Chapter 53 – To Start a Prairie Fire (2)

       “It’s genetic evolution.” Chris couldn’t help but be excited as he looked at what was recorded in Chen Xiao’s video. He wore dimensional glasses and could clearly see Moschery’s spiritual link, “Early on, the fusion rate of His Majesty’s genes with the genes of the first-generation god-level Sentinel was less than 90%. As a result, there was never enough capability to fully present His Majesty’s spiritual link in the dimensional space. If the sentinels and guide were not on the same level, they couldn’t see His Majesty’s dragon.”

       Tristana suddenly realised, “So what’s happening now is that His Majesty’s genes have evolved?”

       Chris nodded, “I think so. He has become stronger and more adapted to the god-level sentinel’s genes… To be precise, he is almost the same as the original god-level sentinel.”

       Qin Yun did not speak. He stared at the picture in the video with a calm expression. Chen Xiao glanced at him, “Now that we have lost contact with His Majesty, what should we do next?”

       “How is Olympus’ defence?” Qin Yun asked.

       Tristana said, “There are three times more troops than before, but they have no intention of taking the initiative to attack. I don’t know why.”

       Qin Yun squinted his eyes. He was quiet for a while and suddenly said, “They haven’t caught Xi Zhao yet, so they don’t dare to act rashly.”

       Chen Xiao and Tristana’s faces showed joy. Sentinel and guide, who had marked each other, had a close spiritual connection. No one would doubt what Qin Yun said.

       “Notify Arthur and Lin Dongliang to arrive as soon as possible.” Qin Yun straightened up and carefully closed the communication device, with a cold and sharp expression on his face, “Assemble all the ships in five minutes. I have something to say.”


       While Breaux was leading the search for the Emperor, Kyle was still in the laboratory trying to open the sealed tube in Helu’s body. He spent almost a month just doing this, and his expression was far from pleasant.

       “Not captured yet?” Kyle rubbed his eyebrows. He looked extremely tired, “If this sealed tube cannot be opened again, the only way to obtain the god-level sentinel gene is from the Emperor.”

       Breaux didn’t take it seriously, “There’s no way he can escape, it’s possible that he’ll die directly from such intense artillery fire. The Empire is now leaderless, so there is no need to worry at all.”

       Kyle was silent for a long time, then suddenly said, “Do you still remember the guide who married the Emperor?”

       “That ordinary person?” Breaux frowned, “He’s not even a low-level guide. He’s just a trash.”

       Kyle glanced at the other person, and he hesitated, “He looks very similar to me, and…my mental power is of no use to him.”

       “…” Breaux didn’t believe it, “How is that possible?!”

       “It’s true.” Kyle’s expression was unpleasant, and he almost gritted his teeth and said, “I can’t control him. My mental power doesn’t work at all… Who is he?!”


       Bixi turned to look at Moschery. They had just crawled out of the almost completely scrapped aircraft half an hour ago. His Majesty the Emperor still had metal fragments stuck in half of his arms. He pulled them out to stop the bleeding and disinfected the wound. He then administered himself a tetanus shot with an expressionlessly.

       “…” Bixi was well protected by him, unscathed, and all the medical supplies in her backpack were given to Moschery.

       “We have to find another aircraft.” Moschery shook his arm. The higher the level, the stronger the Sentinel’s recovery ability. He pulled out Dragon Scales on his back, “Let’s determine Helu’s position first.”

       Bixi sighed, “I was too willful, and I dragged you down.”

       Moschery lowered his head and looked at Bixi with a gentle look in his eyes, “Little Bixi.” He said, “You are also my mother. I am very grateful for your kindness to Helu… my father.”

       Bixi blinked. She was a little surprised. Gradually, a lonely smile appeared on her face, “My relationship with His Majesty Helu is not what you think. We…haven’t even had a proper conversation about anything.”

       Moschery looked at her.

       Bixi squatted on the ground, lowering her head as if she were lost in memories, “I had not graduated when he first ascended the throne, and Averio Academy arranged for me to intern in the royal family. We rarely spoke, and we had no time to be alone together. We seldom spoke, and there was no time for us to be alone together. Most of the conversations in our group revolved around work and studies… He was a gentle person.” Bixi was quiet for a while and said slowly, “He is my most precious longing.”

       Moschery’s eyes moved to her long silver hair, and Bixi followed his gaze and smiled, “This belongs to your father.” She blushed a little and said awkwardly, “After he passed away, I was worried that the Cabinet might opt for cremation. After all, with you around, to ensure the uniqueness of the god-level, such a situation wasn’t entirely impossible.”

       Moschery was silent. Helu’s body was originally planned to be cremated, but Berlin changed her mind in the end. His father’s death was not peaceful; the backlash from his mania was more severe than anticipated. When Helu took his last breath, his entire body was covered in wounds he had inflicted on himself. His expression was grotesque, and he died with his eyes wide open.

       At that time, no one had the energy to deal with the old emperor’s body. The Cabinet threw the body casually in the palace and did not send anyone to collect it until the next day.

       But strangely enough, someone had already sorted it out first.

       Helu’s wounds were properly treated, and his eyes were closed. His expression was as serene as if he had just fallen into a deep sleep. He was wearing the uniform of the supreme commander, just like any noble emperor who died naturally.

       “I arranged his remains with my own hands and cut off his hair to keep for myself.” Bixi looked at Moschery with a sad smile, “How could I let him die in such a disgrace? He is the person I love.”


       It was impossible to hide the news of the Emperor’s disappearance, which was why Qin Yun summoned the ships. He could not waver the morale of the army when Moschery was away. Even if Moschery was really killed, he had to defend the entire Empire for him.

       “Most of His Majesty’s current troops consists of those purged from the Cabinet and are not easy to control.” Tristana worriedly watched Qin Yun put on the commander’s uniform, “Are you alright with that?”

       Qin Yun unfolded the black cloak and hung it on his shoulders, “Whether there are issues or not, they must be resolved. We can’t afford any disturbances at this critical moment.”

       Tristana looked at the other party with a complicated expression. Qin Yun had already put on the white commander’s uniform, and the hem of the thick black cloak almost hung to the ground. His eyes were bright and resolute.

       “I will use my life and dignity to defend what he holds dear.” Qin Yun said seriously. He smiled at Tristana, “So I have nothing to fear.”


       Moschery patiently hid in the darkness. Two single patrols passed by. He sneaked over silently, and the sharp tip of the Dragon Scale sword pierced the other’s throat.

       The whites of Bixi’s eyes turned a light silvery grey. Moschery looked down at the other Sentinel lying on the ground and found that the other Sentinel had gone silent.

       The two of them changed their clothes respectively, and Bixi asked Moschery while tying her hair carefully, “Little Rainbow Dash is alone over there. Aren’t you worried?”

       “I believe him.” Moschery said calmly, “I once said that I would give him half of the sovereignty of this country. A man must do what he says. He and I have equal status. If I am not here, he has the right to make any decision for me.”

       Bixi was amused by his statement that ‘a man must do what he says’. She shook her head and sighed, “You really.”

       Moschery didn’t think there was anything wrong with what he said. In his heart, even if Qin Yun had always been a low-level guide, he was still the best, brave, fearless, kind and strong.

       “It’s great for Little Rainbow Dash to meet you.” Bixi said with a smile. She led the way, feeling a little unfamiliar because she hadn’t been back for a long time, “He never asked me whose child he was…” She glanced at Moschery slyly, “Aren’t you curious too?”

       Moschery’s expression was calm, “I don’t mind if he is a clone.”

       Bixi couldn’t laugh or cry, “Of course he is not a clone.”

       Moschery raised his eyebrows, “Yeah, I know.”

       Bixi had no way to deal with his blind self-confidence. She said helplessly, “Qin Yun’s father was a descendant of the first generation of god-level guides, but he did not inherit the guide gene. I came to Olympus 30 years ago for the same reason—to keep an eye on him.”

       Moschery listened carefully, and Bixi continued, “In the early years, Olympus was not the deformed system it is today. Even if it collects genetic samples from god-level guides, at least people are still free. Olympus wants to try to cultivate the guide the same way they cultivated Sentinel, but they never succeed until one day they discover that the man is missing.”

       “He fell in love with a guide girl who checked his health every day. She became pregnant, and the two decided to elope.” Bixi sounded like she was talking about something unimportant, “But they couldn’t escape at all. In order to protect his wife, the father willingly went back to continue being a guinea pig. I kept the girl’s pregnancy a secret and helped her give birth to Little Rainbow Dash.”

       Bixi sighed, “Miracles and hope often come by accident.” Her expression was heavy, “We took little Rainbow Dash secretly to see his father, who has been completely imprisoned by Olympus. I don’t think anyone can bear the thought of his partner being tortured day and night as a test subject… She chose to die together with him.”

       “I adopted Little Rainbow Dash and promised his parents that I would treat him like my own son.” Bixi said gently, “Most of the laboratories in Olympus were destroyed. I took Little Rainbow Dash back to the Empire. Helu helped a lot to protect this child. Then he suddenly decided to create the first-generation god-level Sentinel, and that’s how you came into being.”

       “I didn’t understand why he did that at the time.” Bixi said slowly, “But now I seem to understand a little bit.”

       Moschery’s expression finally changed. It was a mixture of confusion, elation, emotional and shock.

       Bixi looked at him as if she were looking at a beloved child. She whispered, “He gave you hope, believing that you would finally find the one who has been waiting for you in this world.”


       “And then be together for the rest of your life, with no regrets.”

The author has something to say:
Countdown to the end. I’m a little excited just thinking about it!

…This is too unexpected… I’m crying (T⌓T)
Also, there’s something I want to clarify since early chapter but can’t coz it’s simply a spoiler. In the manhua, they showed that apparently Qin Yun’s gene was stolen by some spy from Cabinet’s side, but it seems like the gene was not stolen at all; Olympus has Qin Yun’s genes from the start.
After seeing the barrage in the audio drama I just realised that it’s true… In a sense… Qin Yun is older than His Majesty, lololol

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  1. Ketkai

    Oohhh, so they were that that made for each other.

    I feel sad for mc’s father (◞ ꞈ ◟)

    Never really thought that his Majesty is actually younger lol

  2. Secretive plotter

    Aahh muchas gracias por traducir esta historia tan hermosa 🩷

  3. milui

    Oh my my to think that His Majesty was the younger one all along!

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