Month: November 2023 (Page 5 of 12)

Chapter 111 – Who Says Omegas Can’t be as Explosive as Alphas

Chapter 111


In Feng Pei’s plan, he only needed to make a direct attack on the opponent’s vital point at the beginning of the confrontation to finish the enemy with one move. In the blink of an eye, he vividly replayed the scene in his mind. Personally, he felt that such a move was very neat, worthy of being called heroic. However, when he was ready to put his plan into action, he realized that ideals are always beautiful, but reality is quite harsh.


Feng Pei, thinking he was incredibly handsome and intimidating, threw a punch that seemed to hit nothing but air, soft and without any impact. A hint of surprise flashed between his eyebrows, and then, he felt a vague shadow passing by in front of him. Without any time to react, a piercing pain struck his abdomen.


He couldn’t help but cough violently, almost coughing out his entire lung. Everyone on the side looked a bit confused, exchanging glances.


“Did you guys see how this Omega made his move just now?”


“No… Did you see it?”


“… I, didn’t either.”


Feng Pei could hear the whispers around him, and he suddenly felt irritated. Perhaps because of the pain, his face now looked as unpleasant as it could get. Feng Pei, gritting his teeth, tried to stand up again, but as soon as he exerted force, the intense pain spread throughout his body. He staggered and sat back down.


Half-kneeling there, Feng Pei breathed heavily, obviously feeling incredulous about being defeated in one move. Moreover, the opponent was an Omega he hadn’t taken seriously at first.


Lu Jingning rubbed his fist and kindly advised, “It’s pointless to force yourself. How about admitting defeat directly?”


Feng Pei, nose crooked with anger, gritted his teeth, “In your dreams!”


Lu Jingning looked at his current state with amusement, sneering, “Is there any point in pretending to be tough now? Can you even stand up?”


Relying on his pride, Feng Pei intended to stand up and give the opponent a good beating. However, as soon as he exerted force, he shivered, and instead of standing, he ended up sitting back down.


Feng Pei: “…”


Don’t be fooled by Lu Jingning’s seemingly light punch just now; he used hidden strength. With just that move, even if it had hit a mecha, it could have left a hole. Given Feng Pei’s solid physique, he could still talk after such a hit.


Lu Jingning glanced over, showing a hint of approval in his eyes. It seemed that this person followed the tank route. However, in Feng Pei’s eyes, his current performance seemed more like an insult.


Feng Pei felt that his dignity had been trampled. If conditions allowed, he really wanted to rush up and beat this overly arrogant Omega to death.


What’s this? Trying to finish him off with just one punch? Without even using pheromones? Was he looking down on him?!


Gritting his teeth, in an attempt to salvage his dignity, Feng Pei angrily said, “Don’t think you’re all that just because your fists are strong. Let’s compare with pheromones if you dare!”


Lu Jingning’s expression became strange for a moment. “Compare with pheromones? Or… better not?”


Although Tang Jiaze had suffered at Lu Jingning’s hands before, as a bystander now, he found the situation interesting. Suddenly hearing this, he turned pale and involuntarily cursed, “Damn, this idiot!”


During the previous military academy league, at least it was in a virtual map, and the onlookers were just watching for fun. But the current situation was obviously different.


In the open environment, the biting wind made the face sting. If Lu Jingning detonated his pheromones now, before the army even had a chance to enter, the entire field would probably collapse.


Tang Jiaze’s mouth twitched involuntarily. If it weren’t for Jiang Quan being present, he would have wanted to go up and slap Feng Pei to knock some sense into him.


Damn, if you want to die, do it yourself, don’t drag others down!


However, Feng Pei remained firmly immersed in his fantasy of salvaging some of his pride.


Upon hearing Lu Jingning’s words, he clearly misunderstood, thinking the other was intimidated and smirked, “Heh, scared now, aren’t you?” Although he was still holding his abdomen and couldn’t stand up, it didn’t affect the operation of pheromones in his body. Without waiting for Lu Jingning’s reaction, he explosively released the energy of his pheromones into the surroundings.


In reality, if it weren’t absolutely necessary, Feng Pei was reluctant to use his pheromones. After all, not many could withstand his wrath. His pheromones had the fragrance of durian. As an S-level Alpha, the overbearing energy exploded, and even though it was somewhat distant, many people still felt a strong sense of oppression. Combined with the double impact of scent, they all stepped back.


The originally open space now created even more room. Lu Jingning, being the closest, and the primary target, undoubtedly felt the strongest impact. Uncharacteristically, he frowned and covered his nose.


It wasn’t because the opponent’s pheromones were too powerful and overwhelming. He genuinely felt that it was just too smelly. At this moment, Lu Jingning felt the other party was somewhat unreasonable, and even the best temperament couldn’t suppress the rising anger.


Kindly suggesting he leave with dignity and not appreciating it was one thing, but to release foul-smelling gas? Unbearable! Lu Jingning adjusted the pheromones within him and released a subtle trace, drifting gently towards Feng Pei.


Feng Pei, still immersed in the fantasy of achieving a suppressing effect, felt something lightly enveloping him. In that instant, a distinct electric shock-like sensation caused his entire body to spasm. Then, without understanding what had happened, his eyes rolled back, and he fainted.


Everything happened so suddenly that everyone was a bit bewildered. Lu Jingning’s released pheromones, though only a small amount, dispersed in the wind, causing many to feel a vague sense of weakness. Shaking, they struggled to stand, avoiding each other.


Tang Jiaze wisely kept a distance and avoided the trouble. Jiang Quan also sensed the unique pheromones, his nose twitching slightly. Although both were S-level, the potential for improvement was infinite. Looking at Lu Jingning, he couldn’t hide the increased interest in his eyes.


As per Jiang Quan’s signal, the captain’s selection continued. In the end, Tang Jiaze and Lu Jingning each became the leaders of the first and second teams with absolute dominance. The third spot went to an old soldier named Fan Zhou, dispatched by the Military Alliance. While not outstanding in ability, his extensive experience was enough for him to shoulder the responsibility.


The tasks for the first day were now complete. Jiang Quan briefly spoke to the group, and without much ado, he instructed them to roll to the dormitory building to get their assigned rooms.


Despite the worn-out appearance of the base from the outside, the dormitory area was surprisingly well-equipped. Although there was no separate accommodation for Alpha and Omega, each person had their own room, clean and tidy.


Lu Jingning, following the group, went to the registration office to get his room number. His next-door neighbors were Yan Hebin, and Wen Xingchen carefully selected a spot opposite his.


After arriving in the allocated dormitory and placing his luggage, Lu Jingning heard a knock on the door. Upon opening it, he saw Wen Xingchen standing there.


The door to the opposite room was also open, and through the gap, one could clearly see the interior. If both opened their doors simultaneously, they could easily see each other.


Lu Jingning blinked and remarked, “Living opposite each other, convenient for door-to-door visits.” Wen Xingchen entered, neatly stacking the bedding on the bed. He glanced at Lu Jingning with a smile that wasn’t quite a smile, “Isn’t this more like interconnected suites?”


Lu Jingning’s movements of arranging clothes paused slightly at Wen Xingchen’s words, “Interconnected suites?” When he turned around, he happened to see Wen Xingchen suddenly getting closer. Instinctively, he took two steps back, and in a moment of distraction, he ended up sitting on the bed.


Wen Xingchen bent down slightly, and his breath brushed past Lu Jingning’s nose, as if recalling something pleasant. The curve of his lips was gentle, “Anning, have you ever thought that, rounding it up, we could also be considered living together?”


In this position, Lu Jingning’s gaze happened to glide over Wen Xingchen’s gland. Suddenly hearing the words “living together,” his throat rolled unconsciously.


Seeing Wen Xingchen about to approach him, Lu Jingning glanced at the still-open door and gently pushed him away, “We’re still in the military, pay attention to your image!”


Wen Xingchen didn’t move, but instead leaned his face closer, “Indulge me a bit, Anning. I’ll behave today.”


Only today?


Lu Jingning couldn’t help feeling a bit speechless at his shameless appearance but still raised his head and pecked his face forcefully.


A loud “smack” echoed.


Wen Xingchen, satisfied, released him after lightly pinching the gland on his neck. He casually pulled the nearby suitcase over, “Let me help you pack.”


Lu Jingning asked, “What about yours?”


Wen Xingchen replied, “No hurry for mine.”


Watching him in this particularly virtuous appearance, Lu Jingning couldn’t help but smile with a gentle look, “Alright, after I finish here, I’ll come over to help you pack!”


Wen Xingchen smiled slightly, “Okay.”

T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!

Chapter 7 – Partner (1)

       Xi Zhao’s speed was frighteningly fast. For the first time, Qin Yun felt that his mental power was not enough. His face was covered with sweat, and the golden colour that glowed in the whites of his eyes was getting deeper and deeper.

       In order to control the other party’s consciousness cloud, Qin Yun couldn’t afford to be distracted even for a moment. He was too embarrassed to ask Xi Zhao to come over and kiss him at any time. Seeing the other party appear so effortlessly in control, he couldn’t help but feel a sense of defeat.

       “Little chicks.” Xi Zhao killed the last flame crocodile and walked over with a dagger, “Are your bows and arrows for decorations?”

       Qin Yun was panting from exhaustion and muttered, “Do you think it’s so easy to use guiding tendrils? It’s not like with other sentinels, one lick and they’ll be fine…”

       “O-ne-lick?” Xi Zhao said word by word. He narrowed his eyes dangerously, “You actually got licked by another man behind my back?”

       Qin Yun: “…” Where did you get this inexplicable conclusion? Damn it?!


       After the baptism of the Flame Crocodile, Qin Yun had already calmed down when the second batch of Mammoths came out. Compared to the Flame Crocodile, although the Mammoth had more substantial combat power and thicker skin and flesh, it was stupid enough. Even if it was very laborious to kill, they did not have to be afraid of being shaded from behind at any time.

       Xi Zhao was beating a Mammoth mercilessly like a pig butcher in a slaughterhouse as he rode on its back. Qin Yun found it difficult to watch.

       “Calm down…” Qin Yun was still tinkering with his bow. He wanted to try to see if he could condense his mental power into an ‘arrow’ and try to attack, “You have to realise many sanitary pads like us, oh, no, I mean, low-level guides like us generally have to guide numerous low-level sentinels on the battlefield. Occasionally being licked is also a special circumstance…”

       The Mammoth let out a miserable cry. Xi Zhao fiercely pulled out the dagger from its eyeball, then stood on the corpse with a face full of blood and stretched out his tongue to lick the blade with an expressionless expression.

       Qin Yun: “…”

       Xi Zhao: “Say it. Which bastards have licked you.”


       Although sentinels had an unparalleled desire for exclusivity on guides that were linked to them, Qin Yun still found the situation tricky the first time he encountered it

       He tried to use guiding tendrils to calm Xi Zhao’s restless consciousness and patiently explained, “I’m just talking about special circumstances… So far, no one has really licked me…” He looked at the other person’s expression and immediately added, “I will only let you lick me from now on!”

       Xi Zhao seemed to be assessing the credibility of his words. He was silent for a long time before changing the subject and said, “What are you doing?”

       “Oh, this.” Qin Yun raised the bow in his hand, “You can see, this is my mental power. I tried to make an ‘arrow’ that can attack the enemy’s brain from a long distance if I uh… shoot it accurately.”

       Guide’s mental power basically had an offensive effect, but most of them controlled the opponent’s brain at close range, causing confusion and disturbing consciousness. Attacks that could damage the brain’s nervous system from a distance like Qin Yun’s were rare even among high-level guides.

       “You shouldn’t be just a low-level guide.” Xi Zhao suddenly said, “You’re better than a lot of people.”

       Qin Yun was a little flattered by such a straightforward compliment. He touched his nose embarrassedly, “But I don’t have a spiritual link… You should know the strength of a guide’s mental power determines the state of the spiritual link, and there’s no mistake about that.”

       Xi Zhao did not retort. He suddenly stretched out his hand and pressed the top of Qin Yun’s head hard, “Even if you have sanitary pads, you must be at the level of diapers.”

       “…” Qin Yun’s face was distorted as the top of his hair was messed up by Xi Zhao.

       “You can’t be worse than any high-level guide because,” Xi Zhao looked seriously into Qin Yun’s eyes, “I am your sentinel.”


       When Tristana rushed to the military headquarters, Moschery had already finished using the practice room, but he opened a small shooting range for Qin Yun to practice. Because it was fully enclosed and soundproof, the person who was focused on practising didn’t know that his immediate superior had arrived.

       “Your Majesty…” Tristana disagreed, “If I read correctly…he’s just a low-level guide?!”

       Moschery didn’t deny it, and Tristana frowned with emotion, “Your Majesty, low-level guide has no right to bind any individual sentinel, let alone a god-level like you…”

       “Tristana.” Moschery interrupted suddenly. He turned around and faced the female general without a mask for the first time, “Can you suppress my mania?”

       Tristana opened her mouth. She had calmed down and said softly, “No, I can’t, Your Majesty. I don’t have the ability.”

       “But he can.” Moschery looked at Qin Yun’s back in the shooting range, “He is my guide. I need him.”


       Tristana had already left when Qin Yun came out of the shooting range. He was surprised when he saw the appointment letter in Xi Zhao’s hand.

       “Our General was here?!” Qin Yun looked at Xi Zhao from top to bottom, “She didn’t do anything to you, right?”

       Xi Zhao said disdainfully, “She’s just a guide. What can she do to me?” He copied the appointment letter into Qin Yun’s Smart System.

       “Eta secret exploration operation…guide Qin Yun…sentinel…” Qin Yun paused and said in surprise, “Sentinel is you!”

       “Why are you so loud?” Xi Zhao looked at him with disgust, “Who else would want you besides me?”

       Qin Yun didn’t mind the other party’s attitude at all and said excitedly, “Oh my God! I actually have the opportunity to go on a solo mission with Sentinel!”

       Xi Zhao snorted proudly, “You don’t even know who I am…”

       Qin Yun: “Or to a classified mission!”

       Xi Zhao: “…That’s why I said you should work hard these days.”

       Qin Yun: “Do you know how much the bonus is for this kind of mission?!”

       Xi Zhao: “…no”

       Qin Yun: “It must be very high! Oh my God! I can finally buy an apartment within the fifth ring road of the Capital!”

       Xi Zhao: “…”


       When Tristana floated to Skarter’s mansion like a ghost, the young general thought something terrible had happened.

       “Have you been marked?” Skarter poured her a glass of milk, “You look like you just had a bonding heat.”

       “It’s worse than that…” Tristana glanced at him half-dead, “Do you know who the guide His Majesty marked is?”

      Skarter was a little surprised, “Have you seen His Majesty’s little sweetheart?”

       “…” Tristana gritted her teeth, “How dare you hide such a big thing from me?!”

      Skarter raised his hands innocently, “I just don’t want Dongliang to know. You know, he’s always prone to worrying about this and that.”

       Tristana was so angry that she didn’t want to pay attention to him. Skarter quickly comforted her, “It’s not too late to know now. How about it? What is His Majesty’s orders?”

       Tristana hesitated for a while, then sighed and said, “He wants to get that low-level guide involved in the Eta Star operation.”

      Skarter finally put away his cynical expression, frowned and said coldly, “Did His Majesty really say that?”

       Tristana nodded feebly, holding her chin and muttering to herself, “I don’t know what His Majesty is thinking…”

       “What about His Majesty thinks?” Lin Dongliang’s voice suddenly came from outside the door. He was wearing only a pair of pyjamas, barefoot and pinching the bridge of his nose in a somewhat sleep-deprived manner, “What are you guys talking about?”

       Tristana’s mouth opened in horror, and she looked at Skarter, “Since when did you two live together?!”

       “…” Lin Dongliang entered too hastily, and then he realised that his appearance was actually a bit ambiguous. When he was about to explain in embarrassment, Skarter had already picked him up first.

       “Why don’t you wear slippers, Sir?” Skarter hugged Lin Dongliang in his arms. He looked behind Lin Dongliang and asked gently, “Where’s your little panda? It’s been a long time, I really want to hug it.”

       Lin Dongliang: “… Your King Crocodile1it was actually a Sarcosuchus, but I think crocodile is good too always forces it to sit in your mouth… Do you think it dares to come out?”


       For the next month, Qin Yun felt like he was in Nirvana. He was tortured by Xi Zhao in the training room from morning to night, crying and howling. He was so tired that he could fall asleep even after lunch with Sennas.

       “…” Sennas reminded him in a low voice, “Your saliva is drooling.”

       Qin Yun woke up with a gasp. He touched his chin in a daze, “Is there anything else?”

       Sennas: “What are you working for so hard every day?”

       Qin Yun held his head in pain, “It’s not easy to buy a house within the fifth ring road…”

       Sennas said carelessly, “What’s the point of doing it until you are so tired? Might as well sell your kidney.”

       Qin Yun muttered, “Selling a kidney is useless…I am simply selling my life!”

       “Speaking of which.” Sennas frowned and sniffed hard, “The smell of mental marks on your body is getting stronger and stronger. Are you still in contact with that sentinel?”

       “That…” Qin Yun felt guilty, “I am his younger brother now…”

       Sennas: “…Other guides became a wife, but you just become a younger brother… Where is your dignity?! Even sanitary pads have dignity, okay?!”

       Qin Yun: “…”


       “Dignity?” Xi Zhao cut off the head of the Silver Ring King Snake with a knife, “Are you talking to me about dignity?”

       Qin Yun tried hard to defend, “I also have human rights! Look, I don’t have a spiritual link. You all know this. Where is your spiritual link? Since you let me give you mental guiding, why don’t you show me your spiritual link?”

       Xi Zhao looked at him with a strange expression, “Do you want to see my spiritual link?”

       Qin Yun: “This is the most basic form of mutual honesty, isn’t it…”

       Xi Zhao stopped talking. He killed the last few Silver Ring King Snakes in the practice room. He seemed to have made a lot of determination and said with a face that looked like he was going to die, “I’ll show you my spiritual link.”

       Qin Yun nodded excitedly.

       Xi Zhao wanted to say something else, but seeing Qin Yun’s expectant and stupid face, he finally just moved his mouth and muttered, ‘Forget it’.


       Qin Yun didn’t react when he was urged to get on the aircraft. He opened the door and protested, “Don’t fool me into getting on the aircraft and then throw me down in the middle! I won’t be fooled!”

       Xi Zhao clicked his tongue impatiently, “Shut up! Get in! Otherwise, I will throw you away now!”

       Qin Yun: “…If we’re going, let’s go. Where to?”

       Xi Zhao’s expression froze. He turned his face awkwardly and said stiffly, “Cyprus Galaxy.”


       Qin Yun: “Why do you have to go to a lovers’ sanctuary to see a spiritual link?!”

       Xi Zhao said with a dark face and gritted his teeth, “My spiritual link likes it! Do you have a problem with that?!!”

       Qin Yun: “…”

Head here the mangadex link: Zhongqing Manhua  if you want to read ahead~~ (I’ve already asked the fanstrans peeps permission to link their work here btw)
I’ll try to catch up the manhua latest release ><

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Chapter 91 – Dark Star

Chapter 91 – Dark Star


Jian Luo returned to the battleship.


The bag Aya gave him was not exactly small; he touched it, and it didn’t feel like a toy, more like clothing.


What’s going on? Why did she give him clothes? And it’s only been a few days; how did Aya know his clothing size?


Jian Luo didn’t dare to draw too much attention. Seeing that Lu Shifeng nearby didn’t seem to notice, he sneakily stashed the small parcel into the storage space of his communication bracelet. If Lu Shifeng were to ask him what this was later, would he have to explain it? Would he say that Aya felt their, well… intimate life was not harmonious, so she sent it?


If that was the case, then he would just bury himself on the spot.


“Beep, successful return to the cabin.”


Crossing that flight of stairs, he returned to the battleship.


Secretary Jin had been waiting, very respectfully saying, “Welcome back.”


Lu Shifeng took off the protective suit bracelet and handed it to her, asking, “Have the several auxiliary battleships returned to their positions?”


“They have all returned,” Secretary Jin replied professionally. “All the battleships we sent out have received important messages and have returned.”


Lu Shifeng nodded and said, “Good.”


Jian Luo listened to their conversation, feeling like he couldn’t really join in, but he could guess the general content of their talk. During his time on Earth with Lu Shifeng, the other soldiers were probably not just sitting around, and they likely had their own tasks.


After Lu Shifeng reported his work, Secretary Jin shifted her attention to Jian Luo.


She said to Lu Shifeng, “According to the monitoring information brief sent by the military doctors and the Dark Star General Hospital, it’s time for a comprehensive pregnancy check for Luoluo.”


Jian Luo blurted out, “No way!”


He had just had to get many vaccines just not long ago.


Secretary Jin smiled apologetically, “I’m sorry, Luoluo, it’s for your and the dragon cubs’ health.”




Well, thank you.


Lu Shifeng looked at him and said, “You just returned from Earth, check your health.”


Jian Luo nodded and said, “Okay.”


Although he didn’t show it too clearly, anyone with a keen eye could see that Jian Luo was feeling down.


Lu Shifeng withdrew his gaze. His long legs took large strides, and his military boots made a somewhat cold sound as they touched the smooth floor. He opened his thin lips and said, “Get the checkup done, and after that…”


Jian Luo pouted, “Even with a reward, I don’t want to get any vaccines.”


Lu Shifeng said, “After the checkup, when we pass by Earth next time, I’ll bring you down to visit.”




Jian Luo’s eyes suddenly lit up, “Really?”


Lu Shifeng said, “Why would I lie to you?”


“Great!” Jian Luo suddenly became spirited. “It’s just some needles, it’s just a small challenge.”


Secretary Jin watched Jian Luo’s newfound determination and was quite moved. She said, “Luoluo, you’re a true warrior.”


Jian Luo smiled, “Just wait and see!”



On the day of the pregnancy checkup.


Secretary Jin didn’t go in; she could hear Jian Luo’s wailing from outside, and the degree of his pitiful cries was comparable to being on death row.


Secretary Jin frowned, “Is Luoluo okay…”


Lu Shifeng sat in a chair not far away, reading some documents. He seemed completely unaffected by the crying from inside, like the person wailing in there had nothing to do with him.

After a while, Secretary Jin had to speak up, “Um, Commander.”


Lu Shifeng raised an eyelid to look at her.


“Just…,” Secretary Jin gestured to the documents in his hand, “it’s time to turn the page on this one.”


Lu Shifeng remained motionless, his blood-red eyes quietly fixed on her, his expression unchanged.


Secretary Jin felt a bit uneasy under his gaze and quickly said, “Well, I just remembered there are some other things I need to attend to. I’ll take my leave for now!”


As the conversation fell silent, Secretary Jin quickly made her escape. On the other side, Jian Luo, who had finally completed the extensive pregnancy check after going through various procedures, was trying to recover from the ordeal. He ended up dozing off right on the examination bed.


After a short while, the doctor emerged with the test results in hand.


Lu Shifeng finally tossed the report, which he had been staring at for quite some time without turning a page, to the side, asking, “What is it?”


The doctor handed him the test report and said, “Based on our test results, it seems that the dragon cubs may have had some nutritional deficiencies due to the recent pregnancy period.”


Lu Shifeng flipped through a few pages and inquired, “So?”


“We’ve formulated a plan,” the doctor said respectfully, “It appears that Luo Luo primarily consumes human food, which doesn’t provide enough nutrition for the dragon cubs. Therefore, we suggest reducing his consumption of regular meals, replacing as much as possible with the dragon species’ Dragon Fruit and some more nutritional fluids.”


Lu Shifeng repeated, “Reducing?”


The doctor felt a slight pressure but, due to her professional duty, continued, “Yes, initially, we’re just reducing the intake, but ultimately, it’s necessary. We need to see if he can gradually get used to it. By reducing human main course intake until he feels the need to eat the Sacred Dragon Fruit, we hope to improve his nutritional balance. All of these suggestions are for the well-being of the dragon cubs. Please think it over, General.”


“I don’t like to repeat myself,” Lu Shifeng sat in his chair, his presence steady as a mountain, and raised an eyelid to look at the doctor, his tone cold. “You’re here to treat him, not to make things difficult. If there are problems, you should find solutions. Why else would we need you?”


The doctor hesitated, “But…”


Lu Shifeng gave a cold laugh, “Is this the only solution you can come up with?”


The doctor was choked up, and the overwhelming pressure from Lu Shifeng made her scalp tingle. “I apologize, but your excellence, this is one of the options we have considered at the moment. We won’t let Mr. Jian Luo go hungry, but it may be a bit challenging for him to adjust to a different diet. It’s a temporary experiment. If it doesn’t work out, we will make adjustments.”


After all, Jian Luo’s situation was quite unique. The doctors had no prior experience treating pregnant humans and had to rely on trial and error in this area.


There was silence in the air as she waited for Lu Shifeng’s instructions, and the tension made her break out in a cold sweat.


After a while, Lu Shifeng picked up the examination report and handed it back to the doctor. “I am responsible for his pregnancy symptoms. I will keep a close eye on him for the next few days. If there is no improvement, we’ll come up with another plan.”


The doctor breathed a sigh of relief, “Thank you!”


After discussing this, Lu Shifeng stood up and asked, “Is he inside?”


The doctor had mixed feelings but nodded honestly, “Yes, he is.”


“Well, make sure the people in charge don’t disturb him,” Lu Shifeng glanced through the door. 


“Does the Earth’s magnetic field affect him?”


Finally, he brought up another pressing matter.


The doctor quickly replied, “According to our instruments, Mr. Jian’s body indeed has a different resistance to Earth’s magnetic field compared to other humans. With the changes in Earth’s magnetic field, which is considered a kind of regression, however, he is about 90% well-adjusted to it. So, although the changes in Earth’s magnetic field do affect us and even the people of Earth’s home planet, the situation may be different for Mr. Jian Luo.”


Lu Shifeng furrowed his brow, “Is this related to his ability to get pregnant?”

“At the moment, it seems possible,” the doctor didn’t dare to make any definitive conclusions yet. “However, we need to conduct further research.”


Lu Shifeng nodded without asking further questions.



Every time Jian Luo finished a checkup, he would fall into a deep sleep, especially since he reached the later months of pregnancy; he tended to get lazier and more lethargic.


When he woke up, it was already quite late.


Jian Luo freshened up and headed to the cafeteria, where he had not been for several days. As he approached, he could smell the enticing aroma of spicy crayfish, which was quite tempting.

The head chef noticed him and greeted enthusiastically, “Luo Luo!”


Jian Luo approached and asked, “Crayfish today?”


Without him saying anything, he wondered how they could keep eating crayfish without getting tired of it. How much could they store in the freezer? And it was heavy, didn’t anyone get tired of it?


The head chef answered honestly, “Everyone really likes it, and the Marshal has ordered us to provide it. There’s no need to hold back!”


Jian Luo chuckled, “Alright, then.”


Perhaps because he had been sleeping a lot, he was in good spirits. He watched them in the kitchen, and he wanted to get involved himself.


Jian Luo added, “I brought back some things from Earth a couple of days ago. I’ll make something for you to taste today.”


The head chef was curious, “What is it?”


Jian Luo decided to take the opportunity to livestream, letting others see this meal, even the people in the underground base, where there was a temporary storage facility for various everyday dishes.


He was quite excited since he hadn’t had it in a long time.


Jian Luo chose a small kitchen that was temporarily unused. He took out a small spherical device he hadn’t used in a while and waved at the camera, saying, “Hello, everyone!”


He had expected that his impromptu livestream wouldn’t attract many viewers. However, as soon as he started the stream, the network became laggy, and the barrage of comments started pouring in:


[ “Where have you been, streamer?”]


[“Please show us the cubs!”]


[“You look so thin; are you not eating properly?”]


[“Missed you so much, so let me see the cubs.”]



Jian Luo looked at the flood of messages and couldn’t help but smile wryly, “The cubs are doing well; no need to worry. Today, I’m live-streaming to cook a few dishes. I have some rare ingredients, so don’t miss it.”


The audience was still hoping to catch a glimpse of the cubs, but they gradually became interested in Jian Luo’s cooking because the ingredients he had were indeed quite scarce.


Jian Luo got to work with the ingredients. As he began to speak to the camera, he suddenly realized there was someone behind him. He turned around and saw Lu Shifeng leaning against the door, having arrived without him noticing.


Jian Luo widened his eyes and mouthed, “I’m live-streaming.”


Lu Shifeng nodded gently, indicating that he understood.




Fine, as long as you’re happy here, I won’t kick you out.


Today’s menu included edamame, which was a bit challenging to peel. Thankfully, Jian Luo had patience to spare. While he peeled, he could also provide commentary to the camera, saying, “We don’t eat the skin of this thing; we eat the beans inside.”


The barrage of comments from the viewers was full of curiosity:


[“What is this?”]


[“It looks so tiny.”]


[“There’s no such ingredient in the store!”]


[“Streamer, are you joking with us?”]


Lu Shifeng, who had been watching for a while, furrowed his brows.


Jian Luo, who was engrossed in peeling edamame, suddenly felt a hand extend from his side. The hand had long, elegant fingers and was exceptionally clean in the light.


Jian Luo looked at him with surprise.


Lu Shifeng lightly pushed him and whispered, “Work on something else.”




Jian Luo hadn’t even reacted yet, but the viewers were already going crazy:


[“Oh, oh, am I hearing things?”]


[“I love this hand too much!”]


[“Who is that? Streamer, can you adjust the camera angle?”]


[“Could it be one of the kitchen assistants?”]


[“No, no, just now he spoke, the tone, the tingling sensation… I swear I’ve heard it somewhere.”]


Of course, the viewers were not fools, and their speculation immediately turned to the major noble families. Almost everyone assumed it was one of the dragon cubs. So, the general direction of their guesses was probably correct:


[“Is it the Marshal?”]


[“Is it possible that the Marshal is cooking?”]


[“Woo-hoo, I feel honored to have eaten a meal cooked by the Marshal himself.”]


[“Aren’t you afraid of having nightmares tonight? He might come to take your life.”]


Originally, Jian Luo’s live stream was quite exciting. But he never expected that not only would he attract viewers, but also that Lu Shifeng would make a surprise appearance in his kitchen. Typically, Lu Shifeng’s public image was one of nobility, cold beauty, and an air of dominance.


So, cooking wasn’t something you’d associate with the Commander of the Imperial Army. This made the situation even more thrilling. If people could actually eat a meal prepared by Commander Lu Shifeng, the excitement reached a whole new level. Within minutes, this information and the video made it onto the star network with a catchy headline: #Commander Cooks a Meal#


If the major noble families of the empire ever entered the entertainment industry, and if they had rankings, Lu Shifeng could easily be a top-tier star, an absolute top-tier star that everyone knew.


Therefore, when the search keyword became “Commander Lu,” the popularity surged, and a massive number of viewers flooded in through shared live stream links, dealing a fatal blow to Jinjiang’s already fragile servers.


[“Here out of curiosity.”]


[“Can we watch the God of Death cook, please?”]


[“Streamer, I’m your loyal fan without question.”]


[“Wow, I love the Commander!”]


[“Are you not afraid that he’ll come to get you at night?”]


All these people were eager to show their love. However, in the midst of this swelling enthusiasm, the live stream suddenly went black – a 404 error.


This was the third time Jinjiang Live was crashed by the same streamer since its establishment.


Jiang, who had been sleeping, woke up abruptly and received a call from the programmers. He widened his eyes in shock, “What? Is Luo Luo live-streaming again?”


On the other side, Jian Luo looked at the black screen of his live stream and couldn’t help but feel helpless. He didn’t blame Lu Shifeng for this; instead, he remarked, “You are indeed top-tier.”


Lu Shifeng’s side profile appeared cold and domineering in the light. He raised his head and asked, “What?”


Jian Luo smiled and replied, “Nothing.”


Since there were no viewers, he decided to prepare a meal for himself. He was cutting lotus roots while talking to Lu Shifeng. The lotus roots were from the pond near Aya’s place. Although they weren’t as crisp as in the peak of summer, they were still incredibly fresh.


As Jian Luo sliced the lotus roots, he couldn’t help but speak to Lu Shifeng, “When we were young, we used to catch fish in the pond and occasionally dig up lotus roots from the mud to eat.”


Lu Shifeng asked, “You dug them up?”


Jian Luo hesitated for a moment and realized that he deviated from the script. He was supposed to have lived in a paradise, after all. “Uh… I meant that I dreamed of being able to dig up lotus roots since I was young.”


Lu Shifeng raised an eyebrow and looked at him. Those calm red eyes, when locked onto him, naturally evoked a sense of nervousness from the depths of his heart. Jian Luo began to sweat.


After a while, Lu Shifeng withdrew his gaze and said, “When the child is born, I’ll have someone dig a pond for you to catch whatever you want.”


Jian Luo didn’t dare to argue. He simply nodded. Once everything was prepared, the programmers managed to save the live stream, and the audience returned to their lively discussions.


Audiences couldn’t help but jest:


[“Is Jinjiang afraid it might not crash?”]


[“Hahaha, Ah Jiang’s servers are truly something.”]


[“Maybe it’s because of the silly network, but all the major streamers are on Ah Jin’s platform.”]


[“Wow, without this, I won’t eat today!”]


Once Jian Luo had successfully prepared the lotus roots, the audience quickly shifted their attention from the edamame to the lotus roots. Even though both dishes were quite ordinary, they stood out because they weren’t commonly found, especially in the case of lotus roots, which were difficult to cultivate and store. This rarity added to their appeal.


Seeing the positive response, Jian Luo felt relieved and decided to have dinner with Lu Shifeng. Before starting his meal, Jian Luo muttered a little prayer, “I hope I won’t throw up.”


Lu Shifeng glanced at him, and Jian Luo couldn’t resist the tempting aroma. He quickly began to eat, serving a spoonful of edamame to Lu Shifeng and one for himself, mixing it with rice. “Delicious!”


However, the familiar sensation of nausea suddenly surged from his stomach. “Urgh…” He remembered this feeling all too well, and it had the same taste as before.


Jian Luo rushed to the bathroom, leaving behind the food he had just swallowed. Lu Shifeng stood by his side, supporting the swaying figure. “Take it slow.”


After rinsing his mouth and wiping his lips, Jian Luo pulled Lu Shifeng’s arm and didn’t feel shy at all. “Carry me to eat.”


Lu Shifeng looked down at him, and he couldn’t recall the first time when Jian Luo blushed and looked shy, like he was a seasoned pro now.


Jian Luo exclaimed, “I must eat the meal!”


Lu Shifeng led him back to the dining area and held him in his arms, saying, “The doctor recommended that you start taking nutritional supplements and focus on eating dragon fruit as your primary food.”


Jian Luo took a bite of his food and asked, “Why?”


Lu Shifeng replied, “You have three occupants in your stomach, and human food doesn’t provide enough nutrition for them. Prolonged malnutrition isn’t advisable.”


Jian Luo frowned, “Can’t I eat some meat?”


“Are you not repelled by the smell of it?” Lu Shifeng asked with a calm tone. “And it’s not enough.”


Jian Luo pouted, “Well, it’s better than drinking nutritional supplements.”


However, Lu Shifeng gave him a reality check, saying that meat couldn’t compare to the nutrients in the supplements.


Jian Luo argued, “Can I at least eat something?”


Lu Shifeng shook his head, and Jian Luo sighed, reluctantly accepting the situation, thinking he would endure this for the sake of the baby.


However, he still didn’t have the appetite to continue eating. He pushed his bowl aside and said, “I can’t eat.”


Lu Shifeng, seeing that the bowl had only a few bites taken out of it, knew that the stubborn human was throwing a fit again. He gently put down his own bowl and casually said, “If you don’t want to drink the nutritional supplement, then we’ll supplement your nutrition from other sources. It’s just a matter of different methods.”


This declaration brightened Jian Luo’s mood, and he eagerly asked, “What other methods?”

T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!

Chapter 110 – Who Says Omegas Can’t be as Explosive as Alphas

Chapter 110


The person speaking is named Feng Pei, a third-year student at the top military academy, Pingchuan Military School, of the Alliance.


If everything goes according to the normal rhythm, he only needs to get through this semester, and he can participate in the recruitment of major military corps. Unexpectedly, there was such a disturbance temporarily, and he felt stifled in his heart.


He is also a scion of a prestigious family who should have had an easy time. Now he has to start from the bottom in this inexplicable Alliance military, along with those ordinary students. Naturally, he is very unwilling.


These things can be tolerated, at least on the point of the so-called elite forces, it somewhat convinces himself.


But now, there are two Omegas from the Empire, which makes him feel even more slighted.

In the vast process of war, every link is crucial.


Omegas can participate in any department, but they are inexplicably placed in this elite team for important missions. What’s the difference from throwing a wrench into the works?


When Feng Pei spoke, the eyes of others turned towards him one after another.


Lu Jingning noticed that since he started dating Wen Xingchen, his temper seemed to have improved.


If it were in the past, in such a situation, he might have directly punched someone. But now, there was no ripple in his heart. He just looked at Wen Xingchen with a half-smile and asked, “Wen ge, what do you think?”


Wen Xingchen responded with a faint smile, “Some people just make noise. Just ignore them.”

Lu Jingning nodded and walked over without glancing sideways.


Feng Pei had never received such a cold treatment when he was at Pingchuan Military School. He was so angry that his nose crooked.


He forcefully bumped into his classmate Ji Xingchao and gritted his teeth, “Are you interested in giving these guys from the Empire a lesson?”


In recent years, the Empire has been advocating a strategy of avoiding battles as much as possible. In the actively war-oriented Federation, many people actually look down on it. Among the high-ranking families, the Feng family is one of them.


Although it is called the Allied Forces, in fact, the leaders of each school have privately hinted that the important positions in the new army should be taken down based on strength. Feng Pei was eager to move, but there was no response for a long time.


He suspiciously turned his head to look, only to see Ji Xingchao’s gaze still falling on the two people who entered the Empire team, but his expression seemed full of incredulous surprise.

Ji Xingchao seemed to suddenly come back to his senses and excitedly grabbed Feng Pei’s arm, “Quick, quick, do you have paper and pen?”


Feng Pei was confused by his question, “What do you need those things for?”


Ji Xingchao almost jumped up in excitement, “Haven’t you recognized them? That’s Morning Scene CP! My god, I’ve been following them for so long, and I actually encountered the real deal here! AWSL, do you know where I can get paper and pen? I want to get their autographs!”

Feng Pei looked at Ji Xingchao’s expression as if he were looking at an idiot, “What the hell is Morning Scene CP?”


Ji Xingchao was almost out of breath from his retort. After calming down a bit, he explained, “You should pay more attention to current events. It’s the Omega you just asked about and the Alpha next to him. They were the co-champions in the recent bounty competition. My newest star-chasing target! Ah ah ah ah, my god, I love the new legion!!!”


Feng Pei’s mouth twitched fiercely, “Bounty competition? Co-champions?”


Is this considered a current event?


From his current expression, it is obvious that he cannot understand Ji Xingchao’s excitement.

When he looked up again, the disdainful expression between his eyebrows and eyes became even heavier.


As a military academy student, how can there be time to participate in such chaotic competitions? Is it really just an idle scion of a prestigious family?



Tang Jiaze obviously did not expect that Lu Jingning would handle this unexpected situation so casually.


Seeing the two approaching, he spoke with a slightly complex expression, “During this time, you’ve changed a lot.”


Compared to the arrogance of stepping on him during the exchange competition at the military academy, it seems that Lu Jingning has learned how to quietly… drive people crazy.


“Hey, thanks for the compliment.” Lu Jingning indeed doesn’t have a good impression of Tang Jiaze. If it weren’t for the fact that the new recruits from the Empire are considered in the same camp, he probably wouldn’t even want to bother. Now he mockingly asked, “What about you? At your age, you ran here to be a rookie. Aren’t you afraid our captain will throw you out for hundreds of streets in the future?”


Tang Jiaze didn’t show the expected anger. He just calmly hooked the corner of his mouth, “I came here to surpass him.”


Lu Jingning couldn’t help but take a closer look at him.


It is clear that this annoying guy has also changed a lot.

Smoothed out those edges, even the mindset has settled down. Apart from still harboring the delusion of defeating Wen Ye, it has become more pleasing to the eye.


Unconsciously, the final batch of recruits also arrived.


The iron railing emitted a “creak” sound, and when everyone looked up, they saw a man with white skin and black hair walking out from inside.


The man was dressed in military uniform, and because of his overly distinctive appearance, one glance was enough to recognize his identity.


Among the new recruits, many were already excitedly restless.


Jiang Quan, the chief commander of the Third Army Corps of the Federal Military, never expected that such a figure would come to lead these new recruits.


After all, being a military officer from the Federation, excitement aside, there was some unease within the Empire camp.


No matter how noble the words were, people always had selfishness, fearing that there might be some bias in dealing with things.


Everyone quickly assembled and formed a neat formation on the open space, waiting for the first command after entering the military.


Jiang Quan swept his eyes over these youthful faces, his expression somewhat complex.


His task was to turn this new team into top-notch combat elites.


For a seasoned commander like him, this was actually a bit of an underutilization of his abilities, but the biggest problem now was that the time given to him was a bit too short.


To meet the goal on time, he couldn’t even guarantee that these people would survive until the end of training.


Feeling the gaze from everyone, Jiang Quan opened his mouth expressionlessly: “Hello, everyone. I am Jiang Quan, and for the next three months, I will be in charge of your team. I hope that by then, half of you can continue to stay.”


“Today is your first day in the army. Before assigning dormitories, we need to solve a very practical problem, which is to determine the captains of the three squads.” His sharp eyes scanned the crowd, “So, if anyone has ideas for these three captain positions, please step forward.”


As soon as he finished speaking, Tang Jiaze and Feng Pei confidently stepped forward.


Others hesitated for a moment and then walked out one after another from the queue.


Lu Jingning thought for a moment, then joined in the fun and walked out, not forgetting to greet Wen Xingchen: “Wen ge, join me?”


Wen Xingchen shook his head, “You go is enough.”


If he and Lu Jingning were selected as captains at the same time, it would mean that they would inevitably be assigned to different teams.


Compared to that, it’s better to be an ordinary team member.


After everyone walked out, Jiang Quan glanced around, looking at nearly 20 self-nominated people, and his expression softened slightly.


The youth are full of vigor, regardless of the final result, having the courage to give it a try is good.


Jiang Quan waved his hand, indicating others to step aside.


Soon, a clear space was left in the middle.


Jiang Quan briefly explained, “Wheel combat, the rules are very simple. If you can make your opponent unable to stand up, you win.”


Someone asked loudly, “Commander, unable to stand up means… regardless of life or death?”


A hint of cold smile flashed in Jiang Quan’s eyes, “Yes, regardless of life or death!”


As soon as these words came out, there was a sudden gasp around.


Although they knew that few would actually kill in this situation, setting up a life-and-death situation on the first day made everyone break into a cold sweat.


At this moment, they finally realized clearly that they were now in a real military, extremely brutal, not just for fun.


Jiang Quan raised his hand, indicating that the selection officially began.


Tang Jiaze stood up first.


From the Federation side, someone quickly came forward to challenge.


Admittedly, Tang Jiaze was sometimes annoying, but his strength was top-notch.


He won the first round, the second round, and won again in the third round.


After winning the third round, Jiang Quan interrupted, “This soldier, you can take a break temporarily, and someone else will replace you on the field.”


It seemed that to ensure fairness, a winning side would be given a brief rest every three rounds.


Lu Jingning was pondering the rules in his heart and did not notice the person who had just walked onto the field.


Feng Pei still had a lingering concern about the previous incident. Seeing Lu Jingning daydreaming, he felt displeased. Without waiting for others to step onto the field, he raised his voice, “Hey, Omega over there, come up and let me see?”


His voice carried a hint of provocation, showing no trace of embarrassment because the other person was an Omega.


Based on the situation in the first group just now, the goal was, of course, to win as effortlessly as possible. Only in this way could more stamina be preserved.


Coincidentally, this Omega was so arrogant. Feng Pei had long wanted to show some authority and took this opportunity to use him as a stepping stone.


Feng Pei’s wishful thinking rang loud, and he didn’t notice the dumbfounded look that Tang Jiaze cast at him from the rest area, nor did he see the wide-mouthed expression on his classmate Ji Xing, whose mouth could fit an entire egg.


Of all people, why choose him to fight against?!


Although Jiang Quan had no expression on his face when he heard this, there was a hint of scrutiny in his eyes when he looked at Lu Jingning.


Before coming, he had reviewed the information on everyone, including this Omega.


Seemed like quite an interesting individual.


Lu Jingning didn’t react at first. After a moment, he belatedly realized that he seemed to be the only Omega participating in the selection.


He blinked at Feng Pei, feeling a bit melancholic.


Where did this stubborn person come from? Wasn’t it good to live peacefully?

T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!

Chapter 109 – Who Says Omegas Can’t be as Explosive as Alphas

Chapter 109

After the start of the new school year, Lu Jingning’s days remained as calm as ever.


Classes were attended when necessary, and if a nap was in order during lectures, he would sleep as usual.


Perhaps due to the effective last-minute cramming for makeup classes at the end of the previous semester, he became even more carefree.


What was there to fear? With his boyfriend and soon-to-be fiancé Wen Xingchen at his beck and call, makeup classes were remarkably ther4p3utic!


Exams and such were just minor inconveniences!


As a self-proclaimed underachiever, Lu Jingning himself felt the inflation of his ego.


However, after about a month into the new semester, a confidential report arrived at the principal’s office where Bing Cang worked.


He quickly read through it, and a hint of weariness appeared on his face.


Despite secretly engaging in the ongoing battle against the insect race, Bing Cang didn’t expect this day to come so soon.


In a remote star system unknown to the public, a small-scale war broke out a few days ago.


In this battle, a highly concentrated energy source transported by the Empire was intercepted midway, resulting in heavy casualties for the special operations team responsible for the transport.


While the battle didn’t seem to cause much commotion, anyone with a bit of understanding knew the significance of the energy source falling into the hands of the insect race.


The time they had for human preparation would likely be shortened by at least ten years.


Ten years, for them, was already dire.


As a result, the urgency of conscription became evident, and the Imperial Military Department officially issued orders, instructing major military academies to recruit new soldiers and formally begin the formation of a joint alliance army.


In a sense, this move officially marked the first step in the war against the insect race.


Considering that most fourth-year students had already been recruited by various legions, this conscription primarily targeted students in their third year or below.


When the school announced this information on the campus website, it was like a massive stone dropped into a calm lake, creating instant waves.


These students on campus naturally had no idea about the gravity of the situation.


For them, the ultimate goal of entering a military academy was undoubtedly to secure a place in the military, and currently, this was an excellent opportunity.


Those with a bit of ambition showed considerable enthusiasm.


Lu Jingning should have been very interested in such matters, but as he looked at the crowded registration area, he couldn’t help but frown in confusion, “Something seems strange.”


Wen Xingchen, not having strong opinions on the matter, agreed to accompany him since Lu Jingning wanted to come. Now, hearing his sudden remark, he asked, “What’s wrong?”


Lu Jingning pointed to the propaganda posters outside, “The Empire hasn’t openly recruited on such a large scale for a long time, and this new legion is unexpectedly formed in collaboration with the Federation. Don’t you find it a bit unusual?”


Wen Xingchen’s gaze swept over the poster, and after a moment of silence, he said, “The need to establish a joint force by both countries to resist an external enemy can only mean…”


A flash of insight appeared in Lu Jingning’s eyes, “The insect race.”


Although the Empire and the Federation had maintained a facade of friendly diplomatic relations, it was nothing more than surface peace.


Those high-ranking officials had never truly trusted each other, engaging in numerous power struggles behind the scenes. Now, the fact that they decided to cooperate could only mean one thing – an external threat powerful enough to make them wary.


Given their previous experiences, the answer was almost self-evident.


Lu Jingning stood still for a moment, not heading towards the registration area. Instead, he lightly patted Wen Xingchen’s shoulder, “Let’s go, Brother Wen.”


Wen Xingchen, with a half-smile, looked at him, “Alright.”



When Bing Cang received the list of applicants in recent days, he unsurprisingly found the names of Yan Hebin, but not Lu Jingning and Wen Xingchen.


He raised an eyebrow, unable to suppress a smile, “These two rascals, are they waiting for me?”


But since he had no intention of hiding the matter, he directly sent a message, summoning the three of them to the principal’s office.


When Lu Jingning arrived, he saw Bing Cang holding a list, standing with his back to the door near the French windows.


He knocked on the door and called out, “Principal, we’re here!”


Bing Cang turned around, smiled, gestured for them to sit, and personally poured a cup of tea for each of the three.


Such treatment inevitably made them feel flattered.


Lu Jingning, however, wasn’t fooled at all. He smiled with narrowed eyes and asked, “If you have something to say, just say it, Principal. Why bother with formalities?”


Bing Cang didn’t take offense at his words; he simply handed the list to them, smiling amiably, “This is the application list for the Elite Team. Take a look.”


Lu Jingning quickly scanned through it, finding many familiar names, “Elite Team?”


He hadn’t expected that, besides the large-scale recruitment outside, there was also this move.


Although the students who applied would undergo various evaluations and screenings, they couldn’t compare to the directly selected Elite Team.


Bing Cang nodded, “Whether it’s the Empire or the Federation’s major military academies, they will submit a part of the list during this time. As for whether they pass or not, that’s a decision from above.”


After a slight pause, he continued, “Although it’s not suitable to reveal too much, I think you should have some understanding of the nature of this joint force. It’s not just to keep you vigilant but also to ensure the safety of your fellow students. Do you understand?”


Wen Xingchen responded, “Please rest assured, Principal. We will be cautious.”


Bing Cang nodded and glanced towards Yan Hebin.


From the beginning until now, he had been staring at the list, seemingly lost in thought. His expression changed slightly, and Bing Cang called his name.


Yan Hebin seemed to snap out of his thoughts, “Yes, Principal?”


After a moment of silence, Bing Cang said, “I know you’ve been waiting for a chance for a close encounter with the insect race for a long time. But you must remember, in the face of personal feelings, you are first and foremost a soldier. If there are any disagreements during the mission, everything must obey Lu Jingning’s arrangements.”


Lu Jingning, caught off guard, blinked, “So, I have the highest authority?”


The more he thought about it, the more beautiful it seemed. Unable to resist his curiosity, he asked, “Principal, have you finally discovered my potential as a commander?”


Bing Cang couldn’t help but feel speechless at his self-love and didn’t dismantle his fantasy, “You can think that way if you want.”


During the conversation, he cast a discreet glance at the person beside him, who was smiling without saying a word.


He had heard some rumors about their relationship. The reason for entrusting the final authority to Lu Jingning’s hands, in a way, was because he knew that with Wen Xingchen by his side, they could handle it with great discretion.



Perhaps due to the higher priority of recruiting for the Elite Team, the military department quickly provided feedback. The selected military academy students were instructed to report to the new legion internally.


A total of ten students were selected from the Imperial Navy Academy, including the three from the special task force. Among the familiar faces, Lu Jingning recognized Cen Junfeng and Qin Yuankai, who had previously accompanied him on a mission to the Watcher’s Isles.


Cen Junfeng seemed excited and greeted them from a distance, “Hey, Brother Lu! We are true comrades from now on!”


Lu Jingning scanned his enthusiastic face with no expression.


Indeed, ignorance could breed fear. Looking at his excited appearance, someone unaware might think they were embarking on an interstellar vacation with public funds.


The gathering point for the new legion was a nameless asteroid at the border between the Empire and the Federation, with the code SY9989.


To establish this new legion, the military department had long begun preparations.


When Lu Jingning and the others arrived, they could see dark-colored buildings situated in a desert-like area. It looked solemn and indifferent, exuding the unique oppression of a military legion.

Even from a distance, it was enough to make their spines subconsciously straighten, feeling the imminent reality of becoming true soldiers.


As the Elite Team, the first batch of new recruits to arrive, disembarked from the spacecraft, they were met with a desolate and lifeless landscape, almost devoid of any human presence.


The early arrivals were gathering in an open space outside the military base. Upon seeing the new landing spacecraft, they instinctively turned to look in their direction.


The glances held curiosity, but more prominently, wariness and inquiry.


This was a normal state of mind; after all, everyone was starting from scratch. Despite being called comrades, there was an inherent sense of competition among them.


Although they were all elites, no one knew who would be the first to stand out.


The new recruits assembled today included individuals from both the Empire and the Federation. Due to the different colors of their military uniforms, it was easy to distinguish between the two factions.


Moreover, humans, being creatures that naturally form groups, had unwittingly chosen their respective camps.


The white faction of the Empire and the white faction of the Federation each formed a circle. Although they were part of the same alliance army, two factions had inevitably emerged.


Lu Jingning wasn’t particularly interested in the strangers from the Federation.


What surprised him was that, although he knew top military academies like Silver Star Interstellar University would surely recommend candidates, he didn’t expect to see Tang Jiaze among them.


Tang Jiaze noticed Lu Jingning, curled his lips, and made an ambiguous sound.


In fact, as a senior in his fourth year, he had already been accepted by the Fifth Legion. However, as one of the few informed individuals at Silver Star University, he considered it carefully and ultimately chose to voluntarily join the new legion.


Although being part of the Fifth Legion offered job security, the strict rules and regulations made it difficult for someone of his background to advance.


The new legion was different.


If he wanted to climb to the top sooner, sometimes, he had to bear corresponding risks.


Only by truly standing on the battlefield could he rise higher.


A flicker of surprise crossed Lu Jingning’s eyes. After all, Tang Jiaze was a familiar face, and encountering him in this remote place was quite unexpected.


He was about to go over and greet him, but then he heard a disdainful laugh from nearby, “Which military academy sent this student? Isn’t this the Elite Team? Why is there an Omega among them?”


Lu Jingning’s steps paused slightly, and a hint of an enigmatic smile appeared in his narrowed eyes.


Well, this feeling of familiarity, it had been a long time coming.


T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!

Chapter 108 – Who Says Omegas Can’t be as Explosive as Alphas

Chapter 108


After enduring a beating, everyone thought that Lu Kongbin’s anger had subsided a bit. However, the next morning, right on time, he knocked on Wen Xingchen’s door again.


This kind of day continued for a week.


Just when Wen Xingchen doubted whether he could walk out of Lu’s house alive, the ordeal finally ended.


That afternoon, Lu Kongbin summoned him and Lu Jingning to the study. With the demeanor of an elder, he said, “I’ve talked to Wen Muqiao. This time, he showed some restraint and didn’t argue too much with me. When the time is right, we will arrange a grand engagement ceremony for both of you to settle things once and for all.”


He glanced sternly at Wen Xingchen, emphasizing each word, “Since you’ve already gone through that, if you plan to be irresponsible, I guarantee I’ll snap your neck.”


Wen Xingchen couldn’t help but feel a chill down his neck and earnestly replied, “I’ll follow Uncle’s arrangements.”


While Lu Kongbin was not entirely pleased with the idea of his son marrying into the Wen family, Wen Xingchen assured him that they would move out after the engagement, so he didn’t say much more and gestured for them to leave.


As they stepped out of the study, Lu Jingning approached with a grin, “Wen Ge, are you happy?”


Wen Xingchen nodded sincerely, “Yes, I am.”


Lu Jingning teased, “If you’re happy, then smile.”


Wen Xingchen looked at him, and a gentle curve appeared on his lips, despite the lingering wounds.


Time passed unknowingly, and the Lunar New Year approached.


On the afternoon Lu Kongbin discussed things with them, Wen Muqiao contacted Wen Xingchen through communication. Normally, Wen Xingchen might have ignored the call, but considering it might be related to his engagement with Lu Jingning, he hesitated before answering.


Wen Muqiao understood his son’s thoughts. After discussing the major aspects of the engagement, he casually asked, “Are you planning to come home for the New Year this year?”


Wen Xingchen originally wanted to refuse, but hearing the anticipation in his father’s voice, he paused for a moment and finally replied, “I’ll go back in a few days.”


Since they didn’t have a formal legal relationship yet, staying for the New Year would be inconvenient for Lu Kongbin. Moreover, many things couldn’t be adequately discussed through communication alone; a face-to-face conversation was necessary.


Although he had grievances with Wen Muqiao, he couldn’t let that affect Lu Jingning.


If possible, on the day of their actual engagement, he wanted to present the best interstellar banquet to Lu Jingning.


Learning that Wen Xingchen would go home for the New Year, Lu Jingning was somewhat surprised. However, he quickly felt happy about the improved relationship between father and son.


Though he never spoke much about the internal matters of the Wen family, deep down, he wanted the best for Wen Xingchen.


A harmonious family would bring a bit more joy.


After a few more days of being affectionate, Lu Jingning saw Wen Xingchen off on a light ship, watching it disappear into the horizon before returning home.


Days without Wen Xingchen became somewhat dull. Besides flattering Lu Kongbin every day, his routine included the scheduled holographic chat sessions every night.


Overall, the days passed peacefully.


Unconsciously, the holiday season came to an end.


As the return to school approached, one night during their usual video chat, Lu Jingning casually asked, “Wen Ge, when are you planning to return to school?”


Wen Xingchen pondered, “Probably a few days in advance.”


Having stayed at home for quite some time, although the relationship between him and Wen Muqiao was not as tense as before, the daily interactions between father and son were still limited. Continuing to stay seemed somewhat meaningless.


“I’ll wait for you at school then! Old Lu won’t let me leave early; he insists on releasing me only on the day of return.” Lu Jingning complained, “He’s so clingy, even at his age. I really can’t do anything about it. I’ll let you know when I buy the ticket, remember to pick me up!”


Wen Xingchen chuckled, “Your uncle’s relationship with you is truly enviable.”


Lu Jingning glanced at the holographic image of Lu Kongbin and laughed, “What’s there to envy? In the future, Old Lu will be your dad too.”


Wen Xingchen thought for a moment and replied, “Yes, he will be my dad too.”


… However, it would have been even better if he didn’t want to punch him the moment they met.



On the day of their return to school, as soon as Lu Jingning stepped out of the secure area, he saw Wen Xingchen standing not far away, waving at him with a smile.


Wen Xingchen was dressed in casual light-colored clothing. His loose-fitting garments casually hung, and after the holiday, his hair had grown slightly longer, giving an indescribable feeling that his overall demeanor had changed since they first met.


Despite the daily video calls, Lu Jingning couldn’t help but want to take a few more glances.


Wen Xingchen naturally took the huge suitcase and walked with Lu Jingning towards the short-distance aircraft waiting outside the gate.


They set off towards the main campus of the Imperial Navy.


When they reached the dormitory building, Wen Xingchen wanted to accompany Lu Jingning upstairs, but he was stopped.


Under Lu Jingning’s inquiring gaze, he cleared his throat and said, “The academic genius spent the whole holiday at school without going home. Now that school has started again, isn’t it a bit too cruel to bombard him with affection on the first day?”


Wen Xingchen thought for a moment and glanced at him, “Seems like it?”


Lu Jingning nodded, thinking that Wen Xingchen understood his thoughtful intentions. He turned to leave but found that the suitcase was still in Wen Xingchen’s hands, and he couldn’t pull it away.


He blinked, reminding, “Wen Ge?”


Wen Xingchen took a few steps forward, looking down at him, and with a faint smile, he said, “Haven’t seen each other for so long. Haven’t you missed me?”


As they were prominent figures on campus, even though they seemed nonchalant on the surface, countless eyes gathered around them without a sound when they stopped. The Bounty League season had nearly depleted all of Lu Jingning’s reserve of embarrassment, and now, in front of their classmates, he was starting to feel a bit awkward.


Under Wen Xingchen’s questioning, he cleared his throat and teased, “Of course, I missed you! Now that school has started again, we can see each other every day. Isn’t that especially exciting?”


“Exciting. But not enough.”


Wen Xingchen spoke with every step forward, almost reaching a close distance with Lu Jingning.


At this moment, the familiar and signature smile appeared on his face. In a low voice, he hinted, “After all, it’s the first day we meet after the break. As a boyfriend, shouldn’t you express something?”


Many people who had been covertly observing couldn’t help but excitedly cover their mouths when they witnessed this interaction. The photos they took covered all possible angles and quickly became the first couple building of the new semester on the campus forum.


As Lu Jingning’s first instinct was to refuse such a public display of affection, under Wen Xingchen’s somewhat expectant gaze, he found it difficult to resist.


After a moment of silence, he suddenly lifted his head and lightly pecked the face that was within reach.


A loud commotion erupted around them, and many people who hadn’t watched their steps stumbled and tumbled with their suitcases.


Listening to the successive sounds, Lu Jingning asked irritably, “Is that enough?”


Suppressing the laughter in his eyes, Wen Xingchen pointed lightly to his own mouth, “What about here?”


“Next time!”


Lu Jingning exerted force, pulling the suitcase away from his hands, and turned to run up the stairs.


In the dorm, Yan Hebin, who were inside, only heard the door being pushed open with a loud crash against the wall.


Turning around, they saw Lu Jingning storming in.


A trace of bewilderment flashed across Yan Hebin’s faces. Yan couldn’t help but look at the date on his terminal, “In such a hurry, do we have class today?”


Lu Jingning casually threw the suitcase on the table and asked, “Do I look like someone in a hurry to go to class?”


Indeed, he did not.


Yan didn’t say anything more, calmly shifting his gaze back to the newly compiled mecha tutorial from the research department.



Soon, all major universities in the empire returned to the normal rhythm of classes.


However, at this time, the high-level military officials were gradually enveloped in a vague sense of unease.


… Perhaps because the restoration work on the toxic night crystals was nearing completion, the long-dormant insect race began to stir again.


First, their traces were discovered on non-living celestial bodies at the edge of the fourth star system. Subsequently, at the junction of the eighth star system, the closest to the insect race, small-scale wars began to occur one after another.


This situation was not limited to the Empire but also included the Federation Republic, a friendly neighbor.


The prolonged tranquility almost made humans forget the years of fighting against the insect race. After the events unfolded, to avoid causing unrest, such news was quickly suppressed by the leadership.


However, whether in the Empire or the Federation, although they could temporarily hide the information from their citizens, the high-ranking generals could not turn a blind eye to these unsettling signs.


They found that the current insect race, both in terms of quantity and combat power, was no longer comparable to the past.


On one side was a defeated race that had been waiting for an opportunity to rise again, and on the other side was the former ruler who had become lax and indulgent during the years of peace.


In such a critical moment where a crisis could erupt at any time, large-scale conscription was not feasible. After nearly ten days of joint discussions between the military leadership of the Empire and the Federation, a series of resolutions were finally made.


Of course, most of these resolutions were matters for the management to handle. However, one of them would have a profound impact on the military academy students of various countries.


To cope with the necessity, the Empire and the Federation had decided to establish a joint alliance army from now on.


For the first batch of troops, apart from those recommended by various units, priority would be given to recruiting from the top military academies.


The Imperial Naval University, being such a top-tier military institution, undoubtedly found itself on the enlistment list.

T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!

Chapter 107 – Who Says Omegas Can’t be as Explosive as Alphas

Chapter 107


In the living room on the first floor, Lu Jingning and Wen Xingchen sat side by side on the sofa. Seated across from them were Lu Kongbin, Ye Ling, and Lu Xuebai.


Except for the bubbling sound of Lulu making tea, the atmosphere was silent. A figure appeared at the doorway. Lu Jiyuan walked in, putting away his communicator while sensing the gazes of everyone. In a calm tone, he said, “I’ve consulted Su Qian, and indeed, the situation is as stated.”


As he spoke, he glanced at Lu Jingning with an uncertain expression. He had been urgently summoned back by Lu Kongbin this morning due to some matters in the nearby star system, leading to this seemingly solemn family meeting.


Although it was said to be the mating season, he hadn’t expected these two individuals to be so audacious as to engage in such activities right under their father’s nose.


Later, Lu Jingning explained the special situation of his pheromones. Initially, Lu Kongbin thought it might be an excuse the two came up with to escape blame. With the intention of exposing them, he had Lu Jiyuan inquire with Su Qian. Surprisingly, the confirmation left his expression even more somber.


While Lu Jingning remained silent, he closely observed Lu Kongbin’s expression. It seemed that, from his father’s appearance, he almost wished to take out the cherished S546 energy gun and shoot Wen Xingchen on the spot.


In the tense atmosphere, Lu Kongbin managed to control his emotions after taking a few deep breaths. When he looked at Lu Jingning again, his expression became somewhat complex.


Lu Kongbin, accustomed to missions in remote star systems, had long become accustomed to it. Initially, he didn’t feel that anything was amiss until now, realizing that he might not have fully fulfilled his responsibilities as the head of the family.


At least, he now learned about the issue with Lu Jingning’s pheromones. Although it wasn’t explicitly explained, given the current level of medical development, Su Qian’s statement about needing Alpha’s temporary marking to calm the mating heat was sufficient to indicate the seriousness of the problem.


Lu Kongbin’s initial rage had faded as time passed. At this point, instead of anger, it seemed more like he was sulking, mixed with a sense of frustration.


Their precious child had unknowingly endured so much, and he hadn’t known at all. If it weren’t for the presence of outsiders, the old father even felt like shedding a tear or two.


Ye Ling, initially surprised by the boldness of the two, thought that the young people’s fiery nature was normal. Admiring their daring attitude, he looked at Wen Xingchen even more appreciatively.


Their child was not an ordinary Omega. The young man’s decisive actions in this regard indicated a promising future in other aspects as well.


Noticing the intense gaze from Lu Jingning, Ye Ling cleared his throat, breaking the silence and playing the role of the peacemaker. “Alright, Ninging has explained everything. Let’s not dwell on it. We are a reasonable family. Since there are reasons for what happened, let’s not be too harsh.”


Beside them, Lu Xuebai chuckled lightly. “Young people, passionate and impulsive. It’s normal to lose control during the mating season. Quite normal.”


Lu Jingning couldn’t help but glare at her. Blame that poisonous thing Lu Xuebai gave him, the GHS! His second brother was as venomous as he was in childhood!


Lu Xuebai whistled lightly as if completely unaware of the resentment.


Seeing Ye Ling mediate, Lu Kongbin, aware of her attitude, couldn’t discern any emotions on her face. In reality, he couldn’t really chop Wen Xingchen off, considering Su Qian’s explanation. In the future, Lu Jingning would rely on this lad’s pheromones for his mating seasons. Even if it was just to leave a walking marking tool for his Ninging, he had to keep this fellow alive.


However, under the current circumstances, it seemed like their family really couldn’t do without this surnamed Wen.


This made Lu Kongbin feel a constant tightness in his chest, making him uncomfortable.


If eyes could shoot daggers, just by the way he looked at Wen Xingchen, Lu Kongbin could have sliced him into pieces.


No matter what, playing around with an affair right under his nose, it was as if they didn’t regard him, the head of the family, at all!


Lu Kongbin took a deep breath and looked at Lu Jiyuan, asking, “How do you see this matter?”


Lu Jiyuan replied, “I have signed an agreement before, and Wen Xingchen has fulfilled the terms. From a strength perspective, I can approve. Therefore, I don’t oppose it now.”


Lu Jingning secretly praised his big brother’s stance. Now that’s a position! Quite impressive!


Lu Kongbin: “…”


He turned his head to look at his second brother.


Lu Xuebai was playing with Lulu, and upon feeling the gaze, he innocently said, “Dad, although I’m his second brother, this is Ninging’s own matter. I don’t feel right expressing my opinion. You decide, no need to ask me!”


Lu Kongbin felt like his blood pressure had reached its lifetime peak.


Wen Xingchen, who had been silent, seemed to have made up his mind. He suddenly stood up, earnestly saying, “Uncle, please agree to let us be together. I swear I will treat him well for a lifetime.”


Lu Kongbin’s gaze fell on the almost perfect face, even among Alphas, and he coldly asked, “Did I ask you to stand up?”


Lu Jingning quickly pulled Wen Xingchen back, “Yeah, yeah, just talk while sitting. Sit down and talk.”


Caught off guard by another show, Lu Kongbin felt a bit numb.


Seeing that no one else in the family opposed, he sat in his place expressionlessly for a while. He looked up at the hands of the two people opposite, tightly clasped together.


For some reason, he felt like he resembled a malicious stepfather from ancient melodramatic series, beating up a couple in love.


Lu Kongbin took a deep breath and suddenly said, “Didn’t we agree to continue training at the training ground today? Why aren’t you coming with me?”


Standing up under everyone’s gaze, he walked to the door. When he turned around, he saw Wen Xingchen still standing there, seemingly lost under this sudden change of topic. Unpleasantly, he asked, “What, afraid to come? Still expecting me to hand over Ninging to you?”


Ye Ling, watching from the side, chuckled and reminded him in a gentle tone, “Your father-in-law is calling you, what are you still standing there for?”


Lu Kongbin heard his wife undermining him, hummed heavily with a dark face, and the ferocious scar on his face trembled slightly. He secretly clenched his fist.


In a while, he estimated he would have to have a good talk with Wen Muqiao about the engagement of the two families.


But before that, there was one thing he had to do.


Otherwise, it would be difficult to resolve the hatred in his heart!


Seeing his old man finally relent, Lu Jingning couldn’t help but show a smile between his eyebrows. He escorted Wen Xingchen to the door, reassuring him in a very considerate manner, “Brother Wen, you’ve worked hard today. We’ll prepare the best healing medicine for you later. You can rest assured and not worry!”


Wen Xingchen: “…”


This sounded really reassuring.



Lu Kongbin, accustomed to long journeys outside, was exceptionally energetic. Skipping lunch was a common occurrence for him, and he didn’t have lunch this afternoon.


Returning from the training ground in the evening, his mood seemed much better than when he left in the morning.


Presumably, the sandbag served him well.


Indeed, in his world, there was no problem that couldn’t be solved with a good beating. If there was, just beat twice.


Lu Jingning waited for Wen Xingchen to return, but he eventually went to the training ground with Lulu.


From a distance, he could see a figure lying in the center of the spacious field.


If it weren’t for the faint rise and fall on the chest, one might suspect that the person had died.


Approaching, Lu Jingning could see that the person’s clothes were in disarray, and his face was unusually pale, as if he had never been so pale before.


It seemed that due to excessive beating, his arm that was lying limp at the side was still trembling slightly.


Previously, Wen Xingchen had only heard that many people in the military were like monsters. Now, for the first time, he associated this term with Lu Kongbin.


Very strong, frighteningly strong.


He had almost no strength left in his whole body now. Even though he vaguely heard the footsteps approaching, he was too tired to even lift his head.


Lulu fully played the role of a versatile robot, placing the medical kit beside him and starting simple medical procedures.


Lu Jingning, who had been beaten by Lu Kongbin from childhood to adulthood, had never experienced such a miserable beating as Wen Xingchen.


Approaching, he couldn’t help but feel a bit distressed, “Why does this old man hit so hard?”

Wen Xingchen lifted his heavy eyelashes upon hearing his voice, tiredly curling his lips, “Feeling sorry for me?”


His throat was extremely dry, and even his voice was unusually hoarse.


Lu Jingning crouched down beside him, watching Lulu busy with his care, carefully assessing his condition, “Wen Ge, are you okay?”




“Where does it hurt?”


“Everywhere hurts.”


Lu Jingning frowned, “What should we do then?”


Wen Xingchen coughed lightly, “There’s a way to make me feel a bit more comfortable.”


Feeling Lu Jingning’s gaze, he laboriously waved at him.


Without much thought, Lu Jingning bent down, and in an instant, he was pulled close by the person in front of him.


The next second, a soft touch appeared on his lips.


Wen Xingchen’s lips were severely chapped, and this kiss had a distinct friction.


Lulu, caught off guard, was fed a dose of dog food. Its mechanical claws symbolically covered its face, “Ah, not suitable for minors! You two have no shame!”


Upon hearing its shout, Lu Jingning instantly realized and, both annoyed and amused, pushed Wen Xingchen away, “There are still people around!”


Wen Xingchen, falling heavily back to the ground, couldn’t help but chuckle, “This little thing, does it count as a person?”


“???” Lulu was angry, “Are you insulting me?!”


The red light on the display bottle blinked warningly, and it angrily hugged the medical kit and ran away.


Humph, how could a robot not be considered a person? PAPA always treated it like his own daughter!


Feeling wronged, Lulu decided not to accompany these shameless two and let them fend for themselves!

T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!

Chapter 106 – Who Says Omegas Can’t be as Explosive as Alphas

Chapter 106


After Wen Xingchen finished bathing, he prepared to go to Lu Jingning’s room to find him. However, as soon as he walked through the corridor, he vaguely sensed the scent of pheromones lingering in the air.


His heart couldn’t help but skip a beat, and his footsteps quickened. It seemed like Lu Jingning had been waiting for him. Lu Jingning’s room was not locked, and the omega’s pheromones emanated from the partially open door.


Wen Xingchen briskly pushed the door open and entered. At a glance, he saw Lu Jingning curled up on the bed. Without hesitation, he walked over and scooped him into his arms.


Lu Jingning felt uncomfortable all over, unknowingly covered in a thin layer of sweat. His breathing became somewhat rapid.


Wen Xingchen’s appearance seemed to bring him a unique sense of comfort. The tightly furrowed brow slightly relaxed when he smelled the familiar pheromones, but Lu Jingning complained without reservation, “Took so long to bathe, did you drown in there?”


Wen Xingchen, lost in thoughts about their future, was somewhat absent-minded while bathing, inevitably taking more time.


Hearing Lu Jingning’s complaint, he casually responded, “My bad.”


Lu Jingning’s eyelashes trembled slightly, soft and boneless as he lay in Wen Xingchen’s embrace.


Wen Xingchen touched his cheek, lowered his voice, and asked, “Do you have the suppressant ready? Where is it? I’ll get it for you.”


As Su Qian had explained before, for Lu Jingning, whether it was the suppressant or the temporary marking of pheromones directly injected into the gland, neither could fully suppress the effects. Both had to be used in combination to achieve the desired results.


Since completely relaxing, Lu Jingning’s pheromones had uncontrollably leaked out. Wrapped around Wen Xingchen, it made his heart tighten slightly. His voice, affected by restraint, carried a hint of hoarseness, “Don’t you remember? I’ll go look for it.”


Perhaps sensing Wen Xingchen about to get up, Lu Jingning, instinctively dependent, subconsciously reached out to pull him, “Wen Ge, don’t go…”


In doing so, he lost balance and almost fell off the bed.


“Be careful!”


Wen Xingchen hurriedly turned back and caught him.


In this significant movement, inadvertently touching a switch on the remote control nearby.


Once activated, the blank screen floating in the air suddenly displayed a scene.


When the two entangled figures came into view, Lu Jingning’s somewhat dazed eyes gained a touch of confusion.


Is this the blockbuster his second brother highly recommended?


What’s going on? These two actors aren’t even wearing clothes? Has the production team really become this desperate…


Wen Xingchen, already heavily influenced by Lu Jingning’s pheromones, now unexpectedly faced a holographic adult film, an overly intense reality challenging his last line of defense.


He lowered his head and lightly kissed Lu Jingning’s gland.


Feeling Lu Jingning tremble slightly in his arms, Wen Xingchen couldn’t help but bury his head in his neck. After finally regaining control of his composure, he asked in a low, hoarse voice, “Is this the movie you wanted us to watch together?”


As the two figures in his sight finally collided intensely, even though his head was spinning, Lu Jingning realized what kind of extraordinary adult film was unfolding.


However, at this moment, he obviously had no intention of holding Lu Xuebai accountable.


In this scene, he could feel the surge of pheromones within him becoming more intense.


An inexplicable irritability finally pushed him to the limit. Turning over, he pressed Wen Xingchen onto the bed. Then, loosening his collar, he fully exposed the gland at his neck, offering it to Wen Xingchen’s mouth, “Wen Ge… do you want to taste?”


Wen Xingchen’s pheromones had long been provoked. At this moment, they domineeringly surrounded Lu Jingning.


The territorial sense of an alpha was fully demonstrated at this moment, as if declaring its sovereignty, unreservedly enveloping him.


However, even in the face of the intense stimulation of the five senses, Wen Xingchen did not forget the environment he was in.


He forcefully held onto the last strand of rationality, avoiding the gland so close, and reassured, “We’re in your home now. Be good, endure a bit, I’ll go get the suppressant for you, okay?”




Lu Jingning’s whole body seemed to be burning, already restless. Seeing Wen Xingchen unmoved, he took matters into his own hands.


Grabbing Wen Xingchen’s collar, he pulled it forcefully. With a “rip,” the new clothes he had just changed into were torn apart, revealing the man’s alluring chest.


Wen Xingchen hadn’t expected Lu Jingning to be so direct. It seemed that this bout of estrus was even more intense than before.


A faint shadow crossed his eyes, and as Lu Jingning’s kisses descended down his throat, he found himself losing control. Alpha’s pheromones burst out aggressively, causing Lu Jingning to let out a low, muffled moan as he instinctively softened in the warmth of Wen Xingchen’s embrace.


The two figures on the bed slowly merged with the holographic image. The air carried a subtle yet intense aroma of desire, fiery and scorching.


This wasn’t their first time; they were familiar with each other’s habits, mutually accommodating, and the release became even more authentic.


However, just when the passion was reaching its peak, a knock on the door interrupted them.


Lu Kongbin’s voice came from outside, “Ningzi, are you in? Your dad wants to talk to you about something.”


Silence was the only response.


Inside the room, the two hadn’t anticipated Lu Kongbin’s unexpected visit at this moment. Wen Xingchen, still aware of their surroundings, instinctively covered the nearly chaotic Lu Jingning. He had to forcefully suppress the overwhelming desire.


Lu Jingning’s breath was heavy, and the sigh that had reached his lips was blocked by the large hand covering his mouth.


Between Wen Xingchen’s brows, a hint of autumn water seemed to be present. Watching the person in front of him, who was restrained but also struggling to control his desires, a trace of a smile flickered in Lu Jingning’s eyes. Although silent, it didn’t hinder his body from continuing the provocative actions.


Wen Xingchen struggled to contain the sigh that had reached his lips. In this almost clandestine and thrilling scene, his entire body was uncontrollably covered in a thin layer of sweat.


In this silent tableau, the pheromones of both Alpha and Omega intertwined wildly in the air.


Lu Kongbin stood outside the door for a while without any response. He couldn’t help but mutter in confusion, “Is he already asleep? I’ll come back tomorrow.”


Even though he found it strange, he didn’t think much of it. He turned and left.


As his footsteps faded away, the two had reached the pinnacle of their patience and finally found release.


Wen Xingchen flipped Lu Jingning over and pressed him hard against the edge of the bed. The unrestrained teasing from earlier had forced him to endure, resulting in excessive self-control. Now, his eyes were almost involuntarily tinged with redness.


He could no longer continue to restrain himself. His voice tightened to the extreme, “Enjoying this?”


Although Lu Jingning had appeared satisfied with the teasing moments before, he wasn’t faring much better himself. Now, he couldn’t endure it any longer. He directly hooked his arms around Wen Xingchen’s neck, pulling him in forcefully.


The proximity of their bodies, almost colliding, allowed Lu Jingning’s heavy breath to blow over Wen Xingchen’s nose, “Xingchen, mark me…”


Wen Xingchen hadn’t anticipated that Lu Jingning would ask him to watch AO films. When the holographic scene appeared before them, the overly stimulating visual impact quickly evoked a response due to the surrounding pheromones.


At this moment, Lu Jingning’s eyes were slightly misted due to physiological reasons, giving his expression a more intense desire than usual.


Wen Xingchen’s heart warmed. He bent down and lightly kissed Lu Jingning’s gland. Feeling Lu Jingning trembling in his arms, Wen Xingchen couldn’t help but bury his head in his neck. After finally regaining control of his composure, he asked in a low, hoarse voice, “Is this the movie you wanted us to watch together?”


At this point, Lu Jingning also realized what was playing on the screen. His body trembled slightly with this kiss, but he didn’t offer an explanation.


He could feel Wen Xingchen’s pheromones being completely drawn out by him. At this moment, they invisibly enveloped him, intensifying the irresistible desire.


In the inexplicable restlessness, Lu Jingning finally couldn’t bear it any longer. He flipped over, pressing Wen Xingchen back, and forcefully pulled at the collar, fully exposing the gland hidden underneath.


A glint appeared in his eyes as he turned Wen Xingchen’s clean neck toward him, “Wen Ge… Do you want…?” 


However, Wen Xingchen still remembered the environment they were in. In the face of such an extreme provocation, he managed to hold onto the last strand of rationality, avoiding the gland so close. He comforted, “We’re in your home now. Be good, endure a bit, I’ll go get the suppressant for you, okay?”




Lu Jingning’s whole body felt like it was on fire, and he had long been restless. Seeing Wen Xingchen unmoved, he took matters into his own hands.

He grabbed Wen Xingchen’s collar and pulled it forcefully. With a “rip” sound, the once neat neckline was instantly torn apart under such absolute force, revealing the seductive curve of his collarbone.


Wen Xingchen hadn’t expected Lu Jingning to be so direct. The expression in his eyes slightly darkened as Lu Jingning’s kisses descended from his Adam’s apple, and eventually, he couldn’t control himself. Gently kneading Lu Jingning’s butterfly bone that protruded slightly, he whispered, “Not so rough.”


Despite the gentle touch, Lu Jingning felt a sensation that made him blush and a tingling warmth surged from within. His initially fierce demeanor instantly softened, and he let out a comfortable moan.


Yet, Lu Jingning’s hands continued their actions, not willing to be outdone. Following the contours of Wen Xingchen’s chest, they gradually moved downward, finally lingering in a certain area.


Wen Xingchen, affected by this move, let out a muffled groan, and the Alpha pheromones erupted ferociously.


Under the overwhelming invasive aura, Lu Jingning seemed to transform into water, suppressing the wild desires surging within. He whispered gently in Wen Xingchen’s ear, “Wen ge, you’re aroused, you want me too.”


His voice, unprecedentedly soft, accompanied by the subtle moans in the holographic video, became the background music arousing desire.


With the hands’ exploration, Wen Xingchen’s breathing became uncontrollably heavy. Unable to resist any longer, he grabbed Lu Jingning’s waist, pressed him down, and playfully kneaded, “In such a hurry?”




At this moment, Lu Jingning was extremely sensitive. Though it was a simple touch, it was enough to make him feel an intense pleasure. As the actions continued, his legs straightened involuntarily, and he subconsciously rubbed against the man in front of him.


In his moments of passion, Lu Jingning displayed none of his usual unrestrained demeanor. Instead, he was like a cat full of desire, breathtakingly captivating.


The pressure applied by Lu Wen Xingchen’s hands gradually intensified. After several encounters, he seemed to understand better how to make his Omega enjoy during intimate moments.


As all the desires unknowingly reached their peak, just when they were about to burst forth, a knock on the door interrupted them.


Obviously, no one expected Lu Kongbin to show up at this moment.


All movements instinctively halted, and the ambiguous atmosphere lingered silently. Lu Jingning’s cheeks were crimson, and his chest, tightly pressed against the other’s, trembled uncontrollably. Despite realizing what had happened, his instinctive reaction made him extremely dissatisfied with this sudden interruption.


He tentatively raised his waist, and the friction of their skin made his moans unconsciously roll to his throat, but Wen Xingchen’s hand covered his mouth tightly.


The sound that was about to reach his lips was completely blocked, but the more restrained he became, the more the desire within him brewed to the extreme.


In this overwhelming silence, the pheromones of Alpha and Omega, like a surging tide, intertwined wildly.


All moans were tightly sealed, excessive restraint made Wen Xingchen lower his eyes, and a hint of crimson, originating from desire, inevitably appeared at the corners of his eyes.


Until the footsteps outside faded away, all restraints and shackles seemed to be completely released, and the suppression swept over like a tide.


Wen Xingchen’s voice came, excessively restrained, “Was it fun?”


In this teasing, Lu Jingning had already fallen into complete chaos. At this moment, he pulled Wen Xingchen towards him, almost colliding with each other in close proximity. His heavy breath passed through Wen Xingchen’s nostrils, “Xingchen, mark me…”


Wen Xingchen didn’t respond.


The next moment, Lu Jingning felt a whirlwind, and he could sense himself flipping over completely under the pull of tremendous force. His entire face was buried in the soft quilt.


Just the friction between the skin and the bedding made his body shiver slightly. He grabbed the sheets with both hands, pulling them tightly into his palms.


In front of Wen Xingchen, this naked body was fully exposed. Now, the overly pale skin showed faint traces of redness from the earlier caresses, from the waist to the buttocks, creating a seductive allure.


As he leaned in, due to the excessively comfortable feeling, this enticing body trembled slightly, as if the wings of a butterfly were faintly stirring. Amid the sudden rush of scorching sensations below, Lu Jingning softly sobbed.

Wen Xingchen slowly pressed him down, listening to the heavy panting in his ears. He gently extended his hand, found the back of the other’s hand, and tightly interlocked their fingers.


The temperature between their fingers was unusually warm, causing Lu Jingning’s initially tense body to subconsciously relax. His waist became limp, completely entrusting himself to this man.


Wen Xingchen half-embraced him from behind, delving in gradually, exploring new territories and swearing absolute ownership.


With complete fusion, the emotions of both reached a climax. The intensity of their connection became more vigorous, and the vigorous movements caused Lu Jingning to groan in pain and bite his lip. Then, a rush of heat surged, and he instinctively tightened his grip, feeling an overwhelming pleasure accompanying it.


The intense desire reached its peak, and finally, they experienced a shared release.


When Wen Xingchen woke up, it was already the next morning. The starlight leaked into the room from the window, and the air still carried the lingering scent of blended pheromones, creating a peaceful atmosphere.


He tried to move but found an unusual heaviness on him. Turning his head, he discovered Lu Jingning, hanging on him like an octopus, in a stubborn sleeping position.


Wen Xingchen gazed at this sleeping face for a long time. A softness flickered in his eyes, and Lu Jingning slept soundly. Each time he fell asleep, he lacked the usual arrogance but remained dazzling, making it hard to look away.


Wen Xingchen lightly touched his face and then checked the time on the terminal. It wasn’t too early, but it was no longer late.


Remembering the training session he had arranged with Lu Kongbin this morning, his sleepiness dissipated by half. Wen Xingchen gently moved Lu Jingning’s hands and feet away from him, not wanting to disturb his sleep. Then, he quietly picked up his outerwear and walked to the door to leave.


The outfit he wore last night was obviously not suitable for wearing again, so he needed to return to his guest room to freshen up and change into a new one.


Since he had just woken up, he hadn’t heard the footsteps outside a while ago.


As he pushed the door open, Wen Xingchen saw Lu Kongbin standing at the door, quietly waiting for his precious son to wake up.


Caught off guard, their eyes met. Wen Xingchen’s opening of the door abruptly stopped, and a profound silence filled the surroundings.


Lu Kongbin’s gaze first lingered on his disheveled clothes, then gradually moved down to the outerwear hanging on him. Finally, he surveyed the surroundings with an expressionless face.


Although he didn’t speak, his actions seemed to confirm whether he had entered the wrong room. And the fact was, he hadn’t. This was indeed his precious son Lu Jingning’s room.


At this moment, everything spoke volumes. Regardless of the perspective, Wen Xingchen’s appearance was not hard to imagine from the previous night’s passion.


Lu Kongbin couldn’t help but feel a bit dizzy. Who was he, where was he, and what happened? From the moment their eyes met, Wen Xingchen maintained the posture of opening the door without moving.


If possible, he even wanted to rewind and close the door again, as if nothing had happened. He could keenly feel Lu Kongbin’s gaze turning increasingly ferocious.


For the first time in his life, Wen Xingchen felt as if a knife were hanging over his neck, sending a chill down his spine.


After a long while, he hesitated and said, “Uncle… Good morning.”


The silence was broken. At this moment, just with this sentence, Lu Kongbin’s near-explosive bomb seemed to have been completely ignited.


Suddenly, a furious roar, the voice soaring to the sky, “Who the hell is your uncle?!”


The commotion was too great, even waking up Lu Jingning. However, still in a daze, he rubbed his eyes.


Upon opening his eyes, the first thing he saw was Wen Xingchen standing at the door. Then, through the half-open door, he saw Lu Kongbin on the opposite side of the corridor, filled with raging fury.


Lu Jingning furrowed his brow, still processing the situation. “Dad, what are you doing here?”


It was like a hundred times more shocking blow. This was their home, and now he was being asked how he got here?!


After Lu Kongbin’s earlier furious shout, he felt a bit short of breath. At this moment, his body involuntarily swayed, almost fainting.


Medicine, medicine… Where was his medicine?

T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!

Chapter 105 – Who Says Omegas Can’t be as Explosive as Alphas

Chapter 105


Wen Xingchen felt a chill as he was stared at by Lu Kongbin. Just as he was about to find a topic to break the tension, he suddenly saw someone coming out of the main gate. The person patted Lu Kongbin’s shoulder and reproached him, “Blocking guests at the entrance, is this how you behave? Invite them in!”


Lu Jingning, upon seeing the newcomer, showed a joyful expression, “Mom!”


Ye Ling nodded at him, ignoring the sulking Lu Kongbin, and took charge, “This classmate, come in with us.”


From the facial features, Wen Xingchen could easily tell that Lu Jingning and Ye Ling were mother and son. No wonder he didn’t resemble Lu Kongbin at all; turns out he followed his mother.


Wen Xingchen discreetly glanced at the tense expression on Lu Kongbin’s face and casually responded, “Thank you, Auntie.”


Lu Kongbin opened his mouth to say something, but a glance from Ye Ling made him unwillingly hold back his words. He grunted a couple of times and walked into the house with a stern face.


The family dynamics were evident.


Wen Xingchen’s family never had such harmonious interactions between spouses. He couldn’t help but take a closer look. Yet, upon further thought, once he married Lu Jingning, his position at home might not be much higher than Lu Kongbin’s. He retracted his gaze.


Both were individuals played by fate; no one should mock each other.


Ye Ling asked Lulu to help prepare dinner, and the family sat happily (?) in the dining room to start their meal.


The table was quite large. Lu Jingning asked Wen Xingchen to help him pick up the spare ribs placed in the corner. Wen Xingchen naturally picked the largest piece and put it in his bowl.


Ye Ling observed in secret, and a hint of a smile gradually appeared between her eyebrows.


From childhood to adulthood, she had been worried that Lu Jingning’s difficult temperament might make it challenging to find an Alpha. Now, watching the interaction between the two and considering Wen Xingchen’s appearance, she found herself liking them more and more.


As for the sulking old man at home, who behaved like a child despite being an adult, it was better not to mention.


Considering the family’s food chain, Lu Jingning, foreseeing potential issues, quickly gained Ye Ling’s assistance to “cover” him. In the following days, except for being glared at by Lu Kongbin every day, not a single hair on Wen Xingchen’s body was missing.


To prove his previous statements weren’t just boasting, Lu Jingning took Wen Xingchen to various interesting places in the vicinity.


Every day was like a date for the two, making Lu Kongbin’s eyes ache.


In the afternoon, the happy couple returned from outside, only to find Lu Kongbin standing at the front gate like a door god.


Lu Jingning blinked in confusion, “Dad, what are you doing here?”


Lu Kongbin’s gaze passed him and directly fell on Wen Xingchen. He said with a smile that wasn’t quite a smile, “It’s been a few days since I exercised. I want to find someone to move my muscles. How about considering becoming my sparring partner?”


Wen Xingchen: “…”


Regretting eating vinegar in front of his father-in-law, all he could say was that karma was unavoidable.


Sure enough, no matter how one tried to avoid it, a beating was inevitable.


Seeing Lu Jingning about to speak up in defense, Lu Kongbin waved his hand and said, “Let’s go, come with me to the training ground.”


Lu Jingning was about to follow to support his boyfriend, but Ye Ling appeared at the second-floor window, “Ning, come up and help me with something.”


Seeing Lu Jingning hesitating, Wen Xingchen lightly patted his shoulder, reassuring him, “Go ahead. Don’t worry; everything will be fine.”


If it weren’t for the rare seriousness hidden behind that seemingly calm expression, Lu Jingning might have actually believed his words.


After a moment of hesitation, he turned and went upstairs.


Ye Ling wanted to get a book, but the bookshelf was too high for her to reach. Watching her son absentmindedly help her, she couldn’t help but smile and say, “So fond of him?”


Although she didn’t mention names, she knew who she was referring to.


Lu Jingning immediately replied without hesitation, “Yes, I am.”


Ye Ling looked at him with gentle eyes, gently rubbing his hair as if teasing a little dog, “Don’t worry, your dad is just momentarily upset, feeling a bit jealous. When he comes to terms with it, we’ll set a date for your marriage when he’s ready.”


Lu Jingning listened to her suddenly saying these words, and his face, rarely, showed a hint of warmth. With a strained expression, he couldn’t help but snort, “Dad is not young anymore, why would he be jealous? Isn’t that childish!”


Ye Ling lightly chuckled, “You’re still a child in your own way, aren’t you?”


Deep down, Lu Jingning still had concerns. He wanted to go to the training ground and see, but Ye Ling stopped him, “If you want Dad to accept your relationship, you need to give them some alone time. Men, there’s nothing a fist can’t solve.”


Despite Ye Ling’s gentle appearance, she truly lived up to being an Omega from a military family in certain beliefs.


Lu Jingning was actually afraid that Lu Kongbin wouldn’t hold back, after much internal struggle, he ended up lying on the sofa in the living room, absentmindedly watching the live broadcast.


Time passed, and unnoticed, it was already sunset.


Finally, Wen Xingchen’s figure appeared at the front gate.


Just a glance revealed that he looked much more disheveled than when they parted. His hair was messy, clothes covered in dust, a part of his face scr4p3d, wounds scattered and mottled. But this added a touch of wildness that was not present before.


Somehow, it had a unique charm.


Lu Jingning couldn’t help but silently praise his handsomeness in his heart, then felt that Lu Kongbin did indeed not hold back. He hurriedly went up to carefully examine him and asked, “Wen Ge, are you hurt?”


Wen Xingchen shook his head wearily, his voice slightly hoarse from the dry throat, “I’m fine.”


Although he had been rubbed on the ground all afternoon, at least Lu Kongbin had avoided his vital points during the process. It could be considered showing mercy; at least he didn’t beat him to the brink of death.


Lu Kongbin walked in from behind, looking in a better mood than before. He patted Wen Xingchen’s shoulder with a refreshing expression, “Kid, continue tomorrow!”


Wen Xingchen: “……”


Retracting the previous compliment, it might not be showing mercy but rather considering future opportunities for more beatings, part of a sustainable development strategy.


Lu Kongbin seemed to have found a new source of entertainment. Whenever he had time, he would spar with Wen Xingchen, never getting tired of it.


Unbeknownst to them, under such beatings, a week had already passed.


Wen Xingchen gradually got used to this rhythm. To please his father-in-law, he even went to buy several sets of clean clothes and actively cooperated every day, appearing strong and bitter.


Fortunately, heaven helps those who help themselves. He could feel that Lu Kongbin’s gaze seemed less hostile.


This was obviously a significant step in gaining his father-in-law’s approval on the long and arduous journey to become his son-in-law.


It was another day returning from the training ground.


As soon as Wen Xingchen entered the room, he saw Lu Jingning waiting for him at the door.


Judging from the expression, it seemed he wasn’t too happy.


Wen Xingchen walked over, tilted his head, stared at the expressionless face for a while, and asked, “What’s wrong?”


“I’ve decided to talk to Dad.” Lu Jingning’s lips were tightly pursed. “I can’t let him torment you like this in front of me.”


He brought Wen Xingchen back initially to let him relax, but it turned into Lu Kongbin’s free punching bag. How could this be allowed?


Wen Xingchen’s eyes flashed with amusement, “Are you worried about me, Ah Ning?”


“Yes, I’m really worried.” Lu Jingning saw his seemingly indifferent attitude and couldn’t help but glare at him, “Seeing you like this, it feels like you’re enjoying it. Are you a masochist?”


Wen Xingchen raised an eyebrow, “Am I a masochist? You should know better than anyone.”


Lu Jingning: “… Be serious.”


Wen Xingchen looked at his expression and couldn’t help but laugh, “Alright, I have a plan. Trust me, once this period is over, Uncle should approve of our relationship.”


Recalling Ye Ling’s words and now hearing Wen Xingchen’s assurance, although still skeptical, Lu Jingning relaxed a bit, “Really?”


“Really.” Wen Xingchen whispered, “By the way, didn’t you say there’s a new movie to watch together? Why don’t you go back to the room? I’ll take a shower and join you after.”


Lu Jingning’s expression eased a lot, “Okay, I’ll wait for you.”


Seeing Wen Xingchen take out a set of clean clothes and walk into the bathroom, his gaze lingered on the door for a moment before turning away.


Back in the room, after importing the content of the new movie that Lu Xuebai gave him into the device, Lu Jingning sat on the edge of the bed, hugging his body, patiently waiting.

The night had fallen, and the starlight outside was mottled, occasionally accompanied by a slightly cool breeze. Lu Jingning, watching the outside through the window, couldn’t help but daydream, and his thin clothes swayed with the wind.


Everyone told him to wait a bit longer, but with Lu Kongbin’s stubborn temperament that even nine oxen couldn’t move, he didn’t know when he would finally agree.


Lu Jingning silently complained in his heart, pondering, when suddenly he felt that the night wind around him seemed to carry an indiscernible warmth.


At first, this feeling was just faint, but gradually, it became more intense.


When his breath also took on a slightly urgent rhythm in this heated sensation, he finally realized.


It was mating season.


Lu Jingning felt his consciousness gradually becoming blurry. He simply lay on the bed in a daze, but because of the heat, he kicked the blanket to the side and curled up with a pillow.


His pheromone concentration was naturally much higher than others, making him more sensitive to the mating season.


However, because of Su Qian’s reminder last time and not daring to use suppressants recklessly, he could only bite the bullet and wait now.


All he could say was that it was fortunate that Wen Xingchen was here. Everything would be fine when he came over later.


Lu Jingning curled up there in a daze. Finally, unable to bear the heat inside, he couldn’t help but curse silently in his heart.


Damn, is he still not coming? Why is he taking such a long shower!

T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

If you like my translations, feel free to donate to my ko-fi!

I really, really appreciate all the support from my readers <3 It goes a long way and motivates me lots!


Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


Thank you for all your support <3 Leave a comment if you like 🙂 I love reading them!

Chapter 104 – Who Says Omegas Can’t be as Explosive as Alphas

Chapter 104


Coming out of the last exam room, Lu Jingning felt like he had come back to life. Unable to restrain himself, he took a deep breath of air and burst into laughter, looking up at the sky.


Jiang Luan, standing beside him, shook his head, saying, “Ah, another person going crazy.”


Emperor Haijun did not have the habit of keeping international students on campus to wait for exam results. On that afternoon, students had already started leaving the school one by one.


Lu Jingning was energetically packing his belongings in the dormitory. When he lifted his head, he saw Yan Hebin sitting calmly at the table and couldn’t help but ask, “Top student, aren’t you going home?”


Yan Hebin responded, “No, I applied to stay on campus.”


Lu Jingning was slightly stunned, only now realizing that Yan Hebin had never mentioned his family.


When it came to staying on campus, Lu Jingning’s movements involuntarily paused. A figure flashed in his mind. He pushed the luggage aside, turned, and ran to the balcony, casually closing the door.


Wen Xingchen didn’t expect Lu Jingning to contact him at this moment. After connecting, he softly said, “Hey, is everything packed?”


“Not yet.” Lu Jingning touched his nose and looked towards the Alpha dormitory building, asking, “When do you plan to go home?”


Wen Xingchen fell silent for a moment and said, “Not determined yet.”


Wen Muqiao was at home recently, and Wen Xingchen didn’t want to go back. Originally, he should have spent this holiday with Yu Zhi, but his mother happened to be touring the interstellar space, experiencing the joy of traveling for the New Year. It seemed she wouldn’t be back for a short time.


In this case, he really didn’t know how to arrange his time. If nothing unexpected happened, he would probably apply to stay on campus.


Lu Jingning sensed something from Wen Xingchen’s tone. After hesitating for a moment, he casually asked, “If you have nothing to do at home, how about considering… coming to my place? My family is not as big as yours, but there are many interesting things nearby, guaranteed to be more fun than your high-profile family.”


There was silence on the other end of the phone for a long time. Lu Jingning waited quietly, hearing only his own breathing, accompanied by a slightly abrupt heartbeat.


This suggestion was completely impromptu, and he wasn’t sure if it was a good idea.


Wen Xingchen also didn’t expect Lu Jingning to make such an invitation. According to the original plan, he should have sent his boyfriend to the long-range light cruiser early tomorrow morning and then returned to the dormitory alone. If he felt bored during the holiday, he would visit Jiang Luan’s house.


Then, during the New Year, he would find a suitable time to visit Lu’s house.


Through the communicator, he could feel Lu Jingning’s concern. This softened Wen Xingchen’s heart, and a touch of tenderness appeared in his eyes.


With a gentle smile, he asked, “If you suddenly bring me home like this, will your uncle directly chop me?”


Lu Jingning just thought about not letting his boyfriend spend the long holiday alone. He hadn’t really considered this very realistic issue.


For a moment, he felt a bit stumped by the question.


After thinking seriously for a moment, he said, “It’s okay. Just stick close to me at that time. Even if Uncle Lu really wants to take action, he can’t hit me together with you.”


“That sounds like there’s some reason to it.” Wen Xingchen laughed, “What about the night? We’ll have to separate eventually. We can’t sleep together every night, can we?”


The low voice, with a unique magnetism, made Lu Jingning’s earlobes slightly hot. He almost wished that Wen Xingchen was in front of him now, at least so he could bite his vermilion lips fiercely.


Suppressing the itchy feeling in his heart, Lu Jingning pretended to snort and said, “Do you want to make a commitment? How about that? Can you resist?”


Wen Xingchen responded, “It’s my boyfriend’s invitation, how can I refuse? But since you brought me home, you must remember to take responsibility for me.”


Lu Jingning made a clicking sound, very readily agreeing, “No problem, I’ll take responsibility for you!”


Wen Xingchen replied, “Then, see you at the school gate tomorrow.”


After ending the call, Lu Jingning sighed deeply.


Just as he walked back from the balcony to the room, he happened to meet Yan Hebin’s gaze.

His footsteps slightly paused. Although there was a balcony door between them, at this distance, some information might still leak out.


Lu Jingning inexplicably felt a bit guilty and cleared his throat, politely asking, “Top student, how about you don’t stay on campus either and come back with us?”


Yan Hebin, upon hearing this, quickly withdrew his gaze, not turning his head, and said, “No need. The school is fine. The principal has a project that needs me to follow up on. You guys enjoy yourselves.”


His attitude was clear. Firstly, he wasn’t interested in being a third wheel, and secondly, he didn’t want to be fed dog food every day.


Thanks but no thanks.


Lu Jingning coughed twice, not very sincerely saying, “Ah, that’s a pity.”



Jiang Luan ran into Wen Xingchen packing his bags and felt like he was witnessing the end of the world. After inquiring, he learned that Wen Xingchen was going to Lu Jingning’s house. He suddenly realized and seamlessly switched to gossip mode, “Have you guys met each other’s parents? Round it up, when do you plan to get married?”


Wen Xingchen, busy as he was, looked up at him, thought for a moment, and said, “If you see me come back alive when school starts, then it’s soon.”


Jiang Luan pondered for a moment, finding this statement profound. He concluded, “Should I buy you life insurance in advance?”


Wen Xingchen didn’t answer but kicked him.


The next day, Lu Jingning waited early at the school gate. After meeting Wen Xingchen, the two boarded the long-distance spacecraft heading home together.


By the time they reached their destination, the sky was almost dark.


Lu Jingning’s second brother, Lu Xuebai, came to pick them up. When he saw the two coming out of the security check, a hint of astonishment flashed in his eyes, quickly disappearing. Seeing Wen Xingchen dragging Lu Jingning’s luggage, he calmly took it over.


Lu Jingning introduced them casually, one being his boyfriend and the other his second brother, making the titles clear.


Wen Xingchen politely extended his hand, “Nice to meet you.”


Lu Xuebai’s gaze swept from his hand, paused for a moment, and, under Lu Jingning’s deadly stare, he reluctantly shook hands, saying, “Hello, but it’s not the first time we’ve met.”


The three walked outside, and Lu Jingning curiously asked, “Second Brother, if it’s not the first time, when did you meet before?”


Wen Xingchen also looked puzzled. If they had met, he would definitely remember such a person.


Lu Xuebai, walking ahead, didn’t turn around, just chuckled slightly, “Some time ago, many colleagues were watching videos of the Morning Scenery CP. It’s hard not to know.”




Lu Jingning and Wen Xingchen exchanged a silent glance.


Just making a splash in the Bounty League, and unexpectedly, they went viral?


The three boarded the floating aircraft waiting at the gate, heading towards the Lu family’s residence.


Lu Xuebai sat in the front row, glanced sideways, and, with a nonchalant smile, looked at Wen Xingchen, asking Lu Jingning, “Anning, have you told Dad about bringing your ‘classmate’ home?”




Lu Jingning was choked by this sudden and heart-stopping question.


Lu Xuebai instantly understood his expression, and with an ambiguous smile on his face, he said, “Second Brother wishes you both good luck.”


Lu Jingning: “…”


After a moment of silence, he couldn’t help asking, “So, Second Brother, whose side are you on?”


Lu Xuebai seemed to be stumped by his question, tilted his head, and thought for a moment, “Probably neither side. I hate trouble the most. Watching the excitement suits me best.”


Lu Jingning, hearing this, bit his teeth, “That really suits you, especially well! So fitting for you!”


Even now, he still didn’t quite understand. With this guy’s careless personality, how did he become a generation’s scientific genius? Shouldn’t he be a mediocre student like him?


Lu Xuebai felt his gaze and seemed to have a mind-reading device. He sneered and said, “Don’t look at me like that. I’m a genius. You can’t envy me.”


“Why envy you, a scrub? Haha!”


Lu Jingning angrily withdrew his gaze, ignoring him. The two brothers bickered, and Wen Xingchen couldn’t get a word in, just looking out at the rapidly receding scenery.


He still remembered the last time Lu Kongbin said he would chop him up to feed the pigs. Strictly speaking, his current actions were probably considered walking into the trap, or rather, delivering himself?



As they entered the courtyard, the robot Lulu happily approached, passing directly by Lu Jingning and rushing to Lu Xuebai, “PAPA, welcome home!”


Lu Jingning, seeing Wen Xingchen looking interested in this little thing, said sarcastically, “This guy is called Lulu, my second brother made it. So, as long as he’s around, his eyes have no room for others, especially selective. You’ll get used to it.”


Wen Xingchen laughed, “Are you jealous of a robot?”


Lu Jingning gritted his teeth, “You don’t know how much effort I spent to improve the favorability of this ungrateful thing! Now, thinking about it, I might as well have fed it to the dogs!”


Wen Xingchen gently rubbed his head, “In my eyes, there’s no one else but you. Wouldn’t that make you happier?”


After thinking for a moment, Lu Jingning indeed felt much happier, “That’s right! Our Wen Ge is much more likable than this broken robot!”


The “broken robot” Lulu happened to pass by, and its face display screen suddenly showed an angry expression, “How can you talk behind Lulu’s back like that? Joining forces to slander, shameless!”


Lu Jingning barely restrained himself from kicking it directly, “Can’t speak, don’t talk nonsense… Roll, roll, roll, quickly roll!”


Why does this little thing use idioms so infuriatingly?


Lulu, still wanting to retort, suddenly fell silent and the next moment displayed a grievance on its face, adopting a tone of complaint, “Master—!”


Lu Jingning looked up and saw Lu Kongbin standing at the entrance.


Hearing that his son had finally come home for the holidays, Lu Kongbin had been in a very good mood these days. He had tidied up the room several times, eagerly awaiting the heartwarming moment of father and son reunion.


Now, after clearly seeing the person standing next to him, the brilliant smile on Lu Kongbin’s face froze for a moment. A strange atmosphere enveloped them as the wind blew.


Lu Xuebai whistled, took Lulu’s little hand, and headed towards the house, “Come, PAPA will take you to eat delicious energy batteries.”


Lulu instantly became delighted, completely shaking off its previous sad appearance, and happily followed.


With the three of them leaving, it suddenly became quieter.


Lu Jingning remembered the promise he made to Wen Xingchen yesterday. Before Lu Kongbin spoke, he stepped forward and stopped in front of him, saying with a serious expression, “Dad, this is the first time I’ve brought my boyfriend home. Please be gentle with him. Don’t embarrass me, okay?”


Lu Kongbin couldn’t help but clutch his chest tightly. After not seeing his son for so long, the first thing he said was asking him not to embarrass him?


Lu Kongbin raised his head again, and when he looked at Wen Xingchen, there seemed to be a deep resentment as if facing a rival. He silently rubbed his fists.


This little brat, just wait for me!

T/N: Hey there! There is plenty more where that came from, so stay tuned! And stay healthy! Straighten your posture, so some stretches and drink some water before continuing hehe~

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Also, check out the other series we have on HoH!

If you like cats, check out Revenge of the Garfield

If you like dragons, check out I’m Pregnant with the Hope of the Entire Planet and The Dragon and the ‘Princess’

How about some mystery or showbiz? Check out Morbid Addiction & Perfection

What about the perfect, most non-toxic male lead ever? Laws of Love

How about MC nursing ML back to health? Forced into the Deep


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