Category: Something Is Wrong with the Capture Target (Page 1 of 4)

Something Is Wrong with the Capture Target

Chapter 37

       In the evening, Zhan Pengcheng sat in the room and waited. When he heard the familiar footsteps in the corridor outside the door, he immediately stood up and walked over to open the door.

       Zhan Weiyang was holding his clothes and preparing to go to the bathroom. When he heard the door open, he stopped in a daze and looked in the direction of Zhan Pengcheng, saying, “Dad?”

       Zhan Pengcheng smiled and asked him in a gentle tone, “You haven’t taken a shower yet?”

       Zhan Weiyang nodded, “En.”

       Zhan Pengcheng said, “Then go quickly.”

       Zhan Weiyang said, “Hm.” Then he walked into the bathroom and closed the door from the inside.

       Zhan Pengcheng sighed. He stepped back, closed the door, sat down by the bed in a slightly uneasy mood, and continued to wait.

       After waiting for more than ten minutes, he heard the sound of the bathroom door opening outside and hurried over to open it. Seeing Zhan Weiyang coming out of the bathroom after taking a shower, he called him “Yangyang.”

       Zhan Weiyang turned to look at him, “Dad.”

       Zhan Pengcheng said, “Yangyang, why don’t you come and sleep with Dad? Don’t cause trouble for your older cousin.”

       Upon hearing this, Zhan Weiyang glanced at the closed door of Pei Qing’s room and then looked at Zhan Pengcheng. After struggling for a long time, he said, “I don’t want to sleep with Dad.”

       At that moment, a thunderclap suddenly sounded in Zhan Pengcheng’s ears, and he couldn’t help but panic, “Why? Yangyang doesn’t love Dad anymore?”

       Zhan Weiyang said, “I’m seventeen years old, and I can’t sleep with Dad. Others will laugh at me.”

       Zhan Pengcheng pretended to be angry and said, “Who dares to laugh at you? Dad will deal with him!”

       Zhan Weiyang pointed to his room, “Zhan Xiusong.”

       Zhan Pengcheng frowned lightly, then smiled at Zhan Weiyang and said, “Your brother doesn’t know any better; don’t take what he says to heart.”

       Zhan Weiyang took a half step back and said, “I won’t sleep with Dad.”

       Zhan Pengcheng felt a little hurt, but he couldn’t argue with the child, so he could only say, “Okay, you must be good when you go to Qing ge’s place to sleep at night and don’t cause trouble for your brother.”

       Zhan Weiyang nodded, turned around, and was about to leave, but after walking two steps, he thought of something, turned back, and said to Zhan Pengcheng, “Dad, go to bed soon.”

       Zhan Pengcheng replied helplessly, “Okay, okay, Dad is going to bed.” After saying that, he raised his hand and gently closed the door.

       When Zhan Weiyang entered Pei Qing’s room, he saw Pei Qing sitting on the bay window. He habitually probed to look first before burrowing his whole self in through the narrowly opened doorway and gently closing the door.

       He saw Pei Qing staring out the window without looking at him, so he walked over and raised his hand to wave in front of Pei Qing’s eyes.

       Pei Qing then looked at him.

       Zhan Weiyang called carefully, “Qing ge?”

       Pei Qing suddenly opened his arms and hugged Zhan Weiyang. Because he was sitting, he was shorter than Zhan Weiyang, who was standing, so his arms just hugged Zhan Weiyang’s waist, and his face was pressed against Zhan Weiyang’s chest.

       Zhan Weiyang was completely stunned. He didn’t dare to move. He called out in a low voice again uncertainly, “Qing ge?”

       Pei Qing, with a deep voice, said, “Let gege hold you for a while.”

       Zhan Weiyang hurriedly said, “Okay.” As long as gege is willing, he can hold me as long as he want!

       He didn’t know what was wrong with Pei Qing; he felt a bit flustered and helpless, unable to understand Pei Qing’s sudden emotion. He only felt his own heartbeat starting to quicken, gradually beating faster.

       They were both wearing slightly thin pyjamas. When their bodies were pressed together, they could quickly feel each other’s body heat. There was the same scent of shower gel, and there were slightly different scents belonging to the handsome young man and the clean teenager, which just intersected and merged together.

       Zhan Weiyang’s heartbeat was getting faster and faster. He felt as if his whole body was shaking with anxiety. He had just finished taking a shower, but his body was heating up unconsciously. He was even sweating a little at the waistline where Pei Qing had put his arm around him.

       He lowered his head and saw the top of Pei Qing’s head. He raised his hand and touched Pei Qing’s hair, then slid it down to Pei Qing’s face. He actually noticed the anxiety in Pei Qing’s mood, so he wanted to comfort him. He put his fingers on Pei Qing’s face and asked him, “What’s wrong?” But when he opened his mouth, he felt that his voice was a little hoarse.

       Pei Qing did not answer but quietly hugged Zhan Weiyang for a long time before letting go of his hand and sitting up straight. He looked up at Zhan Weiyang and said to him, “Nothing, I just want to hug you.”

       Zhan Weiyang looked at him.

       Pei Qing smiled, raised his hand, gently tidied up Zhan Weiyang’s wrinkled collar, and said, “Yangyang is seventeen years old.”

       Zhan Weiyang nodded.

       Pei Qing stood up from the window and said, “Alright, let’s go to bed.”

       Until he turned off the lights and lay on the bed, Zhan Weiyang kept recalling the scene when Pei Qing hugged him just now. At that time, his heart was beating violently. He felt uneasy, but he couldn’t help feeling happy. He wanted Pei Qing to keep hugging him like that.

       He propped up his upper body and approached Pei Qing, trying hard to see his eyes in the dark.

       Pei Qing was not asleep. He didn’t even feel sleepy at all. He just put his hands under his head and thought with his eyes open. So, the moment Zhan Weiyang got close, he noticed it. He said to Zhan Weiyang, “I’m breathing.”

       That night, Zhan Weiyang said that his father would secretly listen to his breathing. Perhaps it was because Zhan Pengcheng lived in fear for a long time after Zhan Weiyang drowned that he would secretly listen to his son’s breathing at night. Thinking of this, Pei Qing was even more convoluted.

       Zhan Weiyang stretched out a hand and carefully put it close to Pei Qing’s nose.

       Pei Qing grabbed his hand and held his fingers to prevent him from moving.

       Zhan Weiyang said, “Qing ge.”

       Pei Qing said, “Hmm.”

       Zhan Weiyang could not hide his excitement, and could not help but smiled and called out again, “Qing ge.”

       Pei Qing still said, “Hmm,” gently.

       Zhan Weiyang suddenly felt strange and asked, “If I keep calling you, will you keep answering me?”

       Pei Qing said, “Yes.”

       Zhan Weiyang was touched and said, “Why are you so nice? I like you so much.”

       Pei Qing did not speak but smiled silently in the dark.

       Zhan Weiyang asked again, “Then can you hug me?”

       Pei Qing still maintained his smile, but it was not heard in her tone. It was just as if he was a little lazy and indifferent; he asked, “How do you want me to hug you?”

       Zhan Weiyang said, “Just like you did just now.”

       Pei Qing did not answer.

       Zhan Weiyang pushed his arm with his hand, “Is it okay?”

       Pei Qing seemed to be thinking, and after a moment, he said, “How about this, if you beg me, maybe I will hug you.”

       Zhan Weiyang didn’t even think about it, and he said softly, “Please, hug me.”

       Pei Qing finally stretched out an arm to him, “Come.”

       Zhan Weiyang immediately threw himself into his arms and put his face on his chest. After a while, he said, “No, you have to press against my chest.”

       Pei Qing asked him, “Where is your chest?”

       Zhan Weiyang fumbled to find one of Pei Qing’s hands, grabbed his hand and put it on his chest, saying, “Here.”

       With a “Hmm”, Pei Qing pushed Zhan Weiyang onto the bed with his hand, then slowly leaned his head against his chest, his ear positioned just above his heartbeat.

       They maintained this posture without moving, and Zhan Weiyang was obviously satisfied.

       Pei Qing heard Zhan Weiyang’s heartbeat becoming more intense and hyperactive, and he said, “Yangyang, your heartbeat is so fast.”

       Zhan Weiyang licked his lips and said, “Yeah, I noticed it too.” He raised his head and looked down, reached out to hug Pei Qing’s head, and said, “Let’s go to sleep.”

       Naturally, Pei Qing didn’t fall asleep with Zhan Weiyang’s chest pressed like this. After a while, he felt that Zhan Weiyang was already half asleep, so he moved away from his chest and went back to his pillow.

       Zhan Weiyang subconsciously reached out to find him.

       Pei Qing gently held his hand and said, “I’m here. Go to sleep.”

       Zhan Weiyang made an ‘En’ sound and fell asleep.

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(note that there are several guides to manoeuvre in Changpei, or you can google translate the page. Payment can be made with the Apple Pay method)

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Chapter 36

       The two were silent for a while.

       Zhan Weiyang rode the bicycle in front, looking back from time to time at Pei Qing as if he were afraid that he would not be able to find Pei Qing if he rode too far.

       Pei Qing asked Zhan Weiguang, “So, the way Weiyang looks now, is it natural?”

       Zhan Weiguang looked at Pei Qing, “No. He nearly drowned when he was young. By the time he was rescued, he had stopped breathing. Someone performed CPR and brought him back. His current condition, the doctors say, is due to permanent brain damage caused by lack of oxygen, which affected his brain development.”

       The moment he heard the answer, Pei Qing even stopped breathing briefly. He looked at Zhan Weiyang’s back and didn’t say a word for a long time.

       Zhan Weiguang continued, “My dad took him to see many doctors, and he has done all the rehabilitation treatments that can be done. His current condition is considered to have recovered well.”

       Pei Qing slightly parted his lips. He wanted to suggest taking Zhan Weiyang to a better hospital to see more experienced doctors. However, thinking of how much Zhan Pengcheng doted on Zhan Weiyang, he must have done everything possible already. Mentioning this now probably wouldn’t serve any purpose, and Zhan Weiyang might also have passed the optimal age for treatment.

       However, Pei Qing’s heart still felt a deep sense of powerlessness. A terrible picture even appeared in front of him, seeing the young and pale Zhan Weiyang being taken out of the water, with wet hair sticking to his forehead and eyes closed as if he were dead.

       He was horrified and saddened by his own thoughts.

       Zhan Weiguang was a little hesitant. He whispered to Pei Qing, “Don’t ask Dad about Zhan Weiyang. He is most afraid of others saying that Zhan Weiyang is abnormal.”

       Pei Qing said, “I know.”

       Zhan Weiguang said, “Zhan Weiyang is just a little dumber than his peers and a little slower in reaction. There is nothing else. He can take care of himself and live alone in the future.”

       Pei Qing nodded.

       Zhan Weiguang said, “I know he’s a little annoying sometimes. If he keeps pestering you, just ignore him.”

       Pei Qing said, “No, I think he’s quite cute.”

       Zhan Weiguang laughed and said, “My dad and my grandma also think he’s cute. I think everyone in the family thinks he’s cute except me.”

       Pei Qing thought for a moment and said, “You need to be more patient with him.”

       “Forget it,” Zhan Weiguang said with a slightly impatient look, “Be careful not to let him sneak into my bathtub. It’s troublesome enough to prevent him from walking to the water.”

       The conversation between the two ended because Zhan Weiyang couldn’t help but jump off the bicycle and run towards Pei Qing. When he stood in front of Pei Qing, he said, “I don’t want to ride with Zhan Xiusong anymore.”

       Before Pei Qing could speak, Zhan Weiguang said, “Then don’t ride anymore. Return the bike.”

       Zhan Weiyang glanced at Zhan Weiguang, ignored him, and hesitantly reached out and pulled Pei Qing’s sleeve. Pei Qing said, “Come on, I’ll ride with you.”

       Zhan Weiyang was immediately happy, took Pei Qing’s wrist, and walked in the direction of where they had just parked.

       Zhan Weiguang looked at Zhan Weiyang’s cheerful back, a little unhappy, and yelled at him, “Zhan Weiyang!”

       Zhan Weiyang turned his head symbolically, without even seeing Zhan Weiguang, and said ‘En’ perfunctorily and continued to pull Pei Qing forward.

       They walked to the bicycle parked on the roadside. Zhan Xiusong was still sitting on the bicycle. He looked at them with an unhappy face and asked Zhan Weiyang, “Are you still riding?”

       Zhan Weiyang said, “I won’t ride with you anymore. Get off.”

       Zhan Xiusong didn’t want to ride in the first place, but he became even more unhappy after Zhan Weiyang said that. He then said, “I won’t get off.”

       Zhan Weiyang said angrily, “Get off!”

       Zhan Xiusong said, “No, I want to ride.”

       Pei Qing raised his hand to press on Zhan Weiyang’s shoulder and asked Zhan Xiusong calmly, “Does Xiuxong still want to ride?”

       Zhan Xiusong pedalled and spun backwards, saying, “Of course.”

       Pei Qing said, “Then you and Weiguang ride one, and I’ll take Yangyang to rent another one.”

       At this time, Zhan Weiguang also came over and said, “I won’t ride. Zhan Xiusong can ride by himself.”

       Zhan Xiusong suddenly got anxious and jumped off the bike, saying, “I won’t ride either. You guys ride.”

       When Zhan Weiyang saw him getting off, he quickly grabbed the handlebars and tried to climb up. Pei Qing held his waist from behind and lifted him up. Zhan Weiyang was too thin, and his waist was too thin as if it could be broken by a pinch. Pei Qing could not forget what Zhan Weiyang had just said. When Zhan Weiyang sat down, he still looked at Zhan Weiyang in a daze.

       Pei Qing rarely acted like this. Zhan Weiyang felt strange. He waved his hand in front of him and said uneasily, “Shall we go ride a bike?”

       He was afraid that Pei Qing would refuse him.

       Pei Qing quickly came to his senses, smiled at him, and said, “Okay.” Then he got on the other seat and rode the tandem bike that Zhan Xiusong called a little silly with Zhan Weiyang, moving forward slowly.

       After riding the bike for a while, Zhan Pengcheng called Zhan Weiyang and asked them to go back to fly a kite.

       Zhan Weiyang’s kite flew very high. Zhan Xiusong was competing with him. He tried many times but failed to fly the kite. Finally, he ran to ask Pei Qing for help. Pei Qing helped him fly the kite into the sky first and then gave him the string to continue flying.

       After dinner, Zhan Weiyang was already very sleepy in the car. He was leaning against the window in the last row of the seven-seater SUV. He fell asleep with his head against the window and kept hitting the glass, making a crisp sound.

       Later, Grandma felt distressed and asked Auntie Luo to change seats with Zhan Weiyang and let Zhan Weiyang sleep on her legs.

       While driving, Zhan Pengcheng looked up at the rearview mirror and said, “Yangyang, don’t crush Grandma’s legs.”

       Grandma quickly said, “No, My Yangyang is skinnier than a stray dog I picked up by the roadside. When he lies down, I can’t feel anything at all.”

       Zhan Xiusong couldn’t help but laugh when he heard Grandma’s description. He turned his head to look at Zhan Weiguang next to him. In the end, Zhan Weiguang closed his eyes and tilted his head. He didn’t know if Zhan Weiguang was asleep, but he didn’t react at all.

       Zhan Weiyang lay on his grandma’s legs with a small blanket folded several times, feeling soft and warm.

       Grandma’s skinny palm stroked the top of his head and said, “Go to sleep.”

       Zhan Weiyang said, “En.” He closed his eyes and fell asleep quickly.

       There was a traffic jam on the way back to the city in the afternoon. Zhan Pengcheng drove for more than an hour before parking the car in front of the villa.

       Pei Qing got off the passenger seat and opened the door of the back seat first. He saw Zhan Weiyang still sleeping on Grandma’s legs.

       Grandma put her index finger against her lips, signalling Pei Qing not to wake up Zhan Weiyang.

       But then, Zhan Xiusong stood up, leaned over from the back seat and shouted to Zhan Weiyang, “Get up, Zhan Weiyang!”

       Zhan Weiyang was awakened by him in a flash.

       Grandma raised her hand and hit Zhan Xiusong’s arm, angrily saying, “Don’t bully your brother.”

       Zhan Xiusong made a face and jumped down from the car quickly.

       Zhan Weiguang then stood up from the back seat and said to Grandma, “Grandma, I’ll help you down.”

       Zhan Weiyang sat up and rubbed his eyes.

       Grandma asked him, “Didn’t you get enough sleep? Go up and continue sleeping later.”

       Zhan Weiyang nodded. He stood up and wanted to get out of the car, but then he remembered something and sat back down, helping to help Grandma down first.

       Auntie Luo pushed Grandma back to the room.

       Zhan Pengcheng was about to park the car in the garage. He leaned out of the driver’s seat window and said to Zhan Weiyang, who was standing at the door, “Go upstairs and take a shower first, and then come to Dad’s room to sleep.”

       Zhan Weiyang had not woken up yet and was in a daze. He subconsciously answered, “I’ll go to Qing ge’s room to sleep.”

       Several teenagers were still at the door. Zhan Weiguang and Zhan Xiusong looked at Pei Qing after hearing this. Even Zhan Pengcheng looked at Pei Qing and seemed to feel bad. He said to Zhan Weiyang, “Why? Yangyang doesn’t like Dad anymore?”

       This question made Zhan Weiyang feel very embarrassed. He couldn’t answer it, so he turned to look at Pei Qing.

       Pei Qing knew that the best answer at this time was to persuade Zhan Weiyang to sleep in Zhan Pengcheng’s room, but at that moment, he suddenly had some selfish thoughts. He smiled and replied, “Yangyang can come over to sleep if he wants. Don’t worry, uncle; my bed is very spacious and won’t squeeze Yangyang.”

       Zhan Pengcheng seemed very embarrassed. He didn’t want Zhan Weiyang to sleep in Pei Qing’s place, not only because he didn’t want to disturb Pei Qing but also because of some reluctance that he couldn’t explain. Perhaps it was a subconsciously overprotective desire for Zhan Weiyang.

       Zhan Weiguang said in a somewhat cold tone at this time, “Zhan Weiyang, sleep in my place.”

       Zhan Weiyang took a step back in panic and said, “I won’t!”

       Zhan Pengcheng said helplessly, “Okay, as long as your brother doesn’t mind, you can sleep wherever you want.”

Support the author by buying the author’s other works and/or giving some jades here~
(note that there are several guides to manoeuvre in Changpei, or you can google translate the page. Payment can be made with the Apple Pay method)

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Check out another novel about sentinel x guide here~
Check out the other hoeni’s work here~
Check out the angst novel I co-tl with my friend here~

And please buy me some kofi if you like the translation~

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Chapter 35

       After breakfast, Zhan Pengcheng drove his family to Guiyuan in the western suburbs.

       There was a wetland park there, and a tourist project had been artificially developed. Most people who lived in the city went there to play and relax with their families on weekends.

       Today being the National Day holiday, there were unusually many tourists at Guiyuan, and they arrived quite late. Zhan Pengcheng finally managed to find a parking spot and then helped Grandma out of the car in her wheelchair. They took a short walk around and it was almost time for lunch.

       The restaurant for lunch was next to a small river. After lunch, everyone lazily sat on the rattan chairs and didn’t want to move.

       Zhan Xiusong touched his round belly and said, “Uncle, let’s play mahjong.”

       Zhan Pengcheng was pouring water from a kettle for Zhan Weiyang to drink. Hearing this, he looked at Zhan Xiusong and said, “You are a high school student. You can’t gamble.”

       Zhan Xiusong said, “No, it’s not a gamble if we don’t pay money.”

       Zhan Weiguang leaned sideways on the chair, holding a clean toothpick in his hand, flicked it towards Zhan Xiusong and said, “Who will play with you if we don’t pay money?”

       Zhan Xiusong quickly said to Zhan Pengcheng, “Uncle, Guang ge gambles every day at school.”

       Zhan Weiguang was too lazy to pay attention to him.

       Zhan Pengcheng said, “Can you young people be more energetic? There are people riding bicycles over there. Do you want to go ride?”

       Zhan Xiusong heard him and held his head with his hands and said, “Uncle, spare me, will you? Are you kidding me?”

       Zhan Weiyang heard Zhan Pengcheng talking about riding bicycles, and his eyes lit up. He was about to say that he wanted to go, but before he opened his mouth, he heard Zhan Xiusong’s words and immediately dared not speak for fear of being called stupid.

       Pei Qing noticed Zhan Weiyang’s expression, sat up straight and said to Zhan Xiusong, “I don’t play mahjong.”

       Zhan Xiusong looked at him with disappointment, “Qing ge, you don’t play?”

       Pei Qing stood up and said, “I ate too much. I’ll go for a walk.”

       Zhan Pengcheng agreed, “Go on, you should move more.”

       Pei Qing lowered her head and asked Zhan Weiyang, “Does Yangyang want to go?”

       Zhan Weiyang immediately stood up and said impatiently, “Yes.” After saying that, he was still very anxious and wanted to tell Pei Qing to hurry up and go. It would be best if it were just the two of them.

       But then, Zhan Pengcheng grabbed him, looked at Zhan Weiguang and Zhan Xiusong, and asked, “Are you guys not going?”

       Zhan Weiguang was originally sitting on a chair with one leg crossed. He looked up at Pei Qing and Zhan Weiyang, stood up slowly, and said, “Let’s go.”

       Zhan Xiusong, who was left, heard that even Zhan Weiguang said he was going, so he could only stand up reluctantly.

       Zhan Pengcheng and Auntie Luo stayed to chat with Grandma.

       Zhan Weiyang was very disappointed. He followed Pei Qing and the others outside, walked along the river for a while, and then walked to the road along the lake.

       Zhan Xiusong walked between Pei Qing and Zhan Weiyang, chattering with them all the time. His mouth was rarely idle.

       Zhan Weiyang walked a little behind Pei Qing on the other side. He also wanted to talk to Pei Qing, but he couldn’t get a word in. Moreover, regarding the topic Zhan Xiusong was talking about, Zhan Xiusong would show a disdainful expression as long as he expressed a little opinion, so Zhan Weiyang didn’t dare to continue talking.

       Zhan Weiguang glanced at him and said, “Don’t go to Qing ge’s side. Come here.”

       Zhan Weiyang didn’t want to go over. He was a little unhappy. He slowed down his pace and saw the small light blue wildflowers blooming by the lake. He couldn’t help but stop and squat by the lake to take a closer look.

       Just when he was about to reach out, Zhan Weiguang suddenly shouted at him fiercely and loudly, “Zhan Weiyang!”

       Zhan Weiyang was startled. One of his feet stepped on the soft mud, and he fell forward. Pei Qing quickly came up and grabbed his wrist, and Zhan Weiguang reacted very quickly, grabbing his other wrist and pulling him up.

       He was pulled back by two people, but Pei Qing just prevented him from falling. Zhan Weiguang pulled him up, but he also pulled him in hard, almost causing him to lose his balance and sit on the ground. Fortunately, Pei Qing did not let go of his hand.

       Pei Qing frowned and looked at Zhan Weiguang.

       Zhan Weiguang seemed a little angry and yelled at Zhan Weiyang, “I told you to stay away from the lake!”

       Zhan Weiyang was a little confused by the yelling and subconsciously turned to find Pei Qing, grabbing Pei Qing’s arm and hiding behind him.

       Pei Qing said to Zhan Weiguang, “He was just startled just now. Don’t be so fierce. It will scare him.”

       Zhan Weiguang took a deep breath as if trying to calm down and then said to Pei Qing, “He just won’t listen to what he’s been told countless times.”

       Pei Qing turned his head to look at Zhan Weiyang. He then saw Zhan Weiyang staring at Zhan Weiguang in a daze, so he said, “It’s okay. Talk to him nicely, and he will understand.”

       Zhan Weiguang’s eyes were still a little sharp, but he didn’t speak loudly to Zhan Weiyang anymore. He just walked forward silently.

       Zhan Xiusong stood by and didn’t dare to interrupt. Now that Zhan Weiguang had left, he hurried over and whispered to him, “Guang ge, don’t be angry.”

       Pei Qing remained standing in place. He asked Zhan Weiyang, “Wasn’t it scary?”

       Zhan Weiyang’s face was a little pale. He said, “No.”

       Pei Qing lifted his hand but felt Zhan Weiyang hug him tightly. He sounded somewhat resigned as he lowered his head and asked, “Didn’t you say it wasn’t scary?”

       Zhan Weiyang let go of his hand and explained, “No, it was Zhan Weiguang who scared me. I’m not afraid of falling into the lake.”

       Pei Qing asked him to stand on his other side before continuing to move forward.

       Not far ahead was the place to rent bicycles, with options available for two-person, three-person, and four-person bikes.

       Pei Qing asked Zhan Weiyang, “Do you want to ride a bicycle?”

       Zhan Weiyang was embarrassed to answer and secretly glanced at Zhan Xiusong.

       Pei Qing said, “Why are you looking at him? Look at gege and answer whether you want to ride or not?”

       Zhan Weiyang looked up at Pei Qing and nodded happily.

       Pei Qing rented a bicycle for two people, with seats side by side. The two rode on the left and right and caught up with Zhan Weiguang and Zhan Xiusong, who were walking in front.

       They stopped. Pei Qing got off the bike and said to Zhan Xiusong, “Go ride a bicycle with Yang ge for a while.”

       Zhan Xiusong’s eyes widened, and he said, “I won’t go!”

       Zhan Weiyang looked at them, his feet on the pedals, panicking and almost nowhere to put them.

       Pei Qing said to Zhan Xiusong, “Go and help me take care of Yang ge. I have something to say to Weiguang.”

       Zhan Xiusong was stunned when he heard Pei Qing say this. He couldn’t refuse again, but he couldn’t help looking at Zhan Weiguang.

       Zhan Weiguang said to Zhan Xiusong, “Tell Zhan Weiyang to stay away from the lake.”

       Zhan Xiusong turned around helplessly and walked towards Zhan Weiyang. He climbed on the bicycle and rode forward unwillingly with Zhan Weiyang.

       Zhan Weiyang was still looking at Pei Qing.

       Pei Qing said, “I’ll come over later.”

       Zhan Weiyang felt a little relieved and nodded to him, indicating that he would wait for him.

       Zhan Weiguang looked at them, and after a while he said to Pei Qing, “Do you want to ask me about Weiyang?”

       Pei Qing let out an “hmm’, “Do you think I can resist asking?”

       Zhan Weiguang gave him a somewhat puzzled look, “I thought you would be curious, but I didn’t think you would get along with him so well.”

       Pei Qing smiled and said, “Yangyang is like a little child. It’s easy to get along with him.”

       Zhan Weiguang looked at Zhan Weiyang’s back and said, “He is like a little child, but he is not obedient at all, very annoying.”

The author has something to say:
It was another busy day today, so the update was a little late, and it was written a little hastily.

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Chapter 34

       Zhan Weiyang locked himself in the bathroom. He felt as if the smell of Pei Qing was still lingering in the air. He couldn’t help but raise his head and smell it everywhere before he buried his head in front of the sink to wash.

       After hanging the towel back on the towel rack, Zhan Weiyang looked down at Pei Qing’s coat he was wearing and gently said, ‘Oh’—he found some oil stains on the collar. He stood in the bathroom and thought about it, took off the coat, carefully wet only that small area with water, applied some soap and scrubbed it, and finally wiped it clean with a wet paper towel with difficulty.

       Zhan Weiyang put the coat back on. Except for the area on his chest, other places were still warm.

       He came out of the bathroom and went back to his room. He saw Zhan Xiusong still sleeping on his back, occupying most of the bed.

       Zhan Weiyang walked over, opened the quilt, slept on the remaining one-third of the bed, and reached out to turn off the light.

       The surroundings fell into darkness, and Zhan Xiusong’s presence became stronger.

       Zhan Weiyang secretly pushed his arm, trying to push it a little, but as soon as he let go, Zhan Xiusong’s arm stretched out again.

       How annoying!

       Zhan Weiyang thought that if Zhan Xiusong and Zhan Weiguang hadn’t suddenly come back, Pei Qing could have accompanied him for a whole day today.

       The more he thought about it, the more he found Zhan Xiusong annoying. He was really unhappy. He sat up sullenly and stared at Zhan Xiusong’s slightly undulating outline in the dark for a long time.

       Later, Zhan Weiyang got off the bed, hugged his pillow and quilt, and quietly left the room and went to the next door.

       He twisted open Pei Qing’s room door and peeked inside. Hearing no sounds, he tiptoed in so quietly that his footsteps were almost inaudible. He closed the door, then climbed onto the bed, carefully placing the pillow and spreading the blanket over himself before lying down flat.

       The familiar sense of security instantly enveloped Zhan Weiyang. He almost closed his eyes and fell asleep. The moment before falling asleep, he thought to himself that he had to get up and go back to his room before Pei Qing woke up tomorrow so as not to let Pei Qing and Zhan Xiusong know.

       Then, Zhan Weiyang slept so deeply that he was completely unaware of his surroundings. When he woke up, there was no chance of getting up before Pei Qing; in fact, Pei Qing was already out of the room.

       Zhan Weiyang sat on the bed in a daze. After the confusion of waking up passed, he rubbed his eyes and thought it was bad.

       Pei Qing’s quilt was folded and placed on the head of the bed. He reached out and touched the bed sheet. It was already cold.

       Zhan Weiyang got out of bed, picked up his pillow and quilt and left. He still secretly opened the door of his room but saw that the quilt on the bed was still spread out, but Zhan Xiusong was not there.

       “Zhan Weiyang!” Someone suddenly shouted his name behind him and patted his back hard.

       Zhan Weiyang stumbled forward two steps, turned back nervously, and saw Zhan Xiusong standing at the door, looking at him strangely.

       Zhan Xiusong said, “Where have you been?”

       Zhan Weiyang didn’t say anything. He silently put his things back on the bed and then opened the cabinet to find clothes to change.

       Zhan Xiusong followed in, yawned loudly, and walked to the bed as if he wanted to continue sleeping. However, he never lay down; he just stared at Zhan Weiyang and asked him, “Did you sleep with your father last night?”

       Zhan Weiyang turned his back to Zhan Xiusong, changed into a long-sleeved T-shirt and a shirt-like jacket, and bent over to change into jeans.

       Zhan Xiusong said, “You are already eighteen years old.”

       Zhan Weiyang turned his head to look at him, “I am seventeen years old.”

       Zhan Xiusong said, “You are technically eighteen. Aren’t you embarrassed to sleep with your father at the age of eighteen?” He smiled as he spoke as if he was teasing Zhan Weiyang.

       Zhan Weiyang changed his clothes and said, “I’m going to eat.”

       Zhan Xiusong yawned again, stood up from the bed, and said, “Then I’ll go eat too.”

       When he went to the dining room on the first floor, Zhan Weiyang found that Zhan Pengcheng, Pei Qing, and Zhan Weiguang were all there.

       He didn’t know what Zhan Pengcheng and Pei Qing were talking about. Pei Qing was listening humbly while peeling an egg.

       Pei Qing moved slowly, and his fingers were slender, which looked very good against the peeled egg.

       Zhan Weiguang first noticed Zhan Weiyang and said to him, “Are you up? Come and have breakfast.”

       Only then did Zhan Pengcheng and Pei Qing turn their heads towards him, and Zhan Pengcheng raised his hand to call him over.

       Zhan Weiyang walked over and sat next to Pei Qing. Pei Qing reached out and put the freshly peeled egg into Zhan Weiyang’s bowl.

       Zhan Pengcheng saw it and said quickly, “You eat it yourself. I will peel some for him.”

       Pei Qing took another egg and said, “Isn’t it the same?”

       Zhan Pengcheng then said to Zhan Weiyang, “Why don’t you thank Qing ge?”

       Zhan Weiyang said quickly, “Thank Qing ge.”

       Pei Qing smiled and said nothing.

       Zhan Pengcheng immediately got up and went to the kitchen, asking Auntie Luo to heat milk for Zhan Weiyang.

       At this time, Zhan Xiusong also came down from the upstairs. He walked to the dining table and sat down. He first said, “Good morning Qing ge, good morning Guang ge.” Seeing Zhan Pengcheng coming out of the kitchen, he called out, “Good morning, uncle.”

       Zhan Pengcheng sat down and said to them, “Eat first. I’ll take you out to play after breakfast.”

       Zhan Xiusong immediately asked, “Where are we going?”

       Zhan Pengcheng said, “I’ve already booked lunch and dinner at Guiyuan in the western suburbs. We can spend the whole day there.”

       Zhan Xiusong was not very interested, but he nodded and said, “Okay.” He reached out and took a bun, and before he put it in his mouth, he suddenly said, “We can play mahjong in the afternoon.”

       Zhan Pengcheng smiled and said nothing.

       Zhan Weiguang heard this and said, “That’s going to cost money. Do you have money to pay if you lose?”

       Zhan Xiusong said, “Do you have the nerve to win money from me? I’m the youngest in the family, alright.”

       Zhan Weiyang listened to them quietly, holding a bun in his hand and chewing it slowly.

       Zhan Xiusong suddenly turned the topic to him and asked Zhan Pengcheng, “Uncle, did Zhan Weiyang sleep with you last night?”

       Zhan Weiyang suddenly became nervous and secretly glanced at Pei Qing but did not see any change in Pei Qing’s expression.

       Zhan Pengcheng replied, “No. Didn’t he sleep with you?”

       “No!” Zhan Xiusong said, “He took away his pillow and quilt and didn’t sleep in his room.”

       Zhan Pengcheng was a little surprised and looked at Zhan Weiyang.

       Zhan Weiyang lowered his head and ate the buns in panic.

       Zhan Pengcheng then looked at Zhan Weiguang and said, “Weiguang—”

       “I don’t know,” Zhan Weiguang said before Zhan Pengcheng finished speaking, “He didn’t sleep at mine.”

       Pei Qing spoke at this time, “Uncle, Yangyang slept in my room last night.”

       “Huh?” Zhan Xiusong couldn’t help but make a sound of surprise.

       Zhan Weiyang grabbed a tissue in his hand and nervously scratched it with his fingers.

       Pei Qing said calmly, “I ran into Yangyang in the bathroom at night. He said the bed was too small for him to sleep, so I asked him to sleep in my room.”

       Zhan Weiyang and Pei Qing’s rooms both have double beds, but Zhan Weiyang’s bed is 1.5 meters wide, while Pei Qing’s room has a 1.8-meter-wide bed, so two people sleeping were not crowded.

       Zhan Xiusong didn’t expect Zhan Weiyang to sleep in Pei Qing’s room for a night, and he pouted his lips in displeasure.

       Zhan Pengcheng looked at Zhan Weiyang, “Yangyang, is it not good to sleep with Songsong?”

       Zhan Weiyang raised his head and said ‘En’ softly.

       Zhan Pengcheng said, “Is that so? Then come and sleep with Dad tonight.” After that, he said to Pei Qing, “I’m sorry, xiao Qing, Yangyang must have disturbed you last night.”

       Pei Qing said, “Uncle, there’s no need to be so polite with me. We’re family, and Yangyang is my brother. If Xiusong doesn’t mind, he can come and sleep with me tonight, and Yangyang can sleep in his own room.”

       Zhan Weiyang immediately looked at Pei Qing, thinking to himself that it wouldn’t work; he minded. He wanted Pei Qing to look at him.

       But Pei Qing didn’t look at him. Zhan Pengcheng said, “It’s okay, you all sleep well. I’ll take care of Yangyang.”

       Zhan Weiyang was a little anxious, and he went down from the table to pull Pei Qing’s hand.

       Pei Qing sensed it and suddenly held his hand, lightly scratching his palm with his fingertips. Then he said to Zhan Pengcheng, “Let’s talk about it tonight. Let’s see where they want to sleep.”

       Zhan Pengcheng nodded, “That’s okay too.”

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(note that there are several guides to manoeuvre in Changpei, or you can google translate the page. Payment can be made with the Apple Pay method)

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Check out the angst novel I co-tl with my friend here~

And please buy me some kofi if you like the translation~

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Chapter 33

       It was already past nine, almost ten at night. The street was still quite lively, especially this particular restaurant, which was packed with people having late-night snacks. Every table along the street was occupied.

       According to the boss, when it was hot in the summer, they often had to sell until three or four o’clock in the morning before they could close the stall. Recently, because the weather was cold, they usually had to sell until about one o’clock in the morning.

       The dishes Pei Qing ordered had not been delivered yet, and there was only a bottle of beer in front of him. He gently stroked the bottle with his fingers, looked at Zhan Weiyang’s red ears, and suddenly asked, “Do you know how to do it?”

       The red spot on Zhan Weiyang’s ears spread to his entire face. He didn’t look at Pei Qing again, but without warning, he leaned his head against the table, his forehead hit it with a crisp sound, and then refused to look up. Obviously, he knew that Chen Youyou had shown him some strange things, and he was so scared when he saw it for the first time that he didn’t come back to his senses for a long time.

       Pei Qing was startled when he heard the sound of Zhan Weiyang’s forehead hitting the table. He quickly reached out to put his hand under his forehead and tried to push him up. Zhan Weiyang refused and simply buried his face in Pei Qing’s palm and rubbed it left and right.

       “Okay,” Pei Qing couldn’t help laughing, “It’s okay.”

       Zhan Weiyang then secretly looked at him, raised his head shyly, and sat silently with his neck shrunk.

       Pei Qing’s retracted fingers still felt the smooth touch of Zhan Weiyang’s face, and he unconsciously rubbed his fingertips gently.

       After waiting for a while, the waiter brought the crayfish they ordered.

       Pei Qing said to Zhan Weiyang, “Are you hungry? Eat it quickly.”

       Zhan Weiyang nodded. He put on thin disposable gloves, reached out to take a crayfish, and just picked it up. He felt it was too hot, so he quickly put it back. After putting it back, he was still not giving up, so he grabbed its plier with his fingertips, picked it up, and put it in his bowl.

       Before he could bring himself to peel the shell, he looked up at Pei Qing and found that Pei Qing had already started peeling a crayfish.

       “It’s hot,” Zhan Weiyang reminded him.

       Pei Qing stared at the colourful crayfish in his hand and replied, “I’m not afraid.”

       Zhan Weiyang thought Pei Qing was really amazing. He was not afraid of heat, just like Zhan Pengcheng.

       Pei Qing quickly peeled a shrimp, dipped the pink shrimp meat in garlic sauce, and handed it to Zhan Weiyang.

       Zhan Weiyang looked at him.

       Pei Qing said, “Open your mouth.”

       Zhan Weiyang then opened his mouth blankly and let Pei Qing feed the shrimp meat into his mouth.

       Pei Qing asked him, “Is it delicious?”

       Zhan Weiyang nodded while chewing the shrimp meat.

       Pei Qing didn’t say anything; he just smiled, lowered his head, and then reached out for the second shrimp.

       Before Zhan Weiyang finished peeling the shrimp in his bowl, Pei Qing had already peeled the second one and brought it to his mouth, asking him to open his mouth and feed it to him. Zhan Weiyang was a little anxious, so he said, “You eat some, go eat some.”

       Pei Qing said calmly, “I like to watch you eat.”

       Zhan Weiyang didn’t know why he blushed, and his heart beat fast. He peeled the first shrimp in a hurry and insisted on feeding it to Pei Qing. Pei Qing couldn’t resist him and had to eat it.

       Later, most of the dishes ordered by Pei Qing were fed into Zhan Weiyang’s stomach. Pei Qing was really not hungry. He just took Zhan Weiyang out to eat, fed Zhan Weiyang well, and then took him back.

       Pei Qing drank two bottles of beer, but he didn’t get drunk. There was only a slight smell of alcohol in his breath.

       They walked back to the neighbourhood. When they walked to the fountain in the centre of the neighbourhood, Zhan Weiyang couldn’t help burping, and he quickly covered his mouth embarrassedly.

       Pei Qing asked him, “Do you want to rest for a while before going back?”

       For Zhan Weiyang, as long as he could stay with Pei Qing for a while more, he would be happy, and he nodded immediately.

       The two sat down on the swing next to the fountain. From here, they could see the balcony on the second floor of the Zhan family. That was where Zhan Weiyang often stood and looked down.

       Pei Qing asked him, “Why don’t you want to go out and play today?”

       Zhan Weiyang didn’t answer.

       Pei Qing said, “You didn’t want to go out with me?”

       Zhan Weiyang said quickly, “It’s not like that.”

       Pei Qing looked at him.

       Zhan Weiyang said softly, “I don’t want to go out with Zhan Xiusong and the others.” He said this and didn’t say anything more. It was not that he hadn’t gone out with Zhan Weiguang and Zhan Xiusong before, but they just took him with them and didn’t care about him much. He never felt happy when he followed them.

       Pei Qing said, “What about going out with Qing ge next time?”

       Zhan Weiyang slowly swung his body back and forth on the swing, tapping his feet on the ground from time to time. He asked Pei Qing, “Do you like playing with me?” He felt that Zhan Weiguang and the others didn’t like playing with him.

       Pei Qing did not answer but just asked, “How do you want to play?”

       Zhan Weiyang could not answer. He imagined that if he went out with Pei Qing, it would be fun to do anything.

       Pei Qing said, “I’ll accompany you however you want to play, okay?”

       Zhan Weiyang was overjoyed in an instant. He then asked Pei Qing, “Why are you so nice to me?”

       Pei Qing looked ahead, laughed and said, “Why indeed?”

       Zhan Weiyang did not understand his emotions and asked, “Why?”

       Pei Qing said, “Why Yangyang asked why?”

       When asked this question, Zhan Weiyang said, “I don’t know.” Obviously, he was the one who asked it first.

       Pei Qing smiled gently and said, “Gege doesn’t know either. What does Yangyang think about it?”

       Zhan Weiyang was stunned. His head couldn’t figure out their relationship. After a long time, he said, “I don’t know.”

       Pei Qing stood up from the swing and said: “Don’t ask if you don’t know, go back to sleep.”

       Zhan Weiyang had to say, “Okay.” He hurriedly followed Pei Qing and walked towards home.

       They secretly used the key to open the door and go into the living room on the first floor. Pei Qing saw that the note he left before leaving was still there. It seemed that Zhan Pengcheng did not find that the two of them went out at night, so he walked over and took the note away.

       Going up to the second floor, Zhan Weiyang opened the door of his room a crack. Through the crack of the door, he saw Zhan Xiusong lying on his bed and snoring. His mobile phone was still on his chest. It seemed that he fell asleep halfway through playing and did not have time to tidy up. The table lamp in the room was even still on.

       Zhan Weiyang looked around and retreated to the corridor. At this time, Pei Qing had returned to his room, leaving Zhan Weiyang alone in the corridor.

       He looked down at Pei Qing’s coat, which he was still wearing, hesitated for a moment, walked to the door of Pei Qing’s room, and knocked gently.

       Pei Qing said from inside, “Come in.”

       Zhan Weiyang opened the door and looked inside.

       Pei Qing came over, passed by him, left the room, and walked towards the bathroom, saying, “I’m going to brush my teeth.”

       Zhan Weiyang glanced at his back and followed him silently to the bathroom door. His body was outside the door, only sticking his head out to look at him.

       Pei Qing saw Zhan Weiyang in the mirror, but he didn’t say anything, so he lowered his head and continued to brush his teeth.

       Until Pei Qing brushed his teeth, washed his face with clean water, stood up and wiped the water off his face with a towel, Zhan Weiyang was still standing at the door, staring blankly at him. Pei Qing said, “Gege is going to the bathroom.”

       Zhan Weiyang looked at his face with a questioning look.

       Pei Qing put one hand on the trouser button and asked him, “Do you want to come in and see?”

       Zhan Weiyang suddenly understood what Pei Qing meant, shook his head quickly, stepped out and stood against the wall.

       Pei Qing then closed the bathroom door.

       When he opened it again after a while, he saw Zhan Weiyang still standing outside the door, so he said, “Do you want to go wash up?”

       Zhan Weiyang shook his head, then nodded.

       Pei Qing reached out and rubbed his head, “Go ahead.” He walked outside.

Support the author by buying the author’s other works and/or giving some jades here~
(note that there are several guides to manoeuvre in Changpei, or you can google translate the page. Payment can be made with the Apple Pay method)

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Check out bean’s new ABO novel here!
Check out another novel about sentinel x guide here~
Check out the other hoeni’s work here~
Check out the angst novel I co-tl with my friend here~

And please buy me some kofi if you like the translation~

Also leave some ratings if you like this series here~

Chapter 32

       Zhan Weiguang and the others played until they had dinner outside before they came back.

       Zhan Pengcheng carried Zhan Xiusong’s suitcase and went up to the second floor. He knocked on Zhan Weiyang’s door, turned the doorknob, stood at the door and said, “Yangyang, Songsong is coming to sleep in the same room with you, okay?”

       There were three rooms on the first floor of the house; one was for Auntie Luo, one was for Grandma, and another was used as a utility room. There was only one room on the third floor, which was Zhan Weiguang’s bedroom. There were three rooms on the second floor; one that was originally a guest room was now occupied by Pei Qing.

       Zhan Xiusong came this time, so Zhan Pengcheng could only arrange for him to sleep in the same room with Zhan Weiyang, the youngest in the family.

       Zhan Weiyang was sitting at his desk reading a book. When he heard Zhan Pengcheng’s voice, he turned around to look at him. He wanted to refuse, but he couldn’t bear to say anything.

       Zhan Xiusong was still downstairs, and only Zhan Pengcheng came up first. He leaned his suitcase against the door, walked into the room, and said to Zhan Weiyang, “What? Don’t you want to sleep with your brother?”

       Zhan Weiyang didn’t say anything.

       Zhan Pengcheng sat down beside the bed and asked Zhan Weiyang, “If you don’t want to sleep with your brother, do you want to sleep with your father?”

       Zhan Weiyang hesitated for a long time and finally whispered, “I want to sleep with Qing gege.”

       Zhan Pengcheng was stunned. He didn’t expect Zhan Weiyang to say this answer. He hesitated for a while before saying, “But does Qing ge want to sleep with you?”

       Zhan Weiyang didn’t know. He remembered that Pei Qing said yesterday that he would not sleep with him in the future.

       Zhan Pengcheng said to him, “Yangyang, although Pei Qing is your older cousin, he is not your aunt’s biological son after all. Do you understand what Dad means?”

       Zhan Weiyang looked at him silently.

       Zhan Pengcheng continued, “Strictly speaking, he is a guest in our house, so we still have to be polite to him, do you know?”

       Zhan Weiyang nodded.

       “Xiusong is your cousin, and his father and I are brothers. We are a family, and there is no need to be so polite. It’s okay for us to sleep together at night; just don’t cause trouble for Pei Qing.”

       Zhan Weiyang still nodded.

       Zhan Pengcheng noticed that he was in a bad mood, so he stood up, walked over to touch his head, and asked, “What’s wrong with Yangyang? Why are you unhappy today?”

       Zhan Weiyang said, “Nothing.”

       Zhan Pengcheng said, “How about this? Daddy will be free tomorrow, so how about Daddy taking you out for a whole day, okay?” After that, he thought about it carefully, “We can invite Grandma, your brothers, and everyone else and find a place to spend the whole day. What do you think?”

       Zhan Weiyang nodded, “Okay.”

       Zhan Pengcheng smiled and asked Zhan Weiyang, “Then tell Dad now. Are you willing to squeeze in with Xiusong? If not, I will ask your brother.”

       Zhan Weiyang replied, “Okay.”

       Zhan Pengcheng patted him on the shoulder, “Good son.”

       Zhan Xiusong played in Zhan Weiguang’s room until quite late before going downstairs. He came into Zhan Weiyang’s room, took toiletries and clean clothes to the bathroom, and came back in pyjamas a while later and lay directly on Zhan Weiyang’s bed.

       Zhan Weiyang turned his head from the desk to look at him and saw that he was concentrating on playing mobile games.

       Neither of the two people in the room spoke.

       Zhan Weiyang closed his book, which he hadn’t been able to focus on all night, put on his slippers, and walked out. He went down the hallway to Pei Qing’s room, pressed his ear against the door to listen for a while but heard nothing. Then, he went to the bathroom to pee.

       After peeing, Zhan Weiyang stood in front of the sink to wash his hands. Halfway through, he suddenly raised his head to look in the mirror. He felt hungry.

       Zhan Weiyang only ate a little at dinner because he was in a bad mood. He was still in a bad mood until now, but his stomach was hungry on its own and it didn’t want to care about his mood at all.

       Zhan Weiyang left the bathroom and walked to the stairs. He walked down the stairs slowly and breathlessly, wanting to go to the kitchen to find something to eat.

       There was still a lot of food in the kitchen refrigerator, but most of it was cold and couldn’t be eaten directly. Zhan Weiyang closed the refrigerator door and went to search the cupboard again. He found a bag of instant noodles and planned to make instant noodles for himself.

       Zhan Weiyang was frantically trying to boil water with a kettle when he suddenly heard Pei Qing calling him, “Yangyang.”

       He turned around and saw Pei Qing standing at the kitchen door, looking at him.

       For some reason, Zhan Weiyang remembered what Zhan Pengcheng had just said. He remembered Zhan Pengcheng said Pei Qing was a guest at home, and they needed to be polite, so he was a little at a loss for words and nervously called out, “Qing ge.”

       Pei Qing looked at the instant noodles he had placed next to the kettle and asked, “Are you hungry?”

       Zhan Weiyang nodded.

       Pei Qing said, “Don’t have instant noodles. I’ll take you out to eat whatever you want.”

       Zhan Weiyang said ‘Ah’ in surprise, and when he saw Pei Qing’s eyes light up, he whispered, “Is it okay?”

       Pei Qing said, “Sure, we’ll go secretly, don’t let your Dad know.”

       Zhan Weiyang nodded excitedly at his words; whether it was going out to eat with Pei Qing or not telling his dad, it made him feel full of emotions.

       He looked down at his pyjamas. They were just ordinary pure cotton ones. They were not too thin to wear out, but they were a little thin.

       Pei Qing asked him to wait, then went back to her room and brought him a coat, which he helped him put on.

       Zhan Weiyang smelled a familiar scent of laundry detergent. Pei Qing’s coat was a little long and big for him, but it could wrap him up, which made him feel happy. He couldn’t help but smile, and his bad mood for the whole day disappeared.

       Before leaving, Pei Qing thought more about it. He was worried that Zhan Pengcheng would be worried if he found out that Zhan Weiyang was missing, so he left a note on the coffee table in the living room and then took Zhan Weiyang out.

       Zhan Weiyang wore a pair of sneakers on his bare feet. His feet slipped on the soles from time to time, but he still excitedly followed Pei Qing outside. They left the neighbourhood, walked north for a few hundred meters, and entered a busy street.

       Pei Qing chose a restaurant that sold barbecue and crayfish and sat at a table facing the street. He asked Zhan Weiyang to sit inside, but he stayed outside to block the night wind.

       The boss brought the menu over.

       Pei Qing ordered a garlic crayfish, some barbecue, and finally asked the boss to bring a bottle of beer.

       Zhan Weiyang was feeling lively and happy. He asked Pei Qing, “Can I have a beer?”

       Pei Qing said, “You can’t drink it, I’ll drink it.”

       Zhan Weiyang asked, “Then when can I drink?”

       Pei Qing helped Zhan Weiyang take the chopsticks out of the wrapper, put them on the bowl, and answered him, “When you are eighteen years old.”

       Zhan Weiyang said, “I will be eighteen next year.”

       A waiter brought the beer first, opened the bottle cap neatly, and put it on the table for them.

       Pei Qing took a sip of the bottle to relieve the dryness in his throat and said to Zhan Weiyang, “Yes, Yangyang will be able to do a lot of things when he turns eighteen.”

       Zhan Weiyang looked at him, “What else can I do?”

       Pei Qing held the bottle in one hand, with the bottle’s mouth against his lips. Before taking the second sip of the wine, he looked down at Zhan Weiyang and asked him, “What else do you want to do?”

       Zhan Weiyang said in an uncertain tone, “Make love?”

       Pei Qing Qing choked on a mouthful of wine, put down the bottle in a hurry, covered his mouth with a tissue and started coughing hard. He finally stopped and said to Zhan Weiyang, “Don’t talk nonsense.”

       Zhan Weiyang said ‘Oh’ with a regretful tone.

       Pei Qing thought for a while and said to him, “This is not a matter of age. Even if you are over 18 years old, you can’t have sex with anyone casually. You must meet the right person and be able to take responsibility for her. Do you understand what I mean?”

       Zhan Weiyang put his hands on the table, picked the nails of the other hand together, looked at Pei Qing, turned his eyes back to his hands, his ears slightly red, and said, “I will be responsible.”

This chapter caught me off guard… I thought this going to be a sweet??? heartwarming??? plain??? story?
Not that I complain about it tho give it more

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(note that there are several guides to manoeuvre in Changpei, or you can google translate the page. Payment can be made with the Apple Pay method)

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Chapter 31

       To say that Zhan Xiusong was a little chubby was somewhat courteous, but calling him a big fat guy would have been a bit unfair to him, as he was, after all, only a sixteen-year-old boy.

       Anyway, he was one centimetre taller than Zhan Weiyang, with a round face and two layers of chins. He wore a pair of framed glasses, which had left marks on both sides of his eyes.

       But if one ignored the extra fat on his face, Zhan Xiusong actually looked pretty handsome, with some similarities in facial features to his relative, Zhan Weiyang. If he could lose weight, he would also be a beautiful boy.

       But Zhan Xiusong obviously didn’t consider these things now. He was more concerned about whether there were meat buns and milk for breakfast. He really liked drinking milk and wished he could drink it like water.

       Zhan Pengcheng and Pei Qing both came down from the second floor. Auntie Luo brought breakfast to the table and called them to come and eat.

       Zhan Xiusong sat down and started to eat the buns in big mouthfuls. When he was satisfied with his meal, he said to Pei Qing, “Qing ge, do you want to go out and have some fun together in the next few days?”

       He liked Pei Qing very much. Everyone in the Zhan family liked Pei Qing very much, especially the boys. They thought Pei Qing, being a student at a prestigious university, was good-looking, capable, and had a great personality. Plus, he came from a good family background, which made them naturally gravitate towards him.

       Before this, except Zhan Weiyang, everyone else was quite close to Pei Qing.

       Since Pei Qing had come over for his internship, he hadn’t had any time to go out and have fun. Now that it was the National Day holiday, it seemed like a good opportunity. So he nodded to Zhan Xiusong and said, “Let’s go.”

       Zhan Xiusong quickly bumped Zhan Weiguang’s arm and said, “Guang ge, let’s go out and play together.”

       Zhan Weiguang asked him, “Where do you want to go?”

       Zhan Xiusong smiled and said, “Let’s just visit some of the tourist spots and find a place to eat lunch. I want to have a hotpot.”

       Zhan Weiguang said, “Okay, we’ll go out after we decide where to go.”

       Pei Qing glanced in the direction of the stairs and was about to speak when Zhan Pengcheng came over and said to Zhan Weiguang, “Take your brother with you.”

       Zhan Weiguang didn’t say anything, and Zhan Xiusong made a face behind Zhan Pengcheng.

       Pei Qing was sitting opposite the dining table, facing the two of them, watching their expressions silently.

       Zhan Weiguang turned around and said to his father, “He can go if he wants to. It’s not like I can force him if he doesn’t want to go.”

       Zhan Pengcheng came over and stood behind Zhan Weiguang, saying, “Why doesn’t he want to go? If you are willing to take him out to play, he will definitely want to go.”

       Zhan Weiguang said, “I’ll ask him later.”

       Zhan Xiusong looked up and asked, “Where is Zhan Weiyang?”

       Zhan Pengcheng said, “It seems he hasn’t gotten up yet.”

       “So lazy?” Zhan Xiusong stood up from his seat, “I’ll go wake him up. If not, how long will he have to wait?”

       Auntie Luo heard the conversation outside in the kitchen, poked her head out to Zhan Xiusong, and shouted, “Have you finished your meal?”

       Zhan Xiusong said, “I’ve finished, I’ve finished, I ate three buns!” As he spoke, he ran to the stairs and strode upstairs.

       Pei Qing held the milk carton in his hand, drank it slowly, put it gently on the table, and then stood up.

       Zhan Weiguang immediately looked at him and asked, “Qing ge, where are you going?”

       Pei Qing said, “Go back to the room. Enjoy your meal.” After that, he also walked towards the stairs.

       Zhan Weiyang was still wrapped in a blanket, deep in dreams. He slept heavily, cycling through several dreams without waking up.

       Until he heard someone shouting, “Zhan Weiyang! Wake up!”

       Right after that, something heavy pressed down on him, almost taking his breath away.

       He could only struggle to wake up in shock and opened his eyes to see Zhan Xiusong climbing up from his bed. It turned out that the thing that pressed heavily on him just now was none other than Zhan Xiusong.

       Zhan Xiusong stood by the bed with his back bent. When he saw Zhan Weiyang wake up, he threw himself on him again and said, “Get up!”

       Zhan Weiyang shouted in panic, “You’re crushing me!”

       Zhan Xiusong knew that he was heavy. He lay on Zhan Weiyang’s waist through a quilt and raised his hand to support his face with a bit of complacency, saying, “Who told you to be lazy?”

       Zhan Weiyang was really about to be out of breath. He said, “I’m dying.”

       Zhan Xiusong then slowly got up from him, knelt on the bed with his legs, raised his hand to push the glasses on his nose, and looked at Zhan Weiyang with drooping eyelids and a smile.

       Zhan Weiyang quickly supported his body with his hands, sat up, and even stepped back a little, with his back against the head of the bed. His hair was messy and sticking up, and there was a faint red on his fair cheeks. He looked at Zhan Xiusong while panting.

       Zhan Xiusong asked him, “Do you want to go out with us?”

       Zhan Weiyang asked, “Where?”

       Zhan Xiusong said, “Let’s go out for a walk and find a place to eat at noon.”

       Zhan Weiyang looked outside the door and confirmed that Zhan Pengcheng was not there before he said, “I don’t want to go.” He didn’t want to go out with Zhan Weiguang and Zhan Xiusong.

       “Don’t bother then,” Zhan Xiusong obviously didn’t mean to keep inviting him, so he climbed down from Zhan Weiyang’s bed, tidied his own clothes, and walked out.

       As soon as he walked out of Zhan Weiyang’s room, he saw Pei Qing and shouted, “Qing ge, Zhan Weiyang said he won’t go, let’s get ready to go.”

       Pei Qing walked to the door of Zhan Weiyang’s room and looked inside. He saw Zhan Weiyang sitting on the bed with his eyes wide open, looking a little dazed, so he asked, “You don’t want to go?”

       Zhan Weiyang opened his mouth, but before he could say anything, Zhan Xiusong said, “He won’t go. Don’t think much about him; let’s just go.”

       Zhan Weiyang lowered his head in silence. At this time, Zhan Weiguang carried his luggage up to the third floor. When he passed the stairs on the second floor, he saw Pei Qing and the others and said, “You guys go wait for me downstairs first. I’ll pack up my things and come down.”

       Pei Qing nodded.

       Zhan Xiusong had already reached out to pull Pei Qing’s arm, urging him, “Let’s go, let’s go.”

       Pei Qing was not in a hurry to leave, so he asked Zhan Weiyang again, “Does Yangyang want to come along?”

       Zhan Weiyang looked at Zhan Xiusong and shook his head silently. Pei Qing then said, “Alright, then we’ll leave first.”

       After they all left the room, Zhan Weiyang got off the bed, walked to the window in his pyjamas and looked outside. He knew Zhan Weiguang had just gone upstairs, so for a while, they probably wouldn’t be leaving the house. Nevertheless, he stubbornly waited by the window.

       After waiting for almost a quarter of an hour, he saw Pei Qing drive the car to the front of the building. Zhan Weiguang and Zhan Xiusong came out of the house and got into the car one after the other. Zhan Pengcheng also walked to the door to see them off, told Pei Qing to drive carefully, and told Zhan Weiguang to take his brothers to have something delicious for lunch.

       Pei Qing drove away. Zhan Pengcheng stood there and looked for a while, then suddenly raised his head and looked towards the second floor, where he saw Zhan Weiyang standing by the bed.

       It was too late for Zhan Weiyang to hide at this time, so he could only call out, “Dad.”

       Zhan Pengcheng asked him, “Why don’t you go out and play with your brother?”

       Zhan Weiyang said, “I don’t want to go.”

       Zhan Pengcheng put his hands on his waist, looked up and asked, “Why don’t you go?”

       Zhan Weiyang pinched his fingers on the window sill and said, “I just don’t want to go.”

       Zhan Pengcheng sighed and no longer forced him. He only said, “If you’re not going, forget about it. Have you slept enough? If you have, change clothes and come down for breakfast.”

       Zhan Weiyang nodded and said, “Ah.”

       Zhan Weiyang was at home doing nothing all day.

       Zhan Pengcheng went out after receiving a phone call in the morning, leaving only Grandma and Auntie Luo at home. After lunch, Auntie Luo accompanied Grandma for a walk, leaving Zhan Weiyang alone.

       Zhan Weiyang went up to the second floor, squatted on the balcony, wiped the dust accumulated on the flower pot with a rag, then stepped into the flower pot and sat down.

       He sat there for the whole afternoon until he heard that Grandma and Auntie Luo had come back. Then he came out of the flower pot and went downstairs to watch TV with Grandma for a while.

The author has something to say:
Sorry, I still haven’t figured out the rules for joining V. I don’t know when I’ll be able to join V. It’ll probably take at least another two or three days… I’ll let everyone know on Weibo.

I have a feeling Yangyang wouldn’t join but… Those brothers of his are… sigh…

Support the author by buying the author’s other works and/or giving some jades here~
(note that there are several guides to manoeuvre in Changpei, or you can google translate the page. Payment can be made with the Apple Pay method)

We have a discord server for those who want to receive an update ping and various announcements~
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Check out bean’s new ABO novel here!
Check out another novel about sentinel x guide here~
Check out the other hoeni’s work here~
Check out the angst novel I co-tl with my friend here~

And please buy me some kofi if you like the translation~

Also leave some ratings if you like this series here~

Chapter 30

       The window of Pei Qing’s room was open, and the sound of small children playing could be vaguely heard coming from the public garden of the neighbourhood.

       Zhan Weiyang looked at Pei Qing, not understanding why he suddenly stopped sleeping with him.

       Pei Qing sat cross-legged on the bed, straightened his back and faced Zhan Weiyang, saying, “Your father is back.”

       Zhan Weiyang nodded.

       Pei Qing had no choice but to continue, “Then you can go back to your room to sleep. If you are still scared at night, you can go find your father.”

       Zhan Weiyang looked at him with his round eyes, his eyes drooping slightly, and the corners of his mouth drooping unconsciously, “Can’t I look for you?”

       Pei Qing patiently said to him, “Isn’t it better to find your father?”

       Zhan Weiyang said, “I haven’t slept with my father for a long time.”

       Pei Qing was silent for a while and asked him, “Is it because Yangyang is older?”

       Zhan Weiyang said, “Yeah.”

       Pei Qing said, “Then you shouldn’t continue to sleep with gege. If your father sees you, he will be disappointed in you.”

       Zhan Weiyang didn’t speak, and his fingers dug into his pants hard.

       Pei Qing suddenly felt a little bit reluctant. He looked at Zhan Weiyang and didn’t speak for a long time.

       Zhan Weiyang didn’t want to look at him anymore and lowered his eyes silently.

       Pei Qing stretched out a hand to hold Zhan Weiyang’s shoulder and said to him, “Yangyang, this is inappropriate, you know?”

       Yes, Zhan Weiyang was not a girl, so it stands to reason that he didn’t need to be so defensive. If there had been no extra rooms or beds at home, it wouldn’t have been a problem for Pei Qing to share a bed with him. However, since there were enough rooms, it seemed inappropriate for Zhan Weiyang, a seventeen-year-old boy, to insist on sharing a bed with him. If Zhan Pengcheng had found out, he would definitely have had some concerns.

       Zhan Weiyang could be considered immature, but Pei Qing couldn’t afford to be. He needed to learn to say no at the right time and now was actually a great opportunity.

       The room was quiet for a while. Pei Qing got out of bed, went around, and picked up Zhan Weiyang’s quilt and pillow together. He looked at him and said, “I’ll take it back to your room.”

       Zhan Weiyang, with his head hanging low in dejection, followed Pei Qing back to his own room and sat down silently on the edge of his bed.

       Pei Qing put the quilt and pillow on the bed for him, looked at him for a while, squatted down in front of him, looked up and said to him, “How old is Yangyang?”

       Zhan Weiyang replied, “Seventeen years old.”

       Pei Qing smiled, “Are you still afraid of ghosts at the age of seventeen?”

       Zhan Weiyang perked up and said, “I’m not afraid of ghosts. There are no ghosts in the world.”

       Pei Qing asked him, “Then what are you afraid of?”

       Zhan Weiyang thought of the strange voice that kept deducting his points, hesitated for a moment and said, “I’m afraid that all my points will be deducted.”

       Pei Qing didn’t say anything, just looked at him.

       Zhan Weiyang felt embarrassed by being looked at, turned his head and whispered, “It’s true.”

       Pei Qing said, “No, you won’t turn into a plant, let alone a money tree.”

       Zhan Weiyang didn’t argue. He knew that Pei Qing wouldn’t believe him even if he said something, and often, others didn’t believe what he said.

       Pei Qing stood up and said to him, “Go to bed early.” After that, he left Zhan Weiyang’s room.

       Zhan Weiyang was left alone. He lifted his feet, bent his legs, and sat on the bed with his arms wrapped around his knees. He silently pulled the brim of his cap down, and then after a moment, pulled it down even further until he couldn’t see anything in front of him. Only then did he sit quietly by himself.

       When he went to bed at night, Zhan Weiyang couldn’t fall asleep for a long time. Later, he picked up the mobile phone on the bedside table and sent a message to Chen Youyou in the dark: “Are you asleep?”

       Unexpectedly, Chen Youyou replied to him quickly: “I’m asleep.”

       Zhan Weiyang thought it was amazing: “How can you reply to my message when you are asleep?”

       Chen Youyou: “I was woken up by you!”

       Zhan Weiyang: “Sorry.”

       Chen Youyou: “Forget it, I can sleep in tomorrow anyway, what’s the matter?”

       Zhan Weiyang thought about it and asked him: “Do you like money tree?”

       Chen Youyou: “What is money tree?”

       Zhan Weiyang went online to find a picture and sent it to him. He especially found a money tree with straight roots and full leaves.

       Chen Youyou: “Why do I like this?”

       Zhan Weiyang told him: “Nothing, I just want to show you, I think it’s very nice.”

       Chen Youyou: “… I’m going to sleep, bye.”

       Zhan Weiyang had to type: “Good night.”

       He put his phone back on the bedside table and pulled the quilt over his head. He felt that his thoughts were always in a mess as if he was thinking about many things, but he couldn’t figure out any one thing. It took him a long time to fall asleep.

       The next day was the first day of the National Day holiday. Pei Qing was still awakened by his biological clock early in the morning. He put on his clothes and went out of the room to wash up in the bathroom. He glanced in the direction of Zhan Weiyang’s room and saw that his door was still closed.

       When he went downstairs, he subconsciously glanced at the balcony on the second floor at the stairs and found that Zhan Pengcheng had already gotten up and was watering the potted plants on the balcony with a kettle.

       Pei Qing then walked over.

       Zhan Pengcheng saw Pei Qing and greeted him with a smile, “Good morning, xiao Qing.”

       Pei Qing said, “Uncle, good morning.”

       Zhan Pengcheng asked him, “Have you eaten?”

       Pei Qing shook his head.

       Zhan Pengcheng said, “Then go downstairs and have breakfast.”

       Pei Qing did not move. He put his hands in his jacket pockets and slowly walked to the edge of the balcony to watch Zhan Pengcheng watering the plants.

       Zhan Pengcheng did not urge him to go down, but asked, “Why is there an extra flower pot here?”

       Pei Qing stood in front of Zhan Weiyang’s flower pot, kicked the flower pot lightly with the tip of his sneakers, and said only, “Yangyang and I went out to buy it.”

       “Oh,” Zhan Pengcheng seemed to be very interested in planting flowers and plants, and asked him, “What are you going to plant?”

       Pei Qing was silent for a moment, and answered him, “A money tree.”

       Zhan Pengcheng smiled and said, “A money tree is more suitable for indoor cultivation. It will die if it is exposed to strong sunlight.”

       Pei Qing looked at the flower pot for a while, pondered for a long time, and still asked Zhan Pengcheng, “Yangyang he—has he been like that since he was a child?”

       The smile on Zhan Pengcheng’s face disappeared instantly. He stopped watering and looked at Pei Qing, “Is Yangyang causing you trouble?”

       Pei Qing hurriedly said, “No, I am just concerned about Yangyang, wondering if I should take him to see a doctor.”

       “The doctor said he is fine,” Zhan Pengcheng said, his expression and tone becoming serious.

       Pei Qing said, “I didn’t mean anything else, Uncle. Please don’t be angry.”

       Zhan Pengcheng seemed to feel that he had overreacted, so he softened his tone and said to Pei Qing, “It’s okay. You don’t know Yangyang. He must have caused you a lot of trouble. I’ll be at home during this period of time, I’ll keep an eye on him.”

       Pei Qing noticed Zhan Pengcheng’s resistance and knew that no matter what he said now, Zhan Pengcheng probably wouldn’t listen, so he stopped mentioning Zhan Weiyang and said, “Uncle, I’ll go downstairs to eat first.”

       Zhan Pengcheng nodded, “Go quickly.”

       When Pei Qing turned around to leave, he suddenly heard a shout from downstairs, “Uncle!”

       Zhan Pengcheng and Pei Qing both leaned forward to look downstairs and saw Zhan Weiguang with a chubby, tall boy appearing together, dragging a box in their hands.

       The chubby boy looked up towards the second floor. First, he spotted Zhan Pengcheng, and then he noticed Pei Qing. Immediately, he waved happily and called out, “Qing ge! I’m here!”

       The chubby boy was Zhan Weiyang’s cousin who was in the first year of high school this year—Zhan Xiusong.

The author has something to say:
I will take two days off next, because I need to save manuscripts to enter the V1VIP or paid chapters. I’m quite busy at work right now, so I can’t maintain daily updates and prepare drafts for posting simultaneously. Therefore, I aim to post them all together on the 5th. If there are any changes, I will update everyone on Weibo.

Support the author by buying the author’s other works and/or giving some jades here~
(note that there are several guides to manoeuvre in Changpei, or you can google translate the page. Payment can be made with the Apple Pay method)

We have a discord server for those who want to receive an update ping and various announcements~
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Check out bean’s new ABO novel here!
Check out another novel about sentinel x guide here~
Check out the other hoeni’s work here~
Check out the angst novel I co-tl with my friend here~

And please buy me some kofi if you like the translation~

Also leave some ratings if you like this series here~

Chapter 29

       That day, Chen Youyou eventually drank the cup of coffee, indicating he had forgiven Zhan Weiyang. What made Zhan Weiyang even happier was that the System hadn’t deducted any points from him in the past few days. There were even two nights when it didn’t speak to him at all. Zhan Weiyang fervently hoped that the System had forgotten about him and would never remember him again.

       However, for Zhan Weiyang, nothing could compare with the happiness that Zhan Pengcheng brought him when he returned from his business trip.

       Zhan Pengcheng returned the day before the National Day11st October PRC National Day. Zhan Weiyang had already had his dinner that day and had just returned upstairs when he heard a noise coming from downstairs. He stretched his head out the window of his room to look and was just in time to see Zhan Pengcheng walking through the first-floor door with a suitcase in his hand.

       “Dad!” Zhan Weiyang couldn’t help shouting, then turned around and ran outside. He hurried through the corridor, his slippers clattering on the stairs and ran all the way down. He came to the living room, panting slightly, and saw that Zhan Pengcheng was talking to his grandma.

       Zhan Pengcheng put the box at his feet, walked over, hugged Zhan Weiyang hard, patted his back with the palm of his hand, and called, “Son!”

       Zhan Weiyang showed a happy smile.

       Zhan Pengcheng quickly let go of him and turned around to continue talking to Grandma. Zhan Weiyang stood aside and listened for a while, and listened to him talking about business matters.

       At this time, Pei Qing came down from the second floor, saw Zhan Pengcheng, and called out, “Uncle, are you back?”

       Zhan Pengcheng raised his head and greeted Pei Qing with a smile, “Pei Qing, you have worked hard to take care of the family this month while I was away.”

       Pei Qing said, “It’s not hard for me. You’re the one working hard out there.”

       Zhan Pengcheng still wanted to say something, but Auntie Luo came out of the kitchen and walked towards the dining room with a bowl in hand. As she walked, she said, “Come and eat the noodles first. After you finish, let’s talk slowly.”

       Zhan Pengcheng had rushed straight back after getting off the plane and hadn’t had time to eat dinner yet, so he only asked Auntie Luo to cook a bowl of noodles for him.

       He went to the dining room to sit down and eat noodles. No one else returned to the room, so they went to the dining room to sit with him.

       While eating, Zhan Pengcheng asked his grandma, “Mom, are you feeling well?”

       Grandma folded her arms, stuffed them into her sleeves, and said, “I’m very good.”

       Zhan Pengcheng then asked Zhan Weiyang, “Have you had any exams recently?”

       Zhan Weiyang shook his head.

       Zhan Pengcheng smiled, looked up at Pei Qing, and asked, “Did he behave himself and study?”

       Pei Qing said, “Yes, he is very good every day.”

       Zhan Pengcheng smiled and said, “Don’t hide it from me for him. I know that he sometimes spreads the book on the table and doesn’t read it seriously at all.”

       Zhan Weiyang was sitting next to him. Hearing Zhan Pengcheng’s words, he did not refute but smiled sheepishly.

       Pei Qing lowered his head slightly, smiled softly, and said, “No, he’s really well-behaved.”

       Zhan Weiyang’s eyes darted quickly to Pei Qing, stealing a swift glance. His mouth curved into a slight smile before he immediately looked away again.

       After Zhan Pengcheng finished dinner, Auntie Luo cleaned up and washed the dishes, and Grandma went back to her room to rest. Pei Qing helped Zhan Pengcheng carry the box to the door of his room on the second floor and said, “I’m going back to my room first. Uncle, please rest early.”

       Zhan Pengcheng thanked him, opened the door and pushed the box in.

       Zhan Weiyang followed Zhan Pengcheng, and Pei Qing passed by him when he left. He hooked Pei Qing’s hand with his fingers.

       Pei Qing paused, patted him on the shoulder and said, “Keep your uncle company and chat with him for a while.”

       Zhan Weiyang looked at him and nodded.

       Zhan Pengcheng squatted on the ground and sorted the box. Most of the box contained his clothes. There were a few pieces that he had not washed after wearing them two or three times. He took them out and threw them on the ground.

       Zhan Weiyang walked over and squatted beside him to accompany him quietly.

       Zhan Pengcheng turned his head, looked at Zhan Weiyang and smiled. There were deep wrinkles on the corners of his eyebrows and eyes. These wrinkles would fade slightly when he didn’t smile, but the wrinkles between his eyebrows would not disappear.

       He also had a hard time these past few years.

       Zhan Weiyang’s gaze fell on Zhan Pengcheng’s face.

       Zhan Pengcheng dug out a paper bag from the box, took out a black baseball cap, and raised his hand. He then put it on Zhan Weiyang’s head and said, “Dad bought you a gift. Do you like it?”

       Zhan Weiyang raised his hands to hold the brim of his hat, turned it left and right on his head, and said, “I like it.”

       Growing up, Zhan Pengcheng would buy gifts for Zhan Weiyang whenever he went on a business trip. It was easier when Zhan Weiyang was a child—remote-controlled cars, Iron Man figures, and the like. Now that Zhan Weiyang was growing up, Zhan Pengcheng found it harder to decide what to buy each time. Last time, he bought Zhan Weiyang a pair of sneakers worth over a thousand yuan; this time, he bought a baseball cap.

       But no matter what gift he bought, Zhan Weiyang would always say, ‘I like it’ with bright eyes.

       Zhan Pengcheng couldn’t help but raise his hand, held Zhan Weiyang’s head in his arms, shook it, and said, “Good son.”

       He would ask Zhan Weiyang if he had studied well, but he didn’t really ask him if he had learnt well. He knew that Zhan Weiyang’s grades were not good and there was nothing he could do to improve them. All he hoped for was that Zhan Weiyang could live a happy life, and that was enough for him.

       When Zhan Pengcheng let go of Zhan Weiyang, the hat on Zhan Weiyang’s head was already crooked.

       Zhan Weiyang took off his hat, put it back on, and said with a smile, “Thank you, Dad.”

       Zhan Pengcheng picked up all the clothes thrown on the floor and threw them into the dirty clothes basket in his bathroom, waiting for Auntie Luo to take them to be washed tomorrow.

       When he turned his head from the bathroom to look outside, he saw Zhan Weiyang standing in front of the mirror, trying on the hat. He smiled and said, “Dad’s going to take a shower in a bit. You go back to your room and have some fun.”

       Zhan Weiyang quickly looked back at him.

       He added, “Tomorrow, Xu Song is coming over to play. He’s coming back with your brother. You must not fight and make sure to get along well with your younger brother, okay?”

       Zhan Weiyang said, “Oh.”

       Zhan Pengcheng waved to him, “Go ahead.”

       Zhan Weiyang came out of Zhan Pengcheng’s room and raised his hand to close the door for him. When walking towards his room, he passed Pei Qing’s door. He couldn’t help but walk over and knock on the door.

       He heard Pei Qing say, “Please come in.”

       Zhan Weiyang opened the door and went in. He saw Pei Qing sitting on the edge of the bed, with one leg bent on the bed and the other leg on the edge of the bed. He was holding a mobile phone in his hand as if he was sending a message to someone.

       Pei Qing glanced at him, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, but still looked back at the phone screen and asked casually, “What’s wrong?”

       Zhan Weiyang approached Pei Qing and said, “Qing ge, look at my new hat.”

       Pei Qing smiled and said, “It’s very nice.”

       Zhan Weiyang felt that Pei Qing was perfunctory with him, so he squatted by the bed and looked up at him, saying, “Look at me first.”

       Pei Qing finally put his phone aside, his gaze falling on Zhan Weiyang’s face. He said, “I saw yours, it’s really nice.” After speaking, he reached out, lifted Zhan Weiyang’s hat, and then put it back down.

       Zhan Weiyang stood up happily, took off his shoes, and climbed onto the bed from Pei Qing’s side. He jumped over Pei Qing to the other side and sat down against his own pillow and quilt.

       Pei Qing bent his fingers, tapped twice on the screen of his phone, and said to Zhan Weiyang in a serious tone, “Yangyang, you can’t sleep with me today.”

       Zhan Weiyang originally took his mobile phone out of his pocket. He wanted to take a photo of the hat and send it to Chen Youyou. Suddenly he heard Pei Qing’s words and looked at him blankly, “Why?”

It’s refreshing to see a very gentle and caring parents in danmei

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(note that there are several guides to manoeuvre in Changpei, or you can google translate the page. Payment can be made with the Apple Pay method)

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Check out another novel about sentinel x guide here~
Check out the other hoeni’s work here~
Check out the angst novel I co-tl with my friend here~

And please buy me some kofi if you like the translation~

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Chapter 28

       After the gauze on Chen Youyou’s forehead was removed, a scar was left. The doctor sutured it very carefully, but it still looked a little hideous before the swelling subsided.

       Zhan Weiyang stared at Chen Youyou’s scar, feeling anxious. He tapped it with his finger through the air and asked him, “Will it leave a scar?”

       “Who cares?” When he was first injured, Chen Youyou asked the doctor with a pale face whether he would be disfigured. Now he had almost forgotten the pain, and his tone had become indifferent.

       Zhan Weiyang lay on the table listlessly and said, “It’s all my fault.”

       Chen Youyou couldn’t help but persuade him, “Don’t blame yourself, blame Xie Ling.”

       Zhan Weiyang sat up straight, “Don’t blame him, blame me.”

       Chen Youyou was not very happy, “Why do you protect Xie Ling so much…”

       Zhan Weiyang said, “Because I am pursuing him.”

       Chen Youyou pouted in disdain.

       Zhan Weiyang reached out and pulled his sleeve, “I’ll treat you to milk tea at noon.”

       Chen Youyou said, “Starbucks.”

       Zhan Weiyang quickly said: “Okay, let’s go for Starbucks.”

       At noon, Zhan Weiyang ordered Starbucks takeout and had it delivered directly to the school gate. He ordered it before lunch, and just after lunch, he received a call that his drinks had been delivered.

       Chen Youyou went to the school gate with him to get the takeout. When he walked by, he saw Zhan Weiyang ordered three cups of coffee.

       “There’s another cup. Who is it for?” Chen Youyou felt strange.

       Zhan Weiyang said in a low voice, a little embarrassed, “For Xie Ling.” As he spoke, he took the bag from the delivery boy and said thank you politely.

       When he turned to leave, Chen Youyou asked him unhappily, “You, if you had to choose, between me and Xie Ling, who would you choose?”

       Zhan Weiyang panicked and said, “Why do I have to choose?”

       Chen Youyou said, “N-no matter what, you have to choose!”

       Zhan Weiyang looked at Chen Youyou and almost blurted out that he would choose him, but suddenly remembered that his points would be deducted, so he was so nervous that he stuttered, “C-choose Xie Ling.”

       Chen Youyou was originally standing side by side with him, but when he heard this, he turned his head hard and glared at him, saying, “I am, not, drinking!” After that, he ran towards the direction of the teaching building.

       Zhan Weiyang hurriedly wanted to chase him, but as soon as he ran faster, the coffee in the bag in his hand shook violently. He was afraid that it would spill out, so he didn’t dare to continue chasing.

       He walked to the stairs of the teaching building with a Starbucks paper bag, and when he was about to go upstairs, he ran into Xie Ling, who was coming back from the playground after playing basketball and was about to go back to the classroom to rest.

       Xie Ling was not alone. There were three boys and two girls with him. They were all his classmates. One of the girls had been with Xie Ling since the beginning of the school term. Zhan Weiyang and the others had seen him many times.

       Xie Ling stopped when he saw Zhan Weiyang. The others were about to pass by, but when they saw Xie Ling stop, they all stopped and looked at them.

       A girl came to another girl and whispered, probably talking about Zhan Weiyang.

       Zhan Weiyang had been the target of many girls’ inquiries since he entered the school. He was quite famous in the school, but no girl had ever shown any interest in him.

       The two girls said something unknown, covered their mouths and started laughing softly.

       Zhan Weiyang glanced at them, then looked at Xie Ling.

       Xie Ling asked him, “That friend of yours, the little stutterer, is okay?” Xie Ling didn’t think Zhan Weiyang and Chen Youyou were his seniors at all.

       Zhan Weiyang wanted to say it was okay, but then he thought he shouldn’t say it for Chen Youyou, so he just said, “There’s a scar this long.”

       He compared it with his fingers, and when he put his hand down, he looked at Xie Ling and took a deep breath to ease his nervousness. He then mustered up the courage to ask, “Do you want some coffee?”

       Xie Ling said, “Don’t want any.”

       Zhan Weiyang clenched the paper bag in his hand, and the courage he had mustered up was completely gone, and he said, “Oh.”

       Xie Ling passed by him sideways.

       A tall boy saw the Starbucks bag Zhan Weiyang was carrying, smiled, and said, “Senior, why don’t you treat me a drink?”

       Zhan Weiyang looked up at him, stunned momentarily, not knowing whether to hand him the coffee.

       In the end, Xie Ling turned around and said coldly, “Let’s go, don’t bully him.”

       The boy shrugged at Zhan Weiyang, smiled and left with Xie Ling.

       Zhan Weiyang went upstairs to his classroom with three cups of coffee in his hand, dejected. Most people in the classroom were lying down to take a nap, and a few girls gathered together to chat in a low voice.

       Chen Youyou lay on his seat, looking like he had fallen asleep.

       Zhan Weiyang put a cup of coffee on Chen Youyou’s desk, and he drank the remaining two cups of coffee listlessly.

       The consequence was that he ran to the toilet after every class in the afternoon and couldn’t sleep that night.

       He lay flat on the bed, staring at the ceiling with his round glasses wide open, not feeling like sleeping at all.

       So Zhan Weiyang wanted to lift the quilt and sneak out of bed, only to have Pei Qing grab his arm just as he moved.

       Pei Qing’s voice was tired and unclear, low and deep, and he asked him, “Where are you going?”

       Zhan Weiyang said, “I can’t sleep.”

       Pei Qing turned over and faced the direction of Zhan Weiyang, “You are not allowed to go to the balcony even if you can’t sleep.”

       Zhan Weiyang asked him, “Why?”

       Pei Qing said, “You will catch a cold.”

       Zhan Weiyang thought for a while and said, “Can you hold me to sleep?” Ever since Zhan Weiyang asked Pei Qing if he wanted to like him on Sunday afternoon, he had been clinging to Pei Qing very much.

       Pei Qing didn’t answer for a long time.

       Zhan Weiyang thought Pei Qing was asleep, so he reached out to touch his eyes, but before he touched them, he heard Pei Qing say, “No.”

       “Why?” Zhan Weiyang was very disappointed.

       Pei Qing said, “You are almost an adult, not a child.”

       Zhan Weiyang lay on the bed, tilting his head to look out the window.

       Pei Qing heard that he stopped talking and asked, “Why can’t you sleep?”

       Zhan Weiyang said, “I drank two cups of coffee at noon.”

       “Why did you drink two cups of coffee?”

       “Because I bought it for others, but they refused to drink it.”

       Perhaps Pei Qing was sleepy, and his voice was a little unclear, “Who could be so mean? To refuse to drink the coffee bought by Yangyang?”

       Zhan Weiyang couldn’t help but get close to him when he heard what he said. He lay face to face with him, blinking, and asked, “Do you want to drink it? I’ll buy it for you next time.”

       They were so close that they could feel each other’s breathing. Pei Qing couldn’t help but step back, lie on his back on the pillow, and say, “What do you want to drink? I’ll buy it for you.”

       Zhan Weiyang put his face on Pei Qing’s neck and said, “Drink Oreo Boba.”

       Pei Qing suddenly couldn’t help but chuckle. He put his hands under his head, looked at the ceiling and repeated, “Oreo Boba?”

       Zhan Weiyang supported his upper body with one hand, raised his head, looked down at Pei Qing, and said, “It’s really delicious. Let’s go drink it together next time.”

       Pei Qing said, “Okay.”

       Zhan Weiyang looked at Pei Qing for a while, and suddenly remembered the topic just now, and said, “Why can’t you hold me to sleep?”

       Pei Qing asked him, “Will you let your brother hold you to sleep?”

       Zhan Weiyang thought about it and said, “Yes.”

       Pei Qing was a little surprised, “You will let Zhan Weiguang hold you to sleep?”

       Zhan Weiyang said, “I don’t want Zhan Weiguang, I only want you, you are also my brother.”

       Pei Qing looked at him silently for a while and found that Zhan Weiyang did not avoid his eyes at this time. Perhaps it was too dim, and many emotions could not be seen clearly. He could only see a pair of shining eyes in the dark.

       “An older brother can’t hold their seventeen-year-old younger brothers to sleep either,” Pei Qing told him.

       Zhan Weiyang instantly lowered his head in disappointment. He turned away from Pei Qing and lifted the quilt to get out of bed.

       Pei Qing grabbed him and asked, “Where are you going now?”

       Zhan Weiyang said, “I can’t sleep, I want to go check on my flower pots.”

       Pei Qing was a little helpless, silent for a while, opened her arms to him, and said, “Come here, gege will hold you to sleep.”

       Zhan Weiyang was overjoyed and threw himself into Pei Qing’s arms, hugging him tightly.

Support the author by buying the author’s other works and/or giving some jades here~
(note that there are several guides to manoeuvre in Changpei, or you can google translate the page. Payment can be made with the Apple Pay method)

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Check out bean’s new ABO novel here!
Check out another novel about sentinel x guide here~
Check out the other hoeni’s work here~
Check out the angst novel I co-tl with my friend here~

And please buy me some kofi if you like the translation~

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