Day: November 15, 2023

Chapter 26 – It’s hard to escape the Omegaverse trope!

Chapter 26


Tang Xiyan felt like he had spent centuries standing there, longing to step forward and separate the two of them. He wanted to pull Qu Di into his arms, even if Qu Di told him it wasn’t voluntary, he would believe it.


But he was afraid. He was afraid of being mercilessly mocked, afraid that if he compared himself to Shu Yi, he would be nothing in Qu Di’s eyes.


He felt like a joke, thinking he was the irreplaceable one in his heart, tossing and turning over it.


In reality, he was just an ordinary passerby, and someone had already taken residence in Qu Di’s heart when he wasn’t looking.


He suddenly remembered a saying: “When a talented man and a beautiful woman fall in love, what right does a monster like you have to object!”


For the first time in his life, he felt inferior. He took a step back and concealed himself in the darkness, staring at his own toes, lost in thought.


The three of them were like a meteor shower, with Tang Xiyan being the insignificant night, just a background in their passionate love, known to no one.


Qu Di’s legs went weak from the kisses, and Shu Yi held him in his arms, letting him lean on his shoulder. Together, they quietly enjoyed the splendid finale. Tang Xiyan stood there for a while, feeling a sense of loneliness, and then turned and walked away.


They didn’t even notice him.


He walked away as if fleeing, as if escaping from everything as long as he left this place. He hurried down the mountain, taking two steps for every one. But he wasn’t paying attention, and he stepped on empty air, his first instinct was to protect his head. In fact, there was a small platform just ahead, so he fell directly into the muddy grass.


There were no external injuries, but his clothes were stained with mud. He struggled to get up, and a cricket hopped onto his head and then jumped away.


Now even a small bug is picking on me! Tang Xiyan angrily stomped on the gloating cricket a few times.


After that, he stared at the bug’s lifeless body and said, “Jerk!”


His voice was hoarse, with a hint of crying and grievances, but he stubbornly didn’t cry. He was just a Beta, wasn’t he? He didn’t even lack an Omega. Why would he need you, a Beta? I don’t like you at all. I used to worry a lot because I thought you liked me. Now it’s better. My worries are gone.


From now on, they would just be boss and subordinate, assistant and artist…


With his hands in his pockets, he walked down the mountain slowly. This time, he wouldn’t fall again. He would leave everything behind here. He was still Tang Xiyan, fearless and unburdened Tang Xiyan.


He sniffed, realizing that love and such things would only slow down his ascent. Sooner or later, Shu Yi would be under his feet.


This meteor shower lasted longer than expected, and even after it ended, Shu Yi and Qu Di still felt reluctant to part. They didn’t know if they were reluctant to leave each other or reluctant to leave this meteor shower.


Qu Di reminded, “Let’s go back. It’s getting late.”




Shu Yi seemed to sense Shu Yi’s lack of enthusiasm and thought he was still not satisfied. So he perked up and said, “Thank you. I had a great time tonight. It was the happiest day of my life.”


Qu Di didn’t lie. Since he came to his mother’s side, even though others said he was fortunate to have such a good stepfather and that his stepfather treated him well, he never felt a sense of belonging to that family. After starting school, he became quiet and had few friends, especially after he started dating Yang Ji, he spent a lot of time taking care of Yang Ji and working part-time. But Yang Ji had never cared about him.


He no longer hoped to receive love from others. Therefore, Shu Yi’s love was like an unexpected gift to him.


Qu Di only needed a little care and concern to nurture a beautiful flower in his heart. He would water and nurture this flower, ensuring it bloomed forever in his heart. Shu Yi was kind to him, and a garden of flowers had already grown in his heart for Shu Yi.


They swayed in the wind, emitting a delicate fragrance that intoxicated Qu Di.


Shu Yi patted his head, and there was something clearly deep in his eyes. “You’re too easily satisfied. You could… have more.”


Qu Di shook his head. “It’s enough for me. Some things aren’t better with more. Even if you give me a grain of sand, I’ll be happy.”


Shu Yi fell silent for a while, his face not looking great. He reached out and patted Qu Di’s head. “Let’s go back.”


Qu Di didn’t notice his off mood and followed him. He gently held Shu Yi’s hand. Shu Yi hesitated for a moment but eventually let Qu Di hold his hand.


The next day’s shooting was scheduled for the afternoon. It was said that the director had stayed up late to watch the meteor shower with his wife, so he didn’t wake up until noon. After having lunch, they officially started shooting. The first scene was the confrontation between Shu Yi and Tang Xiyan.


But Tang Xiyan seemed off, and they had to retake the scene four or five times, still not meeting the director’s expectations.


This scene depicted the longstanding enmity between an emperor and a general who had been friends since childhood but had drifted apart due to the emperor’s rise to power. The general, loyal to the country, had to embark on a dangerous mission to delay the enemy’s advance. The director wanted to see determination and trust in this scene, but Tang Xiyan couldn’t quite deliver.




“Xiyan, I needed the determination and trust in entrusting the nation to the emperor, not the ruthlessness and sorrow of wanting to kill.”


 The director sighed, not angry, as if he could tell that Tang Xiyan wasn’t in good shape. He waved his hand, letting Tang Xiyan take a break, and they continued shooting another scene.


Tang Xiyan didn’t say anything and left the scene. Qu Di frowned and approached him. This was the first time in many days that Tang Xiyan had a problem, and he had to comfort him.


Qu Di was about to say a few words of comfort, but Shu Yi stopped him. “Let him think for a while. He might find the key to getting into character better if he has some time alone. If you go over, you might disturb him.”


“Is that so?” But Tang Xiyan really didn’t seem okay.


“Sometimes I feel the same way. Give him some time alone to think about his role. It might be better.”


Tang Xiyan didn’t say anything, but Qu Di was sure he had noticed the true nature of his relationship with Shu Yi.


Several days later, Tang Xiyan found an opportunity to send Qu Di to buy bubble tea. Qu Di had noticed that even though Tang Xiyan’s performance had improved in recent days, he still seemed unenthusiastic. He decided to give Tang Xiyan some time to relax.


Once Qu Di was gone, Tang Xiyan approached Shu Yi, his face cold, and spoke to him in a voice only they could hear. “Come with me.”


Shu Yi looked at him with amusement. He had thought that Tang Xiyan would lose his temper, but when he heard the last sentence, he quietly took a deep breath. It’s okay. They hadn’t gone all the way yet. He had to stay calm.


Shu Yi was a bit surprised. He thought Tang Xiyan wouldn’t be able to control his temper, but he gave a faint smile and said, “Well, that’s fine. You can break up even if you’re together, and you can divorce even if you’re married. Shu Yi, don’t think you’ve won!”


“At least for now, I stand before you as the winner.”


“I didn’t want to compete with you. He likes you now. I’m not stupid enough to be a third party.” Tang Xiyan said with mixed feelings, “But… if you mistreat him, even just a little…”


He didn’t finish the sentence, but both of them understood.


As an Alpha, Tang Xiyan’s love interest was coveted by him, and it seemed to arouse his long-lost competitive spirit. He coldly chuckled, “We’ll see.”


“At least now I’m standing before you as the victor.”

T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!

Chapter 26 – Immortal Dream Come True

Chapter 26


As they watched Jiuying gradually dissipate, silence fell over the group. Only Xie Li felt curious and jumped up, trying to grab the starlight, but he ended up falling flat on his face.


“Your Highness, did that big snake die?” Xie Li asked casually.


“Yes,” replied Si Lan.


“Wasn’t he the monster that split the mountain in two earlier?”




“Well, he must have been a pitiful creature, with just a single head floating around…” Xie Li continued, gesturing with his hands.


Seeing this, Quze pulled Xie Li behind him, preventing him from bothering Si Lan any further.


Si Lan looked a bit exhausted at the moment. He was about to lead a group of children out of the cave when he remembered someone and quickly woke up the Snake Mother who had been choked behind the statue.


The Snake Mother had taken human form and was lying on the ground. When she woke up, she looked around cautiously, not seeing the nine-headed snake’s figure. Her voice trembled as she asked, “Is he dead?”


Si Lan nodded.


The Snake Mother sighed in relief, and her gaze became steady as she looked at Si Lan. Then, she tried to stand up but her body gave way, and she fell into Si Lan’s arms.


Si Lan hurriedly supported her and said, “Be careful.”


“I… I can’t walk.”


She hadn’t eaten since being imprisoned, and her cultivation had been sealed, leaving her with less energy than an ordinary woman.


Si Lan originally intended to have Quze carry the Snake Mother, but he noticed that one of Quze’s iron arms had broken. So, he ended up carrying the Snake Mother himself.


The Snake Mother lowered her head slightly, her cheeks blushing.




Si Lan suddenly heard a sound and turned to see that Hao Wei’s small hand was pinching the rock wall. When he pulled his hand back, the part he had pinched crumbled and fell.


Hao Wei clapped his hands lightly and said, “The rock wall is a bit soft.”


Si Lan was speechless.


As they walked out of the cave, disciples from the Xuan Ling Sect and the Charm Snake Clan immediately approached. Although they didn’t know what had happened, they had heard the desperate and agonized cries of Jiuying in the forest, so they guessed that Jiuying had died.


“Lord Si, is that monster dead?” Xu Yi asked.




“That’s great!” Xu Yi and the other disciples cheered. “Our master and mistress can finally rest in peace. The only regret is that we didn’t get to see the monster die a miserable death!”


“But, even though his head is dead, there are still eight of his heads sealed under Xuan Ling Mountain. So in the future, you will have to continue guarding this place to ensure the safety of this realm,” Si Lan said to encourage them.


In reality, Jiuying’s eight remaining heads couldn’t gather his soul anymore. Even if the seal were broken, they would rot instantly.


He said this to motivate the Xuan Ling Sect disciples. Although Lou Yu was gone, the Xuan Ling Sect still had a role to play in this world.


After discussing with his junior disciples, Xu Yi began cleaning up Xuan Ling Mountain, determined to rejuvenate the Xuan Ling Sect.


On the side of the Charm Snake Clan, the Two-Headed Charm Snake saw Si Lan hugging the Snake Mother and led a group of young Charm Snakes over to take the Snake Mother. They quickly expressed their thanks and then gathered around her to help her heal.


Si Lan observed the situation around Xuan Ling Mountain and found the center of the Eight Trigram Array. He reached out and, in an instant, a huge Extreme Sound Eight Trigram Array appeared on the ground.


The array had eight directions and a central point.


The central point of the array was missing a piece, which had caused Jiuying’s head to wake up.


Si Lan gently touched the central point of the Eight Trigram Array and repaired the missing piece.


Although Jiuying would no longer cause chaos in the world, the Eight Trigram Array contained countless illusory phases. If someone accidentally fell into it, they would likely be trapped inside and die.


After completing these tasks, the Two-Headed Charm Snake inexplicably walked over and respectfully said, “Lord Si, our Snake Mother wants to speak with you.”


Si Lan raised his eyebrows in surprise and turned to look at the Charm Snake Clan. He saw a group of young Charm Snakes surrounding the Snake Mother. The Snake Mother was gently touching their heads one by one, smiling at them.


What did the Snake Mother want to say to him?


Perhaps sensing Si Lan’s gaze, the Snake Mother raised her head slightly, and her eyes met Si Lan’s with a gentle and affectionate look. She then quickly lowered her head.


Si Lan hesitated and said, “Alright.”


By a babbling brook, Si Lan and the Snake Mother walked side by side without a clear destination.


The Snake Mother had a graceful and elegant figure, with a slow and steady pace. It seemed that her injuries had not fully healed, and she occasionally coughed softly, appearing more fragile and pitiable.


Seeing that the other party remained silent, Si Lan took the initiative to speak, “Are your injuries getting better?”


“Somewhat,” the Snake Mother replied, lowering her head even more. “Thank you for saving me.”


“It’s nothing. You don’t need to thank me for that.”


“But I really don’t know how to repay you. Yet, I also want to repay you in my heart…” Suddenly, the Snake Mother turned around, raised her eyes, and gazed steadily at Si Lan.


Most likely due to the nature of snake women, the Snake Mother’s crimson eyes inexplicably captivated one’s heart and soul, with a hint of hidden charm. Her eyes reflected a few strands of hair swaying in the wind, making her enchanting.


Seeing the sincere look in her eyes, Si Lan spoke honestly, “Actually, I have killed three wives on my wedding day, and I have carried a bad reputation with me. No woman is willing to marry me.”


Upon hearing this, the Snake Mother lowered her head, her hands entwined in front of her.


“So, I probably won’t get married in this lifetime, and I won’t have children. This is the biggest regret in my heart. If you really want to repay me…”


“I’m willing,” the Snake Mother softly interrupted Si Lan.


“Alright… then call me ‘Father’ to make up for the regret of not being a father.”


“…” The Snake Mother.



In no time, Hao Wei and the others saw the Snake Mother returning, grumbling and completely different from the frail and pitiful appearance she had earlier.


Seemingly filled with anger, the Snake Mother beckoned and led the Charm Snake Clan away.


Si Lan followed from behind, picking two wild fruits along the way. He saw the Charm Snake Clan leaving in a hurry, and on his face, there was a trace of helplessness and confusion. But out of kindness, he reminded the Snake Mother, “Please don’t get angry easily because you still have restrictions in your body.”


The Snake Queen’s body staggered for a moment, but she didn’t say a word, only quickening her pace.


At this moment, a lone little Enchanting Snake transformed into a human form, specifically waiting for Si Lan to return. After waving farewell to Si Lan, the little Enchanting Snake set off to catch up with the Enchanting Snake clan.


It was Yu Shi.


The little Enchanting Snake whose two fangs had been removed by Si Lan.


Si Lan hadn’t seen Yu Shi before and had thought that Yu Shi had died in that massacre. His lips twitched, and he gave Yu Shi a faint smile.


“Your Majesty, what happened between you and the Snake Queen?” Xie Li curiously tugged at Si Lan’s robe and asked with gossip in his eyes.


Si Lan sighed and recounted his conversation with the Snake Queen. After finishing, he added, “She’s four hundred years old, and I’m over a thousand. She could be my daughter, right?”


Except for Xie Li, who didn’t understand, Hao Wei and Quze, upon hearing this, had slightly twitching faces.


It’s unclear whether this Demon Lord genuinely didn’t understand or was pretending not to.


“Oh, Your Majesty, I understand now. Maybe she wants to be your granddaughter.” Xie Li plucked a wild fruit from Si Lan’s hand, took a bite, and mumbled.


Si Lan nodded in agreement, “I think so too.”


Hao Wei and Quze…


Si Lan remembered that Hao Wei hadn’t eaten in a while and couldn’t let the Crown Prince of the Heavenly Realm go hungry, so he handed another wild fruit to Hao Wei. “Here, it’s fresh.”


Hao Wei took the wild fruit, his eyes twitching slightly.


Did this Demon Lord remember to pick some fruits for himself while chatting with the Snake Queen?


This Demon Lord had a bit of a conscience, but not much.


Before leaving Xuan Ling Mountain, Si Lan made another trip to Lou Yu’s grave.


Lou Yu, apart from practicing the sword, didn’t have many hobbies. Si Lan didn’t know what to bring to Lou Yu, so he brought a jar of wine.


He had many things he wanted to say in his heart, but when he actually opened his mouth, he found that he couldn’t say a word. In the end, he could only say helplessly, “Idiot.”


Perhaps this idiot didn’t think of himself as foolish but believed he was happy.


Si Lan took out the small stone that Jiuying had given him, used a spell, and looked at the dream world where Lou Yu and Zhong Mu were.



In the dream world’s Demon Valley, it appeared as it had before the great fire. The enormous Soaring Dragon Tree stood intact, its brown branches and leaves densely covering the sky.


Beneath the tree, Lou Yu was dressed in a red wedding gown, his figure tall and straight, standing there without moving.


Zhong Mu, as if waking from a nightmare, hurriedly rushed outside after putting on a long robe. As if guided by something, he stumbled his way to the Soaring Dragon Tree and saw a tall figure standing beneath it.


Leaves gently fell with the wind, Lou Yu turned around, his eyes gentle, and a slow smile appeared.


Zhong Mu’s heart suddenly moved, and he instinctively moved forward to hug Lou Yu.


But this time, in Zhong Mu’s dream, the figure he hugged didn’t dissipate. The two of them clung tightly together, as if transcending life and death, transcending worldly constraints, with nothing to hinder them.


Zhong Mu didn’t see the moment when Lou Yu, while embracing him, lowered his long lashes and shed tears.


In this dream, Zhong Mu and Lou Yu would have a smooth wedding and spend their remaining days in Demon Valley, free from obstacles.


Si Lan didn’t look any further and withdrew his consciousness from the illusion.


The dream was perfect, and he had never seen Lou Yu smile so gently before. Love truly intoxicated people.


The jar of wine was not yet finished; Si Lan emptied it in front of Lou Yu’s tombstone.


“I don’t know when I’ll have the time to visit you next. If you miss me, send me dreams.”


In the distance, three little kids were still waiting for Si Lan.


Hao Wei and Quze continued to wear frowns that made them look like someone owed them money, despite their young age.


And little Xie Li was on the side, counting his candies with intense focus.


When Si Lan approached them, he purposely made heavy footsteps. Xie Li heard the sound and quickly hid his candies in his pocket, then turned to Si Lan with a silly smile. “Your Majesty, you’re back.”


“Mm.” Si Lan patted Xie Li’s little head, thinking that Xie Li had been through quite a lot these days, so he would let him secretly eat a few candies.


“Your Majesty, are you going back to the Demon Realm?”




As soon as Si Lan finished speaking, Quze used the remaining strength in his left hand to perform a Cloud-Walking Technique and summoned a cloud.


Si Lan remembered that Quze was injured, but throughout the journey, Quze never said a word about the pain, let alone mention the severed right arm.


This child was always unwilling to trouble Si Lan. If Si Lan didn’t ask, he wouldn’t speak.


Calm and mature to the point of being somewhat self-punishing.


Si Lan suddenly looked at him with compassion. “Quze, the images Jiuying showed you were real. I did indeed cut off your right arm.”


“I know,” Quze replied with an unchanged expression.


Si Lan tentatively asked, “Aren’t you angry?”


“If Your Majesty cut off my right arm, there must have been a reason.”


“…” Si Lan.


Hao Wei, on the side, raised his head and looked at Quze with an expression that probably said, “Is this guy not a fool?”


Quze’s trust in Si Lan, on the contrary, made Si Lan feel somewhat ashamed. He pursed his lips and carefully explained, “I wasn’t planning to tell you this, but now that you know, I’ll tell you the whole story.”


Quze nodded.


“My second wife, Lan Lan, was a koi spirit from the Jing River. Shortly after her death, the Jing River was attacked by the Blue Shrimp Yao Clan, and all the koi spirits were slaughtered. The koi spirit chief, on the brink of death, found me and begged me to take you in. The Blue Shrimp Yao Clan also came and demanded that I hand you over.”


“The enmity between the Blue Shrimp Yao Clan and the koi spirits spans thousands of years and is difficult to untangle. When the koi spirits were thriving, they almost wiped out the Blue Shrimp Yao Clan. So now that the Blue Shrimp Yao Clan is in power, they want to exterminate the koi spirits. I didn’t want to get involved in the war between these two groups, but I owed Lan Lan a debt. You, being a koi spirit and a member of Lan Lan’s clan, the chief asked me to save your life for Lan Lan’s sake, so I decided to protect you.”


During this time, there was a little episode. Quze had been crying continuously, and Si Lan approached him with a stern face, asking him not to cry. Quze stopped crying.


At that moment, Si Lan felt a bit more fond of this obedient little koi spirit.


“I told the Blue Shrimp Yao Clan that I would take care of you from now on and make sure you wouldn’t be a threat to them. However, they didn’t believe me. So, in their presence, I swung my sword and severed your right arm. Only then did they agree to spare you. That night, you asked me why I didn’t give you a new arm, and I told you I couldn’t, but I lied. I could help you regenerate your arm, but if the Blue Shrimp Yao Clan found out, they would still try to eliminate you.”


After Si Lan finished speaking, he thought that Quze’s expression might change, but he realized that Quze remained expressionless. “Your Majesty, I understand.”


“If you hate me, it’s only fair.”


“I don’t hate you. I know you were trying to save me.” Quze replied without hesitation.


Even if Si Lan had no reason to cut off his arm, he wouldn’t bear any resentment. Si Lan had given him his life, and without Si Lan, he would have died countless times.


In his youth, he often found himself in dangerous situations, and every time he cried “Your Majesty,” Si Lan would instantly appear at his side, rescuing him from peril.


Si Lan never thought of him as foolish or troublesome. He would personally teach him how to break through formations, use spells, and subdue monsters and demons.


Si Lan’s kindness to him had accumulated over time, seeping into every aspect of life. His trust in Si Lan was also built in this way, and it couldn’t be easily broken by a few words from others.


Si Lan nodded with satisfaction. Quze was truly a promising disciple, and it was not in vain that he had saved him from the Blue Shrimp Yao Clan.


“Now that you know your origins, do you want revenge?” Si Lan’s innermost wish was for Quze not to seek revenge but to look ahead. However, he couldn’t advise his disciple to be magnanimous when he himself couldn’t overcome his own hatred.


“Your Majesty, no matter what I do in the future, I will always tell you the truth.” Quze didn’t provide a clear answer.


Si Lan knew that Quze was likely struggling with his feelings and didn’t press further.


The cloud descended on the Zhuyun Peak, and the group returned to the Demon Realm.


Si Lan stood on the mountaintop, looking at the twelve peaks in the distance, shrouded in clouds, and turned to Hao Wei, saying, “Look, those are the lands I’ve conquered for you.”


Hao Wei glanced at him indifferently, turned away, and left.


A childish Demon Lord.


“Chong Ying, your father sent someone to the Demon Realm to find you last time. Are you going back?” Si Lan asked as he followed Hao Wei.


Hao Wei made a sound of agreement. His cultivation had mostly recovered, but he still wanted to taste a drop of Si Lan’s blood before returning.


Si Lan seemed a bit reluctant and sighed. “If you miss me, you can come to the Demon Realm to see me.”


“…” Hao Wei.


Who would miss him?


Hao Wei gritted his teeth and decided to drink a bit more of his blood later to make up for the humiliation he had endured during this time.


Si Lan reached out to pat Hao Wei’s head, then checked his spiritual realm, still unable to discern his level of cultivation.


“Chong Ying, when we were in the cave, Jiuying almost broke out of the formation within me. It was you who used your spiritual power to suppress him, right?” Si Lan asked tentatively. When he was severely injured and on the verge of spitting blood, almost losing half his life to Jiuying, a powerful force broke into his body, suppressing Jiuying.


He thought about it, and at that time, there were only Hao Wei and Quze with him in the cave. Quze couldn’t possess such powerful cultivation, so it must have been Hao Wei…


Hao Wei didn’t intend to reveal his true identity to Si Lan to avoid conflicts. Besides, if people found out that the Demon King had captured and toyed with the Emperor, it would ruin his reputation and dignity.


“It wasn’t me,” Hao Wei replied tersely. Perhaps feeling a bit guilty, his expression became even more tense after he spoke.


“Then it must have been you who injured Quze.”


Hao Wei’s lips twitched. “I just pushed him lightly, and he started coughing up blood.”


“…” Si Lan.


After a moment of silence, Si Lan simply said, “Okay,” and didn’t inquire any further.


That night, Si Lan was making a prosthetic arm for Quze and ended up working late into the night. He ended up dozing off in his chair.


Hao Wei walked up to Si Lan, his gaze tracing Si Lan’s forehead, nose, chin, and down to his neck. He leaned closer, his eyes sharp, and suddenly bit into Si Lan’s shoulder and neck.


Si Lan groaned, his eyelashes quivering slightly as if he was about to wake up. Immediately, Hao Wei extended his hand and pressed a point on Si Lan’s body, causing Si Lan to fall into a deep sleep once again.


Hao Wei saw that the bite mark on Si Lan’s neck had faded, and he bit down with even more force.


This mark would probably not disappear easily for a while.



Si Lan slept deeply, only waking up the next day around noon.


The scattered parts and fragments of the unfinished prosthetic arm on the ground had disappeared, leaving only a fully assembled iron arm lying there.


Si Lan picked up the prosthetic arm, licked his lips, and wondered why he remembered falling asleep halfway through making it the night before.


He tried the prosthetic arm and found that the mechanisms inside were much more flexible than what he had initially crafted.


At that moment, he felt a sharp pain on his neck. He reached to touch it and saw a faint bloodstain on his fingertip.


He quickly stood up from his chair, “Chong Ying… Chong Ying…”


This little creature is incorrigible!


And he dares to sneakily drink his blood!


Does he really consider him a walking blood bank?!


He didn’t hear a reply and thought that the little guy had hidden somewhere. He walked out and raised his voice to call him, but there was still no response, only a flock of wild birds on the Zhuyun Peak taking flight.


It was then that he realized that the little one had returned to the Heavenly Court.

T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!

Chapter 86 – Can you feel the fatherly love

Chapter 86 – Can you feel the fatherly love


Jian Luo looked at Lu Shifeng, his eyes sparkling, and sighed, “This is so cool.”


Lu Shifeng: “Hmm?”


“In the summer, it must be really refreshing to have scales.” Jian Luo, an honest person, continued, “Your Dragon clan is amazing. You can have scales whenever you want, keeping you cool in the summer.”


Lu Shifeng fell silent.


Seeing that he wasn’t speaking, Jian Luo felt a bit embarrassed and realized he might have said something wrong. He awkwardly changed the topic, “Have you been seriously injured?”


Lu Shifeng looked down at him from a higher vantage point and replied calmly, “Why do you ask?”


“Because the last time I saw your arm injury, it was covered in scales.” Jian Luo presented his evidence. “So, are you injured now? Is it serious? What did the doctor say? Can it be treated?”


Three consecutive questions, each more ridiculous than the last.


Lu Shifeng stared quietly at him and finally asked, “Aren’t you afraid?”


This time, Jian Luo was puzzled, “Afraid of what?”


Silence fell between them as they locked eyes.


Finally, Jian Luo realized what Lu Shifeng might have been avoiding him these past few days because he was worried that Jian Luo might be afraid of his scales.


Is that it?


Jian Luo felt like a thousand crows were flying over his head. He inwardly scolded himself, “What do I have to be afraid of? You forgot that night when you saw scales on yourself, didn’t you?”


Lu Shifeng’s blood-red eyes dimmed.


Jian Luo wished he could bite his own tongue. It was so easy to blurt things out. He quickly added, “Anyway, isn’t it normal for Dragons to have scales?”


He didn’t say anything particularly touching, but for some reason, it felt like someone had scattered little flowers from the sky, and they all landed on Lu Shifeng’s heart.


Lu Shifeng looked at Jian Luo, and slowly, a smile formed in his eyes, and the corners of his mouth curved up.


Jian Luo tilted his head and said, “Hey, you actually smiled.”


Lu Shifeng’s expression turned serious. “Haven’t I smiled before?”


“Yes, you have,” Jian Luo replied earnestly, “but this smile feels different from the others.”


Indeed, Lu Shifeng’s smile had always been somewhat eerie.


How should he put it? It was like the cold smile of the head teacher when he caught you daydreaming during class. It had a strange charm to it.


But more importantly, Jian Luo always felt that smile didn’t reach his eyes, like it wasn’t a genuine expression of happiness.


But just now, he had genuinely smiled, unlike any of his previous smiles. It was like a rare plum blossom blooming on the desolate and remote Snow Mountain, beautiful and inspiring.


Lu Shifeng sat down next to the sickbed. “Dopamine production is reduced in Anxing people, so it’s normal that it feels different.”


“So, were you genuinely happy just now?” Jian Luo asked internally, “Wasn’t that night you seemed so happy?”


He silently sighed. Leaning against the bed, he said, “Can I go back now?”


Lu Shifeng looked at the completed IV drip and raised an eyebrow, “Or do you want to hang a couple more bags of saline?”


“No,” Jian Luo replied, “I’m done.”


Lu Shifeng got up from the bed, and Jian Luo’s legs felt a bit weak. When he stood on the ground, he felt a bit dizzy and had to steady himself for a moment.


Seeing him in discomfort, Lu Shifeng furrowed his brows and asked, “Can you walk?”


Jian Luo nodded, “I just need a moment to recover.”


“I’ll carry you.”


With those words, Lu Shifeng lifted him up horizontally. For the Dragon clan, the weight of a human was almost negligible. Jian Luo exclaimed and clung to his neck to prevent himself from falling.


Lu Shifeng glanced down at him.


Because they were so close now, Jian Luo could see Lu Shifeng’s scales on his neck more clearly. His eyes widened as he examined them closely. But before he could study them in detail, Lu Shifeng moved away.


Outside, Secretary Jin, who had been waiting, spoke up, “Marshal…”


Lu Shifeng turned to look at her.


“Nothing,” Secretary Jin quickly corrected herself when she saw Jian Luo. “You’re busy. I’ll go.”


On the way back with Jian Luo, they encountered many soldiers. They all stopped to greet Lu Shifeng and noticed Jian Luo in his arms, but none of them dared to stare for too long.


Jian Luo thought Lu Shifeng would take him back to his room but was surprised when they arrived at the cafeteria. “Why are we here?”


“To eat,” Lu Shifeng said and motioned for him to stand aside. “What would you like to eat?”


Jian Luo stared in amazement, “Are you going to cook for me?”


Lu Shifeng nodded.


Jian Luo was left speechless. If he broadcasted this live, with Lu Shifeng cooking, he’d probably become the number one interstellar internet sensation.


But there was a more important question.


Jian Luo asked seriously, “Um, Dragon Brother, can you actually cook?”


Lu Shifeng raised an eyebrow at his question and countered, “What makes you think I can’t?”


Jian Luo chuckled awkwardly, “Of course not.”


Isn’t this how you perceive him? Do I really need to state the obvious?


However, in front of Jian Luo, Lu Shifeng rolled up his sleeves and skillfully took out some meat from the freezer. After a simple preparation, he started cutting the vegetables.


Jian Luo approached, saying, “Let me help.”


Lu Shifeng didn’t let him, saying, “Just stay there.”


“I’m not doing anything else,” Jian Luo watched his actions, “Do you really know how to cook? Have you learned before?”


Lu Shifeng, while slicing the potatoes into strips, replied, “No.”


Jian Luo was quite surprised.


“Do you need to learn?” Lu Shifeng threw the vegetables into the pot. “I understood it after watching once.”


What? Was that even possible?


Jian Luo took a few steps back and went to wash and steam the rice, saying, “I never learned to cook either. I figured it out on my own; no one taught me.”


Lu Shifeng flipped the vegetables in the pan with a spatula. “You don’t seem clumsy.”


Jian Luo protested, “I’m naturally talented, you know.”


A hint of a smile tugged at the corner of Lu Shifeng’s mouth.


Both of them quietly prepared a few dishes in the kitchen, all of them simple home-cooked meals. The only remarkable thing was that these dishes were prepared by the renowned Grand Marshal of the entire interstellar military.


If the enemy knew that Marshal Lu Shifeng not only commanded the army but also cooked for a human, they would probably be dumbfounded.


Jian Luo sat at the dining table, saying, “I’ll try it.”


Lu Shifeng wiped his hands and watched him eat in silence.


Because he had been experiencing bouts of nausea these past few days, Jian Luo was cautious not to eat too much at once, fearing he might vomit again.


As he put a forkful of potato shreds into his mouth, the fragrance of the potato filled his senses, and it was crispy and delicious. Dragons liked spicy food, but Lu Shifeng had controlled the spiciness perfectly for his sensitive stomach.


Jian Luo sighed, “It’s delicious.”


Lu Shifeng continued to watch him silently.


After a while, just as Jian Luo was about to say that he hadn’t vomited this time, a wave of nausea hit him as expected. He covered his mouth and rushed to find a place to vomit.


Once he had finished vomiting, he felt like his stomach had been emptied.


Lu Shifeng stood beside him and asked, “Has it been like this for the past few days?”


Jian Luo nodded and rinsed his mouth. Straightening up, he said, “I’m used to it.”


Lu Shifeng looked at his pale face, and considering that Jian Luo didn’t like needles and had spent some time lying in the hospital bed, he was clearly not in good condition. With several more days of travel on the warship ahead, prolonging this condition would be detrimental.


Seeing that Lu Shifeng kept watching him, Jian Luo smiled, “Maybe I just can’t handle the food you cooked.”


Lu Shifeng raised an eyebrow.


Jian Luo chuckled awkwardly, “Of course not.”


Wasn’t that how you saw him? Did I really need to state the obvious?


Nevertheless, Lu Shifeng pulled Jian Luo back.


Jian Luo thought they were about to fight, but the Grand Marshal brought him back to the table, held him in his arms, and as Jian Luo stared in shock, he lifted a spoonful of food to his lips and said, “Eat.”


Jian Luo blinked, opened his mouth, and obediently swallowed the food.


Lu Shifeng’s hand rested on Jian Luo’s slightly protruding belly due to the pregnancy. He lightly tapped it, conveying a clear threat.


Jian Luo cooperatively finished his meal and then said, “I’m thirsty.”


Lu Shifeng fetched him a red dragon fruit milk tea.


The meal was eaten in a peaceful atmosphere. After a while, Jian Luo asked, “Hey, it seems like I didn’t vomit this time.”


Lu Shifeng nodded, finally putting him down. “Go rest; I’ll be with you.”


Jian Luo hadn’t had a proper meal in days, and now he felt energized. He pouted, “Not tired at all, I’m not tired at all!”


Seeing Jian Luo so full of energy, Lu Shifeng decided not to insist, “I’ll escort you back.”


Jian Luo paused, and his enthusiasm visibly wilted. He looked at Lu Shifeng, and with some effort, he said, “Back to my room again?”


Lu Shifeng finally realized and said, “To my quarters?”


Jian Luo’s eyes lit up. “Can I?”


Lu Shifeng nodded, “But you can only stay in front of me; no wandering.”


“Got it!”


Jian Luo had been to Lu Shifeng’s office before, but it was better than staying alone.


The two of them returned, one after the other, and as they approached the door, they ran into the adjutant. The adjutant’s expression changed noticeably when he saw Jian Luo behind Lu Shifeng, but he didn’t say much. He simply bowed respectfully to Lu Shifeng and said, “Marshal.”


Lu Shifeng replied with a simple “Hmm” and instructed, “Get some fruit and snacks delivered.”


The adjutant acknowledged, saying, “Yes.”


Once inside, Jian Luo could finally see the full view of this office. It was typically Lu Shifeng, minimalist to the extreme. Apart from the sofa and coffee table in front of the desk, there were almost no decorations.


Jian Luo couldn’t help but remark, “So simple.”


Lu Shifeng sat at the desk and said, “Too many things can be distracting. Find some books you like to read.”


Jian Luo didn’t need to; he took out a book he had borrowed from the High Priest’s place. “I have this.” It was a book on human history. He hadn’t finished it last time, so he continued reading. As he flipped through the pages, he discovered that history was like a circle, a cycle of rise and fall that never changed.


Halfway through, he unexpectedly found a holographic image ring. Jian Luo tapped it, and suddenly, a three-dimensional, azure-blue Mercury appeared before him. The Earth’s landmasses were reflected in his eyes. This small blue planet was tranquil and beautiful, making it impossible not to be moved.


Only those who had been away from their homeland for a long time could feel tears welling up when they saw their mother Earth, and only those who had lost their homes and wandered before returning could understand the emotion of seeing their homeland again.


This was Earth, the mother planet of humanity, their home. They once had homes, not just guests sitting on cold benches.


Jian Luo sniffled, took a deep breath, and reached out as if to touch the small blue planet. However, the holographic projection disappeared the moment his finger made contact. In an instant, the azure-blue Mercury vanished, like a mirage, here one moment and gone the next. In that moment, a sense of melancholy filled Jian Luo’s chest.


Lu Shifeng raised his head and saw Jian Luo staring blankly at the book. He said, “Jian Luo.”


Jian Luo looked up and said, “Hmm?”


“If you want to see it again, just tap it.”


Lu Shifeng’s tone was indifferent, and he added, “No need to daydream.”




What a guy.



The next day


After spending several days on the warship, Jian Luo’s complexion had improved visibly, thanks to Lu Shifeng’s paternal care. The morning sickness had also subsided.


“Where are you taking me?”


Jian Luo followed behind Lu Shifeng, asking curiously.


Lu Shifeng walked ahead without turning his head. “You said you were bored. We’re passing by a planet where we can make a stop. I’ll take you down to relieve your boredom.”


Jian Luo had never been to an alien planet before, or rather, he had never been off a planet. This was his first time on an extraterrestrial world. He got excited as soon as he heard they were leaving the ship. “Which planet is it? Why didn’t you mention it earlier? I need to prepare and gather information to see if there are any local specialties I can bring back!”


Lu Shifeng glanced at him. “You don’t need to prepare.”




They had reached the airlock. Lu Shifeng helped Jian Luo adjust his protective suit and then put a mask on him. After ensuring it was safe, he said, “No one knows this place better than you do.”

T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


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