Day: November 28, 2023

Chapter 10 – The Duke (1)

       Shen Zhuofan was one of those model students who stood at the top of the pyramid when he was at Averio Academy. Legend has it that he had already read all the books on guide’s skill management before graduation, and he was very good at guiding mental power, guiding tendrils and consciousness manipulation.


       “Consciousness hypnosis is a very important thing. Although many of them are banned in the guidebook, I think it is very useful.” Shen Zhuofan earnestly taught Qin Yun, “The guide can even self-hypnotise. Of course I haven’t verified this. It’s said that only those at the god-level can achieve it.”

       Qin Yun glanced at him suspiciously, “So you have hypnotised a sentinel?”

       Shen Zhuofan: “…Although you are bad at learning, your sense of gossip is quite impressive.”

       “Actually, it’s not difficult to guess.” Qin Yun shrugged, “I’m not a fool… I have brought you a special heat stabilizer for two years… Only guides who have undergone the final marking experience will have a forced heat period every month.”

       Qin Yun glanced at Shen Zhuofan’s face, “Well… Why did you separate from your sentinel?”

       “…” Shen Zhuofan was silent for a while and said calmly, “To protect him.”

       Qin Yun was puzzled, “You can protect him by letting him forget about you…?”

       “Actually, I don’t know.” Shen Zhuofan sighed as if he was laughing at himself, “Maybe I am the coward… Regardless, I was the one who gave up on him first.”


       When Moschery returned to the living room, he saw his guide holding his chin in his hand in a daze. In front of him was a giant Mickey Mouse headband with half a rhinestones attached, and the tweezers in his hand were spinning.

       “What are you thinking about?” Moschery unbuttoned the collar of his uniform, took off his gloves and threw them casually on the bed, frowning, “Don’t show Zhongyan this style; do you want it to wear these ridiculous ears all day?”

       “…” Qin Yun: “I think it really likes them… wearing them occasionally won’t hurt.”

       Moschery’s face didn’t look good, and he muttered, “Women like to pamper their children.”

       Qin Yun didn’t hear clearly, “Huh?”

       “If you want to paste it, paste it quickly.” Moschery said impatiently, “We have other places to go today.”

       “Oh!” Qin Yun quickly packed up his things, “Then let’s go.”

       Moschery, “Aren’t you going to finish pasting?”

       Qin Yun said proudly, “No worries, I can paste the same ones on the way. My skills are top-notch now!”


       While Moschery piloted the aircraft, he endured Qin Yun neatly arranging rows of rhinestones on the co-pilot seat. Surprisingly, Qin Yun was still in the mood to joke, “Have you ever considered sticking the rhinestones on the aircraft? That way, when Zhongyan comes out to fly, he’ll be super, super happy!”

       Moschery laughed out loud, “Do you think the emperor would drive out in a shiny aircraft?!”

       Qin Yun imagined the scene for a moment: “Well, it’s not impossible… Sparkling with a luxurious and imposing golden light, a royal tycoon gold aircraft!”

       Moschery: “…”

       It was only when he was almost done pasting on the headband that Qin Yun remembered to ask Moschery, “Where are we going?”

       His Majesty the Emperor felt a headache when he saw those shiny Mickey Mouse ears and said angrily, “The residence of Grand Duke Garcia.”

       Qin Yun blinked: “Isn’t he your biggest political enemy…”

       Moschery’s face turned dark, “And who did you hear that from?”

       Qin Yun: “That’s what they all say on the internet… Don’t you read All Universe 818? Regarding the best attire for iron ladies in the political arena, General Lane Tristana is leading the way from afar. There’s also the undeniable affair between the Secretary of State and General Skarter, but the highest-clicked documentary remains the century-long political drama of love and rivalry between the Tyrant and Duke García.

       Moschery: “…”

       “Universe Picks had your masks as their best seller.” Qin Yun enlarged the store photo and showed it to Moschery, “Is it made exactly the same?”

       Moschery took one look and almost went crazy with anger, “…How could they have the nerve to say it’s the same model?! The dragon pattern on it was designed by me myself!! This is copyright infringement! Infringement!!!”


       The Garcia family could be said to be the last nobles in the Empire. The Grand Duke Garcia Senior was not optimistic about the weak Emperor Helu at the time and preferred Cabinet governance. As the Duke who controlled half of the Empire’s military power, with his support, the Cabinet held immense influence in both court and country. This continued until Moschery ascended the throne, and the Garcia Senior changed into the Garcia Junior.

       Arthur Garcia inherited Garcia Senior’s iron-fisted approach, but his temperament was more unpredictable. He was colder and crueler than his father, just like the spiritual link of their family—the Ruthless Lion.

       Needless to say, Arthur caused Moschery a lot of trouble. He had strong military power and an unreasonable personal style. Although he did not show any political ambitions, he was still more pro-cabinet like his father.

       “I remember that Duke Garcia sent troops when we attacked D Star…even though the cabinet opposed it.” Qin Yun recalled, “Is he leaning towards the royal family now?”

       “No, Arthur is just neutral.” A look of disdain appeared on Moschery’s face, “He has been living as if he were dead in the past two years, but he has a grudge against Berlin. As long as Berlin opposes it, he supports it. It’s childish. Like a child.”

       Qin Yun was embarrassed, “How come?”

       Moschery glanced at him and said calmly, “Something happened to his guide. In order to prevent Arthur from having a mental breakdown, the guide seems to have hypnotised him and made Arthur forget about him. But how is it possible to simply forget after being marked for life? Even if Arthur doesn’t remember him, he won’t forget about who harmed the love of his life.”

       Qin Yun frowned, thinking of the powerful iron lady, “But why did Mrs. Berlin want to harm the Duke’s guide?”

       Moschery smiled sarcastically, “Of course it’s because he shook up the Cabinet’s power. In addition to the marriage, the military power possessed by Garcia is also what the Cabinet relied on to control the government for many years. Arthur’s lover, the guide, is Lin Dongliang’s schoolmate. Who do you think he will favour?”

       There was 100% trust and obedience between the guide and the sentinel who had completed the final marking. They would give priority to each other, from their thoughts to their actions, influencing each other and respecting each other until they reached the most tacit understanding.

       “Arthur’s lover trusts the royal family, and Arthur naturally values him. How can the Cabinet endure it when they find out that they are about to be sabotaged?” Moschery said coldly, “Berlin even planned to make Arthur suffer a mental breakdown and lose military power. It’s a pity that the guide in question is no pushover either. Consciousness hypnosis is a forbidden technique, and it poses considerable risks to oneself. By reaching this point, he seems to care little about whether he can survive or not.”

       Qin Yun was silent for a long time and couldn’t help but ask, “Then did he… die in the end?”

       Moschery shook his head, “I don’t know… Even if the guide is not dead, the guide’s ability will definitely be gone. The final consequences of the guide being injected with a brain nerve-destroying agent will be the same.”

       Brain nerve-destroying agents were equivalent to the ‘death penalty’ in the guide world. Due to the existence of the All Universal Guide Protection Law, although a guide who had committed a felony would not be sentenced to death, he would be forcibly injected with a brain nerve-destroying agent and permanently lose his ability to guide. The unmarked guide would become no different from ordinary people, and the guide that had been their final marking would be in extreme pain, unable to soothe his sentinel mania, and his body would still be affected by the remaining pheromones of sentinel and be forced to go into heat every month. As they watched their sentinel collapse mentally, he would eventually die of depression.


       “Arthur has been relying on the mania suppressant stabiliser in the past few years, but  things are still getting worse.” Moschery parked the aircraft outside the Duke’s mansion, “He should really thank his guide for actually using consciousness hypnosis on him in the end. Otherwise, it wouldn’t just be mania suppressant now.”

       Moschery said coldly and disdainfully, “A sentinel that cannot protect its own guide is simply trash.”

       Qin Yun: “…” It’s very pitiful for him to have his household and the love of his life broken. Your Majesty, can’t you have some sympathy?!


       The Duke’s Residence was not much smaller than the Imperial Palace. If Moschery hadn’t led the way, Qin Yun would probably have embarrassed himself, much like his first visit to the Imperial Palace.

       The butler of the mansion was a young ordinary boy. Qin Yun felt a bit familiar when he first saw him but could not recall who he looked like for a moment.

       Moschery nodded: “Long time no see, Ke Qing.”

       Ke Qing smiled, “Your Majesty, you are truly too kind.” He looked at Qin Yun and bowed respectfully, “Welcome, Mr. Qin.”

       Qin Yun hurriedly returned the greeting, still unable to figure out the other person as he stared at the other person’s face.

       “Do you think he looks like someone?” Qin Yun couldn’t help but ask Moschery on the way to the back garden, “This face is just too ordinary, isn’t it…”

       Moschery rolled his eyes at him, “It’s not common. Haven’t you noticed that every man in this house looks a bit like him?”

       Qin Yun was startled. He took a peek around and found that it was actually true!

       Moschery snorted coldly, “Even though the person is forgotten, there is always an obsession in the subconsciousness. This Garcia person is engraved with the word ‘persistence’ even in his soul.”

The author has something to say:
The internet will be disconnected tomorrow, and there is no way to update. There is not much travel in Yunnan these days. I will make up for everyone later QAQ

Should I go for Keqing instead? (≧ε≦)

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Chapter 95 – "Do you understand what I mean?"

Chapter 95 – “Do you understand what I mean?”


The barrage of viewers went into a frenzy.


The Dark Star people had been childless for so many years, and while they were powerful, no one dared to mock them for their deadly weakness. But that didn’t mean they wouldn’t feel difficult and sad about not having children.


Just like ordinary people walking down the street, seeing someone holding a child’s hand, seeing someone shopping for their child, seeing someone preparing for pregnancy, and someone struggling with the idea of having a child. Whether happy or sad, it was something that made people envious.


And now, a hologram made them feel the fetal movements!




“I’m crying.”


“Ah, little one, I love you.”


“Please, can the streamer start broadcasting?”


Almost everyone who had activated the hologram felt the happiness of the fetal movements, and such feelings were not common in everyone’s lives.


The Dark Star people were not short of money; on the contrary, they were very generous. As long as they were moved enough, they wouldn’t be stingy.


For a while, the gifts in the entire live stream room kept coming, densely packed. Jian Luo’s live stream room had climbed to the top of the Dark Star’s live broadcast ranking. It had always hovered around the fourth or fifth position, but this small event had quickly pushed it to the top.


“Brothers, it’s worth investing.”


“Amazing, I’ve experienced the feeling of fetal movements in my lifetime.”


“Streamer, I’m following you now!”


Jian Luo hadn’t expected this. He had wanted to do a cooking live stream, but the baby in his belly casually stretched and turned over, and suddenly, he became popular.


Is this an unfair world?


Jian Luo put his mask back on and said, “Alright, let’s continue cooking the boiled fish.”


The fire in the pot was almost ready, and he opened the lid while talking to the audience. “As I mentioned earlier, when preparing this fish, you should mix it with starch. This way, it won’t become too tender, and it will have a better texture.”


The soup in the pot was almost ready, bubbling with hot steam. The aroma of chili, which had always been a food that could touch the heartstrings of anyone just by its smell, filled the air. He put the fish into the pot and added the prepared side dishes.


Jian Luo explained, “I’ve chosen bean sprouts and potatoes for the side dishes, but you can use whatever you like, it doesn’t have to be the same as mine.”


The viewers expressed dissatisfaction with the fish:


“This fish has too many bones.”


“Ah, I hate it, it’s so fishy.”


“Meow? I think it’s okay.”


“Streamer, eat less, don’t hurt the baby with the bones.”


Jian Luo was shocked by the barrage of comments. In the eyes of the Dark Star people, what did a human look like, and how could bones harm the baby?


After some thought, Jian Luo said, “Don’t worry, I’ve chosen a fish with fewer bones, and it won’t be a problem. Moreover, for the fishy smell, I’ve done some preparation to remove it. Some people may not have done this step and cooked it directly, which is why it may be fishy.”


His secretary handed him a cup of Red Heart Dragon Fruit Juice.


Jian Luo accepted it and said, “Thank you.”


This cup of milk tea quickly caught the attention of many people. Dark Star people usually drank nutrient solutions, which were typically green. Who would have something so bright and eye-catching as red?


“What is the streamer drinking?”


“It looks really good.”


“Ah, why is it so sweet?”


According to the shared taste sensation of the hologram, the taste of the Red Heart Dragon Fruit was truly exceptional. It was sweet with a hint of sourness, which balanced out the sweetness. One sip made people want to take another, as if it would never get boring. The little soft pearls inside the Dragon Fruit were delightful to chew, and the flavor was unmatched.


Jian Luo took a few sips and explained, “This is Dragon Fruit juice.”


Dark Star people were stunned.


Before this, they were aware of Dragon Fruit, and the vast majority of them had eaten it. However, the taste had been very unsatisfactory, bitter and very sour. According to the Dragon Fruit’s lore, it should only taste sweet when consumed by the pregnant father. Everyone knew that pregnant fathers experienced sweetness, but they had never imagined it would be like this! This was completely different from the taste of their beverage!


“I’m crying.”

“It’s too good.”

“But maybe only he can taste this flavor.”


Jian Luo saw that many people were talking about this drink in the barrage and said, “No, actually, I tried to make a milk tea, and the taste for those who aren’t pregnant is not bad either. But the amount of Red Heart Dragon Fruit available for sale in bulk is limited. If you like it, I can use other fruits to make juice.”


After all, he was relatively poor now, and he needed to make money in any way he could.


The audience responded enthusiastically:


“Damn, this fruit is so sweet.”


“I’m in on this project!”


“Man, when will nutrient solutions taste this good? Is thos why am I so thin?”


Since Jian Luo started thinking about making money, he began paying attention to the barrage, the preferences of these wealthy patrons, and where the money was going.


It seemed that his general direction was correct. How could there be no Happy Fat Otaku Water without snacks?


Jian Luo said, “I’ll try to research it, and I’ll share it with everyone as soon as it’s available.”


The fish in the pot had started to emit a tantalizing aroma. Jian Luo took the opportunity to add the seasoning, and the fish in the pot was cooked to perfection, with tender meat and a delightful spicy flavor.


Jian Luo held up a piece of fish for the camera, making it clear for everyone. “When you’re eating, do be careful of the thorns. The finished product looks like this.”


Originally, some viewers were concerned that it might be fishy, but when the actual dish came out, most of them were completely satisfied.


“No fishy taste at all.”


“Darn, this is so good.”


“I can’t handle the spiciness, ahh.”


Jian Luo shared some with the secretary and took a few bites himself. He noticed that some viewers couldn’t handle the spiciness and fell into deep thought. Indeed, it would be better to consider everyone’s tastes. Now that he was pregnant, he naturally prioritized his own preferences, choosing to make dishes that were spicier and more flavorful. But since he was aiming to make money, he realized he needed to be more considerate of others.


After finishing the dish, Jian Luo continued to interact with the audience. Just as he was about to close the backstage window, he received a message from Jiang Jiang. He opened the message and found that most of them were about Da Yu.


Jiang Jiang: “Luo Luo, I heard about what happened with Da Yu. Don’t be angry, he didn’t mean to trouble you intentionally. It’s just that some viewers couldn’t understand the situation, and it caused an argument. Don’t be mad.”


Jian Luo replied: “It’s okay, I don’t mind.”


Jiang Jiang: “Luo Luo, most of our streamers have schedules. Usually, the bigger ones avoid each other. How about I give you the schedule so you can check and try to avoid streaming at the same time as someone else? It’s not that you’re afraid of them, but it might reduce the conflicts among your fans.”


Jian Luo, while peeling edamame with his secretary, replied through voice messages, “My schedule isn’t fixed. I stream when I have time, so I can’t specifically avoid someone.”


Jiang Jiang was in a bit of a dilemma.


Jian Luo felt a bit exhausted. He said, “I’ll post a statement on the Star Network to clarify the situation and ask everyone not to bring this up elsewhere.”


Jiang Jiang was relieved. “Thank you!”


Jian Luo felt like he had solved the issue, but he hadn’t expected that after chatting with Jiang Jiang, he received another private message. Without much thought, he opened the window.


Da Yu: “Are you there?”




Jian Luo remained silent for a while, then replied, “Yes, what’s up?”


“Sorry about today,” Da Yu messaged him. “Next time, if a situation like this arises, I’ll stop streaming.”


Jian Luo: “?”


Da Yu: “You don’t mind?”


Jian Luo: “There’s no need for that.”


Did this guy really think he was so petty? In fact, he didn’t take this kind of thing seriously at all. These fans of the Dark Star people were not as tough as the keyboard warriors of the 21st century.


Da Yu: “You’re not mad?”


Jian Luo typed, “Why would I be mad? You haven’t caused any impact on me, but I may have affected your popularity, right? You don’t need to apologize. Let’s both do our best!”


Da Yu wanted to say something more, but after showing “typing” for a while, he deleted it and didn’t say anything in the end.


Jian Luo wasn’t in the mood to comfort him. He quickly closed the window.


“Ding dong.”


The sound of knocking came from the door.


Jian Luo paused in his edamame-peeling, looking curiously at his secretary. “Is Long Ge back?”


The secretary stood up. “He shouldn’t be back. The Marshal has a meeting today, and he won’t return until the evening. How could he be back so soon?”


She went to open the door, and the person standing there surprised her.


The Queen smiled at her. “I hope I’m not disturbing you.”


The secretary stepped aside. “Your Majesty, what brings you here?”


“We met briefly during a banquet, and I’ve been wanting to visit Mr. Jian ever since. I hope I’m not causing any inconvenience.”


Jian Luo stood up when he saw her. “Not at all.”


The Queen had a delicate and gentle appearance, exuding the aura of a friendly neighbor. She smelled the delicious aroma in the room and sighed sincerely, “It smells so good.”


Jian Luo gestured towards the fish. “I made some home-cooked dishes. I hope you don’t mind.”


The Queen looked at the fish on the table, her eyes widened, but her politeness didn’t allow her to say anything. She said, “I’ve come at mealtime; I didn’t realize. I can come back another time.”


The secretary, exhausted in the background, understood too much.


Jian Luo smiled, “No problem, the food isn’t ready yet. If you don’t mind waiting, you can stay and eat together.”


“Would that be too much trouble?”


“Just one more pair of chopsticks.”


Perhaps deep down, there was always the warmth of the Chinese people. Humans were social animals, and gathering together was natural.


But for the Dark Star people, and even those from Industrial Star, it was quite an unusual occurrence.


Even the Queen had low expectations and didn’t think Jian Luo would agree.


The Queen was moved and said, “Thank you.”


Jian Luo replied, “You’re welcome.”


Since the dishes were not cooked yet and there was no rice steamed, Jian Luo asked the Queen to wait a bit. He continued peeling edamame beans and asked about the Queen’s health to prepare medication for her later.


The Queen asked, “Can I help out with anything?”


Jian Luo didn’t let her do anything. “No need.”


The Queen was very polite and said, “It’s no trouble; I’m not that delicate. Let me help.”


Jian Luo refused, “No, my concern is that you have asthma, and it might hinder more than help.”




Jian Luo was a stubborn man.


After peeling all the vegetables, Jian Luo began preparing the stir-fry. During this time, he finally understood one of the Queen’s peculiar symptoms.


The Queen’s condition was unique. She had been brought back by the King from the Strong Star, and her body was partially weak due to illness and partially due to the psychological stress she suffered, leading to depression. The reason the Queen felt close to him had a lot to do with the fact that she thought she was “stolen” back by him.




A strange logic.


Jian Luo tried to explain, “In fact, the Marshal didn’t force me to do anything.”


The Queen lowered her gaze and spoke with some difficulty, “I understand. In fact, he didn’t force me either.”


No, you don’t understand.


Jian Luo didn’t know how to comfort her and simply said, “I can try to help you manage your asthma, but you need to pull yourself together as well. Since things have come to this point, hurting your own body won’t help, right?”


The Queen’s eyelashes trembled, and she looked at the healthy and cheerful Jian Luo. “Your attitude is admirable.”




You’ve probably misunderstood something.


After all the dishes were stir-fried, Jian Luo served a portion to wait for Long Shi Feng to return after his meeting. Then he placed the remaining food on the table. “Let’s eat.”


The Queen sat down and picked up a piece of water-boiled fish, which she had been craving. She put it in her mouth and exclaimed, “Mmm!”


Jian Luo paused with his chopsticks. “What’s wrong?”


“It’s spicy.” The Queen’s eyes were watery. “It’s so good.”


Jian Luo said, “You can’t eat too much spice with your asthma. A couple of bites should satisfy your craving. Have some more vegetables.”




The Queen felt a bit downhearted. Her love for spicy food exceeded Jian Luo’s expectations. She said, “If you could leave this here, I could eat it for the rest of my life.”


Jian Luo said, “You can watch my live stream, and you’ll get the full holographic experience.”


The Queen asked, “The interstellar Live Stream?”


Jian Luo paused, suddenly realizing a question he had overlooked all this time. Why had he been streaming exclusively on Dark Star? Why not expand to the entire Interstellar network? It could potentially bring in more money, couldn’t it? He decided to discuss this with Jiang Jiang later.


Jian Luo said, “I’ll consider that. Additionally, if you ever want to eat physical food, I’ll check if there are delivery or frozen food services available.”


The Queen commented, “There are very few such services available in Interstellar now.”


Jian Luo’s chopsticks paused as he recognized another business opportunity. Selling services! It was amazing how his perspective had changed since he started thinking about making money. There were opportunities everywhere. These ideas seemed quite feasible, but it would require some effort.


Jian Luo said, “If we only cater to individual orders, it might not be cost-effective, and we might end up losing money.”


The Queen suggested, “We could bulk deliver. For example, this water-boiled fish dish, we can have people on our planet group together and place orders in bulk when we reach a certain quantity.”


An entrepreneurial genius! Jian Luo thought it made sense.


The Queen added, “Even for those who are not well-off, they can use resources as an exchange. For example, our Industrial Star produces energy stones. Could we arrange resource exchange?”


Jian Luo’s eyes lit up. “Energy stones?”


The Queen asked, “You’re probably not familiar with them, right? People like us have nothing to do with things like energy stones that are used for planetary development. You humans should consider yourselves lucky to be associated with the Marshal and enjoy your blessings.”


Jian Luo said, “I’m sorry; I might need those.”




After finishing the meal, they went their separate ways.


Jian Luo was now brimming with enthusiasm, eager to put his plans into action one by one. He decided to take a shower before starting.


He rummaged through his closet, and he realized that the clothes he had taken from the military ship were all sealed in bags, and he had never opened them. He randomly picked one of the bags and headed to the bathroom.


After the shower, when he opened the bag to change clothes, he was dumbfounded. The clothes in the bag were tiger-striped and looked thick but were surprisingly lightweight. He was sure he hadn’t bought this outfit, and their wardrobe mostly consisted of military uniforms, with his being the only colorful one. This outfit seemed quite flashy and colorful, so it must be his.


Where did it come from?


Jian Luo wracked his brain, trying to remember. Finally, he recalled that it was a gift from Aya! What kind of clothes was it?


As soon as he put it on, he understood Aya’s intention. But it was beyond words:


The clothes had a little tail at the back, allowing it to wag playfully. The top was very loose and comfortable, with a hood that had two fuzzy little ears, giving it a cute and lively look.




Aya, what are you up to?

T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!

Chapter 134 – Who Says Omegas Can’t be as Explosive as Alphas

Chapter 134: Extra Story Five


The brief holiday swiftly came to an end. After tidying up their belongings, the two who needed to return to the military put the coal ball into the cat cage and boarded a private lightship.


Originally, one significant reason for keeping the coal ball was to ensure that Ye Ling wouldn’t feel too lonely at home during their absence. Taking this opportunity, they decided to bring it along.


Today, upon hearing that the little black cat was finally arriving home, Ye Ling appeared quite delighted and had been waiting eagerly by the door.


Joining Ye Ling at the door was Lulu, who had already adjusted the pet care program.


As one of Lu Xuebai’s outstanding all-purpose household robots, Lulu warmly welcomed the arrival of the coal ball and had done thorough homework to ensure the new member received meticulous care at home.


At first, the coal ball felt somewhat unfamiliar with its new home. After staying in the living room for a while, it gradually gained courage and eventually dared to stick its head out of the cage.


However, before it could fully grasp its surroundings, a shadow suddenly loomed over it.


Upon looking up, it saw on the display screen what appeared to be an extremely bizarre smiling face.


Lulu had searched extensively on the Star Network and finally settled on this expression, which it considered friendly and amiable. Speaking in a pure electronic tone, it greeted, “Hello, little kitty!”


The coal ball suddenly stiffened all over, and in an instant, its fur bristled up entirely. With a swift wave of its paw, it vigorously scratched and then turned around without looking back, darting away.


Unprepared, Lulu was pushed over, staring at the empty ceiling in disbelief. Countless thoughts flashed through its computer program in an instant.


“What just happened? How did I get pushed over? Could it be that this cute little kitty doesn’t like me?”


As an all-purpose household robot, Lulu felt an unprecedented sense of shame at that moment, questioning its self-awareness for the first time.


“How could such a situation be allowed to happen!”


Lu Jingning sat next to Wen Xingchen, listening to Ye Ling’s casual chatter. Catching a glimpse with his peripheral vision, he noticed the two little creatures already engaged in a playful chase. He blinked with interest and remarked, “Looks like Lulu and the coal ball seem to get along well, huh?”


At this, Wen Xingchen lifted his head, watching the coal ball’s frantic escapades, and gradually overlaid a familiar scene in his mind. Unable to contain his laughter, he said, “Get along? Are you sure?”


Lu Jingning, puzzled, asked, “Isn’t it?”


However, despite the lively scene in the living room, Ye Ling appeared incredibly content. Seeing several decorations repeatedly knocked over, instead of showing any signs of annoyance, he wore a pleased smile. “Exactly, a home should be like this, a bit lively is better.”


Lu Jingning asked, “So, are we leaving the coal ball to Lulu?”


Ye Ling’s eyes curved with a smile. “Lulu seems to really like this little kitty. I think it’s good.”


Listening to the conversation between the two, Wen Xingchen couldn’t help but glance at the almost overflowing red signal on Lulu’s display screen.


It was genuinely evident, the feeling of liking.


How should I put it… it could only be said that these two were indeed mother and son.


As a household robot, Lulu had to admit it had its methods.


That afternoon, the initially evasive coal ball was finally completely tamed, all thanks to a fragrant catnip.


Lu Jingning watched the small black bundle rolling around on the floor and couldn’t help but marvel. Reflecting on his own previous attempts, he couldn’t help but feel a bit sour. “Such a simple method, why didn’t I think of it?”


The display screen on Lulu was filled with victorious expressions. “Because I am Lulu, an all-purpose household robot!”


Listening to this incredibly proud tone, one might expect it to burst into radiant light on the spot. After saying this, it no longer paid any attention to Lu Jingning, happily playing with its newfound love, the little coal ball.


Standing in place, Lu Jingning stared for a long time at those two figures gradually receding into the distance.


Somehow, he felt a bit like Luo Kongbin now: “Brother Wen, what should I do? I think I’m starting to feel jealous of Lulu.”


Wen Xingchen glanced at him. “Have you ever been jealous of me?”


Lu Jingning almost instantly replied without much thought, “How could I not? How do you know I haven’t been jealous?”


Wen Xingchen inquired, “Hmm? When?”


Under his gaze, Lu Jingning instinctively looked out of the window, hummed twice, and said, “Of course, there have been. But when it comes to feeling jealous, how could I let you, the person involved, know?”


Chapter 134: Extra Chapter Five


Wen Xingchen coaxed, “But I want to know.”


“Huh?” Lu Jingning felt his sight dimming, turned around, and indeed saw someone shamelessly leaning closer. He couldn’t help but smile and push him away, “You’re in my house, behave.”


“I’m not doing anything.” Wen Xingchen looked at him with a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes, lightly pinching his gland, his gaze carrying a hint of coaxing, “Next time you feel jealous, you must tell me. I really want to know.”


Seeing this shameless demeanor resurface, Lu Jingning couldn’t help but laugh. He teased, “What if I don’t want you to know?”


Wen Xingchen leaned in a bit closer, almost entirely closing the gap between them, a faint smile lingering in his elongated eyes, “Then, I’ll make sure you have to let me know.”


Lu Jingning looked into his eyes and couldn’t help but laughingly lean against him, “Brother Wen, your taste for mischief is growing.”


A slight curve appeared at the corner of Wen Xingchen’s lips, “Don’t you like it?”


Lu Jingning extended his arms, gently wrapping them around from behind his neck, smiling brightly, “I do, very much. I like it so much that I won’t be able to not like it in this lifetime.”


Wen Xingchen’s gaze brushed over his lips, his voice growing softer, “What a coincidence, so do I.”



Not far away, Lulu was happily sharing prepared treats with the coal ball, “Here, this is canned food, this is dried fish, this is freeze-dried… Don’t rush, it’s all for you, I don’t eat these, no one’s going to snatch from you.”


The coal ball stared at the array of pet snacks appearing magically before it, its round eyes shining brighter.


Lulu looked on contentedly as the little black cat eagerly devoured the treats it offered, its tone becoming authoritative, “So, you need to understand, only by maintaining a good relationship with me will you have this many delicious… Hey, where are you going? Listen to me!”


But the coal ball, having eaten its fill, seemed to ignore everything and dashed away without a backward glance.


By the time Lulu realized and tried to chase after, it had already vanished.


The smiling expression on the display screen instantly turned into a flickering red fury.


This little rascal of a cat, turning its back after eating its fill!


No way! As an all-purpose household robot, how could it be stumped by such a trivial matter?


It refused to believe there was a cat it couldn’t tame! It was going to confront this little rascal head-on!

T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


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