Day: September 27, 2023

Chapter 36 – Replica

Chapter 36: Awake Yet Drunk


It was evening, and for once, there was a bit of sunshine. The orange hues spread across the sky, faintly visible through the hospital corridor’s window glass. Only a rough outline could be seen.


A sparrow landed on the branches of the plane tree outside the window, flapping its wings and causing a few dry leaves to fall.


The hospital was crowded with people, and the corridors were bustling with activity. No matter which corridor one walked down, there were people either excited about the birth of a newborn or grieving for the loss of an elderly family member. Hospitals saved lives but also took them. Those who were lucky would escape the gates of death, while the unlucky ones would be sent to the morgue as soon as they left the operating room. As Tan Xilu walked through the hospital, he saw two patients being wheeled out of the operating room and struggling to stand. They had to rely on Xu Huaiming’s support to walk.


Tan Xilu had witnessed death up close only twice in his life. The first time was when he learned of Xu Huaiming’s disappearance, and he went to the scene a few days later. The place was so high that there was almost no chance of survival if a truck overturned there. But they couldn’t find Xu Huaiming, and after Tan Xilu’s initial despair, he reluctantly accepted the likelihood of his death.


The second time was now, when he was facing a person who had been alive and walking in front of him just a few days ago but was now lying on a cold stretcher.


The impact was overwhelming, and Tan Xilu found it difficult to bear.


This was death: merciless, indifferent, and frightening.


The bright light bulb hung above, covered in years of dust, and each time someone cried, the dust would fall, floating in the air.


Tan Xilu, supported by Xu Huaiming, walked slowly towards the operating room. He saw Lin Changyu standing in a daze at the door of the operating room. Lin Xiaozhi was crying beside him, and Lin Manling’s husband was angrily berating the doctors, “I have money! I’ll give you money! How can you not save her? I have money, as much as you need. Save her! Are you just taking money without doing anything? I’ve thrown in hundreds of thousands, and she still couldn’t be saved. Are you all just here for the paycheck?”


The doctor lowered his head and apologized, “I’m sorry, sir, we did our best.”


The man sneered and said, “I don’t care. Yesterday, the nurse said she was recovering well. How could she die so suddenly?”


“Sir…” a nurse said, “It was because the patient was under a lot of stress.”


The implication was that it wasn’t our fault; she went into shock on her own.


The man’s mouth twitched, and he turned to look at Lin Changyu, who had been silent the whole time. He kicked Lin Changyu hard, “You jinx, not only did you kill your dad, you also made Manling die.”


Lin Changyu was kicked into the corner of the wall and groaned in pain.


“Changyu…” Tan Xilu, with a quick reaction, broke free from Xu Huaiming and rushed over to protect Lin Changyu, glaring at the man. “What are you doing?!”


“Who are you? What’s it to you if I educate my son?” The man frowned at Tan Xilu and was about to push him aside.


Before his hand could touch Tan Xilu, someone grabbed his shoulder. Their voice was cold, “Try touching him.”


The person was ice-cold, and the man felt his whole body freezing. He struggled but realized that he couldn’t move a muscle. He couldn’t believe it and turned to look at a very handsome face, but this person was looking down at him with a detached expression, hidden behind a pair of gold-rimmed glasses.


Instinctively, the man was overwhelmed by this person’s aura. He clenched his lips and didn’t dare to move.


Tan Xilu helped Lin Changyu up, and he had fallen quite heavily. The pain made him break out in a cold sweat, and Lin Xiaozhi, who had been crying for her mother, had now switched to crying for her brother, “Brother.”


Lin Changyu touched her head and said, “Brother is fine. Don’t cry, little bean.”


Lin Xiaozhi heard him and wanted to cry but was afraid to cry, her face was streaked with two teardrops, wet and beautiful, and her small face was wrinkled.


Lin Changyu took a deep breath, and the man had gone too far. His business had indeed encountered problems in recent years, and he urgently needed a large sum of money to tide over the situation. So he set his sights on the dying Lin Manling.


Lin Manling had said that she had helped him before, but he was too greedy, like a bottomless pit. Lin Manling felt that she couldn’t let this continue and decided to leave the money to her two sons, at least to ensure that they would have enough to eat and drink for the rest of their lives, instead of seeing the money being squandered.


Lin Changyu had initially found it strange. After all, they were still husband and wife, why would Lin Manling do this? But he could never understand Lin Manling’s mind. For example, when she remarried, she could have left her ex-husband’s son and married the wealthy man alone, but she still brought him along, ensuring he didn’t become an orphan. But when her new husband abused him, she turned a blind eye.


So he felt both grateful and resentful towards this woman.


T/N: Wishing you all a good September and welcome to Bad End month! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!

Chapter 35 – Replica

Chapter 35: I’ve seen it all


On the afternoon of the Laba Festival, the college went on winter break, and as a teacher, Tan Xilu had to be busier. He didn’t leave the office until 7 o’clock in the evening.


The sky had already darkened completely, and the corridor was quiet. The only person staying later than him was Qin Sizhe’s counselor, Mr. Li Yu, who was two years senior to Tan Xilu in joining the faculty. He had a good personality, was responsible for the students, and either Tan Xilu or him would often be the last ones working in the office.


“Mr. Li, are you not leaving yet?” Tan Xilu had already stepped half out of the office door when he turned back to look at Li Yu, who was still working on something.


Upon hearing this, Li Yu looked up, and the lenses on his nose reflected some light from the lamp. He shook his head and said, “Mr. Tan, you go ahead. I still have some work to finish.”


“Well, then.” Tan Xilu said, “But you should go home early too. It’s already this late.”


Li Yu nodded and said, “I know, Mr. Tan, you go ahead and don’t worry about me.”


Tan Xilu responded with a nod and paused for a moment. He then said to Li Yu, “Mr. Li, Happy Laba Festival.”


Li Yu was momentarily stunned and then smiled, saying, “Thank you, Mr. Tan. You too.”


Tan Xilu nodded and left the office.


Tan Xilu usually paid little attention to what was happening outside the window. After his classes, he would at most go to the office to organize his teaching materials and then head straight home. He had only learned yesterday from a student that Li Yu planned to resign. The reason was that he had been diagnosed with bone cancer, and he wanted to enjoy his last days.


Li Yu was three years older than Tan Xilu, just turning thirty this year. He had a girlfriend he was dating, and they had originally planned to get married after the New Year. However, fate had other plans, and it seemed that Li Yu had already broken up with her.


When Tan Xilu first came to the school, he didn’t fully understand some of the work processes, and it was Li Yu who helped him. They had worked together for less than five years, and they never expected that life could be so unpredictable. Now, Li Yu had been diagnosed with this illness.


This night might be Li Yu’s last night at the school. Perhaps there would never be anyone working late with him again. As Tan Xilu walked down the hallway, there was only a crescent moon tonight, but the stars were exceptionally bright. He suddenly felt an emptiness in his chest.


Xu Huaiming was still waiting for Tan Xilu at the school gate, holding a cup of hot milk tea in his hand. When Tan Xilu came out, he handed the milk tea to him.


Tan Xilu didn’t know when it started, but every time Xu Huaiming picked him up, he would bring a hot beverage. Sometimes it was milk tea, sometimes juice, or even cola. Tan Xilu always accepted whatever he brought.


They caught the last bus, and there weren’t many people on the bus at night. The driver only had a few lights on, so the inside of the bus was dim. Tan Xilu and Xu Huaiming sat at the back, and when the bus started, Xu Huaiming held Tan Xilu’s hand.


Xu Huaiming adjusted the temperature of his hand to be warm, while Tan Xilu’s hand felt a bit cold. When their hands touched, it felt just right. Tan Xilu looked at Xu Huaiming and suddenly spoke, “One of our teachers at the school is resigning.”


The milk tea was originally hot, but it started to condense into water droplets as it came into contact with the cold air, making the packaging bag damp. The hand holding the paper bag could also feel the icy dampness.


Cold, the winter was so cold, and Tan Xilu disliked winter. He felt like nothing good ever happened during this season.


“He’s sick, and I don’t know how long he has left to live.”


The bus stopped, people got on and off, everyone seemed busy with their lives, tired from the struggle for survival.


But some people had just finished being busy and were about to settle down, only to find that they no longer had the chance.


The bus started again, and the night scenes outside the window flashed by frame by frame. Tan Xilu leaned slightly on Xu Huaiming’s shoulder, and Xu Huaiming felt that his shoulder was damp. He knew that Tan Xilu was crying.


Tan Xilu was crying silently, but his boundless sadness spread.


Xu Huaiming didn’t really understand normal people’s feelings of sadness, perhaps because of his existence for Tan Xilu. He only felt sad for Tan Xilu, but when Tan Xilu was upset about something else, he was quite indifferent, and sometimes couldn’t understand why Tan Xilu was crying.


He gently embraced Tan Xilu and awkwardly comforted him by gently stroking his back. “Don’t be sad, Alu.”


Suddenly, Tan Xilu hugged him tightly and said, “Xu Huaiming, I’m so afraid of death. I’m afraid I won’t see you again.”


Tan Xilu’s unusual sadness finally found an explanation at this moment.


Tan Xilu was afraid of death because he had experienced Xu Huaiming’s “death.” So he was very afraid, afraid that someone who was alive one day would stop breathing the next.


Li Yu had been perfectly fine before, and when Qin Sizhe caused such a big incident, he went to the school leadership to take responsibility. They deducted half a month’s salary from him, but he didn’t seem upset. He told Tan Xilu that being a teacher was like this, you just had to get used to it. At that time, he was still smiling, with a faint dimple at the corner of his mouth that could only be seen when he smiled.


Li Yu said, “It’s just a small deduction. They might deduct even more in the future.”


But now, there was no future anymore.


Tan Xilu was very sad, not just because he feared death but also because of the farewell to a friend.


Tan Xilu cried on the bus that night, but by the time he got off the bus, he was much better. However, Xu Huaiming’s shoulder was now damp.


As they got off the bus, Tan Xilu rubbed his watery eyes and apologized to Xu Huaiming, “I’m sorry for losing control today.”


“It’s okay, your shoulder is there for you to lean on,” Xu Huaiming said, patting Tan Xilu’s head, then holding his hand, their warm palms interlocked. He added, “Alu, don’t worry, I won’t leave you, not anymore.”


In his heart, Xu Huaiming added, “As long as you don’t want me to.”


On this cold winter night, cars were racing on the road, and behind


 the small bus stop sign, Xu Huaiming kissed Tan Xilu’s lips.


Tan Xilu’s fear had dissipated at this moment. His heart was surrounded by something called happiness, and he thought, at least Xu Huaiming was still by his side, and he didn’t have to be so afraid. When they truly faced separation and parting again, they would deal with it then.


But what he didn’t expect was that this day would come so soon.


Before Tan Xilu and Xu Huaiming went to bed, Tan Xilu found a bottle of vitamins in the closet that he didn’t remember when he had bought. He looked at the expiration date and realized that it was still good. These past few nights, he had been having trouble sleeping, so he decided to take two before bedtime.


That night, he actually fell asleep.


The next morning, when Tan Xilu woke up, he looked at the bottle of vitamins again. He realized that he couldn’t remember when he had bought them, and he pondered for a long time but couldn’t recall. Finally, when Xu Huaiming called him for breakfast, he gave up.


After breakfast, Tan Xilu and Xu Huaiming changed their clothes to go shopping at the supermarket. They had been busy lately, and the refrigerator had been empty for a long time.


The Lunar New Year was approaching, and the supermarket was already crowded with people preparing for the holiday. Tan Xilu walked ahead with Xu Huaiming pushing a small shopping cart behind him.


“Potato chips, get two bags.”


“Coke, get a big bottle.”


“Hawthorn slices, get two bags.”


“Dried milk dates, I want those.”


Unknowingly, the shopping cart was already more than half full. Luckily, the supermarket wasn’t far from their apartment, or they would have been exhausted. Tan Xilu thought it might be time to buy a car. Previously, the apartment wasn’t far from the school, so he didn’t need a car. Sometimes, it was so crowded during rush hour that driving would be even slower. But now, it wasn’t just him, and they needed to consider it.


When they returned to the apartment building, Tan Xilu heard a commotion in the hallway. When he approached, he saw that Lin Changyu’s apartment door was partially open. He hesitated for a moment, and Mrs. Zhang from upstairs came down.


T/N: Wishing you all a good September and welcome to Bad End month! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!

Chapter 66 – Who Says Omegas Can’t be as Explosive as Alphas

Chapter 66


After returning, Lu Jingning slept in the dormitory for two days, shrouded in darkness, until the third day when his excessive sleepiness had slightly eased, he finally appeared in the classroom.


He piled up some books collected from other students around him before hiding behind them and shutting his eyes.


Yes, basically, he was just changing the location of his naps.


Before going to sleep, he didn’t forget to greet Wen Xingchen, “Wen Ge, please keep a look out on the teacher for me!”


Jiang Luan couldn’t help but tease him, “Lu Jingning, you seem to be quite good at bossing Wen Xingchen around?”


Lu Jingning didn’t even lift his eyelids and replied, “Whether I’m good at it or not, you should ask Wen Ge if he’s happy being bossed around.”


Wen Xingchen smiled slightly, “I’m quite happy. It’s not bad if you boss me around more in the future.”


Jiang Luan: “…”


Although there was no evidence, based on his more than ten years of experience in the world of romance, how could he not sense a feeling of ‘when the wife sings, the husband just follows’ in their conversation?


Perhaps Wen Xingchen covered for him well, or perhaps it was because the teacher had gotten into the habit of turning a blind eye; for the rest of the class, the teacher didn’t even look at Lu Jingning after that. When the bell rang, he left with his books.


The morning class ended very smoothly.


Before the students could get up, the counselor walked in from outside, clapped his hands, and signaled them to sit down. “Everyone, please wait for a moment. There’s an announcement. Starting from this afternoon, the school will arrange ships to send everyone away, so please pack your luggage as soon as you return to the temporary dormitory and don’t miss the scheduled departures.”


After all, some time had passed and the overall reconstruction work of the Imperial Navy University had been completed. The temporary campus that had been assigned to the students would naturally be returned to the military.


Lu Jingning heard this news dazely, rubbed his eyes, and yawned, “They repaired it so quickly after it was damaged like that?”


Jiang Luan said, “Don’t you know? The Imperial Government attached great importance to this incident. After we moved out, they immediately deployed troops to take over. Regarding the campus, they even directly implemented the construction project, so of course, it’s enough time to finish.”


“Troops taking over?” Lu Jingning instantly woke up after hearing these four words. “Is it true?”


“Of course, it’s true!” Jiang Luan was quite dissatisfied with his obvious skepticism. “Do you not trust the source of my information?”


Lu Jingning ran his hand through his hair in a messy manner. “It’s not like that. It’s just…why would they deploy troops for the reconstruction of the campus?”


Jiang Luan was taken aback for a moment, then said in a muffled voice, “This question, you should ask the Imperial Government!”


To be honest, when the space pirates launched a sudden attack, Lu Jingning had a vague sense that something was amiss.


Not to mention how these pirate warships had stealthily avoided the military’s monitoring and approached the campus. Just the spatial signal gates that allowed them to achieve long-distance transmission weren’t something destitute space pirates could possess.


He always felt that this was just the prelude to some event that was quietly unfolding in the background.


He frowned, but didn’t voice his doubts. When he looked up, he noticed that Wen Xingchen seemed to be lost in thought as well.


Noticing his gaze, Wen Xingchen raised his eyelashes slightly and said, “We’ll know when we go back to the campus.”



Yan Hebin didn’t have classes today. By the time Lu Jingning returned, they had already packed their things and saw him bustling around. They couldn’t help but express some camaraderie and helped him with the packing.


After everything in the room was sorted out, Lu Jingning carried a pile of boxes down the stairs, one on each side. There were still several small boxes on top of a large suitcase, totaling six or seven in various sizes, but it didn’t affect his brisk pace.


Yan Hebin followed him with empty hands and couldn’t help but say, “You’ve just passed your heat, let me carry it myself.”


“How can that be!” Lu Jingning immediately refused without hesitation. “I’m Lu-ge, how can I let you weak Omegas do this kind of heavy lifting?”


Yan Hebin: “…”


Aren’t you an Omega too?


There were so many flaws in his argument, they didn’t even know where to start criticizing.


Because of the moving this time, there were quite a few Alpha figures busy helping with the luggage in the Omega temporary dormitory.


These Alphas were undoubtedly here to help with the luggage, and each of them was carrying several suitcases. This should have been a moment to show off their self-charm, but as soon as Lu Jingning appeared, he outshone everyone else and instantly overshadowed their performances.


One Alpha couldn’t help but joke, “Lu Jingning, your boyfriend power is off the charts!”


This sentence received unanimous praise from the surrounding Omegas, and someone even took advantage of the excitement, blushing, and gathered the courage to ask loudly, “Lu Ge, would you consider an Omega x Omega romance?”


After this opening, other Omegas seemed to be inspired one after another, and they began to confess one after another. The Alphas around couldn’t help but feel envious.


Lu Jingning couldn’t help but laugh in this atmosphere.


The gleam of the stars happened to fall on his golden hair, making him look exceptionally dazzling.


The Omegas couldn’t help but be dazzled, and they couldn’t help but scream again.


Some of the other Alphas were starting to feel uncomfortable.


Is his presence really that low-key?


Lu Jingning’s playful spirit was also piqued. He glanced at Yan Hebin next to him and provocatively curled his lips, “Uh, this is my roommate and manager. If you need anything, you can contact him.”


Yan Hebin held back for a moment but couldn’t hold it in and burst out, “Get lost.”


Lu Jingning blinked innocently, “Hey, Scholar, this won’t do. I helped you carry the boxes, others don’t have this kind of treatment!”


Omegas around: “Ahhh, Lu Ge, help me carry mine, I can!!!”


Lu Jingning smiled victoriously, “You see.”


Yan Hebin’s face darkened, and he was about to reach out and snatch, “Give me back the boxes.”


Lu Jingning agilely moved aside, originally just trying to avoid Yan Hebin, but unexpectedly, there was someone behind him.


After being tripped up, he instinctively tried to find a support to lean on, but someone’s hand reached out and pulled him over.


A very familiar voice came from above, half-smiling and somewhat ambiguous, “Lu Ge, you’re quite popular.”


The appearance of the newcomer made the surrounding area strangely quiet for a moment, then someone couldn’t help but cover their face and let out a low breath, and a few even secretly took a few pictures with their terminals.


What kind of divine scene is this, OMG!!!


Wen Xingchen had originally come to see if there was any need for help, but coincidentally, he happened to witness a massive pheromone release scene.


Lu Jingning at this time was almost leaning on Wen Xingchen’s body, staring into those deep eyes, and for a rare moment, he fell silent, “…”


There was a somewhat inexplicable feeling of a car crash happening on-site.


Fortunately, Wen Xingchen didn’t seem to have any intention of clinging to this topic. After helping him steady himself, he casually took the boxes from his hands, “We’re in the same class on the light cruiser, let’s go, don’t be late.”


After speaking, he glanced at Jiang Luan, who was standing by watching the show.


Jiang Luan, who had just come back to his senses, took the other boxes handed over by Wen Xingchen and smiled at Yan Hebin, “Classmate, let me help you carry them.”




Yan Hebin, seeing his luggage change hands in an instant, was too lazy to say anything.



As soon as Lu Jingning boarded the light cruiser, he received a communication from Yu Qingcang.


Coincidentally, Yu Qingcang was arranged in the first batch of departures, so he couldn’t come to Yan Hebin’s side to show off his strong Alpha side, which can be said to be very painful, and even through the communicator, you could feel his full sense of loss.


[Yu Qingcang: Have you departed yet? Heartbroken.jpg]


[Lu Jingning: Just boarded the ship. Have you arrived?]


[Yu Qingcang: Yeah, I’m here… I want to wait for you guys at the entrance for a while.]


[Lu Jingning: Forget it, buddy, it’s fate! It seems that heaven didn’t want to give you a chance to show off.]


[Yu Qingcang: Stop talking about it—! I hate it!!!]


Lu Jingning originally wanted to tell Yu Qingcang that Yan Hebin really wasn’t interested in him, out of concern for his childhood friend, and sincerely advised him to find a new target to pursue.


But when he thought about how this big guy was having feelings for the first time, he deleted and edited his message for a long time and still didn’t know how to send it out.


In the end, Lu Jingning sighed and deleted the entire content.


Forget it, there’s nothing wrong with youthful vigor!


Just as he was about to change the topic, another message from Yu Qingcang came in.


[Yu Qingcang: Lao Lu! Guess who I saw!]


[Lu Jingning: Who?]


[Yu Qingcang: Su Qian!]


[Lu Jingning: !!!]


Wen Xingchen noticed that Lu Jingning suddenly had a thick smile between his brows and couldn’t help but ask, “What’s making you so happy?”


Lu Jingning looked up, his eyes bright, and his lips couldn’t help but rise, “Yu Qingcang said my good buddy is coming to the school!”




One had to admit that the term “good buddy” was very endearing.


Seeing Lu Jingning’s unusual happiness because of the appearance of another man, Wen Xingchen’s lips involuntarily curled down slightly, “You seem to have quite a few ‘good buddies.'”


Lu Jingning: “Well, I do have a few, but Su Qian is different.”


Wen Xingchen’s lips curled up faintly, “Oh? What’s different about him?”


Lu Jingning wrinkled his brows, thinking for a moment, but he didn’t know how to describe it.


Wen Xingchen’s gaze swept over him as he thought deeply, then suddenly leaned in.


Lu Jingning’s words, which were halfway through being prepared, suddenly got stuck in his throat. He opened his mouth, “What… what are you doing?”


Wen Xingchen reached out and grabbed his wrist, not answering but getting even closer.


Their breaths instantly merged.


They were sitting in the last row of the light cruiser, and it was about to depart, so no one noticed what was happening here.


Lu Jingning roughly guessed Wen Xingchen’s intention. In such a public place, he couldn’t help but stiffen his posture, “Don’t be ridiculous…”


Before he could finish speaking, the response he got was the soft touch of another’s lips covering his.


Around them were the hushed voices of others, and Lu Jingning was somewhat surprised by this sudden surprise. He also felt like he was burning up.


Just at this moment, Jiang Luan in the front row happened to turn around, “Hey, can’t you guys…”


When he saw the scene in the back row, his words suddenly came to a halt.


His expression was extraordinarily vivid.


Lu Jingning heard Jiang Luan’s voice and instinctively tried to push Wen Xingchen away, but he was firmly held in place.


He was afraid that making a big scene would attract the attention of others, so he could only widen his eyes and glare at Jiang Luan.


However, Wen Xingchen paid no attention to him and only gave Jiang Luan a strange look.


For some reason, Jiang Luan seemed to read a life-threatening threat from this short glance.


Out of a survival instinct, he immediately turned back without looking to the side.


Lu Jingning couldn’t help but curse inwardly: Damn it?!!!


After a while, Wen Xingchen finally let go of him.


Lu Jingning’s breathing was slightly heavy as he looked at the guy in front of him who was tidying up his slightly disheveled clothes. He rubbed his somewhat swollen lips and clenched his teeth, “What the hell are you doing!”


Wen Xingchen reached out to smooth out the wrinkles on his shoulder and said slowly after a while, “My boyfriend is too flirtatious, and I don’t feel secure. So I decided to put a leash on him first.”


Lu Jingning: “???”


Author’s note: Alright, it seems that Lu Jingning is attracting quite a bit of attention. Let’s give him a new title, like “Emperor of Jealousy, Wen Xingchen.”


T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you life 🙂 I love reading them!

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