Category: Cherish (Page 1 of 6)


Chapter 57 – Chinese Bellflower (3) [Grand Finale]

       Qin Yun had never thought about having children in the past nearly 30 years. He had always stayed on the front line of the battlefield and had no idea whether he was safe or not. Even after retiring, it was not something he could think about immediately. Over the years, his mindset was geared towards ensuring his own well-being, with little thought given to the prospect of offspring and descendants.

       “If you want to give birth, of course you can.” Chris was very used to His Royal Highness the Queen often coming to bother him. He did his own experiments and left Qin Yun aside without feeling burdened, “With technology so advanced now, creating an artificial womb for you is possible.”

       Qin Yun: “…Why does it have to be me?”

       Chris glanced at him disdainfully, “I don’t have a problem if you can convince His Majesty to get a big belly.”

       “…” Qin Yun sighed, “I’m not ready to be a father yet.”

       Chris: “It has always been the dream of many men to carry on the family line and have children and grandchildren. His Majesty is still very considerate and has considered it for you.”

       Qin Yun frowned, “He hasn’t considered about it for himself?”

       “His Majesty?” Chris recalled, “When he first came of age, he secretly registered with the ‘Human Reproduction Program’ Bureau to never have offspring. However, such registration is not absolute for a lifetime, and it can be undone if he wishes.”

       Qin Yun was silent. He looked at the sunlight shining into the laboratory at noon. He thought for a while and then slowly said, “He doesn’t want the God-level genes to continue reproducing any longer, and he won’t have any offspring of his own.”

       Chris shrugged, “Well, that’s him, not you.”

       Qin Yun smiled and raised his eyebrows, “Have you forgotten that I am also a god-level?”

       Chris showed a surprised expression, and he was still holding the glass vial in his hand, which looked a little comical.

       “As long as it’s what he desires, I’ll help him make it happen,” Qin Yun said earnestly. “This is my way of loving him.”


       While Moschery was recuperating, Lin Dongliang took over all government affairs as Prime Minister. Although Skarter was dissatisfied, there was nothing he could do. The military department needed to be reorganised and managed. As Qin Yun said, the development of the new regime was lengthy, slow, and complex, and countless people would eventually embark on this path.

       Genes would no longer be the standard for judging humans. Whether they are low-level guides, sentinels or even ordinary people, they all have their own rights and obligations.

       “To contribute to the Empire is to achieve a better self.” Lin Dongliang said this in his post-war speech, “In this way, our lives will have more meaning.”

       Arthur and Shen Zhuofan were finally able to accomplish their wish to travel and get married, but because they had other important things to do, their honeymoon felt like a business trip.

       Olympus had persecuted Eta Star for a long time, and the avian race faced the threat of almost extinction. Shen Zhuofan brought over the childbirth plan that Chris had studied, determined to improve the awkward situation of male reproduction among the avian people. As a result, the title ‘Goddess of Fertility’ somehow ended up being associated with Shen Zhuofan.

       “You think I do?” Shen Zhuofan rubbed his neck with a headache, “His Majesty doesn’t go to work, so we have to do everything. I can’t even enjoy a honeymoon.”

       Lin Dongliang smiled bitterly, “Stop complaining. I’m in the same boat.”

       Shen Zhuofan breathed out, “Fortunately, Little Canon Girl is finally willing to get married. If not, none of us would be able to enjoy our vacation.”

       Lin Dongliang had a look of ‘brother, we’re in this together’. With Tristana’s willingness to marry, aside from Chen Xiao being delighted, the whole group was happy. The Empire’s only female general had finally agreed to marry. Of course, they had to thoroughly enjoy the benefits provided by the Emperor. One of the dowry items was that Chen Xiao had to tame a giant Titan as a pet…

       Chen Xiao couldn’t handle it alone, so he simply recruited Arthur and Skarter as strong men. The three of them went to the ‘Shura Gate’ a week ago.

       “Speaking of this.” Shen Zhuofan seemed to have thought of something and looked around, “Where are Qin Yun and Your Majesty?”


       G Star had rainy and hazy weather all year round, and the humid climate was very suitable for the growth of large amphibians. Moschery was riding on Zhongyan’s back, with one of his eyes wearing a black goggle, looking down expressionlessly.

       Qin Yun sat cross-legged next to the fire. He turned on the communication device, and Chen Xiao’s scowling face appeared.

       “When are you guys coming over!” The leader of the Star Thief was very anxious, “Let His Majesty lend us Zhongyan!”

       Qin Yun was helpless, “I told you. Tristana wants silver-ringed snakes, so we have to get a hundred of them first.”

       Chen Xiao was shocked, “What does she want a silver-ringed snake for?! To poison me on our wedding night?!”

       Qin Yun: “…”

       Zhongyan flew across the sky at high speed, and the clear roar of the dragon passed through the tree canopy, startling the birds. Moschery jumped down and threw the cage in his hand to the ground.

       He reached out his hand and turned the communication device around angrily.

       “Your woman’s wedding is more troublesome than mine.” Moschery said coldly, “Go teach her a lesson when you go back!”

       Chen Xiao pursed his lips and silently spat in his heart. Everyone knew that the Emperor spoiled his wife to death, so how could he criticise others…

       Qin Yun put the silver-ringed snake away and made an appointment with Chen Xiao. As soon as the communication device was turned off, Moschery leaned over.

       “…” Qin Yun was pressed on the back of his head, and his lips hurt from the kiss.

       Moschery opened his only remaining eye calmly, tilted his head and hugged Qin Yun’s waist.

       Qin Yun said vaguely, “…Want to freshen up?”

       Moschery’s forehead twitched, “Can’t you just shut up when we’re kissing?!”

       Qin Yun: “…”

       Moschery pinched his chin and said angrily, “How do you want me to stick my tongue in?! Open your mouth!”


       The two of them were piloting Qin Yun’s luxurious gold royal aircraft covered with rhilairones. In a rare act of mercy, Moschery didn’t take Zhongyan into the realm of consciousness so that the dragon could fly with him.

       “It’s like walking a dragon in space…” Qin Yun sighed.

       The gleaming aircraft was like an attractive ‘meat bone’, and the dragon flew happily around it. Fortunately, it was still somewhat conscious and did not breathe fire excitedly.

       Moschery’s expression looked unpleasant all the way. He ignored this stupid dragon’s request to take pictures several times and said cruelly, “Don’t even think about it, you can’t be seen even if I take a picture of you.”

       Zhongyan: “…QAQ”


       After half a year, they went back to ‘Shura Gate’, which had become one of the Empire’s strongholds, and the nearest F Star was home to the giant Titan that Tristana wanted. It was a very cute-looking but huge creature with high combat power and intelligence that could be domesticated.

       Chen Xiao was in even more of a mess than he’d seen in the communicator, and Arthur and Skarter weren’t much better, with Lord Duke’s red hair turned into a hedgehog.

       “We’ve alerted a large Titan lair,” Skarter said wearily. They had been squatting there for almost half a month. If they didn’t capture a Titan soon, Chen Xiao wouldn’t be the only one on the verge of a breakdown.

       Arthur sneered, “I told you not to let that stupid Haast Hawk go as bait. Titans get excited when they see something that can fly. It’s not enough to lure a bunch of them, and it actually lured a lair of them.”

       Qin Yun was embarrassed, “How many are there in total?”

       Chen Xiao clicked on the map, “6… If we catch them all, we can get one each.”

       Arthur looked at him with disdain, “Only Tristana would want such a thing to keep for fun. Zhuofan already has a cat.”

       Skarter said proudly, “It’s enough for the Prime Minister to have me.”

       Moschery didn’t want to pay attention to these wife slaves at all. He observed the surroundings of the lair, found a high point and installed a triangle digital net. When he descended, he noticed that apart from Qin Yun, the other three were still discussing what their wives liked.


       “I can’t help it; Little Canon Girl likes this kind of thing.” Chen Xiao had a helpless look on his face but felt very proud on the inside, “It has to be cute, not too weak, and smart, so it will have dignity when you take it out.”

       Arthur spat at him, “A titan this big, and you bring it out to show me? You want it to crash the gate once a day?”

       Skarter: “Well, Lin Dongliang likes it very much, but he is busy, and he definitely doesn’t have time to take care of it.” After saying that, he thought of something and turned to ask Qin Yun, “When will Your Majesty recover and take back your duties? Us family head also needs some rest.”

       Qin Yun didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. Just when he was about to answer, he heard Moschery say coldly, “Lin Dongliang did a good job. It’s not like he was unwilling.”

       Skarter said with a grimace, “He is born to work hard, Your Majesty. It’s not like you don’t know; don’t cause any more trouble for him.”

       Moschery glanced at him, not sure if he was joking, and said coldly, “When he becomes president, he can give himself a holiday.”

       “??” Skarter didn’t understand for a moment, “Be what?!”

       Moschery was too lazy to answer. He signalled Zhongyan to hit the rock wall around the Titan’s lair and directed Arthur and Chen Xiao to stand on the control panel of the triangle digital net.


       Qin Yun called out Ishtar. He rode on the back of the unicorn and looked down at Moschery slightly, “What do you mean by waiting for Lin Dongliang to become president…?”

       “That’s what it means literally.” Moschery frowned, “Come down and don’t cause trouble. I’ll be the bait.”

       Qin Yun: “Then what should I do?”

       Moschery: “Sit and watch, cheering and saying, ‘Husband, you are awesome, I love you so so much’.”

       Qin Yun: “…”


       Skarter, Chen Xiao, and Arthur were standing by the triangular digital net in elevated positions. Moschery was riding on Ishtar’s back to serve as bait. Zhongyan had already weakened the surrounding walls of the lair with his impacts. Qin Yun was nervously staring at the lair’s entrance, and soon, the snow-white unicorn shot out like an arrow.

       Then, a thunderous sound shook the universe, and one of the youngest Titans rushed to the front, roaring and jumping into the triangle area. Moschery roared, “Cast the net!”

       Blue netting shot out from three high points simultaneously, and Arthur shouted, “Tightened it!”

       The digital net quickly tightened, binding the Titans tightly. The few Titans that had fallen behind had just arrived now. The heavy footsteps shook the surrounding rock walls. Zhongyan was still banging against them, but the rocks would not fall. Seeing the Titans was about to pounce on Ishtar, Qin Yun carried the high-energy cannon that he had put in his bag.

       “Zhongyan!” Qin Yun summoned the dragon while running. Zhongyan swooped down with a scream. It didn’t land, and the giant wings gathered up and lifted the guide onto its back.

       The power of the five Titans running was simply unimaginable. Qin Yun relied entirely on his feelings and fired the high-energy cannon without even standing still. Two of them were fired in a row. The powerful recoil knocked him off the dragon’s back.

       “Qin Yun!” Moschery said angrily. He ignored the Titan chasing behind him and flew directly towards Qin Yun. A Titan stretched out its hand in mid-air and grabbed Ishtar’s white feather. Moschery’s face was as dark as water as he pulled out the Dragon Scales on his back and chopped down with great force!

       The rock walls around the lair finally couldn’t bear any more and collapsed. Ishtar dodged the rolling stones and flew towards Qin Yun, who was still falling. Zhongyan spread his huge wings over the two of them, shielding them from the larger rocks.

       Seeing the ground approaching, Moschery jumped directly from the unicorn’s back. In the last moment, he embraced Qin Yun, swung the Dragon Scales into the nearest rock wall, and slid down just over two meters before barely stopping. However, Ishtar and Zhongyan weren’t as fortunate. The giant dragon, only managing to wrap its wings around the unicorn, crashed belly-up at the entrance of the Titan’s lair.


       Qin Yun looked at his dangling feet in shock. They were less than one meter above the ground. If Moschery hadn’t come, he might have fallen to the ground.

       The nearest Titan was trapped at the entrance by the Diginet, and the remaining five were blocked in the lair by shattered boulders.

       Zhongyan fluttered his wings and stood up. Ishtar licked and kissed the side of the dragon’s muzzle where it had been grazed by the boulder.

       “I almost lost my life by helping others get married.” Qin Yun said with a bitter smile. Moschery’s hand holding him was still shaking a little, and he opened his mouth without speaking.

       Qin Yun sighed, “Put me down.” He patted the Emperor’s hand, and Moschery looked down at him.

       “I was just thinking.” Moschery suddenly said, “If I can’t catch you, I’ll just fall down with you.”

       “…” Qin Yun said with a headache, “The monarchs cannot be buried together during their reign. Please promise me that you won’t entertain such thoughts.”

       Moschery didn’t say anything. He took out the Dragon Scale that was stuck in the rock wall and tied it behind his back, then turned around to close the net.

       Qin Yun chased after him and insisted, “Promise me first.”

       “Impossible.” Moschery said without looking back, “I have already written the abdication edict.”

       “Abdication…” Qin Yun reacted, “Edict what?!”

       Moschery suddenly turned his head, and Qin Yun almost hit his nose without stopping his forehead.

       “Abdication edict.” Moschery said word by word, “From now on, I will no longer be the Emperor of the Empire, and Lin Dongliang will take over the presidency. There will be no god level and no royal family; the two of us will become the most ordinary citizens.”

       Qin Yun murmured, “This is good…not right!” He said frantically, “Why are you thinking like this all of a sudden?!”

       Moschery’s expression was calm, but there was a smile in his eyes, “I have thought so for a long time.” He stretched out his hand, twirled the ends of Qin Yun’s hair with his fingertips, gently pulled and bit his lip.

       “I heard it all from Chris.” Moschery whispered against Qin Yun’s lips, “I know what you gave up for me, a family with intact lineage… You love me in your own way.”

       Qin Yun touched Moschery’s face with trembling hands. He kissed the tip of the Emperor’s nose and found that he was actually crying.

       “You’re ugly when you cry.” Moschery kissed his cheek, “Power means nothing to me anymore, and neither does the seat of Emperor.”

       Moschery said faintly, “Nothing can separate us from now on, not even death.”

       “…Shut up.” Qin Yun said sullenly, “Your only shortcoming is that your mouth is too sweet, you know.”

       Moschery chuckled softly. He picked up Qin Yun and pressed the back of his head, kissing him delicately.


       Chen Xiao finally caught the Titan he had longed for and couldn’t wait a second to go back to marry his wife. The five of them, covered in mud and looking miserable, hurried back to the empire. Skarter sent a message to Lin Dongliang, asking the soon-to-be bride to get ready.

       Fortunately, there was a bathroom in Moschery’s royal aircraft. However, after Chen Xiao finished showering, there’s no time for anyone else to wash up.


       So when everyone arrived at the wedding venue, except for the groom who looked somewhat presentable, all the other people were utterly unfit to be seen.

       Shen Zhuofan frantically rubbed the mud off Arthur’s boots, feeling so rushed that he almost fainted, “Tristana is going to kill us for sure…”

       Arthur stubbornly said, “We tried our best to help her prepare the dowry. What else does she want? What are you afraid of? With Chen Xiao leading the way, we might as well not go.”

       Shen Zhuofan was holding the brush in a funny manner. Arthur’s ferocious lion was still rubbing against him, and the tiger cat was also pulling its claws and trying to climb onto his back.

       “I’m not going.” Arthur clicked his tongue. He hugged Shen Zhuofan from behind and rested his chin on the opposite shoulder, “Let’s just sleep at home and have a baby together.”

       Shen Zhuofan couldn’t bear it anymore and threw the brush at the Lord Duke’s face.


       Lin Dongliang and Skarter were the first to get ready. The Prime Minister had to tie Skarter’s tie in a hurry, and the latter rubbed Lin Dongliang’s forehead mischievously.

       “Don’t move.” Lin Dongliang pushed a few times, “It will be done soon.”

       Skarter looked down at the other person and tied a Windsor knot carefully, “Will you give the wedding speech later?”

       Lin Dongliang nodded, and Skarter said angrily, “Then what does the Emperor do?”

       “Your Majesty also has something to say.” Lin Dongliang patted Skarter’s chest, “The marriage of the first female general will be broadcast live across the country. What I said was just the official statement. His Majesty, as the royal family member, must make a statement.”

       Skarter raised his eyebrows, “If the Emperor comes out to speak, doesn’t that mean he’s in good health? Won’t you be less busy from now on?”

       Lin Dongliang, “Logically speaking, it should be like this.” He hesitated for a moment and then said, “But I always have this bad feeling.”

       “The whole universe is watching His Majesty. He can’t avoid it.” Skarter didn’t think much about it, “Unless he doesn’t want to be the emperor anymore.”

       Lin Dongliang’s eyelids twitched, “Don’t talk nonsense.”

       Skarter laughed, “Haha, it’s not possible.”

       “…” The two looked at each other and fell silent…


       Tristana had put on her wedding dress and was combing her hair. Her skirt almost covered the entire bed, and it felt difficult to drag it when she walked. The Titan captured by Chen Xiao had been locked up in the yard. Titan is a creature that respects the strong. Whoever caught it would be acknowledged as its master, so even if it went to a strange place, it would still eat and drink well and treat it as its own home completely.

       Qin Yun was asked to play the role of the bride’s ‘father’. Tristana covered her head with white gauze and stretched out her hand to hold Qin Yun’s stretched-out arm.

       “What should I do?” the female general whispered, “I’m so nervous!”

       Qin Yun could only use his own experience to comfort her, “It’s okay, don’t be nervous, just stand there for a while, and it will be over.”

       Tristana: “No one speaks when you get married, so you just stand for a while. When I get married, His Majesty and Lin Dongliang will have to speak. How long do you have to stand?”

       “…” Qin Yun touched his nose.

       Tristana said gloomily, “Besides, Lin Dongliang is good at writing reports. I used to copy his papers; they were always lengthy, and even the professors were too lazy to read them.”

       Qin Yun: “…”

       Tristana sighed, “I finally married this pervert Chen Xiao, who has been spying on me since I was 12 years old. He must be moved to tears now.”

       Qin Yun carefully looked under the terrace and found that Chen Xiao seemed to be really crying…

       Tristana winked triumphantly, “Told you so.”


       Lin Dongliang lived up to expectations. The wedding congratulatory speech turned out to be a lengthy 30-chapter paper. He covered everything from Tristana’s birth, and even Chen Xiao’s pursuit of the bride since she was 12 years old was also vividly described. Now, the whole world knows that the leader of the Star Thief was a pervert who liked loli…

       Moschery shook Qin Yun’s hand before taking the stage. The scarlet cape on his shoulders almost reached the ground, and his back was tall and broad.

       “Happy wedding.” His Majesty the Emperor only said these four words.

       Tristana said excitedly, “I can finally throw the bouquet!”

       Moschery said expressionlessly, “No need to throw away the bouquet. Just throw this one.”

       “…” Tristana looked down at the abdication edict that the emperor forced into her hand.

       Lin Dongliang had already stood up. He didn’t know what was going on yet and smiled as he reached out, ready to take it.

       Moschery took Tristana’s bouquet and ignored Lin Dongliang’s expression behind him when he received the abdication edict. He casually tore off his cloak and tossed it high in the air. The flowers fell into his arms, and starlight adorned his shoulders.


       Qin Yun looked at Moschery running towards him, laughed and opened his arms—


I would like to be a lighthouse, pointing the way for you, soothing the trauma, loneliness and stormy seas.

Your life belongs to me, and my soul will be with you.



This is one hell of a chaotic way to end the series, befitting to all chaotic characters here XD
I will be posting the way to buy and enjoy the audio drama after this~
There’s actually 2 more bonus episodes after the ending in the audio drama~~~

I hope you guys come to like this series as much as me and will buy the audio drama too!
Some people in the audio drama seemed to keep saying that this is basically the story of Lin Dongliang promotion instead, lolol
But it’s true, Lin Dongliang kept moving up the ladder as the story progressed. (≧▽≦)

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Check out bean’s new ABO novel here!
and her original novel about a sly cute dragon here~
Check out the other hoeni’s work here~
Check out the angst novel I co-tl with my friend here~

And please buy me some kofi if you like the translation~

Also leave some ratings if you like this series ~

Chapter 56 – Chinese Bellflower (2)

       Tristana stood on the Crested Ibis and looked anxiously into the distance. After an unknown amount of time, a golden light finally appeared in the dark night sky.

       Ishtar’s huge white wings cut through the night like a sharp sword.

       “They’re back!” Tristana said excitedly. She couldn’t wait for the other party to get closer, so she drove the Crested Ibis to meet them, opened the hatch and received the two of them in.

       The oxygen was thin at high altitude, and Qin Yun was holding Moschery in a panic.

       “Call the doctor.” He gasped wearily, “Don’t mind me.”

       Tristana looked at the large area of ​​burns on his back with a pale face. Moschery’s dragon eye no longer resembled its original form. Qin Yun stretched out his guiding tendrils to repair the other party’s consciousness cloud. Zhongyan was even more seriously injured. Ishtar knelt next to the giant dragon, and was licking and kissing the other’s scarred giant wings.

       When the doctor arrived, Qin Yun had already finished tending. Sentinel had a terrifying recovery ability as long as they were given sufficient rest. Moschery closed his eyes, but Qin Yun knew that he was not asleep, their fingers were tightly intertwined.

       After the doctor cleaned the wound, he looked at Qin Yun with some difficulty and deliberated, “The wounds are too deep, and we don’t have the necessary technical conditions here. If we rush back now, perhaps there’s still a chance…”

       “No need.” Moschery suddenly interrupted, “I can’t leave Olympus in this situation.”

       Qin Yun still didn’t give up, “But…”

       Moschery looked at him, “Even if one eye is missing, it will have no impact on life.”

       Qin Yun frowned, and Zhongyan seemed to sense something. He stretched out his head and rested it on his guide’s leg. Like Moschery, it only had one intact eye.

       “…” Qin Yun sighed and had no choice but to comfort him, “I’ll make you a one-eye patch with rhinestones later.”

       The giant dragon was naturally very happy. Regardless of the wounds on its wings, it turned over and exposed its belly to Qin Yun. It circled its tail and wrapped the person in its arms.


       The explosions in Olympus did not stop for half an hour. According to Shen Zhuofan’s speculation, the floors of Olympus’ laboratories should be covered with explosives.

       “This is also their way of protecting their research results.” Chris regretfully said, “They should have done in-depth research on genetic evolution. It is a pity that it is gone like this.”

       “There is nothing regrettable.” Moschery’s expression was indifferent, “The evolutionary theory of Olympus will always go against the evolution of human beings. The consequences of eagerness for success by any means are not something we can afford.”

       The Land of Gods had lost its superficial prosperity and mystery, left behind nothing but a myriad of jokes with countless wounds.

       Although Lin Dongliang had the impulse to save the remaining laboratories, Moschery’s attitude was indifferent from beginning to end.

       “Human development is long, complicated and slow.” Qin Yun looked at Moschery with a smile, “There are no shortcuts in your heart, only balance and constraints.”

       Moschery did not retort. His injured eye had been simply treated and half of his face was wrapped in white gauze as he lowered his head to kiss Qin Yun innocently.

       “What is more complex than evolution is human emotion.” Moschery said in a low voice, “Adoration, hatred, devotion and reckless determination.”

       Qin Yun thought of Bixi. He tightened the Chinese bellflower badge around his neck and said nothing.

       Moschery continued, “We are all the same. We love others and we are be loved by others.”

       Qin Yun held his hand and put it to his lips, choking with tears as he said, “I love you.”

       Moschery turned his face sideways and looked at his guide tenderly with his perfect black eyes, “I love you too.”


       The regime of the Land of Gods has completely collapsed, and Moschery took over effortlessly. There was no opposition, no resistance. After losing the so-called protection of the god-level, the elders of Olympus were like scattered sand.

       The Emperor built a monument for Helu and Bixi on this ruined wall.

       Qin Yun stood in front of the monument and looked at the epitaph written by Moschery—’Love is silence and protection’.

       Moschery reached out and rubbed the back of Qin Yun’s head, “We can be buried here when we die in the future.”

       Qin Yun nodded, and he couldn’t help but ask, “Have you also thought about our epitaph?”

       Moschery didn’t respond. In his mind, epitaphs were meant for others to see, not for oneself.


       The Imperial Starship landed on a sand dune not far away. The exhaust gas sprayed out a huge white cloud. Moschery’s thick scarlet cloak was blown up and down, and the high-beam headlights hit the feet of the two.

       “Let’s go.” The Emperor stretched out his hand to Qin Yun, “To home.”


       The joy of triumph swept across the entire Empire before the Emperor returned. Skarter was not used to it when he was welcomed in the aisle. He couldn’t help complaining to Lin Dongliang, “Not going to be thrown any strange things, right… How come there are no flowers?”

       “…” Lin Dongliang, “How could there be such a thing…”

       The Royal Guards lined up in a cross formation and waited in front of the palace. Ba Jin couldn’t help crying when he saw Moschery.

       “You really don’t take care of yourself.” The old butler cried and complained, “You didn’t even rush back when you were injured.”

       His Majesty the Emperor looked impatient, but he restrained himself from losing his temper. However, Qin Yun, on the other hand, felt embarrassed. In a certain sense, failing to protect his Sentinel as a guide could be considered a dereliction of duty.

       “I don’t mean to blame you.” Ba Jin turned to comfort him, “His Majesty’s willfulness is a real headache. You have worked really hard.”

       Qin Yun: “…”


       Although there were still many follow-up matters waiting to be dealt with in Olympus, Moschery was forced to rest and recuperate, and Lin Dongliang took over the power. Olympus, which was bombed in a mess in a short period of time, could not have other developments and could only reluctantly serve as a fortress or war attraction; although dilapidated, still contained heavy historical significance.

       Qin Yun went to the cemetery of Bixi and Helu for the last time. He sowed Chinese Bellflower seeds nearby, but he didn’t know when they would sprout.

       The moist wind stirred the dust near the tombstone, and the morning sun slowly rose, its radiance piercing through the thick clouds and falling onto Qin Yun’s shoulders.


       Moschery’s dragon eye was not saved after all. When Qin Yun first learned the news, his mood almost hit rock bottom. He patted his cheek to cheer himself up.

       “Fortunately, the wound didn’t get infected.” Ba Jin comforted, “The doctor also said that it will not have much impact in future life, so don’t blame yourself too much.”

       Qin Yun nodded, took a deep breath and entered the room.

       Inside the room, Moschery was half lying on the bed, flipping through a book. He saw Qin Yun and raised an eyebrow. He then closed the page and reached out to him, “Come up and lie down with me.”

       Qin Yun walked over, took off his shoes and pants, climbed onto the bed and hugged Moschery’s waist.

       The Emperor lowered his head and kissed his forehead.

       “Does it still hurt?” Qin Yun muffled his face against the other’s waist and asked in a subdued tone.

       Moschery didn’t care much and said, “I don’t feel anything when I’m injured. The Dragon’s Eye is rather special. I can feel its changes, but it’s not well controlled.”

       Qin Yun raised his upper body. He stared at the gauze on half of the Emperor’s face for a long time and couldn’t help but reach out and touch it carefully.

       Moschery let him touch him for a long time, then said calmly, “Don’t show such an expression as if I’m going to die.”

       “…” Qin Yun frowned, “What are you talking about…”

       Moschery pinched his chin and shook it, “Don’t worry, I won’t let you become a widow… Things like the dragon eye, if it’s gone, then it’s gone.”

       Qin Yun’s complexion still wasn’t great. After thinking for a while, he seemed to have grasped what Moschery meant.

       “It’s like a mark, always reminding me of the things I once carried.” Moschery looked at Qin Yun expressionlessly, “But those things are no longer useful to me now.”

       In a stable social environment, the existence of so-called ‘gods’ would no longer be needed. Moschery finally achieved what he originally said was a stable land and centralised political power, and the god level has become the goal of legend.

       Moschery: “I need to say goodbye to the past.” His palm brushed against the dragon’s eye that no longer exists, “And this is my way of saying goodbye.”


       After about a month of recuperation, Moschery finally had his stitches removed. He replaced the original mask with a black eye patch, and Qin Yun put a rhinestone-encrusted one on Zhongyan.

       The giant dragon wore a sparkling eyepatch and was so beautiful that it wished it could go to heaven and earth. It posed like a pirate captain in front of the unicorn, staring at the other’s reaction with its remaining intact eye.

       Ishtar: “…”

       Zhongyan whistled softly, and it lay on the ground again, resting on its front paws, and slowly shook its tail.

       The snow-white unicorn took a few steps forward, gracefully bent its neck, and gently pressed its golden spiral horn against the dragon’s head.

       Qin Yun was obviously used to seeing this kind of scene, walked through the atrium and found Moschery in the garden. Several senators gathered around the Emperor, talking excitedly. The latter looked dismissive. Finally, he replied impatiently, “We won’t consider this kind of thing, so there’s no need to mention it again.”

       The older man was naturally unwilling to give up just like that, “Now that technology is so advanced, how will you know if you don’t try it? Both Your Majesty and His Highness are in good health and deeply in love. It couldn’t be more fitting. Don’t you want to…”

       Before he finished speaking, Moschery suddenly turned his head and looked at Qin Yun, who was standing motionless in the distance.

       Qin Yun: “??”

       Moschery waved to him.

       Qin Yun came over, “What are you talking about?”

       Seeing a smile on his face, the old man was about to speak but was interrupted by Moschery, “It’s nothing.” He glanced at several elders in a warning manner and pulled Qin Yun to his feet, “I’m tired; go have a rest.”

       “…” Qin Yun looked at Moschery with suspicion and fear. He had been tormented by him all night last night and had just regained his strength. His Majesty the Emperor actually had the nerve to tell him that he was tired again?!


       “Are you going to go back to bed again?” Qin Yun was taken back to the room with a depressed look on his face, “I don’t want to be unable to get out of bed all day…”

       “Shut up.” Moschery pushed the person into the quilt roughly, took off his shoes and lay next to Qin Yun, “I won’t touch you.”

       Qin Yun fell asleep nervously, feeling the Emperor’s rhythmic tapping on the blanket, giving him an inexplicable sensation of being comforted like a child…

       Just when he was about to fall asleep, Qin Yun suddenly heard Moschery asking nonchalantly in his ear, “Do you want a child?”

       “?!” Qin Yun cried out miserably, “Didn’t you say you won’t do it today?!!”

       Moschery: “…”

       Qin Yun blinked, with question marks on his face.

       Moschery tensed his chin and took a deep breath, “I meant it literally. What are you thinking?!”

       Qin Yun was shocked, “G-giving birth to a baby?”

       Moschery: “Hmm-mn.”

       “…” Qin Yun thought for a long time, “You or me?”

The author has something to say:
Although the idea of having a child was mentioned, it won’t happen. I’m just bringing it up…

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Chapter 55 – Chinese Bellflower (1)

       The artillery fire from the Imperial aircraft ship tore through the darkened borders of Olympus, and the other side activated its first level of defence. The firepower momentarily was on par with that of the Empire, and the light trails of missiles formed a dense net. Qin Yun piloted his aircraft, dodging the debris falling from the sky

       Shen Zhuofan and Lin Dongliang each led a team, while Chen Xiao took his own Star Thief member to act with Tristana. The artillery fire above Olympus was concentrated, and the land was not much better. The three groups were forced to separate and could only rely on communication devices to keep in touch.

       “This place is ridiculously big.” There was some noise around Shen Zhuofan, and Lin Dongliang couldn’t help but ask him, “Where are you?”

       Shen Zhuofan, “It seems like a sewer? I don’t know… I just encountered a group of patrols and killed them.”

       Tristana complained, “It’s uncomfortable where I stay. It’s so cold without anyone.”

       Chen Xiao’s voice came with a playful tone, “You’re cold? Then how about we dance together to warm up?”

       Qin Yun really didn’t know what to say to these two people who kept flirting with each other even when they were on the battlefield. He had a map in his hand, but as Shen Zhuofan said, this place was so big that he might not be able to figure it out even if he looked at the map.

       “I have to find someone to ask.” Qin Yun muttered to himself. He scanned the surroundings and leapt onto the roof, grabbing onto the electric poles along the road. Not far away, a group of patrol soldiers passed by, and Qin Yun squinted to see Breaux among them.


       Shen Zhuofan shuttled in a giant steel pipe that resembled a sewer. He encountered many patrols. He tried to hide from those who could, but he had to fight quickly for those who could not. In the end, the further he walked in, the more problems he discovered.

       “I think I seemed to be in an ammunition storage.” Shen Zhuofan hid in the junction interface. From where he was, he could faintly see the internal structure. Thousands of conduits were densely arranged, leading in uncertain directions.

       Lin Dongliang pondered, “There are rumours that there are bombs buried under Olympus, and if they explode together, they can destroy half the planet.”

       Shen Zhuofan didn’t answer. He turned on the flashlight and studied the map. His eyes slowly moved up along the conduits, and he said with a stern expression, “Maybe… that’s not a rumour.”

       Lin Dongliang: “?”

       Shen Zhuofan: “I seem to have found the lead.” He whispered, “It leads to the laboratory above ground.”


       Breaux blocked the door of the laboratory. The sentinel beside him was hypnotised, but Qin Yun was still standing unscathed in front of him. The whites of the guide’s eyes turned a faint golden colour. Breaux’s face changed greatly, and he subconsciously pushed the button on the lab’s doorknob.

       “…” Qin Yun frowned and looked at Breaux, who was protected by an unknown transparent material. The other person’s expression relaxed, and he even said proudly and provocatively, “No matter how strong your mental power is, you can’t penetrate this.” He reached out and knocked the transparent inner cover smiling sarcastically, “It seems you can’t enter the laboratory.”

       Qin Yun said nothing. He silently opened the bag on his shoulder, then pulled out a huge high-energy cannon and easily carried it on his shoulder.

       Breaux: “…”

       “I can help you try it.” Qin Yun showed a humble smile, “Is it strong enough?”


       The tip of the Dragon Scale sword pierced Kyle’s chest. Moschery breathed heavily, one eye glaring normally while the other, the dragon eye, was a bloody mess

       Zhongyan lay on the ground. It whimpered, and tried to get up but failed.

       There was almost no intact part of the dragon’s wings. At the last moment, Kyle’s mental power turned into a dagger and stabbed into one of Zhongyan’s eyes.

       Bixi fell not far away. She spent all her mental energy to restrain Kyle. If it hadn’t been for her, Kyle’s last blow would have been more than just the Emperor’s eyes.

       Moschery staggered and knelt beside her, hugging her into his arms.

       This was what Qin Yun saw when he came in. He spent almost all his energy to steady himself and took his mother from Moschery’s arms with trembling hands.

       “Little Bixi.” Qin Yun called softly. He stroked the other person’s silver hair scattered around her ears and pressed his forehead gently against Bixi’s cheek, “Little Bixi…”

       Bixi’s pupils had lost focus, and the silver eye whites were like inorganic cold light. Her spiritual link, Black Pearl, had shattered into pieces of crystals and slowly rose up, finally spiralling and disappearing in mid-air.

       Shen Zhuofan’s voice in the communication device was very anxious, “You can’t touch Helu’s body… He is connected to the fuse underneath. It will explode immediately if it is moved. Moreover, the bomb is set for a time. Even if it is not touched for half an hour, it will also detonate the bomb.”

       Moschery closed his eyes, took a deep breath and gave the order, “You all retreat outside the safety line, and we will find a way out on our own.”

       Shen Zhuofan’s expression was worried. He hesitated for a long time and then made a military salute as if he had made up his mind, “No matter what, please come back safely.”


       Bixi was lying in Qin Yun’s arms; her breathing was weak, and she no longer had the strength to speak much.

       “My little guy.” Bixi sighed, “Don’t cry.”

       Qin Yun’s eyes were red, but he didn’t cry. Moschery hugged his shoulders from behind.

       Bixi smiled softly, “Put me next to Helu.”

       Qin Yun shook his head, “I can’t leave you here.” He spoke with difficulty, “We can’t take Helu away. How can we leave you behind again.”

       Bixi: “I would die if you bring me back anyway. It would be better to let me die beside him.”

       Qin Yun didn’t speak. He tightened his jaw, always showing a refusal.

       Bixi’s eyes were gentle, lingering carefully over Qin Yun’s facial features as if she wanted to remember them forever.

       “I want to accompany him at the end.” Bixi patted Qin Yun’s hand and looked at Moschery, “This can be considered a joint burial, no?”


       Qin Yun watched Moschery carry Bixi to Helu’s side. His Majesty the Emperor picked up the sealed tube that fell on the ground and handed it to the latter’s hand.

       Bixi smiled and said thank you.

       She lay on her side, stretched out her arms with difficulty to hug Helu’s body, her long silver hair spread on the other person’s chest, and carefully held the sealed tube hidden in Helu’s heart.

       Qin Yun finally lowered his head and kissed his mother’s forehead, and the Chinese Bellflower badge Moschery gave him peeked out from his collar.

       Bixi stared at the pattern on it for a while, then stretched out her hand to tuck it into Qin Yun’s collar.

       “Go.” She pushed her son’s hand and said calmly, “If you don’t leave, you won’t be able to leave.”


       The aircraft was too far away, and there were less than ten minutes left before it was too late to reach it. Zhongyan was too injured to carry the two people, so Moschery could only take it back into the realm of consciousness.

       Qin Yun summoned Ishtar, and he helped Moschery sit on it.

       “Where are you going?” The Emperor grabbed Qin Yun’s wrist, “Come up together!”

       Qin Yun said anxiously, “I’m going to get the aircraft. I’m afraid it won’t be able to fly with two people.”

       “It can.” Moschery insisted, “It’s too late, let’s go together.”

       The two confronted each other for a while, and in the end, Qin Yun still succumbed to the gaze of Moschery. He gritted his teeth, mounted Ishthar’s back, and shielded the Emperor in front of him.

       The unicorn spread its white wings, raised its front hooves and let out a neighing sound.

       Qin Yun couldn’t help but turn around and take one last look at the two people on the experimental table. In a place he couldn’t see, Bixi took out a pendant from her neck. The pattern on it was unmistakably a purple-blue Chinese Bellflower.


       Ishtar ran so fast that Qin Yun could even see the airflow swirling under its wings.

       “Fly…” Qin Yun shouted, “Fly, Ishtar!”

       The unicorn’s golden spiral horn burst with dazzling radiance, and Ishtar, like a white lightning bolt, tore through the black curtain of the night. A tremendous explosion echoed behind the two, and a surging tongue of fire swept upward, narrowly licking the unicorn’s mane and tail in a perilous dance.

       Qin Yun used his whole back to protect Moschery in his arms, resisting the spattering sparks. The Emperor turned back and kissed the other person’s lips, and Qin Yun’s cold tears fell on his face.


       Explosions were heard one after another, and in just a few seconds, Olympus had been reduced to a sea of ​​fire.

       “Bixi also has a Chinese Bellflower badge given to her by Helu.” Moschery said suddenly. He lowered his head and kissed the tears on Qin Yun’s face carefully, “She always thought it was just a graduation medal, but in reality, it was my father’s unspoken admiration.”

       Moschery said, “There are many ways to love, and what belongs to them is silence and protection.”

       Qin Yun hugged Moschery tightly. He looked at the dimming fire of Olympus in the distance and seemed to see purple-blue Chinese Bellflowers dancing in the flames.


Chinese Bellflower flower’s words——

Eternal love, hopeless love.


The author has something to say:

Legend has it that the blooming of Chinese bellflowers represents the return of happiness. However, some people can seize happiness, while others are destined to miss it. Unable to grasp it, they also cannot retain the flower. Therefore, the bellflower carries a dual meaning — eternal love and hopeless love.

So I let Bixi take the loss… Sorry for the abrupt change, but I think what I wrote is still okay, not too cruel…

Little Bixiii, waaa why author making me cry for the rest of the series waaa °(°.◜ᯅ◝°)°

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Check out the other hoeni’s work here~
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Chapter 54 – To Start a Prairie Fire (3)

       When Lin Dongliang and a group of people rushed to the main ship, Qin Yun’s emergency meeting had already been convened. The chaotic scene of unruly demons and monsters, which the newly appointed Prime Minister had been worried about, had not materialised. Tristana had changed into her combat uniform, and she was fine-tuning a small handgun.

       Chen Xiao waited a little impatiently, “Why are you so inked up to go to the frontline, don’t tell me you still need to put on make-up.”

       Tristana glared at him and pointed at her face, “I’m makeup-free! A natural beauty!”

       Chen Xiao had an expression of ‘whatever you say’. He saw Lin Dongliang and greeted, “Coming?”

       The Prime Minister’s face looked like “…”

       Tristana winked and said proudly, “Don’t underestimate our Queen.”

       Shen Zhuofan wasn’t surprised. He understood Qin Yun’s strengths, but he was still curious. He asked Chen Xiao, “What did His Highness say?”

       “He only said one thing.” Chen Xiao recalled, “He said, ‘I don’t care where you come from, your past status, merits, or political views. All you need to do is prove yourselves on the battlefield, prove your deep love for this land beneath your feet at this moment…'”

       “At this moment, your loyalty is not to the Empire.” Tristana followed up her sentinel’s words, her eyes bright and beautiful, “What you are loyal to is your own heart.”

       Arthur was silent for a while, then he laughed, “He is right. Not only did he avoid the embarrassing status of being a low-level guide, but he also boosted morale.”

       Lin Dongliang sighed, “It’s really… words full of power and wisdom. If it were me, it might not have such an effect.”

       “Politicians’ minds are just complicated.” Tristana wrinkled her nose, and she stood up with a graceful and valiant posture, “Heroes need no origin. If you’re a man, you should be willing to sacrifice on the battlefield, shed blood, and reclaim lost territory to defend our homeland.”

       Skarter whistled in agreement, making everyone laugh.


       Qin Yun was a little puzzled when he changed back into his field uniform and came out to hear laughter in the cabin; “You guys are here? What are you laughing about?”

       “Nothing.” Shen Zhuofan waved his hand and stopped laughing, “Has the strategic deployment been completed? What are you going to do?”

       Speaking of this, Qin Yun also became solemn, “Zhongyan used to be difficult to catch because others couldn’t see him, but now the situation is uncertain. Once the spiritual link is caught, the owner will also be affected. I have to rescue Xi Zhao as soon as possible, so I can’t delay.”

       Skarter understood, “Are you suggesting a full-frontal assault, forcing the enemy to engage us?”

       “Yes.” Qin Yun nodded and looked at Arthur, “The Duke and General Skarter led all the warships to attack the border. Chen Xiao, General Lane, and I were responsible for the raid to rescue Xi Zhao and Bixi.”

       Lin Dongliang pondered, “A three-man raid may not be enough. Shen Zhuofan and I will cooperate with you. Five targets can better confuse the opponent’s sight.”

       Qin Yun frowned. Just as he was about to refuse, Shen Zhuofan punched him in the shoulder.

       “We are brothers and comrades-in-arms.” He pointed at Qin Yun’s chest, “Give me your back. Don’t say no.”

       Qin Yun opened his mouth, but he found that he couldn’t say a word. He could only hold Shen Zhuofan’s palm tightly and bumped each other’s shoulders.


       The sun was rarely visible in the sky of Olympus, and it was almost always covered with clouds. It was difficult to tell the difference between morning and dusk. Moschery looked up for a while and summoned Zhongyan at the entrance to the laboratory.

       The giant dragon was wearing the Toothless rhinestone pendant that Qin Yun first pasted to its neck. Bixi couldn’t help but laugh when she saw it.

       “Do you like this very much?” Bixi touched the dragon’s muzzle as Zhongyan leaned over and said, “Little Rainbow Dash will make more beautiful ones. Let him make it for you when you go back.”

       Zhongyan turned around and stared at Moschery with bright eyes. He flapped his wings slightly, feeling a little excited.

       Moschery had a sullen face and said coldly, “You haven’t used up all the ones you had before, don’t even think about it.”

       The giant dragon looked like he was about to cry.

       Moschery showed no mercy, and the next second, Zhongyan was lying on the ground with his belly up, waving his four short legs wildly, and tears falling like rain.

       Moschery: “…”

       Bixi: “…who did he learn this naughty habit of sitting on the floor and acting up if the parents didn’t buy them something?”

       Of course, Moschery couldn’t say it was spoilt by Qin Yun. He went up and kicked the giant dragon’s butt a few times with a cold face. Zhongyan felt the pain and did not dare to act recklessly again.  He followed behind the Emperor, whimpering occasionally


       There was no one in the laboratory. Bixi saw Helu’s body in the centre at a glance. She took a few steps forward anxiously but suddenly froze in place.

       Behind her, Moschery saw his father’s chest being dug open.

       Zhongyan was flying in the air, and it couldn’t help but move forward, arching to Bixi’s shoulders in a comforting manner. Moschery took a deep breath, frowned, and called out in a worried tone, “Bixi…” As soon as he finished speaking, a fluorescent light suddenly flashed across the roof of the laboratory, and Moschery roared, “Be careful!” He ignored Zhongyan, rushed over, hugged Bixi, and rolled to the side.

       Zhongyan let out a scream-like dragon roar, and the huge dimensional cage imprisoned the giant dragon inside.

       Kyle’s figure appeared on the experimental table. A corner of his robe seemed to be stained with thick black mist, and his whole body was as pale as paper.

       “Welcome to Olympus.” He snapped his fingers softly and saw thousands of rays of lightning exploding in the dimension prison. Zhongyan’s giant wings were cut to pieces, and the giant dragon screamed and hit the cage pillars.

       Moschery covered his ‘Dragon Eye’ with one hand and slowly protected Bixi behind him with the other hand. Kyle raised his eyebrows. He didn’t expect that the other party would still have the strength to stand up straight after such an attack on the spiritual link.

       Zhongyan was lying on the bottom of the cage, trying his best to wrap himself with his giant wings. Its dragon roar became weaker and weaker, and it stared at Moschery with wide eyes.

       “You are really a powerful sentinel, Your Majesty.” Kyle smiled slightly. He knew that Moschery could not attack him now, and Bixi was only an SSS guide and not someone to be feared.

       Kyle held a small section of the sealed tube in his hand and shook it gently, “I just opened it and checked the genes inside. The results are almost there. Do you want to take a look together?”

       “Why do you want the genes of a god-level Sentinel?” Bixi hugged Moschery tightly, who was about to collapse, and her whole body trembled with anger.

       Kyle glanced at her, “Aunt Bixi, you may not remember me, but I know you. After you escaped back to the Empire, the god-level experiments in Olympus were almost paralysed. It wasn’t until nearly two years ago that we found out why you destroyed the lab back then.”

       “An ordinary person with a god-level gene and an SSS guide can give birth to a god-level one. So what kind of monster will be born if I combine 80% of the god-level guide gene with 100% of the god-level Sentinel gene?” Kyle’s expression gradually became more and more manic, “Olympus will become the real land of gods, but it’s a pity…” He looked at Moschery with disdain, “You obviously have a god-level guide beside you, and yet you didn’t think of this method. The Empire’s genes are destined to return to mediocrity and never evolve again.”

       Bixi gritted her teeth and said, “You are simply crazy.”

       Kyle snorted softly and pointed his finger at the genetic tester on the side, with excitement in his eyes, “You should thank me for finding the last god-level Sentinel gene.”


       A massive holographic screen unfolded in mid-air, spiralling genes reassembling and restructuring. Kyle’s initially relaxed expression gradually tensed as he watched the three-dimensional humanoid figure becoming increasingly defined through countless iterations of intelligent scans.

       “How is it possible…” he murmured.

       Bixi stood under the light curtain, looking in disbelief at the face that looked exactly like hers in the hologram.


       “The Emperor of Issa will only be buried with his lover.” Moschery said suddenly. He looked at Helu on the operating table, “My father kept the love of his life secret in his heart and never spoke it out until he died.”

       The young emperor stood up, and the dragon in the dimension cage moved its wings gently. When Kyle noticed something strange, the whites of Bixi’s eyes had completely turned silver-gray, and Black Pearl stood beside her. The steed’s front hooves flicked up as it let out a neigh.

       “Don’t overestimate your capabilities!” Kyle said scornfully, “You are just an SSS guide, yet you actually want to control me?!”

       Bixi’s face was pale, and sweat flowed down her temples to her chin. She twitched the corners of her mouth and showed a weak smile, “Those who are barefoot are not afraid of those who wear shoes. If you don’t try it, how will you know?”

       Kyle’s pupils shrank suddenly, and Bixi’s mental power turned into silver arrows, sweeping over the sky and covering the earth.

       Moschery took the opportunity to throw the Dragon Scale with all his strength, and the tip of the sword dug hard into the dimensional prison.

       “Come out!” Moschery roared, “Zhongyan!”

       The dragon struggled to raise its scarred wings and smashed the cage pillars. The dragon’s roar penetrated the sky and the earth. Moschery pulled out the Dragon Scale and jumped on Zhongyan’s back. The dragon swooped down and pounced on Kyle…

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Chapter 53 – To Start a Prairie Fire (2)

       “It’s genetic evolution.” Chris couldn’t help but be excited as he looked at what was recorded in Chen Xiao’s video. He wore dimensional glasses and could clearly see Moschery’s spiritual link, “Early on, the fusion rate of His Majesty’s genes with the genes of the first-generation god-level Sentinel was less than 90%. As a result, there was never enough capability to fully present His Majesty’s spiritual link in the dimensional space. If the sentinels and guide were not on the same level, they couldn’t see His Majesty’s dragon.”

       Tristana suddenly realised, “So what’s happening now is that His Majesty’s genes have evolved?”

       Chris nodded, “I think so. He has become stronger and more adapted to the god-level sentinel’s genes… To be precise, he is almost the same as the original god-level sentinel.”

       Qin Yun did not speak. He stared at the picture in the video with a calm expression. Chen Xiao glanced at him, “Now that we have lost contact with His Majesty, what should we do next?”

       “How is Olympus’ defence?” Qin Yun asked.

       Tristana said, “There are three times more troops than before, but they have no intention of taking the initiative to attack. I don’t know why.”

       Qin Yun squinted his eyes. He was quiet for a while and suddenly said, “They haven’t caught Xi Zhao yet, so they don’t dare to act rashly.”

       Chen Xiao and Tristana’s faces showed joy. Sentinel and guide, who had marked each other, had a close spiritual connection. No one would doubt what Qin Yun said.

       “Notify Arthur and Lin Dongliang to arrive as soon as possible.” Qin Yun straightened up and carefully closed the communication device, with a cold and sharp expression on his face, “Assemble all the ships in five minutes. I have something to say.”


       While Breaux was leading the search for the Emperor, Kyle was still in the laboratory trying to open the sealed tube in Helu’s body. He spent almost a month just doing this, and his expression was far from pleasant.

       “Not captured yet?” Kyle rubbed his eyebrows. He looked extremely tired, “If this sealed tube cannot be opened again, the only way to obtain the god-level sentinel gene is from the Emperor.”

       Breaux didn’t take it seriously, “There’s no way he can escape, it’s possible that he’ll die directly from such intense artillery fire. The Empire is now leaderless, so there is no need to worry at all.”

       Kyle was silent for a long time, then suddenly said, “Do you still remember the guide who married the Emperor?”

       “That ordinary person?” Breaux frowned, “He’s not even a low-level guide. He’s just a trash.”

       Kyle glanced at the other person, and he hesitated, “He looks very similar to me, and…my mental power is of no use to him.”

       “…” Breaux didn’t believe it, “How is that possible?!”

       “It’s true.” Kyle’s expression was unpleasant, and he almost gritted his teeth and said, “I can’t control him. My mental power doesn’t work at all… Who is he?!”


       Bixi turned to look at Moschery. They had just crawled out of the almost completely scrapped aircraft half an hour ago. His Majesty the Emperor still had metal fragments stuck in half of his arms. He pulled them out to stop the bleeding and disinfected the wound. He then administered himself a tetanus shot with an expressionlessly.

       “…” Bixi was well protected by him, unscathed, and all the medical supplies in her backpack were given to Moschery.

       “We have to find another aircraft.” Moschery shook his arm. The higher the level, the stronger the Sentinel’s recovery ability. He pulled out Dragon Scales on his back, “Let’s determine Helu’s position first.”

       Bixi sighed, “I was too willful, and I dragged you down.”

       Moschery lowered his head and looked at Bixi with a gentle look in his eyes, “Little Bixi.” He said, “You are also my mother. I am very grateful for your kindness to Helu… my father.”

       Bixi blinked. She was a little surprised. Gradually, a lonely smile appeared on her face, “My relationship with His Majesty Helu is not what you think. We…haven’t even had a proper conversation about anything.”

       Moschery looked at her.

       Bixi squatted on the ground, lowering her head as if she were lost in memories, “I had not graduated when he first ascended the throne, and Averio Academy arranged for me to intern in the royal family. We rarely spoke, and we had no time to be alone together. We seldom spoke, and there was no time for us to be alone together. Most of the conversations in our group revolved around work and studies… He was a gentle person.” Bixi was quiet for a while and said slowly, “He is my most precious longing.”

       Moschery’s eyes moved to her long silver hair, and Bixi followed his gaze and smiled, “This belongs to your father.” She blushed a little and said awkwardly, “After he passed away, I was worried that the Cabinet might opt for cremation. After all, with you around, to ensure the uniqueness of the god-level, such a situation wasn’t entirely impossible.”

       Moschery was silent. Helu’s body was originally planned to be cremated, but Berlin changed her mind in the end. His father’s death was not peaceful; the backlash from his mania was more severe than anticipated. When Helu took his last breath, his entire body was covered in wounds he had inflicted on himself. His expression was grotesque, and he died with his eyes wide open.

       At that time, no one had the energy to deal with the old emperor’s body. The Cabinet threw the body casually in the palace and did not send anyone to collect it until the next day.

       But strangely enough, someone had already sorted it out first.

       Helu’s wounds were properly treated, and his eyes were closed. His expression was as serene as if he had just fallen into a deep sleep. He was wearing the uniform of the supreme commander, just like any noble emperor who died naturally.

       “I arranged his remains with my own hands and cut off his hair to keep for myself.” Bixi looked at Moschery with a sad smile, “How could I let him die in such a disgrace? He is the person I love.”


       It was impossible to hide the news of the Emperor’s disappearance, which was why Qin Yun summoned the ships. He could not waver the morale of the army when Moschery was away. Even if Moschery was really killed, he had to defend the entire Empire for him.

       “Most of His Majesty’s current troops consists of those purged from the Cabinet and are not easy to control.” Tristana worriedly watched Qin Yun put on the commander’s uniform, “Are you alright with that?”

       Qin Yun unfolded the black cloak and hung it on his shoulders, “Whether there are issues or not, they must be resolved. We can’t afford any disturbances at this critical moment.”

       Tristana looked at the other party with a complicated expression. Qin Yun had already put on the white commander’s uniform, and the hem of the thick black cloak almost hung to the ground. His eyes were bright and resolute.

       “I will use my life and dignity to defend what he holds dear.” Qin Yun said seriously. He smiled at Tristana, “So I have nothing to fear.”


       Moschery patiently hid in the darkness. Two single patrols passed by. He sneaked over silently, and the sharp tip of the Dragon Scale sword pierced the other’s throat.

       The whites of Bixi’s eyes turned a light silvery grey. Moschery looked down at the other Sentinel lying on the ground and found that the other Sentinel had gone silent.

       The two of them changed their clothes respectively, and Bixi asked Moschery while tying her hair carefully, “Little Rainbow Dash is alone over there. Aren’t you worried?”

       “I believe him.” Moschery said calmly, “I once said that I would give him half of the sovereignty of this country. A man must do what he says. He and I have equal status. If I am not here, he has the right to make any decision for me.”

       Bixi was amused by his statement that ‘a man must do what he says’. She shook her head and sighed, “You really.”

       Moschery didn’t think there was anything wrong with what he said. In his heart, even if Qin Yun had always been a low-level guide, he was still the best, brave, fearless, kind and strong.

       “It’s great for Little Rainbow Dash to meet you.” Bixi said with a smile. She led the way, feeling a little unfamiliar because she hadn’t been back for a long time, “He never asked me whose child he was…” She glanced at Moschery slyly, “Aren’t you curious too?”

       Moschery’s expression was calm, “I don’t mind if he is a clone.”

       Bixi couldn’t laugh or cry, “Of course he is not a clone.”

       Moschery raised his eyebrows, “Yeah, I know.”

       Bixi had no way to deal with his blind self-confidence. She said helplessly, “Qin Yun’s father was a descendant of the first generation of god-level guides, but he did not inherit the guide gene. I came to Olympus 30 years ago for the same reason—to keep an eye on him.”

       Moschery listened carefully, and Bixi continued, “In the early years, Olympus was not the deformed system it is today. Even if it collects genetic samples from god-level guides, at least people are still free. Olympus wants to try to cultivate the guide the same way they cultivated Sentinel, but they never succeed until one day they discover that the man is missing.”

       “He fell in love with a guide girl who checked his health every day. She became pregnant, and the two decided to elope.” Bixi sounded like she was talking about something unimportant, “But they couldn’t escape at all. In order to protect his wife, the father willingly went back to continue being a guinea pig. I kept the girl’s pregnancy a secret and helped her give birth to Little Rainbow Dash.”

       Bixi sighed, “Miracles and hope often come by accident.” Her expression was heavy, “We took little Rainbow Dash secretly to see his father, who has been completely imprisoned by Olympus. I don’t think anyone can bear the thought of his partner being tortured day and night as a test subject… She chose to die together with him.”

       “I adopted Little Rainbow Dash and promised his parents that I would treat him like my own son.” Bixi said gently, “Most of the laboratories in Olympus were destroyed. I took Little Rainbow Dash back to the Empire. Helu helped a lot to protect this child. Then he suddenly decided to create the first-generation god-level Sentinel, and that’s how you came into being.”

       “I didn’t understand why he did that at the time.” Bixi said slowly, “But now I seem to understand a little bit.”

       Moschery’s expression finally changed. It was a mixture of confusion, elation, emotional and shock.

       Bixi looked at him as if she were looking at a beloved child. She whispered, “He gave you hope, believing that you would finally find the one who has been waiting for you in this world.”


       “And then be together for the rest of your life, with no regrets.”

The author has something to say:
Countdown to the end. I’m a little excited just thinking about it!

…This is too unexpected… I’m crying (T⌓T)
Also, there’s something I want to clarify since early chapter but can’t coz it’s simply a spoiler. In the manhua, they showed that apparently Qin Yun’s gene was stolen by some spy from Cabinet’s side, but it seems like the gene was not stolen at all; Olympus has Qin Yun’s genes from the start.
After seeing the barrage in the audio drama I just realised that it’s true… In a sense… Qin Yun is older than His Majesty, lololol

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Chapter 52 – To Start a Prairie Fire (1)

       After half a year, Eta Star once again became the premiere battleground between the Empire and Olympus. The previous devastation was still there, and the two armies faced each other at the border. Arthur’s warships deployed in a chain formation, almost completely encircling the opposing force.

       The huge metal wings were like the scythe in the hand of death in the dark night, and the intensive artillery fire tore apart Eta Star’s fragile defence line.

       Shen Zhuofan was sitting at the back. He looked at Arthur, who was about to land and connected to the video call.

       “The guide team will set off in five minutes.” Shen Zhuofan was wearing a black field uniform. He was tall and slender. Although he was not as robust as a sentinel, he was still standing tall and graceful.

       Arthur’s fiery red hair stood out conspicuously on the battlefield. He joked, “It’s okay if you don’t go over. Just hide behind.”

       Shen Zhuofan rolled his eyes, “We can switch places if you want. You come here, and I’ll go there.”

       Arthur laughed. He put his two fingers together and made a handsome military salute in front of his forehead, “It is my honour to fight alongside you, Guide Shen Zhuofan.”


       Skarter and Lin Dongliang came not long after, and they were used to wearing formal clothes. This was the first time Shen Zhuofan saw his usually gentle and elegant senior wearing a field uniform.

       Lin Dongliang was a little shorter than him, but he didn’t look thin, and he had a gentle and heroic air.

       “There are a lot of controlled guides here; many of them are still underage.” Shen Zhuofan’s face turned ugly. He had not investigated Eta’s experimental projects before. However, when he actually saw it, he still couldn’t accept it, “Most of the Sentinel are diehard Olympus loyalists, and only a small portion of them are willing to submit and surrender.”

       Lin Dongliang frowned, “There is a reason why Olympus has been independent for so many years.” He took the lead in entering the Eta gene bank. He saw nothing else except a few sentinel corpses on the ground. Olympus had already emptied the furnishings inside beforehand.

       Arthur clicked his tongue, “It seems that what happened before has basically made them give up here.”

       Skarter didn’t comment. He led his men around a few times and returned to the gene bank with a serious expression, “I think we have to go directly to Olympus.”

       The others looked at him.

       Skarter took a deep breath, “If this side really gives up, then the size of Olympus’s current army is not something that His Majesty can fight against.”


       Moschery did not show any difference when he received Lin Dongliang’s report. He just replied, “I understand.” Then, he readjusted the distribution of the aircraft ships.

       Qin Yun saw that he had changed into a flight suit and did not stop him, “You don’t plan to take me with you?”

       Moschery glanced at him, “I’m just going to investigate. I’ll be back in a while.”

       “Then you stay here.” Qin Yun suggested, “There is no rule that the Emperor must personally take part in the danger. I can go if it is just for investigation.”

       Moschery frowned, “Don’t make trouble.” He said helplessly, “Little Bixi will be worried.”

       Qin Yun: “I will be worried if you go. That’s not the reason.”

       Moschery was a little angry, but he was reluctant to get really angry with Qin Yun. He glared at Qin Yun a little irritably, and finally, he could only compromise, “Call Chen Xiao and Tristana. You will be on a ship with them.”

       “…” Qin Yun was confused, “How could you give your guide to someone else…”

       Unmoved, Moschery insisted, “For your own good, cut the crap.”

       Qin Yun: “…”


       In the end, when the actual departure time came, the plan couldn’t keep up with the changes, and Qin Yun didn’t expect to wait for Bixi.

       “I’ll go with you.” Bixi was carrying a first aid kit that looked bigger than her, “Just arrange an aircraft for me, or I can fly it myself.”

       Qin Yun was going crazy, “What’s the point of you going along for the ride?! Want me to die of fright?!”

       Bixi said confidently, “There are no big or small battlefields. As the commander, of course, I can go, but you, as a member of the royal family, should, in theory, one go, and one stays behind to oversee the overall situation”

       “…” Qin Yun was too depressed to refute and could only watch Bixi boarding Moschery’s ship.

       Tristana comforted him and said, “We’re not far away anyway, so we can always back up if something’s wrong.”

       Qin Yun folded his arms and said nothing. He had a lingering sense of unease, but he couldn’t quite articulate it in the moment. He had to endure it alone with no apparent solution in sight.


       When they were about to arrive at the border of Olympus, Moschery gave an order for everyone to hide. Chen Xiao piloted the aircraft to follow his, and the remaining ten or so small spacecraft formed a cross to protect the rear.

       Qin Yun couldn’t help but connect to the video and waited for a long time before seeing Moschery’s face.

       “Don’t get too far forward.” Qin Yun warned, “There’s no way Olympus isn’t patrolling.”

       Moschery nodded, “I know.” He frowned, “Sit down, don’t stand and talk to me, be careful of falling.”

       Qin Yun sat down obediently. He and Moschery looked outside together. After actually sneaking into the border of Olympus, they both discovered the problem.

       “…” Qin Yun, “This has gone full military base.”

       Moschery said nothing with a sullen face. Chen Xiao said seriously, “They’re on high alert. We’ll only be able to stay for a while at most.”

       Bixi’s voice came from the communicator, “Can you confirm where Helu is?”

       “It’s in progress.” Tristana quickly entered the command, “I’ve hacked into the Alliance map of Olympus… but it is too big. As His Highness said, they do not have any civilian equipment. It is just a large military base.” Suddenly, the female general’s face changed drastically, “Crap, they spotted us!”


       Several patrol ships had already moved quickly from a distance. Moschery calmly dodged the tracking bullets and gave the order in a deep voice, “Chen Xiao will go first. I will cover your retreat.”

       Qin Yun was just about to say whether the order was reversed when he felt the wings of the aircraft shaking. One of the enemy aircraft carriers was close to them at some point. The fuselage hit the side and almost overturned Chen Xiao in the driver’s seat.

       Moschery controlled the aircraft to fly upward quickly, and he concentrated his firepower to knock down the opponent without hesitation.

       “Damn it!” Chen Xiao’s head had just hit the top of his head; he wiped it only to realise that it was bleeding, and couldn’t help but curse.

       Tristana’s Crested Ibis flew to his side, its red and black wings gently caressing Sentinel’s wound.

       “I’m fine.” Qin Yun confirmed to Moschery in the video, “Stop covering up and just rush out.”

       The Emperor’s face was as dark as water, “It’s too late, the firepower is too strong, we must abandon one.”

       Qin Yun just discovered that half of the dozen or so spaceships that had followed him had been sunk by Olympus, and Moschery had arranged the rest around his own ship.

       “I’ll lure them away.” Moschery glanced at Qin Yun one last time, and he suddenly smiled, “There is something I want you to take a look at.”

       Qin Yun’s expression was a mix of bewilderment and anger. Before he could speak, Moschery turned off the communication device.

       Then, a huge black dragon appeared above the Moschery aircraft.

       “Oh my god…” Tristana covered her mouth and said in disbelief, “Is that His Majesty’s spiritual link?”

       At this moment, Qin Yun finally understood what his sentinel wanted to show him.


       Almost at the same time, the artillery fire of all Olympus patrol ships was aimed at Moschery’s aircraft. Chen Xiao roared and increased the speed of the aircraft to the extreme, and finally rushed out of the border, grazing the gunfire.

       Qin Yun turned around in panic. In a blaze of fire, the Moschery aircraft could no longer be seen clearly.


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Chapter 51 – The Spark (3)

       Kyle received Helu’s body in the underground laboratory of Olympus. He bent down and put on gloves as he carefully stroked all parts of the corpse. Breaux couldn’t stand the other person’s touching the corpse and frowned, “Does this guy really have the first-generation God Sentinel gene in him? Don’t be swindled by that old woman.”

       Kyle didn’t speak. His fingers lingered on a cross-shaped wound near Helu’s heart. After a while, he said coldly, “He underwent an implantation surgery, embedding a sealed tube containing the genes into his own body.”

       “…” Breaux shuddered. “That’s truly… a bold move.”

       Kyle smiled, “Helu is not at all as weak and incompetent as the rumours say. He is a great emperor. Whether he decisively abandoned Olympus to protect the Empire’s guide or created Moschery, every step he takes shows the calmness of an Emperor—courageous, ruthlessly sacrificial yet noble in dedication.”

       Even if Kyle said this, Breaux obviously didn’t agree. He curled his lips in disdain and just asked with concern, “What should we do now?”

       Kyle didn’t answer. He took the scalpel and carefully cut open Helu’s chest. When he touched the sealed tube, Kyle’s expression couldn’t help but be moved, “…He hid it in the heart.”

       Breaux’s expression turned grim, “Is he crazy?!”

       “I don’t know.” Kyle frowned. He also found it very unbelievable. The airtight tube was only half the size of a little finger, containing a few extremely fine black strands of hair. He squinted at it in the light for a moment, “It’s a little strange. We need to do a test first to check whose DNA it belongs to.”

       Breaux said bitterly, “Not his own.”

       Kyle shook his head, “No, Helu’s hair is silver.” He glanced at the person in the cryogenic chamber, “But I remember that his hair was very long…”

       “Being an Emperor is so hard. It’s possible that all your hair will fall out.” Breaux mocked, and he glanced at the blood-stained sealed tube with disgust, “Please clean this thing up. It looks really disgusting.”


       Bixi was wearing a camouflage uniform. She put on wristbands and carefully put her long silver hair into a hat.

       Qin Yun’s expression didn’t convey agreement, but he spoke with as much patience as he could muster, “Would you wait here, please? I promise you, I will bring Helu’s body back.”

       “It’s not just about the remains.” Bixi put on her military boots neatly and tied her belt, which made her body surprisingly petite and thin, “An SSS level guide belongs to the commander level. I should be on the battlefield; there is a place for me there.”

       Qin Yun opened his mouth, and he realised that even if they were not related by blood, Bixi was the one who raised him. There was always a bit of her stubbornness and perseverance in his character.

       “Don’t look like you’ve been abandoned.” Bixi pinched Qin Yun’s face jokingly, “My little guy, be strong.”

       Qin Yun was silent. He held Bixi’s hand and was so sad that he couldn’t speak.

       Bixi gently stroked the top of his hair. She looked at Qin Yun and said, “You have never asked me who your biological parents are… Aren’t you curious?”

       “Maybe before, but not now.” Qin Yun said seriously, “You are the one who raised me. I’m very happy; having you is enough.”

       Bixi laughed. She secretly wiped away the tears that overflowed from the corners of her eyes, stretched out her hands and hugged her son.


       In order to save time, Moschery decided to divide his troops into two groups. Arthur, as the vanguard, was responsible for tearing apart Eta’s defensive fortress, followed by Skarter, who would then lead the army to attack Olympus directly.

       “Chen Xiao is in charge of the raid. Are the Star Thief gang here?” Moschery had already changed into field uniforms. He bumped fists with Arthur and Skarter and jumped onto the wing with ease.

       Qin Yun was checking the base below. He looked up and saw Moschery looking at him.

       “What are you doing?” Qin Yun tilted his head, “Don’t stand so high… I can’t even see your face clearly.”

       Moschery didn’t obey. He took a moment and replied, “I like it.”

       Qin Yun: “?”

       Moschery: “Because I can see you looking at me seriously.”

       “…” Qin Yun said helplessly, “I am seeing you carefully every day.”

       “It’s not enough.” Moschery jumped off the wing and rubbed the back of Qin Yun’s head roughly, “Your gaze should be more intense.” He paused and added, “You have no idea how I usually look at you.”

       Qin Yun: “…How do you look?”

       Moschery thought about it seriously, “The gaze of wanting to catch you anytime, anywhere.”

       Qin Yun: “…”


       Almost all the Star Thief’s members were dispatched. Qin Yun met Yaya, Ali and the twin brothers again. Moschery greeted them expressionlessly and faced his comrades who had been together through life and death with an expression of ‘you two liars’. Qin Yun could only stay and explain with a headache.

       “We were in a special position at the time…” Qin Yun tried hard to think of an excuse, “We had to complete a mission…”

       Ali frowned, “Were you married then?”

       “…” Qin Yun choked, “No, not yet…”

       Yaya gestured disbelievingly.

       Ali translated, “He said that you smelled like the Emperor at that time…you had already made the final mark, right?”

       Qin Yun: “…No.”

       The twin brothers looked at each other, and the elder brother said, “But you have a good understanding.”

       The younger brother nodded, “Sure enough, they are destined to be a match made in heaven?”

       Qin Yun coughed awkwardly, “Y-you can put it that way…?”

       Yaya snorted, and he gestured quickly.

       Ali agreed: “Don’t show affection in front of us single dogs. You are so shameless.”

       Qin Yun: “…”


       Skarter’s troops were all excellent sentinels with extensive frontline experience. Most of them were very familiar with Qin Yun. Elberna even gave Qin Yun a hug directly in front of the Emperor.

       Moschery squinted his eyes and stared at Elberna’s hand on Qin Yun’s shoulder, who was still reliving the comradeship without realising it…

       “I think how good you were on the front line at that time. You were strong and durable.” Elberna sighed, “The high-level guides that were arranged later were like canaries… One guide and two Sentinels for protection, always crying, such a hassle.”

       Qin Yun twitched the corner of his mouth, and Moschery glanced at him with interest.

       Elberna: “Low-level guides are still better. I’m even thinking of proposing to Sennas, but you folks in the low-level guide circle are like mysterious creatures. It’s not easy to marry one.”

       Qin Yun glanced at Sennas, who was offering paramecium for everyone to poke his belly in the distance and was speechless. He could only cough and ask, “Have you told him about this idea?”

       “Talked about it.” Elberna frowned, “But he said that the Paramecium family is very large, and marrying him must be approved by all the Paramecia.” Sentinel paused and looked at Qin Yun with a hopeful look, “Didn’t you have a very good relationship with him at that time? Do you think there is hope for me?”

       …Of course Qin Yun didn’t know if Elberna had any hope. After all, joking aside, how big is a single-cell population?! Excluding those that were not registered, every time there was a gathering in the low-level guide circle, the place was full of moths, and people could drown!

       “We were actually worried that you wouldn’t be able to get married in the early days.” Elberna said sincerely. He looked at Moschery with admiration, “Although Qin Yun looks a bit rugged on the outside, tall and not soft enough, quite well-built muscles…basically, back then, no one would think of fvcking him, but many wished to be pinned down by him.” The more Elberna spoke, the more he felt sorry for His Majesty the Emperor, “You have worked really hard.”

       Qin Yun: “…”

       “It’s good to be firm.” Moschery chuckled, “Pert buttocks feel good in the hands.”


       Because he had made the final mark, Moschery’s consciousness cloud was very stable and would not give people too much pressure because of his inability to control it. Qin Yun watched him naturally stay in the sentinel circle, although he was still silent most of the time. But Qin Yun could see that he was in a good mood.

       “It’s really a sight I’ve never seen before.” Lin Dongliang sighed at the side, “Because His Majesty couldn’t control the pressure before, it was difficult to blend in even when he was with us.”

       Qin Yun didn’t speak. He looked at his sentinel from a distance with gentle eyes. Moschery seemed to feel something and turned back to look at him.

       Qin Yun: “?”

       Moschery raised his eyebrows expressionlessly. He clenched his fist and beat his chest, then raised it and stretched it in the direction of Qin Yun.

       Qin Yun understood. He smiled and made the same move as Moschery—the two fist-bumped like brothers.

       “I love you.” His Majesty the Emperor mouthed, kissed his fist, and finally tapped his heart.

       Qin Yun didn’t understand. He looked at Moschery, who was about to board the Imperial Starship, “What does that mean?”


       Moschery did not answer directly. He stood on the Imperial Starship and looked down at all the soldiers who were about to go to the battlefield. His eyes slowly swept across their faces.

       “From today on, you will all be the heroes of the Empire.” Moschery’s voice was deep and clear, “You will protect the land under your feet, protect your relatives and children, and protect your loved ones.”

       The generals raised their heads and listened quietly, with solemn expressions.

       Moschery pressed his fist against his chest, “If we return in triumph, the scars and medals will become our glory. If, unfortunately, we fall in battle…” The Emperor’s eyes passed through the crowd and looked gently into Qin Yun’s eyes, “My flesh and blood will rest in a foreign land with my love, while my soul will traverse the vast expanse of the stars and galaxies, returning to the side of my beloved, never to be alone.”

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Chapter 50 – The Spark (2)

       In the end, Moschery did not abolish the entire Cabinet. Instead, Lin Dongliang took over as prime minister. Chen Xiao, who had been exiled for many years, finally gets a chance to come back and take over the Secretary of State’s seat so that he and Tristana can love and fight each other every day.

       Skarter joked to him, “When are you going to eat wedding candy? “Why not combine the wedding and the baby’s full moon celebration?”

       Chen Xiao glanced at him depressedly, “I want to, but the problem is that I can’t even climb up the bed now!”

       “…” Skarter was shocked when he said this and realised that he and Lin Dongliang were not sleeping together. He immediately frowned and looked at the new Prime Minister, “You are not the Secretary of State anymore. Why haven’t you moved out of the mansion yet?”

       Lin Dongliang was a little confused, “The Prime Minister also has a Prime Minister’s Office… We can’t live together.”

       Skarter’s face darkened. He looked around at Arthur and Shen Zhuofan and found that these two people were even more unlikely…

       “The key is the final mark.” Chen Xiao squinted his eyes and licked his lips, “I’ve got to find a chance to abduct the little cannon girl into bed and fvck her, and everything will be solved.”

       Tristana, who had just made the puffs and brought them in, happened to hear these words. Chen Xiao still didn’t realise it yet. He just felt that everyone around him was staring at him with a ‘You are dead; take care’ look…


       Every time the parliament changed, it was the busiest time. Except for Qin Yun and Moschery, everyone else spent several nights at Tristana’s residence. Olympus also seemed to react to the Emperor’s declaration of war, and there was increased activity in the recent movements of Eta Star.

       “Are you still sending people over to keep an eye on Berlin?” Chen Xiao threw the folder on the table. He stretched out, twisted a puff made by Tristana and stuffed it into his mouth, “I have been afraid of her for so many years; she’s always fought back at critical moments.”

       “Unless she colludes with Olympus.” Shen Zhuofan sorted out the Averio information that Quinta left before, “The Cabinet has mastered quite a bit of genetic evolution technology… Huh?”

       Lin Dongliang leaned over and asked, “What’s wrong?”

       Shen Zhuofan frowned and hesitated, “No…it’s strange. The focus of their research is not on the guide.”

       Skarter became interested, “What do you mean?”

       Arthur took the document from Shen Zhuofan’s hand. He looked at it for a while, and his face became serious, “Now I understand why the cabinet doesn’t care about the quality of the guides and insists on constantly pushing them onto our Emperor’s bed.” The document was turned over and placed in the centre of the table, “What they care about is the genetic evolution of the god-level Sentinel. If I guess correctly, this is why Helu destroyed the gene of the first-generation sentinel.”


       “The Cabinet Lab’s access?” Qin Yun came out of the room while putting on clothes. Moschery had been deployed at the frontline military headquarters these days. Qin Yun had followed him until now and was only forced to come back for a few hours of sleep when he had the time to do so.

       “I don’t have it… Why do you want to go there?” He turned on the communication device and wore military boots, “I have Xi Zhao’s permission card. Can I use it?”

       Tristana looked anxious, “Your Majesty’s card may not work. I’ll try mine.”

       Qin Yun waited for a while and saw the female general’s expression change, “Someone changed the permissions privately?!”

       “What do you mean?” Qin Yun started his rhinestone-encrusted aircraft. He set up automatic tracking, put on his field uniform and stood waiting at the entrance of the palace.

       “System initialisation!” Tristana explained irritably, “It seems someone has revamped the system, setting it back to its initial mode, restoring the original permissions from decades ago… Damn it! Only the earliest members of the cabinet and the royal family can access these. Berlin, Helu… Damn it! Helu is dead! What do we do?!!”

       “…” Qin Yun also wanted to know what to do. He could guess with his toes that it was Berlin who was responsible, and he even got angry, “What on earth does she want to do? Is she going through menopause after all the tossing? “

       Tristana’s expression was as cold as iron, and she said fiercely, “Her target is Helu’s body. The late emperor has the last bit of primordial sentinel genes in his body. We thought he could rest in peace with it, but now it seems Berlin might have discovered it.”

       “She wants the genes of the god-level Sentinel?” Qin Yun said in disbelief, “What is she thinking?!”

       Tristana took a deep breath, “Chris just detected a space jump, and the destination is Olympus… Berlin, she must have rebelled.”


       The temperature in the laboratory was very low, and Berlin was not equipped with any anti-freeze measures. Her breath was filled with mist, and her temples were covered with hoarfrost.

       Helu’s body is preserved in a cryogenic capsule, tranquil as if in a deep sleep, devoid of any signs of life.

       Berlin lowered her head, and she couldn’t help but reach out and touch the other person’s cheek with a gentle look on her face.

       “You haven’t changed. You’re still the same.” Berlin whispered, her tone was low as if she was afraid of waking up the sleeping person, “But I’ve aged.” The Iron Lady smiled sarcastically, and she touched her own face. As if startled, she quickly withdrew her hand.

       Berlin was silent for a while and then slowly pushed the capsule onto the conveyor.

       “You always disobey me… Why don’t you accept genetic enhancement? You can obviously become better…” Berlin murmured to herself as if she had thought of something; her expression was a little ferocious, “You would rather create a monster and then destroy everything together with yourself… What is the so-called fairness? You have never been fair to me!”

       Berlin’s chest heaved violently, her emotions flaring as she stared at the person in the capsule, “We can obviously stand at the top of power, but you gave up this opportunity for the sake of damn fairness. Only a fool would put their hopes in the future, and you expect that monster to fulfil your last wish? Ha, it’s simply ridiculous.”

       The space jump indicator light gradually turned on, and Berlin slowly calmed down. Her expression was sad, and her forehead was pressed against the surface of the capsule, “It’s precisely because I’m just an ordinary person that I can appreciate the importance of genetics. Why am I not a guide? You see, even in death, you’re not mine.”

       Time passed by, and when the last jump light came on, Berlin showed a desperate smile. At the same time, the access to the laboratory was suddenly opened. Berlin turned back and stared at the entrance with a face full of surprise.


       Bixi maintained the posture of holding the door open, with Qin Yun following closely behind her.

       Berlin was only slightly surprised for a moment, then said nonchalantly, “You guys are late.” She stood up, straightened her messy hair around her temples, and looked at Bixi coldly, “You indeed have the primary access here. Is it something Helu granted you?”

       Bixi had no time to pay attention to her. She practically leapt towards the teleporter and tried to forcefully terminate the transmission, “Power…power!” Bixi completely ignored the broken ice on the cryogenic chamber that pricked her hand and tried with almost all her strength to drag Helu’s body out. When Qin Yun cut off the power supply, it was too late. The huge energy released during the transmission was beyond the physical strength a guide could withstand.

       He had no choice but to drag Bixi out by the waist. The latter’s hands were bloody from the cuts, and he could only watch as Helu’s body disappeared in front of him.

       Berlin looked at all this with cold eyes, and she smiled sarcastically, “Don’t waste your efforts. There is nothing you can do to stop it…”


       ‘Pats!’ Bixi raised her hand; her eyes were red, and she looked at Berlin expressionlessly.

       The Iron Lady was struck, causing her to turn her face. Bixi’s palm, stained with blood, left a mark on her cheek.

       “…” Berlin was blindsided by the slap. She covered her face with shaking hands, her eyes full of disbelief, “You…!”

       Bixi didn’t wait for the other person to finish speaking and slapped her again. She was so petite that she almost had to tilt her head to look at Berlin, but when she hit her, she was not holding back at all. Berlin was left crumpled on the ground, looking thoroughly disheveled.

       After nearly half an hour of silent beating, Bixi finally stopped. She gasped condescendingly, her face cold and angry.

       Berlin knelt on the ground tremblingly, holding her head and not daring to say a word.

       “I won’t beat you to death.” Bixi said coldly, “Only when you are alive can you understand what you did wrong. The dead have no chance.”

       Berlin wanted to say something, but when she saw Bixi’s bloody hands, she didn’t have the courage to say anything.

       Bixi gritted her teeth and said, “Don’t tarnish Helu’s feelings with your disgusting selfish desires. Your ambition has nothing to do with Helu. Loving someone isn’t about forcing them to be as good as they want to be.” She paused and choked uncontrollably, “Rather, it’s about wanting to become better.”

       Qin Yun sighed. He hugged his mother from behind and gently stroked her silver hair, “That’s enough, Little Bixi, don’t cry, we will bring Helu back.”

       Bixi didn’t speak. She lowered her head, and her shoulders trembled slightly, but she couldn’t hold back the tears.


       When Moschery rushed back, Qin Yun happened to come out of Bixi’s room. He seemed relaxed to finally see His Majesty the Emperor, and opened his arms with a tired smile, “Welcome back.”

       Moschery walked up to him and hugged his guide silently.

       Qin Yun stroked the end of the other party’s slightly longer hair, and after a while, he said, “Little Bixi has never had her own Sentinel. The depletion of her mental energy over the years has taken a toll, and I’m very concerned. I fear she won’t last much longer…”

       Moschery blocked Qin Yun’s mouth somewhat roughly. He held Qin Yun’s face and kissed him gently.

       “What should I do?” Qin Yun covered his eyes, hugged Moschery tightly and whispered, “I feel like I’m going to lose her.”

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Chapter 49 – The Spark (1)

       Of course Qin Yun didn’t know that His Majesty the Emperor had shocked the whole universe. He was trying to make the unicorn fly while pretending to be an old hen all day long…

       Ishtar had a good temper, but that didn’t mean it’s obedient. The unicorn always radiated a gentle and loving aura as it gazed at its owner with a compassionate(you’re) and(stupid) divine(fvck) look, radiating a gentle and loving aura.

       “…” Qin Yun said frantically, “Can’t you give your Dad some face?!”

       The unicorn closed its feathers gracefully, brushed its spiral horn against Qin Yun’s palm, and tilted its head slightly. Underneath golden eyelashes were eyes that gleamed with icy-blue hues.

       Qin Yun: “…” He had already despaired of this appearance-focused world! With such beauty, what could he not forgive?!

       “If it doesn’t want to fly, just don’t fly.” Moschery had an almost unprincipled doting on Ishtar, “It’s enough that Zhongyan can fly.”

       Qin Yun couldn’t help but roll his eyes at him and then muttered, “A loving mother often has prodigal sons.”

       Moschery pretended not to hear. He brushed his guide’s bangs and said calmly, “Get ready. We are going back.”

       Qin Yun didn’t ask why they were going to go back early. He was very aware of Moschery’s dilemma and suddenly felt so soft-hearted that he suddenly hugged the young emperor from behind, pressing his forehead against his shoulder.

       “It’s okay.” Qin Yun said in a serious tone, “I will protect your back, just rely on me.”

       “…” Moschery was silent for a long time. He turned his face and kissed Qin Yun’s temple. He said lightly, “It’s rare to hear you say a beautiful word. The Cabinet can sometimes do good things.”

       Qin Yun: “…”


       Moschery’s aircraft spread out its huge silver-white wings, and Qin Yun took another look outside before closing the door.

       The rising air currents were like whirlpools, and the blue sea was like a mirror, reflecting the sky and clouds.

       “You can give this planet a name.” Moschery set up autopilot. He leaned against the hatch and looked at Qin Yun, “Have you ever thought about it?”

       Qin Yun scratched his head in embarrassment, “Using your name…wouldn’t it be too cheesy?”

       “…” Moschery took a deep breath and gritted his teeth, “If you want to surprise me, don’t tell me!”

       Qin Yun: “??” He was a little confused, “How can I surprise you if I don’t say it out loud? Screaming silently in your heart?”

       Moschery: “…”

       Qin Yun: “And we have done the final marking… Our consciousnesses can also be connected anyway…”

       Moschery pretended that he was busy controlling the automatic aircraft and then ignored the other party for half an hour…


       Before returning to the Empire, the Emperor’s swift and decisive reaction was already apparent. The royal family drafted a parliamentary meeting and decided to abolish Mrs. Berlin’s position as prime minister on multiple charges, such as dividing the country and slandering members of the royal family. The Cabinet, led by Quinta and the high-level guide group, naturally refused to accept this decision and stubbornly clung to Qin Yun’s low-level guide status.

       Qin Yun wanted to let Ishtar out to scare those people, but Moschery disagreed.

       “I’m not marrying you because you are a god-level.” The Emperor’s expression was cold. He motioned to his guide to pin a medal on him, “I will still choose you even if you can’t recover in my lifetime.”

       Qin Yun helplessly adjusted his collar, “Yes, I know you love me, and I love you too, but…” He looked at Moschery, “Aren’t you worried that in the future, if I can’t guide you, what will happen to you? The consciousness cloud’s uncontrollable drawbacks will become more and more obvious as the years go by. Maybe within half a century, you may…”

       “If that time comes,” Moschery suddenly interrupted, “will you be by my side?”

       Qin Yun looked at him with a complicated expression.

       Moschery held his face, stared into his eyes, and asked again, “Will you be by my side?”

       Qin Yun sighed, “Of course, of course I will be by your side. I will always be with you.”

       “That’s enough.” Moschery’s dry and gentle palm brushed Qin Yun’s cheek, “No matter what the outcome is, as long as you can be by my side, there is nothing to worry about.”


       Berlin was still wearing her meticulous lead-grey formal suit. The arbitration1Arbitration is a form of alternative dispute resolution that resolves disputes outside the judiciary courts document was displayed in front of her, and there were only a few close supporters behind her.

       The young Emperor sat high at the top of the table, looking at the Iron Lady, who was over fifty years old. She was both a political enemy and a mentor.

       “From today onwards, the Cabinet will be reorganised, and the military will select and train frontline talents and reserve commanders from Averio Academy to prepare for the war with Olympus.” Lin Dongliang paused after reading this, and he looked at Quinta, ” The person in charge of the school will be replaced by Guide Shen Zhuofan, and I hope you will hand over the work as soon as possible.”

       Quinta had an unpleasant expression on his face, as if he was aggrieved by this arrangement. He whispered a few words to Berlin, and the latter’s eyes fell on the person by Moschery’s side.

       Bixi’s long silver hair was dr4p3d over her shoulders like moonlight. She looked at Berlin from a distance, her eyes calm.

       After Lin Dongliang stated the final arrangements, he asked again, “Do you have any questions?”

       This sentence was basically equivalent to nonsense. For the first time, the parliament passed a popular vote, and the royal family’s support far exceeded that of the Cabinet. The power of the ordinary citizens could not be underestimated.


       Berlin stood up and nodded slightly to Moschery, “I only hope that Your Majesty will have room for regret in the future.”

       Shen Zhuofan frowned. He was about to retort when he heard the Emperor slowly speak, “The Empire will not erase your past achievements, Madam. When Olympus first became independent, the Empire faced a significant talent drain. It was through your efforts that the guides of Averio Academy were spared from harm.” He paused and looked at Berlin’s slightly confused expression.

       “But you seem to have forgotten in what capacity you did this.” Moschery stood up, handed the signed arbitration letter to Berlin, and lowered his head expressionlessly, “Even if you are an ordinary person, You can also hold the important position of prime minister and make due contributions to the Empire, but in the end, you put shackles on yourself.”

       Moschery said coldly, “All your achievements have nothing to do with your genes, but today, you let irrelevant things obscure your eyes.”

       His Majesty the Emperor looked at the Iron Lady’s old and decayed face with pity, “Do you regret it now, Madam?”


       Because he had been taken care of by his mentor, Lin Dongliang still respected Quinta very much, but the old man obviously didn’t think so.

       With a sudden fall from grace, the depth of Quinta’s inner turmoil was evident. He allowed no one to approach, stiffening his spine with unwavering determination.

       “Let a low-level guide be the Queen?” Quinta’s expression was mocking and angry, “The Empire will be finished one day!”

       Lin Dongliang resisted telling the truth because of Moschery’s instructions. Quinta thought that he had hit the opponent’s sore spot and said without hesitation, almost without regard to his identity, “The god-level guide of Olympus, Paulie, which of them is not better than that loser? Is Moschery blind? He has simply disgraced the Empire!”

       Lin Dongliang’s expression darkened. Just as he was about to say something, he saw Qin Yun walking from a short distance away. The other party had obviously heard Quinta’s speech.

       “Professor Quinta.” Qin Yun greeted with a smile, “Congratulations on your retirement.”

       Quinta snorted coldly. He looked at Qin Yun with disdain as if he was not better than an ant, not even bothering to respond to the greeting.

       Instead, Lin Dongliang bowed respectfully, “Your Highness the Queen.”

       Quinta looked at the two of them sarcastically, “Stop acting. I won’t acknowledge you, let alone salute a low-level guide. Dream on.”

       Qin Yun stopped smiling. He was much taller than Quinta. At this moment, he said condescendingly with an expressionless face, “I don’t intend to accept it either.”

       Quinta frowned, “?”


       The whites of Qin Yun’s eyes slowly turned golden, and powerful spiritual power surged overwhelmingly. A snow-white unicorn suddenly appeared behind him, with its golden mane almost hanging to the ground.

       Ishtar seemed to have just woken up. It opened its ice-blue eyes, raised its long neck proudly, and stared at Quinta with cold eyes.


       “Go stand still, don’t fall.” Qin Yun looked at the other party’s rickety and slightly trembling body in a funny way, “The royal family always pays attention to fairness. You really don’t need to salute me. I wish you a happy retirement, professor.”

       Quinta: “…”

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Chapter 48 – Blue Sea (3)

       The night on the Blue Sea was deep and enchanting. Moschery lit the artificial fire and spread the knitted blanket on the ice.

       Qin Yun saw a fish with wings and a ‘lightbulb’-like thing hanging on its forehead. It flew in the air and dived into the sea.

       “Firefly fish.” Moschery stretched out his long arm, picked up one and handed it to Qin Yun, “Although it looks cute, it has a bad temper.”

       Just when Qin Yun was about to ask what was wrong with his temper, he suddenly saw the firefish’s cheeks bulging, and it sprayed a mouthful of water on his face.

       “…” Qin Yun gritted his teeth and said, “I wonder how does that fish taste?!”

       Moschery couldn’t help but laugh. He spread the bait not far away, attracting more and more firefish to fly over.


       Above the deep sea and under the dome, the school of fish was like starlight, warmly surrounding the two.

       Moschery squatted in front of Qin Yun. He leaned over and kissed his guide’s lips in the splendour of the fireflies.


       Bixi was standing on the terrace of the palace, wrapped in a shawl. She looked into the distance with a solemn look, with a lingering haze between her brows. Black Pearl’s front hooves scratched the ground and snorted a few times beside her irritably.

       Lin Dongliang was a little surprised when he saw her, “Madam Bixi?”

       Bixi looked at the tired expression of the Secretary of State gently, “Thank you for your hard work. The situation at the Cabinet…”

       Lin Dongliang smiled bitterly, “It’s still the same.” He rubbed his brows, “They got the information from somewhere, saying that Her Royal Highness the Queen was a failed clone, which tarnished the bloodline of the god-level guide…”

       Bixi frowned; her eyes were slightly cold as she said calmly, “Have they forgotten the origin of His Majesty’s god-level genes, or do they want to use this matter to depose the royal family directly.”

       “Maybe both.” Lin Dongliang looked solemnly, “The Cabinet also placed the blame for the defeat of Eta on His Highness the Queen and believed that His Highness should be tried as a war criminal.”

       Bixi snorted coldly, “I think it’s not just the Cabinet. We will face more problems after Little Rainbow Dash lifts the consciousness hypnosis.”

       Lin Dongliang looked at her.

       Bixi said calmly, “Olympus will not sit still and wait for death. Their ambitions are much greater than we imagined.”


       Qin Yun was already awake when Moschery received Lin Dongliang’s video call request. He rested his head sleepily on His Majesty’s shoulder and greeted the Secretary of State in the holographic image.

       Lin Dongliang smiled and said respectfully, “Your Highness, I’m sorry to disturb your honeymoon.”

       Qin Yun waved her hands quickly, “Don’t be so polite, sir… you should just call me Qin Yun.”

       Moschery raised his hand and rubbed his guide’s bangs. He looked at Lin Dongliang and said, “What else is the Cabinet doing?”

       Lin Dongliang made a helpless expression and glanced at Qin Yun, who immediately stood up knowingly, “I’m going out to brush my teeth and wash my face…”

       Moschery did not stop the other party. He raised his head and looked at Qin Yun, stretched out his hand and touched his lips, “Good morning kiss.”

       “…” Qin Yun: “I haven’t brushed my teeth yet…”

       “What’s with all the nonsense?” Moschery frowned, “All these bullshit rules about kissing.”

       Lin Dongliang: “…”


       The Secretary of State briefly reported the situation. Moschery’s expression remained indifferent, and in the end, he only said, “I understand.”

       Lin Dongliang sighed, “Do you want to come back early?”

       Moschery did not answer directly, and he only asked, “Where is Little Bixi?”

       Lin Dongliang: “Madam is very good. She rides horses in the back garden every day. I didn’t let anyone from the Cabinet disturb her.”

       “Okay.” Moschery’s expression finally softened, “I’ll contact her.”


       Bixi was not surprised when she received Moschery’s video call request. She was wearing overalls, her long silver hair tied up, and a sunhat.

       “Long time no see, Little Xixi.” Bixi swung her riding whip. She was the only one who dared to give His Majesty the Emperor such a nickname.

       Moschery looked at the horses around her. Helu’s only pastime when he was in power was raising horses and riding horses, which coincided with Bixi.

       “I hear you’re an excellent rider?” Bixi said suddenly, she winked at Moschery slyly, “It seems that Helu taught you well.”

       Moschery was silent. Helu put him on a horse when he was very young. Riding was probably the only thing his weak father left to him.

       Bixi looked at him gently, “He will definitely be proud when he sees you now.”

       Moschery frowned in confusion, “You and my father…”

       “I am the representative of the first class in Averio, and your father awarded me the academy medal.” Bixi’s eyes were full of nostalgia, but her expression was calm, “It turns out that so long has passed.”

       Moschery opened his mouth. He always felt that Bixi seemed to be hiding something from him, but he felt that he should not ask in detail. In the end, he could only change the topic and said sincerely, “As for the Cabinet’s slandering Qin Yun, I will solve it properly. Please don’t worry.”


       Qin Yun was not in a hurry to go back to the house after washing up. He summoned the unicorn and asked the other party to get comfortable with Zhongyan. The dragon was very excited and followed his spiritual link partner’s butt and kept sniffing it.

       “…” Qin Yun: “Don’t be like this… Zhongyan! Come back here!”

       Ishtar didn’t seem to mind being followed. The golden ponytail occasionally swayed and brushed Zhongyan’s nose.

       The unicorn walked gracefully on the ice, its pure white body like a painting, embedded in the blue sea and sky.

       Qin Yun put his palms together to his mouth and said loudly, “Fly fly, look, Ishtar, come! Fly to Daddy!”


       Zhongyan flapped his wings and pounced on him in a dignified manner. Qin Yun was so scared that he wailed and ran away while screaming and laughing. However, he was still pressed to the ground from behind by the giant dragon.

       “Hahahahaha!” Qin Yun reached out to block Zhongyan’s head, “Don’t lick, don’t lick! Hahahaha… don’t lick with your mouth!”

       “…” Moschery’s military boots appeared above Qin Yun’s head. His Majesty the Emperor looked down at him expressionlessly, “What are you doing?”

       Qin Yun looked at him innocently, “Taking care of the children…?”

       Moschery: “…” He seemed helpless and squatted down, brushing his fingers on Qin Yun’s face. The latter only felt a flash in front of his eyes, and a round pendant appeared on his neck.

       “What is this?” Qin Yun took it out with a free hand and found a badge with a Chinese Bellflower pattern engraved on it.

       “Every Issa Crown Prince will be given a Chinese Bellflower badge when he is born.” Moschery said lightly, “To give it to his future partner… I should have given it to you earlier, but I never thought I would get married before, so it took me a long time to find it.”

       Qin Yun looked at him and smiled, “Do you know the flower language of Chinese Bellflower?”

       Moschery didn’t answer. He stared at his guide for a long time, lowered his head and kissed the other person’s lips.


       While the Cabinet was busy trying to depose the Queen and was enjoying themselves endlessly, His Majesty the Emperor finally couldn’t help but make a statement first. Moschery’s holographic video was projected over the entire Empire and was simultaneously played on All Universe 818.

       Skarter was a little surprised, “When was this recorded?”

       Lin Dongliang: “It should be the first day after the wedding.” He shrugged and said helplessly, “Your Majesty only gave it to me these few days, meaning not to let the Cabinet interfere with his honeymoon…”


       The Moschery in the holographic image was wearing the uniform of the supreme commander, with a silver mask on half of his face, and his expression was cold and indifferent.

       “All citizens of the Empire, thank you for your concern for the royal family and my personal private life.” Moschery paused, his eyes sinking slightly, “At the same time, I am also heartbroken by the negative attitude of the Cabinet from beginning to end.”

       Moschery continued, “The plan to travel to the Eta Star was mine to formulate. Qin Yun merely carried it out and suffered almost devastating injuries in the process in order to protect me.” He paused for a while and showed a mocking smile, “I have the right to reclaim all territories that once belonged to the Empire. The so-called war criminals are simply nonsense.”


       Shen Zhuofan stared at His Majesty the Emperor in the hologram, raised his eyebrows, and said, “As expected of a tyrant, these words are completely irrefutable.”

       Arthur snorted disdainfully, “Now that he has my military power, he can be so tough. He didn’t dare to act cool before.”

       Lin Dongliang smiled when he heard this, “But I think that if His Majesty wants to regain the territory, Your Majesty the Duke will not refuse.”

       Arthur glanced at him and said matter-of-factly, “The best thing he has done in all these years is to prepare to regain the sovereignty of Olympus.”

       The Duke licked his lips arrogantly, “My lions can’t wait any longer.”


       Moschery’s speech continued, and Berlin, with a pale face, stared fixedly at the holographic projection without moving a muscle.

       “As we all know, the god-level genes of Issa’s royal family have all been passed down to this day only through replication in the scientific community. As for Qin Yun being cloned, I do not acknowledge the claim.” Moschery in the hologram slowly stood up, the scarlet cloak behind him almost dropping to the ground, “This is Olympus’s blasphemy against my wife. For this, they must pay the due price.”

       Moschery: “I hereby declare war on the Olympus Alliance. Within one year, I will recover all territories belonging to the Empire and complete the full unification.”

       The Cabinet meeting room was brightly lit, and Quinta looked at Berlin with a gloomy face, “He completely overshadowed the crisis we created… We have no control over what happens next.”

       Berlin didn’t speak. After a long while, she slowly said in a hoarse voice, “He has become so tough that we can’t control it, whether it’s political power or emotions.”

       Quinta remained silent, and he followed Berlin to look at His Majesty the Emperor in the holographic image.


       Moschery’s expression remained as calm as ever, “My wife has fought on the front line of the battlefield. He is brave and strong and deserves everyone’s respect.”

       “There isn’t any difference of a god-level sentinel and a low-level guide between us.” Moschery finally said, “Because we love each other.”

       He paused and smiled slowly, “So we are equal.”


       Of course Qin Yun didn’t know that His Majesty the Emperor had shocked the whole universe. He was trying to make the unicorn fly while pretending to be an old hen all day long…

       Ishtar had a good temper, but that didn’t mean it’s obedient. The unicorn always radiated a gentle and loving aura as it gazed at its owner with a compassionate(you’re) and(stupid) divine(fvck) look, radiating a gentle and loving aura.

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