and had lost his arm, he was frequently bullied by other young demons in the Demon Realm. To protect him, Si Lan had left Feather Spirit on Quze. Whenever Quze called for him, he could quickly locate him using Feather Spirit’s guidance.


He sensed Quze’s aura within the Songkun Valley and saw a group of demons surrounding Quze, brutally beating him with their fists. They had taken advantage of his broken prosthetic arm and injuries to torment him.


Quze remained silent, cradling Xie Li beneath him with his one remaining arm, allowing them to pummel him.


On the ground nearby, Quze’s torn shirt and the upper part of his prosthetic arm were strewn about, stained with blood.


Xie Li, seemingly in shock, had gone pale. He had forgotten to cry and curled up in Quze’s embrace, trembling with each punch that landed.


When Si Lan witnessed this scene, a surge of anger welled up in his heart. He drew his Mysterious Heart Whip and lashed out at the group of demons, sending them sprawling and severely injured.


“Go… run…”


When the demons saw Si Lan’s appearance, they immediately turned to flee. Unfortunately, they were no match for Si Lan’s whip, which was faster. The long whip pierced through their shoulders like skewers, stringing them together and presenting them before Si Lan.


Si Lan was furious but chuckled sarcastically, squinting at them, “Don’t you know that Quze and Xie Li are under my protection?”


“We… We are also under Lord of the Deer’s command…”


“Lord of the Deer,” Si Lan’s lips curled in a deeper smile, “then tell him, whatever issues he has with me, don’t involve my two disciples.”


Lord of the Deer was the peak master of the Shuhe Peak, one of the twelve peaks. When Si Lan’s father, Sī Shaojun, defeated Lord Chu’s Mountain, he replaced five peak masters among the twelve, but seven remained unchanged, and Lord of the Deer was one of them. He had been Lord Chu’s Mountain’s trusted aide.


During Sī Shàojūn’s reign, Lord of the Deer still acknowledged his authority, but after Si Lan took over, Lord of the Deer repeatedly expressed his dissatisfaction with Si Lan’s rule, desiring to make Shuhe Peak independent from Si Lan’s control.


Si Lan, considering Lord of the Deer’s high prestige within Shuhe Peak, had turned a blind eye to his provocations, not wanting to escalate the situation. However, he hadn’t expected Lord of the Deer to dare to bully his disciples.


Did he truly believe Si Lan’s leniency made him easy to push around?


Si Lan abruptly retracted his whip, and the barbs on the whip instantly rose as he pulled it back through the group of demons, causing them to scream in pain, clutching their bleeding wounds in panic and fleeing in all directions.


“You… You, you arrogant little chicken pretending to be a phoenix! Don’t think you can go unchallenged for long. Lord of the Deer will expose your secrets soon!” one demon, thinking they had run far enough to be safe, shouted at Si Lan.


Si Lan responded with an “Oh,” and in the next moment, the demon’s arm was ripped off, blood gushing. The demon was terrified, clutching the wound and shrieking as they fled.


Si Lan redirected his gaze and, looking down, saw Quze struggling to get up from the ground with one arm.


Si Lan asked, “Why didn’t you send a message for me to come to your rescue?”


“I…,” Quze lowered his head, his eyes filled with concern. He changed the subject, saying, “One of the demons mentioned that Lord of the Deer has obtained evidence…”


Quze had originally planned to endure today’s harassment and approach Lord of the Deer alone tomorrow, hoping to make Lord of the Deer give up exposing Si Lan by any means necessary.


“Just because of that, you didn’t tell me?” Si Lan’s brow furrowed deeply, and he retrieved some ointment from his pouch, tossing it to Quze, transferring some inner energy to help with the healing.


Quze clenched the ointment, but didn’t speak.


Seeing this, Xie Li gently tugged on Si Lan’s robe. “My Lord, don’t blame Senior Brother. He was doing it for your own good.”


Xie Li had been scared into tears earlier, and Quze had warned him not to cry, or else Si Lan might hear.


Quze didn’t want Si Lan to worry about them, and he especially didn’t want Si Lan to know about Lord of the Deer’s threat.


“Quze, if you didn’t want to tell me, were you planning to handle it on your own?” Si Lan squinted, his expression turning colder. “But how were you planning to solve it? Let me guess, were you thinking of sacrificing yourself alongside Lord of the Deer?”


Quze hadn’t expected Si Lan to figure out his thoughts. He instinctively tightened his fingers, his face turning pale, nervously looking at Si Lan.


Si Lan’s precise perception caught this movement, and in the next moment, he slapped Quze.


This was the first time Quze had been physically struck in his entire life. The blow was powerful, making Quze’s face twist to the side, and it took a while for him to slowly straighten his head.


His lips were skewed.


“After this, if you dare to take matters into your own hands for me again, you can have the position of Demon Sovereign.”


“My Lord, that’s not what I meant…” Quze wanted to explain, but Si Lan didn’t want to listen to him. He lifted Xie Li’s collar and used magic to leave the valley.


Quze quickly chanted a spell and followed behind Si Lan, but he didn’t dare get too close, knowing Si Lan was still angry with him.


Back at Zhuyun Peak, Quze saw a new iron prosthetic arm laid on the stone table, and his eyes reddened instantly.


He picked up the prosthetic arm and bit his lower lip tightly.


“My Lord…”


Even if his lord didn’t allow it, he still wanted to fight for his lord.


“Quze.” Suddenly, a low, oppressive voice emanated from the hall. “If you haven’t given up on foolish actions, don’t blame me for banishing you from Zhuyun Peak.”


After a pause, Si Lan added, “Even after death, don’t expect to be buried on Zhuyun Peak.”


Being unable to be buried on Zhuyun Peak after death was a devastating blow to Quze.


As expected, he calmed down after hearing this and went to rest. However, he couldn’t sleep that night; he kept thinking about what the demons had said.


Although Si Lan hadn’t revealed his true form or said anything about it, Quze had once accidentally seen a demon resembling a wild chicken bathing in the hot springs of the Seven Strings Cavern.


After a single glance, he immediately turned away, vaguely understanding something. However, for so many years, he had avoided delving deeper into the matter.


It wasn’t until early morning that Quze, still holding the prosthetic arm, fell into a fitful sleep.


While he slept, Si Lan quietly entered his room and saw Quze holding the prosthetic arm in his sleep, his grip tight and his face hidden beneath the blanket.


Si Lan hadn’t expected that he had struck Quze so hard in anger. Regretfully, he found some ointment and applied it to the bruises on Quze’s cheek.


Had he given the young one a psychological scar by being so angry and hitting him? After all, he was just a child of a little over two hundred years.


Si Lan didn’t know whether Lord of the Deer was bluffing or had truly discovered his secret identity as a wild chicken. He tried to contact Lord of the Deer through long-distance voice transmission but found that he couldn’t reach him.


He had to resort to contacting the guardian of Shuhe Peak and learned that Lord of the Deer had left Shuhe Peak yesterday, likely to search for someone.


Si Lan’s brow furrowed deeply. After pondering for a while, he realized that the reason Lord of the Deer had suspected him was probably due to the accidental reveal of his wings during their encounter at Xuanling Gate.


Could it be that Lord of the Deer has been having people track me all along?


I’ve been careless.


But even if Lord of the Deer has his suspicions, as long as I don’t reveal my true form, he won’t have direct evidence of my identity.


Furthermore, even if Lord of the Deer were to expose my true form, he can’t remove me from the position of Demon Sovereign. Currently, five of the twelve peak masters are loyal to my father, and three are loyal to me.


These eight people will stand by my side no matter what.


However, if my true form is revealed, it’s like getting caught with a fake degree; it will make me lose face, and I’ll undoubtedly face ridicule from other demons. I can imagine that when they mention me in the future, the first thing that will come to their minds won’t be the fact that I’m a ruthless demon lord but that I’m the chicken-loving Demon Sovereign.




Lord of the Deer arrived at Zhuyun Peak three days later, claiming that he wanted justice for his subordinates. He also brought three peak masters along to support his cause. These three peak masters were all loyal to my father and had long held grudges against me.


As I looked at the imposing group heading up the mountain, I couldn’t help but think of it as a “palace coup” in the human world.


In reality, this “palace” isn’t worth overthrowing. After all, on my side, there’s only one disciple with a missing arm and a six-year-old disciple sneaking sweets.


Lord of the Deer, upon seeing me, didn’t show any respect. He appeared arrogant and was followed by his subordinates who carried weapons and held their heads high, not bothering to bow or show respect, staring coldly at me.


“My Lord, may I inquire as to what my subordinates have done? Are you planning to grievously wound them?” Lord of the Deer spoke, reaching out to bring forward the demons who had bullied Quze the last time.


Perhaps it was the fear of being beaten again, but the demons faced my gaze and involuntarily stepped back, only to be pushed forward by Lord of the Deer.


“What have they done without telling you?” I smiled and retorted, “Without clarifying, you sent troops to Zhuyun Peak. Are you planning to rebel?”


“Rebellion? I dare not, but I ask my Lord to give me an explanation.” Lord of the Deer deliberately spoke slowly, sizing up my expression, thinking he would see me trembling in fear. However, he saw me remain calm and composed.


Lord of the Deer ground his teeth and continued, “My Lord, my subordinates have always been blunt in their speech, without regard for etiquette. They spoke without thinking and said that your true form is nothing more than a wild chicken. Did you really have to deal with them so harshly?”


“Pah, who said that my Lord’s true form is that filthy thing, a wild chicken? Show yourself; I’ll beat you to death!” Xue Wù, clearly upset, rolled up his sleeves and waved his polearm around the whole area.


My brow twitched, hoping that Xue Wù could say a little less to save me some face.


I cast a Silencing Spell, and Xue Wù suddenly couldn’t open his mouth, only making muffled sounds, “Uh, uh… My Lord, I…”


“Lord of the Deer, I have never used my authority to oppress others, but that doesn’t mean everyone can be disrespectful towards me.” I gently moved my foot, and a rush of energy spread like a gust of wind, intimidating Lord of the Deer.


Lord of the Deer’s expression stiffened as he gritted his teeth, his neck taut, and said, “Is it a matter of disrespect or did it touch a nerve, my Lord? If I remember correctly, none of us present have ever seen your true form.”


“Shame… we are your subordinates, indeed, unworthy of seeing your true form. However, it is well known that when the Divine Phoenix Sī Shàoxún was born, the true phoenix descended, and all eight phoenixes came to pay their respects. Upon seeing Sī Shàoxún, the phoenixes couldn’t help but dance with him, raising their necks and singing in unison. It is this legend that gave rise to the phrase ‘the phoenixes singing in harmony and dancing gracefully.'”


After Lord of the Deer finished speaking, his subordinates promptly split into two groups.


Eight exquisite women walked forward, donned in red and gold headdresses adorned with tassels, their robes flowing gracefully, their sleeves swaying in the wind, exuding an otherworldly aura.


These were the eight phoenixes that Lord of the Deer had borrowed from Cāngshān Mountains a few days ago.


With the bloodline connection among phoenixes, the Divine Phoenix clan naturally yielded to the Divine Phoenix. If I were indeed the Divine Phoenix’s true form, upon seeing me, these eight phoenix women would lose control and begin to dance in my presence.


Upon seeing the eight women, my expression slightly froze



I thought that as long as I kept my true form hidden, everything would be fine. But I didn’t expect Lord of the Deer to target the Divine Phoenix clan from Cāngshān Mountains.


Years ago, after the falling out between Cāngshān Mountains and my father, the Divine Phoenix clan had never set foot in the demon realm. That’s why, for all these years, I hadn’t encountered a Divine Phoenix, and I hadn’t even considered their involvement.



Ninth Heaven, Yuqing Palace.


After dealing with various immortals, Haowei rubbed his temples in exhaustion.


On the table, the phoenix feather white jade soup that Lady Quyu had sent earlier emitted a faint fragrance through the pot.


Haowei lowered his head, lifted the lid of the pot, and looked at the whitened phoenix feathers inside. His brow furrowed, and he couldn’t help but think of Si Lan.


If the Demon Lord were to see his fellow kind’s wings being made into soup, would he be enraged?


Thinking of this, Haowei’s lips curled slightly. He called a servant and ordered them to dispose of the soup. He also instructed that Yuqing Palace should not send anything else to Lady Quyu in the future.


After this brief episode, he continued with a stern expression to review memorials. During his absence from the Heavenly Court, a mountain of memorials had accumulated before him.


After a while, there was a sudden noise outside, resembling the call of cranes and the crowing of roosters.


He couldn’t help but put down the brush and look at the words on the memorials, which now seemed to twist into chicken shapes before his eyes.


With a thud, he put down the brush and furrowed his brow even deeper.


At this moment, a celestial general rushed in hurriedly and bowed to him. “Your Majesty, I have important news…”


“What’s going on?”


“Mount Dayong has collapsed, and the demon trapped under the mountain has escaped.”


The creature under Mount Dayong was a demon sealed there many years ago by Haowei’s father Taowei. This demon seemed to have some lingering obsession and could only be released from torment through a certain incantation, causing sleepless nights and ultimately driving its victims to exhaustion.


“Mount Dayong?” Haowei narrowed his eyes, reached out and pointed to the air, and a map unfolded before his eyes. Haowei found Mount Dayong on the map. “Is Mount Dayong close to the demon realm?”


“Uh… yes,” the celestial general nodded as he looked at the map.


“In that case, this demon is very likely to have gone to the demon realm. I will go to the demon realm to investigate.”


“Your Majesty, this…”


Before the celestial general could finish speaking, Haowei’s figure disappeared in an instant.


The celestial general looked at the map still hanging in the air and clicked his tongue. From the map, Mount Dayong indeed appeared to be quite close to the demon realm, but in reality, the distance between the two was tens of thousands of miles.


How did Your Majesty determine that the demon under Mount Dayong would go to the demon realm?



The Divine Phoenix guides the Divine Phoenixes, and the Divine Phoenixes beguile the birds. Therefore, when these eight Divine Phoenix women appeared, the birds near Zhuyun Peak flapped their wings and took flight, approaching the Divine Phoenixes. However, they were all blocked by the invisible barrier around the mountain.


The eight Divine Phoenix women walked gracefully toward Si Lan and stood before him.


Seeing this, everyone on Zhuyun Peak held their breath and fixed their gazes on Si Lan and the eight Divine Phoenix women.


But as time passed, the eight Divine Phoenix women didn’t start their dance, and there was no sign of them being drawn to Si Lan.


Si Lan clearly felt the atmosphere of his supporters behind him diminishing, while Lord of the Deer’s group regained their confidence, as if they had won the battle and were about to celebrate.


“Divine Phoenixes, please tell everyone: Is my Lord’s true form a real phoenix?”


The leading Divine Phoenix was about to speak but suddenly saw something protruding from Si Lan’s collar. A small white dragon head gradually emerged.


The little white dragon slowly opened its eyes, revealing golden irises that were indifferent and regal. In an instant, a wave of pressure surged straight toward the eight Divine Phoenix women, compelling their bodies to kneel involuntarily.


This pressure was like a drawn sword hanging above their heads. After they knelt down, they didn’t dare to lift their heads, holding their hands respectfully before their foreheads, showing absolute submission.


On Zhuyun Peak, everyone was stunned.


It wasn’t just the others; even Si Lan himself was taken aback by the scene before him.


What happened to them?


While the Divine Phoenix could lead the Divine Phoenixes in a dance, why would they kneel down?


“It must be because my Lord is too magnificent and dominant, making the Divine Phoenixes willingly submit, even to the point of not wanting to dance anymore,” Xie Li finally finished his candy, freeing his mouth to mutter.


Si Lan’s supporters immediately breathed a sigh of relief, their confidence soaring, and they began to speak to defuse the situation.


“It’s possible that regular Divine Phoenixes can lead the Phoenixes in a dance, but a Divine Phoenix like our Lord might only make the Phoenixes kneel and submit.”


“Perhaps, our Lord is exceptional. It is said that when he was born, though there were no Eight Phoenixes coming to celebrate, the mountains and rivers trembled, and the clouds roared, astonishing the Six Realms.”


Si Lan heard this and inwardly clenched his fingers.


The “mountains and rivers trembling, clouds roaring” was a rumor his mother had created for him in the Six Realms. In other words, his mother had prepared a catchy story for him in the Six Realms.


Lord of the Deer’s face became increasingly awkward as he asked again, “Divine Phoenix, could you please take another look…?”


The leading Divine Phoenix was still not lifting her head. Her voice trembled, “Yes, it’s true…”


“Lord of the Deer, don’t push too far,” Quze stepped forward, clutching his sword’s hilt in a threatening manner.


Lord of the Deer wanted to say something more, but the other three peak masters beside him quickly restrained him.


“My Lord, this matter was indeed Lord of the Deer’s impulsive act. I hope you, my Lord, can be magnanimous and not hold him accountable.”


“You caused a commotion here and now you’re asking my Lord to be magnanimous and not hold you accountable. Do you think my Lord is easy to bully?”


“Our Lord is just too kind. Every time, he doesn’t want to bother with these insignificant people, so they end up walking all over him.”


“Yeah, this time they actually said something as absurd as our Lord’s true form being a wild chicken! Who knows what they’ll say next?!”


Hearing the words of those standing up for him behind, Si Lan felt both relieved and somewhat guilty. He quickly bent down to help the eight Divine Phoenix women stand up. “Please, get up…”


“We… can’t get up,” the lead Divine Phoenix lowered her head and said slowly.


Si Lan was speechless. Just when he didn’t know how to handle the situation, the eight Divine Phoenix women suddenly regained their mobility. They quickly straightened their backs and didn’t dare to look up, maintaining the position with their fingers together on their foreheads as they slowly backed away.


Then, the eight of them transformed back into their original phoenix forms and soared into the sky, attracting a flock of birds to follow them.


Lord of the Deer’s face looked even worse. He began to suspect that Si Lan had cast some spell to force the Divine Phoenix women to kneel.


But he soon dismissed the idea. Even if Si Lan had somehow controlled the Divine Phoenix women, they could easily expose his true identity. However, judging from their expressions, they seemed genuinely afraid of Si Lan.


Could it be that Si Lan was really a Divine Phoenix?


If that were the case, why had he concealed it for so many years?


One of the peak masters behind Lord of the Deer nudged him, hinting for him to apologize quickly.


With an unenthusiastic expression, Lord of the Deer finally knelt down and said, “Your Majesty, I overstepped my bounds, please punish me.”


This was the first time Si Lan had seen Lord of the Deer lose face. Normally, Lord of the Deer was arrogant and didn’t care about anyone.


“Your Majesty, how should we deal with Lord of the Deer?” Quze asked.


Si Lan remained silent, looking at Lord of the Deer. Lord of the Deer gritted his teeth and lowered his head a little.


“In that case, Lord of the Deer will receive 800 lashes and will be tasked with guarding the territory of the Wolf Demon,” Si Lan declared.


The people behind Lord of the Deer immediately expressed their dissatisfaction.


“Your Majesty, you’re too kind.”


“In my opinion, Lord of the Deer’s position as the peak master should be revoked!”


“He showed such disrespect to Your Majesty; he doesn’t deserve to be the peak master of the Distant Peak!”


Listening to their complaints, Haowei, who was hidden in Si Lan’s arms, let out a faint snort.


Si Lan kind-hearted? Most likely, his heart was as dark as coal. The Lord of the Deer’s true form was a deer, and his natural enemy was the Wolf Demon. By punishing him to guard the Wolf Demon’s territory, wasn’t Si Lan practically leading him to his doom?


Si Lan raised his hand lightly, and the murmurs behind him ceased. He wanted to remove Lord of the Deer from his position as peak master as well, but if he did that, Lord of the Deer would undoubtedly lead the other three peak masters in rebellion, and the demon realm would once again fall into chaos.


Over the years, under his rule, the demon realm had gradually transformed. The monsters and demons had started to cultivate themselves, shedding their bloodthirsty natures. His introduction of compulsory education for nine hundred years had redirected their focus away from violence and battles. They now carried bags and attended classes in the Demon Hall, learning about the wonders of the Six Realms and the mysteries of elemental magic. As a result, the demon realm had enjoyed centuries of peace, a feat no previous Demon Lord had achieved. Even Si Lan, who was mighty, had to manage frequent outbreaks of violence and conflict in his realm.


The Lord of the Deer’s ears caught the disapproval of those behind him. He bit his lip and, after receiving the punishment, quickly led his followers to leave.


This group had arrived with arrogance but left like a defeated army.


Si Lan sighed inwardly. He had planned to reveal the truth about his true form openly, but it seemed fate had other ideas. 


He turned to the others. “You can leave as well.”


“Your Majesty…”


“It’s okay, don’t worry. I’m fine,” Si Lan smiled at his followers. His smile was as beautiful as a crescent moon, standing on the mountaintop, his blue robe fluttering in the wind, a picture of grace and elegance.


Seeing his smile, his followers swallowed their complaints and left.


“Why didn’t Peak Masters Song and Song accompany you?” Si Lan asked Quze.


These two were not only peak masters but also the guardians of the demon realm. When Si Lan was in seclusion or traveling, they were responsible for managing the affairs of the demon realm.


Quze explained, “Since the last time, when Peak Master Song discovered that Peak Master Song 1lmao, yea there are two of themhad been pretending to be paralyzed for a hundred years, Peak Master Song has been chasing after Peak Master Song.”


Si Lan couldn’t help but sigh and mentally light a candle for Peak Master Song. 


In a sense, Lord of Chu Mountain had done something praiseworthy: he had provided Si Lan with two capable assistants in the form of Peak Masters Song and Song. Si Lan had found them when he was breaking into Lord of Chu Mountain’s lair. However, instead of using them as pawns, he had respected their choice to accompany him and serve loyally.


But he hadn’t expected that during their visit to Qiangjue Mountain to consult an oracle, Song had suddenly gotten out of the wheelchair, revealing that his legs had long been healed. Peak Master Song had been pursuing Peak Master Song ever since, presumably unable to bear the hundred-year deception.


Si Lan made a mental note to talk to them later.


At this moment, his clothes shifted as if something was trying to crawl out.


When the Divine Phoenix had approached him earlier, he had felt something moving inside his robes. But since the little white dragon had left, he sometimes felt as if there were something alive in his clothes.


But now, this unexpected sensation was undeniably real.


He lowered his head, and his gaze met the newly revealed eyes of the little white dragon.


Golden eyes, shining with starlight, were vividly reflecting his face. His eyes showed a growing surprise as he couldn’t help but lean down and kiss the little white dragon’s forehead.


It wasn’t an illusion; the little white dragon had really come to find him.


“…” Haowei.


Haowei’s body suddenly stiffened, his pupils dilated, and he felt the warmth of the other’s lips on his forehead, like an electric current that sent shivers through his body. His scales slowly changed color, emitting a faint crimson halo.


After the kiss, Si Lan noticed the change in the little white dragon’s scales and couldn’t help but exclaim, “Hmm… your scales have changed color again.”


He held Haowei in his hand and carefully examined him, half-serious and half-teasing, “Could it be an allergy to my saliva?”


“…” Haowei.


In Si Lan’s mind, the little white dragon was still just a pet, and even in his human form, he was about the size of Xie Li. Therefore, Si Lan didn’t think the little white dragon could be embarrassed.


Furthermore, he had never heard of any species whose scales turned red due to shyness.


“In that case, it seems I shouldn’t kiss you so casually in the future.”


Si Lan smiled, his lips curved like a gentle breeze, bringing a sense of refreshment.


Haowei’s emotions became complex for a moment. He should have been irritated by Si Lan’s impolite behavior, but when he heard Si Lan say that they shouldn’t kiss casually in the future, his heart inexplicably skipped a beat.


“Why did you come to me so quickly? Do you miss me?” Si Lan inquired.


Hearing this, Haowei immediately jumped out of Si Lan’s arms and retorted coldly, “I didn’t miss you.”


He had come to investigate the situation in Daming, but as soon as he arrived in the Demon Realm, he witnessed the scene where the Lord of the Deer and the others defied the authority of Si Lan.


Si Lan, as the Demon Lord, seemed to be sitting on a rather unstable throne.


Si Lan was puzzled, “When did you arrive?”


“Just now.”


Si Lan was at a loss for words. He had heard that in the Heavenly Realm, when the heavenly beings and various creatures saw a true dragon, they would be suppressed by its aura and unable to move. So, when the Divine Phoenix women had suddenly knelt in fear, was it because they saw the little white dragon?


It seemed like this little accident had inadvertently solved his problems.


Si Lan couldn’t help but comment, “Little guy, it seems like you have a talent for attracting husbands.”


Haowei, “…”

T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!

Chapter 87 – The most extreme delivery room in the world

Chapter 87 – The most extreme delivery room in the world


When Jian Luo heard Lu Shifeng’s words, he tensed up, and a bold guess formed in his mind, one he could hardly believe.


In an instant, a multitude of thoughts raced through his mind, and this idea sent his heart pounding, even causing him to tremble with fear. He had read about the history of human development in books, from the late 21st century into the technological boom of the 22nd century. In the 23rd century, humans had officially established space stations and established contact with other planets in the universe. Initially, this exchange of technological information should have been a very good thing, but the troubling part was that the Earth’s core had changed, the environment had drastically altered, viruses had erupted, the oceans had swallowed the land, and the Earth had become a living hell. All of this was recorded in books, and it was chilling to read. If he were to go down there now, he feared he might not be able to handle it.


Lu Shifeng held his hand. “Let’s go.”


Jian Luo hesitated. He stood still, his brows unconsciously furrowing, and when he made eye contact with Lu Shifeng, he appeared somewhat pitiful.


Lu Shifeng asked, “What’s wrong?”


“Go? Go where?” Jian Luo’s hand even began to sweat slightly. “I’m feeling a bit anxious.”


Lu Shifeng calmly looked at him. “To the place you’ve always wanted to go.”




Alright, he was ready.


Jian Luo took a deep breath, stepped through the cabin door, and looked up at the world outside. He had mentally prepared himself for facing a vast ocean and a devastated world. But then…


“Chirp, chirp.”


A crisp bird call rang out, seemingly illuminating the entire world. Jian Luo timidly opened his eyes and what met his gaze was a lush green forest. There was no ocean, no imagined virus-ridden zombies, and certainly no world in ruins. It was quiet and full of life, like a very ordinary forest on Earth.


Jian Luo hesitated. “Is this… Earth?”


Lu Shifeng glanced at him. “What do you think?”



This was different from what he had imagined. Jian Luo disembarked from the warship, and he could even say he set foot on the land with a sense of trepidation. Branches made a crisp “crack” as he stepped on them, and then he heard the delightful chirping of birds, a pleasant sound to his ears.


Looking at everything before him, Jian Luo couldn’t help but inquire, “This looks quite different from what’s in the history books.”


Lu Shifeng stood behind him and said, “The ecosystem can repair itself automatically.”


True, just like how the dinosaurs had once ruled.


Jian Luo was puzzled. “Then, if that’s the case, why hasn’t anyone come to Earth? The Earth’s ecosystem should be fine, right?”


Lu Shifeng glanced at him. “Do you think it’s fine?”


Jian Luo nodded.


General Lu didn’t say much more. He simply took out a Sacred Dragon Fruit from his protective suit and tossed it onto the ground. Without the protection of the suit, the Sacred Dragon Fruit underwent a drastic transformation upon contact with the air. The fruit’s body began to emit heat, and it gradually began to shake before splitting into four or five pieces.


Jian Luo widened his eyes. “What’s happening?”


“Do you think it’s okay because you’re wearing a protective suit?” Lu Shifeng pointed to a bird in a nearby tree. “Look.”


Jian Luo looked up and saw that the bird was rather peculiar. It had four legs and only one eye, and it was quietly staring at him. For a moment, it seemed like the entire atmosphere had become strange.


Jian Luo suddenly felt goosebumps all over his body.


Lu Shifeng said, “Although it’s different, according to satellite monitoring, there are still humans living on Earth.”


Jian Luo was bemused. He cautiously moved forward, observing the forest and said, “Are there… two groups of humans?”


Lu Shifeng looked around, his eyes slightly darkened, and he lowered his voice. “Let him explain it to you.”


As soon as he finished speaking, the surrounding forest suddenly rustled. A group of people leaped out from the bushes. Their skin was dark, and they were adorned with white bone decorations all over their bodies. They wore half-masks on their faces, and they were tall and formidable, giving off an intimidating aura.


Jian Luo took a step back.


However, if the military dared to send them down, they were certainly not to be trifled with. In an instant, Jian Luo’s information bracelet automatically triggered a protective barrier, and a column of soldiers descended from the warship.


Lu Shifeng stood calmly by Jian Luo’s side, observing the group of people emerging from the forest.


Jian Luo jumped nervously and whispered, “Who are they?”


Lu Shifeng gave him a glance and asked, “Can’t you tell?”


“… I can’t.”


He really couldn’t tell.


It seemed that there was a leader among this group of people. He saw the row of dragon clan soldiers and appeared somewhat tense. The group of people exchanged glances, seemingly hesitant about whether to attack.


The dragon clan soldiers appeared more composed, accustomed to battle, and they naturally didn’t take this minor disturbance too seriously. When the atmosphere became tense, one person stepped forward from the group. He took a cautious look at them and spoke in a stiff language, “Are you… a Dark Star citizen?”


After speaking, he also looked at Jian Luo, squinting his eyes and examining him closely.


The deputy handed over an interstellar pass to him and said, “Normal landing. Mercury has been under the jurisdiction of Dark Star for 12 years. Please don’t make it difficult for me.”


The leader and his teammates chattered among themselves for a while.


Jian Luo looked at Lu Shifeng with concern. “Is everything okay?”


Lu Shifeng stood calmly beside him. “If there’s a problem, it’s with him. Don’t worry.”




That was tough.


After some negotiations on the other side, it seemed that they had finally come to an agreement. Their leader took a step forward, bowed to the group, and then spoke in the stiff Dark Star language, “Welcome, guests.”


Jian Luo said, “You can also speak Earth’s language. We can understand both.”


The leader raised his head and looked at Jian Luo with a meaningful expression.


Lu Shifeng waved his hand, signaling others to put away their weapons, and said, “It’s abrupt to visit like this, but we’ve brought a little gift. We hope you won’t mind.”


Someone brought out a gift box.


Jian Luo discreetly glanced at it and found two large sealed boxes of Sacred Dragon Fruits inside.


Next came a piece of weaponry and machinery. Lu Shifeng was quite generous with his offerings, leaving no room for anyone to be offended.


Indeed, the indigenous people’s faces lit up with smiles after seeing the gifts, and they excitedly invited Jian Luo and his group to visit their territory.


Lu Shifeng looked at Jian Luo. “Are you going?”


“I want to go, but is it dangerous?” Jian Luo whispered, “Both of us?”


Lu Shifeng raised an eyebrow without giving a definite answer. “Are you doubting yourself or me?”


“Uh… doubting myself.”


Lu Shifeng looked down at him, his blood-red eyes filled with a hint of amusement. He smirked. “You don’t need to worry.”




Being with Lu Shifeng was quite comforting. It was easy to be choked by him.


Because Jian Luo was genuinely interested in understanding the current situation on Earth, in various aspects. He had already noticed that although Dark Star’s environment was good, the soil and certain aspects of the environment were not conducive to the growth of Earth’s plants and organisms. Like the medical book he had read some time ago, many herbs were nowhere to be found on Dark Star. He hoped that humans could reach a higher point and utilize their advantages to improve the environment.


Walking in the forest, Jian Luo continued to observe various animals and plants. Soon, he spotted a certain herb and exclaimed, “Mint!”


The leader ahead turned his dark eyes toward Jian Luo.


Jian Luo asked, “Is it?”


The leader nodded and examined Jian Luo closely after making sure Lu Shifeng was fine before continuing the conversation. “You’re a human.”




“The group that resides on Dark Star?”




“You’re doing fine.”


“…I guess.”


As he spoke, Jian Luo took another look at the leader and noticed that when he mentioned the group residing on Dark Star, his expression wasn’t exactly friendly. This made Jian Luo curious but unsure of what to say.


Continuing forward, he saw many peculiar-looking animals along the way. Jian Luo furrowed his brow and asked, “What happened to these animals?”


“The Earth’s magnetic field has changed,” Lu Shifeng replied casually. “Genes and chromosomes have also changed.”


Jian Luo nodded.


He had an even more important question in mind, so he gathered his courage and asked the leader, “Have the animals and plants, like vegetables and such, also changed? Are they no longer suitable for human consumption?”


The leader gave him a strange look.


Jian Luo shrank back.


“You can eat them,” the leader’s voice was hoarse, and one of his subordinates was carrying a deer, which he pointed to, saying, “All of them are safe to eat.”


Jian Luo nodded.


The group arrived at the leader’s residence, a tall-walled city with patrols on top. When they saw the leader’s group arriving, there were cheers and excitement.


The leader led Lu Shifeng inside. The houses and furnishings here were not as run-down as Jian Luo had imagined. They were made of cement and tiles, and many women and children were playing and laughing in front of various households. The overall atmosphere was quite harmonious, giving off a sense of contentment reminiscent of the 1980s.


Someone came forward to receive the hunting spoils.


A petite woman threw herself into the leader’s arms, her actions carrying a hint of coquetry. The woman’s belly was slightly protruding, indicating that she might be pregnant.


The leader showed the deer they had hunted to Jian Luo with sincerity. “This is your gift.”


The woman looked delighted, her face beaming with smiles.


Watching from a distance, Jian Luo felt a bit sour. He clicked his tongue and muttered, “People are really incomparable.”


Lu Shifeng, standing beside him, glanced at him when he heard this. “What’s the matter?”


Jian Luo shook his head. “It’s nothing.”


“Mr. Jian means that I’ve treated you unfairly?” Lu Shifeng raised an eyebrow. “Feel free to voice any complaints.”




Jian Luo looked at the leader with a sincere expression and then turned to Lu Shifeng. “Look how well he treats his pregnant wife. Unlike me, since getting pregnant, I’ve been either attending classes or working out. And on top of that, there are acupuncture sessions. Is this how people are supposed to live? The difference between people is just too big.”


Lu Shifeng raised his eyes to look at him. “Are you blaming me for not giving you a gift?”


Jian Luo was caught off guard. “I didn’t say that. I don’t need you to give me a gift. But after the baby is born, you promised me that I could choose a house.”


Wasn’t this frustrating? He had been talking about the house for so long, and yet he hadn’t even caught a glimpse of one. Could it be that he was being deceived?


Hmph, if he dared to trick him, he would run away with the baby.


Lu Shifeng saw Jian Luo’s changing expressions and found it quite amusing. After appreciating it for a while, he finally said, “Didn’t I take you to see it?”


Jian Luo suddenly looked up. “Where? I haven’t seen it.”


Lu Shifeng stared at him silently, not saying a word. Jian Luo had been puzzled, looking at him, and suddenly, in an instant, it seemed like he understood something from Lu Shifeng’s eyes. His eyes widened, filled with disbelief.


Lu Shifeng saw that he seemed to have grasped something and couldn’t help but smile.


“It can’t be…”


T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!

Chapter 27 – It’s hard to escape the Omegaverse trope!

Chapter 27


Ever since Tang Xiyan found out about the relationship between Shu Yi and Qu Di, he couldn’t help but notice their subtle interactions when they thought no one was watching. He wasn’t sure if it was because he was preoccupied with the situation or if Shu Yi was intentionally doing it for his benefit.


In public, the two of them always maintained a certain distance, but Tang Xiyan had seen Shu Yi sneakily hold Qu Di’s hand under the cover of his costume’s large sleeves on more than one occasion. Qu Di would raise his head to glance at Shu Yi, but he wouldn’t pull away.


“Xi Yan, what are you thinking about?” Qu Di waved his hand in front of him, wondering why he suddenly zoned out.


Thinking about you.


“No, it’s nothing. Is everything set up?” He tugged at his equipment, seemingly secure. It was his first time doing rock climbing, about four meters high, and he was somewhat worried.


“The props master said everything is ready. We’ll slowly hoist you up shortly. This is just a trial run, so we won’t shoot any scenes. He’ll be there to guide you from below.”


“I know, you don’t need to keep repeating it. It’s annoying.”


Qu Di brought over the responsible person again to check for safety. After receiving assurance that it was absolutely safe, he ran off to the side. He kept furrowing his brows, and his gaze never left Tang Xiyan, even though there were safety mats below. He was still concerned about any possible accidents.


When Tang Xiyan’s feet left the ground, he found it somewhat amusing at first. However, as he reached a height of three meters, he began to feel nervous. His muscles tensed involuntarily, and he concentrated intensely.


“Start by trying to move a little. If it’s fine, we’ll continue to raise you higher.” The master responsible for this area shouted at him through a megaphone, as if he was worried that Tang Xiyan couldn’t hear.


Tang Xiyan cautiously moved his limbs. It was manageable, but he couldn’t make overly large movements. Being up there, swaying back and forth, made him feel quite insecure.


“Very good. Now, we’ll raise you to four meters, and that will be the height for the scenes where you fight with the enemies, which will be between three and four meters.”


They continued to lift Tang Xiyan, and a person beside him handed over the weapon. Initially, he thought it was manageable, but now it felt as heavy as a thousand pounds. He tried to relax a bit and swung it around. His movements were somewhat stiff, but it wasn’t a significant issue. Editing and stunt doubles could fix that. He was mainly shooting close-up scenes.


“Alright, we’ll lower you now.”


The weather was fine that day, although it looked like rain might be coming. While it was still a bit stifling, the breeze that occasionally blew helped alleviate the heat. However, when Tang Xiyan came down, he realized his entire back was soaked with sweat, even his forehead was covered in beads of perspiration.


Qu Di rushed over. “Are you okay?”


He glanced at Qu Di. Whenever Qu Di showed concern for him, he couldn’t help but feel a bit delighted, but he had to pretend to stay composed. “I’m fine.”


In the afternoon, it started to rain heavily, so the director decided to shoot a scene that required rain. There were no lines for the actors; it was just a distant shot of two people walking together in the rain.


The next day, the action scenes officially began, consisting of two sequences. The first involved Tang Xiyan facing a group of enemies, and the second had Shu Yi and Tang Xiyan.


Under the guidance of the martial arts instructor, Tang Xiyan quickly completed the first scene, retaking it only twice. The director was quite pleased with it, so he let everyone take a break before moving on to the next scene.


Shu Yi sat under a sunshade, reading the script, while Tang Xiyan, drenched in sweat, sat beside him. He took a towel from Qu Di and wiped his face. “Why didn’t I see you yesterday?”


Shu Yi replied without much interest, “I was watching Alpha rock climbing. I wasn’t interested. Besides, I was afraid you’d scream, and I’d be embarrassed if I were there.”


Tang Xiyan was momentarily speechless, but when he looked, he saw Qu Di trying to suppress a smile. This provoked his anger. “Don’t you dare laugh!”


Qu Di quickly stepped in to defuse the situation. “Actually, Tang Xiyan did quite well yesterday. Even the martial arts instructor praised his balance and adaptability.”


They didn’t speak much after that and immersed themselves in their scripts. Over the past few days, it seemed like Shu Yi and Tang Xiyan had reconciled. They occasionally joked and exchanged a few words, but there was an underlying tension. He had asked both Shu Yi and Tang Xiyan, and both claimed there was nothing wrong. Gradually, he began to think he might be overthinking it.


An hour later, the props department and martial arts instructor were ready. They touched up their makeup, and then they went on set. After the first scene, the director was satisfied, and the martial arts instructor provided guidance. They prepared for another take.


Originally, Shu Yi was supposed to jump down from the roof with a sword to attack Tang Xiyan, who would defend with a fan. Then, they would engage in a fight on the street, including acrobatic moves.


At first, everything went smoothly. However, when Shu Yi jumped up, Tang Xiyan suddenly lost control and bumped into him. Then, the ropes carrying both of them became entangled, and they crashed into the side of a building before coming to a stop.


Qu Di was nearly frightened to death the moment they collided. People around him began running toward them, and he snapped back to reality. He felt like he could barely stand, and he stumbled a few steps.


When they were lowered to the ground, both of them were conscious. Shu Yi was pale and drenched in cold sweat. He gritted his teeth and didn’t say a word. People dared not touch him and laid him down on a soft mat on the ground. The director quickly called for an ambulance.


Compared to Shu Yi, Tang Xiyan was in much better condition. He didn’t seem to be injured, just a bit dazed from the collision. He touched his head and found a bump. Worried, he glanced at Shu Yi and asked, “I’m fine… but he…”


“That’s good,” he said in a distracted manner. Tang Xiyan saw that Qu Di had sneakily glanced at Shu Yi several times but hadn’t said anything. His hands were tightly clenched together, clearly worried about Shu Yi but not daring to show it. His thoughts were obviously not on Tang Xiyan.


Tang Xiyan’s eyes darkened. Well, considering their current relationship, it was natural for Qu Di to prioritize Shu Yi. He couldn’t blame him.


Director Zheng asked everyone to step aside and began fanning Shu Yi. “Shu Yi, where does it hurt?”


“My… My waist,” Shu Yi replied, sounding like he was in a lot of pain. His back had collided with Tang Xiyan, and although the distance wasn’t too great, the impact was significant.


Shu Yi was taken to the hospital, and Tang Xiyan followed. After an examination, it turned out that there were no serious injuries, only some bruises. To avoid the press, Qu Di planned to leave through a back door. However, Tang Xiyan stopped him. “Why don’t we go check on Shu Yi?”


“If we don’t leave soon, we might not be able to leave later. I


‘ve already called Feige. Let’s go now.”


“No, you come with me to see him,” Tang Xiyan ordered.


Qu Di reluctantly complied and followed Tang Xiyan to the elevator. As they waited for it to arrive, Qu Di watched Tang Xiyan but couldn’t figure out what he was thinking. When the elevator arrived, they entered and stood side by side. As the doors closed, Qu Di finally spoke. “Do you know?”


Tang Xiyan was too easy to read. Upon seeing him remain silent, Shu Yi had guessed that Tang Xiyan knew about their relationship, and now he was probably desperately trying to come up with excuses to deny it.


As expected, after about half a minute, Tang Xiyan stuttered, “What could I possibly know? How could I know… You… Don’t talk nonsense.”


Indeed, the words sounded unconvincing, but Tang Xiyan was probably racking his brain to come up with various excuses to deny the truth.


He clearly didn’t say anything, yet he’s so eager to deny it. Qu Di hasn’t even confirmed that he knows everything, and isn’t it normal to ask before making assumptions?


“When did you find out?” Qu Di was somewhat startled. He thought he had hidden it well. How did Tang Xiyan know, and what about the others?


“I told you, I don’t know!” Tang Xiyan kicked the elevator, not too forcefully, as he was filled with anger. He had sacrificed his personal feelings for the greater good and brought Qu Di to see Shu Yi. Could he please just be quiet and stop asking!


The elevator fell silent, and with a “ding,” they arrived. Tang Xiyan was the first to step out. In that moment, he heard Qu Di say, “Thank you.”


I don’t want your thanks. What I want is you… but you don’t want me.


He quickened his pace toward Shu Yi’s hospital room. He had heard that the bump on Shu Yi’s waist was quite severe and caused a lot of pain. Luckily, there were no fractures, which was the only silver lining. Shu Yi would have to stay in the hospital for some time before being discharged.


The hospital room wasn’t crowded, with only Zheng Siyi, Shu Yi’s manager, Li Meng, and Shu Yi. The director had apparently gone to deal with the journalists outside, as this situation required his public response; otherwise, rumors would spread like wildfire.


Upon seeing the newcomer, Li Meng greeted Tang Xiyan and left to handle the public relations aspect, as well as to console the fans.


Tang Xiyan pulled a chair over and sat by the bedside. He observed Shu Yi and said, “You look like you’re not about to die.”


“Siyi, would you mind going to buy some fruits?” Shu Yi suddenly spoke.


Though Zheng Siyi was a bit puzzled, she left the room. Soon, it was just the three of them in the room.


Tang Xiyan glanced at Qu Di, who remained silent behind him. Frustrated, he stood up and left the chair that hadn’t even warmed up yet. He loudly exclaimed, “I’m going to check on Yu Zhiyuan. Qu Di, you stay here and comfort Emperor Shu Yi.”


Qu Di hesitated but wanted to follow Tang Xiyan. However, Shu Yi grabbed his hand. As Tang Xiyan walked out, he witnessed this scene, and a few steps later, he closed the door behind him.

T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!

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